Video Games - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Jan 27 2018
Cool characters in video games.
- In Angry Birds 2, the Blizzard spell will change all the towers' materials to ice in the stage where it's used.
- ANNO: Mutationem: Castor's partner; Melissa, has the ability to conjure ice out of her body, such as granting herself a Double Weapon of hardened-ice, emitting a cold blast to trap Ann in ice, and growing icicle wings to unleash a makeshift hail-storm.
- In Arcana Heart 2, newcomer Zenia Valov's default Arcana lets her control ice. (It also takes the form of a penguin.)
- Arena of Valor: Diao Chan in this incarnation is depicted as a beautiful magician excelling in ice magic. Her kit is heavily inspired by a renowned Dota 2 hero, Crystal Maiden.
- Vandheer Lorde from the Armed With Wings series had the ability to fire off blue projectiles as an attack ever since the first game, however, it was only ever since Armed With Wings 3 that we figured out they are, indeed, ice bolts. He also has a wave of ice and water as a Limit Break in the first game and Rearmed, as well as the ability to rain down and generally fire lance-like shards of ice in the latter specifically. On the non-combative side of things, he uses it to cage himself and the Lone Warrior in during their final fight in Rearmed, preventing death via ring-out/Spikes of Doom.
- Avencast: Rise of the Mage: The Soul Magic skill tree leans on this trope for spells with movement-affecting abilities.
- Freezing is a powerup in Backyard Baseball.
- Baten Kaitos Origins: All three characters have powerful ice attacks, but Guillo has the strongest one, Aphelion Dustwake. One of only two Level 4 spells in the game, only attainable by defeating the optional boss Wiseman, its description is, "All life is dependent on the earth. This spell summons a comet to strike the planet, terrifying foes on an instinctual level."
- Beacon of Hope: At some point in the game, Beacon the desk lamp gains a "frost bulb" that allows him to freeze enemies and put out fires with his light.
- The Binding of Isaac: The Uranus item from the Repentance expansion turns Isaac's tears in to ice shards that slow down enemies and freeze them solid upon death.
- The BioShock games give the player access to ice powers via gene splicing:
- BioShock:
- Martin Finnegan, an apprentice of Sander Cohen who turned himself into an 'iceman' to survive and is fought as a Mini-Boss.
- Jack, who can use the Winter Blast plasmid to freeze enemies in place and potentially shatter them, although that's detrimental since the corpses can't be looted for stuff. He can also freeze machines to slow them down and make the Hacking Minigame a bit easier.
- BioShock 2: Subject Delta can also use the Winter Blast plasmid much like Jack, with the same drawback of losing out on loot. Upgraded versions can encase a Splicer in a block of ice that, when shattered, sprays shards that freeze enemies they touch, or have Delta spray out a shower of freezing and damaging icicles. Frozen enemies are immune to headshots and the Spear Gun.
- In BioShock Infinite, Booker and Elizabeth can use Old Man Winter in their respective halves of the Burial At Sea DLC.
- BioShock:
- BlazBlue
- Jin Kisaragi with Yukianesa, a literal Cool Sword. To call him nice, however, would be highly inaccurate.
- Later, Blazblue Cross Tag Battle added Weiss Schnee from RWBY, a graceful and elegant woman in white who can also control ice. This has earned her the nickname of the "Ice Queen", something she dislikes.
- And much later, the game also added Yumi Izumi, from Senran Kagura, the Shinobi who fights for justice, and creates ice with her combat fans.
- Body Blows: Warra, the king of a land on a side of a Tidally Locked Planet which is in an eternal tundra, has cryokinetic abilities which manifest in part as a Breath Weapon and also in the form of a suit of ice and snow.
- Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!: Lady Aurelia Hammerlock specializes in Cryo damage, both from her Action Skill and abilities learned in her Cold Money skill tree.
- In Brigandine, ice magic is the main magic of choice by female spellcasters like Enchantresses, Sorceresses, Witches, though the male Sorcerer and Wizard class can access such magic too. However, the ruler of Norgard, Vaynard, is not only a physical fighter, he's also capable of casting ice magic, and being a Genius Bruiser, both his attacks and ice magic hurt a lot.
- Bug Fables:
- Leif the moth can wield ice magic. In battle, his attacks are the most complex to pull off and do relatively limited damage, but can freeze targets solid in order to immobilize them and bring flyers to the ground, and he does increased damage against plant-based enemies.
- Roach constructs can use ice attacks when in cold environments. Their King Mook, the Watcher, alternates between ice attacks and sand attacks as a Stance System in its boss fight.
- Castle Crashers: There are a few characters who used ice-based magic, but the most prominent is the starting Blue Knight, who uses icicles from the sky, tosses ice shards and propels himself with a fist made out of ice to freeze and deal damage to enemies.
- Chrono Trigger: Marle. She's still listed as a 'Water'-type, though. And together with Frog (who uses liquid water), they have a double tech 'Ice Water'. Ice and water are combined as 'Blue' elements in the sequel, Chrono Cross. It opposes Red (fire/lava), and both tend to be vulnerable to each other.
- Club Penguin: White puffles freeze things at will. There's even an elite puffle named Chill who appears in Herbert's Revenge and can create ice bridges with its breath.
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3: The Cryo Legionnaire can not only freeze whole groups of ground units for capture (or for shatter), but they can walk on (solid) water by flash-freezing the water beneath them, and create ice aircrafts from inside a turret. Being Red Alert, this is combined with a repertoire of hammy, cryohydrous-related dialogue.
- Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course: Mortimer Freeze is an ice wizard who combines this with The Minion Master. During his battle, he sends living icicles against the cups, then calls in a huge Snowlem that throws waves of snow and giant ice cubs, and finall turns into a living snowflake to fire icy projectiles and magic bolts.
- Dark Devotion: The boss Aureus is an archer whose magical arrows create patches of ice on the floor, making it harder for the player to avoid his attacks or those of his partner Elinor.
- Deltarune: Noelle has an IceShock spell. It can freeze enemies solid. She can learn another ice spell, Snowgrave, which is described as "Fatal."
- The Desolate Hope: Amos since his room was frozen. Once unlocked, he has ice attacks.
- Destiny 2: The Beyond Light expansion added three new subclasses harnessing a new power source called "Stasis" which manifests as ice-based powers. Worryingly, however, Stasis is stated to be a manifestation of the Darkness, the same way that Arc, Solar, and Void are manifestations of the Traveler's Light, making it also a case of Bad Powers, Good People at best, and quite possibly The Corruption at worst.
