Dates of the 43rd World Scout Conference in Cairo, Egypt

Circular No. GLB-C23-2022

Dear friends,

At its meeting in September 2022, the World Scout Committee (WSC) discussed ongoing preparations for the 43rd World Scout Conference. To give the host, the Egyptian Scout Federation, and all NSOs ample time to plan and prepare, we are pleased to announce that the World Scout Committee has approved the following dates for the event:

  • Saturday, 17 August to Friday, 23 August 2024 in CairoEgypt. Delegation arrivals should be planned on Friday 16 August with departures from Saturday, 24 August 2024 onwards.

The WSC considered the requirements of Resolution 2021-06 Evolving the World Scout Youth Forum and World Scout Conference as well as the outcomes of the 2021-24 Operational Framework project on the Evolution of the World Scout Conference in its decision on the dates.

The World Scout Conference will follow a new concept, enabling it to be more inclusive, diverse, and engaging with a clear focus on youth participation in decision making. It will last seven business days and provide delegates with even greater insight into the current state of the Scout Movement as well as the opportunities and challenges we face as we look towards adopting a new Strategy for Scouting. It will, therefore, also present an opportunity to align NSOs on organisational priorities and engage with partners and high-level speakers to position Scouting in a changing world.

The event will provide space for institutional components, capacity building sessions, educational programming, cultural exchanges, networking, intergenerational dialogue, and Regional meetings, and offer more opportunities for Scouts to connect on the future of the Movement. This will help guarantee sufficient mechanisms as well as opportunities for meaningful youth engagement and educational elements to ensure an inclusive, accessible, and sustainable event.

We have also confirmed that the event will not overlap with the 38th World Conference of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, which will take place in Cyprus in July 2023.

Further information about the programme and agenda for the 43rd World Scout Conference will be communicated as planning progresses over the course of 2023 via and through WOSM’s communication channels.

For any specific questions regarding the dates, please contact Jacob Murray, Director, World Events at the World Scout Bureau at [email protected].

Yours in Scouting,

Ahmad Alhendawi

Secretary General

World Organization of the Scout Movement