
Best Pet Insurance Companies for February 2025

  • ️Sat Jul 29 2023

The cost of living has gone up for just about everything—utilities, food, and housing all cost more than they previously did, leaving many people struggling to make ends meet. For those who own pets (which is roughly 82 million U.S. households), the increase in vet costs has also hit hard. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the cost of veterinarian services increased by 7.6% from August 2023 to August 2024. Care Credit reports that the average annual cost for a routine vet visit is between $25 and $186. If you’re struggling, a bill like that can hurt.

Luckily, there is another option for pet owners. A pet insurance policy can help offset the costs of vet care for your four-legged friend. But finding the right fit isn’t always easy. We’ve done much of the legwork to help you find the best pet insurance coverage for you and your animal companions.

Our recommendations

Best for pet wellness plan

Best for pet wellness plan

Embrace Pet Insurance

Max annual coverage

$5,000 to unlimited

Reimbursement rates

70%, 80%, or 90%

Age restrictions

14 years accidents and illnesses; no upper limit accident-only

Deductible choices

$100 to $1,000 per year

Money-back guarantee

30 days

Why we like it:

Recommended for dogs?

Recommended for cats?

Pros & cons:

Best for add-ons to basic coverage

Best for add-ons to basic coverage

Lemonade Pet Insurance

Max annual coverage

$5,000 to $100,000

Reimbursement rates

60%, 70%, 80%, or 90%

Deductible choices

$100, $250, $500, or $750 per year

Money-back guarantee

Not specified

Why we like it:

Recommended for dogs?

Recommended for cats?

Pros & cons:

Best for covering horses

Best for covering horses

ASPCA Pet Insurance

Max annual coverage

$2,500 to $10,000

Reimbursement rates

70%, 80%, or 90%

Age restrictions

No upper age limit

Deductible choices

$100, $250, or $500 per year

Money-back guarantee

30 days

Why we like it:

Recommended for dogs?

Recommended for cats?

Pros & cons:

Best for puppies and kittens

Best for puppies and kittens

Fetch Pet Insurance

Max annual coverage

$5,000, $10,000, or $15,000

Reimbursement rates

70%, 80%, or 90%

Age restrictions

Lower age limit: 6 weeks; no upper age limit

Deductible choices

$250, $300, or $400 per year

Money-back guarantee

30 days

Why we like it:

Recommended for dogs?

Recommended for cats?

Pros & cons:

Best for direct payment to vets

Best for direct payment to vets

Pets Best Insurance

Max annual coverage

$5,000 or unlimited

Reimbursement rates

70%, 80%, or 90%

Age restrictions

No upper age limit

Deductible choices

$50 to $1,000

Money-back guarantee

30 days

Why we like it:

Recommended for dogs?

Recommended for cats?

Pros & cons:

Best for 100% reimbursement rate

Best for 100% reimbursement rate

Figo Pet Insurance

Max annual coverage

$5,000 to unlimited

Reimbursement rates

70%, 80%, 90%, or 100%

Age restrictions

No upper age limit

Deductible choices

$100, $250, $500, or $750 per year

Money-back guarantee

30 days

Why we like it:

Recommended for dogs?

Recommended for cats?

Pros & cons:

Best for covering exotic pets

Best for covering exotic pets

Nationwide Pet Insurance

Max annual coverage

$2,500 to $10,000

Reimbursement rates

50%, 70%, or 80%

Age restrictions

No upper age limit

Deductible choices

$250, $500, or $1,000

Money-back guarantee

Not specified

Why we like it:

Recommended for dogs?

Recommended for cats?

Pros & cons:

Best for pet owners on a budget

Best for pet owners on a budget

Odie Pet Insurance

Max annual coverage

$10,000 or $40,000

Reimbursement rates

Up to 90%

Age restrictions

No upper age limit

Deductible choices

$250 or $500

Money-back guarantee

30 days

Why we like it:

Recommended for dogs?

Recommended for cats?