- Disgaea:
- Yukimaru and Fubuki from Disgaea 2 come from a clan of ninjas from a hidden snow village, so all of their character-specific special techniques involve snow and ice. Rozalin also specilizes in ice magic, which is one of several clues towards her also being a member of the Snow Clan.
- Pram from Makai Kingdom and Mao from Disgaea 3 have ice as their primary element.
- The Holy Dragons in both of the aforementioned Disgaea titles have an affinity for ice, and combine it with light in their special attacks .
- Snowballs from the Doom mod Angelic Waifus are ice angels that shoot frozen shards of holy water at their opponents.
- Dota 2 has no less than five ice users, mostly mages, but physical fighters are also also present. Heroes focused on ice exclusively include Crystal Maiden and her mentor Lady Blueheart, Lich, Ancient Apparition, Drow Ranger, Tusk and Winter Wyvern. Those who wield other elements alongside ice are: Invoker, using icy Quas as one of three elemental essences he mastered and which influences 6 out of 10 spells he can invoke; Jakiro's ice head who handles the regular autoattacks, contributes the slows to Dual Breath and can create an instant glacier as the Ice Path ability; Dragon Knight, who at the third level of Dragon Form can become an ice dragon. Among creeps, there are middle camp Ogre Frostmages, small camp Ghosts who wield Frost Attack, and Ancient Frostbitten Golems with Ancient Ice Shamans from ancient camps.
- Dragon's Crown: The Sorceress seems to have ice as her primary element. Not only does she have Ice Prison as her most versatile spell and Blizzard as her most powerful spell, but she also uses an ice staff as her starting weapon.
- Dragon Quest series:
- Dragon Quest III:
- Along with their fire spells, Mages and Sages also get access to the Icebolt line of spells.
- Kacrackle, the strongest ice-elemental spell, is Zoma's attacking spell of choice. Not only that, but he can also attack with freezing breath, and even his aforementioned Disruptive Wave ability is described as "icy" in certain translations. This specialization is retained in future games in which Zoma appears as a Superboss, such as the Monsters subseries and DQ IX.
- Dragon Quest IV: Borya begins with freezing spell Crack in contrast to fellow spell slinger Maya who starts with fire magic Frizz instead.
- Dragon Quest V:
- Madchen has a main development on ice-based magic.
- At least two Bosses -the Winter Queen and King Korol- have an Ice-based attack called Cold Breath.
- Dragon Quest VI: Milly learns ice spells with no class-changing needed.
- Dragon Quest VII:
- When you fight Nava, she uses Ice Bolt, Snow Storm, and Ice Slash.
- In battle, High Priestess Jacqueline attacks with the Crackle / Snow Storm spell.
- Dragon Quest VIII:
- Jessica can learn how to cast ice spells.
- Downplayed. Dhoulmagus and his clones resist ice magic (and the main one also resists icy breath attacks). His One-Winged Angel form is that much more resistant to ice and also resists fire... but is curiously much more susceptible to dance.
- Dragon Quest IX: Mages learn the Crack line of cold-based spells.
- Dragon Quest XI:
- If the Luminary or Hendrik uses greatswords, they can learn to attack a group of enemies with ice using Frost Fangs.
- Veronica and Rab both learn most of the Crack family spells as they levels up, though only Rab is capable of learning the ultimate ice spell, Kacrackle.
- By training in spears, Serena and Jade can learn the powerful Crushed Ice attack that hits enemies multiple times with a frozen spear. It is their strongest physical attack in terms of raw damage so long as the target doesn't resist ice.
- Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and The Blight Below: Meer's primary element is ice and she's quite capable of using it to freeze enemies. Throw in a dash of Shock and Awe when learning Zap.
- Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twin Kings and the Prophecy's End: Jessica's spells all come from the Crackle line of ice magic.
- By default, any monster with an ice skill set from Dragon Quest Monsters.
- Dragon Quest III:
- In Dubloon, Russel, Captain FC and Admiral Steel all specialize in ice magic.
- Dynasty Warriors: Ice is a common weapon attribute. Depending on the game, it may or may not be intrinsic. Some of them seem to be more natural in creating ice out of nowhere without any assistance of weapons, such as Cao Pi, Takatora Todo and Lady Hayakawa.
- Ana in EarthBound Beginnings, Paula and Poo in EarthBound (1994), and Kumatora in Mother 3 can use PK Freeze and its variations. This is represented in Smash Bros. with Lucas having access to it.
- The Elder Scrolls
- Frost-based spells are available throughout the series as part of the Destruction school of magic, which includes the entire Fire, Ice, Lightning trio. While its exact effects vary depending on the game, Frost spells tend to do the least direct damage, but typically have secondary effects of slowing the movement speed of targets after they've been hit as well as draining the target's Stamina. This makes Frost spells especially effective against enemy melee combatants, with the exception of the Frost-resistant Nords.
- Frost Atronachs are a type of unaligned lesser Daedra who are essentially the Elemental Embodiment of Frost. They appear throughout the series, typically being immune to Frost damage while dishing out powerful Frost spells of their own.
- While Ogres are normally a type of Dumb Muscle Giant Mook, Wrothgar Ogres are known to be capable spellcasters with a preference for Frost-based magic.
- In the series' backstory, the Snow Prince was a Falmer (Snow Elf) One-Man Army who very nearly turned the tide of the war against the Nords, who were attempting to drive the Falmer to extinction. The Snow Prince was a master of ice magic to the point that he was described as being "surrounded by snow and ice" as he cut a bloody swath through the Nords.
- Enchanted Arms: The Queen of Ice. Appearance and personality-wise, she appears to be an Expy of Edea and Ultimecia, although, instead of throwing ice or summoning a familiar that can, she's made out of ice and is the familiar.
- Eternal Card Game: The Primal faction has many cards that freeze enemy units. Rimescale Draconis is a dragon that permanently freezes any exhausted units the enemy has.
- Eternal Fighter Zero: Shiori Misaka, who creates various temporary weapons out of ice, in addition to the usual ice beams and icicle attacks. Her ice powers are a reference to her love for snow and iced things in the visual novel.
- Fate/stay night and its spin-offs originally didn't quite bother with elements, but eventually in Fate/Grand Order, they introduced the Caster Servant Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova who somehow had the power to control ice thanks to being the Grand Duchess of Russia which is constantly snowing. She also has a shadowy assistant called Viy (yes, that Viy) to either assist her in ice magic or do its own destructive acts.
