Underbite - Transformers Wiki
- Underbite, Devourer of Nuon City, is a Decepticon from the Robots in Disguise portion of the Aligned continuity family.
Two things rule the thought processes of Underbite: eating and bragging. This Decepticon Chompazoid is extraordinarily proud of his strength, which increases as he consumes more metal. To him, everything is a workout, all in the goal of pumping up and bulking out. He's even gone so far as to name his forearms "Thundercruncher" (right) and "Boltsmasher" (left). He kisses them.
He claims to have devoured the entirety of Nuon City, a feat about which he brags endlessly. So proud is he that he reacts quite violently to anyone not aware of his reputation.
Physically, he has few equals... provided he's got a steady diet of metal to masticate. On mainly-organic worlds like Earth, however, his rampages can drain him quickly, leaving him with little to juice up on. So strong is his need to feed that he'll ignore threats in favor of chasing down a pick-me-up.
“ | I know what you're thinking. Is that tall, dark, and handsome really Underbite, devourer of Nuon City? | ” |
—Underbite, "Pilot (Part 1)" |
2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon
- Voice actor: Liam O'Brien (English), Kōsuke Gotō (Japanese), Su Xin (Chinese), Tamás Bognár (Hungarian), Silvio Pandolfi (Italian), Tilo Schmitz (German), Dafnis Fernández (Latin American-Spanish), Ridha Hassani (Arabic), Jean-Michel Vovk (French, first voice), Martin Spinhayer (French, second voice), Wellington Lima (Brazilian Portuguese), Mikołaj Klimek (Polish), So Jeong-hwan (Korean, Tooniverse dub)
Underbite was apparently arrested for destroying Nuon City, and was incarcerated aboard the prison ship Alchemor. After it crashed on Earth, he was freed from his stasis pod by the impact, and set off in search of food. He eventually encountered Sideswipe, and after a brief chase he tangled with the rest of Bumblebee's team. After spying a nearby scrapyard through the trees, he headed off to devour that instead. Pilot (Part 1) Despite tussling with Grimlock, Underbite began chowing down on the contents of the scrapyard, only to spot a bigger prize—nearby Crown City. Unfortunately, the organic matter he encountered along the way was unsuitable for his consumption, and he slowly weakened. Using metallic bait, the Autobots managed to lure him to the edge of a quarry. Underbite managed to outfight them and prepared to munch Denny Clay's pickup truck. Fortunately, a ghostly Optimus Prime intervened and helped defeat the Decepticon by grabbing him and throwing him to the quarry. The Autobots later placed the incapacitated Underbite back in his stasis pod. Pilot (Part 2)
Underbite's stasis pod was stolen by Grimlock while the Dinobot was under the control of Minitron. Although the other Autobots were able to free Grimlock from the cyber-tick's influence, Steeljaw, who had masterminded the heist in the first place, made off with the stasis pod and reactivated Underbite. True Colors
Now a member of Steeljaw's pack, Underbite was hanging out at the Decepticon hideout with Fracture when Steeljaw arrived with newcomer Clampdown. After Clampdown fled due to Thunderhoof threatening him, the other Decepticons tracked him to a garbage tip where they encountered the Autobots. Underbite fought with Grimlock, however this time the Autobot managed to take him out- first by force-feeding him plastic and then cannonballing him. Steeljaw later freed the gang, and they escaped back to their hideout. Sideways
Underbite took part in an attempt to free the prisoners in the Autobots' scrapyard. After Steeljaw trapped the Autobots outside using subsonics, Underbite was given the task of guarding the prisoners, only for them to escape while he was eying up some nearby scrap as potential food. Once the Autobots regained access to the scrapyard, Underbite was swiftly taken down by Strongarm and later fled back to base with the rest of Steeljaw's gang. Lockout
Out collecting parts for the device Steeljaw's mysterious friend wanted them to build, Underbite and Thunderhoof happened across Sideswipe and Strongarm, promptly capturing the pair with Fracture's help. When Windblade flew over the steel mill hideout, Underbite was able to bring her down with a precisely thrown beam, adding her to their collection of hostages. The Decepticons were soon busy at work constructing the gateway Steeljaw's ally required, however when Bumbblebee and Drift arrived, Steeljaw assigned Underbite and Thunderhoof to intercept them. Underbite swiftly dealt with Drift, allowing Megatronus to arrive on Earth. He and the other Decepticons were rendered unconscious when Optimus Prime tried to interfere with the arrival. Battlegrounds, Part 1 They came around in time to prevent the Autobots getting hold of Megatronus's staff, however when Megatronus turned on Steeljaw, Underbite, Thunderhoof and Clampdown attempted to flee. They ran straight into Team Bee, and Underbite was taken out when Bumblebee cannonballed into him. The defeated Decepticons were later stored away in stasis pods. Battlegrounds, Part 2
Underbite's stasis pod was later taken back to Cybertron by Optimus Prime, Windblade and Ratchet. Decepticon Island (Part 2)
