Unlimited Psychic Squad
- ️Mon Nov 30 2020
Our newest brand of Zettai Karen Children, now with 300% more Kyousuke and 70% less children
A long time ago, Kyousuke Hyoubu was betrayed.
Unlimited Psychic Squad is the Darker and Edgier spin-off of Psychic Squad, following its antagonist, powerful ESPer, and known fugitive, Kyousuke, as he leads a notorious criminal organization composed of fellow ESPers, P.A.N.D.R.A., through its many trials.
Not all may be as it seems, however, as Andy Hinomiya finds out first-hand when Kyousuke invites him to join P.A.N.D.R.A. on a whim; there's a great amount of prejudice in the world against ESPers, and Kyousuke Hyoubu means to combat it, even with (or especially with) the use of force.
He cares a lot for the espers he saves, but little for the people who discriminate against them...as ever, though, there are people who would disagree with his methods—and they are still watching him, quite carefully.
Provide examples of:
- Affably Evil: The titular Villain Protagonist; he's either this or an Anti-Hero.
- All of the Other Reindeer: All the ESPers experience some form of this from Normals, but Andy has it from both Normals and ESPers - the former who see him as an ESPer, and the latter who discriminate against him because of the nature of his powers.
- Anti-Hero: Zigzagged frequently within two episodes with Kyousuke and his (otherwise easygoing) organization, to Andy's dismay — Kyousuke crosses the
Moral Event Horizon several times in the beginning of the first episode when he attracts the "attention" of the army by massacring them. While by the second episode it's implied that his mafia-like organization's intent is to protect espers from the prejudice they face, Kyousuke has an obvious disdain for 'normals'—but at the same time, the first episode has some really shitty ones for him to have to deal with.
- Anti-Magic: Andy's esper power is to nullify other esper's powers when they're in close proximity of him.
- Artistic License – Ships: The passenger liner in the beginning of episode 7 appears to be cruising backwards.
- Assassin Out Classin: P.A.N.D.R.A. saves Princess Sophie from being assassinated in episode 3. With Minamoto and Sakaki's indirect help, they even figure out who ordered the hit.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: Andy and Kyousuke in episode 11.
- Badass and Child Duo: Kyousuke and Yuugiri.
- Badass Crew: Every adult member of Kyousuke's crew, none more so than Kyousuke himself.
- Badass Finger Snap: One of Kyousuke's trademarks.
- Bad Guys Play Pool: Seen briefly in episode 2.
- Becoming the Mask: Hinomiya begins showing signs of this during episode 4.
- Battle Aura: Kyousuke when his Power Limiter is turned off, and Yugiri when she attacks the city while Brainwashed and Crazy.
- Benevolent Boss: Kyousuke's affection for P.A.N.D.R.A. in the beginning of the second episode provides a stark contrast for the Stuff Blowing Up present in the beginning of the first.
- Big Brother Instinct: After Yugiri warms up to Andy, this becomes a source of heartwarming moments between two, regardless of his not meaning to be a cool big brother, and of what certain members of the crew have to snark about it. It's even stronger between Yugiri and Kyousuke, who infiltrates the prison in the first episode to rescue her, often reassures her when she's shy or unhappy, and from whom he receives a touching birthday gift in turn.
- Big Damn Heroes:
- Kyousuke does a villainous version of this several times throughout the show.
- Kyousuke's henchmen save him and Andy in episode 11 after they're ambushed by Comerican forces while attempting to rescue Yugiri.
- Boom, Headshot!: Kyousuke suffers this in episode 8. Unfortunately for the shooter it doesn't kill him, and instead only seems to anger him.
- Bottomless Magazines: Averted and played straight in episode 11. Andy empties a handgun in a few shots and throws it away; but a bit later he steals a mook's machine gun, which never needs reloading despite his gratuitous bullet-spewing.
"THE UNLIMITED ammo," indeed.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Yugiri, who was kidnapped by Comerican agents, then something was done to her to turn her against espers. She is also being used to target New York's newly elected mayor, who is pro-esper and is attempting to normalize relations between humans and espers.
- Breather Episode:
- Episode 5 spends a lot of time in an amusement park, following an intense battle with B.A.B.E.L. from the previous episode, and right before the Comericans launch a massive attack on Kyousuke's ship to steal the MacGuffin from his ship.
