Doctor Who – Doctors - TV Tropes

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The Doctor

Characters in Doctor Who – Doctors

Theta Sigma. The Renegade Time Lord. The Traveler from Beyond Time. The Madman with a Box. The Bringer of Darkness. The Oncoming Storm. The Lonely God. The Predator of the Daleks. The Ka Faraq Gatri.note 

The Doctor.

They are — of course, the main character of this long-running series. In addition, the Doctor has been known by many other names and has worn many faces in their adventures throughout time and space. Like all Time Lords, they have a life span measured in centuries/millennia, some degree of psychic ability, and the ability to regenerate into a new form when near death. Unlike other Time Lords, they became bored and/or terrified by the Gallifreyan way of life when they were "young", stole an antique TARDIS, skipped town and "never stopped running". Their real name is unknown, hence the title of the series, but it’s (presumably) not "Doctor Who".

The Doctor remains the same person throughout their lives and maintains the same core mindset and (for the most part) memories, but different incarnations have different appearances and unique personality traits. Showrunners tend to cast each Doctor as a subversion of the previous one in both attitude and appearance. Hence, the original stubborn old grandfatherly git became clownish, suave, loopy, calm, peremptory, manipulative, romantic, weary, harsh, hyperactive, dorky, caustic, plucky, emotional, and exuberant. After the show's return in 2005, it's added a bit more Character Development than the classic series.

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In General


  • Absent-Minded Professor: The Doctor is prone to acting like this, depending somewhat on the incarnation. They're far more intelligent than any human being in history, but also tend to miss several things that ordinary humans find obvious. They're prone to Buffy Speak, Disorganized Outline Speeches, Metaphorgotten, Cloudcuckoolander-ness in general, and can hardly pilot their TARDIS or even remember what its buttons and knobs do. Sometimes this is Obfuscating Stupidity, but often it isn't. For example, in "The Beast Below":

    [the Doctor puts a glass of water on the floor and stares at it]
    Amy: Why did you do that?
    The Doctor: Don't know. I think a lot. It's hard to keep track.

  • The Ace: Demonstrated well in "The Lodger" when poor Craig found out they were better than him at both his job and football, convinced his girlfriend to leave town (albeit with well-intentioned advice), and talked to a cat, and that's on top of being a time-travelling member of a Higher-Tech Species who's saved the world countless times.
  • Alien Non-Interference Clause: Downplayed. As a Time Lord, the Doctor is supposed to avoid "interfering with peoples or planets", but they get involved all the time. They try to stick to "meet new people, stop threat of the week, then fly off saying I Was Just Passing Through" — and disapprove of the Monk trying to "improve" history. Varying from this trope does come back and bite them in the butt a few times, due to them introducing instability and change, but not sticking around to see the fallout. Ten changed Harriet Jones, (former) Prime Minister's fate, which allowed Harold Saxon to set up.
  • Allergic to Routine: It varies per Doctor. Five was quite okay with spending long periods of time just relaxing; Eleven gets intensely annoyed after about a minute and promptly finds a dozen things to do at once. Twelve prefers using windows to boring old doors. It should be noted that both Three and Eleven spent time marooned on the same planet in the same time zone, though during those periods, the adventures came to them.
  • Almighty Janitor: UNIT's "Scientific Advisor", on temporary leave as of, uh... 1974. UNIT's relationship with the Doctor seems quite schizoid: As an institution, they grant the Doctor dictatorial powers whenever they need their help, while simultaneously hiding things from the Doctor that they know they'll disapprove of (and grumble when the Doctor steals away and hides such contraband from them, even when it is potentially genocidal).
  • Always Save the Girl: So far, four incarnations (Three, Five, Nine, and Ten) have died trading their life for their companion's (it should be noted that in the case of Ten, it was a case of "Always Save the Cool Old Guy"). Subverted with Eight, as he died trying (and failing) to save a woman whom he had set his heart on being his next companion. The Twelfth Doctor sacrifices 4.5 billion years and risks the entirety of creation to save one young woman.
  • Ambiguous Gender: A fairly unique case. Each incarnation has a fixed biological sex, but the Doctor can change sex at regeneration and therefore has no intrinsic biological sex with all the incarnations so far going by pronouns depending on their biological sex. Word of God states they are pangender or agender, as we understand it.
  • Ambiguously Bi: From the Eighth Doctor onwards, they will flirt with their male and female companions and will mouth kiss just about anybody though they seem to have a preference towards women. The Ho Yay between the Ninth Doctor and Jack and the Eleventh Doctor and Rory are prime examples. Even back in The '60s, Jamie and the Second Doctor had fans who saw a truly spectacular Ho Yay going on, and some people have been shipping Doctor/Master since 1971. More recently, Thirteen admitted to having feelings for her female friend Yaz, and in "Wild Blue Yonder", Fourteen openly agrees with Donna's comment that a young Isaac Newton was "hot". Donna responds that she always kind of suspected this about him but never brought it up.
  • Amnesiac Hero: Series 12 reveals that the Doctor has had their memory erased and that there were several incarnations before the First Doctor.
  • Anti-Hero: Subverted. Regardless of the incarnation, they're an arrogant person who does good in spite of themself, and tends to not see themselves as a hero in contrast to many of those they meet. At worst, they've been vain and bitter, only helping others begrudgingly. But most versions see them with a genuine and deep want to help people and alleviate suffering. Yet even during their kindest incarnations, they have moments that are incredibly self centred, and it's been stated multiple times in-universe that their human companions are what anchor them to their altruism.
  • Arch-Enemy: The Doctor has made numerous foes over the course of many incarnations. However, the most frequent and personal members of their Rogues Gallery appear to be the Daleks (along with Davros), the Cybermen and the Master. The Twelfth Doctor would eventually claim that Davros was his arch-enemy, much to the anger of the Master's female incarnation Missy.
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: To varying degrees in every one of their incarnations. Exactly how extreme it is varies considerably, with Four, Six, Eleven, and Thirteen being particularly severe cases. But as a rule, the Doctor can rarely stand to stay in one place for very long and simply cannot focus on long-term projects. Despite the fact that the TARDIS obviously needed some maintenance, the only time the Doctor really put serious effort into it was in their Third incarnation when the Time Lords stranded him on Earth. Even then they kept themself amused running around with UNIT.
  • Attention Whore: The Doctor can drift into this at times. They like to be admired and adored, and that's part of both their hero complex and one of the reasons they have companions. On the other hand, they always leave before they can get credit for saving all of life and the universe.
  • Awesome Anachronistic Apparel:
    • Doctors One (Edwardian academic garb), Two (long coat and bowtie), Three (smoking jacket, ascot, and ruffled shirt with lace cuffs), Five (cricketer's costume and Panama hat), Eight (frock coat, vest, and cravat), Eleven (tweed suit with leather elbow patches and a bowtie) and Thirteen (long coat and trousers with braces). Doctors Four, Six, and arguably Seven subverted this trope with bohemian outfits that were never in style. Nine, Ten, Twelve and Fourteen avert this with a leather jacket (Nine) and contemporary suits (Ten, Twelve, Fourteen) which become anachronistic to their surroundings.
    • Even the Ninth Doctor, who outwardly appeared to be wearing the most modern outfit, was actually wearing a Kriegsmarine Captain's Jacket from World War II, a similar look to the War Doctor's brown leather overcoat.

      Captain Jack Harkness: Nice job at blending in with the local colour. Flag Girl was bad enough, but U-Boat Captain?!

    • Five really mixed this up with his choice of an Edwardian-era cricketer's outfit combined with (at the time) modern-day sneakers.
    • Fifteen typically averts this, preferring to dress as fits the period.
  • Badass in Distress: They get tied up, handcuffed and so on almost as often as the companions, if not more.
  • Badass Pacifist: Whenever possible, the Doctor usually tries diplomacy to solve problems rather than violence.
  • Bavarian Fire Drill: A master of it. After the introduction of the psychic paper in "The End of the World", the Impersonation Gambit is used more often.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: A possible explanation for their fondness for Earth and humans. They've been much more welcoming to the Doctor than the Doctor's homeworld has. In-story, they're likely to remember and repay any kindness shown them, provided that person doesn't cross the line with them afterward.
  • Been There, Shaped History: The Doctor's met nearly every famous historical character, at nearly every important event in history, and generally has an anecdote or two about them. Churchill and the Prince of Wales have their phone number.
  • Being Good Sucks: Every Doctor will find themselves in a morally grey situation with thousands of lives at risk, and Take a Third Option isn't always on the table.

    Twelfth Doctor: Sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones, but you still have to choose.

  • Benched Hero: The aftereffects of Three, Five, Ten, Twelve, and Thirteen's regenerations put them out of action for a time. Seven was immediately drugged to do the Rani's bidding, so honourable mention there. Two, Four, Six, Eight, Nine (as said in the expanded universe), Eleven and Fourteen (also in the expanded universe) hit the ground running, but still suffered from some various degrees of side effects. They are also sometimes put out of action for other reasons, such as in "Blink" or "The Dæmons", allowing the companions to get A Day in the Limelight.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: The Doctor is, fundamentally, a good person... who will blow up enemies, spaceships and entire planets if it saves the day.

    Madame Kovarian: The anger of a good man is not a problem. Good men...have too many rules.
    The Doctor: (*slowly turns his head to face her*) Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many.

  • Beware the Silly Ones: Even the more serious incarnations have their dorky moments, often in the face of extreme danger. The Doctor would probably concur with Mel Brooks who said, "It can take an army to bring down a dictator. But it takes a comedian to destroy them forever." Two, Four, Seven, Ten, and Eleven are particular masters of this trope.
  • Big Damn Heroes:
    • Lampshaded by Clara in "Deep Breath". The Doctor is suffering from his usual post-regeneration quirkiness and has apparently abandoned her. Clara predicts that if he really is the Doctor, he will turn up Just in Time to save her. And of course he does.
    • All thirteen of them work together to save the day in "The Day of the Doctor".
    • In general, whenever there's trouble, expect the Doctor to show up at the most dramatic moment possible.
  • Big Good: Their name inspires hope in all that is good and terror in all that is evil. Where they go, freedom (and explosions) quickly follow. Frequently acknowledged as this, by friends and enemies alike.

    The Master: A cosmos without the Doctor scarcely bears thinking about.

