White House - Transformers Wiki
At this stage, any house Nelson Yomtov colored was a white house.
The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States. It lies in Washington, D.C.
Marvel The Transformers comics
Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.
Optimus Prime met the President at the White House to discuss the state of relations between the United States and the Autobots. Things kind of went down hill after the Insecticons attacked. Optimus believed that the President wouldn't believe that the Autobots weren't behind the attack, and decided not to return to the White House to resume negotiations. Bad news was, the President was willing to give the Autobot leader the benefit of the doubt. When Prime didn't return, the President felt that he was tricked and decided to pursue other options. Plague of the Insecticons!
When a Decepticon civil war threatened New York City, the White House was alerted. The President of the United States called on G.B. Blackrock's Neo-Knights to resolve the situation. ...All This and Civil War 2
The Headmasters cartoon
As part of a Decepticon plot to destroy Earth, a Death Tower erupted from the ground in front of the north facade of the White House. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)
Live-action film series
Titan movie comic
In a divergent timeline, the Decepticons succeeded at Mission City and conquered the United States. The White House was left damaged by the Decepticon occupation of America Transformers Comic #14 and was still undergoing reconstruction for a while later. Mikaela Banes got brainwashed there. Transformers Comic #18
Dark of the Moon film
In 1961, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara went into the Oval Office at the White House to inform President John F. Kennedy that the Very Large Array radio observatory had detected the crash of an alien ship craft on the Moon, and that it was likely that the Soviet Union knew as well. The assembled cabinet was told that NASA expected it to take at least five years for them to mount a mission, and Kennedy impressed upon them the imperative that the United States get to the Moon before the Soviets did.
On July 20, 1969, after Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin completed their brief survey of the crashed alien ship, President Richard Nixon telephoned them from the Oval Office to congratulate them on their achievement, stating that it was "the most historic phone call ever made from the White House."
Decades later, Sam Witwicky received a medal from President Barack Obama at the White House, in recognition to the young man twice saving humanity from the machinations of the Decepticons. Shortly thereafter he met United Kingdom embassy worker Carly Spencer in the antechamber outside the Oval Office - and accidentally broke a vase while attempting to impress her. Dark of the Moon
2005 IDW continuity
When Optimus Prime annexed Earth into the Cybertronian Council of Worlds, he had a vision of, among other things, a burning White House being dwarfed by a crashed Worldsweeper. Once Upon a Time on Earth Marissa Faireborn and Ayana Jones were later called to the White House to discuss changes to the Earth Defense Command's chain of command. Thanks to the Onyx source code distributed across Earth, Galvatron spied on the meeting and mocked that the humans thought themselves capable of beating him, swearing to bring about their extinction. Two Seeker clones were placed on guard. New Worlds Order
The White House was used as a main base for the humans to coordinate against the Autobot 'invasion' before Aileron showed up and demanded the surrender of the humans. The Seeker clones tried to capture her only to be defeated by Optimus and Sunstreaker. The White House then tried to use the orbital satellites to kill Optimus but those were negated by Victorion. Edge of the Earth Galvatron watched the fight and approved of how Optimus put the humans in their place. The Medium and the Message
When Galvatron had been defeated, Optimus returned to the White House to present the head of the deceased Decepticon as proof that the threat had passed and invited the President to reach him at the new Autobot embassy. No Fair Fights
The White House soon found itself taken over by the evil Dire Wraiths who tried to seize a single case of Ore-13. Despite their numerical advantage, they were beaten by Marissa and Thundercracker, the latter of whom caused significant damage to the White House. Thundercracker & Buster Save the World
It was repaired months later when Optimus Prime came to confront the President about Cybertronian technology in Mexico City and to show that he seemed to view the White House as the central authority on Earth. To Walk Among the Chosen
During Unicron's attack on Earth, Slug stormed Bludgeon's Worldsweeper warship and was able to defeat the mad Decepticon scientist in a suicidal attack, ploughing the warship directly into the White House. Thanks to reinforcements installed since the last alien attack, the building and its occupants survived the impact, with the President being rescued by Wreck-Gar and Rum-Maj's flotilla of Sharkticons. Ceremony
EarthSpark cartoon
During the Great War, the Decepticons attacked the White House. Warzone
- In Transformers: Dark of the Moon, the American Red Cross National Headquarters was used as the exterior of the White House for scenes set in the 1960s, while the DAR Constitution Hall was used for the interior.[1]