User:Nevermore - Transformers Wiki

He's German!

The Ninja Nevermore Rap

Get that beatbox juice flowin', suckas, cuz things is 'bout to git hawt up in here!

  • N to tha E to the V to the Ermore,
  • Nevermore's tha brutha with tha spark at his laser core!
  • Droppin' funky fresh rhymes that can stop on a dime,
  • His light's always lime, sucka that ain't no crime!
  • So dawg, before you start hatin' tha hiphop route,
  • Git in Neva's face 'n he'll give ya tha boot!
  • Go tell tha Primes 'n tha Convoys to crank dat dial,
  • Cuz you got the German whose a-burnin' wif tha Hasselhoff-style!

Word. --One of the black robots; Jazz or Blaster or something.