The Transformers: Infestation issue 2 - Transformers Wiki

The Transformers must work together to stop Britt from destroying their future.


Britt has a gift for the Transformers and their universe—the Infestation. The zombie infestation that uses Britt as its spokesperson cannot be denied by even the living machines, and Optimus Prime begins to feel himself falling into the Undermind's thrall. Britt helps along the process by expounding on how she herself became part of the horde and the being of the Undermind.

In her native universe, Britt was bitten by a zombie and then seized by the Undermind as its "evangelist" due to her vampire-zombie hybridism. Using the Artillica technology in that universe and her unique status, Britt spread incarnations of herself throughout the multiverse, with one—a Transformer herself—ending up in the Transformers' universe. With her, she brought a number of zombies from the battlefield she left behind. Once in the Transformer universe, they froze and drifted in space for centuries before being discovered by Galvatron. With the Undermind's ability to alter perception, Britt presented herself as Bayonet, a Decepticon member of Galvatron's cohorts who seemingly always existed. With Galvatron, Britt was able to get herself brought to Earth, a planet ripe for the infestation.

Britt finishes her story by mocking the decaying Kup stuck to her arm. Kup, however, is more resilient than she thinks and blasts her away. Angered, Britt orders the Zombies to swarm the Transformers. Prowl isn't expecting the best and Galvatron kindly suggests that they start listening to him, just as he suggested before. With the power of the Heart of Darkness, Galvatron incinerates a good portion of the zombies. Bumblebee and Spike Witwicky, who are fighting zombies elsewhere in Las Vegas, remark on the new firepower Galvatron's packing now. Optimus Prime is upset at Galvatron's crass negligence of innocent life, but the latter doesn't care for such considerations at this moment.

Britt emerges from the smoke, with Kup finally at her side. She again emphasizes the Undermind's need to have every living being on the planet infected. The Transformers regroup and Galvatron again squabbles over leadership. Elsewhere, Britt probes deep into Kup's memories, bringing up the Undermind's technological knowledge and finding an excellent planet to infest—Cybertron! She transforms into a transportation gate to the living Cybertron of the past. Just as she calls her army into the portal, the Transformers attack. However, Britt has also copied their shielding technology, producing a force field to defend herself and her minions, but Prowl has a plan. Using a backdoor connection to Kup's mind created during his restoration, Prowl accesses Kup's mind and separates his core personality from the infection. Kup, without anything to restrain himself, breaks down under the memories. He composes himself and, thanks to a suggestion from Galvatron, reprograms the coordinates of the transportation gate to the beginning of the Dead Universe, a void with nothing to feed on. All in Britt's force dome, including Kup, are pulled into the warp.

The Autobots mourn Kup's loss, but Galvatron takes another opportunity to offer the Autobots to join him. The Autobots again refuse, and Galvatron takes his leave, noting that all who do not join him will be treated as enemies.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"Stop resisting me! Where are you finding the strength to fight, you pile of trash?"
"Where. I. Can."
—Even with Britt's hand impaling him and infected with the virus, Kup is still a badass.


Transformers references

  • As in last issue, Kup's hallucinations are drawn in the same style as his hallucinations from his Spotlight issue.
  • Britt says that the (hallucinatory) zombie Transformers are "More than Meets the Eye". That's two issues in a row...

Pop culture references

  • The teleportation gate in the background of one of Britt's flashbacks is very obviously a Stargate.


  • On page 15, Kimia is misspelled "Kima".
  • On page 20, Jhiaxus' name is misspelled "Jihaxus".
  • Galvatron is still referred to as a Decepticon, even though he has no faction.

Covers (3)

  • (thumbnail)

    What happens in Vegas, stays undead in Vegas.

  • (thumbnail)

    You better not take her Masterpiece Prime!

  • (thumbnail)

    Zombie-fied Logo