- Final Fantasy:
- The summon Shiva is a prime example of this trope, wielding her (yes, her) Signature Move Diamond Dust to deal ice damage to either a wide area or to all enemies. Final Fantasy XI has her protocrystal in the Grim Up North, for crying out loud.
- Level Grinding Celes in Final Fantasy VI will make her learn all three levels of Ice/Blizzard magic without the aid of Magicite (she's one of two characters who can learn magic by level grinding; the other is Terra who learns Fire spells).
- Edea in Final Fantasy VIII shoots a piercing shard of ice as her Limit Break. It's not a huge part of her character, but certain events gave it a strong association in the players' memories.
- Mateus is Shiva's replacement in Final Fantasy XII, a merfolk... creature that uses an ice goddess as a Living Battery. This makes him the game's ice summon, able to use Flash Freeze as a standard ability, Frostwave as a Limit Break when summoned, and Blizzaja as a Desperation Attack when fought as a boss.
- Snow of Final Fantasy XIII learns the Blizzard series of spells, including Blizzaga (and Water), but no Fire or Thunder spells. He also gets to summon Shiva.
- In Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy Tifa specializes in the Blizzard line of spells, to make her something of a counterpart to her canonmate Cloud.
- Subverted in Fire Emblem. The Fimbulvetr and Blizzard spells have names and visual effects usually associated with ice magic...however, they're actually listed as wind tomes, since FE's anima magic doesn't include ice (only Wind, Fire and Thunder). Fire Emblem Fates zigzags the trope with the Ice Tribe. They live in a cold territory, and some of them (primarily Felicia and Flora) have some ice-based powers... however, the ice powers are mostly cosmetic with little effect in battle, barring one cutscene in an early Revelation chapter. Fire Emblem: Three Houses has Blizzard and Fimbulvetr appear as Reason magic and classified as its own type among the magic-users who can use it, but it is unknown whether or not it's a subset of Wind magic, for the reasons listed before.
- Freddy Frostbear in Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery. Unlike the Shamrock version of Freddy who's just a Palette Swap, Freddy Frostbear actually ices up the screen to interfere with the game unless the player shakes their phone.
- Freedom Force has the former Soviet spy turned supervillain Nuclear Winter and his minions.
- Neera Li from Freedom Planet is a priestess/police chief wielding an ice staff as her primary weapon, and most of her attacks involve the mythical Frost Arts.
- In Gems of War, the Ice Witch unit is as advertised. She's covered with icicles and has a special ability called Aura of Ice.
- Genshin Impact: anyone with a Cryo vision. They tend to use their Cryo powers in different ways, but all have something about them that needs to be thawed out. They are also great with dealing with Pyro and Hydro foes.
- Ghouls vs. Humans: Frostbite is an ice elemental born from the "doomed souls in the Arctic", who avenges the deaths of those who are murdered or betrayed in the icy desert. He looks like a giant, floating skull made of ice and has the power of an icy breath, as well as powerful icy armor.
- Gift (2001) has the Blue Crystal power which makes the titular character's Magic Staff glowing blue and gives him ability to freeze water, lava or some heated objects.
- Gigantic: Pakko is a frost titan and possesses a natural ability to control ice. Since he is still a child, he uses his powers in playful ways, like throwing snowballs or turning his enemies into snowmen.
- Mercury Adepts in the Golden Sun series specialize their Psynergy in Water, but also Ice spells, such Mia and Piers, of the first game and Golden Sun: The Lost Age respectively. Rief and Amiti in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn fit as well.
- Your last spell in Graven is ice magic, allowing you to cast a freezing mist that damages enemies. You can also use this spell to create an Improvised Platform - in rivers and lakes too deep to swim across, you use the ice spell to create an impromptu bridge instead.
- Near the end of Grow Maze: Near the end, you encounter a monster made of ice who prevents you from advancing by pushing you with an icy wind.
- Heroes Rise: Wintry has ice Powers that enable her to project icy blasts, create winter storms on command, and flash-freeze anything, including fire. She's also got mild Power Incontinence- the temperature around her is constantly a few dozen degrees lower than normal, and just touching her, as the player finds out, is enough to instantly turn one's body numb.
- Honor of Kings: Wang Zhaojun, one of the Four Beauties of Ancient China, is depicted as an ice mage, her kit became the basis of Arena of Valor's Diao Chan (ironically she's also in this game, but she doesn't use ice magic). At least she also supports this appearance-wise, wearing white-snowy based outfit (which somehow still reveals some spots in her skin)
- House of the Dead: The fourth game has the Final Boss, World, who has cryokinesis and was possibly created to cause a new Ice Age and "return humans to their natural state". In the first phase, he can create ice showers and ice flowers, while in the second stage, he can conjure ice dragons. By the third phase, he gains the ability to fly and becomes invincible to bullets, forcing James to sacrifice himself by initiating the PDA's self-destruct mechanism.
- Hungry Shark Evolution: The Ice Shark, which exhales frost that can freeze almost anything solid.
- Inazuma Eleven sports two teams associated with ice: the first is Hakuren, a team of Hokkaido children, whose captain is Shiro Fubuki, who is able to perform both the effective Ice Ground (a ball-stealing technique that freezes the enemy while Fubuki skates through an ice field) and the outstandingly powerful Eternal Blizzard (a powerful shot that is performed by making the ball spin in midair, absorbing cold air, then striking it with all one's might). The second one is Diamond Dust, led by Gazelle and his mighty kick, Northern Impact (he disappears and then shoots the ball from an ice field).
- Incredible Dracula 6: The Ice Kingdom has the Ice Queen, whose intentions are to turn Dracula's kingdom into a giant freezer.
- inFAMOUS 2 has Lucy Kuo and the Vermark 88 men who Cole releases when saving Lucy. If you go for the good side of the Karma Meter, Cole can become one of these as well.
- In Kickle Cubicle, Kickle has the power to freeze enemies in ice blocks by breathing on them.
- Kingdom Hearts:
- The Blizzard line of spells from the Final Fantasy games appears throughout the series, usually as either a single frozen projectile or as a Spread Shot depending on the game and spell level.
- The Ice Titan is a Superboss from the first game, and Hades uses a knock-off version in Birth by Sleep to try to defeat Aqua. The Titan returns with its brethren in Kingdom Hearts III.
- Mad Scientist Vexen is the ice user of Organization XIII. His abilities in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories include freezing Sora solid and creating spikes and blades of ice. Against Riku, he wields the Diamond Dust ability, a blizzard that covers the entire battlefield followed by an icy shockwave.