- Episode 10 gives a slight break from all the crazy action from the previous episode, and leads into the next few episodes in which they have to stop anti-esper forces from attacking a pro-esper New York mayor, much like they had to do with Princess Sophie in episode 3.
- Brought Down to Badass: After overexerting himself from protecting the Catastrophe from entire fleets of navy ships in episode 9, Kyousuke has to severely tone down his use of his abilities for the sake of his already rapidly deteriorating health. This doesn't stop him from kicking ass with a steel pipe morphed into a katana, even if he could barely walk properly at times without the help of Andy.
- Brought Down to Normal: It's strongly implied that Andy used up all his powers to save Hyoubu at the end of the series, and can no longer use Power Nullifier abilities. However, the author himself hinted at the strong possibility of him regaining his powers one day.
- But Not Too Foreign: The American spy Andy is of course Japanese-American.
- But Now I Must Go: Andy, at the end.
- Butt-Monkey: A young Fujiko in the Imperial propaganda film during episode 7. While the other espers such as Kyousuke are presented in a positive light, the only contribution they included for her was of sleeping on the ground.
- The Cameo:
- The Nostalgia Critic and The Angry Video Game Nerd make a cameo appearance
in episode 5 after Andy stops Yugiri's illusion. Lupin III, dressed as a cop, is also seen right in front of them.
- League of Legends Pro HotshotGG appears in episode 12 as a bystander attending the mayor's inauguration address.
- The Nostalgia Critic and The Angry Video Game Nerd make a cameo appearance
- Cast Full of Pretty Boys: So far the main cast is composed largely of handsome, well-dressed men (and a boy in a school uniform, as seen above), though they have a beautiful young woman and a waifish (but potentially psychically-devastating and very young) girl to round off as well.
- Cheerful Child: Yugiri most of the time. Kyousuke also shows special treatment to her, such as allowing her to go outside shopping with Princess Sophie in episode 3 despite someone trying to assassinate her.
- Children Are Innocent: Yugiri seems this way. Kyousuke seems to give her special treatment, and when she asks to go outside with Princess Sophie in episode 3, he agrees to do it. He then casts a wide area hypnosis to make all women appear like the Princess to thwart the assassins from spotting her easily while the two enjoy shopping and eating out.
- Child Soldier: Fujiko and Kyousuke, as both of them join the Japanese Army's esper unit while they were kids.
- Cool Big Sis: A young Fujiko tries to be this for a young Kyousuke in episode 7. It doesn't go too well however, because of her abrasive and outspoken attitude, which was seen as very unusual during that time in Imperial Japan.
- Cooldown Hug: More like a Cooldown Pat when Kyousuke calms Yuugiri down in Episode 3.
- Credits Jukebox: It becomes like this after episode 3.
- Curb-Stomp Battle:
- Kyousuke often delivers these to his opponents, especially when he releases his limiter.
- Yugiri somehow manages to defeat Fujiko, Magi, Momoji, and Yoh in episode 11 rather effortlessly.
- Cynicism Catalyst: After the death of everyone in his unit (and what's later implied to be the Heel–Face Turn of his sister figure, Fujiko), the betrayal of his former father figure and commanding officer, Saotome, was ultimately what broke Kyousuke.
- Diegetic Soundtrack Usage: Kaoru sings the first few words for the opening song for the Psychic Squad anime right before the opening credits in episode 4.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Seishiro Utsumi, one of the Japanese army's esper soldiers in episode 7 due his long hair.
- Dwindling Party: Can be assumed at the end of episode 8, which does a small Time Skip from before World War 2 broke out to just after the first atomic bomb is dropped on Hiroshima. The Japanese esper unit, though powerful, are unable to turn the tide of the war, and almost every single one of them is at a minimum injured. But some screen flashes depicting the other members indicate they may have died in battle. Eiji Saotome, the commanding officer of the unit, mentions to Kyousuke that he's the only one who hasn't been hurt at all. He then tries to kill Kyousuke as well, to prevent him from falling into the hands of the Americans, along with trying to prevent him from leading an esper uprising against humanity.
- Enemy Mine:
- Minamoto and Sakaki indirectly end up helping Kyousuke figure out who was targeting Princess Sophie in episode 3 after they all learn about an assassination plot on her life.
