Transformers Comic-Magazin issue 10 - Transformers Wiki


Transformers in Action: Wanderer Between the Worlds

At the Ark, Optimus Prime is studying video recordings of previous missions to understand the "very being" of the Decepticons. Instead, he notices that a chunk of the human bystanders are under Decepticon control and have been turned into mindless puppets who would give their lives for the Decepticon cause. He deduces this by looking at their eyes. Shocked, he goes undercover as a moving truck and tries to drive to New York City to investigate, but gets stuck in a traffic jam on the way. For some reason, his truck mode heats up in an unpleasant manner which distracts him enough to rear-end a limousine. The highway cop approaching him shortly thereafter turns out to be under Decepticon control and tries to shoot at Optimus with Decepticon weaponry. But this was actually a clever plan by Optimus who promptly takes the cop back to the Ark as Autobots who had secretly followed him hold off a bunch of Decepticons who came out of nowhere!

Back at the Ark, the Autobots determine that the human has been subjected to a radioactive isotope that is slowly turning him into a Decepticon drone. Having revealed Megatron's plan, they counter-act it by administering an antidote by the same means as the original infection occurred: dispersing it in through the air during fly-overs. (source)

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Articles and features

  • A selection of activities and puzzles disappointingly lacking in crudely drawn Transformers




Yeah, strut your funky stuff

  • The gold/black/green colors on Straxus on the cover inspired the color scheme of Shattered Glass Straxus.
  • There is a really funky dancing Optimus Prime on the editorial page seemingly modified from Big Red.
  • The reprinted comic story actually uses the source images as printed in Marvel UK #229-#232, split into four parts with a banner recapping the story on the left every 5 pages!
  • Part one of the comic strip is entitled "The Return of the Damned", part two is "Dispute between Brothers", part three is "The Thought Trap" and part four is "The Return of the Damned" (again)
  • The text story recycles some sections from previous stories (such as the one from issue #4) to fill space.
  • The new content of the story implies that being stuck in traffic in vehicle mode makes Optimus Prime overheat.
  • Likewise, it is stated that a human being can be turned into a Decepticon by the use of a radioactive isotope and "certain frequencies".
  • Optimus Prime can shoot 'hypnosis blasts' now, apparently.
  • 70 percent of the humans present during the unveiling of the Snap Trap 'statue' during "The Troy Principle" are revealed to be under Decepticon mind control.


  • The comic has stopped trying to claim Megatron is a Headmaster, now the editorial as well as the translated comic story proclaim him to be 'Powermaster Megatron'.
  • Page 8 of the translated comic is riddled with misapplied dialogue. It starts with the content of Straxus's first speech bubble in panel 2 being inserted into Megatron's second speech bubble in panel 1 and continues this way up until the fifth panel, which leaves Straxus's speech bubble empty. This results in multiple instances of Megatron and Straxus both arguing with themselves, and Megatron addressing himself by name in the third person twice.


  • An advert for issue #5 of the Action Force Comic-Magazin.
  • A one page advert showing a selection of Micromaster Combiners.
  • A one page advert showing the glory that is the Action Masters.
  • (thumbnail)

    Action Force: I suppose there is a good reason for all this...

  • (thumbnail)

    Micromaster Combiners: Delicious delicious Micromasters

  • (thumbnail)

    Action Masters: The greatest Transformers of all?