Wave Crusher - Transformers Wiki
- The Wave Crusher is an accessory from the Classics portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
The Wave Crusher is a jet ski and trailer-unit, towed by a larger Transformer. It transforms into a jet pack capable of giving a robot flight capabilities. Bumblebee and Cliffjumper both make use of Wave Crushers.
It is unknown what—if any—water-based capabilities it has.
Shattered Glass
Cliffjumper activated his Wave Crusher to fly safely away while Goryu nosedived himself into submission in an attempt to get the Minibot off of him. Much later, the Wave Crusher was broken when Cliffjumper literally fell into a trap and landed on the device. Dungeons & Dinobots
When he had himself upgraded into a C1186-P0019 body form, Bug Bite gutted a Wave Crusher which he then used to cover the fact that he had retained his old body's inbuilt flight capability. Withered Hope
- Bumblebee (Deluxe, 2006)
- As noted, the Wave Crusher is a jetski/trailer combination that came with the Classics version of Bumblebee. The jet ski portion cannot be removed, however, as it forms the central axles that the trailer part uses to transform into winged jet pack-mode.
- This mold was used to make Bug Bite's Tidal Wave pack.
- Cliffjumper (Deluxe, 2006/2007)
- For Cliffjumper, the Wave Crusher was redecoed into a red carrier and silver jet ski with some blue detailing.
Transformers (2007)
- Legacy of Bumblebee (Deluxe class multi-pack, 2008)
- This Walmart exclusive multi-pack includes a redecoed Classics Bumblebee, complete with Wave Crusher. This version of the Wave Crusher is yellow and black.
Henkei! Henkei!
- Bumble (Deluxe, 2008)
- Japanese ID number: C-03
- Henkei! Henkei! Bumble, the Japanese release of Classics Bumblebee, comes with a redecoed Wave Crusher that drops the orange paint, leaving the jet ski part mostly white. The carrier is cast partly in yellow plastic.
- The Wave Crusher isn't named on the Japanese-language packaging, and is only referred to as a "jet ski carrier".
Transformers (2010)
- Bumblebee (Deluxe, 2011)
- The Bumblebee released in the 2010 Transformers line is in live-action-inspired colors, similar to the Legacy of Bumblebee toy. The Wave Crusher is nigh-identical to the Legacy one, but uses different shades of yellow and translucent blue plastic and adds some silver paint.
- Bumblebee (2021)
- ID number: 28
- Released as part of the Pop! Retro Toys segment and exclusive to Target, this version of Pop! Bumblebee is a super deformed vinyl figure based on his Classics toy, complete with the Wave Crusher attached to his back in jet pack mode.
- Bumblebee (Pop! Pin, 2022)
- ID number: 17
- A metallic enamel pin based on the vinyl figure above, with the Wave Crusher still attached to Bumblebee's back.
- The Wave Crusher's jet ski portion shares its name and some design elements with a G.I. Joe vehicle.
See also
- Tidal Wave pack.