Erfworld - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Aug 17 2010

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

Book 1

Book 2

  • Maggie, finally fed up with Stanley's General Failure proclivities and ignorance of Parson's genius, makes a suggestion- brainwashing him into making Parson Chief Warlord again and then leaving the room.
  • "Dispel the veil."
  • Ossomer's speech, where he essentially tells Ansom that he doesn't care, one way or the other, if the Arkentools choice of attunement represents a new divine mandate for who is to rule; he'll stand for the nobility of Royalty regardless, and make Gobwin Knob and the Titans prove that the new mandate is worthy.
  • Charles, upon being caught spying on a side he's officially neutral with, reveals how much intel he has on said side by showing their capital city and listing its forces in minute detail, and manages to force said side to do exactly what they say, or "that picture of the sun rising over your pretty city will happen exactly one more time."
  • The singular power of a Foolamancer can be expressed simply: To get the enemy to look in the wrong place, at the right time.
  • Parson exploiting an Erfworld mechanics loophole that allows him to kill off all of his dwagons instantly by harvesting them for rations, drop them inside Jetstone's garrison, and then having Wanda decrypt them, bypassing Jetstone's walls and air defenses in one fell swoop.
  • Jack Snipe's response to Ansom questioning one of their tactics.

    Ansom: Says the Caster. How would you know?
    Jack: I was at hand when someone smarter than you invented it

  • This strip. All the more awesome because exactly why Wanda freaks out isn't readily apparent, but Ossomer's heraldry changed back to Jetstone. That's right: Ossomer apparently broke Wanda's Decryption!
  • Cubbins, Jetstone's Hat Magician, gets one in the very last page of Book 2. Using the last of Jenga Tower's juice, he makes a Heroic Sacrifice to deal a crushing blow to the remaining Decrypted Archons.
    • The Hat Magician's Heroic Sacrifice, Ossomer's breaking of his decryption, and King Slately Taking a Level in Badass with help from the Hat Magician and the Dollamancer insures Jetsone's survival and will net them Charlies reward for taking out the decrypted archons despite the almost inevitable loss they were about to receive. They may even get enough money to promote Tramennis to heir.

      Ossomer: Here they come. Once more, for Jetstone.

      • Then Cubbins survives the tower's collapse, then he is saved by Ace and is expected to survive, Ace kills Lady Sylvia who was deemed near impossible to kill due to Jojo's magic, AND Ace is still in good enough condition to command his golems to attack Parson.
  • Slately's last stand against Parson.

    Slately: There's the Lord of Hamsters himself. Large and terrible. Yet I do not fear him.

    • Parson and Slately meeting face-to-face for the first time.

      Slately: Warlord.
      Parson: ...King.
      Slately: A word?
      Parson: What word would—?
      Slately: Pew.

  • Stanley, who needs to get to his office to save Parson's life, getting from the Gobwin Knob portal room to his office in record time by getting a twoll to carry him, charging like a football player to the base of the tower, then throwing him straight up. Then Stanley uses the Arkenhammer to hover just outside his office window, and orders a purple dwagon to blast a hole, then landing right in his throne.

    Stanley: I need a purpuuulll!! [gish] Mazel tov! Mm hm. Who's the hero now, Hamster?

    • Please note, this is Stanley, here, who is regarded, by Parson, as a mix of Gilligan and The Starscream when it comes to helping his own side, and here he is, going to extreme lengths to actually help Parson.
  • “Run this same calculation ten times in a row. Go.”
    • Parson leveled during his battle with Slately.
  • You have to admit, even though he's the Big Bad, Charlie cornered and out-thought Parson and forced him to try to cast the spell that would send him home. It would've have worked if fate didn't decide to drop a column on his head and knock him out.
  • Tramennis points out to Charlie that if he really is the best hope at defeating Parson, and he really does have Jetstone's best interests in mind, then how is it that despite the deaths of most Jetstone units in the city, including Ace, Ossomer and Slately, Parson still escaped Charlie's trap? The implication Tramennis is getting at, is that either Charlie is lying through his teeth — which is true — and/or he's not good enough to defeat Parson. Which is also true.
    • During thinkagrams with Charlie, the people speaking with him tend to take on an appearance illustrative of their role in the conversation. Slately became a chess piece, eventually a mere pawn. Tramennis is wearing Kingly robes. An indicator that, even if he isn't aware of it, he really is the King his father wasn't.
    • Also of note, Tramennis demanded a rundown from Charlie for all seventeen layers of subterfuge he employed in and around the battle for Spacerock, which is an awesome moment for both of them - Charlie for displaying a level of chess mastery that would put many master strategists to shame, and Tramennis for being able to spot every one of the threads he used.
  • Wrigley finally gets to do what he was meant to do.

    Wrigley's internal monologue: He loved the Titans, and Wanda their Tool, for granting him this new life and this new spear. And though he had never yet used it, now he knew what he was for. His side was the Titan's side. They had raised him from the ground to use this spear just once.

    And so he did.

