The War to End All Wars, Part 3 - Transformers Wiki
The Autobots attack the Hub Network, but everything goes horrifically wrong when Jhiaxus reveals he has anticipated their moves.
The Autobot fleet fully mobilizes and launches a full-scale assault on a world on the outer fringes of the Hub Network, but a ground unit led by Ultra Magnus finds the planet virtually deserted, the small-scale force based there having been eradicated by the opening salvo. Despite Jetfire's speculatory explanation that the worlds which make up must only be sparsely populated, the Autobots move quickly in anticipation of repercussions. Two strike teams are inserted to launch co-ordinated attacks on key points identified by Nightbeat, the destruction of which should set off a vibratory chain-reaction that will shut the Hub down, enabling Rodimus Prime to engage and defeat Jhiaxus.
On Earth, Optimus Prime, G.B. Blackrock, Gordon Kent and Linda Chang gather to meet the delegates due to arrive through the space bridge from Nebulos. Gordon and Linda are concerned by the absence of Spike Witwicky, but he turns up just in time to see the bridge activate... and to watch in shock as Fortress Maximus unexpectedly appears through it! Max immediately guns down Optimus and seizes the erstwhile Circuit Smasher, who is frozen with shock. Saying that through Spike, "One will become all", Maximus then turns to leave; Optimus tries to stop him, but the larger Autobot beats him into unconsciousness and vanishes back through the bridge, while Spike's wife yells at him to do something, and Blackrock puzzles over the words.
As Nightbeat monitors the strike teams' movements, Kup and Chromedome express concern over how easily the whole operation is progressing, fearing that Jhiaxus may have seen them coming. Their fears are suddenly validated when the strike teams fire their blasts and sever the targeted world from the Hub... to absolutely no effect. Jhiaxus has indeed anticipated their attack, and has the massed forces of his new generation warp in and launch an immediate, devastating strike. As command vessel Priam takes heavy fire and the strike team led by Getaway has their ship shot down in flames, Magnus's unit attempt to make it to the slam rail transit system that links the worlds of the Hub, intending to disappear into the heart of the enemy's network. Jhiaxus's forces pursue them, killing Hound, and more appear to pick up the slack when Chromedome and Fastlane try to draw off some of the fire by splitting away. Nightbeat and Bumblebee go down, and, realizing they cannot outrun their opponents, Magnus and Kup make a stand. Above, on the Priam, Rodimus is contacted directly by Jhiaxus with an offer: surrender utterly, or die. Watching scenes of the destruction going on around him, Rodimus haltingly surrenders.
On the Ark, the consciousness which has possessed Starscream sets the vessel down on another Hub world, able to hide its approach by manipulating the minds of any onlookers. Shockwave inquires as to the identity of the force within Starscream, but it merely identifies itself as "the four", seeking "the fifth". It has a use for Shockwave, however, and separates him from the Ark's computers, recreating him and making him whole once again.
Deep within Cybertron, the Acolytes of Unicron deliver the unconscious Galvatron to their master. Pleased with their service, he permits them to go... and harries their departure by draining the life from their bodies. With the proclamation that the distinctions between good and evil, order and chaos, will soon be rendered moot when "One Will Be All", their master, Primus, sets about his work!
Featured characters
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)
Autobots | Decepticons | Humans | Others |
Artwork and technical errors
- Fortress Maximus shouldn't be as large as he appears here; the character was only rebuilt into his larger form by Galen—to incorporate Cerebros—after becoming a Headmaster and leaving Nebulos, as seen in issue #38 of the original Marvel series. As this is his original head, from before this upsizing, combined with a new body, he should be back to his original, smaller size.
Continuity errors
Continuity notes
- The Acolytes of Unicron abducted Galvatron back in issue #96.
- The green mist shown under the Primus face at the end of this issue was just beginning to appear around it in issue #95, foreshadowing this sinister turn.
- Both the Dark Matrix-possessed Fortress Maximus and Primus reverse the traditional 'Til all are one to stress the "One".
Real-life references
Other trivia
Transformers references
- Kup evokes the memory of Springer, who died in issue #85, by paraphrasing his famous line from The Transformers: The Movie: "I've got better things to do today than die!"
- Getaway and Skids working on a team together seems intended to reference the characters' partnership as seen over in More than Meets the Eye.
- The Lancer One carrying Powerglide, Wheeljack, Scattershot, Groove and Blades is reported lost. Scattershot, at least, seems to have survived, as his gun is later found on Cybertron; Wheeljack also makes an appearance in issue #100.
- Hound is shot by Jhiaxus's troops, explodes, drives off a cliff, then explodes again.
- Fastlane seems to be the one blown up when Magnus's group tries to split up.
- The Acolytes of Unicron have their life force devoured by the Dark Matrix entity.
Covers (3)
- Cover A: Magnus's unit under fire, by Andrew Wildman and Jason Cardy
- Cover B: Starscream contorts in pain as the energies of the Underbase flow through him, by Guido Guidi
- Cover RI: Fortress Maximus versus Optimus Prime, by Geoff Senior
- "Dark Cybertron" checklist, highlighting More than Meets the Eye #26
- The X-Files: Conspiracy
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: New Animated Adventures
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Monopoly
- My Little Pony: Friends Forever