  • Big Heroic Run: In the words of Donna: "He saves worlds, rescues civilizations, defeats terrible creatures and runs a lot. Seriously, there's an outrageous amount of running involved."
  • Bittersweet Ending:
    • The regenerations from one Doctor to the next. The Doctor is going to be fine, but they'll never be the same.
    • Very few partings with companions are not bittersweet. In "The Next Doctor", the Doctor stated that they ultimately break his heart. And both "School Reunion" and "The Girl Who Died" touch on the emotional toll losing a companion has on the Doctor.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology:
    • As a Gallifreyan Time Lord, the Doctor can do weird things like counteract cyanide poisoning given a bunch of weird ingredients, absorb radiation and expel it through their foot or forego the need to breathe for a few minutes, and can withstand massive amounts of electricity. Oh — and they have two hearts. Not to mention that when they are close to death they can avoid it by essentially reassembling their body and regenerating into a new one, which changes their personality, quirks, likes, and dislikes (and on occasion gender), though they essentially remain the same person.
    • They're also a higher-dimension life form, a complex space-time event. It's not enough to make them a full Sufficiently Advanced Alien - they're still flesh and blood, still require technology for much of what they do - but it is enough that detonating them on a quantum level would take out half a planet, rather than just killing them, as it would a human.
  • Blue Blood: It's heavily implied that the Doctor came from an aristocratic family back on Gallifrey.
    • Impoverished Patrician: If the run-down state of the barn and its location in a wasteland where the people "don't matter" (according to Rassilon) are any indication.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: The Doctor occasionally gives speeches directly to the viewer but it's ambiguous if they're truly aware of their status as a fictional character or just talking to themself like a loony. Almost every Doctor is guilty of having given a few sly glances to the camera or otherwise Leaning on the Fourth Wall.
  • Break the Cutie: Several new Doctors start out reinvigorated and carefree. But oftentimes Character Development sets in and the tone of the show grows darker until it's regeneration time.
  • Break the Haughty: Each Doctor has a massive ego and each one of them will find themselves put through the wringer eventually because of it.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: It's frequently implied that the Doctor, for all his knowledge and talents, was an absolutely terrible student at the Time Lord Academy. Notably, the Doctor is the only Time Lord of significance on the show to have no conscious control over his regenerations. Romana in particular shows fine control over her on-screen regeneration, cycling through several possibilities before picking the exact appearance of another character she admired. In contrast, on two occasions when the Doctor regenerates into a familiar face, he expresses absolute bewilderment.
  • Broken Ace: Implied to have had a miserable life on Gallifrey, takes losing companions really hard, is prone to constant Break the Cutie/Break the Haughty. And then came the Last Great Time War...
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: They never quite manage to pass as fully human (or whatever race they're impersonating). But they're probably more adept at whatever's happening than anyone else, even if it involves wearing a piece of celery or comically pulling eggs out of their mouth. Their enemies are usually incapable of adapting to their silliness.
    • The Doctor is still registered as a full-time UNIT staff member, despite clocking in approximately once per decade and generally avoiding work like the plague.
    • They've also been Lord President of Gallifrey at least three times and managed to skip out on that too.
  • But Now I Must Go: The Doctor has a habit of bringing your world down around you and then vanishing prior to rebuilding. This was deconstructed in "Bad Wolf" and "The Face of Evil" (albeit that one was due to a Noodle Incident), though the Doctor didn't learn their lesson, hence perhaps why it's brought up again in "The Woman Who Lived" where Ashildr/Lady Me tells the Doctor that she looks after the world he leaves behind.
  • Byronic Hero: While how much the Doctor qualifies for this varies due to it being highly dependent on the incarnation and era, they all count as this since at their core, no matter the version, they're a rebellious renegade who went against the long honored traditions of their people to be free and wander the universe on their own terms.
  • Cain and Abel:
    • The Abel to the Master's Cain. It's never been confirmed on the show that the two are actual brothers, and the Doctor denies it in the revived series — although the Doctor isn't the most reliable source when it comes to their own past. Even if they're not biologically related, the series makes it clear that they were as close as brothers growing up, so it still counts.
    • Inverted in one of their origin stories. In that story, a young Doctor and Master back on Gallifrey were being bullied and the Doctor snapped, killing one of the bullies. Death appeared and told the Doctor he would have to become her champion. The Doctor volunteered the Master instead, perhaps giving him his Start of Darkness.
  • Celibate Hero:
    • Despite frequently being accompanied by attractive companions, some of whom have an overt romantic crush on them, the Doctor's relationship with their companions remains platonic, despite occasional Ship Tease. This makes sense given that Time Lords are effectively immortal, and therefore have less need to procreate. However, they have had children and grandchildren, and eventually marry River Song in the New Series.
    • The TV movie's and Revival era's decision to downplay this trope has annoyed Classic era fans since while the Doctor would occasionally get Ship Tease with other characters it was largely subtle and therefore easy to disregard.
    • Individual regenerations' attitude towards sex and romantic relationships has varied between incarnations, with some being implied to at least be more comfortable with the idea while others lack any interest at all. As a result it's entirely possible for some incarnations to be seen as ace or demisexual.
  • Character Catchphrase: "Of COURSE!"; "I'll explain...later." And, of course, "Run!" (Individual Doctors also have their own.) They also tend to introduce themself with some variation of "Hello, I'm the Doctor!"
  • The Charmer: Whatever else happens to be part of the current incarnation, the Doctor is always an extremely charismatic individual, ranging from being endearingly dorky to irresistibly sexy, from a strong but warm side presence to a whirlwind of attention, from having a charming smile to being a force of borderline Glamour - all depending on the incarnation. They will often use their force of personality and likeability to get what they want, even if that's often at best weird and at worst morally reprehensible.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: Most of the Doctors have a mischievous, creepy smile when faced with imminent danger, doing and/or saying something clever, when they’re up to something, or when confronting and taunting their enemies.
  • The Chessmaster: Neil Gaiman notes that the Ninth Doctor tires of having to explain himself, and would much rather lurk on the periphery and move people around from a distance. However, this trait is visible as far back as Troughton in "The Tomb of the Cybermen". The lack of subtlety on the Doctor's part varies: Troughton shrinks into the scenery to hide, keeping himself unnoticed and underestimated. Tom Baker, on the other hand, hangs a bright neon "I am lurking in the scenery waiting to pounce and make my move!" sign over his neck. Sylvester McCoy is affable, but very cold, setting things up to give the enemy just enough rope to hang themselves.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Distress signals always get the Doctor's attention.

    Amy Pond: So is this how it works, Doctor? You "never interfere in the affairs of other peoples or planets"... unless there's children crying?
    Eleventh Doctor: Yes.

    • Clara's speech about how travelling can be an addiction could be pointing to this. The Doctor physically can't stop helping people.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: All the incarnations of Doctor will at the very least have shades of this.
    • One was prone to making humourous (and rather weird) observations.
    • Two was mostly a case of Obfuscating Stupidity, though he was genuinely a bit dotty at times.
    • Three would frequently speak to the Master (a murderer who attempts to kill him and conquer the planet on a regular week-to-week basis) as though he were having a chat with a good friend, even during jail cell visits.
    • Four was as manic as his hair, offered jelly babies to pretty much everyone, and tended towards behaving like he was on a sugar bender most of the time.
    • Five wore a stick of celery on his lapel, and would often change his mind about where he wanted to go mid-stride and turn and dash in that direction without telling his companions.
    • Six truly believed his coat was fashionable and was reality-defyingly blind about his own lack of tact and subtlety.
    • Seven was daring and bold to the point that he casually walked between two men sword-fighting to the death, even tipping his hat as the two men stared at him in disbelief.
    • Eight was prone to making non sequitur observations in the middle of serious conversations and could be ridiculously Literal-Minded.
    • The War Doctor seized a weapon amidst the violence and mayhem of the Time War to write the words "No More" on a wall).
    • Nine believed being a tourist meant doing all sorts of crazy stuff you can do, just for the hell of it, and had a habit of generally ignoring human customs.
    • Ten would have random and over-the-top geeky fits over how wonderful humans are, sometimes randomly hugging them just for the hell of it.
    • Eleven is obsessed with bow ties and fezzes, believing them to be fashionable, even after women have been willing to destroy the latter to prove otherwise. He'll also openly refer to himself as a madman.
    • Twelve starts out treating people more like interesting research subjects than like sentient beings and flirts with a giant T-Rex (then denies that it was flirting). After mellowing out, he eats take out while breaking into a building and banters with his friends over sticking to a promise to settle down.
    • Thirteen seems to be the loopiest incarnation so far, her attention bouncing all over the place.
  • Colour-Blind Confusion: The novelization to The Day Of The Doctor says that the first two incarnations of The Doctor could only see in monochrome and that most later Doctors see colours differently from each other.
  • Contrasting Replacement Character:
    • Most incarnations of the Doctor are the opposite of their previous incarnation in some large, glaring way (while other parts of the characterisation shift more subtly). Over the classic series:
      • The haughty and moody First Doctor was followed up by the Hoboish and easy-going Second, who was succeeded by the grumpy, elegant and noble Third, the childish, scruffy, and carefree Fourth, the responsible, kindly and vulnerable Fifth, the obnoxious, but passionate and unyielding Sixth, and the playful and Machiavellian, and at times, ice-cold Seventh. The Eighth Doctor was honest, romantic and optimistic, and even a bit scatter-brained, in contrast to Seven's solitary scheming.
      • Done peculiarly in the Fourth Doctor's first season — half of the creative team wanted to differentiate the new Doctor by making him lighten up and be wackier after such a serious previous Doctor, and the other half wanted to differentiate him by making him darker and more brutal after such a noble previous Doctor. It is a real testament to the ability of Tom Baker and Robert Holmes that they managed to pull off both, at the same time.
    • Throughout the revival series:
      • The Ninth was less trusting and more conflicted compared to the Eighth. Ten was more chipper than Nine ever got, but also capable of far more ruthlessness when pushed. Ten and Eleven were both young and energetic, but while Ten was arguably more down-to-Earth and relatable to humanity than any other Doctor, Eleven was completely alien and out of touch with conventions of any kind.
      • The transition from Eleven to Twelve is fairly explicitly this — the light-hearted, confident, and somewhat goofy Eleventh Doctor, who was essentially an old professor in a young man's body, was replaced by the much grumpier and self-doubting Twelfth, who is best described as a brooding and rebellious teenager with the appearance of an older man.
