Dragon Ball Super Villains - TV Tropes

  • ️Sun Jun 25 2023

Dragon Ball Main Character Index
Original Series Villains (Red Ribbon Army [Cell]) | DBZ Villains (Frieza's Empire [Freeza/Frieza [A to H, I to Y], Ginyu Force, Cooler/Coola], Majin Buu) | DBZ Movie Villains (Broly) | GT Villains | DBS Villains (Goku Black, Zamasu/Zamas [Fused Zamasu/Zamas])

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Zero Mortals Plan

Galactic Patrol Prisoners


Moro (モロ Moro)

"I wonder. What can I say, I detest the sort of peace that you people want to preserve on this planet [Namek] and others. All those who would strive for such nonsense should be eradicated."

Goku: Hey, Moro! What you're really after here? What's the point of all of this?
Moro: To create an ideal galaxy where I am free to consume planets as I wish.

The main antagonist of the Galactic Patrol Prisoner saga.

A powerful wizard who threatened Universe 7 about ten million years ago. Moro had the ability to drain the life out of entire planets and their inhabitants, which he used to wipe out life on 320 planets. His reign of terror was brought to an end by the Grand Supreme Kai who, at the cost of most of his divine might, managed to seal away Moro's magic. He was arrested by the Galactic Patrol, but Moro was too powerful to be executed, so they could only imprison him.

Moro managed to escape with the aid of a former Frieza Force soldier named Cranberry and heads to New Namek in search of the Dragon Balls to restore the full extent of his magic.

  • Achilles' Heel: After merging with the Earth, the forehead crystal containing Merus's power becomes his only real weakness. If it's destroyed, then Merus's power is released and he'll become unstable and be destroyed. As usual for Moro, however, he becomes aware of this and tries to hide the crystal inside himself. Vegeta manages to use Forced Spirit Fission to force it back out, but even then Moro nearly wins before a group effort allows Goku to shatter it, killing him.
  • Alien Invasion: When he finally arrives on Earth, rather than simply fight the heroes head-on with his entire force, he sends his force to launch a full-scale global invasion.
  • Almighty Idiot: By the end of his life, Moro's power had increased to the point that not only was he overpowering Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku, but also had become one with the Earth itself. However, by this point his sanity had more or less collapsed and he had been reduced to a hysterically laughing maniac, both from the overwhelming stress that both his body and mind were being subjected to and as a side-effect of Merus's power proving incompatible with him.
  • Ambiguous Situation: A meta side effect of Continuity Drift. Moro suffers a case of Remember the New Guy?, with the Galactic Patrol keeping him under surveillance for eons, yet never mentioning such a dangerous villain. This makes the fate of the future timeline incarnation of Moro a complete mystery pre-erasure, with either Goku Black killing him somehow or simply not knowing that he existed. That being said, Moro comments that he was nearing the end of his life by the time Cranberry helped him escape, implying that he had died of old age by the time Goku Black appeared.
  • Ancient Evil: Has been imprisoned for ten million years, and is incredibly evil to the point of wiping out all life on 320 planets before being defeated.
  • And I Must Scream: Implied to be the fate of the life forms he consumes. Goku notes that his ki feels terrifying, as if a whole lot of people were screaming in pain. Merus confirms that his ki indeed is a wall of slaughtered souls.
  • Arch-Enemy: Moro is a personal enemy to the Galactic Patrol and the Grand Supreme Kai, with the warlock despising them deeply for jailing him for eons and sealing his magical power respectively.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Goku blows off Moro's arm with a point-blank Kamehameha. Moro uses Piccolo's regeneration to regrow it right through Goku's chest. In chapter 64, Goku kicks Moro into one of his own fire pillars, causing his arm to get burned off.
  • Awesomeness by Analysis: Moro is intelligent enough to deduce the Logical Weakness of Goku's Ultra Instinct Sign transformation because despite negating his Mana Drain ability, Goku is still trying to beat Moro as fast as possible, nor did he use it against Sangobo. He thus deduces Goku must not be able to sustain it for long. He's correct and wins. Likewise, in his rematch with Vegeta after absorbing Seven-Three, Moro realizes that Vegeta's Forced Spirit Fission technique only works if he actually inflicts damage, so Moro makes a point to dodge all of Vegeta's attacks.
  • Ax-Crazy: While definitely a more self-controlled case compared to some of the other villains Goku and Vegeta have clashed with, his relatively more composed demeanour hides a bloodthirsty sociopath that lives for slaughtering entire worlds out of unabashed gluttony and sadism. As the Z-Fighters overwhelm him and his absorption of Merus's energy begins breaking down his body and mind, he's reduced to a cackling shell of his former self, with the only surviving thought process being to kill the Z-Fighters at all costs.
  • Background Magic Field: Aside from his own natural magic, Moro has the power to harness the life force of the planet he's on and uses it offensively. Despite being weaker than Super Saiyan God Vegeta in raw power, his dangerous application of this gives the Saiyan a lot of trouble that he had to turn Blue to even the playing field.
  • Bad Boss: Downplayed. While Moro generally treats his subordinates with respect, it's only because he values how useful they are and the moment they are no longer useful, they become disposable. Once his full power is restored, he kills Cranberry so he could wish for a more useful army to assist him. Later, he orders the Marcelli Gang killed for acting without his orders. During Goku's fight with Saganbo, he continuously powers Saganbo up in an attempt to draw out Goku's true power, uncaring about the intense strain it's putting on Sangobo's body. When Saganbo keels over from Power Incontinence, Moro mocks him for not being able to handle the power boost. Later on, when Vegeta begins to gain the upper hand in their fight, Moro devours Seven-Three for a power boost and kills Shimorekka so he doesn't interfere.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: The New Namek portion of his Saga ends in a decisive victory for Moro with him having succeeded in achieving all his goals up to that point. He's regained his true magical power, freed all the Galactic Prison inmates and made them his personal army, and beaten the heroes so decisively their only option is to abandon the planet to be devoured by him and run to regroup.
  • Batman Can Breathe in Space: He's capable of breathing in space with no issue. He intentionally exploits this by staying outside of Namek's atmosphere where Goku and Vegeta can't get at him, forcing the Grand Supreme Kai to fight him alone with Moro now at full power and thus strong enough his Logical Weakness no longer troubles him.
  • Batman Gambit: Moro seems very aware of the fact he's a Outside-Context Problem for the Z-Fighters, as a large number of his combat strategies rely on exploiting how they normally approach battles and turning them against them.
  • Beard of Evil: Fittingly for an Evil Sorcerer designed to resemble a humanoid goat, he has quite the large beard. As he begins absorbing life energy and restoring his youth, the beard shrinks to a more manageable size. Upon completely draining New Namek of its energy, the beard disappears completely.
  • Beast Man: He resembles an anthropomorphic goat, including the beard. It goes well with his overall satanic motif.
  • Berserk Button: Anything relating to the Grand Supreme Kai. When a newly awakened Buu, who has unlocked the Grand Supreme Kai's memories, arrives on Planet Namek, Moro recognizes him as the Grand Supreme Kai and becomes so enraged that he breaks out of the restraining goo Merus trapped him in.
  • Beyond Redemption: Goku ultimately has to come to this conclusion, after his attempt to spare him backfires catastrophically and Moro proves himself utterly irredeemable.
  • Big Bad: Of the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga.
  • Bishōnen Line: As Moro drains life energy from others, his youth is gradually restored. Over the course of the saga, he goes from an anorexic, hunchbacked old man to a slender, well-built young man. He crosses this even further upon devouring Seven-Three, resulting in his face no longer resembling a goat, instead taking on a humanoid look akin to Cell's Perfect form. His actual final form, however, is the Earth itself, with him manifesting as his face and arms emerging from the crust, making him one of the most inhuman antagonists in the franchise.
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: In typical Dragon Ball villain fashion. He doesn't bother to kill Goku and Vegeta after draining their energy because he believes they'll die soon anyway and are no longer of concern to him. Subverted, however, as Moro is more than ready when it turns out they did survive and even when he does spare them again (so he can keep feeding off them), he makes sure to keep powering up. Likewise, in Chapter 62, he outright tells the Z-Fighters that he is deliberately trying to avoid killing them because he wants to feed on their energy. This gives Dende a chance to get to the Z-Fighters and heal them.
  • Brains Evil, Brawn Good: Moro is extremely intelligent and cunning in contrast to the heroes, who typically rely on strength and martial capability to fight. This poses a problem, as Goku and Vegeta simply don't know how to deal with him because their previous villains relied primarily on a power edge rather than outsmarting them.
  • Breath Weapon: Can fire ki blasts from his mouth.
  • Brought Down to Badass: At the cost of most of his divine power, the Grand Supreme Kai was able to seal Moro's magic away, but even after that he still proved very difficult to defeat by two beings rivaling Buu in power. Even fresh out of imprisonment and severely weakened, he's strong enough to easily overwhelm Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta with no effort, though Super Saiyan God Vegeta flattens him... though Moro quickly reveals he wasn't using his full strength either.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Moro hates concepts such as peace and justice, believing that anyone who chooses to live a life of peace deserves to die, and his end goal was to create a galaxy where there was no law and order and criminals like him could go around doing whatever they wanted.
  • The Chessmaster: One thing that makes Moro extremely dangerous and stand out from previous villains: he's an incredibly intelligent and competent planner. He's rarely the most powerful guy around, but wins by consistently remaining several steps ahead of the heroes throughout the arc with only a few things he could never have seen coming tripping him up. It turns out he had an entire prison full of the single most dangerous criminals in the galaxy ready to join him from the get-go and just needed his third wish to set them free.
  • The Coats Are Off: When Super Saiyan God Vegeta starts giving him trouble, Moro removes his cloak and decides to start fighting seriously.
  • Colony Drop: He's shown attacking Grand Supreme Kai and South Kai by telekinetically sending entire barrages of comets with ease.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Moro is a very underhanded fighter, exploiting his passive energy drain by feigning weakness until it's too late, preventing Goku and Vegeta from fighting him by waiting outside New Namek's atmosphere where they can't go, and swarming them with his army of minions while hanging back to drain their energy until they can't fight back. The only time Moro fights with anything resembling fair play is when he knows he's got the power advantage and can afford to. This poses a major issue for Goku and Vegeta, as their usual tactic of "level grind until we get strong enough to overpower them" isn't a viable option, as when Moro is overpowered, he simply changes strategies and makes up for the power difference with underhanded schemes.
  • Composite Character: Of Demon King Piccolo, Frieza, Cell, and Babidi. Like Demon King Piccolo, he starts the series extremely elderly but later regains his youth. Like Frieza, he desires to be a Galactic Conquerer. Like Cell, he can absorb life energy from other beings. And like Babidi, he's a powerful wizard with a personal history against the Kais. Also like how Cell absorbed Android 18 to reach his Perfect Form, he ends up absorbing the android Seven-Three by literally swallowing him whole, transforming him into a form that greatly resembles Cell's Perfect Form.
  • Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: In general, Moro stands out majorly from previous villains in that he doesn't rely on strength and power, but intelligence and cunning. And unlike Imperfect Cell and Super Buu, rather than a means to grow stronger, he uses it as a means to win his battles outright. Unlike most villains whose reaction to someone stronger than them is a breakdown or Rage Quit, Moro's is to change his strategy and outsmart his opponents. Similarly, while most villains are content with their strength and don't even entertain the notion of becoming stronger or that the heroes could pose a threat to them, Moro rarely underestimates his opponents and constantly looks to increase his own power. For specific examples:
    • To Demon King Piccolo. Both characters are ancient villains who had been sealed away long before the events of the story, both characters are incredibly cunning chessmasters, both characters started off incredibly elderly but regained their youth, both characters sought to regain their youth and create a world where anarchy and chaos reigns, and both characters sought the Dragon Balls to see their goals realized. However, King Piccolo used the Dragon Balls to regain his youth while Moro regained his youth by simply draining the life out of planets and people and used the Dragon Balls to free his fellow inmates from the Galactic Prison so he can have an army at his side. Ironically, Toyotaro even stated that Demon King Piccolo was the chief inspiration for Moro's character.
    • To Frieza. Both characters are immensely powerful beings who are feared throughout Universe 7 and both characters sought to use the Namekian Dragon Balls for their sinister purposes. But while Frieza relied on his army to do most of the leg work, Moro was effective enough to search for the Dragon Balls by himself. Also, while Frieza ultimately failed to obtain a wish on the Dragon Balls, Moro managed to wish for the restoration of his full magic power as well as the second wish of gaining an army (made of the Galactic Patrol prisoners) so he can increase in power. Also, while Frieza never tried to become stronger and even when he did only got as strong as he thought he did then got complacent again, Moro is always powering himself up and even keeps doing so once he's firmly in the lead. Additionally, like Frieza, he had a lot of inherent strength and never trained a day in his life. However, while Frieza takes that in mind and tries to train to fight Goku, Moro just considers it a crutch.
    • To Babidi. Both characters are powerful wizards with a personal grudge against the Kais, but that's where the similarities end. Moro is an imposing humanoid goat while Babidi is a diminutive insectoid figure. Babidi relied entirely on his magic to be an actual threat while Moro is a skilled fighter even without his magic. Moro is very intelligent and cunning while Babidi is very stupid and doesn't think things through. Babidi also relied on more powerful beings to aid him while Moro is an effective threat on his own. Both characters lead an army of powerful warriors, but where Babidi relied on brainwashing to keep subordinates in line, Moro is charismatic enough that his minions are genuinely loyal to him.
  • Clipped-Wing Angel: Stealing Merus's powers turns out to be this for him. While it empowers him greatly and gives him access to Ultra Instinct, it fails to allow him to overcome Goku and his body starts to break down because it cannot handle Merus's powers, allowing Goku to easily take the upper hand and kick around a bloated Moro. Unlike other victims of this trope though, he got around this and manages to enter a proper One-Winged Angel form.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Giving Seven-Three a copy of his powers wasn't just to make him a powerful minion, it was as a contingency plan just in case someone managed to rob him of his power or he needed a power-up. When Vegeta manages to use Forced Spirit Fission to separate him from his stolen power, Moro swallows him whole to regain his power and grow even stronger than before.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle:
    • After absorbing Goku and Vegeta's energy, Moro becomes strong enough to effortlessly beat both of them into the ground. The fight becomes so one-sided that Goku is forced to do something he rarely does: run from a fight. Unfortunately, he's lost so much energy that he can't even use Instant Transmission and Moro finishes them both by draining what's left of their energy. Only a timely rescue by Esca and the Namekian elder saves the both of them from certain death.
    • A group of Namekian warriors fuse together to form a Super Namekian and charge at Moro from behind... only for Moro to impale him through the chest without even turning to look at him. Moro even hangs a sadistic lampshade on it to rub it in.

