ออยซวีเยทลามัยสกาซอรอ - วิกิพีเดีย

  • ️Wed Apr 01 2009

Vječna naša Crna Goro,
Tvoj Lovćen je car Jadrana,
Ka seljaka tvojih djela,
Kad su čija opjevana?

Volimo vas, brda tvrda,
I stravične vaše klance
Koji nikad ne poznaše
Sramotnoga ropstva lance.

Lovćen nam je oltar sveti,
Vazda smo mu vjerni bili,
U njega smo vjerovali
I njime se ponosili.

Otkada je Badnje Veče
Našu vjeru očistilo,
Među nama, seljacima,
Nevjernika nije bilo.

Dok lovćenskoj našoj misli
Naša sloga daje krila,
Bit će gorda, bit će slavna
Domovina naša mila.

Slobode će čuvar biti
Naša brda, naše gore,
Dokle zemlju sunce grije
I dokle se ljudi bore.

Rijeka će naših vala,
Uskačući u dva mora,
Glas nositi oceanu,
Da je vječna Crna Gora.

Eternal Our Montenegro,
Your Lovcen is the Emperor of the Adriatic,
Like the peasants of your rocks,
When were they sang?'

We love you, the rocky hills,
And your horrifying gorges
That never came to know
The shameful slavery chains.

Lovcen is our Saint Oltar,
Forever were we to him faithful,
In it we have believed
And with it we were proud.

Ever since Christmas Evening.
Our faith cleansed,
Among us peasants,
No infidel there was.

As long as our Lovcen's thought
Our concord gives strength,
It shall be proud, it shall be famous
Our dear homeland.

Freedom's keeper shall be
Our hills, our highlands,
As long as the earth receives warmth from the sun
And as long as men are fighting.

Rivers of our waves shall,
Jumping into two seas
Bring the voice to the ocean
Eternal be our Montenegro.