      • The aloof, grumpy, introspective Twelfth is followed by the personable, cheerful, hands-on Thirteenth. This extends to their character development too: Twelve becomes a lot more open and actively heroic, while her Trauma Conga Line makes Thirteen more closed off and cold, albeit usually still more upbeat than her predecessor. In turn, Fourteen is more emotionally open than Thirteen ever manages, more comfortable in sharing his feelings, and finds it much easier to connect with others. And where Fourteen is cynical, tired, and worn down, Fifteen is revitalised with a thirst for life.
    • While not confirmed, it's believed by many that the Doctor's subconscious decides what sort of Doctor they become next, often in response to the adventures their current incarnation had. The Second Doctor was more easy-going and childish since the First Doctor had slowly warmed up to humans and started to relax for example, while the Sixth Doctor was more aggressive and violent at times in response to how bleak the Fifth Doctor's adventures were. Their subconscious has been known to select their faces (Twelve, Fourteen), and Vastra suggests it shaped Twelve's personality (Eleven trusted Clara enough to show her the old man within), but whether it's done so for all of them is an open question.
  • Cool Old Guy: Strictly speaking, all of them are chronologically, but some regenerations don't even resemble the part. However, some of the younger-looking regenerations like Eleven do embrace the concept. And the four oldest incarnations in terms of the actor hired to play the role (William Hartnell, Jon Pertwee, John Hurt, and Peter Capaldi) definitely fulfil the trope.
  • Crew of One: Half the reason they Drive Like Crazy is that they're trying to do a six-person job, occasionally with a companion following their advice.
  • Cruel Mercy: Most of the time, they are nice enough to let their enemies surrender or redeem themselves. But if you've crossed the line? You'll wish you were just killed outright. Seven and Ten, in particular, could be incredibly brutal in handing this out.
  • Cuckoosnarker: Some incarnations are dry and cutting, others are more childish and spacey, but they're all given moments to remind you they're the same person.
  • Deadpan Snarker: The degree of deadpan and the preferred delivery method of it may vary, but you don't have to scratch any of the Doctors too hard to find the Grade A Snark contained within.
  • Death by Origin Story: Technically the regeneration of one Doctor into another is this since the previous Doctor has to die for the new one to be born.
  • Death Is Dramatic: Regeneration episodes themselves tend to be very melancholy in nature; see "Planet of the Spiders", "Logopolis", "The Caves of Androzani", "The Night of the Doctor", "The Parting of the Ways", "The End of Time", "The Time of the Doctor" and "Twice Upon a Time".
  • Death of Personality: In addition to the Doctor’s appearance changing, their whole personality will change to reflect the regeneration.
  • Defector from Decadence: The circumstances behind them leaving Gallifrey (other than a desire to see the world) are unclear, but they were always critical of the stagnation of Time Lord society.
  • Depending on the Writer: Depending on the incarnation, the Doctor can be anything from an angry, grumpy, callous, arrogant, ruthless Jerk with a Heart of Gold Anti-Hero to a fun-loving, eccentric, clownish, childlike alien with an unscrupulous, manipulative streak to a dashing, charismatic, heroic Cultured Badass Ace with Insufferable Genius tendencies to a sensitive, vulnerable, fallible Gentleman and a Scholar.
  • Deus ex Machina:
    • When you think about it from the perspective of a lot of the characters who only show up in one story, the Doctor themself is a Deus ex Machina. Think about it, these people are in the middle of a dangerous crisis, or in the early stages of one, and then out of nowhere, a strange blue box shows up. Then some weirdo and their companion(s) walk out and solve the whole damn problem.
    • Subverted in "Midnight". Those guys thought he was the cause of it.
  • Doesn't Like Guns:
    • With the exception of Six, no version of the Doctor has been exactly gun-happy — though some accepted them as a last resort, and they don't have a problem firing guns at inanimate non-sentient objects.
    • One was seen with a gun once or twice, though he preferred to immediately give it back to whoever was trying to shove one into his hands. He did carry a gun during an adventure in the wild west (in the novelization he even shoots someone by accident), but that was more to be in character.
    • Two held and handled guns quite a few times during his run, sometimes using them as convenient yet empty threats. He didn't evince any obvious distaste for guns in general, but he never did actually fire one. He also built a heat ray and used it to great effect against Ice Warriors.
    • Three would much rather karate chop a poor sucker than shoot him, though he did sometimes kill with a ray gun.
    • Four would pick up a gun if the situation called for it, and rather enjoyed himself with the things. (His aim, however, left much to be desired.)
    • Five actually blew away a couple of enemies with a ray gun, though only if there was no other option left.
    • Subverted by Six, who was more willing to pick up a gun than the others would a sonic screwdriver. The best example of this is in "Attack of the Cybermen" (again, though, it was a laser gun, not a bullet gun). Six generally wasn't averse to murder.
    • Seven would never use a gun himself but didn't mind when others used similar weapons like rocket launchers or ballistic explosives if the situation demanded it.
    • Eight used a gun several times. In his one televised adventure, he stole one from a police officer and used it to hold himself hostage (a rare occasion where a bullet-firing gun was used). Other times, he simply refuses to acknowledge them as guns, because "I don't use guns".
    • Unexpectedly played straight with the War incarnation, about whom his being unarmed was reportedly the first thing you notice (and for many, also the last). The only time we see him fire a gun on-screen is when he is using one to write the words "No More" on a wall. Expanded Universe material shows that whereas every other TARDIS was armed to the teeth, the Doctor's TARDIS just used ramming.
    • Nine held a gun twice: whether he would actually have shot is debatable. Then again, he also switched Jack Harkness' gun for a banana at one point. He also demanded information at gunpoint and, when his victim protested, said "I'm not gonna shoot you," and gave him the gun. Then continued demanding information, which the victim gave him.
    • As far as Ten was concerned: Swords, explosives, pet robots with lasers, flooding rivers, taping over electronic villains, erupting volcanoes, electrocution through a piece of the TARDIS, Fates Worse Than Death, throwing entire planets into black holes, fatally accurate satsumas and death by church organ? Perfectly legitimate methods of combat. Guns? NEVER. When his cloned daughter appeared to have been shot to death, he picked up the gun that did it and appeared to be about to blow away the man who fired, but said he never could. However, Ten did pick up a gun on his last day, when he realized that the Time Lords were returning. And he pointed it at Rassilon. He ended up firing the gun, though not at a person.
    • Eleven admits that he still "has a thing" against guns, but isn't quite as obsessed with avoiding them if using one can save lives. Early on, he used a gun to activate an anti-gravity thingy when being chased by Weeping Angels. He also admits that he likes using River as a backup gun wielder, since she doesn't share his hangups, and he realizes full well how hypocritical that is. When his Berserk Button gets pushed hard enough, he can go into a violent rage and become very willing to point a gun at someone's head — a fact that genuinely terrifies him.
    • Twelve's opinion of guns is made clear when he tells a group of soldiers they don't have to be liked because they have the guns. However, he can be pushed far enough to pick one up: in the Series 9 opener, Clara's apparent extermination gets him angry enough to pick up a Dalek gun and aim it at Davros, although he ultimately decides to use it for something else, while in "Hell Bent", given the chance to rescue Clara from her imminent death, he actually fires a gun at someone (again, though, not a bullet gun, and the Doctor makes sure that the Time Lord in question has at least one regeneration left).
    • Thirteen really seems to dislike guns, to the point that she gets pissed when Ryan tries to shoot the killer robots attacking them in the second episode of Series 11. (Granted, Ryan did end up making the situation worse due to his attempt at shooting at the robots.)
  • Doom It Yourself: The TARDIS does actually have a manual, but the Doctor rarely bothers to follow it. The Sixth Doctor dismisses its instructions even when it could save his life, while Eleven later claims to have thrown it into a supernova after it disagreed with him one time too many.
  • Doom Magnet: It's actually a cross between being this... and a dedicated follower of Doom, care of the TARDIS plonking them neck-deep in it. Either way: they arrive; trouble happens; trouble unhappens; they leave. And leave an impression that often closely resembles a crater in the process of being built on or flattened out.
  • The Dreaded: As the series progressed, it has become the norm that any villain who recognizes who this strange individual calling themself "Doctor" is immediately browns their trousers. A number of times the Doctor themself calls attention to their identity for that effect.
    • This effect seems to be especially prevalent with the Daleks, who nearly destroyed the entire Time Lord race in the Last Great Time War. To put things into perspective: There are Daleks deemed — by their own race of hate-filled genocide fetishists — too insane to control; they're too awesomely hateful to kill, so they're put into an asylum. Then there are a few Daleks deemed too insane to share a room with those Daleks; they're put into an intensive care room. They are the few who survived a fight with the Doctor.
    • Both Ten and Eleven weaponised the word "Run" and were able to turn entire armies around at the very mention of their name. This status comes back to bite Eleven hard in Series 6, where it's revealed that in the Gamma Forest, "Doctor" does not mean "Helper of the weak and sick" like on Earth, but "Warrior", due to his sheer badassery. The Doctor does not think this is a good thing, and the whole affair inspires him to wipe his "dreaded" status from the universe and start over again without all the baggage of being a known quantity feared and exalted in equal measure.
    • The War Doctor. He comments on both the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors looking at him with nothing less than "utter dread".
    • When the Twelfth Doctor finally returns to Gallifrey and returns to his childhood home, a gunship shows up to drag him off. When he takes a step forward, the gunship backs up. The Doctor then draws a line in the dirt with his foot, and no one will cross it.
  • Drives Like Crazy:
    • Four once managed to land just in time for a cliff to explode on top of him and his companion. Peri at one point complains that Six caused three electrical fires and a power failure, nearly collided with a storm of asteroids, got lost in the TARDIS corridors twice, wiped the memory banks of the flight computer, jettisoned three-quarters of the storage hold and burned her cold dinner. Ten outright admits he failed the TARDIS driving test. (You can tell.)
    • In River Song's second appearance, she teases that the Doctor deliberately shuts off the TARDIS's stabilizers and drives with the parking brake on. Word of Moffat has it that she was just joking, though.
    • However, the TARDIS is meant to have six pilots, which explains why the Doctor is always running round the console and fiddling with seemingly random parts. When we do see six people piloting the TARDIS at once, they're able to do it smoothly without any prior training.
    • In addition to the lack of pilots, it doesn't particularly help that the Doctor refuses to follow the instruction manual either.
    • It has been confirmed (by the TARDIS herself) in the revival that many of the times the TARDIS made an unexpected stop or landed at the wrong time and place are due to the TARDIS itself taking the Doctor to where they need to be.
  • Dying Alone: The Seventh, Eighth, War, Tenth, Twelfth and Thirteenth Doctors all regenerated alone (though given that War, Tenth and Twelfth were in the TARDIS, and Thirteenth was just outside, they don't count as a full example).