      Moro: Was this your savior, by chance? Apologies. He was dead before I could see his face.

    • After gaining his full magic power, he delivers one to Majin Buu, after Buu previously dominated him in battle.
    • Chapter 62 can pretty much be called "Curb-Stomp Battle: The Chapter". After absorbing Seven-Three, Moro proceeds to utterly steamroll through the Z-Fighters. He effortlessly beats Vegeta by using his own Big Bang Attack against him, viciously impales Goku through the chest, and one-shots Gohan, Piccolo, and the Androids. By the end, the only one left to fight him is Jaco, and the only reason he isn't killed on the spot is thanks to Merus stepping in to fight.
  • Curb Stomp Cushion:
    • His fight with Vegeta. At first, Moro is able to hold his own against Super Saiyan Vegeta, effortlessly dodging his attacks and using his telekinesis to keep him at bay. The tables are turned, however, when Vegeta goes Super Saiyan God and shrugs off everything Moro throws at him. With his back against the wall, Moro decides to start fighting seriously and use the full extent of his magic. Subverted as it turned out that he was playing them the entire time: he was passively absorbing his and Goku's energy the entire time and by the time they realize it, they've lost so much energy they can't even transform. At that point, it goes into a straight Curb-Stomp Battle on both and all they managed to accomplish is make Moro stronger.
    • Likewise his rematch with Vegeta in Chapter 61 has the two fighters even at first, but once Vegeta begins using his Force Spirit Fission technique to remove the energy Moro absorbed, Vegeta begins to gain the upper hand. But Moro turns the tables once again by absorbing Seven-Three, regaining the power he lost to Vegeta as well as gaining Seven-Three's copy ability. After which the fight turns into a straight Curb-Stomp Battle with Moro being the decisive victor.
    • After stealing Merus's powers, Moro is able to go toe-to-toe with Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku. However, the stalemate doesn't last long because Moro's body starts to give in to Merus's Angelic power. That is, until Moro decides to fuse with the Earth.
    • While even fused with Earth he's no match for UI Goku in a head-on fight, the simple fact that he can't really be hurt by normal means and was unleashing a Mana Drain on the ENTIRE PLANET made it an uphill battle regardless, eventually doing what only Jiren (in the manga only) before could and defeating UI Goku outright thanks to the aforementioned energy drain. However, all it takes is one solid punch to a singular weak point to end him.
  • Dark Reprise: Of the "anthropomorphic animal with strange powers" gimmick that was common in the early Dragonball series.
  • Diabolical Mastermind: Became this by releasing the entire Galactic Patrol prison and becoming the leader of the galaxy's most dangerous criminals who stole the prison's resources and ships as they left. On top of this, he's one of the most intelligent and cunning Dragon Ball villains, often winning his battles through intelligence and well thought out schemes rather than brute force.
  • De-power: Merus uses a portion of his Angelic power during their brief fight during the finale of the arc to destroy the crystals Moro gained from Seven-Three, preventing him from copying any further. A much more explosive (and lethal) depowering happens when Goku does the same to the final energy crystal Moro had that contained Merus's essence, causing him to explode like a volcanic eruption and disintegrate.
  • Deal with the Devil:
    • Moro makes a deal with Cranberry where if Cranberry helped him gather the Namekian Dragon Balls and restore his magic, he would let Cranberry use the Dragon Balls to make a wish of his own. Once his magic is restored, Moro kills Cranberry to make another wish.
    • Chapter 50 reveals that Moro made a deal with the other Galactic Patrol prisoners where he would use the Dragon Balls to free them and share his power with them.
  • Defeat Equals Explosion: Deconstructed: after merging with the Earth, he's so full of energy that if he's killed he'll detonate in a galaxy busting blast. Shattering his forehead crystal (releasing Merus's essence) causes a Superpower Meltdown, resulting in his physical manifestation exploding like a volcano erupting as he dies, but otherwise minimizes the damage.
  • Devour the Dragon: After Vegeta's new ability proves an effective counter to his energy draining abilities, Moro swallows Seven-Three whole and merges with him for a power-up.
  • Dirty Coward: He gleefully kills people and drains their life without a flicker of remorse, destroys several planets, openly declares that he can eat and destroy whoever and whatever he wants, and does everything in his power to kill Goku and everyone on Earth. But when he's overwhelmed by Goku in his perfected Ultra Instinct form and beaten into submission, he completely loses his shit, begging Goku for mercy and pleading for his life.
  • Dying as Yourself: Downplayed. In the final moments before his end, Moro's facial features decay the Seven-Three looks of his Bishōnen Line transformation into a hideous mutation of his original goat-like visage, even resembling his old and decrepit face in a way, just hopelessly mutated and breaking down.
  • Evil Counterpart:
    • In essence, Moro is a far more sinister and horrifying take on Goku's Big Eater and Blood Knight tendencies. Like Goku, Moro has a massive appetite and is thrilled at the prospect of getting stronger and fighting powerful opponents. However, Goku gets stronger through rigorous training while Moro gains strength by draining the life force from planets and people. One of Moro's signature moves is basically a villainous version of Goku's Spirit Bomb, where he gathers all the life force around him into a sphere of energy. However, while Goku only takes a tiny bit of energy from people around him, Moro drains the surroundings dry, his victims withering up and dying. Both characters are incredibly charismatic and have gathered a following of loyal allies, but Goku genuinely cares about his friends and family while Moro is a sociopath who regards his allies as disposable tools.
    • He's basically Beerus if you took away all of his redeeming qualities. Both are gluttons, but Beerus will spare a planet if he enjoys their cuisine while Moro sucks planets dry. Beerus so far is unbeatable, but reasonable enough that surpassing him isn't an immediate priority while Moro is not only super-strong but also able to siphon off the power of enemy and ally alike, making him effectively unbeatable in combat and requiring Goku and Vegeta to take drastic measures to stop him. Beerus had Freeza and the Saiyans under his thumb but was fairly hands-off when it came to their individualacts of villainy, while Moro had the Galactic Patrol prisoners (one of whom was a former Freeza soldier) working directly for him.
  • Expy:
    • Of Demon King Piccolo, by Toyotarō's own admission. Moro's intent as a character is to be an irredeemable villain that could never turn good, and Toyotaro compared him with Demon King Piccolo in this regard.
    • His role in the plot also makes him a blatant expy of Sealas from Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission. As a villain with ties to the Galactic Patrol who achieves his final form by fusing with an android capable of copying the abilities of others. Bonus points for Seven-Three likely being a re-used concept design for Sealas himself, whose concept designs Toyotaro said would be used as minor characters in the arc.
    • His Seven-Three form is also similar to Perfect Cell - as a being capable of copying everyone's powers and using them against everyone. Goku's method of giving him a Senzu Bean is almost similar to Cell - although he was using it as a means to spare him, while back with Cell, he wanted an even fight with Gohan. Even then, Goku's toying with Moro was almost similar to Gohan's toying with Cell, and Moro even had a super powerful form that was hard for him to control. And to top it off, they turn to a grotesque version as an attempt to destroy the Earth once and for all, with Moro fusing with Earth while Cell reverted to his Semi-Perfect form and attempted a self-destruct attack. However, in Moro's case, the potential explosion is a bonus, as he actually is stronger that way.
  • Evil Is Bigger: Moro is an extremely evil wizard who towers over Vegeta and Goku. In his final form he merges with the Earth. While his manifestation is the size of a mountain, he's literally the Earth itself. The only character bigger than him is Infinite Zamasu, and even then it's unclear if he counts due to being immaterial by that point.
  • Eviler than Thou: Betrays and murders Cranberry after gaining his full power.
  • Evil Sorcerer: He uses magic to absorb life energy from planets and their inhabitants.
  • Fatal Flaw: Gluttony and Pride. Moro is a competent schemer, but he's primarily motivated by his hunger for life force, which sometimes causes him to sacrifice pragmatism for a chance at becoming stronger. Also, Moro tends to get cocky and underestimate his opponents. Downplayed compared to other villains as he's still smart enough to temper this. Instances of this include:
    • In his first fight with Vegeta, Moro believes he has Vegeta on the ropes and explains his goal to use the Dragon Balls to restore the full extent of his magic... which is exactly what Vegeta wanted as he quickly reveals he's been holding back and promptly beats Moro into the ground. But then Moro reveals he's been passively draining Vegeta and Goku's energy, allowing him to turn the tables.
    • After his first fight with Goku and Vegeta, after draining both of their life force, he doesn't bother to make sure they're dead, confident that they'll die soon. Goku and Vegeta are promptly rescued by Esca and the Namekian Elder.
    • When Goku and Vegeta are forced to retreat from Planet Namek, Moro doesn't chase after them as he wants them to grow stronger and give him more life force to drain. However, this is subverted when he later finds out they are training. Rather than rest on laurels, Moro decides to spend the next two months devouring planets and getting stronger as well.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He's calm and civilized, but it's clear that he views everyone else as lesser beings than him.
  • Gathering Steam: Moro passively absorbs energy as he fights, thus Moro gradually grows stronger while his opponent grows weaker.
