Template:MarvelUKinterior - Transformers Wiki

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{{MarvelUKinterior}} is a template for the description and copyright-notice of a panel scan from Marvel UK Generation 1 series. It puts the image into the category Category:Marvel UK interior images.

Fill out the following as needed for each image:

|part= (if part of a multi-issue story arc)
|panelno= OR |panelnos=
|year= (the last 2 digits of the copyright date, e.g. 84 for 1984)
|colourissue= (if originally B&W, the issue where the colourized version of the image is from)
|script= (if the image contains dialogue)
|letters= (if the image contains dialogue)
|other= (any other field not covered by the above)
|othername= (the name corresponding to the "other" field)
|help= (what fields you need help filling in, if any)

These fields also automatically insert the image into the relevant categories, so remember to leave them without wikilinks.
If an image is attributed to more than one person in any field, you can make a second or third entry by adding a number to the field name (e.g. art2 or art3)

For example, this is how {{MarvelUKinterior}} is used for Image:Marvel Target2006 InhibitorClaw.jpg:

|description=An [[inhibitor claw]] adorns [[Impactor (G1)|]]'s back.
|storytitle=Target: 2006
|script=Simon Furman
|art=Geoff Senior
|colours=Gina Hart
|letters=Richard Starkings

Which produces:

An inhibitor claw adorns Impactor's back.

From The Transformers (Marvel UK) #84, "Target: 2006" (Part 6: "Trios!"), page 3, panel 4.

© 1986 Marvel Characters, Inc. (with caveats - see below) and Hasbro.

This image is a panel or sequence of panels from the The Transformers series published by Marvel Comics, the copyright for which is owned by Hasbro and Marvel Characters, Inc. - characters specifically noted as such and editorial material such as letter pages are owned by Marvel. All other material, including all other characters, is owned by Hasbro. It is believed that low resolution pages or small excerpts may be used on Transformers Wiki under the fair use provision of United States copyright law. See Copyrights.

Please remember to put a period (".") at the end of the description of the image.