Ukraine Postage Stamps and Postal History for Sale

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Ukrainian Postage Stamps and Postal History

Over 750 Zemstvo stamps were issued by local territorial units between 1866 and 1917.

The independent Ukrainian People’s Republic was declared in 1918. A set of 5 definitive stamps was issued. A little bit later there are different Russian Empire stamps were surcharged with a trident. Trident overprints were made for for Kiev, Yekaterinoslav, Kharkiv, Odessa, Podolia, Poltava, and Kherson postal regions. These overprints have been widely forged.

The Ukrainian Soviet republic was established on 14 March 1919. The set of stamps were issued for famine relief in 1923. The Soviet stamps were used thereafter.

Austrian stamps were overprinted in 1919 and used in the West Ukrainian Republic.

Carpatho-Ukraine was an autonomous region within Czechoslovakia from late 1938 to March 15, 1939.

During the World War II Ukrainian territory (as Soviet republic) was occupied by Germany. German stamps were used between November 1941 and 1943, they were overprinted with “UKRAINE” text in small letters. After liberation, Soviet stamps were used once again.

In 1991 Ukraine declared its independence and the first stamps were issued in 1992. During next months some regions used local stamps and overprints. Only few issues were approved by Ukrainian Post Office. It was Soviet stamps with stylized trident surcharges. There is a lot of forgeries, fakes and bogus were printed. The Post Office produces a variety of official commemorative and definitive stamps since 1992.

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