  • Genius Bruiser: Moro isn't just a powerful fighter and sorcerer, he's an exceptionally intelligent strategist. Many of Moro's victories in the arc are not the result of brute strength, but because he's always five steps ahead of his opponents and can improvise when something goes wrong. By chapter 50, he's got an army of the most dangerous criminals in the galaxy, all loyal to him. He also made sure to keep a 'back up' inside Seven-Three just in case. By the end of the arc, he's managed to become powerful enough to at least rival Jiren in power (due to being able to keep up with Ultra Instinct Goku) without losing his intelligence.
  • Genius Loci: Moro, due to being unable to utilize Merus's power correctly, merges with the Earth.
  • Great Escape: It turns out his plan all along and his third wish was to shut down the Galactic Prison's power and set the entire prison's free. This gives him a huge army composed of the most dangerous criminals in the galaxy, now loyal to him.
  • Gruesome Goat: A goatlike Evil Sorcerer who devours entire worlds' life-force out of lust for power and sheer sadism.
  • Healing Factor: After absorbing Seven-Three, who had copied Piccolo's abilities, he can use Piccolo's regeneration ability, regrowing an arm after having it blown off by Goku's Kamehameha.
  • Hero Killer: Killed Merus by forcing him to break his limits and use his true power that causes him to cease to exist in the end after Merus sealed his copy abilities.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard:
    • In chapter 62, Vegeta manages to gain the upper hand by using his new Forced Spirit Fission to forcibly remove the energy Moro has absorbed from countless planets and people, effectively draining him like he drained so many.
    • In chapter 64, Losing to his fight with the newly completed Ultra Instinct Goku, Moro attempts to use his fire pillars to distract Goku so he can attack from behind. Goku, without even looking, kicks him into one of his fire pillars, severely burning him and blowing off one of his arms.
  • Humiliation Conga: Chapter 64 is one long humiliation conga for him. After Goku completes Ultra Instinct, Moro, whose copy abilities were sealed by Merus, finds himself on the receiving end of a brutal Curb-Stomp Battle with Goku dodging everything he can throw at him and even kicking him into one of his energy pillars. By the time the chapter ends, Moro's pride has been so thoroughly shattered that he's reduced to pathetically begging for his life.
  • Indy Ploy: Moro's intelligence doesn't just extend to long term planning, but short term as well. One reason he constantly comes out on top is he's smart enough to analyze a situation on the fly and come up with plans to turn the tables.
  • Invincible Villain: Rivals Goku Black in this regard. Moro has never lost a serious fight in the arc and anytime he's on the brink of defeat, he always finds a way to snatch victory. It takes Ultra Instinct Goku, Vegeta, the combined energy of the Z-Fighters, and the God Ki of the Grand Supreme Kai still within Uub to finally kill him.
  • Irony:
    • Moro, the Planet Eater, ends up merging with planet Earth, essentially becoming a living planet.
    • For a villain who constantly desires energy to feed upon, Moro's own undoing is resulted from consuming energy that is beyond his control.
    • One of the smartest villains in the entire franchise, whose sheer threat came from his intelligence and capacity to plan ahead and swindle the heroes when they try to handle things the usual way and driven by a goal of ruling the universe as an immortal godslayer and consuming souls for eternity... dies an Almighty Idiot with about a minute left to live anyway before he exploded, completely unable to even comprehend what he's doing anymore, can't even devour much more energy because he's about to pop, and finally had his final moments boil down to being simply outmuscled and overwhelmed in a Brawler Lock by Goku, Idiot Hero incarnate.
      • For further irony on the above, it all happened after being completely overwhelmed by UI Goku and being forced to resort to stealing Merus's powers to save his own ass, after so many times previously leaving the heroes in hopeless situations where they only narrowly escaped. His own final assault ended up dooming him completely, with Vegeta even mentioning during the final battle that Moro's death is inevitable - he's just too insane to care anymore that he'll die too.
  • Knight of Cerebus: While Jiren and Broly were treated seriously, the conflicts with both characters ended on peaceful terms. Moro's introduction to the series brings a level of darkness not seen since the Future Trunks Saga, with the saga opening with a flashback showing Moro draining the life out of an entire planet and its inhabitants. Moro's introduction also features graphic levels of violence that hasn't been seen since the Z era, with characters dying in gruesome ways.
  • Lack of Empathy: Moro has no empathy for anyone except for himself. To him, other beings, enemy and ally alike, are either tools to be used and discarded, food sources, or both.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Moro kills his henchman Saganbo by forcibly overloading his body with power until he collapses from a Superpower Meltdown. He himself is on the receiving end when he can't contain Merus's Angelic power which causes his body to expand beyond control. Goku even lampshades this to him.
  • Laughing Mad: After utterly snapping during final battle with him, he's reduced to this and incapable of speech.
  • Lean and Mean: When first introduced, Moro is incredibly anorexic due to being imprisoned and unable to feed. As he begins draining the life out of Planet Namek, he starts to gain some muscle tone, but is still skinnier than the average Dragon Ball villain.
  • Life Drinker: Moro is an immortal wizard that has existed since the old days before Majin Buu's rampage, millions of years ago, and he obtains power by absorbing the life force of planets and people. During the Galactic Patrol saga, he regains his youth the more he stays on Planet Namek and the more he fights Goku, Vegeta and the Namekians; he starts with a thick beard and looking like a crouched old man, and ends as a young goat-man with no beard whatsoever.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Despite his age and his weakened state, Moro is surprisingly agile for someone of his size, effortlessly dodging Vegeta's attacks. His telekinesis is powerful enough to send Vegeta flying like a ragdoll. And he is also quite physically strong despite his slim figure.
  • Logical Weakness:
    • His fighting style relies on draining his opponent to increase his own strength. This means someone with a low power level but a technology that can affect him can fare better than someone with a high power level. Furthermore, things like magic or abilities considered unusual from the universes standards are immune to this, such as Majin Buu, or Androids 17 and 18. Once he's at full power it's no longer a problem, but it later returns when Vegeta returns from Yardrat with a new technique that allows him to forcibly remove his energy. Moro can drain it, but he can't drain an enemy who can passively undo it with just regular attacks.
    • Merging with the Earth means that the entire planet is his body, and thus Vegeta can use Forced Spirit Fission on Moro just by punching the ground. While Moro is so powerful by that point it no longer hard counters him, it does allow Vegeta to weaken him and make him vulnerable so Goku can finish him off.
  • Magic Knight: He's a powerful physical fighter even if he prefers using magic.
  • Mana Drain: Not only can he eat the life energy of a planet, he can passively absorb the ki of his opponents. By the time Goku and Vegeta realize he's doing it, it's too late and he's already drained so much of their energy they can't transform. He can also eat ki attacks.
  • Manly Facial Hair: Has a huge beard, and is so immensely powerful that he can easily overwhelm a Super Saiyan 2 while badly weakened by his imprisonment. Once he recovers his complete power, he loses it.
  • The Man They Couldn't Hang: The Galactic Patrol has tried to execute him, but he's too powerful for any of their attempts to work. As a result of this, Jaco tells Vegeta to go ahead and kill him if he's capable of it, as Moro already had the death penalty.
  • Mighty Glacier: While Moro is a powerful Lightning Bruiser, he's at first this compared to Goku's Ultra-Instinct Omen. Goku is faster, dodging Moro's dangerous energy drain and landing a lot of his attacks, but Moro take little damage from these attacks nonetheless thanks to his sheer durability, and can simply wait it out for Goku to get tired, since he deduced that the form isn't easy to maintain for his enemy. As Moro reveals his true power while Goku's weaken because of the stamina-draining effect of the form, the speed difference becomes less and less of an issue, and Moro ultimately win the fight with only a bruise on his stomach, while Goku is battered and bloodied.
    • Vegeta then turn this trope on its head during his own fight against Moro. While Moro is strong enough to easily shrug off Vegeta's mighty attacks at first, his tendency to simply let attacks harmlessly bounce off him leave him vulnerable to the Forced Spirit Fission, and he's brought to his knees. After recovering from that, he's more careful about not getting hit by an attack that he can dodge.
  • Mind over Matter: Moro has powerful telekinetic abilities. In his prime, he was able to casually rain down comets during his fight with the Grand Supreme Kai.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: After merging with the Earth, he's capable of spawning innumerable limbs to attack with as many limbs as he wants to.
  • My Significance Sense Is Tingling: When Goku locks onto him to Instant Transmission to teleport to him, he's shocked to find Moro instantly senses this, something no one else has ever done. He is also capable of sensing the energy of inanimate objects like the Dragon Balls, a feat previously unseen in the series.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Moro views everything that's not him as food for him to consume, and intends to continue devouring planet after planet for all eternity.
  • One-Winged Angel:
    • After devouring Seven-Three, he transforms into a mash-up of himself and the android, far stronger than before.
    • After being beaten by Ultra Instinct Goku and proving incapable of handling Merus's power in his normal body, Moro merges with the Earth itself.
  • Out-Gambitted: Does this to Vegeta. Vegeta thought he'd outsmarted Moro and tricked him into revealing his plans, but in reality, Moro was playing him and Goku the entire time: he was secretly absorbing their energy the entire time and all Vegeta's talking and getting Moro to talk did was giving him more time to do just that. By the time they realize it, he'd eaten so much of their energy they can't even go base Super Saiyan.