- B.A.B.E.L. ends up helping P.A.N.D.R.A. after Fujiko senses something seems off with how obsessed some of the Comericans seemed to be regarding capturing Yugiri and the device aboard Kyousuke's ship.
- Evil Is Hammy: Kyousuke's speeches can sometimes appear this way, especially when talking to Minamoto.
- Evil Versus Evil: P.A.N.D.R.A. is labeled a terrorist organization, so having them fight against the Mafia in episode 2 can be seen as this. They also kidnap Princess Sofia of Monarch in episode 3, although the intention was to prevent her assassination by a human extremist group. In the last arc of the anime, Kyousuke ends up having to fight against his former commander, who somehow survived much like he did at the end of World War Two.
- Fantastic Racism: Despite their powers being explained as inherent psychic abilities, this is essentially the main drive of ESPers, with the philosophies of conflicting sides shown throughout the series for better or for worse.
- First-Episode Twist: Andy is a mole.
- Flash Step: Momiji's specialty, though Kyousuke's also very apt at teleportation as well.
- Genre Savvy: Kyousuke's very well aware of his affable evilness, as he lampshades his role in a one-on-one conversation with Andy as "a seventeen-year-old high school student at the head of an evil organization."
- Great Escape: The series kicks off with Kyousuke rescuing Yuugiri and Andy from an esper prison.
- Heartwarming Orphan: Yuugiri.
- Heel–Face Turn: Completed by Andy, in episode 9, after seeing Yuugiri being captured by his boss (and after being shot by him).
- Hero Antagonist: BABEL
- Hero of Another Story: The people who work for B.A.B.E.L., who are the main characters in Psychic Squad.
- Hidden Purpose Test
- Humans Are Bastards: Given the way they treat espers as subhuman, it's little wonder that Kyousuke holds almost all of them in contempt, and is trying to create a safe haven for them to enjoy life.
- I Just Want to Have Friends: Yugiri seemed rather lonely until she met Kyousuke.
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: Kyousuke does this to Yugiri to bring her back in episode 12 after he hypnosis ends up affecting a large area of New York.
- Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy:
- Guns would be a lot more effective in this world if the people who used them actually knew how to use them! Episode 11 shows a whole battalion of soldiers, snipers, and flying gun-bots are completely incapable of hitting Kyousuke or Andy, and they just sit there not shooting whenever the dialog calls for it.
- The author himself lampshades this, stating that "the Roombas must be experiencing a long processing time because they didn't know how to deal with the unexpected situation of two men revealing their true feelings to each other while standing butt-to-butt".
- I Surrender, Suckers!: Kyousuke had every intention of getting arrested to save Yuugiri, but boy, doesn't he make a show before literally just walking up to a half-beaten soldier and insisting his arrest.
- Inexplicably Identical Individuals: Utilized by Kyousuke in both episode 2 and 3, in the former by suddenly having numerous illusions of his own body pop up to confuse and alert Andy that not everything was as it seemed, and in the latter to hide Princess Sophie within the city during a public spectacle in which she endorsed normals working side by side with espers. It's basically large-scale hypnosis that works like a charm.
- Katanas Are Just Better: After being severely weakened from facing off against an entire navy fleet in episode 9, Kyousuke couldn't afford using his supernatural powers as frequently as he did before. Instead, Kyousuke turns a steel pipe into a katana and proceeds to demonstrate how he isn't a Squishy Wizard.
- The Kindnapper: P.A.N.D.R.A. abducts Princess Sophie in episode 3. Kyousuke then says it was Yugiri's idea, and they later find out she was being targeted for an assassination due to her work trying to help espers out.
- Large Ham:
- Kyousuke doesn't understand why normals don't just fall down bowing in awe before him and expresses it thus. A lot of his behavior seems purposeful so as to infuriate people, but even then his use of his the Unlimited and general gesturing and tone are often no less than thunderous.
- Subverted in later episodes, as his behavior in the first, possibly first few, episode(s) seemed more for show around normals and maybe Andy than anything else, and his personality comes off as much calmer later on, give or take.
- Lawyer-Friendly Cameo: The Nostalgia Critic and The Angry Video Game Nerd appear in the background of one episode
- Look Ma, No Plane!: "Queen" does this in the last episode.
- Macross Missile Massacre: The Comericans attempt this in episode 9 by launching a barrage of ship-based missiles at Kyousuke's ship.
