100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time | Trouser Press

Trouser Press‘ 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time, as selected in late 1978 by Ira Robbins, Dave Schulps, David Fricke, Kurt Loder, Jon Young, Jim Green, Jim Kozlowski, Scott Isler and John Paige:

Jan AkkermanGeorge HarrisonRobbie Robertson
Duane AllmanJimi HendrixMick Ronson
Syd BarrettSteve HillageFrancis Rossi
Jeff BeckSteve HoweTodd Rundgren
Chuck BerryWilko JohnsonCarlos Santana
Ritchie BlackmoreMick JonesTom Scholz
Mike BloomfieldSteve JonesAndy Scott
Marc BolanDanny KalbChris Spedding
James BurtonJorma KaukonenJeremy Spencer
Glen BuxtonRobby KriegerLeigh Stephens
Randy CaliforniaPaul KossoffStephen Stills
John CipollinaAlbert LeeMick Taylor
Eric ClaptonAlvin LeeRichard Thompson
Eddie CochranNils LofgrenJohnny Thunders
Steve CropperPhil ManzaneraPete Townshend
Dave DaviesSteve MarriottRobin Trower
Buck DharmaHank B. MarvinTom Verlaine
Bo DiddleyBrian MayHenry Vestine
Duane EddyJimmy McCullochDick Wagner/Steve Hunter
Dave EdmundsRoger McGuinnJoe Walsh
John FogertyT.S. McPheeLeslie West
Peter FramptonScotty MooreClarence White
Robert FrippBill NelsonCharlie Whitney
Fred FrithRick NielsenAlan “Blind Owl” Wilson
Rory GallagherTed NugentJames Williamson
Jerry GarciaJimmy PageJohnny Winter
Lowell GeorgeCarl PerkinsSteve Winwood
David GilmourJoe PerryRon Wood
Mick GreenEddie PhillipsRoy Wood
Peter GreenMick RalphsLink Wray
James GurleyJohnny RamoneZal Yanovsky
Steve HackettLou ReedNeil Young
Ollie HalsallKeith RichardsFrank Zappa