The Story of the Lost Plane! - Transformers Wiki

« BeCool ep 4 »
BeCool cartoon 4.jpg
"The Story of the Lost Plane!"

まいごのひこうき! のまき ()
(Maigo no Hikōki! no Maki)

Production company TakaraTomy
Airdate December 26, 2012
Yt icon rgb.png Watch this episode on YouTube

Red Jet gets lost easily.


Red Jet's gotten lost and decides to ask Yellow Sports Car for help, only to find that Yellow is crying about also being lost. Red comforts him and suggests they search for the way back together, and the two transform and drive off. Watching from nearby, Trailer wonders why, as a plane, he doesn't just fly.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


  • This episode also uses Bot Shots toys, but is the final one to do so.