When the High Council released Steeljaw from prison to keep Bumblebee and his team occupied while they made plans to summon Megatron, Freedom Fighters Underbite was also released with the promise of a full pardon should the Pack succeed in terminating the Bee Team. They returned to Earth where they mounted an assault on Denny's scrapyard that forced the Autobots out of their home. Switching tack, they headed to the Crown City Dam where they sabotaged it to draw the Autobots out, resulting in a fight which ended with the Decepticons falling into the river. Exiles Underbite and the other member of the Pack split up to search for members of the Bee Team. Breathing Room Gaining new orders from Soundwave, the Pack were sent to a waste disposal site to dig up spent nuclear fuel, though Underbite played guard dog while the others excavated. When the Autobots inevitably turned up, Underbite battled an oddly-reluctant Grimlock until Clampdown hit paydirt and the Decepticons made off with their prize. The Pack stopped off in a warehouse so Quillfire could dispute the nuclear fuel towing arrangements, resulting in the Autobots catching up with them. During the fight which ensued, Underbite was stomping the Autobots when Sideswipe threw Grimlock at him. The Decepticons were again forced to retreat. Prepare for Departure
Steeljaw next set the Pack's sights on breaking into a nuclear plant, having Underbite and the others scan new color schemes to use as disguises. They managed to gain entry into the plant and started looting fuel rods until the Autobots again crashed their operation. Underbite did his best to keep Bumblebee busy, but was knocked out by his opponent. After Steeljaw set the plant to meltdown, Bumblebee and Strongarm had to carry Underbite's unconscious body clear. He and the other captured Pack members were temporarily housed in makeshift cells in the Autobot's cave. Prisoner Principles The Pack members were returned to the scrapyard when the Autobots took it back, however Underbite promptly escaped while Grimlock was trying to secure him in a stasis pod. During the ensuing battle, Underbite ate the field generator out of the GroundBridge, which resulted in him randomly teleporting to different locations as the Bee Team struggled to keep up with him. Fixit was eventually able to GroundBridge him back to the scrapyard and nullify the field generator, after which Denny and Russell tricked him back into a stasis pod. Something He Ate
Robots in Disguise shorts
Underbite ate a compact car that a thief had entered. Carjacked!
2015 Robots in Disguise books
After being reprimanded by Steeljaw, Underbite and Thunderhoof went for a stroll down to the Crown City docks, where they stumbled on Slink's pet food hoarding operation. Underbite fought her lackeys Sneak and Snitch until the Autobots arrived, at which point he battled Grimlock, until the Dinobot defeated him with Bumblebee's help. When Thunderhoof brought the warehouse down, Underbite departed with all haste. Sideswipe Versus Thunderhoof
IDW Robots in Disguise comic
Following the defeat of Megatronus, Underbite was among the Decepticons who were freed by Steeljaw and set to work mining energon for their new empire, though he hated being underground as people kept sneaking up on him. When Team Bee turned up, Underbite tackled Grimlock. Robots in Disguise #6
Robots in Disguise mobile game
Version | Unlock Cost (Energon) | Unlock Cost (Ultra Sparks) |
Starter | 500 | 10 |
Cybertron | 500 | 10 |
Legion | 1500 | 30 |
Legion Clash | 1500 | 30 |
One-Step | 2000 | 40 |
When Crown City was overrun with Insecticons, Underbite took the opportunity to join in the mayhem. The Autobots found him attacking a train, and pursued him to a square where they defeated him. Robots in Disguise
Though he appears in the story as a CPU-controlled boss, Underbite is also a playable character. Yes, he can beat himself up. His three toy-forms can be temporarily unlocked by scanning the badges on said toys. However, these and his show-accurate "Starter" form (which the CPU boss uses) can also be permanently unlocked by spending Energon Cubes.
Protect Crown City
There were lots of Underbites! They attempted to escape before the Autobots secured them back into their stasis pods. Protect Crown City
Robots in Disguise (2015)
Virtually every toy in this list has a scannable insignia sticker on it. For Hasbro releases, it temporarily unlocks that toy as a playable character in the Robots in Disguise mobile game, and can only be scanned once per day. TakaraTomy releases simply check that off on their mobile app's collection list. It's honestly quicker and less redundant to say which toys don't have this feature.
One-Step Changers
- Underbite (One Step Changers, 2015)
- TakaraTomy release date: March 21, 2015
- TakaraTomy ID number: TAV-06
- Part of the first wave of Hasbro's Robots in Disguise One Step Changers, Underbite changes from a Cybertronian four-wheeled tank-like car-thing into a Chompazoid. His spring-loaded transformation to each mode is triggered by pressing his back legs together. The back of his beast-head has a spring-loaded lever that activates his bitey-jaw gimmick.
- He is adorable.
- Like all Robots in Disguise toys, he has a bordered insignia on the top of his head/vehicle roof. However, it can't be scanned while he's still in-package, as it's behind the front-bubble instructions.
- The TakaraTomy version of Underbite, part of the first wave of the Adventure line, features a brighter shade of his purple plastic, and a different scan-badge, which is compatible with the Transformers Chronicle app, unlocking him in the toy checklist.
- Caution should be used with his transformation, as many early samples would lose the ability to lock into robo-beast mode with rigorous/repeated squeezing of the haunches (vehicle is the "default" state, beast mode relies on a tensed spring to stay locked in). This also shares to his Japanese release too. Also, Underbite does not work with Stomp & Chomp Grimlock due to him being quadrupedal.