  • Early-Installment Weirdness:
    • The Doctor isn't a Time Lord until "The War Games"; up until that point, they're Ambiguously Human (ranging the spectrum from human to made more than human by too much time travel to something disguised as human), with no readily apparent anatomical differences to set them apart. However, even though Third's confirmed as having an alien biology in "Spearhead from Space", he still waffles around whether or not he's human in "The Time Warrior", and it's only with Fourth that the Doctor becomes definitively alien, past incarnations included (except for the TV Movie).
    • Regeneration as we know it doesn't stabilise until the Fifth to Sixth regeneration - the First Doctor's is a "renewal" that's part of the TARDIS, Second's is a "change of appearance" imposed by the Time Lords, Third's gets a push from Cho-Je (who himself had been a future incarnation awaiting his predecessor's regeneration), and Fourth's has the Watcher hanging around, finally merging with the Doctor upon regeneration. It's somehow appropriate that Fifth says "Feels different this time" as he's about to regenerate. (Retroactively, they're treated as if they're consistent with subsequent regenerations, working the same way.)
  • Eccentric Mentor: To many of their companions.
  • Era-Specific Personality: The Doctor changes personalities in every regeneration.
  • Eternal Hero: They're always there to save the day, anywhere and anywhen they are needed.
    • Though sometimes they aren't, a fact explicitly pointed out in the former incident.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Perhaps one of the most famous examples and an invoked and justified one at that. The Doctor refuses to use their true name, taking their name as "the Doctor" and only that. According to them, it is a promise, a symbol of who they are or rather want to be: Somebody who wants to help and heal. Of course, this leads to the classic Running Gag...
  • Expy: When the show began, the Doctor hovered somewhere between Anti-Hero and Anti-Villain, and Steven Moffat described them as a senile old man. At some point, the first story editor David Whitaker realized that since he had to carry the show, he needed to be more of a cut and dried hero. Who did they turn to? Sherlock Holmes. It becomes clear with Moffat penning versions of Doctor Who and Sherlock since both come across as Insufferable Geniuses who both tend to say "Shut up, I'm thinking." Companions in general tend to fit the Watson role pretty well.
  • Extreme Omnisexual: One time, the Doctor flirted with a sentient tree and a Dalek (albeit one with the consciousness of a cute human girl), they and their sapient spaceship are bonded to the point where the show calls her their wife, and they note that although they find Zygons physically repugnant, the species are surprisingly good kissers. The Twelfth Doctor mentioned that an emperor made of algae fancied him.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Most of the various Doctors face their regenerations with composure and grace, the exceptions being the Second and Tenth (who go out kicking and screaming) and the Sixth and Seventh (who go out rather unceremoniously with no time to process the situation, although the Expanded Universe gives them more dignity beforehand).
  • Famed in Story:
    • Erratically, since they tend to hop around space and time and are not actually universally known — but happens on many occasions.
    • It's later been revealed that, due to them, countless races across the universe do get the word "Doctor" intrinsically ingrained in their languages, denoting either a "Healer" or "Great Warrior".
    • By "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship" and "The Angels Take Manhattan", the Eleventh Doctor has taken to removing all traces of his identity.
  • Fan of the Past: The Doctor is rather fond of Earth history.
  • The Fettered: Despite being a self-proclaimed "madman with a box" who thinks keep-out signs are for other people, they are very much this. Bad things happen when they start breaking their personal rules.

    "Good men don't need rules. Now is not the time to find out why I have so many."