Pros & cons:

Best for a family plan for multiple pets

Best for a family plan for multiple pets

Metlife Pet Insurance

Max annual coverage

$2,000, $5,000, or $10,000

Reimbursement rates

50%, 65%, 70%, 80%, or 90%

Age restrictions

No upper age limit

Deductible choices

$50 to $500

Money-back guarantee

Not specified

Why we like it:

Recommended for dogs?

Recommended for cats?

Pros & cons:

Best for prescription foods and supplements: Trupanion Pet Insurance

Best for prescription foods and supplements

Best for prescription foods and supplements

Trupanion Pet Insurance

Max annual coverage


Reimbursement rates


Deductible choices

$0 to $1,000 per condition

Money-back guarantee

30 days

Why we like it:

Recommended for dogs?

Recommended for cats?

Pros & cons:

Best pet insurance companies compared

Insurance companyMax annual coverageReimbursement ratesUpper age limit

Embrace Pet Insurance

$5,000 to unlimited

70%, 80%, or 90%

14 years accidents and illnesses; no upper limit accident-only

Lemonade Pet Insurance

$5,000 to $100,000

60%, 70%, 80%, or 90%


ASPCA Pet Insurance

$2,500 to $10,000

70%, 80%, or 90%

No upper age limit

Fetch Pet Insurance

$5,000, $10,000, or $15,000

70%, 80%, or 90%

Lower age limit: 6 weeks; no upper age limit

Pets Best Insurance

$5,000 or unlimited

70%, 80%, or 90%

No upper age limit

Metlife Pet Insurance

$2,000, $5,000, or $10,000

50%, 65%, 70%, 80%, or 90%

No upper age limit

Trupanion Pet Insurance



14 years

Odie Pet Insurance

$10,000 or $40,000

Up to 90%

No upper age limit

Nationwide Pet Insurance

$2,500 to $10,000

50%, 70%, or 80%

No upper age limit

Figo Pet Insurance

$5,000 to unlimited

70%, 80%, 90%, or 100%

No upper age limit

Best Pet Insurance for Dogs

Based on our analysis above, we recommend Pets Best and Lemonade for dog insurance. Pets Best has direct vet reimbursement, which means you don’t need to pay your dog’s vet bill and file a reimbursement claim. Lemonade’s preventative care packages for dogs cover heartworm tests, flea/tick and heartworm medication, and even routine dental cleanings to keep your dog healthy. And MetLife has a 0-day waiting period for accidents, so your dog will be covered immediately should the worst happen.

CompanyAverage monthly premium for dogsCoverage amountCustomizationsAccident waiting periodPay vet directly?

Pets Best


$2,500, $5,000, $10,000, or unlimited

Wellness plan

3 days




$5,000 to $100,000

Wellness plan

2 days


Best Pet Insurance for Cats

Based on our analysis above, we recommend Figo, Pets Best, and Embrace for cat insurance. Figo offers low-cost coverage for cats, making it ideally suited for those on a limited budget. Pets Best offers direct-to-vet payments, so you won’t need to wait for reimbursement after a vet visit with your cat. And Embrace offers additional coverage for exam fees and prescription drugs, which can be especially valuable to owners of older cats.

CompanyAverage monthly premium for catsCoverage amountCustomizationsAccident waiting periodPay vet directly?



$5,000, $10,000, or unlimited

Wellness plan

1 day


Pets Best


$2,500, $5,000, $10,000, or unlimited

Wellness plan

3 days




$5,000 to unlimited

Exam fees, prescription drugs

2 days



TIME Stamped is dedicated to providing consumers with thorough reviews of pet insurance companies. We scanned news sources and the data that companies provide to glean plan options, deductions, and limits in order to make sure users have the information they need to make the right decisions for their pets and their families.

How to select the best pet insurance company for you

First, look into the coverage options that are available. These include accidents and injuries, illnesses, hereditary and congenital disorders, chronic conditions, behavioral problems, prescription medications, surgery and hospitalizations, and diagnostic testing. It’s important to know your breed’s specific health risks and look for a plan that offers coverage for the ones that your pet may be more likely to experience over its lifetime.

