User:Jeysie/monacobook.css - Transformers Wiki

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/* KIRED FUNCTIONS - Style include */
 @import "";
/* Personal Testing Stuff */
 @import "";
/* Menu Tweak to Fit Next to Ad */
#p-personal div.pBody ul {background:url(;display:block;height:auto;padding:.5em .2em;width:266px;}
#p-personal div.pBody ul li {display:inline;float:left;line-height:1.6em;}
#p-personal div.pBody a {display:inline;padding:.3em;}
/* Adding new Opera 10.5 border-radius support */
#p-cactions ul li, #p-cactions ul li a {border-top-right-radius: 0.5em;border-top-left-radius: 0.5em;}
#content {border-top-left-radius: 1em;border-bottom-left-radius: 1em;}
.toc {border-radius: 0.5em;}
div.multipageimagenavbox {border-radius:6px;}
.tti_messageboxdiv {border-radius:.5em;}
.infobox {border-radius:.5em;}
.tt1_suite {border-radius:5px;}
.tt1_disambig + .tt1_suite {border-top-left-radius:0;border-top-right-radius:0;}
.tt1_basicquote {border-radius:.5em;}
#tti_refTooltip {border-radius:.5em;}
.tti_buttonlink a {border-radius:5pt;}
table.tt1-navigation_franchise {border-radius:6px 6px 3px 3px;}
.featurebox {border-radius:.5em;}
.featurebox-heading {border-radius:.3em .3em 0 0;}
.tt1_chapters {border-radius:.5em;}
.tt1_noticebox {border-radius:1em;}
.tt1_cr-boilerplate2 {border-radius:1em;}