  • Fashion Disaster: The Doctor's various incarnations tend to wear outfits that are either distinctly anachronistic, gaudily strange or some combination of the two, all without having any issues with it. A number of these strange fashion choices are repeatedly commented on by other characters and even the Doctor themself. The Sixth Doctor in particular earns the mockery of not only his peers but also his other incarnations thanks to his bizarre, multicolored coat (which he repeatedly insists is the height of intergalactic haute couture), with the Ninth Doctor outright binning it in supplementary material. Twelve explicitly mocks his past incarnations by referencing "bad fashion choices" like "long scarves, bow ties, bit embarrassing, really."
  • Figure It Out Yourself: They invoke the "changing the future" excuse. Taken to massive extremes in "Kill the Moon", to the point in which he leaves a decision that could kill the entire planet to Clara and two others. Though it was all a test and he knew they wouldn't do it, and when Clara found out the truth, it alienated her to the point where she almost left the TARDIS for good.
  • Flanderization: Every incarnation of the Doctor has gone through this to one extent or another, where certain quirks and personality traits seem to become more magnified the longer any one actor stays in the role.
    • However, sometimes they go through reverse Flanderization. The First Doctor became less stubborn and bad-tempered, and Six mellows out in Season 23, and more in Big Finish.
  • Flat-Earth Atheist: The Doctor, despite being a person who flies through space/time like it was a Sunday drive and has fought monsters, has very little patience for non-science based explanations, and refuses to accept there are such things as ghosts, gods, and devils (though Twelve finally comes to accept ghosts). It becomes very obvious when they come across things, creatures, and events that have no reasonable explanation, sometimes going so far as to ignore explanation and adopt an "It happened let's move on" mentality. It takes until Fourteen meeting the Toymaker again for them to finally start engaging with the magical and supernatural, and Fifteen approaches it as if learning a brand new science or language.
  • Foil: Each Doctor is a subversion of the previous one, but it's at its fullest extent with the War Doctor. Whereas his predecessors and successors are all technical pacifists with varying degrees of egotism, chessmasterness, etc., the War Doctor is a warrior with countless deaths on his hands and is the most humble of his selves. It's most evident when he meets his future incarnations in "The Day of the Doctor": Ten and Eleven are cheerful man children with deep-rooted dark sides, while the War Doctor is dark on the outside, very mature and war-worn, with his good heart buried deep within himself and maintains a sense of whimsy. It is as if he was a yin-yang inverse of himself.
    • Each Doctor, barring the First Doctor, has a more-indepth examination as to how their incarnation contrasts with their immediate predecessor on each of their character pages. However, there are some immediate differences that can be listed here:
      • The First Doctor was a haughty stubborn old man dressed in Edwardian clothing who severely needed lessons in humility, while the Second Doctor was a younger man who was slightly more in touch with contemporary 1960s values with an appearance best described as a discount Beatle reject.
      • As the First Doctor put it, the Second Doctor was a clown and the Third Doctor was a dandy. The Second Doctor was a free-spirited cosmic hobo, whereas the Third Doctor was a no-nonsense professional scientist.
      • The Third Doctor was exiled to Earth and limited to work for the Earth government organization UNIT, so the Fourth Doctor contrasted this with always being unable to sit still or take orders from authority.
      • The Fourth Doctor was quite the Large Ham. The Fifth Doctor was more quiet and gentle.
      • Where the Fifth Doctor was quiet and gentle, the Sixth Doctor was back to being, if possible, even more bombastic.
      • Where the Sixth Doctor walked about with a personality as loud as his coat, the Seventh Doctor was more quiet, scheming, and relatively more fashionable compared to his predecessor.
      • The Eighth Doctor was a free-spirited romantic who lived in the moment and flirted more openly, the Seventh Doctor was a manipulative chess-master with a paternal streak towards his most constant companion, Ace.
      • The War Doctor was by and far a soldier who sought to end a war he had no say in as quickly and ethically as possible, the Eighth Doctor willingly choose to become a warrior for a conflict he found himself slowly involved in.
      • The Ninth Doctor was trauma-ridden with guilt over his perceived worst-case scenario during the Time War, the War Doctor eventually lived knowing they avoided the worst-case scenario possible.
      • The Tenth Doctor was overtly idealistic while carrying a cold sense of cynicism deep within, along with a strong disdain for the military and government officials, as well as a preference for delivering personal justice against wrong-doers. The Ninth Doctor was an openly cynical individual hiding a warm sense of compassion, with a reasonable outlook towards military figures and government figures, who avoided personal confrontations with his enemies and preferred letting universal karma judge wrong-doers.
      • The Eleventh Doctor was, by his own admission, a mad man with a box and overall one of the more alien Doctors. The Tenth Doctor was more in-tune with human sensibilities.
      • The Twelfth Doctor had the physical appearance of an old man with the personality of a teenager, whereas the Eleventh Doctor had the physical appearance of a young man/older teenager with the personality of an old man.
      • The Thirteenth Doctor is a blonde-haired extrovert with a cheery personality and a preference for traveling in groups, while the Twelfth Doctor is a brunette-turned-white haired introvert with a gloomy personality and a preference for travelling with just one or two other people.
      • The Fourteenth Doctor is emotionally open and has no issue saying he loves people, while the Thirteenth Doctor is emotionally reticent and finds it extremely difficult to share her feelings with others.
      • The Fifteenth Doctor is energetic and loves life's pleasures, while the Fourteenth Doctor is visibly worn down and exhausted by everything his previous selves have been through.
  • Foregone Conclusion: As revealed in "The Name of the Doctor", the ultimate fate of the Doctor is to die defeating an army at the battle at Trenzalore and have his remains entombed within the TARDIS. The Eleventh Doctor has apparently been aware of this for some time and refers to it as the one place he must never go.

    Clara: How can you have a grave?
    The Doctor: Because we all do, somewhere out there in the future, waiting for us.

  • Friendless Background: More than once, and more so in the newer series, it's been mentioned that the Doctor had a very lonely childhood, with one mention of them often being left out by other Gallifreyan children. In fact, about the only friend of theirs we know of is the Master.
  • Friend to All Children: Consistently across incarnations, though Eleven probably most of all (he met his first companion as a child and never quite stopped thinking of her as one). Even crabby, reclusive One spoke more evenly to youngsters than he did with adults.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Prior to leaving Galifrey, the Doctor was painted as a scared, friendless, and often isolated child who barely passed the Academy, whose own parents/guardians/caretakers doubted that they would ever make a proper Time Lord. Then they stole a TARDIS that was about to be scrapped...
  • Gender Bender:
    • Missy claims to have known the Doctor "since he was a little girl", but this was one of three statements where Missy openly declared one of the three was a lie.
    • Thirteen is their first female incarnation within the chronology of the show; we learn in the series Twelve finale that there are earlier forgotten incarnations, which appeared evenly split between male and female bodies.
    • Most of the Doctor's incarnations are male. The first known incarnation of the Timeless Child, the Doctor's true identity, was a girl.
  • Genius Sweet Tooth: Four loved Jelly Babies; Eleven preferred Jammie Dodgers. Thirteen has a custard cream dispenser in the TARDIS.
  • Gentleman Adventurer: Even once they start to think of fighting the bad guys as a job, their main objective has always been to see as much of the universe as they can.
  • A God Am I: An immortal, omniscient alien with a time machine? ...Just get down on your knees and pray that they're never, ever in this mood around you.
  • A God I Am Not: Their usual mode. They usually don't expect people to recognise them, let alone view them as a hero or (horrors!) see them as a being of nigh-invincible power; they're just someone who happened to be passing by who could and did help.

    Ninth Doctor: Don't worship me, I'd make a very bad god. Wouldn't get a day off for starters.

  • Go-to Alias: "John Smith", as well as several non-English variations on the word "who". The First Doctor once introduced himself as Dr. Caligari and the Tenth Doctor used former companion Jamie McCrimmon's name while pretending to be Scottish.
  • Good Is Not Nice: They're marvellously rude to practically everybody they meet (even those on their side), and the only people they show genuine affection for are children and their companions. The Twelfth incarnation summed it up best as he was dying:

    "Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind."

  • Guile Hero: Almost every incarnation of the Doctor prefers to use brains over brawn.
  • Half-Human Hybrid:
    • While Eighth says he's half-human on his mother's side, and Ashildr/Me independently proposes it as a theory to explain the Doctor being the Hybrid of Time Lord prophecy, the Doctor being the Timeless Child, a mysterious being from another universe, contradicts it, though the Doctor might have thought they were half-human before discovering the truth. (The Expanded Universe went both ways with Eighth's statement and its supporting evidence, some parts going along with it, other parts claiming he was faking out the Master.)
    • "Journey's End" features the creation of a genuine half-human version of the Tenth Doctor.
  • Headbutting Heroes: With UNIT, people who use guns and even with themself on occasion.
  • Heroes Love Dogs: Tin ones, in particular. Ten and Eleven still have nostalgia for K-9 and other robot dogs.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: While the Doctor isn't an action hero, they're not averse to a swordfight, as shown in their third, fifth, and tenth incarnations. The 12th Doctor once duelled Robin Hood, though it was with a spoon rather than a sword. He later won a broadsword match with a daffodil.
  • Human Aliens: On the surface, they look perfectly human, though Ten and Eleven have argued that humans are Time Lord aliens.

    Amy: You look human.
    Eleven: No; you look Time Lord. We were first.

  • Humans Are Morons: As much as the Doctor loves humanity, several incarnations get really frustrated with them. Nine called them "stupid apes" and Twelve declared Earth to be the "Planet of the Pudding Brains".
  • Human Outside, Alien Inside: Despite looking human (or the reverse, whichever), the Doctor and their race are completely different down to an anatomical and biochemical (and dimensional!) level. Just detecting their two hearts is enough to convince most human(oid)s of what they are (at least post-"The War Games"; before that point, they're Ambiguously Human).
  • Humble Hero: They're not modest, but they're essentially humble — might seem odd, but it's true. Though they show pride over their own brilliance and abilities, they don't consider themself special, they'd just as soon leave any credit for what they do to someone else, are very aware the universe doesn't revolve around them, and don't think it should, have dismissed any offers of power to them with some variation on "I wouldn't be very good at it", and can't seem to see that they're powerful enough that whole races devoted to the subjugation of the universe have banded together to try to destroy them.
  • Iconic Item: The sonic screwdriver and the TARDIS, of course. From 2005, the psychic paper.
  • I Hate Past Me: Tends to come up whenever interacting with their past or future incarnations.
    • "The Three Doctors" started this trend by having Two and Three often squabbling amongst themselves, with One occasionally reining them in and telling them to focus on the task.
    • In relation to the point above, when it comes to infighting between incarnations, One has generally been the exception, especially in the expanded universe. Most of his successors who have interacted with him have seen him as a voice of reason, treated him with immense respect, and have always followed his advice.
    • Averted in that Ten apparently really misses his time as Five, and is quite happy to get a chance to interact with him briefly. This is a case of Leaning on the Fourth Wall, as David Tennant is a huge fan of Peter Davison's performance as Five.
    • Taken to its extreme with the War Doctor, whom the Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh refused to admit even existed. The War Doctor, for his part, wasn't exactly impressed with Ten and Eleven either (at first).
    • Meanwhile, when Ten and Eleven met they got along rather well, their squabbles being more akin to playful witty banter and the two sharing more than a few of their more expressive mannerisms.
    • Twelve found One's old-fashioned mannerisms (particularly when it came to gender) to be humiliating, while One experienced Future Me Scares Me upon learning just how much blood would eventually be on his hands (and thought his sunglasses were ridiculous).
    • The vestiges of One, Five, Six, Seven, and Eight expressed various degrees of satisfaction with Thirteen, particularly One and Five. Thirteen, on her part, doesn't really get a chance to express opinions of her predecessors.
      • Seven also took this opportunity to express mild annoyance with Eight.
    • In a rare case of a post-regenerative Doctor praising their predecessor, Fourteen described Thirteen as having been "really brilliant".
    • Fourteen and Fifteen got along very well, with Fifteen being able to show his predecessor understanding and comfort over everything he'd been through.
  • The "I Love You" Stigma: Word of God is that the Doctor should never say these three little words, even when the situation is appropriate. Although less of an issue in the Classic Era, there were still moments where he could have said "I love you" in a platonic context, if nothing else. In the new series, even in unambiguously romantic relationships such as with Rose Tyler, Clara Oswald, and even their own wife, River Song, the Doctor is never heard to utter the phrase. Instead, they either waffle around it (as the Tenth Doctor does with Rose in "Doomsday", saying instead "Does it need saying?" though his clone is implied to have whispered it to her in the later "Journey's End") or uses a euphemism such as "Do you think I care so little for you that betraying me would make a difference?" in "Dark Water" (confirmed by the showrunner and writer of the episode as a euphemism for "I love you") and "I had a duty of care" ("Hell Bent"). Sometimes other characters prevent them from having to say anything approaching it (as with Clara Oswald saying "Whatever you're about to say, I already know" as they prepare for her death in "Face the Raven").
    • In "The Star Beast" the Fourteenth Doctor tells the Noble family that he loved Wilfred Mott (who he believes has passed away). He's openly surprised at how easily he said it considering his long history of avoiding saying the word.
  • I'm Not a Hero, I'm...: ...just a madman/idiot with a box, helping out where they can. They've shown elements of this throughout their lifetime, but only recently have they really started to enforce the idea that they're most certainly not a hero; Eleven and Twelve in particular both had to force their companions to accept this.
  • I Meant to Do That: Some things just never change, and every Doctor pretends they have piloted the TARDIS exactly where they intended even if they're way off-course.
    • "The Doctor's Wife" justifies this when the TARDIS itself reveals that it always takes the Doctor and their companions not where they want to go, but NEED to go.
  • Immortal Genius: The Doctor is virtually immortal thanks to their long (if unspecified) natural lifespan and their ability to regenerate into a new self after mortal injury (which, while at first thought to be limited to twelve times, turns out to be unlimited). They also possess knowledge relating to almost every conceivable field of science, culture, and history, proclaiming themselves a doctor "of everything". Part of this is due to being a super-intelligent alien, but also due to personal experience gleaned through time travel, plus the occasional stint in The Slow Path.
  • Immortal Immaturity: There's no point in being grown-up if you can't be childish sometimes.
  • Immortality Hurts: It would seem that regeneration never gets any less painful or disorienting. Each one is a miniature "death", of sorts, as the Doctor's brain is rewired with a new personality.

    "It's a bit dodgy, this process."