- Magical Eye: Although at first it seems as though the strange ring of colored dots imply that Hinomiya secretly has numerous psychic powers, they're actually created from a special chip that his organization implanted in his body to keep track of him better via some high tech.
- Ms. Fanservice: Momiji has no problem going around with a lot of exposed cleavage, and there's a lingering Male Gaze shot from Andy's standpoint of her in a bathing suit in Episode 2.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Andy in episode 9 after finding out his boss is using the military to destroy Kyousuke's ship, along with detaining esper children and civilians in the boat. He is shot when confronting his boss about his treatment of "those monsters".
- Mysterious Waif: Yugiri, whose esper power is of hypnosis, and is wanted by a anti-esper rogue group within Comerica that wants to smear espers as dangerous creatures.
- New Meat: Andy when he joins Kyousuke's group.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: In episode 7, Fujiko causes a scene after trying to protect Kyousuke from a policeman, but her kick knocks him into a Naval officer, causing both men to fall. What makes this bad is that the Japanese Army and the Navy weren't exactly on good terms at the time, with both branches viewing the other as a nuisance that's taking away vital resources such as manpower and materials from them during a war.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: Kyousuke often acts Affably Evil. But when he releases his limiter, things tend to get destroyed, and people opposing him get seriously hurt or killed, depending on what his feelings for them are, such as Kaoru, or a Mafia boss who used to be friendly towards him.
- Older Than They Look:
- Kyousuke. Possibly only on the outside, since he's dying of either age or Definitely Just a Cold.
- Fujiko, who like Kyousuke, is much older than she appears. She was only a few years older than he was back before World War 2 started, as seen in episodes 7 and 8. Yet she only appears to be in her twenties, or no older than early thirties. When Andy tries to find out how old she is, she says it's rude to ask for a woman's age.
- Parental Substitute: Momiji's flashback implies that Kyousuke raised You, Momiji and Magi, and all three are devoted to him in turn; even You, despite his dismissals.
- Psychic Powers: A world full of psychics amid the more numerous 'normals', to be exact (with their powers ranging from Prehensile Hair to Telepathy to more chaotic material).
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Andy; it's very easy to forget the flashy opening by the end of the first episode when he finally reveals his identity, considering how much of a typical oblivious hero he'd otherwise been acting like throughout said episode.
- Person of Mass Destruction: The discrimination faced by espers because of this possibility/reality is apparent from the first episode on, and it really pisses Kyousuke off. It's a bit hypocritical of him, though; most espers don't have mass-destructive potential, but Kyousuke definitely does. And so does Yugiri.
- Pocket Protector: Andy's limiter stops his boss's bullet from entering his body in episode 9.
- Power Incontinence: Seems to be the reason why Kyousuke keeps his Power Limiter on most of the time. His excessive, uncontrollable power is causing his health to deteriorate. In the last episode, it starts going AWOL and destroys his limiter, but Andy manages to shut it off before he becomes an unwitting Person of Mass Destruction.
- Power Limiters: Kyousuke provides a specially-crafted one for Andy; probably for the best considering what happens when other espers come to close to him and his current surroundings.
- Power Nullifier: Andy's power.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Yugiri's eyes glow red just before she unleashes her power.
- The Mole / The Infiltration Andy is a mole for the Comericans. He ends up siding with Kyousuke and his group however, after seeing they're mostly just trying to live their lives as best as they can as espers, especially Yugiri.
- Scary Shiny Glasses: Eiji Saotome, a member of the Japanese army's esper unit. He's the one who recruits Fujiko and Kyousuke into the military while they were young.
- Secret Secret-Keeper: Kyousuke's revealed to have known that Andy was a spy all along, as earlier episodes subtly suggest, thanks to his Awesomeness by Analysis; why he kept his secret despite the potential threat Andy could be isn't yet explained, although it's possible that he wanted to figure out what exactly the US wanted from him and the Catastrophe, and to a lesser extent, might have wanted a challenge.
- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy:
- Kyousuke's commander attempting to assassinate him at the end of World War 2 because of a prophecy he would lead an esper uprising does exactly that when he shatters any remaining trust Kyousuke had towards humans by trying to kill him. He also thinks that by having an esper assassinate a pro-esper politician, and the subsequent crackdown on espers, is somehow going to not cause them to riot later.