- Robots in Disguise Collection (6-pack, 2015)
- A 6-pack featuring the One-Step figures of Bumblebee, Steeljaw, Grimlock, Sideswipe, Underbite (all of them unchanged from their individual releases), and a new One-Step Optimus Prime figure available only in this set. This set was exclusive to Target stores in the United States and to Toys"R"Us stores in Canada.
- Sideswipe, Steeljaw, Underbite, and Bumblebee's badges are all scannable in-package.
Legion Class
- Underbite (Legion Class, 2015)
- Part of the third wave of Robots in Disguise Legion Class series, Underbite transforms into a Cybertronian four-wheeled tank-like car-thing into a Chompazoid.
- Like all Robots in Disguise toys, he has a bordered insignia is on the top of his vehicle rear/beast mode butt.
- Bumblebee VS Underbite (2-pack, 2015)
- Part of the Toys"R"Us exclusive "Clash of the Transformers" subline, this Underbite is a stealth-themed redeco of the Legion Class figure above.
- He was only available in a two-pack with an "armored" deco of Legion-class Bumblebee.
- Autobot VS Decepticon Set (EZ Collection 4-pack, 2015)
- ID Number: TAV35
- Available for this set, this version of Underbite is a redeco of the original Legion Class toy, featuring a different shade of purple, and features additional paint details. He was released as a four-pack along with Steeljaw, Optimus Prime, and Grimlock.
- Unlike the Hasbro release, the toy features no scan-badges on the toy, instead it was printed on one small card, along with the other 3 badges.
- Like the rest of the Adventure EZ Collection sets, some online retailers like Amazon Japan were still selling it 2 years later at greatly reduced prices (70% off).
- His vehicle mode is mistransformed: His front legs are not rotated.
- Underbite Jetpack Takedown (2015)
- Set Number:B0950
- Kreons: Optimus Prime, Underbite, Ped
- Pieces: 189
- Available only in the Underbite Jetpack Takedown set, this set comes with both the Kreon and the buildable larger version of himself. As for his Kreon version, he reuses Knock Out's helmet, and a pair of Starscream's null ray-ish arm cannons. Also: his Kreon is bipedal rather than quadrupedal. The larger build version of Underbite features a firing missile on his back. Additional Kreons included in this set are a jetpack-equipped Optimus Prime and Ped.
- The set was first released in Taiwan and Singapore from January 2015, and later in Canada and the US (liquidated almost exclusively through TJ Maxx/Marshalls stores) from May 2015.
Tiny Titans
- Underbite (Tiny Titans, 2015)
- Series: 1
- Number: 7/12
- Part of the initial assortment of Tiny Titans blindpacks, this super-adorable version of Underbite is a very small, soft-plastic figure of him in his beast-robot mode.
- He includes a collectible card that includes a scan-badge for the Robots in Disguise mobile game, which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.
- Underbite (Happy Meal toy, 2015)
- McNumber: 5
- Part of the Robots in Disguise McDonald's Happy Meal promotion in April and May of 2015 (alongside My Little Pony), McUnderbite is a non-transforming action figure of the beast-bot. Pushing down on his haunches sets him into a slow, steady rise until he suddenly jumps up, snapping at the air with his flappy-head.
- The bag he comes in and instruction sheet have a scan-badge that unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item. This badge is the same for all of the Robots in Disguise Happy Meal bags and instructions.
- Underbite can also be scanned into the McDonald's McPlay app, which recognizes the toy's silhouette. Doing so unlocks Underbite's version of the "Stasis Pod Battle" game.
- Underbite (Radz candy dispenser, 2015)
- Blindbag code: D
- The Radz candy-dispenser version of Underbite is a plastic spheroid with feet, spiky "hair", and a keychain fob. Pulling the hair back opens the toy's "mouth" and projects a little bowl-like tongue, dispensing a single colored sugar pellet. The hair can be taken off to refill the dispenser, and swapped with any other Radz.
- Underbite was available both on a card with a clear bubble, and in a blindpacked baggie, though the bag has a code number on the back under the "best by" date that tells you what's inside (only the last letter is the important part). Both versions come with a bag of sugar pellets, and a mini-poster with a collection checklist on the back.
Transformers Adventure Gum
- Fixit & Underbite (2016)
- Part of the new Adventure subline of the Transformers Gum series, this Underbite is a fully-transformable snap-fit kit based on his One-Step Changer toy, going from doggy-bot to Cybertronic land cruiser and back. He is molded in black and blue plastic, with customer-applied stickers for detailing.
- The kit is bundled with a similarly-buildable Fixit.
- When asked about Underbite's ultimate fate, Adam Beechen stated in a deleted blog post that he was brought back with the other imprisoned Decepticons to Cybertron after the events of "Freedom Fighters".
Foreign names
- Japanese: Underbite (アンダーバイト Andābaito)
- Mandarin: Kuáng Yǎo (China, 狂咬, "Maniac Biting"), Bàoyá (China, 暴牙, "Snaggleteeth")