- In Kingdom Hearts II, the first boss battle in Agrabah is two djinn Heartless, one empowered by ice and the other by fire.
- In Kingdom Hearts 0.2: Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-, Aqua's Spellwaver command style is changed to an ice-themed Formchange. Her finishing move is a massive ice crystal instead of the whorl of Pure Energy that she used in Birth By Sleep. The Mirror Monster doppelganger from the World Within wields the same ability plus several other icy powers against her.
- In Kingdom Hearts III, the final boss of Arendelle is Sköll, an icy wolf Heartless who shares its name with a Norse beast fated to devour the sun at Ragnarok. Naturally, Elsa and Marshmallow also count. A darkness-corrupted Aqua also wields darker versions of her doppelganger's abilities from 0.2.
- Killer Instinct: Glacius is an alien made of ice.
- The King of Fighters has Kula Diamond, who debuted in 2000; Kula's powers are a manipulated form of Kyo's pyrokinesis, in such way that it allows her to control ice, and serves as a foil to the flames. Kula's ice powers also changes the color of her hair from strawberry-blonde to light blue, and her eyes from blue to magenta.
- Kirby:
- Both Ice and Freeze Kirby can freeze enemies into ice blocks.
- Enemies include, but not limited to: Pengi, Chilly, Mr. Frosty, Ice Dragon, and Snoppy.
- Francisca from Kirby Star Allies wields an ice axe and uses ice-themed attacks.
- League of Legends has several characters that use ice in some way, Anivia, Lissandra and Nunu use ice magic while Ashe, Braum, Sejauni and Trundle wield magical artifacts. Coincidentally all of them have the ability to slow opponents.
- The Legend of Dragoon: Meru is technically the Blue Sea Dragoon, but her magic attacks are Freeze Ring and Diamond Dust.
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails:
- Trails from Zero: Tio's Absolute Zero Limit Break, Mega Zero Cannon and Cold Gehenna reflect her elemental slant towards Water.
- Trails of Cold Steel: Jusis' Treasure Sword Craft and first S-Craft Crystal Saber involve freezing the enemies in a large radius before slashing them.
- Trails into Reverie: Rem's attacks like her "Ransetsu" craft have ice-like properties whenever she swings her sword.
- The Legend of Spyro:
- Ice is one of Spyro's four elemental abilities. Its associated powers vary between installments, but usually start out as the ability to launch volleys of icy shards and progress to include things like creating temporary platforms in bodies of water, freezing enemies solid to expose them to further attacks, and blasting wide areas with waves of icicles and freezing wind.
- The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning: The Ice King can exhale clouds of icy mist, which he uses both as an attack and to reform his weapons.
- The Legend of Zelda:
- The franchise has several ice-based enemies and are usually found in frozen climates. They include Freezards, Ice Bubbles, Ice Keese, Eenos, Mini-Freezards, Chilfos, Wizzrobes, White Boes and White Wolfos.
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past:
- Kholdstare protects itself with a shield of ice and causes blocks of it to falls from the ceiling.
- Trinexx's blue head can spit ice, leaving trails on the floor. Link must stun it with the Fire Rod before attacking it.
- Morpha from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Goht from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask are somehow responsible for the eternal winters in the areas affected by their temples, yet they show no affiliation towards the element in their battles.
- Kotake is a witch who attacks with ice, while her twin sister, Koume, attacks with fire, and after a few hits, regardless of which sister taking the most hits, the two eventually fuse together to become Twinrova, which has the combined powers of both witches. With the Sorceress Sisters appearing as bosses in Ocarina of Timenote and the Oracle Series gamesnote , the gimmick of their boss fight is you have to reflect a blast of magic fired from one sister to the other; since Kotake attacks with ice, Koume is weak to it, and vice-versa, then the two fuse together afterwards. However, the sorceress sisters appear as allies in Majora's Mask, with Kotake owning a potion shop in the Southern Swamp, while Koume is in charge of the Swamp Tourist Center.
- In the Oracle games, while the twin witches count, Seasons also has the miniboss of the Sword and Shield Maze, Frypolar, who, while in ice form, attacks by creating pillars of ice rising from the ground. In its fire form, it shoots multiple fiery geysers that will harm Link upon contact. When Frypolar is in ice form, Link has to damage it with Ember Seeds, but when in fire form, Link has to attack it with the icy pillars it created in its ice form. Link can also fire Mystery Seeds at it to make it change elements faster.
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: Blizzeta, the Twilit Ice Mass, the fifth boss fought in the Snowpeak Ruins, is actually a friendly Yeti named Yeta, who had gotten her hands on a fragment of the Mirror of Twilight, and defeating Blizzeta will revert Yeta back to her old self, allowing Link to recover the fragment.
- Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime: Orion coats itself in icy armor and fires sharp chunks of ice at the players' spaceship.
- Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals: Selan specializes in ice magic.
- MapleStory:
- Adventurer Magicians can choose to specialize as an Ice/Lightning Mage. The higher tiers focus more on the An Ice Person part than the Shock and Awe part.
- Aran, a playable Living Legend warrior who mixes spear combat with ice powers. (Ironically, this comes after having been sealed in ice for centuries as a Human Popsicle.)
- Mass Effect: Not elemental per se, but in the second and third games Commander Shepard is the only squad member with access to the Cryo Ammo power that allows their guns to freeze enemies solid and shatter them. Truthfully, only one out of the six classes Shepard can be lacks a freeze power (Soldiers, Vanguards and Infiltrators get Cryo Ammo, Sentinels and Engineers get Cryo Blast).
- Monster Hunter averted the trope with the first-generation games, but has played straight ever since thanks to the addition of ice-based monsters:
- Monster Hunter 2 (dos):
- Blangonga is a snow-dwelling Fanged Beast capable of exhaling a freezing ice breath at the hunter. Also, due to its adaptation to live in snowy mountains, it has also learned to throw large snowballs and chunks of frozen dirt at its enemies.
- Played with Kushala Daora. Its wind-based attacks inflict ice damage when it's being hunted in snowy areas, such as Snowy Mountain in the second-generation games or Frozen Seaway in the fourth-generation ones. When fought in a warm environment, this Elder Dragon is merely a Blow You Away creature.
- Monster Hunter Freedom 2:
- Giadrome is the King Mook of the smaller Giaprey, and like them it can spit cold fluids at the hunter, which deals ice damage (and in later games, this causes the stamina meter to decrease more quickly).
