Super Megatron comic 2 - Transformers Wiki

Optimus Prime receives some unexpected reinforcements.


As the Ark continues its journey in search for energy, Optimus Prime explains to Jazz about the Covenant of Primus, a tome of written prophecies passed down from generation to generation among the Autobots and brought along by Optimus in the hopes it will help their search for energy. Jazz wonders if it's truly possible to foretell the future, to which Optimus answers that such a being existed who granted numerous predictions to them—the legendary and worshipped being known as Primus...

In the mysterious dimension, a mysterious Transformer saves Optimus Prime from Ultra Megatron's blast. The azure-hued one reveals himself as Blue Big Convoy of the Primus Vanguard, guardians of the universe! The Primus Vanguard attacks the Emperor of Destruction and he is confused by their similar faces, but logically concludes that they must be the native Transformers of this world and strikes back at them with his powerful Ultra Destroyer Cannons. Scanning Ultra Megatron, Straxus finds that Megatron has amplified the "Vok factors" within him with Angolmois Energy, becoming even more powerful. The Vok, in turn, are revealed to have been the "titanic life-form" that recently attacked their "blue world".

Seeing the fallen Optimus Prime, Big offers his α Matrix to help heal his wounds, but takes it back just as Optimus is getting comfortable to block Ultra Megatron's attempt to attack with the Silver Matrix. Ultra Megatron concedes that Big "isn't bad", but nevertheless absorbs his blue Star Power to attain a form from even further into the future...

Reading the Covenant, Optimus Prime and Jazz recite a passage speaking of two heroes making true peace a reality, but the power of the fountain of chaos on another world will drive one hero to madness...

Primus appears and explains that, decades into the future, Megatron was bathed in negative Angolmois Energy and gained a new power, the form that the present Megatron has taken! Ultra Megatron has evolved even further into Ultra Megatron Omega, the ultimate form of Megatron in the future! Right on cue, he emits a massive blast of energy from his mouth that threatens to destroy the city, but it is thankfully repelled by an equal blast from the Golden Noah, Primus's battle platform. Recognizing their lord and leader, the Primus Vanguard bow down to Primus, and the god explains to Optimus Prime that this universe was the one that existed before his native one—the destruction of this universe ensures the birth of the next, but it was attacked by the Vok to reset their failed experiment in the later universe.

Ultra Megatron Omega makes a swift attack while Optimus Prime is distracted, but it is foiled by King Poseidon, who has amassed an infinite number of Seacon soldiers. The combiner vows to take the Silver Matrix and avenge his brother, but the futuristic Decepticon makes short work of King Poseidon. Seeing that fighting is unavoidable, Optimus becomes Star Convoy once again and clashes with the Emperor of Destruction.

Elsewhere in the city, Primacron and the Three Wise Ones observe the distant battle. Primacron has a plan: collect all the Star Power into the Silver Matrix, destroy the universe, and create a new one. The one to spark the Zodiac energies of the Big Bang will be the god of the next universe, he believes.

In the crashed photon sailer, a near-dead Halfshell is approached by his crew...

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


  • This story picks up the Primus Vanguard storyline from e-HOBBY's specialised Transformers Legends—Spin Off— comics, whose final release was an online tie-in for Legends Blue Big Convoy. No direct statement has been made as such, but one presumes that Generations Selects now fulfills the niche of leftover e-HOBBY plotlines given that TakaraTomy and Hasbro unified the Transformers brand, likely due to flagging Transformers sales in Japan.

Continuity notes

Transformers references

Other notes


  • Like other parts, this comic was revised shortly after it was uploaded. The final panel showing Halfshell's condition (see right) was changed to incorporate more of his Seacons and likely make more apparent what the next Generations Selects release would be.
