Anime & Manga - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Nov 27 2012
A Dog Named Dog
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- One strip in Azumanga Daioh reveals that Tomo has a pet hamster named Ham-chan; next to the dog named "Black" (after its fur color) and the girl from Osaka nicknamed "Osaka", it demonstrates how uncreative Tomo is. Some translations though change the pets and their names.
- Black Butler (2008): Angela is an Angel Unaware.
- In C'mon Digimon, Makoto Abe and Kentaro Kamon are the only ones who actually give their monsters names. Everyone else merely calls them what they are (Meramon, Deathmon, ect). Downplayed in Digimon V-Tamer 01, where most plot relevant monsters do have names and out right subverted in Arkadimon's case, as that is it's name. On the other hand, Bun's species name is only implied but never outright confirmed while Arkadimon, Pal and Pul's species names are never given(well, Pal and Pul were called Petitmamon years after V-tamer was done). The Digimon as whole played this totally straight after C-Mon and V-Tamer were done though, despite some monsters being fluent in human language (unless you count Chaos Lord and Neo Crimson from Digimon World 2. Once again, species names never revealed)
- Almost all of the animal characters in The Concierge at Hokkyoku Department Store are referred to by what species they are, though there are a few exceptions such as a great auk being named Elulu.
- Doraemon
- In the remake of Doraemon: Nobita and the Haunts of Evil, there's a minor background dog character named Bernard. Who's a St. Bernard, of course. Said character isn't in the manga or first anime adaptation.
- Doraemon: Nobita and the Birth of Japan has Nobita creating three mythological animals using Doraemon's Instant Life Kit, being a Pegasus named Pega, a Gryphon named Gri, and a Dragon named Draco. Justified since, well, it's Nobita who did the naming.
- Doraemon: Nobita and the Animal Planet has the animal planet's wise leader, an Erudite Orangutan named Mayor Utan.
- Doraemon: Nobita and the Winged Braves has an andromorphic Barbary Falcon of the Falco pelegrinoides babylonicus genus named Babylon.
- Doraemon: Nobita in the Wan-Nyan Spacetime Odyssey, set in a world of andromorphic cats and dogs, have some of the new characters being named after their breeds, notably a bulldog named Bulltaro and a dachscund named Duc.
- Doraemon: Nobita's New Dinosaur has a Sinoceratops named "Top".
- Dragon Ball features a turtle named "Turtle".
- For Japanese and Slav viewers/readers, Fortuneteller Baba is also this. She's a baba note named "Baba".
- A partial example in Fullmetal Alchemist. The villains of the series are the Homunculi, and the original one, who eventually becomes the "father" of the others, was called Homunculus. It's a partial example because he was also known as "the Dwarf in the Flask" (and is addressed using both names together, as "Dwarf in the Flask, Homunculus"), and once he's created his offspring, he's referred to as "Father" by most characters. It's worth noting, however, that Hohenheim always calls him "Homunculus" and/or "Dwarf in the Flask"note , and once his "children" have been defeated/killed, other characters do so as well.
- In Gunslinger Girl, Angelica's dog was named Perro, or "dog" in Spanish.
- Hetalia: Axis Powers:
- Mr. Puffin, the strangely formally named puffin that serves as Iceland's constant companion and friend. He's a strange case in a series where most of the nations' close animals have non-species names.
- There's also Norway's gigantic green troll companion, which is just referred to as Troll.
- High School D×D:
- One of Rias' Pieces is a junior Catgirl named Koneko, Koneko being Japanese for kitten (or literally, small cat). Justified, as it's an alias given to her by Occidental Otaku Rias. Her real name is Shirone.
- There's also a Welsh dragon named Ddraig. Of course, given the setting it's plausible he isn't named after Welsh dragons - Welsh dragons are probably named after him.
- This is how the animal characters are named in Jack and the Witch, an anime movie released by Toei in the 1960s.note
- In Jewelpet Sunshine, the Plum class's teacher is an anthropomorphic dolphin named Iruka-sensei. "Iruka" is the Japanese word for "dolphin".
- Zigzagged in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable. One minor character is a stray cat that dies and is reincarnated as a flower (just go with it). Officially, the cat's name is Tama. However, this name is never really used in the series, and so most fans refer to the stray cat by the name of its Stand... Stray Cat.
- Jujutsu Kaisen has Panda. If you couldn't already tell, he's a panda who knows martial arts.
- K has Miyabi Ameno, a traumatized (human) Reality Warper who turned herself into a cat - but thinks she's a cat that turns human who introduces herself saying "Wagahai Wa Neko De Aru" - which can mean "I am a cat," or "I'm (my name is) Neko (cat)"... so they just call her Neko. Except for Kukuri who calls her Wagahai-chan (which is the pronoun she uses).
- Fujiwara from Kaguya-sama: Love Is War has a pet dog named Pes, which is Czech for "dog".
- Kemono Friends: The Friends (animals turned into Little Bit Beastly humans) are all named for the species of animal they originally were. Exceptions are the PPP, who are Legacy Characters and Kaban, named for its bag.
- Kimba the White Lion's Japanese name is Leo, the Latin word for "lion".
- Hakase in Nichijou sort of counts, as "hakase" is the Japanese word for "professor", and she was never revealed to have a real name.