    Moro: To borrow a phrase from you...I was hiding my true intent.

  • Outside-Context Problem:
    • One reason he gives Goku and Vegeta so much trouble is because Moro is so drastically different than anyone they've fought before, and actively uses how they expect him to act against them. Unlike every previous main villain, Moro isn't a threat because of sheer power (at full power Goku and Vegeta in Blue could beat him in a straight fight, at least at the level he's at on New Namek), but because of his strange abilities which he is extremely proficient in using effectively and his strategic intelligence. As a result, their attempts to fight him like previous villains backfire catastrophically because they simply don't work on him. This is best shown with Vegeta's first fight with him: he 'starts slow' in lower forms and works his way up to his strongest as is often the way fights are done... and this played completely into Moro's hand and let him slowly drain their energy until they can't assume a form that can beat Moro. Both Goku and Vegeta finally realize this is indeed the case with Moro and that their normal tactics simply can't work on him. To that end, Goku decides to train under Merus in hopes of achieving Ultra Instinct while Vegeta heads to planet Yardrat to learn a technique to help him defeat Moro.
    • Moro merging with the Earth creates this problem: not only is he far from a conventional villain anymore, but by becoming one with the planet, he can't be killed in a conventional manner without destroying the Earth, which would also set off a galaxy-wide explosion.
  • Physical God: He's so immensely powerful that he was giving a Curb-Stomp Battle to South Supreme Kai and Grand Supreme Kai at the same time, and this was a Grand Supreme Kai who would've been able to easily take out Buu. The only way the Grand Supreme Kai was able to beat him was to permanently sacrifice the majority of his power into one attack to seal his magic away. Moro becomes even more powerful when he's able to fight off and win against Goku and the Dragon Team eons later, after reaching his prime status and then going even beyond that after absorbing Seven-Three. But he becomes a true god after absorbing and copying Merus' power, allowing him to fight an par with Ultra Instinct Goku, before his body could no longer handle the power.
  • Planet Eater: Steals the life energy of entire planets and literally consumes it to increase his already massive strength, being essentially able to do what the Tree of Might could naturally. He did this to 320 planets before being stopped. It's also his Red Baron title. It turns out he doesn't even have to absorb the energy to weaponize it.
  • Power Copying: He gains this power after devouring and merging with Seven-Three. Unlike Seven-Three, who can only use copied powers for thirty minutes, Moro can use the powers permanently. However, he loses the ability to copy new powers after his brief bout with Merus, at the cost of Merus' existence.
  • Power High: When Moro battles with Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku after copying Merus's powers, he quickly gets intoxicated by his newfound abilities, which contrasts with Goku's calm and focused demeanour. It serves as Five-Second Foreshadowing of Moro's lack of mental and spiritual discipline required to unlock Ultra Instinct (which Moro did not achieve naturally), resulting in both his body and mind becoming unstable.
  • Power Incontinence: Moro falls victim to this after absorbing Merus' powers. His body cannot contain said power and he ends up mutating and merging with Earth as a result.
  • Pragmatic Villainy:
    • Moro doesn't like killing strong people immediately because if he kills them, he can't feed on their energy and spares his opponents a few times so they can recover and become his meal a second time. He's also pragmatic enough, however, to keep powering himself up just in case they do come back stronger than before.
    • It's obvious he doesn't give a damn about anyone except himself, but he treats his army of galactic criminals rather well because they're useful to him, especially because his power set is even more effective when he has minions to employ it alongside. The moment it's more advantageous to kill them than to keep them alive, he does so, and flat out states that they're a resource he can easily get more of if they die.
  • Rape, Pillage, and Burn: Without the first one, obviously, but once he gets his army of the worst criminals in the universe, they go on a rampage across space, pillaging anything of value, slaughtering the inhabitants, and finally Moro devours the planet's life force.
  • Razor-Sharp Hand: If he's not trying to drain your life force, then he's running his hand through your chest.
  • Red Baron: 'Planet Eater' Moro.
  • Redemption Rejection: Even after being given another chance by Goku to settle things peacefully and return to the Galactic Prison, he refuses to change his ways and instead vows to consume planets until all of Universe 7 is left barren.
  • Religious and Mythological Theme Naming: Moro's name (which can be alternatively spelled as "Molo") presumably comes from Moloch, the name of a Canaanite deity.
  • Sadist: Moro commits mass murder on planetary scales and enjoys every second of it.
  • Sanity Slippage: After merging with the Earth, a combination of undergoing a major Villainous Breakdown, going mad with power, and just general rising frustration with Goku, causes Moro to become increasingly unhinged and insane until he can't even speak anymore.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: After being defeated by the Grand Supreme Kai, the Galactic Patrol tried to execute him. Since they didn't have anything with enough juice to really hurt him, they instead imprisoned him for life. His power has finally begun to return, allowing him to escape. This actually weakened him immensely, and his desired wish on the Dragon Balls is to have his full power restored.
  • Signature Move: Seems to have a preference for impaling people on his arm.
  • The Sociopath: Moro has all the traits of a classic sociopath. He's utterly devoid of empathy or remorse-viewing others as either fuel for his powers or tools to be used and discarded-incredibly arrogant, highly intelligent and charismatic.
  • Story-Breaker Power: He can drain the life force of anything and he's really competent and intelligent on using such tactics too - toying with his foes as well. He's even forced Goku and Vegeta to surrender several times as well, which is something that they normally don't do. The only instance of him in a disadvantage was against Majin Buu/Grand Supreme Kai... at first, but then he regained his powers and that weakness flew right out the window. Then when he wishes to free various powerful and dangerous prisoners, he can even grant those powers onto them as well, making them ridiculously strong compared to the likes of Goku and Vegeta. Not even Ultra Instinct is enough to defeat him, and for the heroes to push him into a corner, Vegeta had to basically reverse his draining ability, and even then Moro performs a Devour the Dragon on Seven-Three, regaining the power he lost and gaining Seven-Three's copy ability. And unlike Seven-Three, he's not bound by a 30-minute time limit. Also, copying Vegeta's power means he can use Forced Spirit Fission, making both the Fusion Dance and Potara Earrings useless to use against him. Then Moro decides to one-up that by reattaching the severed hand containing Merus' data, giving the wizard the powers of an Angel on top of his own abilities. Worse, when the power becomes too much for him to handle, Moro merges with planet Earth.
  • Strong and Skilled: Once he regains his full power and has drained enough energy to fight the heroes on an even level, he becomes this and is all the more dangerous for it.
  • Strong, but Unskilled: After copying Merus's powers through Seven-Three, Moro is able to fight Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku on even ground using his own Ultra Instinct. But because he did not undergo the mental and spiritual process required to unlock Ultra Instinct naturally, he loses whatever advantage he had over the more disciplined Goku while his body begins to lose control of Merus's power, which only gets worse with his Sanity Slippage.
  • Super-Empowering: Moro can empower others with his magic, which he uses to empower the Galactic Patrol prisoners for their fight with Goku and Vegeta. However, if Moro gives away too much power to one individual, it can cause Power Incontinence as Sangobo learns the hard way.
  • Superpower Lottery: While Moro is a capable fighter in his own right, the wizard's true strength comes from his ability to manipulate life energy. Even with the bulk of his magic sealed, Moro is exceptionally powerful. Moro can absorb the life of other beings and entire planets, adding it to his already immense strength. Moro can also directly weaponize the life energy of the planet he's on for both offensive and defensive purposes and because this technique comes from the energy of the planet rather than his own, he can use this technique until the planet itself dies, providing Moro a potentially unlimited source of energy. Moro's ability to sense energy is the most advanced shown in the series as he can not only sense the energy of beings from vast distances, but can also tell when someone's sensing his energy and can sense the energy of inanimate objects such as the Dragon Balls. Moro's most dangerous ability, however, is that he can passively drain an opponent's energy while fighting, allowing him to grow stronger and overtake his opponent if a fight drags on for too long. Moro can also impart a bit of his power to others to make them stronger. Moro can also swallow other beings whole and gain their abilities. After devouring Seven-Three, Moro gains his ability to copy the powers of others and unlike Seven-Three, he isn't restricted by a 30-minute time limit.
  • Superpower Meltdown:
    • Copying Merus's powers results in this, as Moro's body isn't conditioned to handle Ultra Instinct or Merus's other Angelic powers and begins to distort and threaten to rip itself apart.
    • After merging with the Earth, his power continues to go out of control, threatening a galaxy-busting explosion. By this point, Moro is too insane and focused on destroying Goku to care anymore. This trope ultimately results in Moro's death, as when Goku shatters his forehead crystal and releases Merus's essence he'd absorbed, it results in Moro destabilizing and exploding like an erupting volcano.
  • Support Party Member: His energy draining abilities allow him to act as this. Moro's control over his energy drain is precise enough that he can choose who he wants to drain, allowing him to weaken enemies while keeping his allies at full strength. During the fight with the Galactic Prisoners, Goku and Vegeta dominate the fight at first, but Moro begins draining their energy, allowing the prisoners to gain the upper hand.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Not initially.But near the end of Goku's fight with Moro, Moro suddenly absorbs Seven-Three for a more humanized transformation, with the ability to use others' techniques and attempts to blow himself up when he's about to lose is extremely similar to Cell.
  • Time Abyss: Faced the Supreme Kais Ten Million Years ago, well before their clash with Majin Buu. The amount of life force he's eaten is the reason for this. This makes him the oldest known villain in the series.
  • To Create a Playground for Evil: In Chapter 50, Moro states that his ultimate goal is to create an ideal galaxy where he is free to consume planets as he wishes and peace doesn't exist. And once Moro has his army of criminals, they go on a galaxy-wide rampage, with his minions looting planets of their resources before letting Moro devour its life force.
  • Ultimate Life Form: Moro considers himself the "supreme being" in the universe, boasting that he can eat and destroy the creations of Gods as he pleases. Goku has none of it and kicks his ass into submission.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Despite Moro's calmness and arrogance, he is prone to flying into a rage when his opponent manages to turn the tables against him but never quite reaching a full breakdown due to his penchant for having back up plans and sheer pragmatism. This ends when he faces Goku and his completed Ultra Instinct. Even after powering up to MAX, using all of his magic and having Seven-Three's abilities, Moro is utterly powerless against Goku's new form. He's reduced to screaming in anger and then later has the gall to beg for mercy when it's obvious that he can't win anymore. Even after he regained the advantage by merging with the Earth, it's clear he's completely lost it and by the time he's killed has gone completely insane to the point he can't even speak anymore.
  • Villain Forgot to Level Grind: Defied. Moro is constantly absorbing energy and getting stronger, and prepares for the final battle on Earth by seeking out and devouring as many planets as possible because he knows Goku and Vegeta are training as well. Sure enough, by the time Goku comes to fight him on Earth, he's become strong enough to overwhelm Ultra Instinct Sign and manages to win. After merging with the Earth, he even manages to do what even Jiren couldn't (at least in the anime): defeat Ultra Instinct Goku. Notably, this makes him unique among Dragon Ball villains, as most are blind to the possibility of the heroes overtaking them once they've got the edge.
  • Villainous Legacy: His rampage forced the Grand Supreme Kai to sacrifice most of his power to seal him away, leaving the Supreme Kais vulnerable to Majin Buu's rampage, as before that sacrifice the Grand Supreme Kai would've been more than strong enough to defeat Buu singlehandedly.
  • Villains Want Mercy: When Moro is overwhelmed by Goku and his Completed Ultra Instinct powers, Moro has the sheer nerve to beg Goku for mercy and pleads with the Saiyan not to kill him, despite doing everything in his power several seconds ago to murder Goku and the rest of the Earth.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Downplayed in that Moro isn't weak per se, but unlike the majority of Dragon Ball's villains who rely on raw strength to overpower their opponents, Moro relies on his strange magical abilities and his deceptive cunning to win. Many of his victories throughout the saga are due to him constantly outwitting his opponents with clever underhanded strategies.
  • We Have Reserves: His attitude towards his men. Among other things, he pumps Saganbo full of energy and forces him to fight Goku until he undergoes a Superpower Meltdown and drops dead and eats Seven-Three alive for a power boost. He even flat-out tells Goku as such after Saganbo's death, much to the latter's outrage.

    Goku: Wasn't he your friend...?
    Moro: My friend? I have no friends— those were my soldiers. They may be gone, but I can always collect more.

  • When All You Have Is a Hammer…:
    • Moro's primary power is absorbing life energy. While other villains such as Androids 19 and 20 and Cell used a similar ability solely in the most obvious manner, Moro is very clever with this ability and one reason he keeps winning is how many different uses he's found for it. From weaponizing a planet's life energy directly to channeling it to others for a power boost to support his minions, it's actually shockingly versatile.
    • Ultimately subverted. While it is his best ability, it's not his only one, something he's pointed out in the past. Thus when Goku and Vegeta find ways around it, he's not harmless.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: After stealing Merus's powers and his body is unable to contain it, Moro's sanity starts eroding away until he's a mindless monster that couldn't even speak comprehensively.
  • Wizards from Outer Space: He's an alien wizard.
  • Would Hurt a Child: When confronted with Goku and Vegeta on New Namek, his first act is to telekinetically grab a Namekian child. Not as a hostage, but as food, though Vegeta saves him.
  • Wrong Context Magic: Moro is very different from anyone else in that his threat is not dependent on his own ki or power, as immense as it is. Rather, he can weaponize the energy of the planet he's standing on, and its only limit is how long the planet survives. He can also passively Mana Drain his opponents and his magic in general makes him an extremely dangerous foe, as opposed to previous energy absorbing villains who required actually attacking their foe or being attacked to use it. It's also very useful for powering up his minions. He can also do things like merge with Earth.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Once he has his full strength back, he instantly impales Cranberry and kills him. Considering he wished to shut down the Galactic Patrol prison to free some of the most dangerous criminals, he probably considered them far more valuable than Cranberry anyways.
  • You Will Not Evade Me: Upon learning that Dende is coming to heal the Z-Fighters via Piccolo's telepathy, he throws up a barrier to prevent him from interfering and to keep the heroes from escaping.


Voiced by (Japanese): Yuji Machi (Z), Hiromu Miyazaki (Kai)
Voiced by (English): Ward Perry (Ocean dub); Chris Patton (Z), Jessie James Grelle (Kai) (Funimation dub)

A former member of the Frieza Force who joins Moro in his quest. He was a deserter who got captured by Galactic Patrol many years ago. Introduced in the Galactic Patrol saga.

  • Arm Cannon: Its his main mode of attacking that fires lasers via a wire connected to his scouter, similar to Sui and many other Frieza Force grunts.
  • Ascended Extra: Cranberry is the one goon that was defeated by a Namekian warrior and then kicked off to the ocean by Zarbon (chapter 253 of Dragon Ball, episode 47 of Dragon Ball Z), making his return an impressive surprise.
  • Asshole Victim: Unlike Moro's other victims, Cranberry gets absolutely no sympathy for what he's done considering that he helped Moro slaughter many Namekians to gather the Dragon Balls and he mercilessly killed Grand Elder Moori. His actions when raiding the original Planet Namek with his old Frieza Force comrades is all the more evidence against him as he clearly enjoyed partaking in the slaughter of dozens of innocent Namekians.
  • Dangerous Deserter: He was captured by the Galactic Patrol at one point in time, and he is a survivor from Namek.
  • Early Installment Character-Design Difference: The anime version the Frieza arc depict his battle armor with four crotch guards around his waist. The majority of battle jackets only have two or three.
  • Edible Theme Naming: Cranberry, named after a fruit like all of Frieza's soldiers.
  • Elite Mook: He was an elite soldier in Frieza's army, with a power that seemed to exceed 1,000.
  • Friendly Fire: He'd been blasted away by the orange-vested warrior namekian during the fight in Moori's village, but Zarbon’s kicking him into the water is what does him in. It made him elligable to be revived by Shenron when Mr. Popo wished that all of the Frieza Force’s victims be resurrected during the endgame of the conflict on Namek.
  • Hero Killer: He kills Moori, the Namekian Grand Elder in cold blood.
  • Human Aliens: He is from the same race as Raspberry and Captain Strong, who are also indisguishable from Earthlings besides the advanced armor they adorn. It only serves to underscore how nasty a piece of work Cranberry is.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Moro kills him by impaling him from behind once his full power is restored and thus Cranberry's usefulness is over.
  • Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: He and at least three other members of Frieza's raiding party missed every shot they made with their laser guns at the warrior-type namekians during the skirmish in Moori's village, though this was only in the anime. Cranberry himself does appear to have gotten better in the intervening years since the Frieza arc if his instant killing of Moori is to be believed.
  • Jerkass: Cranberry is a shameless opportunistic thug through and through with no redeeming qualities and gets off on committing bad deeds.
  • Loophole Abuse: Cranberry was revived back on Namek by Shenron because the wish specified to bring back people "killed by Frieza and his men", and Cranberry was killed by Zarbon's kick.
  • More Despicable Minion: He doesn't last terribly long compared to Moro's other followers but as bad as Moro was, he was willing to fight anyone, strong or weak. Cranberry, on the other hand, doesn't have anything resembling Villainous Valor and is a Dirty Coward only attacks those weaker than him, as highlighted by his bragging about killing off the older Namekians and capturing Esca to get the Dragon Balls.
  • Sadist: He treats the Namekians poorly while on Old Namek and even shoves Dende when the kid was paralyzed by the strange vile invaders all with a nasty smile on his face.
  • Slasher Smile: He sported one several times during the Frieza Force's raid of the original Planet Namek, especially when he charged the three warrior-type namekians…for all the good that it did him.
  • Would Harm a Senior: Oh yes, given he gleefully partook in Frieza’s raiding of Namekian villages for their dragon balls back during the Frieza arc and snickering at Moori’s helplessness alongside Dodoria and another ursine-like soldier. In the Moro arc, he actually succeeds in killing Moori.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He gets a sick kick out of shoving a young Dende when raiding his village, even smugly taunting him for being scared of Napple and Appule in the dubs of the original Z. Krillin was suitably disgusted.

