Unified Cybertron Alliance - Transformers Wiki

This article is about the American comic book continuity alliance. For the Japanese cartoon continuity alliance, see Cybertron Alliance.

After the end of the Great War, the Transformers lived in peace and prosperity for twenty years under the Unified Cybertron Alliance, beneath the watchful eye of the Last Autobot.


Regeneration One

Even after Soundwave's "Neo-Decepticons" had killed the Last Autobot and seized control of the Pax Cybertronia Decommissioning Depot, Optimus Prime ordered the Cybertronian Civil Defense commander Ultra Magnus not to deploy Kup and the Wreckers for fear of damaging the Unified Cybertron Alliance. Kup and the Wreckers went in anyway but because they saved the day, Prime let them off. Loose Ends, Part 1

When Jhiaxus arrived on Cybertron at Eugenesis Plaza, Rodimus Prime welcomed him on behalf of the Unified Cybertron Alliance. The War to End All Wars, Part 2


  • It's not really clear who or what constitutes the Unified Cybertron Alliance; it's mentioned a couple of times but not expanded on.

See also