Used Autobots - Transformers Wiki

When the Throttlebots are captured by a used car salesman, both RAAT and the Combaticons arrive to collect them.



It's nice that you've noticed the traffic violation, but shouldn't you be more concerned about the giant robot legs?

The Throttlebots are under attack from the Combaticon Vortex. Although they are able to fight Vortex off with the help of Blaster riding Chase and Rollbar like roller skates, they attract unwanted human attention. When the Throttlebots stop for fuel at a Blackrock service station, the owner is able to report them to awaiting RAAT troops, who immediately attack. Although the Throttlebots are able to escape from RAAT, the battle gives Vortex the opportunity to track the Throttlebots once again. Meanwhile, Grimlock sends the Protectobots to retrieve Blaster and Goldbug.

Unable to refuel, the Throttlebots stop at a used car lot for the night. When the owner, Big Steve Ludwig, tries to have the damaged Rollbar towed, the Throttlebots reveal themselves to Big Steve to stop him. Big Steve promptly reports the Throttlebots to the authorities and fills the Throttlebots' fuel tanks with soda to immobilize them.

When RAAT arrives to collect the Throttlebots, they are intercepted by the Combaticons, who intend to destroy the Throttlebots themselves. The Protectobots soon arrive on the scene and prepare to do battle. Big Steve attempts to save his lot by proposing that the opposing teams bid on who gets to take the Throttlebots. The auction is short-lived, however, as Onslaught radios Swindle, commanding him to kill Big Steve. Blaster sees Swindle prepare to fire and manages to throw off Swindle's aim just in time. The battle starts anew, and in the confusion, RAAT manages to take the Throttlebots away.

With Blaster fighting alongside the Protectobots, the Combaticons are soon forced into a retreat. A peeved Blaster ensures that Big Steve doesn't get to profit from his friends' misfortune by destroying a check RAAT had paid him for the information leading to their capture. Blaster is anxious to set out after RAAT, but Hot Spot informs him that the Protectobots were not sent to rescue Blaster, but to arrest him for rebelling against Grimlock's command. He is to be returned to the Ark for trial and execution!

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Autobots Decepticons Humans


"When was the last time you polished your feet, Blaster?!"

Chase does not enjoy being a rollerskate.

"Perfect! Stuck in a jam from that near-accident and without Blaster - these Autobots are the kind of target practice I like - the kind that scream! Ha ha!"

Vortex is one messed up mofo.

"It's ready, Commander Grimlock."
"Ready? What is ready, Wheeljack?"
"Er, this - the Geothermal Generator. Remember? We've been building it for months. It taps heat from beneath this volcano and converts it to energon cubes. No longer will we be dependent on humans for fuel supplies."
"Bah! Me Grimlock! What Grimlock wants, Grimlock takes!"

Wheeljack gets no appreciation from Grimlock as usual.

"I am Onslaught, leader of the Combaticons! Although my scout, Vortex, was temporarily sidetracked by an electro-scrambler attack, he trailed these Autobots here! Now, fleshlings, either move aside or join the death!"
"[Thinking] Sheesh! I can kiss those 300Gs goodbye!"

Onslaught threatens Big Steve, who really needs to sort out his priorities!

"You don't understand, Blaster - Grimlock didn't send us here to rescue you. He sent us here to arrest you for rebelling against his command...and to bring you back to the Ark for trial and execution!"

Hot Spot


Artwork and technical errors

  • The cover depicts Brawn standing behind Onslaught. Presumably this should have been Brawl, since Brawn was not only not present at the battle but was actually out of commission at the time.
  • Page 10, panel 3: Blaster says, "Under no cicumstances reveal your true identities!" The word should be "circumstances". (Also, the Throttlebots completely ignore this order a few hours later.) (The spelling was corrected in Transformers: Classics.)
  • Hot Spot's name is spelled as "Hotspot" as Blaster thanks him. (This is also corrected in Transformers: Classics.)
  • Page 12, panel 1: The only time Goldbug appears in robot mode in this issue, he is given his toy color scheme (blue head, yellow hands and forearms). While this is of course the correct color as per his toy, it's at odds with most of his other appearances in the Marvel comics, which consistently give him his original Bumblebee color scheme with blue hands and forearms and a yellow head. (He does again have his toy colors in his next appearance in issue #37, as well as in the Marvel UK Annual story Vicious Circle!)

Continuity errors

  • When Rollbar is driving on the wrong (left) side of the road, Blaster instructs him to, "Pull over to the left!" to avoid oncoming traffic. Rollbar instead swerves right (probably because going left wouldn't have helped at all).
  • Putting sugar in a regular car's gas tank does not actually incapacitate it, and even if it did, it's doubtful that the same tactic would work on an Autobot's more advanced engine.

Continuity notes

  • This is the last time we see evidence of the Blackrock-Autobot fuel arrangement that was forged in "DIS-Integrated Circuits!".
  • On page 7, Grimlock refers to the mission he sent Blaster and Goldbug on in "Mechanical Difficulties!" to retrieve the tools stolen by the Mechanic in "Funeral for a Friend!".
  • Freeway mentions Blackrock's help from issue #30.
  • The owner of the service station reports the Transformers to RAAT as "Autobots." While most civilians would not know this term, he was presumably briefed on it by RAAT (who have heard the term, even if they don't believe in "good robots").
  • Background businesses include Hy's Frozen Foods and Express.

Real-life references

  • The highway battle happens "somewhere in California"; presumably Big Steve's is located there as well. We also check in with the Ark in rural Oregon.
  • Big Steve asks if the Throttlebots were sent after him by Lee Iacocca.

UK printing

Issue #139

Issue #140

  • Back-up Transformers story: Love and Steel!
  • Other strips: Robo-Capers

Other trivia

  • The tease on the last page promises a battle between Bruticus and Defensor in the next issue - as well as the fate of Blaster - but in the United States, that battle happens after two issues of "Man of Iron".

Bot Roster

  • Autobots: 30 active plus Blaster; 6 Throttlebots captured by RAAT; 14 in repair bay. (51 total)
  • Decepticons: 34 active; 10 offline.

Courtesy of my...

Covers (3)

  • US cover: Protectobots vs Combaticons, by Frank Springer.
  • UK issue #139 cover: Blaster hitching a ride on the Throttlebots, by Robin Smith.
  • UK issue #140 cover: Swindle threatening to drop Big Steve, by Lee Sullivan.
  • (thumbnail)

    US issue #32 - Onslaught's only mistake: erecting a gigantic sign explaining his plan.

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    UK issue #139 - AAAAAAAAA indeed

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    UK issue #140 - Swindle's been scaled up to match Blast-Off's alt. mode!



  • M&M's - inside front cover
  • Robotech RPG - between pages 4 & 5
  • Olympic Sales Club - between pages 5 & 6
  • TSR Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Manual of the Planes - between pages 13 & 14
  • TSR Onslaught RPG - between pages 13 & 14
  • Mile High Comics - between pages 16 & 17
  • Mile High Comics / Alternate Realities Distributing, Inc. - between pages 17 & 18
  • Sales Leadership Club - between pages 19 & 20
  • Bullpen Bulletins and checklist - between pages 20 & 21
  • Transmissions
  • Marvel subscription service
  • Striped Chips Ahoy! cookies - inside back cover
  • The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #21 and Marvel Saga #22 (back cover)




  • (thumbnail)

    Treason TPB

  • (thumbnail)

    Treason hardback

  • (thumbnail)

    Classic Transformers Volume 2

  • (thumbnail)

    The Transformers Classics, Vol. 3

  • (thumbnail)

    Definitive G1 Collection: Vol. 9: Toy Soldiers