Macareni Gang 

Macareni Gang (Pasta, Penne and Ghetti Macareni)

A familial trio of space bandits who regularly clash with the Galactic Patrol.

  • Cardboard Prison: They're regular in-and-outers of the Galactic Prison, but they don't mind returning to their cells when they're caught. In fact, they see the prison as home.
  • Having a Blast: Pasta has the power to imbue inanimate objects with explosive ki. When he seemingly throws down his gun to Merus as a sign of surrender, he then detonates the gun with a large blast.
  • Sinister Schnoz: Pasta has a large, angular nose, fitting for an outer-space scumbag.


Saganbo is an ally of Moro and the leader of an army of vile criminals formerly imprisoned by the Galactic Patrol.

  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Pumped full of energy by Moro until his muscles swell beyond capacity until eventually his internal organs rupture, causing him to cough up a torrent of blood and keel over dead. It's like something out of '90s DBZ.
  • The Determinator: Despite being outclassed by Goku even in his powered up state, he simply will not stay down. Until his body fails him beyond repair.
  • The Dragon: To Moro. As Saganbo is Moro's most loyal lieutenant and main supporter.
  • No Body Left Behind: His corpse gets vaporised by one of Moro's stray energy blasts.
  • The Noseless: Like Krillin and Chiaotzu, he has no nose.
  • Number Two: Saganbo serves as Moro's right-hand man and second-in-command of the Galactic Patrol Prisoners.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: To Nappa, being a massive brute who is The Dragon to the main villain and is strong enough to hold out against the rest of the Z Warriors until Goku's arrival turns the tide. And like Nappa, Saganbo gets killed by the boss to who he was nothing but loyal.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Moro, since the sorcerer made him feel powerful and free for the first time in his life. He continues fighting for Moro long after his body started to fail him.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Once he overloads from the energy that Moro gives him, Moro discards him due to not being able to fight Goku anymore.



One of Saganbo's henchmen, an infamous brigade of Galactic Bandits arrested by Merus. He is big in both stature and appetite.

  • Acrofatic: Like Botamo, he can ricochet his rubbery body at remarkable speeds, turning himself into a bouncy cannonball.
  • Ambiguously Related: As of now, there is no confirmation he is related to Botamo's race, but the similarity is clearly there.
  • Big Eater: Yunba never heard of Earth, but he is quite interested in knowing if they have yummy treats. He had nothing but stinking ration bar things since he escaped from prison.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: While he seems to have a clumsy-looking, ungraceful fighting style, Krillin notes that his strikes are much sharper than he expected.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He makes a surprise reappearance in the Granolah arc as one of the many familiar faces Goku and Gas encounter while chasing each other across the universe with Instant Transmission. When the fighters land in the Galactic Prison, Yunba heckling Gas from his cell breaks the Heeter's steely composure for the first time. How? As it turns out, the Heeters met Saganbo's gang once upon a time and Gas pissed himself in fear, which Yunba all too eagerly reminds him of.
  • The Rival: To Krillin. They clash on the Lookout when Yunba, Shimorekka and Seven-Three first warp to Earth, and again in the jungle when the entire Moro Corps invade.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Of Botamo from Universe 6. He is a big bear humanoid with similar powers, only that instead of being yellow he looks more like a panda.
  • Troll: He delights in heckling Gas about one time he wet himself in fear upon meeting the Galactic Bandits, which causes Gas to make a few Suspiciously Specific Denials...


A prisoner of the Galactic Patrol left free by Moro.

  • Achilles' Heel: As revealed through Moro, his Power Copying is reliant on his crystals, so if they are destroyed, he won't be able to copy anything. Later, it's revealed that destroying his head crystal would have instantly killed him (which is what did Moro in).
  • Ambiguously Related: As of now, there is no confirmation he is related to Hit's unnamed race, but the similarity is clearly there. While revealed as an artificial life form, is unknown if his creators took the base model from Hit's race.
  • Artificial Human: He's an artificial lifeform created on an alien planet.
  • Conservation of Ninjutsu: OG73-I is an extremely dangerous fighter with an accumulation of stolen abilities. Later, a multitude of him are easily killed. Justified as it's stated Seven-Three have had time to develop that the other models didn't and Granola knew about his Achilles' Heel ahead of time.
  • Curb-Stomp Cushion: After getting stomped into the ground by a serious Gohan, Seven-Three reveals his other secret power to hold the combat data of up to three copied beings. In this case, Moro's combat data, which he uses to quickly turn the tides.
  • Ditto Fighter: He can copy the abilities of any life form he touches with a time limit of 30 minutes, with his infinite stamina giving him an advantage. He can store the abilities of up to 3 life forms at a time.
  • Eaten Alive: Moro eats him alive to absorb him after Vegeta's Forced Spirit Fission proves capable of defeating him.
  • Evil Counterpart:
    • The story frames him as one to Hit, due to being associated with similar members to the Universe 6 team (a Metal Man and a bear fighter).
    • More directly, he serves as a rival to Piccolo after he absorbs his powers and techniques. The two are totally evenly matched at first, but Seven-Three wins out thanks to his unlimited stamina.
  • Expy: Of Cacao, a member of Turles's Crusher Corps. Like Cacao, Seven-Three is the robotic member of a band of Space Pirates that consume planets, with Moro's energy-draining on planets and power-boost towards his minions not being dissimilar to the Tree of Might and its fruit.
  • Eye Beams: One of the attacks he shows capable of doing are energy beams from his eyes, which he uses to kill survivors from Planet Zoon.
  • Logical Weakness:
    • He can only copy one power at once, even if he copied multiple people. Thus even if he's copied both of his opponent's powers, he can only match them one at a time, not together. Gohan and Piccolo figured this out and use team attacks to overwhelm him.
    • Moro's power is very broken, but it relies on absorbing ki. Thus Android 17 and 18, who have infinite energy engines that don't rely on ki, aren't affected by it, and unlike Moro, Seven-Three isn't powerful enough to just overpower them, which is exactly why Piccolo and Gohan called them in.
  • Make My Monster Grow: During his fight with Gohan, he uses Piccolo's lesser-known ability to grow into a giant. Gohan proceeds to dismantle him even quicker than before as he only creates more blind spots to be exploited.
  • Not Quite Dead: The beginning of the Granolah the Survivor Saga reveals he survived Moro's death by his cells regenerating themselves.
  • Perpetual-Motion Monster: Similar to Gero's Androids, Seven-Three possesses inexhaustible stamina.
  • Not So Stoic: Like many cold villains in the series, he undergoes a noticeable Villainous Breakdown as he loses the advantage, though he isn't vocal about it. However, his stoicism is shattered when Moro comes to devour him. He also expresses shock when Moro casually kills Shimorekka.
  • Power Copying: He can copy someone's powers for up to thirty minutes by touching the back of their neck. Moro let him copy his powers as a contingency plan so he could consume him and become even stronger if Goku or Vegeta somehow managed to beat him.
  • The Quiet One: An archetypal strong-and-silent warrior. He has only been seen responding to orders given by Shimorekka. He has not once initiated a conversation on–panel.
  • The Rival: To Piccolo and Gohan. Seven-Three's absorption of Piccolo's techniques forces the Namekian to team up with his half-Saiyan apprentice to defeat the artificial being.
  • Swallowed Whole: Moro devours him whole to absorb him and try to regain the edge on Vegeta after his Forced Spirit Fission proves too much for him to handle.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: After the Heeter's collect his body to access his memory banks in order to find Zuno's location, his fate is never brought up again.
  • You Are Number 6: Only known by his prison cell number, 73.

Bikkura Quiotur 

A member of Saganbo's convict crew who is a Metal Man like Auta Magetta.

  • Evil Counterpart: To Auta Magetta, the Metal Man member of the Universe 6 team.
  • Punny Name: His name is a play on the Japanese phrase for "Be surprised".
  • The Rival: To Tien and Chiaotzu. They fight when the Moro Corps invade Earth - Quiotur's invulnerability proves difficult for Tien to overcome, as he can't exploit the Metal Man's weakness to insults. Chiaotzu can, however.
  • Thin-Skinned Bully: He's a crook like the rest of the Moro Corps, but like all Metal Men he's got a severe mental weakness to insults. However, he is a little thicker-skinned than Magetta and is unaffected by non-applicable insults (e.g. mocking his weight is useless since all Metal Men obviously weigh tonnes), as Tien discovers.


A lovely planet, brimming with energy... one that is sure to please Lord Moro.

A prisoner of the Galactic Prison left free by Moro. He is a member of Zarbon's race.

  • Agent Peacock: A very effeminate fighter, yet a highly dangerous one.
  • Noblewoman's Laugh: In his introduction in chapter 55, he is laughing with an effeminate "fu-fu" laugh.
  • Running Gag: He is another effeminate fighter in the franchise whose sole purpose is to be made fun of.
  • Self-Disposing Villain: A comedic example. As he attempts to make a swift get-away atop his subordinates' ship, Yuzun forgets that he tossed another giant vessel several thousand feet in the air during his battle with Vegeta, which promptly crashes down on top of him, killing him. Vegeta dryly remarks on his anticlimactic defeat:

    Vegeta: ... So he killed himself?

  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Of Zarbon, being an effeminate fighter of the same race who can transform into a ugly alligator looking form. Their personalities are not completely alike, though, as Zarbon was a professional Knight of Cerebus while Yuzun is comically treated to show Vegeta's development in Yardrat. Vegeta is not impressed when he transforms.

Miza, Iwaza and Kikaza

As freakin' if! We're never going back in the slammer!!

A trio of female convicts that catch the eye of Master Roshi.


Saganbo's adviser in the Galactic Bandit Brigade.

  • Aesop Amnesia: He tells Gas that he can be of help against Goku if freed, despite getting swiftly defeated by said Saiyan in the last arc. Of course, he's probably just lying just so Gas could set him free.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Zauyogi keeps an air of haughtiness around him when fighting, as well as labeling most of his allies as "lowly convicts".
  • The Bus Came Back: Alongside Yunba, Zauyogi appears in the Granolah arc as one of the many characters Goku and Gas teleport to during their universe-spanning battle. He tries to convince Gas to break them out of the Galactic Prison.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Goku teleports in front of Yamcha to catch Zauyogi's punch and knocks the alien convict out cold with a single blow to the stomach, much to the amazement of Tenshinhan and Yamcha who were struggling against him.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: A minor example, Zauyogi was once shown to be visibly perturbed after witnessing Moro consume planets, stating to Yunba that he'll never get used to that.
  • Glass Cannon: While he's able to overwhelm Yamcha, Tenshinhan, and Chaozu, he was easily defeated in one blow by Son Goku.
  • Jobber: Despite his boasts, he really has nothing special going for him and he seems to be only slightly stronger than Yamcha and Tien.
  • Lizard Folk: Zauyogi is based on a lizard-like alien, bonus points in that he's fought in the desert area (as reptilian creatures dwell in warm areas).
  • The Rival: To Yamcha. Which is doubly interesting, because they're both arrogant individuals and have ties to a desert landscape.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Shows off his lean, Bruce Lee-like build in his fight against Yamcha.

The Heeters

In General 

A family of knowledge brokers led by Elec who employ Granolah as a bounty hunter and have their own plans.