    • Even Fourteen and Fifteen's bigeneration is no exception, despite appearances. While neither of them let on at first, and while it's not a "death" in quite the same way as normal regenerations, Fifteen later reveals it was extremely painful, feeling like he was being torn in two.
    • An alternate view of the trope: as stated in "School Reunion", the Doctor is always cognizant that they will always outlive their companions, stating to Rose Tyler, "You can spend the rest of your life with me, but I can't spend the rest of my life with you. That's the curse of the Time Lords." To date, only three companions potentially could defy this, but the Doctor is unable to stay with them: Romana (a younger fellow Time Lord), Jack Harkness (after being rendered immortal by the Bad Wolf), and Clara Oswald (post-"Hell Bent"). They shot down the idea of Ashildr/Me ever becoming a Companion, telling her that as immortals, "We need the mayflies!"
  • Indy Ploy: Has been winging it since they got stolen by a TARDIS. They're generally rather good at it, to the point their plots can resemble multi-step plans, rather than the "pick stuff up, press stuff and/or prod it, and run with (or away from) what happens" they most probably are. How much is an Indy Ploy and how much Xanatos Speed Chess varies from story to story.
  • Inexplicably Awesome: The Doctor is, quite frankly, oddball even for a Time Lord (heck, just liking Earth, let alone a particular corner of the universe that isn't Gallifrey, is outright weird for them). And we still don't really know all that much about how they got to be that weird by their standards. Seriously. "The Timeless Children" reveals they're not actually Gallifreyan... but it still doesn't explain anything about why they're so weird.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: The Doctor comes off as arrogant, egotistical, and boastful as the next Time Lord but deep down they suffer from a deep-seated self-loathing that prevents them from believing they're a hero or even a good person even after the countless times they've saved the world. This gets played up a lot more in the revival series, in large part thanks to the Time War.
  • In Harm's Way: Nothing keeps the Doctor from adventure.
  • The Insomniac: As has been established since the early days of the series, the Doctor needs very little sleep. The mini-episodes "Night and the Doctor" offer a glimpse into the things they get up to when their companions are asleep. They do sleep on occasion but, as Twelve tells Clara in "Sleep No More", they do it when no one is looking.
  • In the Blood: The Doctor's character flaws — pride, arrogance, self-absorption, and inclination to think themself superior to others — are all traits that can be found in every Time Lord from Romana to the Meddling Monk. And of course, they're passed down with every regeneration.
  • Jumped at the Call: They didn't just jump, they stole a TARDIS and went looking for it. Or did she steal them?
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: A few incarnations of the Doctor have shown a fondness for cats, particularly Six, Nine, and Ten (though Ten was initially wary of them).

    Ten: No, I'm not really a cat person. Once you've been threatened by one in a nun's wimple, kind of takes the joy out of it.

  • Klingons Love Shakespeare: The British-coded Doctor loves a spot of tea and (depending on the incarnation) sweets like jelly babies or jammy dodgers.
  • Knight Errant: In theory, the Doctor is just a traveller, usually not actively looking for wrongs to right, but they expect to find people to help wherever they go and embrace the role of hero. There's usually a fair amount of damsel-rescuing too, considering one of the chief roles of companion is "get into trouble".
  • Knight in Sour Armour: So far, the only Doctor who's been consistently genuinely happy with being the dashing hero was Eight, and that's only because we saw a grand total of one adventure. He is thoroughly broken throughout his Big Finish storyline, and when he reappears on-screen at the time of his last adventure, and his regeneration, he'd become quite sour indeed.


  • Large Ham: Comes with the World of Ham the series is set in. All Doctors are hammy in their own way.
  • Lies to Children: When expounding on things beyond their companions' ken (particularly anything to do with Time Lord tech), they'll resort to simplified analogies. Some of which work better than others; many of which get weirder than others, depending on which Doctor is explaining things. Eleven and Twelve get bonus points for regularly finding actual kids to analogy at.
  • Like an Old Married Couple:
    • With the TARDIS. Because they totally are. And with other regenerations of themself: very few of them actually get along, and Two and Three in particular spend every moment bickering.
    • The Doctor's relationship with some of their companions resemble this at times. Examples include Sarah Jane Smith, Romana (particularly the second Romana), Tegan, Peri, Donna, and Clara. The trope is also applied literally with regards to River Song.
  • Limited Wardrobe: The first four Doctors, as well as the Seventh, usually based their outfits around variations on a theme, though the Fifth and Sixth Doctors played the trope straight with almost completely unchanging apparel. The Eighth Doctor only had one adventure, so the wardrobe was limited to that story. (He eventually moved on to a more modern outfit in Big Finish Doctor Who — for a given value of modern, anyway.) The Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, and Thirteenth Doctors return to the original method, with certain items typically remaining in place. The Fifteenth Doctor seems to prefer Unlimited Wardrobe, changing clothes to suit the occasion.
    • As a side note, the Fifth and Sixth Doctors did get to change their outfits once or twice during their run for an episode or two. For the Fifth, it was disguises and costuming. The Sixth had variations, including a light vest that almost didn't melt one's eyes. Still, their wardrobes mostly went unchanged during their tenure.
    • The colour of the Eleventh Doctor's bowtie in series 5 changed depending if the story is set in the present or past (blue), or if it's in the future (red). Series six saw the blue change to a pair of custom ties, and once Clara came along we got a number of ties usually in purples. His braces/suspenders usually match his bowtie, as well.
    • Due to cold weather while shooting episodes, Eleven ended up wearing a much longer and heavier jacket for a few episodes.
      • After changing companions Eleven swapped out the tweed jacket for a purple frock coat and waistcoat which he kept for the remainder of his tenure.
    • Nine did make some very very very minor efforts to blend in but you'd not really notice.
    • Ironically, the TARDIS has an absolutely huge wardrobe. Of course, the Doctor can be very slow to pick up hints they particularly don't want to get, so if this is one of her hints about their taste in fashion, they've probably been ignoring it like the notice on the door.
  • Living Forever Is Awesome: The classic Doctors very much enjoy their incredibly long lifespan. One, for instance, stole the TARDIS because he wanted to see everything and knew he would have the time to do so. (In Two's last serial and periodically since, it's implied he was running away from something very bad.) Then the Last Great Time War happened: The Doctor was never the same again and this trope became part of a Stepford Smiler mask.
    • Also began to be averted as the series introduced the notion of romance between the Doctor and the occasional companion. As the Tenth Doctor states in "School Reunion", his companions will grow old and die, but the Doctor will just keep on regenerating. This becomes an underlying theme of Series 9 as the Twelfth Doctor becomes fixated on the possibility of one day losing Clara, arguably one of his most beloved (literally and figuratively) companions.
  • Living Legend: Some love the Doctor, some hate them, but they're known throughout the universe. River Song mentions that they can make an army turn and run at the mere mention of their name — and it has been shown that she was not exaggerating.
  • Loss of Identity: Every regeneration must deal with this and discover their new persona. How much it affects them seems to vary: the Seventh Doctor called it a "purely perceptual" change, while the Third and Tenth considered it death. It also tends to vary depending on which side of the regeneration they are; the Third and Tenth Doctors expressed these sentiments just before regenerating, while the Seventh expressed his sentiment after.
  • Mad Scientist: Any time the Doctor starts tinkering or building gadgets, they veer into this territory.
  • Magnetic Hero: Everything gravitates towards them, first and foremost, their companions.
  • Master of Unlocking: And locking, at that, thanks to the sonic screwdriver.
  • Mayfly–December Friendship: They're a centuries-old alien with an indefinite lifespan, and the majority of their companions are ordinary humans. Even with a time machine, they're eventually going to outlive all of them. This is the main reason the Doctor tends not to visit former companions after they leave, and is painfully demonstrated when Eleven learns the Brigadier has passed away.
  • Mayfly–December Romance: Any time they get involved with a non-Time Lord, this is the inevitable result.
  • Mr. Exposition: Since they typically know more than anyone else does.
  • Mr. Fixit: Even once jokingly called themself "the maintenance man of the universe".
  • Mr. Smith: Almost every time the Doctor needs a name, they simply use the bland pseudonym "John Smith". This is even the Third Doctor's official legal name during his time stranded on Earth working for UNIT.
  • Multiple-Choice Past: The Doctor's backstory is confusing to say the least. It says something that there are multiple explanations for why they have multiple pasts - are all the Doctor's backstories, even the ones that contradict each other, equally true due to various events manipulating their biodata? Does the cosmos needs the Doctor to exist so much that no matter how many times history is rewritten, it will find a way for them to be born (or loomed) some place, some time and end up becoming who they are today, even if that origin ends up being shifted to another universe altogether? Is it because the Toymaker turned their past into a jigsaw? Regardless of the cause, the Doctor could be a full Time Lord, a Half-Human Hybrid, Ambiguously Human, or even a full human. They could be the original Time Lord, a Time Lord founder, or just an ordinary Time Lord. They could have had parents and a normal family, or maybe they grew up in some kind of care home. Or maybe none of that's true and they're from some planet in the 49th century. Was the First Doctor really even their first incarnation or were there others? Were they young when they left Gallifrey or an old man? Is Susan even their real granddaughter or was she adopted, possibly from a previous or future incarnation? Even they don't really know at this point.
  • My Future Self and Me: Occasionally, they team up with one or more of their own future incarnations.
  • Mysterious Past: The franchise has been around for sixty years and we still do not know the Doctor's real name or why they no longer use it, nor do we know much about their blood family or childhood.
    • We didn't learn the name of the Doctor's people until the end of Patrick Troughton's run and we didn't learn the name of their home planet until Jon Pertwee took the reins.
    • We know they once had a family and even children, but "lost them long ago". Given how we never get any indication that (apart from Susan) they're still alive even before the Time War, it's possible this was one of the reasons the First Doctor so readily Jumped at the Call.
    • Neil Gaiman toyed with providing an origin for the Doctor in "The Doctor's Wife". Moffat turned down the idea, explaining the Time Lord does what they do "for reasons too vast and terrible to relate".
    • It is also never made clear exactly what made the Doctor want to steal a TARDIS and leave Gallifrey with their granddaughter, though possible explanations include disgust or dissatisfaction with Time Lord society, a desire to explore and help people out, or wanting to escape something they did or had happened to them on Gallifrey.
    • Then there are the mysteries around the Doctor's forgotten incarnations, including who they were, what they got up to, how long they've actually been with the TARDIS, how long she's been a police box, and where they picked up the "Doctor" name in the first place. In this cycle, they met the TARDIS when their first incarnation left with Susan, and Ian started calling him "the Doctor" because he was known to Coal Hill School as a doctor, but it turns out they have a forgotten history with that name and that TARDIS.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: "Doctor" doesn't always mean "healer" in some cultures they've visited. Then there's the other things some call them: the Bringer of Darkness, the Oncoming Storm...
  • Never Accepted In His Home Town: The Doctor has never gotten on particularly well with most of their fellow Time Lords. Even though they've saved Gallifrey multiple times, the High Council tends to view them as an embarrassment. Their saving the whole planet from the Time War seems to have brought many of the soldiers and ordinary citizens around to supporting them, but the higher-ups were still not fond of them.
  • The Nicknamer: Several incarnations are known for this, from the First Doctor's intentional mangling of Ian Chesterton's name to the Twelfth Doctor referring to Danny Pink as "P.E." (initially with contempt, but finally with affection).
  • Nightmare Fetishist: Depending on the situation and Doctors, the Doctor has shades of this, as they practically squee being around particularly interesting (regardless of how terrifying) monsters of the week. This trait was what drove the First Doctor to explore Skaro, as he knew how dangerous it was but faked a TARDIS breakdown to explore a Dalek city. This was even lampshaded by Clara, who asked Twelve if going on dangerous adventures is an addiction.
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: The Doctor is a psychic alien time-travelling slider.
  • No Name Given: The Doctor does have a name, but it's never been revealed.
    • There seems to be some sort of cultural convention for renegade Time Lords to discard their birth names in favour of chosen titles (The Master, the Rani, the Monk, the Corsair...), but while Expanded Universe works featuring their pre-exile days will generally give their personal names, the Doctor doesn't seem to have used their birth name since childhood — their former classmates at the Academy knew them only as "Theta Sigma", a nickname they apparently found somewhat embarrassing.
    • Steven Moffat believes there is "a terrible secret" behind why they never give their true name, to even those they love.
    • River Song knows their name; she says she made them tell her, and it took a while.

      The Doctor: River, you know my name! You whispered my name in my ear. There's only one reason I would ever tell anyone my name. There's only one time I could!

    • Made into a major plot point in the series finale of Series 6. It's resolved — but still not answered — in "The Time of the Doctor".

      The Doctor: Silence will fall when the Question is answered.
      Dorium: Silence must fall when the Question is answered.
      The Doctor: What is the Question?
      Dorium: The first question! The question that must never be answered, hidden in plain sight. The question you've been running from all your life! Doctor who? Doctor who? Doc! Tor! WHO!?