Next, make sure you know what the exclusions and limitations are in terms of how a policy can be used. Pay attention to what is spelled out regarding pre-existing conditions, breed-specific exclusions, age limitations, waiting periods, maximum benefit amounts, and deductibles and copayments. Some of these also factor into the cost of insurance, and affordability is key. Check the premium rate, the deductibles, annual limits, and available discounts (such as for multi-pet enrollment or policy bundles).

Look for good customer service too, including hours of operation, contact options (phone, email, chat), availability of customer service reps, the window of time to file a claim, filing methods, average time for claim reimbursement, and the ability to track claims online. Pawlicy Advisor, the American Animal Hospital Association membership preferred business provider for pet insurance, has a comparison tool that allows you to analyze top insurance company plans, taking into account your pet’s age, location, and breed-related needs.

More on pet insurance

What is the average cost of pet insurance?

According to North American Pet Health Insurance Association (NAPHIA) statistics, in 2023 the average annual premium for a dog was $675.61 for accident-and-injury insurance and $204.16 for accident-only coverage. Those translate to monthly costs of $56.30 and $17.01, respectively. The average annual premium for a cat in 2023, per NAPHIA, was $383.30 for accident-and-injury insurance and $116.11 for accident-only coverage, or monthly costs of $31.94 and $9.68, respectively. In the U.S. 4.45 million dogs and 1.21 million cats were insured in 2023, according to NAPHIA.

How are pet insurance costs determined?


Younger pets are much less expensive to insure than older ones, which are prone to health issues. Plus, treating aging pets is more expensive. Also, for most pet insurance, as your pet ages, your premiums will rise.


Prices will vary depending on what species you are insuring, whether a dog, a cat, a horse, or an exotic pet. Dogs, for instance, tend to be more expensive to insure than cats because cats generally have fewer health issues.


Breeds have varying susceptibility to health problems; these are factored into the cost of insurance. For instance, golden and labrador retrievers tend to develop hip dysplasia, and short-snouted breeds like bulldogs are at greater risk of having breathing problems, dental disease, and other health issues.

Where you live

Your premiums are determined, in part, by where you live. If your location has a higher cost of living and higher vet fees, your premiums will be more expensive.

Type of plan

The type of plan factors into the cost of your pet’s insurance. Accident-only plans generally cost less than accident-and-illness plans.

Deductibles and reimbursement rates

The deductible and reimbursement rate of the plan you choose will affect your premiums. If you have a low deductible, your premiums will be higher since insurance will kick in sooner. Just the opposite is true if your deductible is high—your premiums will be lower, but you’ll also have to pay more up front before your insurance pays a claim. As for the reimbursement rate you choose, a low reimbursement rate will keep your premiums lower, and a high one will make premiums higher.

Benefit limits

Policies that are unlimited or have higher benefit limits are usually more expensive than those with lower benefit limits.

TIME Stamp: Look for adequate, affordable insurance with good customer service

The best pet insurance for you will provide adequate coverage for your pet, have good customer service, and above all, be affordable.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Is pet insurance worth it?

Pets are often beloved members of a family and their well-being needs to be taken into consideration so that they can live long and healthy lives. Pet insurance can provide you with peace of mind when it comes to paying for treatment for an illness or injury to your animal. Veterinary care can be expensive, and insurance is a way to help you cover those costs.

How does the reimbursement process work?

When your pet has been treated for an illness or injury, your vet will provide a bill that you must pay and then submit to the insurance company. Some companies allow you to do this online or via an app. Subsequently, you will be reimbursed—either by direct deposit or by mailed check—according to the plan and reimbursement schedule you have purchased.

Can I choose my own veterinarian?

Most insurance companies allow you to choose your own veterinarian, as long as they are licensed. However, if the insurance company has a direct-to-vet payment option that you plan to use, you may be required to use one of its vet partners who has its software.

Are there waiting periods before coverage begins?

Yes, all plans have a waiting period before coverage begins. The waiting periods tend to be different for accident-only plans versus accident-and-illness (or illness) plans, with the period usually being shorter for the former and longer for the latter. A typical waiting period is 14 days, but some injuries and conditions, like hip dysplasia, have waiting periods of six months or even longer.

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