United States military - Transformers Wiki
The United States military, officially known as the United States Armed Forces, are charged with defending the people of the United States of America from all hostile military forces, be they foreign states, terrorists, or killer alien robots. It is structured into the following five branches of service:
- United States Army
- United States Air Force
- United States Navy
- United States Marine Corps
- United States Coast Guard
They have a habit of getting involved in the Autobot/Decepticon war on Earth because... well really, most of it takes place on American soil. It's their job. Plus a lot of Transformers disguise themselves as US military vehicles, and that's just not right.
The headquarters of the United States Military is the Pentagon.
Generation 1
The US Armed Forces contain several specialized units whose branch of service is speculative.
The only named unit whose branch of service is known is the Air Force Uberhogs squadron.
The main unit specifically targeted against Transformers, the Rapid Anti-robot Assault Team, were not part of the United States military but were instead the paramilitary arm of intelligence service Intelligence and Information Institute. Just think how "popular" this must've made RAAT with the regular forces!
In the Marvel Comics continuity, Sparkplug Witwicky is a veteran of the U.S. Marines.
Generation 2
The full might of the United States military proved ineffectual against an all-out Decepticon assault. The Gathering Darkness
Live-action Transformers movies
Transformers (2007)
Secretary of Defense John Keller and the generals of the Joint Chiefs of Staff attempted to orchestrate a national defense against the Decepticon attacks, though at first, they assumed the attack came from one of America's traditional Earth-bound adversaries, such as China or North Korea. The Pentagon was crippled by a virus introduced into the national military network by Frenzy, which then spread out to the rest of the world.
Special Operations Command Central (SOCCENT)
Special Operations Command Central (SOCCENT) is a subordinate unified command of US Central Command (USCENTCOM). It is responsible for planning special operations in peacetime and war.
SOCCENT operates a Forward Operations Base in Qatar, commanded by Colonel Sharp, United States Marine Corps.
United States Army
The United States Army, in particular, the Army Rangers, proved pivotal in the war against the evil Decepticons. Being some of the first to engage in close-quarters combat with the aggressors, Captain William Lennox's Ranger team were able to provide knowledge of the means with which to damage and eventually defeat the Decepticons. Transformers
They included:
- Captain William Lennox
- First Sergeant Donnelly
- Technical Sergeant Robert Epps, United States Air Force (Air Force Combat Control NCO)
- Chief Warrant Officer Jorge Figueroa
United States Air Force
The US Air Force played a significant role in helping defeat the Decepticons. The USAF came to the rescue of Captain Lennox's Rangers when they were under attack from Scorponok in the Qatar desert. Later, during the battle of Mission City, F-22 Raptors provided air cover for Lennox's Rangers, the Sector Seven soldiers and the friendly Autobots. The Raptors came under attack by Starscream, but managed to drive him off. They assisted in the destruction of Blackout and Megatron. Transformers The Air Force sent out F-16s and a bomber to assist the Autobots and NEST forces in Operation Firestorm. Revenge of the Fallen When the Decepticons occupied Chicago, the Air Force attempted to send in jets, but they were shot down by the Decepticons. Dark of the Moon
United States Navy
After learning of the attack on SOCCENT Qatar, battle groups of the U.S. Navy were initially deployed to the Arabian Gulf and the Yellow Sea, against the United States' potential enemies. When it was learned that powers beyond Earth were responsible, they were turned around. After the defeat of the Decepticons in Mission City, the Navy dumped the aliens' bodies into the Laurentian Abyss. Transformers During Operation: Firestorm, a battle group provided reinforcements for NEST and one of the ships, a destroyer named the USS Kidd destroyed Devastator with a rail gun strike. Revenge of the Fallen A team of Navy Seals swam up the Hudson River to join Lennox's NEST team in Chicago during the Decepticon occupation. They were able to organize a cruise missile strike that took out most of the Decepticon fighters. Dark of the Moon
United States Marine Corps
Prime cartoon
William Fowler was a retired Army Ranger. Silas was formerly part of Special Tactics. Nemesis Prime
Fowler had the services of the military at his disposal, with them organizing a transfer of the Dynamic Nuclear Generation System to a train, Convoy and accompanying him as he swooped down on a MECH base. Crisscross Unfortunately their bases occasionally became a target for the Decepticons in search of technology, such as when Kauai Naval Observatory in Hawaii was attacked Out of His Head and a number of bases were raided when the Decepticons needed components for their space bridge. One Shall Fall MECH used Nemesis Prime to attack Alden Military Base, successfully turning the army against the Autobots. Nemesis Prime
Go-Bots comic
Following the introduction of Go-Bots into human society, the United States military employed them in their aerial forces. As Go-Bots' G-chip prevented them from bringing harm to humans, the military loosened their interpretation of the Asimov Laws to allow their Go-Bots to use lethal force if authorized by their operator. This wirelessly spread from Go-Bot to Go-Bot giving them a subconscious desire to do harm. Concurrently, businessman T. Coriander Banks had modified his own Go-Bots to have increased aggression to use them in gladiatorial combat. When the military coding reached these Go-Bots, they fled underground, the military sending Nick Burns and Leader-1 to track them down. Following these renegades defeating Burns and Leader-1, Go-Bots #1 the military, forced to fall back on low-tech hardware that the Go-Bots could not wirelessly hack confronted the rogue androids but the Go-Bots proved immune to the antiquated artillery. When Leader-1 assumed control of the Go-Bot rebellion, the military was defeated in the war that followed. Go-Bots #2
EarthSpark cartoon
The US military worked with the Autobots after their war came to Earth. Dot Malto was a member of the US Army at the time. Age of Evolution, Part 1
Real world
During filming of the Transformers live action movie, director Michael Bay worked closely with the Department of Defense, particularly liaison Philip Strub. Military personnel later got the opportunity to see the film free of charge before its American release.
External links
- United States Armed Forces on Wikipedia