  • All for Nothing: Chapter 87 has their ambitions brought to an end. Gas and Elec are killed by Frieza and then Oil and Macki are then conscripted to become Frieza's new cook and waiter.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: They have blue skin with purple dreadlocks.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: While Granolah's grudge is a major driving force of the arc, Elec's mechanizations are as much of a driving force of the conflict and he has far bigger plans. After Granolah realized that Elec was his mother's murderer, Elec becomes the sole Big Bad.
  • Big Eater: All four of them can be seen enjoying a large banquet for themselves, showing that they indulge in their vast wealth. Macki, in particular, has a great love for grubrolls.
  • Big, Thin, Short Trio: Aside from Elec, the other three siblings fit this mold: Oil is the Big, the only woman Macki is the Thin and the diminutive but powerful Gas is the Short.
  • Brains and Brawn: Macki, Oil, and Gas are seemingly the brawn to Elec's brain. The former three appear to be enforcers while the latter formulates for them.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: While they may loathe Frieza and want to overthrow him, they don't want him dead due to his status as The Dreaded helping their business remain under their control. When Granolah reveals he's wished to become the strongest in the universe via Dragon Balls and therefore can potentially kill Frieza and destroy his army, they scheme to have Goku and Vegeta kill him instead.
  • Dreadlock Warrior: They all have dreadlocked hair and are crafty enough to overpower Granolah and the Saiyans.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Macki and Oil are both shocked and disgusted by Granolah's growing insanity and for using the Cerealian Dragon Balls to become the strongest fighter by giving up most of his lifespan, which they mostly consider to be cheating and downright crazy. Later, Macki and Oil are horrified by Granolah's lack of empathy, the amount of destruction he is causing on Planet Cereal and not caring about the Sugarians and their lives in the process. Macki also disapproves of Elec's methods and becomes more horrified when he removes Gas' headband that causes him to lose control of his senses and starts destroying everything in sight; including them. Macki and Oil are shocked by Elec's harsh words and abuse of Gas and get more disgusted by Elec's lack of care for their brother.
  • Family Theme Naming: According to Toyotaro, they're siblings. All of them are named after fuel sources.
  • Fangs Are Evil: The Heeters all wear sharp teeth as jewellery.
  • Foil: In contrast to the Frieza Force's military might, the Heeters gain strength through intelligence and knowledge.
  • Knowledge Broker: They are officially information brokers for the Frieza Force, they would find buyers for the planets that Frieza's men would conquer/depopulate.
  • Older Than They Look: They were in business when Goku was a baby and Vegeta and Granolah were children and all four of them haven't aged since then. Even child-sized Gas doesn't get a growth spurt until the Dragonballs upgrade his strength, suggesting that they age very slowly.
  • Remember the New Guy?: Apparently they have been long time business partners with Frieza, dating back to since the Saiyans were under his employ. However, this is a justified example, as the buying/selling aspect of Frieza's business has never been touched upon until now.
  • Siblings in Crime: They are all siblings who run a powerful criminal syndicate.
  • Sigil Spam: All of them wear golden emblems with a large 'H' logo somewhere on their outfits. As it turns out, these emblems function as communicators.
  • Smug Snake: All four of them are overconfident and elitist.
  • The Starscream: They plot to overthrow their business partner Frieza and take control of his army and resources. Frieza kills two of them and forces the others to either be his servants or die.

Elec (Spoilers


Leader of the Heeters.

  • Asshole Victim: Finally gets his comeuppance in Chapter 87. His plans to kill Frieza by using Gas fails and, after being berated by the tyrant that he's always been seen as insignificant, is killed by Frieza with a blast to the face. No one is going to mourn his death. His remaining siblings are more terrified that Frieza might go after them rather than they are horrified by Elec's death.
  • Beard of Evil: Elec has a goatee. He was clean-shaven when Granolah was a child.
  • Big Bad: Of the "Granolah the Survivor" Saga. Elec had a hand in the genocide of the Cerealians, which galvanized Granolah into becoming an embittered killer. He would then steal the Dragon Balls and make the wish that turned Gas into the "strongest" being in the universe. And by his own admission, this isn't the end of his plan. His ultimate plan was to have Gas kill Frieza and then take his army for himself. If Gas dies in the attempt, an acceptable loss...
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Although he's the main villain of the Granolah Saga, Elec is this in the grand scheme of things since he is a complete wimp compared to the powerhouses of everyone else in the universe. He doesn't have a backup plan in the event that Gas loses, reduced to snivelly bartering for his own life or hightailing it out of the area. Frieza reveals that he always knew that Elec was going to try and usurp him at some point, letting him run about as the tyrant exploits Elec's resources instead. Once Elec loses his use, he's promptly fired, literally, courtesy of an energy blast to the face.
  • Big Brother Bully: Elec is verbally abusive towards his siblings; especially Gas. Elec takes it further during the final battle against the Saiyans when he grabs an injured Gas by the neck and cruelly scolds him for his failure and forces Gas to push his power further even if it kills him. Chapter 87 ups the abuse; he slaps Macki in the face after she tries to stop Elec from pushing Gas and then callously reveals that Gas is going to die from the wish of being the "strongest in the universe". When Gas is understandably shocked, Elec screams at Gas to continue fighting, calling him "worthless". The rest of the Heeter siblings are devastated by Elec's lack of concern, finally seeing him as the monster he truly is.
  • Breaking Old Trends: In stark contrast to previous series' Big Bads, Elec is a collected individual who keeps his calm in even dire situations for him. Even the more calculated villains were prone to panic or concern or losing their temper when something didn't go their way, while Elec simply opts to regroup and come up with a new strategy when he runs into a road bump.
  • Classy Cravat: Elec wears one to distinguish himself as the head of the organization.
  • Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: Compared to the previous Dragon Ball villains who are all fighters and warriors, that want to become stronger to rule the universe, as well as some of them leading their own armies. Elec is not much of a fighter and relies on intelligence and knowledge to gain power. While some past main villains have armies or groups who are just allies or pawns to them, Elec’s group, The Heeters, are a family of criminals who are named after fuel sources.
  • Control Freak: As the extreme narcissist that he is, Elec is obsessed with collecting infinite knowledge and intel and wants to be the only one who makes decisions about anything. He is also very bossy and controlling towards his siblings and prefers they only follow his orders and doesn't like anyone questioning his goals or ideals.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Just because someone is the "strongest" in the universe doesn't mean that they will remain the "strongest", as sheer grit and determination can sometimes overcome a seemingly "invincible" opponent. This is what happens to Gas as the Heeter takes on the combined might of Goku, Vegeta and Granolah and ends up losing. And it would have been all for naught anyway, since Frieza became many leagues stronger by training "outside" the universe in the Room of Spirit and Time, thus becoming exempt from the wish to make Gas the "strongest", allowing the tyrant to murder Gas in one blow.
  • Dirty Coward: This is what Elec is deep down. He may boast that he has the smarts and is the leader of the group but he is too cowardly and lazy to do any of the heavy lifting himself, preferring that his siblings, especially Gas, enforce the muscle. The only time he attacks anyone with his ray gun is when they are too weak to properly defend themselves, like he did when he murders Granolah's mother by surprise or when he shoots Granolah from behind after he is disabled and weakened by Gas first. He even has the nerve to boast that powerful warriors like Goku, Vegeta and Granolah are nothing compared to the Heeters' power (he includes himself), when really, it's Gas that's the actual danger. In Chapter 87, Elec tries to run away after Gas's penultimate defeat and when the latter is killed by Frieza, tries talking his way out, to no avail. Frieza rightly calls him out on this, citing Elec as the "weakest" of the Heeters.
  • The Don: He's the boss of a vast criminal syndicate, both feared and respected by his subordinates. The respect soon goes away by his own doing.
  • Gaslighting: Elec is actually the weakest of the Heeters but he's so emotionally abusive and manipulative towards his siblings that he managed to convince them, including the person in question, that Gas was the weakest instead. So it comes as a shock to Oil and Macki when Frieza reveals the truth, before he's blasted to oblivion.
  • Guyliner: He wears it to emphasise his long, feminine eyelashes.
  • Hate Sink: Elec is a heartless scumbag and easily the most despicable of the Heeters. He is a horrible excuse of a big brother who constantly gaslights and abuses his siblings into serving him, especially Gas by taking advantage of his loyalty and trust. He even manipulates Granolah into doing his dirty work and plans to kill him when he is no longer useful. Elec orchestrated the extinction of the Cerealian race and killed Granolah's mother Muezli in cold blood. He even goes as far to frame Bardock and Frieza for Muezli's murder just to corrupt Granolah and trick him into becoming a bounty hunter for him and take advantage of his trust. Elec also blackmails Monaito into keeping his mouth shut or he and Gas will kill him if he tells the truth to Granolah.
  • Hated by All: By the end of the arc Elec has alienated all of his allies. Granolah never liked him to begin with and finding out he was being targeted for assassination only made things worse. Oil and Macki were horrified to learn that Elec knowingly threw Gas under the bus. Gas likewise was shaken once he found out Elec had sent him to his death. Frieza knew all along that Elec wasn't trustworthy and blew him to bits after bringing him down a peg.
  • Hypocrite: Elec claims that intel is superior to strength, but he still relies on enforcers to carry out his ambitions. Frieza points out that he's actually the weakest of his family, so Elec's whole philosophy casts a pretty unflattering light on him.
  • In the Back: After Granolah loses use of both his arms and is blinded by Gas, Elec shoots him in the back, with Granolah too weak to defend himself properly.
  • Irony: He claims that intelligence vastly outweighs aspects such as strength, but all of his plans shown so far primarily rely on overpowering the opponent through the raw strength of others.
  • It's All About Me: Beneath his claim of wanting Gas to be the "strongest" in the universe, Elec ultimately cares about only himself and his own goals to control everything. Chapter 87 shows how very little Elec thinks of his siblings, abandoning them to try and save his own skin.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Elec seems like he wants to make Gas the strongest in the universe so they can overthrow Frieza and rule the universe together. But Elec only sees his siblings as tools and shows no real love towards them and is willing to sacrifice them to achieve their dreams and secretly wants all the knowledge, intel and universe for himself.
  • Knowledge Broker: Elec is a firm believer that intelligence and knowledge are true power. His Hypocrite entry says otherwise...
    • And in the end, it turns out that Frieza knew everything the Heeters were planning, so Elec's a failure in his own field.
  • Lack of Empathy: Elec has absolutely no love or care for anyone but himself. He doesn't care that using the Cerealian Dragon Balls could shorten Gas' lifespan and is willing to endanger the Sugarians and Planet Cereal just to kill Goku and the others. Elec cruelly brushes off Macki's warnings as he is willing to sacrifice Gas' life just to kill Granolah, Monaito, the saiyans and later Frieza just to achieve their goals. Elec forces Gas to push his limits further even if it ages him rapidly with no care for his well-being at all. When Gas starts losing the battle against Goku, Vegeta and Granolah, Elec plans to selfishly abandon him and leave him for dead if he fails. Seeing Gas literally decay before his eyes does nothing for him, as Elec callously screams at Gas go and kill for his sake.
  • Lazy Bum: Elec claims that fighting is So Last Season and that gathering intelligence makes him superior, but he still relies on warriors to do his dirty work and is eventually revealed to be the weakest of the Heeters. What's more, it turns out Frieza has gathered more intel than Elec without drawing attention to himself.
  • Loophole Abuse:
    • When Elec wished for Gas to become the Strongest in the universe, it was with his Power Limiter on, meaning that Gas could grow even stronger than that with the headband out of the way. This allows the Heeters to regain the upper hand when Granolah initially defeats Gas.
    • This ends up being his undoing as well. His wish does not take into account beings outside of Universe 7. When Frieza returns from his training in the Room of Space and Time, he's on a whole different level than Gas.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He and his siblings had nothing against Granolah before, but when he starts plotting to kill Frieza and his army, Elec hatches a scheme to have Goku and Vegeta wipe him out. In particular, He successfully fooled all three into conflict.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain!: It turns out he called Frieza over to Planet Cereal and planned to have Gas kill him, unaware that Frieza had been off-universe training and had become stronger than ever. When Frieza arrives, he effortlessly kills Gas and Elec.
  • No Body Left Behind: Frieza wipes him from existence with one energy blast to his face, after Elec futilely tries punching the former when the tyrant rightly calls out how much Elec sucks.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: As the brains behind the operation, he does not usually sully his own hands in battle. He only attacks with his ray gun when he's sure the victim can't defend themselves anymore, such as murdering Granolah's mother by surprise, attacking a tired Bardock after his battle with Gas and shooting Granolah in the back after he's weakened.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Has this deservedly given to him by Frieza, telling the arrogant scumbag that he's not as smart as he thinks he is, even calling him the "weakest" Heeter.

    Frieza: Let me guess, you meant to have Gas kill me. I have bad news for you then. It looks like Gas is dust in the wind. I've known all about your ambitions these past 40 years. I knew, and let you scurry around, all while exploiting you for my army's benefit. Why, there isn't a single thing in this universe I'm not privy to. For example, the fact that the weakest of the Heeters is you...