- The Updated Re-release Freedom Unite has Ukanlos, the snowy cousin of the volcanic Akantor. On top of being able to traveling under the frozen ground easily, it can exhale a powerful torrent of icy breath. Also, when it's angry, it pops out of the ground so rapidly that it lifts large chunks of snow capable of causing ice damage (and, in later games, covers the hunter in snow, impeding their action power).
- Monster Hunter 3 (Tri): Barioth is a white-colored Flying Wyvern with orange fangs capable of creating snowy cyclones. On rare occasions, it will also spit icy fluids at the hunter.
- Monster Hunter Portable 3rd:
- Jade Barroth is a subspecies that live in snowy regions, contrasting the standard Barroth's preference towards deserts. Thus, instead of attacking hunters and preys with mud or dust, it relies on shaking itself to drop dense snowy debris capable of impairing a hunter's mobility.
- Glacial Agnaktor is a subspecies that stands out from its volcanic parent species by inhabiting snowy biomes instead. As a result, whereas the standard Agnaktor aims to cover its weak points with rock-hard layers and attacks by shooting fire beams, the subspecies covers its weak points with layers reinforced with hard snow and attacks with freezing ice beams.
- Monster Hunter 4:
- Zamtrios is a huge, shark-like Amphibian that can perform several ice-based attacks. In its standard form, it can shoot a powerful ice beam from its mouth (and depending on the hunting quest's rank, it can either turn around slowly while it shoots it, or rapidly spin to catch unprepared preys and hunters). When it's angry, it can apply an ice shield to its body, making it harder for hunters to inflict damage onto it unless they're using a fire-based weapon. In its inflated form, it can shoot multiple icy fuilds in succession while it turns around, though they're easy to avoid. Lastly, when it's deflating, its whole body can expel a cold gale that inflicts ice damage to the hunter, as well as make its stamina meter decrease more quickly.
- Oroshi Kirin is a subspecies that replaces the Shock and Awe traits of its parent species (the Kirin) with ice-based powers. Not only can it shoot large ice crystals from its horn, but as it gallops it can leave traces made of ice which are harmful. And when it's angry, it covers much of its body with an ice barrier, making it much harder for hunters to hit it.
- Monster Hunter Generations introduces Gammoth, an enormous mammoth-like Fanged Beast that inhabits snowy mountains and tundras. It can use its large trunk to exhale freezing gales onto its enemies, or even onto itself to protect its body with layers of thick snow. It can also shoot ice balls from the trunk, as well as perform large stomps to lift chunks of snow to cause area-of-effect damage.
- Monster Hunter: World has many monsters of this kind, though only Legiana was present in the base game (there wasn't even a Slippy-Slidey Ice World area at first), with the others appearing in the expansion Iceborne:
- Legiana is a large Flying Wyvern that uses the membranes located in the back of its neck to blow cold winds to attack its prey (and hunters during battle). The Shrieking variant, introduced in Iceborne, has an even greater control of its chilling abilities thanks to its quick adaptation into the Hoarfrost Reach (the standard species usually inhabits warmer areas like Coral Highlands).
- Introduced in Iceborne, Beotudus is a Piscine Wyvern similar to Jyuratodus and Lavasioth; but instead of covering itself in mud or lava respectively, it opts for snow. It is capable of navigating through ice and snow with ease, and can fling the snow that covers its body onto hunters during battle, not unlike Jade Barroth.
- The flagship monster of the Iceborne expansion is Velkhana, a majestic-looking (yet lethal) Elder Dragon that looks like a slender, non-metallic version of Kushala Daora. It uses its ore-infused scales to spew a supercooled fluid which, upon touching the ground, creates spiky chunks of ice that explode near-instantly. The fluid can also freeze small monsters, and for a brief moment it can also freeze hunters.
- A post-release update for Iceborne introduces Frostfang Barioth, a variant of Barioth whose ice powers are strengthened to the point of them being at sub-zero temperature, like exhaling a cold breath similar to that of Velkhana (including the ability to leave a chilling trail on the ground), or shooting explosive ice projectiles with a major Knockback power.
- Monster Hunter: Rise:
- Goos Harag is a sturdy Fanged Beast that inhabits cold regions, and has the ability to freeze its own arms to deliver punches that inflict additional damage due to the ice (think of it as the ice equivalent of Glavenus and the sharpening of its tail to perform fiery slashes or slams).
- The Sunbreak expansion introduces Lunagaron, a Fanged Wyvern that takes cues from werewolves and is powerful enough to be identified as one of the Three Lords (alongside Garangolm and Malzeno). Thanks to the unique thermorregulation process of its biological system, it is capable of chilling the air it inhales and use it to create a sharp ice carapace similar to the one used by Zamtrios to protect its body. Lunagaron tends to prefer cold habitats like Frost Islands and the snowy zone of the Citadel, but is also capable of surviving in warmer biomes like the Shrine Ruins and the Jungle.
- Aurora Somnacanth, a subspecies introduced in Sunbreak, trades the water, explosive and sophomore attacks of its warm cousin for the ability to shoot ice beams, and it can also swiftly swim through cold water as well as slide across frozen water and snowy terrain.
- Monster Hunter 2 (dos):
- Sub-Zero of Mortal Kombat has his signature move freezing his opponent solid for a free hit, and his tons and tons of fatalities including freezing the opponent and wrecking them in many ways to death. And his pupil, Frost, for that matter. The first Sub-Zero, Bi-Han, was neutral/bordering on evil and was killed by Scorpion (and then switches over into using darkness when he becomes Noob Saibot). The second, Kuai-Liang, was his younger brother, who started off attempting to complete his brother's hit, but ended up becoming a genuinely heroic figure, thanks in large part to Shao Kahn temporarily taking over Earth and his ninja clan's insane plan to turn all of its members, including his friend Smoke, into soulless cyborgs.
- Mega Man:
- Lots of Robot Masters in Mega Man (Classic): Ice Man, Blizzard Man, Cold Man, Freeze Man, Frost Man, Chill Man, Tundra Man, etc. There are also Reploids of Zero and ZX with ice powers.
- ROM Hack Rockman No Constancy turns Wood Man into this.
- X series: Chill Penguin from X1, Blizzard Buffalo from X3, Frost Walrus from X4, Tidal Makkoeen/Duff McWhalen from X5, Blizzard Wolfang from X6, and Avalanche Yeti from X8.
- Python from Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops is a particularly inexplicable example. His powers come from the mastery of liquid nitrogen.