Book 3

  • Stanley combos the Arkenhammer with a blue dwagon's lightning-breath to one-shot an enemy meglogwiff (adding 24 liberated and rearmed prisoners to his strike force at the same time)
  • Parson promoting a corps of recently liberated prisoners to a Warlord and Knights after Charlie asked for a truce. He didn't just blow Charlie off, he flipped him as big a middle finger as he used when he uncroaked the volcano!
  • Stanley telling Parson that he did a good job. Seriously, considering how he was at the start of Book 1, and even before then, that is a Crowning Moment in and of itself!
  • Mine. Wanda, with a little help from Maggie, finally shows us what two attuned arkentools at war looks like.
  • Jack uses a baffle spell to trick Charlie's archons into seeing Parson as a Gobwin Knob unit despite his turning to Charlescomm. The archons proceed to fire at Parson with far more bullets than they actually need. Dozens of decrypted Gobwin Knob units are caught in the crossfire, which means that Charlie will have to compensate Gobwin Knob.
    • It's actually much more than that. In firing their tripods through the portal, Charlescomm's Archons killed a number of neutral Magic Kingdom casters. This violates the Magic Kingdom's neutrality agreement, and ensures that Charlescomm will be the first side to go to war with them, an outcome that Charlie himself earlier stated would be a large strategic mistake. With a single spell, Jack might have just caused more trouble for Charlescomm than any unit since... well, since Lillith.
    • The fact that CC is somehow turning this in their favor and making GK look like the badguys is pretty impressive in it's own right.
  • Things are looking good for Transylvito and bad for Gobwin Knob in the wake of the disaster in the Magic Kingdom. They have Parson, Jack, and Maggie all held prisoner and Don King is looking forward to bending Stanley over a railing for their ransom fees. Caesar is standing by when Don smugly calls Stanley to negotiate, silently admiring how good Don is at manipulating other rulers, despite considering Stanley an easy mark, getting him wound up until he's expected to cut off the call in a rage after hearing Don's apparently ludicrous ransom price of 2 million schmuckers so he can work him for even more when he calls back next turn. But instead of cutting off the call... Stanley just says "OK, we'll take it" because Transylvito has absolutely no idea how incredibly rich Gobwin Knob actually was after receiving a good chunk of Charlescom's treasury. And then just to put the cherry on it, Stanley starts patronising Don about how he needs to learn how to run a side better until Don is forced to hang up on him instead!

    Bunny lowered her arms. Don King, who had given her the break order with a silent nod, sat in his chair with his eyes bulging out. No trace of his smile remained.

  • A few pages later, Bonnie (one of the newly Decrypted Archons) is trying to get Stanley to tell her why Parson is worth two million Schmuckers. He casually points out that due to the treaty violation caused by Parson turning back, he will actually cost seven million in the end. And Stanley is still sure that this is chump change compared to what he's actually worth.
  • Learning, as a prisoner, that Transylvito expects an attack by Faq with Charlescomm backing within two turns, Parson confidently predicts that he could win that fight with a couple of hundred cheap Transylvito units turned to Gobwin Knob. While impressive, this is topped by Don King who, on learning his claim, instantly deduces what the plan must be.
  • Maggie's ordeal when captured by Transylvito. She's imprisoned, she has no juice, and if that wasn't bad enough her captor is rapist Dollamancer with a voodoo doll of her. But she pushes the limits of her knowledge of Thinkamancy, then going a few steps beyond. First fighting back, then contacting her Side, then taking limited control of the Doll and using it to recruit help... by the end of it she has not only had enough of an epiphany to gain access to Dateamancy, she has literally blown her attacker's mind and left him an Empty Shell. And she did all this without Juice, just her Required Secondary Powers and Heroic Willpower. She has almost certainly been upgraded to Master class, and it's no wonder her Signamancy has taken a few decades off by the end.

Book 0

  • It turns out, Parson's not the first being on Erfworld to beat impossible odds by studying really hard. In this corner, Overlord Firebaugh, his Chief Warlord Fritz, Clay the Luckamancer, Delphie the Predictamancer, and Wanda the Croakamancer and main contributor to the battle plan. In the other corner, two armies. Thanks to the political expertise of Lord Firebaugh, the boosts of Clay, the Leadership of Fritz, and the... unique combat applications of Predictamancy from Delphie, the battle was won with zero casualties. Well, zero allied casualties. Wanda was saving her juice for a reason...

    Narration: The five of them, forgetting all ranks, decorum and history, laughed and embraced. For a moment, they were not Overlord, Chiefs and casters. They were a five-unit stack which had just beaten two armies.

  • Jack's at it again. Contacting Jillian covertly and deducing that the Haffaton ruler is in the city they were in.


Winter Break 2014

  • Lady Chains of Homekey fighting a force that outnumbered her by four to one, and had her outgunned even worse, to an effective draw at the cost of her own life.
  • Lord Crush of Firstpost inventing a foolproof plan to win a war against an enemy that outnumbered his side two to one, setting it in motion, and pulling it off, all while trapped in an enemy dungeon.
  • Prince Axe Bodyspray interpreting his Duty to his side in such a way as to allow him to beat his father to a bloody pulp in order to convince him that Lord Crush's plan is the one they need to go with. Also, he solved a Sudoku that his father couldn't showing his Hidden Depths. A Warrior Prince with intelligence with an Intelligent Prince who is good at waging war. Dangerous combo.