- Nurse Hitomi's Monster Infirmary has some examples that overlap with A Lizard Named "Liz", since they're Beast Men rather than actual animals:
- Taiga Toura is a humanoid tiger. His given name is the Japanese transliteration of the English word tiger, and his family name is based on the Japanese word for "tiger", tora.
- Nezu-kun is a mouse person who's name is based on the Japanese word for "mouse", nezumi.
- Okutou the octopus girl has a name that's based on the Japanese transliteration of octo.
- Kaneko the Cat Boy has a name containing the Japanese word for "cat", neko.
- One of the characters in Oh, Suddenly Egyptian God is Otter, which is a deity in the form of an otter. An Odd Name Out as well given that the rest have regular Ancient Egyptian deity names like Anubis and Thoth.
- Ojarumaru features a cow named... Cownote . Considering that all the other animal and insect characters actually have a distinct name, it's quite odd that Cow lacks one.
- A partial example of this is found in One Piece, where there are at least two Fishmen that are named after the fish they're based on. Their names are Jinbe and Daruma. The former is a whale shark Fishman (In Japan, whale sharks are called "jinbee-zame") and the latter is a cookie cutter shark Fishman (cookie cutter sharks are called "daruma-zame" in Japan).
- In Peach Boy Riverside Mikoto Kibitsu's dog (fully sentient, talking and being much like a Kommissar to him) is literally named Dog.
- Pokémon:
- This is almost omnipresent in Pokémon the Series. While the species names are either Pokémon Speak or Verbal Tic Name, it seems a little weird that nearly every pet Pokémon is named after its species. This is most likely due to marketing reasons (viewers would get confused and think that the given nickname is what the whole species is called). The number of nicknamed owned by main characters can be counted on one hand: Misty's Luvdisc named Casrein, James's Growlithe named Growlie and Lillie's Vulpix named Shiron/Snowy. Apart from that, nicknamed Pokémon are mostly owned by very minor or one-shot characters.
- In Pokémon Adventures, trainers who bother nicknaming their Pokémon usually give nicknames that barely deviate from the species' name anyways. In fact, White is the only nicknaming Dex Holder who gives her Pokémon regular names, albeit slightly punny ones. In an interesting variation, X gives his Pokemon nicknames based off of their French names.
- The heroine of Princess Tutu is a duck who can turn into a human girl. Her name is Duck. Often she's still referred to by her Japanese name, Ahiru... which is Japanese for "Duck."
- In Saiyuki, the Team Pet Jeep (aka Hakuryuu) is a white dragon who can turn into a Jeep. Hakuryuu means "white dragon."
- In SuperLovers, "Tanuki" who's called "Raccoon" in the translations. It's a little complicated, as "Tanuki" is a Japanese word meaning either "badger" or, usually, "raccoon dog", the latter of which looks similar to a raccoon (but is actually a canine), so, this is more of a "close approximation in translation" case (i.e, the tanuki in the Eng. dub of Pom Poko were called "raccoons").
- Slime Life: Slime is a slime who introduces himself to Darul as such. There is no indication given that he has any other name.
- In Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, we have Simon's pet pig-mole, Boota (or Buta). Buta literally means "pig" or "swine" in Japanesenote
- In Toradora!, Ryuuji's parakeet is named "Inko-chan". "Inko" happens to be Japanese for "parakeet".
- In Wild Life, Tesshou's dog is named Inu, which is dog in Japanese. He also befriends a bear, which he calls Kuma, that is bear in Japanese.
- In With A Dog AND a Cat, Every Day is Fun, the dog and cat are just known as "Dog" and "Cat", respectively.
- Voltes V: Hiyoshi is a teen genius and invents a CuteMachine named "Tako". It is a red octopus, and Tako is Japanese for octopus.
- In Yo-kai Watch, all yo-kai go by their species names. In the games they can be nicknamed, but the anime opts out of this. We know that Jibanyan's name was "Rudy" in life, but he strictly goes by "Jibanyan" as a yo-kai.
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: The majority of monsters are just named after what they are, and only less than half of them have proper names, such as Osiris/Slifer, Raviel, Wisel, Kibou'ou Hope/Utopia or Kali Yuga. For example Black/Dark Magician is always called Black/Dark Magician (even though Mahad might be a valid name for him) and Blue-Eyes White Dragon is always called Blue-Eyes White Dragon (or simply Blue-Eyes for short). This trope is particularly common with Dragon-Type monsters, with only a handful of those having proper names, e.g. Blaster, Ultimaya Tzolkin or Ignister. Most characters in the various anime and manga series shorten the names of the "nameless" dragons by simply leaving out "Dragon" or other words, for example "Blue-Eyes" for Blue-Eyes White Dragon, "Ultimate Dragon" for Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, "Red-Eyes" for Red-Eyes Black Dragon, "Stardust" for Stardust Dragon, "Shooting Star" for Shooting Star Dragon, "Ancient Fairy" for Ancient Fairy Dragon, "Red Daemon's" for Red Daemon's Dragon, "Odd-Eyes" for Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, "Odd-Eyes Rebellion" or "Haohkokuryuu" for Haohkokuryuu - Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon, or "Starve Venom" for Starve Venom Fusion Dragon. Those shortened names are always used as if they are actual names.