  • The Reveal: Frieza reveals that since the very beginning, Elec was always the weakest of the Heeters, not Gas. This information takes Oil and Macki by surprise, before Elec is then killed.
  • Smug Smiler: He always has a confident, assured smirk on his face. It's only wiped from his face when he's taken by surprise, like Goku teleporting Gas off planet, depriving Elec of his "muscle". He loses the smugness altogether when Goku, Vegeta and Granolah work together to finally take Gas down. Chapter 87 does away with this entirely, as his plans go up in smoke with Gas's murder at Frieza's hands, shortly before his own death.
  • Smug Snake: He thinks he's smarter than everyone else and claims that his plans will drive him to run the universe, even from Frieza. Frieza reveals that he was only ever a pawn to exploit, killing him after having no further use for the arrogant Heeter.
  • So Last Season: Elec declares that ruling people through might like Frieza is a method of the past, and ruling through knowledge is the way to go. However, as seen in his Hypocrite entry, forcing Gas, his main enforcer, to do all his dirty work, demonstrates that he doesn't practice what he preaches.
  • The Stoic: Outside of being a bit of a Smug Smiler and having moments of mild surprise, Elec doesn't really emote in contrast to his siblings or his enemies. Starts to become subverted over time as his plans for Gas starts falling apart, all the way to his death.
  • This Cannot Be!: Elec's face is screaming this as Gas is finally defeated, despite him being the "strongest" in the universe. Chapter 87 enforces this harder, as Frieza reveals that he always knew Elec as the scheming little weakling that he is and is blasted to hell by the tyrant.
  • Unwitting Pawn: While he sees Frieza and his army as this, it's actually the other way around. Frieza had already caught on to Elec's ambitions but chose to let him do as he pleased as he was no real threat at the time and still proved himself useful.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Breaks down from his calm behavior to manic ranting when it becomes clear that Gas is going to lose, foregoing all pretense of caring about him at all.
  • Walking Spoiler: The revelation that he is not only the real Big Bad of the saga, but also that he's responsible for killing Granolah's mother, are major spoilers.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Turns out that Frieza had long since caught on to Elec's schemes to overthrow him, but chose not to do anything since Elec was still useful. But once he's not...
  • You Killed My Father: Elec, not a Saiyan, killed Granolah's mother Muezli, and framed Bardock for it.

Gas (Spoilers


Click here to see him as the universe's strongest

Elec's chief enforcer. After Granolah used the Dragonballs on Planet Cereal so he could wish to be the strongest, Gas reacquired them and made a similar wish, making him potentially the strongest being in the universe.

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Gas would do anything for the sake of his siblings, especially Elec. Which makes it all the more frustrating and heartbreaking when Elec shouts out loud that he only ever saw Gas as a means to an end, not an equal. As Gas decays away, Elec is callously screaming at him to at least kill Goku and Vegeta before he dies, citing that Gas is "worthless scum" for wasting time having a breakdown at his current state. Gas himself is shaking from despair all the while.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Goku and Granolah. The former for his father sharing the same face and beating him in the past. The latter for "taking" Elec's attention away from him.
  • Berserk Button: Beneath his stoic demeanour, he has a few:
    • Since he was originally the weakest of the Heeters (though it turns out that he was gaslighted by his own brother; Elec was actually the weakest), he resents any implication that he is in any way not up to the task, resulting in a one-sided rivalry with Granolah.
    • Similarly, any reminders of the time he was nothing but a scared, powerless runt get under his skin (reminiscent of Jiren).
    • Since Elec believed in him when nobody else would, he has complete Undying Loyalty to his brother, and Goku rattles him by implying that Elec may not have Gas's best interests at heart, indirectly comparing him to Raditz to prove the point.
  • Black Eyes of Evil: His final decayed form has this trope as a demonstration of how far his sanity has fallen. It's implied that it's not that his eyes turned black, but rather his body has decayed so much that his eyes have shrunk and what we're seeing are his eye sockets.
  • Blessed with Suck: Gas becomes the "strongest" in the universe thanks to the Cerealian Dragonballs but in exchange for all that power, he had to give up a majority of his lifespan. The longer he does battle and the more he is pushed beyond his limits, the more powerful he becomes. However, his life burns out even faster as a result and eventually, this starts taking a physical toll on his body, aging and looking more emaciated, until he becomes a walking zombie that ignores grievous wounds. Vegeta denounces this as a curse rather than a blessing.

    Vegeta: It's like a curse...Cursed to be the universe's strongest...

  • Blood Knight: Starts developing into this after Elec forces Gas to master his true full power. Compared to before where he tries to murder his enemies as quickly as possible, he starts prolonging his battle with Goku in order to test his new abilities, preferring to torture Goku by hitting him with debris from the environment or holding him underwater in an attempt to drown the Saiyan.
  • Body Horror: As his battle with the heroes nears its end, Gas's appearance becomes more and more twisted and corpse-like, with visible bits of decayed muscles and bones appearing as he takes more and more damage, until he inevitably falls apart after Frieza impales him.
  • Butt-Monkey: During their cat-and-mouse chase across the universe with Instant Transmission, Goku inadvertently makes a complete laughing stock out of Gas. Over the course of a chapter, Gas just happens to teleport into the path where Monaka was dumping the contents of his dump truck, then he just happens to teleport into the Galactic King's bathtub, then Goku just happens to teleport to the Galactic Prison where Gas is mocked by the inmates for having pissed himself once and finally Gas is then stranded on a faraway planet with only Whis and Oracle Fish for company by Goku. Being The Comically Serious, Gas takes none of this humiliation gracefully.
  • Car Fu: As Gas engages Goku in their final battle, Gas telekinetically throws trains in Goku's path, forcing the Saiyan to dodge or endure the locomotives barrelling towards him. They even fight atop the vehicles for a while.
  • Cast from Hit Points: A consequence of using Planet Cereal's Dragonballs is that any power gained comes at the expense of the individual's lifespan. As Gas approaches his peak, his body visibly ages from the stress. The previously bloodthirsty Granolah actually takes pity on him once he's defeated and tells Elec to take care of his brother. At his absolute peak, well, it's not pretty.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: Platonic example. He views himself as all the muscle the Heeters need and he dislikes Granolah for stealing Elec's attention. Once he becomes the new Strongest in the Universe, he dismisses Granolah as unnecessary.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Gas does not notice his aging appearance and mangled body until he overhears Elec point out his impending death. Frieza then shows up and then drives his arm through the Heeter's torso. From the look of shock and pain on Gas's face, he suffered in complete agony until he finally decays to nothing but bones and dust.
  • David Versus Goliath: He battled Bardock, an unremarkable low-class Saiyan warrior on Planet Cereal in the past. Despite being the stronger combatant, Gas somehow lost and the defeat still haunts him, though we do not know the full circumstances yet. History Repeats as the heroes find themselves up against him in the present, now as the Strongest in the Universe, with no clear hope of victory.
  • Dented Iron: By the end of his fight against Goku, Vegeta and Granolah, Gas is mummified and parts of him are breaking off. The heroes are freaked out that he's able to throw a punch despite having lost a chunk of tissue from his arm.
  • Desecrating the Dead: After Gas dissolves into nothing but his skeleton, Freeza heartlessly stomps and crushes the Heeter's skull beneath his feet.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: Elec is their leader, but Gas is far stronger than him. Particularly after Elec wishes Gas was the strongest in the universe.
  • Evil Counterpart:
    • From his appearance to his hatred of an underdog that could rival his power, Gas is easily one to Vegeta. Remember that when Vegeta was at his most villainous, he tried to gain power through unearned means (Saiyan physiology and Babidi's magic), much like Gas does when he decides to deal with Granolah and the remaining Saiyans. His ultimate power coming at the expense of his physical wellbeing is also akin to Vegeta's Ultra Ego. Finally, both die undignified deaths at the hands of Freeza.
    • His Power Limiter being removed reveals he could be considered one for Broly, as both have immense natural power that sends him into a bulked up berserker state.
  • Evil Makes You Ugly: Gas started out with a cute appearance (mildly offset by his perpetual scowling) and upon gaining a power-up he looks semi-handsome. Then Elec removes his restraints and he turns into a raging mass of muscle with horns erupting from his head before overexerting himself to the point where he ages prematurely and becomes emaciated. His last moments has him as a decaying, shambling zombie.
  • Eye Beams: Of a sort. Gas' first action after mastering his full power as the strongest in the universe is to glare at Goku and Vegeta while they are weakened. Gravity suddenly increases for the two Saiyans and if they were to lose concentration for an instant, they would be crushed by the technique's sheer power. Luckily, Goku was able to break free after Vegeta shares the last of his energy with him.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: He used to be the weakest of the Heeters (though it turns out that he was gaslighted by his own brother; Elec was actually the weakest.) and was implied to be rather wimpy and cowardly. By modern day, he's the strongest by a huge margin even before becoming the World's Strongest Man.
  • Glass Cannon:
    • In his "final transformed state", Gas becomes even more powerful than he was before, being able to overpower Ultra Instinct Omen Goku when he previously wasn't able to. He also has new powers such as being able to generate giant energy constructs of his arms and legs. But thanks to the toll the power-up took on his body, he doesn't seem to be anywhere near as durable as he was before, such that a kick to the gut by Goku was enough to keel him over.
    • It's even worse once his body's reduced to an emaciated, zombie-like state. While he's still as powerful as ever, Goku and Vegeta's hits are literally causing his body to fall apart.
  • Hero Killer: Possibly. As after he shot Monaito from behind with an energy beam, Monaito bled out and was said by Granolah to have stopped breathing, though it’s never directly confirmed if Monaito actually died or still alive but unconscious and nearly dead before Whis restored him back to full health.
  • Horned Humanoid: After Elec removes his power limiter, he grows horns on the sides of his head which resemble his headband, which he retains once he fully masters his power.
  • Instant Expert: Averted. Like Granolah, Gas gains a plethora of new techniques once he is wished to be the strongest in the universe, including Hakai and Instant Transmission, but they are less refined due to his lack of experience. Even Granolah, who only had these powers slightly longer, already has more finesse with these moves than Gas, which turns the tide of their battle. Goku also flexes his superior mastery of Instant Transmission by leading Gas on a teleporting chase across the universe before leaving him stranded on a distant planet.
  • Implacable Man: Keep coming for the lives of Granolah, Goku, Vegeta and Monaito even as an almost mummified zombie. He does take damage from their attacks, enough to expose his decaying muscles and bones, but he simply doesn't even care and keep attacking them anyway, diving through his own beam or punching Goku with his half torn arm.
  • Lean and Mean: Elec's wish for Gas to become the strongest also causes the boy to spontaneously grow to adult size. In his new form, Gas is tall, lanky and exceptionally cruel with his newfound powers. He briefly bulks up massively when his Power Limiter is removed, once he regains his sense of self he condenses back down and reverts to his adult form, now with all the power he had in that form. His final moments see him becoming a horrifying variant of this trope, relentlessly attacking even as he's decayed into a zombie-like withered state.
  • Marathon Boss: It takes a long, hard fought battle through many transformations with the combined forces of Vegeta, Goku, Granolah, Oatmeel and Monaito to finally take down Gas after the former three fought him multiple times. And even then, he still gets back up for a little while longer before ultimately being put down by Freeza.
  • Mind over Matter: Another one of Gas's techniques is to grab objects, whether existing or generated and hurl them at his opponents. They fly at such high speeds that it's hard to dodge.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: After Goku and Vegeta’s fight with Granolah ended with all 3 of them nearly beating each other to death, Elec orders the newly empowered Gas to kill them before they can recover because they're a major threat. Gas also shows this, trying to finish the trio as quickly as possible.
  • Not So Stoic: Beneath his emotionless exterior, Gas is very insecure about his strength and his "stoic badass" attitude is his way of overcompensating for his past failures.
  • Perpetual Frowner: He always has a serious scowl on his face and never smiles, unlike his more affable siblings. This starts to become subverted over time, as he starts to revel in his newfound status as the "strongest in the universe" and sadistically tortures Goku, all with a smug smile. And as he is reduced to skin and bones, he always has a deranged grin on his face.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: According to Elec, Gas is the strongest warrior among them. He's also the shortest of the band, even shorter than his sister Macki. He rapidly grows in height after Elec's wish to Toronbo.
  • Power Limiter: That headband on his head controls his power and sanity, meaning that its removal will drive him insane and more powerful as well. Since the wish to become the Strongest in the universe was made with the headband on, this allows Gas to tap into further heights of power once it's removed and he's properly controlled himself.
  • Power at a Price: Like Granolah, Gas becomes the strongest in the universe in exchange for a majority of his lifespan. Unlike Granolah, he ends paying the ultimate price. And sadly for Gas, he doesn't know that his newfound power will end up killing him until it's accidentally revealed by Elec.
  • The Quiet One: Gas is the least talkative of his siblings. This changes after his power-up and he becomes more of a boastful Smug Super.
  • Rapid Aging: After nearly losing to Ultra Instinct Omen Goku, Gas then starts tapping into his full reserves, making his body becomes decrepit but no less dangerous. Tapping into it more and more burns away his very life force until he is essentially a walking corpse. Chapter 87 has him decay to dust after Freeza drives his arm through his torso.
  • Shadow Archetype: Gas serves as one to Granolah, being willing to give up his remaining lifespan just to win a petty battle. As Gas pushes himself further and further, he expends even more of his life until he reaches the point where he'll inevitably die as soon as the battle concludes. Granolah takes this lesson to heart and decides to make peace with the Saiyans and spend what little life he has left on more productive endeavours.
  • Spontaneous Weapon Creation: Gas showcases the ability to spawn meticulous ki weapons after Elec wishes him to be the strongest in the universe. His arsenal includes a morningstar mace, a four-pronged trident, an axe, a shield, a rope-dart and a large mallet. According to Monaito, Gas always had these powers, even before the wish.
  • Stripped to the Bone: After Frieza kills him, Gas's body starts to decay until all that's left is a skeleton, which then proceeds to turn to dust.
  • Super-Speed: As expected for the new strongest in the universe, he demonstrates ridiculous speed and reflexes. His best feat of speed, however, is crossing an entire galaxy in only 20 minutes without teleportation, just blasting at full throttle through the vacuum of space.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: It's fair to say that his weak retorts to the Galactic Bandits' heckling convinced absolutely nobody.