- Samus from Metroid has the Ice Beam, which can freeze most enemies in place even in the air and is the weakness of the Metroids. In Metroid Fusion, she also gains Ice Missiles, which do the same thing. There's also Noxus from Metroid Prime: Hunters (his Judicator weapon functions mostly the same as the Ice Beam), Rundas from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (has numerous ice attacks and can also make floating "slides" that he can travel on), and E.M.M.I.-05IM from Metroid Dread (its scan light can freeze Samus on contact).
- Nintendo Land: In the Metroid Blast attraction, there are some space pirates that shoot ice as opposed to actual damaging shots, and fire three times as many shots to make up for it. Also, Ice Ridley, a Palette Swap of Ridley.
- The Nintendo Wars games Advance Wars: Black Hole Rising and Dual Strike have Olaf, whose army is immune to the effects of snow on the battlefield and whose (Super) CO Power makes it snow for two days.
- Odin Sphere: Gwendolyn is capable of using Ice Skills in the remake. Cyclone bottles and Whirlwind potions, which are used by all members of the cast, also contain ice properties.
- Ōkami: The last brush technique, Blizzard, is received from Itegami (the god of ice) in Kamui. With it, Amaterasu can use sources of ice to attack enemies, as well as employ a secret technique (Icestorm) to cast a powerful (albeit ink-costly) icicle rain.
- Since Onmyoji is all about Japanese mythology, it has Yuki-onna, who is also an Emotionless Girl to boot. Also, equipping any shikigami with four Setsuyūkon (Ice Phantom) mitama turns them into an Ice Person.
- Ova Magica: One aspect of the Storm type is ice, which is reflected by skills such as Aurora Shards and Ice Crystal. There are several Storm blobs that can only be found during Frigus, the equivalent of winter.
- Overwatch: Mei-Ling Zhou has her entire ability set centered on ice and cold. Her primary weapon fires a short-range stream of supercooled vapor that damages and slows enemies, while the alternate fire shoots icicles at medium range. She can create ice walls to block movement and line of fire, seal herself in an iceblock to heal and become temporarily invulnerable, and her ultimate ability creates a localized blizzard that slows and freezes all enemies in the area.
- Pac-Man:
- One power up in Pac & Pal is a snowman that temporarily allows Pac-Man to breath icy wind from his mouth, which will temporarily encase any ghosts that it hits in a block of ice.
- The Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures series has the Ice Pac form, which allows Pac-Man to attack ghosts with a beam of ice that he fires from his mouth, freezing them solid and leaving them helpless against his chomp attack.
- Paladins: Evie, the Winter Witch, is a Flank champion that specializes in ice for most of her abilities. Her main weapon is an ice staff that fires slow, but powerful blasts of ice. She can encase herself in a block of ice to shield from damage and her ultimate conjures a blizzard that damages, slows, and cripples enemies. Her only abilities that don't involve ice are her Blink ability and her Soar ability.
- Ice plants in the Plants vs. Zombies series have the ability to slow down oncoming zombies, but their freezing effects are negated by fire, even fire created by friendly plants. While there are many ice plants in the almanac, the Snow Pea is one of the most recurring (a variant of Series Mascot Peashooter), followed by Winter Melon (a powerful icy variant of the Melon-Pult). Most ice attacks only slow down enemies, but Ice-Shroom and Iceburg Lettuce stand out by completely freezing enemies in their tracks.
- Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time: This game introduces Iceberg Lettuce, Hurrikale, and Cold Snapdragon along with returning plants Snow Pea and Winter Melon.
- Plants vs. Zombies: Heroes:
- The strategic deck of Sombra Verde "Winter Melon is Coming" consists of several plants that are made of ice, the already known ones are Iceberg Lettuce, Snow Pea and Winter Melon, but the newest ones are Snowdrop, Chilly Pepper, Cool Bean, Winter Squash, etc. This deck consists of using those ice plants to be able to freeze the zombies and thus have an advantage in the game.
- Brain Freeze is a zombie hero who uses his ice powers to freeze plants to prevent them from attacking in the next turn, his superpower is "Frozen Tundra" which allows him to freeze all the plants that are on the ground. In many of the comics where he appears, he can freeze hot environments just by using his powers.
- Pokémon:
- The Ice-type is one of the best offensive types in the game, super-effective against Grass, Ground, Flying, and most importantly Dragon. Moreover, Ice-type moves (especially Ice Beam and Blizzard) can be learned by nearly all Water-type Pokemon and a large number of other Pokemon. Nearly all Ice attacks have a chance of freezing the opponent solid, completely immobilizing it (and in Gen 1 they couldn't defrost without an item, a trip to the Pokemon Center, or being hit with a Fire-based attack), and some lower the opponent's speed. Defensively, however, Ice is one of the worst types, resisting only itself and being weak to Fire, Rock, Fighting, and Steel. Ice-type Pokemon themselves tend to have either high attack or special attack and mediocre to good speed, but low defenses and HP. The only Ice-type Pokémon in the two highest tiers of the metagame is Kyurem and its Formes, although it was later joined by Galarian Darmanitan.
- Currently, there are ice-type Pokémon trainers in every generation: Lorelei of the Kanto Elite Four, Gym Leader Pryce of Johto's Magohany Town, Glacia of the Hoenn Elite Four, Gym Leader Candice of Sinnoh's Snowpoint City, Gym Leader Brycen of Unova's Icirrus City, Zinzolin of Team Plasma (Unova's crime syndicate), Gym Leader Wulfric of Kalos' Snowbelle City, Sina, Gym Leader Melony of Galar's Circhester City, and Gym Leader Grusha of Paldea's Glaseado Mountain. Notice a trend?
- Blizzard, the benevolent gorilla god of Primal Rage, breathes freezing air and summons ice pillars from the ground. His coloration is also ice-like, with pure white fur over blue skin.
- RosenkreuzStilette: Freudia Neuwahl, although she also has a laser. She expands on this in her own installment, Freudenstachel, where she modifies her ice powers to match her friends' weapons.
- RuneScape: To'Kash the Bloodchiller and Astea Frostweb (also a spider summoner) on the frozen set of Dungeoneering floors, both of whom can freeze the player in a block of ice; Icy Bones, who surrounds the players with ice spikes and freezes those who aren't next to him; Kamil, the boss guarding the ice diamond in Desert Treasure and its dessert-based expy/homage Karamel from the last part of Recipe for Disaster; and Lucien's ice titans, which can freeze the player in ice blocks, and ice demons, which create ice spikes around the player, trapping them in one place if they don't move.
- Rimururu from Samurai Shodown. Sourced from a Nature Spirit.