    • Ultimately, the Doctor ends up arguing that their chosen name of "the Doctor" is more important than their birth name since it represents a promise of the sort of person they want to be.
    • Missy claims the Doctor's name actually is "Doctor Who" in "World Enough and Time", though the Doctor denies it. Given that both of them are Consummate Liars (and Missy is a complete Troll) there's no way to know who's telling the truth.
    • Given what "The Timeless Children" reveals about their past, it's currently open whether their "birth name" is the Timeless Child's original name, or whether it was given to them when they became the First Doctor.
  • Noodle Incident: Their final break from Gallifrey, though it apparently involved boosting the Hand of Omega before they left. We know the origins behind the other renegades: The Master went off his nut, and the Rani's mutant mice attacked the President.

    Runcible: –?? Oh, I say. Weren't you expelled or something? Some scandal?
    Fourth Doctor: Oh, it's all been forgotten about now, old boy.
    Runcible: Oh, really? Well, where've you been all these years?
    Fourth Doctor: Oh, here and there, 'round and about.

  • Not That Kind of Doctor: Initially. He says this almost word for word in one of the first episodes. Later in the classic series, the Rani, a fellow Time Lord and former classmate, mentions the Doctor's qualifications in thermodynamics, indicating that they were initially a physicist, not a physician, but then they went travelling the Universe for centuries with the explicit purpose to learn and explore. By the New Series, this has made them an Omnidisciplinary Scientist, which includes the occasional bit of medical knowledge. Physics and Engineering are still their forte, though.
    • In "The Moonbase", Two claims he got a doctorate under Joseph Lister in Glasgow in 1888, although Lister left Glasgow long before that; Clara later asserts that he only graduated in the wrong century by mistake.
  • Obfuscating Insanity: They can go from a Cloudcuckoolander to an Anti-Hero in the snap of a finger.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Some Doctors ham it up more than others, and some (such as Three, Six, and Twelve) generally don't bother at all, but all are entirely capable of acting the fool to lure their opponents into a false sense of security.
  • Obi-Wan Moment:
    • "A tear, Sarah Jane? No, don't cry. While there's life, there's..."
    • The Fourth Doctor smiled weakly at his companions huddled around him, then gestured to his guardian angel, The Watcher.
    • The War Doctor realised he'd finally reached the end of this life and accepted what was coming.
    • The Ninth briefly held off his regeneration so he could comfort Rose and prepare her for what was going to happen to him.
    • The Tenth Doctor willingly surrendered his life to save Donna's grandfather's, despite the old man's pleas. "Wilfred, it's my honour."
    • Eleven's send-off was a pithy farewell to both Clara and the fans as well. "I will always remember when the Doctor was me."
    • Twelve took the opportunity to remind his successor of what being the Doctor means before finally giving himself over. "Doctor... I let you go."
    • Thirteen voiced her last wistful regret while looking out into the sunrise. "That's the only sad thing. I wanna know what happens next."
  • Oblivious to Hints: Trying to list all the companions (and others) they've driven up the wall doing this to would take a while... How much is deliberate, or just them being scatter-brained, is debatable and, probably, changeable — even within an incarnation. The TARDIS is also not always impressed, if her complaint about the door is any indication. There is only one that didn't manage to pull this out where we could see it: the War Doctor. But that probably had more to do with not getting the chance to than not being capable of it. The general template is as follows:

    Whoever: ...Which is why I basically asked you not to do that!
    The Doctor: Really?! Well, you should have said so sooner.

  • Older Than They Look: All incarnations of the Doctor are technically part of the same millennia-long lifespan, but One, Three and Twelve are the only ones that look like they're older than sixty. Honourable mentions to War, who's indicated to have started out young in "The Night of the Doctor" and lived long enough to become the old soldier of "The Day of the Doctor", and Eleven, who also lives long enough to go from being boyish to an old man, still fighting even when he's practically senile and needs a cane to get around.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: And quite justified too. They've had thousands of years to learn.

    Thirteenth Doctor: You're a medic, I'm the Doctor.
    Mabli: Doctor of medicine?
    Thirteenth Doctor: Well, medicine, science, engineering, candy floss, LEGO, philosophy, music, problems, people, hope. Mostly hope.

    • Just a sampling of the disciplines they have shown proficiency in: biology, anatomy, astrology, astrophysics, paleontology, paleoanthropology, recreational mathematics.
    • Judging by statements from old classmates, their original degree/doctorate seems to have been in (astro?)physics and/or engineering (the Rani mentions qualifications in "thermodynamics", the Master "cosmic science"), but they've had a whole lot of time to acquire insane amounts of knowledge, and the curiosity to match.
  • Omniglot:
    • While they usually have the TARDIS to translate for them, they can speak several alien languages without it (come Fourteen's time, he claims he knows 57,000,000,205 languages). They even speak baby. And horse. And dinosaur.
    • This is notably a skill they developed gradually over the series — they didn't speak French during their exile, and picked up the more "exotic" things like "baby" in the quadruple digits.note 
  • One Myth to Explain Them All: The show posits that hundreds upon hundreds of myths are based on them and their adventures.

    River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

    • It turns out that they're actually the "nameless, terrible thing", soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. Ouch.
    • The Doctor also encounters several such creatures and enemies.
  • Our Presidents Are Different: Taking advantage of an obscure law, the Fourth Doctor narrowly avoids execution by putting himself up as a candidate for Lord President of Gallifrey. He claims the position later on as part of a plan to lure would-be invaders the Vardans into a trap, only to have his memory of that adventure wiped, and by the time Romana shows up, someone else has become President. The Fifth Doctor gets appointed President after Borusa is trapped by the Game of Rassilon, eventually getting deposed by "Trial of a Time Lord" for neglect. The Twelfth Doctor, meanwhile, gets appointed the nominal "President of Earth" in times of crisis, and President of Gallifrey again after he deposes Rassilon.
  • Outside-Context Problem: For almost any villain that encounters them, the Doctor is the unforeseeable Spanner in the Works — an oddly-dressed stranger with otherworldly knowledge and competence who just appears out of nowhere to bring your whole empire crashing down. Their recurring Rogues Gallery never know exactly when they will show up and dread them all the more because of their unpredictability, but can usually bet on them appearing at exactly the worst possible time.
  • Papa Wolf: Plus Mama Bear during their sporadic stints as a woman. The fatherly protective-ness started with looking after their literal granddaughter, expanded towards their (always much younger) companions individually, and then eventually the entire human race. This is part of why Danny Pink thought Twelve was Clara's "Space Dad"; an old-looking gentleman who looks after the younger people in their company. In "The Zygon Inversion," the Doctor explicitly calls himself humanity's "Dad."
  • Patrick Stewart Speech: The Doctor has waffled on their opinion of earthlings over the years. Thankfully, they can safely be called a humanist. This is in reaction to the many craven adversaries who represent the triumph of an elite over the weak. The Doctor holds that even the most ordinary person is unique and worth preserving.
  • Percussive Maintenance: When something goes wrong with the TARDIS' flight — hitting, kicking, they even had a special mallet for a while. When Adric tried to "think like the Doctor" to solve a flight problem, his solution was to smack the console. It worked.
  • The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: The Doctor is a Science Hero, but is rarely if ever shown doing any actual lab work. The only one who was shown consistently working on science projects was ironically the Third Doctor, who was far more of an Action Hero than the others.
    • Also applies to his being President of Gallifrey, as he scarpers off to go back to wandering the cosmos at the first possible opportunity, ultimately resulting in his being impeached and removed from office in absentia for not doing the work.
  • Pride:
    • An ego of awesome — and very frequently justified — proportions. It's deconstructed on many occasions like "Midnight" or the Harriet Jones debacle because it leads them to think that they always know the correct answer and everyone else needs to shut up and listen, which sometimes leads to tragedy.
    • Every Doctor feels the need to be the one in charge and give orders, not take them.
  • Pronoun Trouble: Prior to Thirteen, all onscreen incarnations of the Doctor were men, so only "he" was required. However, Thirteen is a woman; since her announcement, the compromise appears to be to refer to individual incarnations as "he" or "she" and to the Doctor as a whole as "they". Another train of thought advocates continuing to refer to the Doctor as a whole as "he", given the majority of their incarnations have been male.
  • Psychic Powers:
    • The Doctor has some degree of psychic ability, though the details are fuzzy and mostly left up to the writers.
    • What we've seen so far is touch-telepathy requiring they put their hands on either side of a person's head. Sometimes they also put their forehead against the other person's forehead. And in the case of the latter, sometimes they do it really hard.
    • Plus, the Doctors are able to mind-meld with each other through "Contact!" (and, when necessary, with others via head-butt).
    • Historically, their telepathic mojo has seen the most use when dealing with other Time Lords or other Sufficiently Advanced Aliens. They seem to have only become adept enough to mind-meld with ordinary humans and the like after the Time War. When encountering time-displaced versions of themself, they can do a mind-meld without physical contact.
  • Pungeon Master: Sad, but true: give any Doctor an excuse, and they'll find a pun to abuse. Some more than others. For the worst offenders, you need One, Four, and Eight. But any of the others are also more than capable of knocking you over the head with a blunt verbal instrument alongside more subtle wordplay. While looking awfully smug about it, to boot.
  • Racial Transformation: The Timeless Child retroactively makes every Doctor except for Ruth and Fifteen into this, along with Gender Bender for the first 13, as her first incarnation was black and female.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Eleven claims to be 1200 as of "The Day of the Doctor", and according to the ebook Tales of Trenzalore, spent over 900 years on Trenzalore during the events of "The Time of the Doctor". While various contradictory dates have been given in both the classic and revived series, Word of God is that they've pretty much forgotten their true age and by their Ninth and Tenth incarnations, simply began ticking numbers off from 900, with Eleven having spent three centuries in that incarnation when he last spoke his age. What matters is that they're old, very old.
    • By the end of their Eleventh incarnation, they've bumped all the way up to two thousand years old.
    • The First Doctor was 450 or thereabouts when he regenerated, the Fourth was 748 when he first started running, the Fifth was exactly 814 when he started, the Sixth was exactly 900, and the Seventh was 953 when he first appeared (The same age as the Rani). Of course, the Doctor started losing track of how old they were way back in their Fourth incarnation.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Every Doctor, especially the Second, Fourth, Tenth, and Eleventh, frequently indulge in this by coming up with plans Crazy Enough to Work.
  • Resignations Not Accepted: Technically they never resigned as UNIT's Scientific Advisor, so they'll often find themself roped into helping them on this pretext, whether they want to or not.
  • Resurrection Sickness: Several of the Doctor's regenerations have left them loopy, sick, or otherwise out of sorts when bringing themself back to life. For example:
    • Two is in pain for a while right after regenerating.
    • Three spends an episode escaping from a hospital.
    • Four spends an episode trying to convince everyone that he doesn't need to go to the hospital because he's fit as a fiddle, but instead convinces them that he's not particularly sane.
    • Five removes random articles of clothing, forgets and remembers everything about himself at random intervals, temporarily reverts back to previous personalities, passes out multiple times, goes crazy, rides around in circles on a motorized wheelchair, floats in the air, spends an episode in a cabinet-coffin thing that Nyssa and Tegan have to carry him around in, and loads more ridiculous things. Needless to say, he had the most known problems thus far. This was true to the extent that the TARDIS thought it appropriate to drop medical supplies on his head at one point.
    • Six becomes dangerously psychotic and suffers from violent mood swings, first convincing himself that Peri is a spy and trying to strangle her, then declaring that he needs to become a hermit for everyone's safety when he realizes what he almost did.
    • Seven and Eight both lose their memories for a while (although for Seven that was more because he'd been drugged by the Rani). Eight had it particularly bad due to the regeneration taking longer than normal to kick in (he died in surgery and the anesthetic kept him dead "too long").
    • Ten briefly becomes extremely erratic and irrational before collapsing into a dramatic coma which lasts for most of the episode, and at one point, thanks to being woken up too early, his brain almost collapses.
    • Eleven has random fits of hitting himself, sometimes spasms painfully, has erratic and odd cravings for food, and walks into a tree. "Early days. Steering's a bit off."
    • Twelve's first action is to complain about the colour of his kidneys, and from there on out he forgets how to fly the TARDIS, discovers to his horror and confusion that he has obtained some kind of face blindness, and struggles with episodes of delirium and amnesia. It takes him a good chunk of the following episode to get his bearings.
    • Thirteen suffers partial amnesia, has a bout of disassociation causing her to think she's looking for a doctor rather than that she is the Doctor, and then once the initial crisis is done collapses into unconsciousness while her body heals.
    • Fourteen seems to transition into Fifteen painlessly, sheer bizarreness of their regeneration's circumstances aside, but Fifteen later reveals it hurt a hell of a lot more than either let on at the time, and he honestly doesn't think he could go through it again.
  • Reveling in the New Form: While the Doctor typically regards regeneration with either fear or reluctant acceptance depending on the incarnation, the new incarnation that results from it often reacts to their new self with some level of glee (when they aren't swept up by Resurrection Sickness, that is). The Sixth Doctor in particular openly regards himself as a marked improvement over the Fifth Doctor as soon as he comes into existence, ending "The Caves of Androzani" with a smug grin and the words "change, my dear, and it seems not a moment too soon," before reacting to Peri's apprehension in "The Twin Dilemma" with confusion. He even admires himself in the mirror, commenting favorably on his "noble brow."
  • Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: As part of the Time Lord package, the Doctor is typically immune to alterations in the timeline.
  • Robo Ship: Companions come and go, but the Doctor and the TARDIS love each other eternally. It is confirmed in-universe as of "The Doctor's Wife", in which they get to share a kiss. "The Name of the Doctor" reveals that after both of them die, she becomes the Doctor's tomb.
  • Rummage Sale Reject: Various incarnations take this approach to their outfits. The later versions tend towards less outlandish but nonetheless distinctive looks.
    • Two had a many-pocketed, unkempt coat to go with his "space hobo" look.
    • Three wore velvet smoking jackets and frilly shirts that Jon Pertwee had worn precisely because they looked silly. He also wore a cape most of the time. And his hair, fluffed out with rollers because the actress playing his companion teased him about his bald spot, slowly increased in size as his tenure went on. He also had a tattoo (in the 1970s, before it was cool).
    • Four's first season outfit is a horrible shabby mess — an ugly shirt, a corduroy jacket with patches on the elbows, a tacky brown and yellow argyle cardigan, a crumpled-up scarf used as a tie, scuffed shoes, and baggy trousers — the aim being to reflect how young he was compared to the previous Doctors, foregoing "mad professor" in favour of "starving student". And there's that scarf; a happy accident (they bought too much wool for the old lady who knitted it expecting her to only use what she needed to make a normal scarf, but instead she thought she was supposed to use it all up). As the Doctor's character developed it was decided he should begin to look bohemian and byronic — he grows his sideburns out longer, ditches the jacket for frock coats, swaps the cardigan for waistcoats, the scuffed shoes for boots with tall heels, and the tacky shirt for a plain ivory shirt with voluminous Victorian-style sleeves, themes he sticks to for the whole of the rest of his tenure. Having established a beautiful and romantic taste in fashion, he then goes on to bury it under huge hair, a big floppy hat and several layers of hideous and ill-matching scarf significantly longer than he is tall, with awesomely disastrous visual results. Certain stories exploit this by having him remove all the mismatched parts of his outfit in order to give him a few moments of looking actually good, usually when he's supposed to be dashing and romantic, or Darker and Edgier ("The Hand of Fear", "The Deadly Assassin", some scenes in "Image of the Fendahl", "The Talons of Weng-Chiang" and the punting scene in "Shada" come to mind). He tends to stick to browns with the occasional dash of dark red or purple - Word of God says the colour palette was inspired by the tendency to describe Tom Baker's distinctive voice as "dark brown". Early on he also has a habit of doing his buttons up wrong — he buttons up his cardigan so one side is longer than the other, buttons up his frock coat so the double-breast doesn't cross right, and (in "The Masque of Mandragora") does up his waistcoat all the way to the bottom, creating a weird bulge.
    • Five's red-trimmed cricket outfit and decorative vegetable. Not many men can pull off a decorative vegetable.
    • Six's ridiculous clown suit (to match his ego-inflated personality). At a who-con in Tampa, Colin Baker told the audience that he had chosen his garish coat specifically because he didn't have to look at it.
    • Seven's question-mark sweater (with question mark-handled umbrella) which might just have gone too far.
    • Subverted by Eight, who stole his outfit from the locker of someone who was going to a costume party. After rummaging through and apparently giving a certain amount of consideration to some really costume-y things, he settled on a rather peculiar but elegant Edwardian suit.
    • Nine averts this: his dark pants, dark-coloured v-neck t-shirt, and a black leather coat coordinate nicely — though the coat may not be the best thing to be wearing in WWII England, as Captain Jack notes.
    • Ten wears a brown pinstripe or blue suit (it varies) with an open collar shirt, a tie and... Converse trainers (in three varying colours). Not to mention the duster. Believe it or not, the whole thing works.
      • The trainers-with-suit looked odder when Ten's stint started than it does now since while it hasn't exactly become a trend, it definitely has its imitators.
    • Eleven got most of his original outfit from what was lying around in a hospital while he was fighting two Starfish Aliens. The old professor outfit with a bowtie is actually one of the more "normal" ones.
      • For one brief, shining moment in the season finale, Eleven's outfit consisted of tight pants, button-down shirt, tweed jacket, suspenders, bowtie, and a fez. While holding a mop, for no particular reason.
      • And at the start of the next season, he has a stetson. However, River Song doesn't like him in hats and has an... unambiguous way of demonstrating this.
      • There's also his long johns which he wore for the majority of "The Crimson Horror". It Makes Sense in Context but especially on Matt Smith's lanky frame, the effect is more than a little silly.
      • Come "The Snowmen", he moved on to a rather stylish Victorian suit.
    • Twelve's outfits tend to be minimalist, and he seems to put more effort into looking fashionable, but then there's the look he describes as "aiming for mysterious, but ended up as street magician", consisting of a black shirt dotted with white holes, hoodie, and his signature navy blue coat with red interior trim, sometimes with plaid trousers.
    • Thirteen's look, comprising a top with rainbow stripes, short blue trousers with suspenders, and a long pale lilac coat, is described on her own page as having "raided the wardrobe of a 1980s' British kids' TV show". She got it from a charity shop, so this is the incarnation to play this trope most literally.
    • Fourteen wears a blue duster, a brown and blue plaid suit without a jacket, and a pair of trainers.
    • Fifteen is another aversion, generally being more fashion-conscious than his predecessors.