- Minamoto tries to stop Kyousuke's ship from getting destroyed in episode 9 by arresting P.A.N.D.R.A. members quickly, but unfortunately the Comericans use Kyousuke's refusal to surrender as an excuse to sink it. He was trying to prevent that event that their precog division foresaw from happening.
- Shipper on Deck: Patty. Though her...tendencies are a lot more subdued in the spinoff. Made more explicit in the blu-ray version though.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran: It becomes more and more evident in later episodes that what happened to him and all his former comrades late in the war still haunts Kyousuke bitterly.
- Shoddy Knockoff Product: What P.A.N.D.R.A. uses to hide the fact that they make illegal dealings with stolen products. Not to say that they're not very, very proud of having their personal brand on the market...
- Shout-Out:
- Smarter Than You Look: Hinomiya's very good at taking advantage of his average appearance (sans heterochromia), which looks to be part of the reason why his organization chose him to infiltrate P.A.N.D.R.A. He also knowingly manipulates his voice most of the time so that he sounds less serious than he actually is/can be.
- Sore Loser: The Children in episode 4 after Kyousuke escapes despite using their full power. They cry at Minamoto and accuse Kyousuke of cheating.
- Start of Darkness: Kyousuke's origins are shown in episodes 7 and 8, along with why he hates humans. His commanding officer at the end of World War 2 attempts to kill him. Partly in an attempt to keep him out of the hands of the Americans, but also because the brain of the dead dolphin they were unable to save earlier predicted Kyousuke would end up leading an army of espers, and wanted to prevent that. Unfortunately Kyousuke survives the assassination, and forever holds a grudge against humans because of their attitudes towards espers.
- Taking the Bullet:
- Andy attempts to tackle Princess Sophie in episode 3 to prevent her from getting shot by an assassin. He ends up getting hit in the shoulder, but they manage to delay him long enough for Kyousuke to show up to save the day.
- Magi does this for two children in episode 9 when a Comerican soldier fires at them.
- Then Let Me Be Evil: Kyousuke's attitude after having been betrayed by his commanding officer, combined with the ostracization he faced by humans.
- Transformation Sequence:
Word of God states that Kyousuke's "Unlimited Mode" is one that's supposed to mirror The Children's Triple Boost.
- Team Pet: Momotaro, a telepathic flying squirrel.
- Token Mini-Moe: Yugiri.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Kyousuke always drinks milk in favor of any other drink.
- Tsundere: Hinomiya becomes type A, towards Kyousuke.
- Tyke-Bomb: Everyone in P.A.N.D.R.A. except adult Kyousuke and Andy. Kyousuke was one when he was a child.
- Villainous Rescue:
- Kyousuke kidnaps Princess Sophie in episode 3 to prevent her assassination. He also shows up at the end to destroy the assassin's gun so the Princess's guards can arrest him.
- Kyousuke and Andy are rescued by Fujiko in episode 10 after their ship is sunk by the Comericans.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Kyousuke.
- We Used to Be Friends: Kyousuke and the founder of B.A.B.E.L., Fujiko.
- Wham Episode: Episode 6 and 9, which shows Kyousuke's boat under attack by the Comericans with the help of Andy.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness:
- Kyousuke suffers this in episode 8 after his commanding officer attempts to kill him to prevent a prophecy where he leads an esper uprising.
- Andy is given this treatment in episode 9 after he tries to stop his boss from kidnapping Yugiri. He's shot through the heart for his troubles, though fortunately Kyousuke's limiter necklace acts as a Pocket Protector and stops the bullet from entering his body.
- Whole Episode Flashback: Episodes 7 and 8, which focuses on Kyousuke and Fujiko when they were working with the Japanese military's esper unit.
- World's Strongest Man:
Word of God states that Hyoubu is the strongest ESPer criminal, and not even The Children's Triple Boost, which combines all three level 7's abilities for greater effect, can stand a chance against Hyoubu's Unlimited Mode when he's serious. However, Hyoubu can't afford to use his full power too much, as his Unlimited Mode is Cast from Lifespan.
- Would Hurt a Child: Andy's boss, as seen by his treatment of Yugiri while attempting to restrain her. Some Comerican soldiers also seem to have no qualms about trying to kill two children, though Magi stops them before they can do anything to the kids.