Weak Hero - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Aug 06 2020
Everyone was shocked by Ben's strength.
Season 1
- Gray's prompt shutdown of Phillip when he first approaches Gray, demanding an apology for his cousin getting beat up.
Phillip: I could care less about that idiot Colton... But one of the others you beat, Royce, is my cousin. And so... I'll just accept your apology and leave it at that. You should know who I am, so, yeah.
Gray: No. One, there's no reason for me to apologise, and two, I have no fucking idea whatsoever who you are. - Gray's first beatdown of Helmet is brutal, stabbing his hand with a pen, smashing his head with a brick, and then slamming him into a stone wall hard enough to knock him unconscious. Helmet is so traumatised by the encounter that Gray merely clicking a pen in his presence afterwards is enough to render him a trembling wreck.
- Gray's incredible takedown of Teddy Jin after putting up with his abuse for four chapters. He takes advantage of Teddy's greed by vandalising his prized backpack, and then wipes the floor with him while he's too angry to think clearly. The highlight of the fight is when he wraps the classroom's curtain around Teddy's head, beats him senseless with a cola can, and then uses a chair to boost himself up and knee Teddy repeatedly until he stops moving.
- Ben's victory over Jimmy, taking all of his hits until Jimmy has no strength left. When his final blow fails to move Ben at all, he states with a deadpan scowl that he's sick of Jimmy and fells him with a single, thundering blow.
- While Stephen is being targeted by Oswald's gang, they claim they'll leave him alone if he deliberately gets last place on the next test. However, Stephen realises that if he doesn't keep their attention then Gray will become their next victim. And so, refusing to bow to them, Stephen gets absolutely perfect marks, placing first out of the entire school.
- Gray’s carefully planned revenge on Oswald for his and his gang causing Stephen’s hospitalization. Once he took down and tied up Oswald and his lieutenant, he focused his wrath on Bryce, who he viewed as an unforgivable traitor. Gray took special care to give Bryce an even more brutal beatdown than what he gave the first two. After beating Bryce unconscious, Gray wound him up with tape then continued to kick his face in repeatedly until he became an unrecognizable mess.
- Alex runs into Colton in the bathroom, who makes a snide remark about Alex being a weakling who relies on Ben's strength. Alex then demonstrates that, even though he's not on Ben's level, he can still give an absolute hell of a beating with his Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs. Ben sees Alex is injured afterwards and goes to teach Colton a lesson, only to find him already beaten to a pulp.
- Phillip tries to intimidate Gray with a snide comment, only for Gray to snap right back.
Phillip: If you keep glaring at a man with those goddamn snake eyes you'll get 'em gouged out one day.
Gray: ...Try it. Quit messing with a man's bag behind his back and gouge my eyes out right here.
Phillip: You little shit... - Forrest's strength is demonstrated quite handily when he's able to grab both Alex and Teddy by their mouths and hold them in place. When Ben shows up, Forrest is confident that he could win out in a fight of strength and pummels Ben with his fists. Cue Ben grabbing him by the pants, effortlessly hoisting him into the air with one hand, and then slamming him into the nearby fence.
- Gray and Rowan teaming up to take down the Hyeongshin students. Given that he's usually such a solitary fighter, it's very satisfying to watch Gray work together with his newfound friends to effortlessly take down his foes.
- Rowan barely knows Gray at this point and was only made aware he was a fighter minutes before, but Rowan himself is such a skilled speaker and manipulator that he not only instantly understands how Gray operates, but is able to flawlessly integrate himself into Gray's combat style. When it comes down to a two-on-two, without words, Rowan opens up a juice can as Gray is reaching for it to throw it in someone's face.
- Gray is annoyed by rude students at a study room but he leaves them be after a warning, when those students run into Helmet outside, Gray makes Helmet take them away for him while Helmet gets mad at them for getting in Gray's way.
Season 2
- Wolf starts to beat Rowan into a bloody pulp, falsely believing that Rowan stole his bag. Eugene, already beaten and with no fighting skills to his name, darts forward to grab Wolf by his arm and beg him to leave Rowan alone. Then, when Wolf starts laying into Gray, Eugene headbutts the boy holding him down and again tries to stop Wolf from hurting his friends. He isn't able to reach Wolf, but it's the thought that counts.
- Gray then fights back, tying Wolf's sleeves into a straightjacket before beating his face in with the ground, his fists and his feet, hitting him with a chair, crushing his foot with a flowerpot, throwing the dirt from the flowerpot into his face, and destroying the flowerpot on his face. After that he continues beating Wolf's unconscious face with his fists until Big Ben arrives and carries Gray to the hospital.
- Toby Kim's excellent The Dog Bites Back moment against Jared. After Jared gets his father's store suspended, Toby leaks all of Jared's dirty happenings online, causing his reputation to plummet completely. When Jared confronts him about it, Toby calls him out on being a "fucking parasite" and gives him a well-deserved thrashing. When Wolf's subordinates walk by, Jared tells them to save him from Toby, but they instead tell him that he'd better return the things he stole from their leader or there will be hell to pay. The two subordinates then tell Toby to carry on before walking off, who gladly proceeds to beat the shit out of Jared.