- Uesugi Kenshin in Sengoku Basara has lots of ice-based moves, and it's his element as well. And if your name is 'Kasuga', he's VERY NICE. Other ice users here include Itsuki and Hojo Ujimasa. To drive the point home, his name was woolseyed in the first game to "Frost". The third game adds Tsuruhime and Yoshiaki Mogami. The former an energetic young girl whose skill with the bow allows her to shoot ice arrows at her enemies and the latter can create ice sculptures as well as use feints and counterattacks.
- Anri from Shining Force specializes in ice magic.
- Blanc Neige of Shining Tears, fittingly called 'Ice Witch', since all of her magic are ice based. And she's suspectible of being defrosted.
- Shin Megami Tensei
- In general, the Bufu line of skills, which is a common element in the series alongside Agi and Zio spells. The most powerful skill of this element depends on the game and can be Niflheim, Cold World, or special skills exclusive to one game.
- Notably, this is the element of Jack Frost, mascot of the franchise and Atlus as a whole. Most of his relatives and derivatives also focus on ice, the only exceptions being the fiery Jack-o-Lantern and dark Jack Ripper.
- In Shin Megami Tensei, ice was the only element none of your human party members have access to. In Shin Megami Tensei IV, to make up for it, Jonathan uses it along with Zan.
- Persona:
- Persona 2: Maya Amano. Even her non-ice attack Crescent Mirror can freeze.
- Persona 3: Mitsuru Kirijo has an array of ice spells in her disposal, thanks to her Persona. In Persona 4 Arena, she not only uses ice powers in fights, she wears a white fur coat as An Ice Suit.
- Persona 4 gives us two ice users: Chie Satonaka and Teddie. Moreso the latter since Chie is more a Kick Chick and stops learning ice spells around the time Teddie becomes a fighter. Ironically, one of the party members' names is Yukiko, and even though they lampshade in the game that it means snow, she actually uses fire skills.
- Persona 5: Yusuke Kitagawa, a.k.a. Fox, is the Ice user of the group, though he balances out with great physical attacks.
- Pikmin 4 introduces Ice Pikmin, who can freeze enemies and bodies of water when thrown at them.
- The Purple Moon in Skies of Arcadia produces the ice element, and the continent under the Purple Moon's orbit is akin to the north and south poles. Gilder can learn the ice spells faster than the other party members, and Ramirez has several Super Moves with an ice theme as well.
- Singular Stone: the playable Miku has this as her base power. Her main gameplay is to cause snow to fall on the map she currently in, which changes what enemies appears on the area and creates platforms made from ice blocks. Also, when she has both the Emergency Recovery and her Armor and then took a fatal hit, her attack changes from using her prehensile hair to firing ice beams.
- Skweek: Skweek's shots freeze enemies upon obtaining a powerup. Frozen enemies eventually break loose, but all the enemies can be frozen at once to instantly complete a stage.
- In Solomon's Key 2, the blocks that Dana creates become ice blocks useful for putting out fires.
- Spelling Jungle: In the sequel Spelling Blizzard, the Abominable Snowman can throw snowballs that daze Wali if he's hit by one.
- Smite:
- Ymir, the Father of Frost Giants, is basically a giant golem made of ice that breathes ice to freeze enemies, summons ice spikes or ice walls, and make a big explosion out of the ice shards on his body. He's kinda 'nice' too, in a way of being a Dumb Muscle. Just let him say "Hi!".
- Skadi the Goddess of Winter also uses ice, enchanted in her javelin or the ability to create slippery grounds or generating snowstorm around her and her wolf Kaldr. Her ice stings harder than Ymir's, being a Hunter/ADC, but she can break easier if concentrated on.
- In Stella Glow, the Water Witch Lisette learns the Ice Coffin spell as she gets stronger, which sends a barrage of icicles at her targets and can freeze them and water.
- In Street Fighter V, Gill's secretary Kolin fights using ice powers given to her by Gill. Her V-Trigger I puts the opponent into a frosty state where their stun gauge does not go down for a period of time, and if the opponent is stunned, they're completely frozen instead.
- Suikoden Tierkreis' Sphiel, a literal snow fairy. Although the True Water Rune can be held by any of the three main characters, Chris Lightfellow has the best affinity for it.
- Plenty on Super Mario Bros.:
- Mario can use the Ice Flower to gain ice-based powers in certain games. Mario becomes made of ice in Super Mario Galaxy but turns into a form that can shoot ice balls from New Super Mario Bros. Wii onward, which is visually based on his more famous Fire Mario form.
- Multiple games have had enemies and bosses made of ice or capable of using icy attacks, such as Freezies, Snow Pokeys, Frost Piranhas, Ice Puffs, Baron Brrr from Super Mario Galaxy, Chief Chilly from Super Mario 64 DS, the Crystal King from Paper Mario 64, Beldam of the Shadow Sirens from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Bonechill from Super Paper Mario, the Ice Vellumental from Paper Mario: The Origami King, Jojora from Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, and Blizzaurus from Super Princess Peach.
- Super Robot Wars D:
- Glacies pilots the Ruina mecha Fabularis, which controls ice.
- Also, in the Masou Kishin portion, the Water Herald Tytti Noorbuck (piloting Gaddeath) can use an ice area attack called Kelvin Blizzard. And in the Updated Re-release of Lord of the Elemental, the Hydro Pressure become Jotunheim, where she creates gigantic glaciers to finish enemies. The rest of her attacks are water-based though. When she gets into the roster of 2nd Super Robot Wars: Original Generation, Hydro Pressure also gains ice attributes.
- There's also the Shura General Maysis Mark, who uses Peirines, the Shura God that uses ice.
- Tales Series:
- Rutee Katrea from Tales of Destiny.
- Celsius, the Summon Spirit of Ice introduced in Tales of Eternia. For that matter, Celsius and her costume in Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3 and Tales of Eternia's Keele, who apparently was assigned both Celsius and Undine for that game.
- Veigue Lungberg, the main protagonist of Tales of Rebirth.
- Alice from Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. Witness her Limit Break in action here
. She uses fimbulvetr/winter which is the winter that precedes the the end of the world, so she is using the strongest ice attack in mythology.
- In Telepath RPG there are the white spriggats who use ice as a Breath Weapon, one of them called Grotius can join your team. Between chapter 2 and Telepath RPG servants of God (chapter 3), human psy users have learnt how to use ice powers too thanks to Grotius.
