BlazBlue Alternative: Remnant - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Aug 02 2022

In BlazBlue Alternative: Remnant, Teams RWBY and JNPR not forming end up causing a lot of canon relationships to alter. Additionally, thanks to the fused setting, a number of other relationships alter among the cast as well.

  • Ruby and Weiss being on separate teams means that they never truly become friends. On the plus side, Weiss is much less antagonistic towards Ruby than she was at the beginning even in situations where they interact.
  • Yang and Blake never become partners. Instead, Yang becomes partners with Pyrrha. Because of this, Pyrrha forms a more prominent bond with Yang and Ruby than what she had in the series, even developing romantic feelings for the former.
  • In the series, Jaune developed a crush on Weiss thanks to a sarcastic comment she made before Ozpin's introduction speech. Since she makes the off-hand comment towards Ragna in this story, Jaune never develops a crush on her.
  • Pyrrha had a crush on Jaune in canon and starts with one here, but being on separate teams and the lack of interaction between them results in her feelings for him fading away over time, with her getting over them altogether in Chapter 35.
  • Since Blake never went to the docks due to not being on the same team as Weiss, she never meets Sun here and the two are complete strangers to each other.
  • Penny and Tukson were two characters with no connection to each other canonically. Penny is an employee who works at Tukson's Book Trade in this story, with the two shown to be on friendly terms. Tukson's death also ends up being a major Break the Cutie moment for Penny.
  • While Blake and Tukson were both former members of the White Fang, there's no evidence that they knew each other at all in canon. Here, they were friends, with Blake mourning his death when Penny calls her team about it.
  • While Bullet did work for Kokonoe, that was only after the events of the games. In this story, she's confirmed by Rachel and later Azrael to already have been working for her well before the story began.
  • In the games, Mai was close friends with Tsubaki, Makoto, and Noel from their time in the NOL Military Academy together, in contrast to here, where they've evidently never met before Team JSMN's arrival at Beacon.
  • In the games, Ragna and Jin had a very complicated Cain and Abel relationship. Here, the two are on much better terms when they first meet and are able to be civil. It's only after Noel enters the conversation that things sour between them, but even then, it never reaches the murderous levels it was for much of BlazBlue.
  • Makoto, Noel, and Jin knew each other prior to the events of the games given their shared history at the NOL Military Academy. Makoto even openly considered Jin a friend despite his attitude. Here, they start off completely unfamiliar to each other, with Makoto being more openly disdainful towards Jin's cold demeanor.
  • Canonically, while Tsubaki was infatuated with Jin, it was to the point of obsession, and she tended to ignore his faults more often than not. By contrast, Tsubaki's feelings for Jin in the fic are still romantic but toned down and not obsessive like in the games. In addition, she's shown to have more awareness to Jin's flaws and makes it a point to both call him out on and help him overcome them.
  • In the games, Ragna knew Rachel from when he was just a child, while in this story they're strangers to each other. Chapter 32 is confirmed to be the first time they've ever met.
  • Ragna and Luna pretty much despised each other throughout the entirety of the BlazBlue series. Here, while they start off on tense terms due to Luna's jealousy of Ragna's closeness to Jubei, they overcome their issues and become a mix of Fire-Forged Friends and Vitriolic Best Buds.
  • Luna and Sena hardly knew Trinity at all despite sharing a body with her, in large part because whenever she awoke, they were put to sleep. With this aspect removed for the story, the twins are able to interact with Trinity, leading to her becoming something of a mother-figure to them.
  • In the games, Azrael acted as a Wild Card with no personal or professional connections to the main villainous faction, but in this fic, he's regularly called upon as a mercenary by Terumi whenever the latter requires someone who can use extreme brute force.
  • In RWBY, Penny worked under Ironwood and was created by Atlas. Thanks to her being a Murakumo Unit created by Relius in this story, that isn't the case, with Ironwood not even acknowledging Penny when they first meet during the Fall of Vale.
  • While Ruby and Penny were very close in RWBY, they were ultimately just friends, with the latter being more of The Not-Love Interest to the former. The "Not" part is removed in the fic, with both of them having very clear romantic feelings for each other.
  • Carl Clover attended the military academy alongside and was friends with Noel, Makoto, and Tsubaki prior to the events of the canon BlazBlue games. By contrast, in this fic he never went to any combat schools and doesn't know any of them until he meets Makoto in Chapter 74, with him being rather hostile upon introduction.
  • Terumi served as Ragna's Arch-Enemy throughout the entire BlazBlue series, having been the one responsible for ruining his life, resulting in Ragna despising him more than anyone else. While Ragna does hate Terumi here, it's nowhere near as much as the games and he treats him like another enemy rather than a full-blown nemesis. If anything, Ragna's canonical hatred of Terumi is transferred over to Salem.
  • In the series proper, Cinder served as a major enemy to Ruby, becoming her Arch-Enemy after the events of V3 due to killing Pyrrha and Penny as well as her role in the destruction of Beacon. However, aside from their brief encounter at the beginning of RWBY canon, they never once meet again throughout the events of the Beacon arc here, with Terumi becoming a more central nemesis to Ruby after he claims to have killed Summer Rose.