- Big Ben proving he's earned his nickname by not only taking Jimmy Bae in a fight and winning, but also downing all four of his subordinates with a single fist each. And then, still winded from battle, he takes on Donald Na, the most feared fighter in the series, and manages to scare him with how long he holds out in the ensuing battle.
Jimmy was already well aware of Donald's superiority. And that he was head and shoulders above other people in all areas. Yet there's someone... who is capable of fighting against such a guy?
- After Ben is downed, the heavily beaten Alex forces himself in front of his friend and begs Donald to leave him alone, even though he's utterly terrified of Donald for being the first and only person to defeat Ben in battle.
- Gray's response to Eugene after being told that Dean might be his worst match-up yet:
Gray: Don't worry. I'm a coward... so I never start fights that I can't win.
- Rowan actually earns some respect and a surprising victory too. Against Eunchan, someone he can tell is more experienced than him, Rowan massively goads him into getting close, taking one more punch and using his signature Elbow manoeuvre to win. Even Gray seemed impressed. It's also Rowan's upset against Eunchan that changes the tide of the battle, giving Gray the opportunity he needs to take down Dean.
- Chapter 122 starts the long-awaited showdown between Jake and Big Ben, the #2 and #3 fighters on the Shuttle Rankings, and is the very definition of immovable object meeting irresistible force. For 4 straight chapters, both fighters beat the ever-loving hell out of each other in a brutal match, both getting knocked down and getting back up, until finally Ben overcomes fatigue and self-doubt to floor Jake with a massive left hook, causing the onlooking Daehyeon thugs to jump him. During the ensuing rumble between Eujang and Daehyeon, Ben loses it and almost beats Naksung to death until Jake jumps in to block the punch, declaring himself the loser of the fight. Both parties leave, with Ben as the new #2 and Jake able to save face by rescuing his teammates.
Season 3
- In Chapter 132, we get the origin of the Mok-Ha Duo, two very dangerous fighters that took out a very difficult group with total ease, even humiliated a top gang member because they felt like it. They are seen as a dangerous combo of a Shield and Spear. Why is this important? Donald decimated them both with total ease, they boldly came to him one day to challenge him and Donald handed their ass to them on a silver platter, so much so that they swore their allegiance to him on the spot, not out of respect, but fear, knowing he could have killed them. Donald demonstrates why he isn't one to mess with.
- Gerard ends up facing off against Seongmok, the immovable pillar of the Mok-Ha Duo. Seongmok is unshaken by his vicious kicks and ends up beating him into the ground. Just when it seems like Seongmok is going to come out victorious, Gerard realises that it's been a year since he made a promise not to use his fists in battle- no longer bound by that promise, he effortlessly knocks Seongmok on his ass.
For a second... Seongmok had a strange feeling that he's never felt before. And that strange feeling gradually started to grow. The burn above Gerard's bloodshot eyes only made it more intense. That feeling... was fear.
- Jake ends up in Mapo territory with five Cheongang guys bearing down on him, odds that he doesn't like. Wolf then casually strolls in, locks the door behind him, and hangs up his glasses. Three guesses as to what happens next.
Goon: Hey, who do you think you are to suddenly come in and lock the door?
Wolf: Have a wild guess. Why do you think I locked the door? - The battle of Yeongdeungpo vs. Cheongang starts with Jimmy losing to Doyun and Wolf vs. Giju ending in a standstill. Then comes Jake against Juwon, who makes the dreadful mistake of insulting Jake's brother. Jake is overcome with fury and takes down Juwon, the Cheongang's strongest member. He then easily kicks away Duyon when he tries to retaliate, and then, when Giju tries to step in next, Jake smashes the window behind him while glaring daggers, scaring Giju into submission.
- Chapter 191-193 Gray and Eugene help a girl in his cram school find her friend. When Gray sees that her friend is bruised and surrounded by thugs in a karaoke room, he picks up a microphone, tests the feedback, and slams it into a thugs ear, the second gets the same treatment before being hit by a table, the last is tripped by a bottle and kicked in the face. Eugene backs Gray up by introducing him as Eunjang's White Mamba.
- Chapter 194 has Gerard giving a more than deserved beating to his old "friend" Jeongmu. When Gerard finally noticed that Gray and Eugene were there, he gets nervous about them seeing this side of him, which Jeongmu tries to capitalize on in order to score a psychological victory. As Jeongmu snidely starts telling of Gerard's dark past in an attempt to alienate him from his friends, Gray simply runs up and kicks him in the head to shut him up, even Gerard was shocked. Gray simply doesn't give a damn about smearing coming from assholes like Jeongmu as they're nothing but pathetic whining of losers. Besides, they're nothing but HateSink assholes, why should he take anything they say seriously? Doubles as a Heartwarming moment as it shows Gray and Eugene don't care about what happened in Gerard's past, only that they're friends.
- Ben pulling off a Big Damn Heroes when the Union was on the hunt for Eugene. Once he arrived, Ben began to systematically one-shot everyone to save Rowan, Eugene, Teddy, and Gerard when they were vastly outnumbered.
- Gray showing Dongha what happens to assholes like him who attacks his friends who can't even fight. Considering all Dongha has done, it was gratifying to see him get completely stomped by Gray. Gray didn't humble Dongha, he completely traumatized him.