- Telepath Tactics: The cryokineticist class. The single-player campaign has Phoebe and Pathos, the latter of whom justifies it in her Pre-Asskicking One-Liner:
"I find it's best to bring down the subject's core body temperature before making any incisions. Let's make you fit for study."
- The Water type in Temtem has a few Ice-based attacks: Ice Cubes, Cold Geyser, Sharp Rain, Iced Stalactite, and Ice Shuriken. Some of these inflict the cold status condition, which changes to Harmless Freezing if it's inflicted again. Starting with the 0.9 update, the Digital-type Blue Screen technique freezes the target straight away. Oddly enough, the two Temtem associated with cold places — Momo and Yowlar — are Neutral type.
- Them's Fightin' Herds:
- Velvet is a reindeer who utilizes (and perfects) "Winter Magic". Which includes attacking with ice and frost.
- Stronghoof Hoofstrong, Velvet's father, also uses Winter Magic in some of his attacks, mostly by creating weapons out of ice.
- Horkeu Kamui from Tokyo Afterschool Summoners has ice powers thanks to the app's systems granting him the rule of Glaciation. Not only can he use them offensively, but he can also freeze poison from the body as well as burn out any kind of flame, including the metaphorical burning will to fight as he demonstrated to Claude.
- Total War: Warhammer: A number of ice-themed units exist among the various factions, which share a common white-and-light blue palette and the visual effect of clouds of frost following them as they move, in addition to the Frostbite mechanic which causes any unit they engage in melee to receive significant debuffs to their speed. These include the Norscan ice wolves, ice trolls and frost-wyrms and the Chill of Sontar, a unique variant of the Dark Elves' war hydras. The frost-wyrms and the Chill of Sontar also possess ice-based Breath Weapons.
- In Tsukihime, the 19th Dead Apostle Ancestor, Vlov Arkhangel, possesses the Principle of Freezing for his Idea Blood. This lets absorb the heat of his surroundings, dropping temperatures down to extremes bordering on absolute zero. He can focus this point linearly on a target, instantly killing them and flash-freezing anything caught in his attack radius, or spread it out as a massive blizzard capable of engulfing an entire city. Either way, normal humans cannot survive either. Even more egregious is the fact that Vlov doesn't normally utilize his Principle—instead, he uses an unintentional side-effect of his power, where heat not absorbed by him is released back into the world as excess. This lets him create his characteristic 3000°C flames, ones hot enough to destroy an entire downtown square with minimal effort. To make matters worse, he can charge up the Dead whose blood he sucks with either his Principle or the bastardized offshoot of it, creating walking bombs capable of causing even more destruction. And to think he's considered a "young upstart" compared to the older Dead Apostle Ancestors, who precede him by millennia.
- Under Night In-Birth: Londrekia Light uses ice-based EXS to fight, with one of his EX specials briefly freezing his opponent for a short moment. His Infinite Worth EXS also has him freezing his opponent in a crucifix of ice.
- In Unleash the Light, Lapis can prepare up to 3 Ice Shards, which she throws at all the enemies hit by her or other team members for bonus damage once per turn. However, she loses them each time she gets hit unless she has the Cold As Ice upgrade to prevent this.
- Vanguard Bandits allows any character who equips a Water Stone for their ATAC to use ice attacks. But in particular, there is Lord Alden the Ice Wolf.
- Visions & Voices: Elena is the only playable character that can use Cold spells.
- Warcraft:
- Liches will usually specialize in ice magic. Just look at Kel'Thuzad.
Kel'thuzad: I will FREEZE the blood in your veins!
- Frost magi (a common talent specialization for mages at lower levels who want to survive that first hit in PvP).
- Frost Wyrms and the new Death Knight class (which, like mages, can specialize in frost effects).
- Racial conflict => external enemy required => a threat to all life => "too hot" (demons) and "too cold" (undead); logic at work, simple and elegant world design.
- In terms of who's the frostiest class? In terms of raw number of (and amount of damage revolving around) frost spells, it is 1: frost mage 2: frost death knight 3: shaman 4: priest is getting a shadowfrost spell, so that's a half a spell for them.
- The Lich King Arthas also has a number of ice-based techniques in his arsenal, thanks both to his being a lich and his wielding of the evil ice-blade known as Frostmourne.
- Hodir, one of the guardians in Ulduar.
- Jaina Proudmoore is often associated with ice magic in spite being known as an universal archmage. When she is included in Heroes of the Storm, all of her skills are ice-related, excepting one possible ultimate that summons a Water Elemental (which still applies a freezing effect on attack). In spite of her more icy theme in the game, she's actually a warm-hearted Nice Girl in the incarnation, in the more modern World of Warcraft timeline, she's decidedly much colder and angrier in personality due to trauma.
- Liches will usually specialize in ice magic. Just look at Kel'Thuzad.
- Warframe: Cold is one of the four base elemental types, and has a chance to slow enemies down significantly. Any weapon can be modded to deal cold damage, many guns come with it by default, and the warframe Frost uses it almost exclusively.
- Wario Land:
- Wario Land II has the Yukimaru enemies, snowmen which shoots snowflakes that can freeze Wario and send him sliding away until he crashes into something.
- Wario Land 3 has the Brr Bear enemies, which are Expies of Yukimaru with the same abilities.
- In A Witch's Tale, Hansel's doll ability is to cast a powerful Frei spell.
- Witches' Legacy: Marcus and Mara in Witches' Legacy 8: Dark Days to Come make a habit of turning innocent people into ice statues.
- The Witcher video game series: The Wild Hunt has found a way to weaponize the apocalyptic ice age known as the White Frost, and carry snow and ice with them wherever they ride. Their methods of using ice magic include opening portals to worlds already swallowed by the White Frost, blasting freezing cold at their targets. Their attack hounds are likewise ice elementals.
- Wizard101 has the Thaumaturges, students of the Ice School. They have the best resistance to all spells but have the weakest attacks. They also have a nasty habit of being able to steal defensive wards and healing auras from enemies.
- The titular villain of Yuki Onna (2020) is a Youkai who pursues you throughout the game, and will start to freeze you to death with her ice breath if she's close enough.
- In Yume Nikki, one of the abilities you can find and equip is the "Yuki-Onna" Effect, which changes the player to look like the respective Youkai while also causing a snowstorm.
- In Zenless Zone Zero, some characters are capable of causing Ice Damage, freezing your opponents and leaving them vulnerable to even more damage while being unable to retaliate. Some of these include Von Lycaon of Victoria Housekeeping Co. and Miyabi of Hollow Special Operations.