Trailbreaker (Movie) - Transformers Wiki
- Trailbreaker is an Autobot from the Transformers portion of the movie continuity family.
Trailbreaker sees the funny side in everything. Even in the gravest of situations, he's always ready with a joke and a steadfast refusal to take anything seriously, much to the chagrin of his buddy, Hound.
3D Battle-Card Game
Trailbreaker was one of the Autobots under Optimus Primal's command during the "Energon Wars", a very vaguely defined conflict that pitted them against Predacon Megatron's Decepticons. He was armed with a rocket launcher, electrostatic beams, and his mighty fists, and was capable of jamming radio waves and generating an invisible force field. 3D Battle-Card Game
Transformers The Game (PSP)
- Voice actor: Steve Blum (English)
Trailbreaker was among the Autobots who accompanied Optimus Prime to Earth in response to a signal from Bumblebee alerting them to the presence of the All Spark on the planet. After being informed by Bumblebee's human companion Sam Witwicky that the lost Decepticon leader Megatron was also on Earth, Prime dispatched Trailbreaker and Hound to investigate the Arctic cavern in which Megatron's body was originally uncovered. Taking some drones with them, Trailbreaker and Hound discovered that the Decepticons Shockwave and Thundercracker had had the same idea. As Megatron's body had already been moved by Sector Seven anyway, Trailbreaker and Hound had nothing to lose by planting bombs in the cavern, hoping to entomb the two Decepticons in ice. Unfortunately, the two villains escaped at the last minute, having discovered that Megatron had brought an army of drones to Earth with him to help search for the All Spark—drones which were currently lying dormant around the Earth.
Shockwave brought Megatron's drone army back on line soon after, and they attacked the Autobots en route to Hoover Dam. Ironhide and Ratchet forced the origin of the drones from a defeated Thundercracker, and Wheeljack quickly concocted a virus that would send them back into sleep mode. Trailbreaker and Hound were charged with getting the virus transmitted into a satellite so that it could be broadcast to all the drones at once, and they broke into a communications center belonging to "The Corporation" (apparently a Sector Seven front company) to use their communications dish. Trailbreaker didn't imagine there'd be much trouble standing in their way, only to find Decepticon drones dogging their every step. After the drones blew up the first dish they found, the duo were forced to move to the complex's airstrip to find another, only for the drones to cut off its power supply. Hound clambered atop the dish, using his own power to boot it up, while Trailbreaker was given the task of uploading the virus. Realizing the risk his friend was facing, Trailbreaker hesitated when Hound gave the order to upload, but Hound screamed at him to do it, and Trailbreaker relented. Unfathomably, "uploading the virus" involved Trailbreaker violently attacking the dish control panel, causing both it and the dish to explode, hurling Hound's body across the complex. The virus was successfully transmitted to the drones, knocking them offline, but at the cost of Hound's life. With the last of his strength, Hound asked Trailbreaker if the plan worked, but Trailbreaker was unable to reply before Hound died in his arms. Transformers The Game (PSP)
3D Battle-Card Game
- Trailbreaker (2007)
- A 26-point "common" character in the 3D Battle-Card Game's "Energon Wars" expansion, Trailbreaker "transforms" into a black pickup truck with a camper shell. He uses the same parts layout as Payload and Ratchet.
- The Battle-Card may or may not actually represent the original Trailbreaker, as its listed abilities line up with that incarnation, but the design is clearly in the live-action movie aesthetic... and a version of the Trailbreaker character exists in the "movie" universe anyway, so hey.
- Trailbreaker's robot mode is based on the model for Dropkick (and by extension Salvage). However, his vehicle mode varies by media. In the game, he's a black SUV. As a 3D Battle-Card, he's a pickup truck again, but with a camper shell on the back akin to his Generation 1 namesake.