How Many Licks Does It Take? - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Oct 31 2023

How Many Licks Does It Take? (Advertising)

"Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?"note 

How Many Licks Does It Take? is the slogan of Tootsie Roll Industries' Tootsie Pop first introduced in 1969, and more famously attributed to a commercial from them first introduced in 1970. In it, a young boy (Buddy Foster)note  goes up to various animals, asking them how many licks it takes to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop. After Mr. Cow (Frank Nelson), Mr. Fox (Paul Frees), and Mr. Turtle (Ralph James) all fail to provide an answer, admitting that they always end up biting, he's then led to Mr. Owl (Paul Winchell), who seems eager to provide the boy with an answer. He unravels the pop, and claims it takes a-one, a-two-hoo, a-thrrree... (CRRRUNCH) three licks to get to the center, with the boy lamenting that he can't stand a smart aleck.

The commercial is notable for not only how quotable it is, mainly off of the Mr. Owl segment, but also for having never gone off the air since its inception in 1970. Though shorter versions have been made, starting at 30 seconds and later being compressed to a mere 15 seconds, the commercial has been on TV for over 50 years straight, being Tootsie Pop's biggest marketing campaign. This is likely attributed to the slogan being a Riddle for the Ages, with many attempting to figure the answer out for themselves.

I always end up biting! Ask TV Tropes, for they are much cleverer than I.

  • Actor Allusion: Mr. Cow going, "Ee-yeeeeeeeeees?", is an homage to his actor, Frank Nelson, who made that specific question into a Character Catchphrase for any role he played.
  • Barbie Doll Anatomy: The boy is depicted as naked with visible buttocks, but no genitals.
  • Foul Fox: Mr. Fox is the only one who's not portrayed in an amicable light, with him acting incredibly shifty, wearing Sinister Shades, and having an incredibly suspicious laugh.
  • Jerkass: Mr. Owl pretends to know the answer to the boy's question, just so he can eat his Tootsie Pop for himself.
  • Know-Nothing Know-It-All: Mr. Owl looks wise with his glasses and graduation cap, but he really doesn't know all that much despite his looks and personality.
  • Large Ham: Mr. Cow constantly bounces around while talking, and has a grandiose, bombastic voice.
  • The Owl-Knowing One: Subverted. Mr. Owl is said to be the wisest of all the animals, and is seen wearing large glasses and a graduation cap, but he's a Know-Nothing Know-It-All who's completely selfish.
  • Riddle for the Ages: It's never said how many licks it actually takes, with The Stinger stating, "The world may never know."
  • Sickening "Crunch!": Should be That Satisfying "Crunch!", but in context, a boy is having his Tootsie Pop being eaten by somebody else when it isn't what he asked for.
  • Unwise Owl: The ad has a little boy asking an owl how many licks it takes to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop. The owl takes the pop and licks it three times before biting it, then tells him that it takes three licks.
  • Wise Old Turtle: Mr. Turtle is depicted as the oldest of the bunch, having elderly spectacles and a raspy, tired voice.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: The boy seems to be getting an answer from Mr. Owl, but not only is his question left unanswered, but his Tootsie Pop ends up getting eaten.