  • Sad Clown: Every Doctor tends to indulge in wisecracking, even the more serious and grim ones, but it's acknowledged at times that they do it to cope with their trauma.
  • Science Hero: The Doctors often use their scientific knowledge to save the day.
  • Screw Destiny: Death at Lake Silencio a fixed point? Dodged. Their unavoidable destined death at Trenzalore? Not so destined. Time Lords limited to twelve regenerations and then they die for real? "A thing happened."
  • Seen It All:
    • By their Eleventh incarnation. An extended scene from "Flesh and Stone" has Eleven claim that he's probably not only been to every star in the universe but seen their beginning and end, too; the reason he needs to travel with companions is because of their wide-eyed reaction to the wonders of the universe, which he's begun to stop noticing.

      The Doctor: Make all of time and space your backyard and what do you get? A backyard.

    • Ncuti Gatwa argues that this has its positive side, as the Doctor's many centuries of life have given them a greater understanding of other people's experiences.
  • Shadow Archetype: Being a really old time-travelling alien in a universe full of Monsters of the Week and re-occuring enemies can result in plenty of comparisons drawn towards you and the enemies you fight:
    • The Daleks are a notable example, with the similarities being more pronounced in the Revival Series than in the Classic Era. The Doctor is an individual who wants to help others who are in need of help, like crying children. The Daleks exist to exterminate all life-forms that are not Dalek, for they believe that Daleks are superior to all life-forms. Yet the Daleks can't help but find a strange fascination with the Doctor, for despite their best efforts to exterminate their greatest enemy, they find the Doctor's anger in their presence worthy of preserving. Overall, while the Doctor's anger towards those who have harmed or wish to harm the innocent is shown as a good thing, their anger has pushed them to commit morally dubious acts over the years. In many ways, the Doctor seeks to exterminate aliens who don't act in ways that are Doctor-like.
    • The Cybermen are a more subtle example compared to the Daleks. The Cybermen are emotionless cybernetic beings that were once fully organic Humanoid Aliens who sole purpose is to "upgrade" the entire universe to be like them. This is similar to the Doctor's modus operandi in regards to their relationships with other aliens, particularly humans. Where the Cybermen seek to forcibly convert others across planets and universes into their own image and to live with their beliefs of assimilating others into Cybermen for their own benefit, the Doctor seeks to find humans to live lives similar to the Doctor's lifestyle by exploring the universe and spreading the Doctor's ideals of pacifism and communication first before embracing violence as the only option. However, it should be noted that the Doctor doesn't force their ideals onto everyone and greatly encourages their companions to accept their ideals. But given that the Doctor lives a very non-conventional lifestyle, the moment a companion steps into the TARDIS is the moment that they start to lose their planet's traditional values and start embracing the Doctor's values as said values are important for their survival during their travels across time and space.
    • The Master is more or less a blatant example of a direct Shadow Archetype for the Doctor. Where the Doctor seeks to only see the universe, the Master seeks to control it. Where the Doctor travels with others, the Master usually travels alone, if only to temporarily forge alliances with others before inevitably backstabbing those he allies with. During the moments when the Doctor and the Master cross paths, the Doctor is usually the one to sacrifice themselves for their former friend/fellow Time Lord where the Master is obsessed with survival and control at any costs. But most times, it will end with the Master dying or facing a humiliating defeat and the Doctor walking away unscathed or without major injuries. However, the Doctor's darker side does reveal a personality similar to the Master, more visible when the Doctor travels alone for a long duration of time without a companion to travel with. And there are rare times where we see the Master adopt a personality more similar to the Doctor like in Utopia.
    • The Sontarans are another subtle shadow archetype for the Doctor. The Sontarans are a clone race of aliens who find meaning in waging wars and fighting in wars. The Doctor is a self-proclaimed pacifist who avoids violence where possible. But where the Sontarans are the ones instigating conflicts or actively seeking conflicts to be involved in, the Doctor walks into conflicts on accident on their part, but deliberately engineered by the TARDIS as they take the Doctor to where they need to go.
    • The Weeping Angels, surprisingly for an alien species that doesn't talk that much. But in principle, the Weeping Angels are an excellent shadow archetype to the Doctor. The Doctor is a Time-Lord, who obviously travels in time with non-Time Lord companions with their consent, mostly, and talks way too much at times. The Weeping Angels can't travel in time but they can send other non-Weeping Angel organic entities back in time without their consent, feeding off of their victims' lifetimes like parasites. The Doctor is hardly a parasite and wants to show their companions the wonders of the universe, yet finds themselves facing death almost wherever they go.
  • Shapeshifting Excludes Clothing: Normally, regeneration doesn't affect the clothes the Doctor's wearing, so each new incarnation starts out in what their predecessor was last wearing, if anything.note  There have been a couple of exceptions where their clothes do change, however, including the First to Second and Thirteenth to Fourteenth (First to Second was initially a case of Early-Installment Weirdness, as it was dropped for later regenerations, until Thirteenth to Fourteenth brought it back).
  • Shrouded in Myth: Good wizards in fairy tales tend to turn out to be them. At the very least, they're confirmed to have been — well, will end up being — Merlin.
  • Smart People Play Chess: The Time Lords invented the game (as seen with the Game of Rassilon), and Four and Eleven in particular have a fondness for playing chess.
  • Smug Super: Not as bad as some cases, but not exactly quiet about their brilliance, either.
  • Sniff Sniff Nom: The Doctor tends to lick things to analyse them; though most seen with 10 and 11, they've occasionally done this as far back as 2.
  • Spanner in the Works: This Rummage Sale Reject has turned up while you have an intricate and very delicate plan in play? All bets are now officially off...
  • Spell My Name with a "The": It would seem that Time Lords who are on the outs with Gallifrey — renegades, as it were — have lost their names along with their home. Other examples include the Master (of course), the Rani, and the mentioned-but-not-seen Corsair.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: As soon as the monsters are defeated and the day's heroics are done, the Doctor and the companion(s) will often slip off back to the TARDIS, leaving everyone puzzled as to where they went. They also sometimes pop up out of nowhere.
  • Stepford Smiler: A good number of Doctors mask their depression and trauma with jokes and goofy antics.
  • Super-Senses: All Time Lord senses are supposedly vastly superior to human senses; in practice, though, this is largely plot-driven.
  • Super-Strength: Occasionally they do things like punch through a stone wall or break a rock with their bare hands or something to remind you of this, though there's rarely dialogue devoted to it. The Eighth Doctor even managed (after several punches) to knock a steel door off of its hinges immediately following his regeneration, and the Eleventh managed to survive being hit by a Dalek laser, though the Dalek was greatly weakened at the time.
    • This may be increased shortly after a regeneration; Four was able to karate chop a brick in half at the beginning of his first serial, but couldn't repeat the trick by the end.
  • Symbol Motif Clothing: The Doctor began wearing question marks when John Nathan-Turner took over as showrunner. It started with Five's and Six's collars, as well as Six's suspenders, and culminated in a pullover vest and umbrella for Seven.
    • When Four regenerates and Five is taking off Four's attire, particularly unravelling the massive scarf, you can see question marks on his collar, too.
    • Twelve claims he wears question mark underwear.
  • Technical Pacifist: The Doctor really puts the "Technical" in Technical Pacifist. Although they have used firearms on occasions, for the most part they are just very good at engineering situations that result in the destruction of their current adversary (sometimes on a genocidal scale) if that adversary fails to heed their warnings. They also sometimes outsource violence and killing to companions who don't share their hangups, notably Leela, Jack, and River.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Despite being on the same side, the Doctor and UNIT fall into this. It varies depending on the incarnation, but the Doctor generally disapproves of their military tactics (i.e. "shoot first, ask questions later"), while UNIT barely tolerates the Doctor's arrogant attitude; the Brig and his team and later Kate put up with it, while the other officers don't. It was especially prominent in Russell T Davies' first era, where UNIT's increased aggression against alien threats (justified in the name of Homeworld Security) was met with nothing less than hatred by the Doctor (Torchwood shows them in an even darker light, just ask Tosh). The Moffat era reconciled them, but UNIT was still willing to go to extreme measures (like nuking London to save the rest of the world from an alien invasion). And under Kate's leadership, they have a tendency to kidnap the Doctor to ensure their cooperation, since the Doctor's unreliability in such matters is notorious.
  • Temporal Duplication: Sometimes joins forces with other incarnations when one isn't enough, though this seems limited to different incarnations.
  • They're Called "Personal Issues" for a Reason:
    • Even in their most open incarnations, the Doctor is not one to share their secrets; allude to them, yes, but reveal them, no, not even to the people they love, unless there's absolutely no other way. It's why so often in the revival it's seers and others who manage to enter their mind that end up discovering something about those secrets.
    • It's likely also why the revival Doctors are so tight-lipped about the traumas they go through, but with those it's possible to get the Doctor to talk about it - possible, but not a given.
    • Clara's respect for this is why she makes the argument that "the Doctor" is their name in "The Time of the Doctor".
  • Time Abyss: As revealed in "The Timeless Children", they're older than Time Lord civilisation, a civilisation once mentioned to be over ten million years old - they provided the genetic material to uplift the Shobogans to Time Lords, and they stood in the ruins of Time Lord civilisation after the Master had destroyed it. And then there's the small matter of how long they spent on the other side of the rift Tecteun found them below.
  • Too Clever by Half: No Time Lord or Lady is ever afraid of blowing their own trumpet, and the Doctor is no exception. There's a downside to that: every last incarnation has had to spend a lot of time in episodes, serials, or series digging themselves out of problems their own occasionally-too-smug intelligence has caused. Sometimes across regenerations.
  • Too Dumb to Live:
    • Every so often, the Doctor's pacifism sends them into this territory. While their desire to avoid death is understandable, any time the Doctor tries to save long-time enemies such as the Daleks and Cybermen just make people want to slap them. The Doctor themself admits that those species are bred to do nothing but hate and kill or painfully turn other people into them (respectively), yet the Doctor keeps walking up to them and yelling "Let me save you!", often while they're pointing a gun, laser, etc. at the Doctor's head, usually risking themself, their companion, and the world in the process.
    • Once, when the Tenth Doctor is carrying out the typical "go towards something you should probably be going away from" version, River Song tells one of her crew to go with him and "pull him out when he's too stupid to live."
  • Toxic Friend Influence: In the revival, several people directly address how the Doctor not only positively motivates his companions, but keeps pushing them until it's almost destructive to their outside lives. Rose and Martha's mothers, and Danny Pink, state this directly. Martha actually confronts him on this to his face, before becoming the first companion to willfully and decisively leave the Doctor for her own mental wellbeing (and to take care of the family that did get messed up), while the Doctor recognizes he didn't remotely appreciate her enough. Jack, Martha, and River openly state how he's an awe to be around, but they heavily question how much he actually cares about them when they're not around. Each time the Doctor does get saddened by this, but it's almost like they can't help themself.
    • Thanks to this trope, Jack, Martha, and River are the only companions who got to choose a relatively happy separation from the Doctor, in the entire run between the 8th, War, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Doctors.
  • Tragic Time Traveler: It doesn't matter what Doctor we're talking about, they're an immortal time traveler who has to deal with not only the fact that they'll eventually outlive all of their companions, but that at the end of their life they'll be reborn into a new Doctor with their previous experiences stacked atop of those of this new incarnation.
  • Tranquil Fury: When sufficiently angered, the Doctor is quite capable of raining fire down on their enemies with a look of utmost calm.
  • Uncertified Expert: By Time Lord standards, anyway; Romana got a triple first at the Academy, while the Doctor scraped through with 51% on the second attempt (and outright failed the TARDIS driving test).
  • Unconventional Courtroom Tactics: Rather than face the indignity of hearing a guilty judgement during his mockery of a trial, the Fourth Doctor put himself up as a candidate for the Presidency. Six spent the bulk of his own trial heckling the prosecutor (the Valeyard), calling him Boneyard/Backyard/Barnyard/Knacker's Yard/etc.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Consistently the recipient of this. Very often the Doctor's enemies blunder into their path and completely fail to understand what the Doctor is capable of. This even applies to enemies who've encountered the Doctor before and know what the Doctor is capable of, but still don't think the Doctor can stop them. Only the Daleks seem to have the good sense to be afraid of them.
  • Undying Loyalty: They will never give up on their companions, even if those companions might betray them, intentionally or not. Exemplified to the fullest in their Twelfth incarnation; when asked by Clara why he would still help her in spite of her betraying him, he responds with probably the most heartwarming statement in the 50+ years of the programme:

    Twelve: Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?

    • Adam, a companion from the not-too-distant future in the first season of the revived series, became the first and, to date only, companion[[labelnote:*]]There is some debate among fans over whether Adam is considered a "full" companion. He appeared in "Dalek" as a tech expert working for the villain, cataloging and testing alien artifacts, and is offered a place by the Doctor only after Rose vouches for him when he was initially reluctant to bring him on board. He doesn't even make it through his first episode, "The Long Game", before falling to temptation. Russell T Davies has explicitly stated that Adam was introduced purely as an example of what a companion should not be, or at least as a companion who makes the wrong decisions. to be removed from the TARDIS strictly for bad behaviour. During a trip to the future, he tried to send his family back in his relative present information on the future to help them become rich.* Once the Doctor finds out and solves the trouble caused by his recklessness, he drops the TARDIS back in Adam's present, erases the information, and sends him on his way. The Doctor can and does forgive disagreements, arguments, call-outs, and even straight-up defiance from companions, but when they take advantage of the Doctor, or misuse the opportunity they've been given, then it's the walking ticket.
  • The Unfettered: As this page's entry for The Fettered notes, bad things happen when they start breaking their personal rules. The Valeyard (who collaborated with a monstrously corrupt High Council to steal Sixth's lives in order to survive), the Time Lord Victorious (who was entirely prepared to rewrite the timeline as he saw fit) and the War Doctor (whose actions during the Time War leave his future incarnations haunted by guilt) can attest to that.
  • Unperson:
    • The Eleventh attempted to remove all traces of himself from history after getting "too big for the universe". However, according to River, all that has done is leave a big "Doctor-shaped hole" in history that makes their existence obvious to anyone looking close enough.
    • They fully tried this on the War Doctor, to the point Clara only found out about him after entering the Doctor's timestream.
  • Unreliable Expositor:
    • The Doctor isn't reliable when it comes to providing information about themself. River says "The Doctor lies", but that's only part of the picture; what the Doctor says could be true, false, true but referring to something from their forgotten lives, true but only in one timeline, true but no longer happened, etc., and there's no way of telling which is which without supporting evidence.
    • Also, is it something deeply personal/sensitive/significant? (e.g. their name, what happened to their family, why they really left Gallifrey) Then you're not going to get the truth out of them unless they have to reveal it, which can require very specific situations.
  • Vehicle-Based Characterization: The Doctor travels through time and space in an outdated time machine stuck in the appearance of a 1960s British police box; for the first nine seasons of the show, they didn't even know how to fly it properly. Their continued use of the device ties in with their characterization as a seemingly humanlike, yet immensely otherworldly figure who often has to make their plans up as they go along while short on resources.
  • Villain Killer: Altogether, the Doctors have built up a very impressive kill count (either by their own hand or by providing other characters with the means to destroy a villain) over the course of almost sixty years of the franchise running and many serials and Expanded Universe stories. These include three thousand Sea Devils in "The Sea Devils", the Sycorax Leader in "The Christmas Invasion", a being heavily implied to be Satan himself in "The Satan Pit", countless Cybermen and Daleks (although the latter have a real hard time staying gone for good) and (although the real tale is complicated) they were assumed to have killed all of the other Time Lords in the Last Time War when they went full Omnicidal Maniac to try to win. The result: by the current time, the Doctor has developed a reputation as The Dreaded, which hinders just as often as it helps them.
  • Walking Disaster Area: Goes for most Doctors, but Five in particular was out to set some kind of record.
  • Walking the Earth: Suffers from permanent wanderlust.
  • We Do the Impossible: The Doctor flies in a time machine that can go anywhere and anywhen in the universe, has saved the Earth more times than they can count, and saved the universe and all of reality itself repeatedly. They defeat intergalactic races of pure evil on a daily basis, think crippling dictatorships is a rather average outing, and can do all of this with a kettle, a piece of string, and a screwdriver.

    The Doctor: Ah, the security protocols are still live. There's no way to override them; it's impossible!
    River Song: How impossible?
    The Doctor: Two minutes.

  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: By the Tenth and Eleventh incarnations, it's not so much their long life that they're disheartened by, but the fact that they know that they're forced to watch as their companions grow old and eventually die, all while they remain looking exactly the same. As River Song lampshades, the Doctor doesn't like endings or having to say goodbye. Eleven has actually succeeded all too well at the above goal to "see everything" to the point that he "can't see it anymore". This actually dates back to the Eighth Doctor — after crash-landing on the planet of Karn, he calls the flame of eternal life the "Flame of Utter Boredom".
  • The Wonka: The Captain (and one-person crew) of a borderline-magical spaceship who gives strange orders and does strange things that usually tend to work. Throw in a slightly wonky moral compass, a fascination with the strange and terrifying, and a soft spot for kids, and they could pass for the Trope Namer.
  • Workaholic: They've been running ever since they left Gallifrey, whether they want to or not, almost constantly on the move and never taking the opportunity to properly relax for any length of time even when they do stay in one time and place, always having something to occupy them.
    • Eleven is shown as the type that is never patient, as he's forced to watch the Shakri cubes in "The Power of Three". Even when he's stuck on Trenzalore for several centuries in "The Time of the Doctor", he's still focused on defending it.
    • Donna Noble calls out Fourteen about this in "The Giggle" as she is worried that he's worn out from what's happening. Fifteen tells Fourteen that he needs to settle down, as he knows that they've been running nonstop from at least as far back as "The Daleks' Master Plan".
  • You Can't Go Home Again: The First Doctor and Susan fled from Gallifrey in a stolen TARDIS and ended up in exile. The Fourth eventually does return home, but has to flee again right away; the Fifth gets out very quickly for the same reasons as the Fourth; the Sixth is forcibly dragged back and vows to never set foot there again. By the time the Ninth Doctor appears, he's destroyed Gallifrey. However, after "The Day of the Doctor", the destruction is subverted, and the Twelfth Doctor finally makes it back in the Series 9 finale — only to promptly leave again once he's got what he wanted. Then the Thirteenth Doctor discovers the Master's levelled Gallifrey for real, meaning that while she can go back there, there's nothing left to go back to.
  • You Talk Too Much!: Apparently the difficult thing is to stop them from talking, a criticism which has been levelled at every Doctor at least once!