    Gas: I DID NOT WET MYSELF! It was only a few drops because I had been holding it in for so long!

  • This Cannot Be!: During the final stages of his battle with Goku and Vegeta, he overhears the price that comes with being the "strongest" in the universe. He stops to contemplate his incoming death and as he's dealing with the shock, he's yelled at by Elec to at least go down fighting before he kicks the bucket, citing him as "worthless scum". This causes Gas to realize that Goku was right: his brother really didn't care about him.
  • Torso with a View: How an empowered Frieza eventually does him in.
  • Undying Loyalty: Gas is unshakably loyal to Elec and serves his will unquestioningly. This starts to waver towards the final moments of his life but before anything else can happen, Freeza shows up and kills him.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: After he is spared from death by Granolah as detailed above, Gas returns his kindness by mortally wounding Monaito and gleefully asks Granolah if he's still willing to stick to his "soft-hearted claim".
  • The Unreveal: Gas is the only one who doesn't fight Granolah, which leaves his capabilities in the dark. We do eventually see him take action after becoming the new Strongest in the Universe, but we still have yet to see his natural battle power. And with his death, we probably never will.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: His ascension to the strongest mortal in Universe 7 has given Gas an arsenal of powers that he doesn't fully grasp because of his inexperience with them, giving Granolah the edge in their bout because of his longer experience with them comparatively. While Gas is quick to start becoming Strong and Skilled, he still loses his first round with Granolah because of this, at least until Elec removes his Power Limiter. He goes completely berserk at first, but once he regains his sanity, he now has access to his full power on top of having learned to become more skilled.
    • This trope comes back to bite him once again in his battle against Goku, who is much weaker and unable to even tap into his full power. Thanks to having years to hone Instant Transmission, Goku leads Gas across the universe in a wild goose chase before dumping him on a random planet and heading back to Cereal by repeatedly using Instant Transmission fast enough that Gas is unable to lock-on to his Ki before he’s out of his range. Gas's lacking mastery of the technique forces him to fly back across the galaxy to return, giving the heroes time to gather and find a way to beat him. In fact, Gas would not even have been able to guess where Goku was without Whis's directions.
  • Villainous Breakdown: As the fight between Gas and the Saiyans approaches its climax, Gas hears about his impending death from Elec. Noticing his haggard appearance in a nearby lake, Gas is shocked to his core, as he now wrestles with his very short and rapidly dwindling mortality. Gas is rocked even further when Elec callously demonstrates that he never loved him. The final straw is Freeza showing up and this drives Gas to full despair as he tries to attack the tyrant, only to die at Freeza’s hand by being impaled through the torso.
  • Walking Spoiler: The revelation that he - not Granolah - is the antagonist Goku and Vegeta have to defeat, is a major spoiler.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Throughout the battle, Gas becomes more bloodthirsty as he draws on more and more power. Chapter 87 has him grinning like a demented demon as he starts decaying like a zombie and ignores his wounds. He only comes back to sanity when Elec reveals that he's dying.
  • World's Strongest Man: Elec wishes for Gas to be the strongest in the universe and Gas proves it by dominating Granolah and Goku. Since this wish came after Granolah's, Gas is far stronger than Granolah. Even after Goku and Vegeta power up to Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego respectively, he can still keep up with them despite the power of their strongest divine forms. This power is not without a cost; drawing on own his life force ages Gas considerably and eventually, he'll die. Not that he knew about this. Or have it be told to him...
  • Your Days Are Numbered: It's strongly implied that Gas sacrificed even more life span than Granolah to gain a power that can surpass him. In Chapter 85, his "final transformation" made him look like an old man. Confirmed in Chapter 87, as drawing on more power has Gas hanging on by a thread; Elec reveals that the wish will essentially kill him in time. Gas is shocked to hear this, not knowing that he was aging and decaying away until he pauses to take a good look at himself.



The sole sister among the Heeters and the team's double-agent.

  • Big Ol' Eyebrows: Macki has quite prominent eyebrows, contrasted against Gas and Oil, who have bald Neanderthal ridges.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Macki truly cares about the well-being of her brothers; especially Gas. She would sometimes protest against Elec's ideas of putting Gas' life in danger just to make him the "strongest" fighter. Macki seems to be the closest to Oil as they love hanging out together and are very supportive and protective of each other. It is subverted with Elec, as Macki questions her loyalty to him from time to time and hates his cruelty and abuse towards her, Gas and Oil. When Frieza kills Elec, she's more terrified of the tyrant than she is horrified by her brother's death.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Macki doesn't agree with Elec's insane methods and is the only one who is against the idea of using the Cerealian Dragon Balls to make Gas stronger that could endanger his life, like Granolah did with his wish. Macki also gets disgusted by Zuno's lecherous tendencies and hates Elec's lack of empathy and abuse towards Gas.
  • Genki Girl: She's cute, flamboyant and excitable, which would almost make her likeable if she wasn't a leading member of a powerful criminal organisation.
  • Only Sane Man: She is this to the Heeters and the only one to have a caring side and redeemable traits.
  • Smug Smiler: Like her brother Elec, she's usually seen cockily grinning.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Macki is the only woman in the group.
  • Trademark Favourite Food: Grubrolls. She's excited to ask Zuno where the tastiest in the universe can be found.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: As part of Elec's plan to lure the surviving Saiyans to Planet Cereal, Macki deceives Chi-Chi and Bulma with a ruse that she and Oil are being terrorised by Granolah, and beg for their husbands' help in defeating the monster. Despite their suspicions, Goku and Vegeta agree to accompany Macki to the planet in order to face the man claiming to be the Strongest in the Universe.



The blunt muscle of the Heeters.

  • The Brute: Oil is the other muscle of the team, though not as powerful or as cunning as Gas.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Oil does care for his siblings and he's disgusted at Elec for his treatment of Gas.
  • Fat Bastard: He's basically Dodoria without the spikes.
  • Flat Character: He has the least amount of characterization out of the Heeters, showing neither cunning nor ambition.
  • Stealthy Colossus: Despite being the tallest and fattest member of the Heeters, he apparently specializes in espionage as he is tasked with monitoring Granolah's battle with Goku and Vegeta.

Dr. Hedo's Androids

Alpha Androids 

Alpha Androids

The first series of Dr. Hedo's android creations.

  • Frankenstein's Monster: They're reanimated corpses with discoloured patchwork skin, bulky frames and bolts in random places.

Beta- 1 


The first in the updated series of androids created by Dr. Hedo. An infiltration model that resembles a high school student.

  • Chick Magnet: Rulah is immediately smitten with him.
  • Evil Hero: Beta-1 can switch to a superhero-styled outfit when he's fighting the Saiyamen X duo.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: Beta-1 has the same eyes as Dr. Gero's Androids in Dragon Ball Z

Beta- 2 


A mech suit that accompanies Beta-1.

  • Only Six Faces: Beta-2's rounded body and detachable lower half is reminiscent of the mech suits used by the Pilaf gang at the end of the Red Ribbon Army saga. The lower half having a pair of eyes on stalks also gives it a resemblance to Borareta from Universe 3.

Beta- 7 


An android that's sent to fight the Saiyamen X duo when Beta-1 and 2 fail.

Dinodroid- 1 


An android made of dinosaur parts.

  • Godzilla Threshold: Downplayed, considering this is Dragonball Super we're talking about, but unlike all the other androids, Trunks and Goten had to turn Super Saiyan and work together to destroy him, putting Dinodroid-1 on par with Freeza's main form.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Dinodroid-1 has a theropod's body structure, but beyond that Dr Hedo decided to take some creative liberties and gave him a horn on his snout, dorsal plates and muscular arms with 5-fingered hands.
  • T. Rexpy: He's built like a theropod.

Red Pharmaceuticals

See the Red Ribbon Army page.



Frost (フロスト, Furosuto)

Click here to see him in his Assault Form

Click here to see his First Form

Voiced by (European Spanish dub): Angél Corpa

Voiced by (Brazilian Portuguese): Carlos Campanile

Voiced by (French dub): Phillippe Ariotti

"I'm telling ya, it's quite a business model I've cooked up here. I'm the problem and the solution."

A member of Frieza's race from Universe 6, and widely considered to be the counterpart of the tyrant, Frost is the benevolent emperor of Universe 6, who fights wars against evil-doers for the sake of his universe. He was chosen to be part of Champa's team in the Tournament between Universe 7 and 6, being the second opponent overall.

He decides, however, to show his true colors once his true nature is discovered. After being defeated by Vegeta, he goes on the run from the authorities. He is later found by Hit, who asked him to join the Universe 6 again for the Tournament of Power, where he would meet his counterpart.

As with several other Super characters, differences between the anime and manga versions of Frost exist, the biggest one being that in the manga, Frost is merely a pragmatist rather than a flat-out villain.

  • Adaptational Badass:
    • Zigzagged. He fares a lot better against Super Saiyan Goku in the manga, even if it's clear Goku is still stronger. However, he does overall worse against Piccolo who comes close to overpowering him, where in the anime Piccolo stood no chance against Frost even after Goku weakened him and had to outsmart him.
    • Very minor example in his fight against Vegeta. In the anime, he rushes towards Vegeta recklessly and gets taken out with a single punch. In the manga, while he still gets dominated, he manages to endure, and even block a couple of Vegeta's blows.
    • Zigzagged in the manga version of the Tournament of Power. He is a very formidable threat in this version of the Tournament of Power, but only lasts as long as the Universe 9 threat. He takes out Krillin and Tien under Frieza's suggestion, and almost even takes Roshi out, along with tearing Universe 9 apart. However, as he takes out everyone except for the Trio de Danger, Frieza betrays him.
  • Adaptational Dumbass: In both the anime and manga version he ended up trusting Frieza. However, in the anime he was at least suspicious of him, and ready to shoot him in the back in case he was lying; he only dropped his guard after Frieza had seemingly defeated Gohan. In the manga he trusted Frieza fully from the beginning, and even accepted his idea of using all of his energy from the start.
  • Adaptational Heroism: Frost in the manga doesn't cause wars for the sake of being a Villain with Good Publicity and doesn't mock everybody when he's discovered. Plus, since he is not a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing, the politeness he shows towards Goku could be genuine. He admits that since there was no prize, he was using the poison to end these pointless battles as quickly as possible. Which raises the question of why didn't he just allow himself to lose and be done with the tournament. However, during a conversation with Frieza reveals that like Frieza, he too likes to rule with an iron fist. Though its ambiguous whether or not he is lying to win Frieza's trust, seeing how manga Frost is more of a Pragmatic Hero. As for the alliance proper, Frost in the manga doesn't exclusively target Universe 7 and seems to genuinely view his partnership with Frieza as a way to survive in the Tournament rather than exact any sort of vengeance.
  • A Death in the Limelight: Non-lethal example. Frost gets a really good amount of focus in Chapter 34 of the manga (while in the anime, he didn't really have a lot of focus until a couple of episodes in, only knocking Krillin out), including taking out Krillin and Tien along with being responsible for eliminating 7 of the 10 Universe 9 members. However, after Frost's time on the spotlight is done, Frieza betrays and eliminates him. However, Frost is safe from an early erasure as he doesn't try to attack Frieza from the stands like his anime equivalent did.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Although he's a repugnant piece of trash after the revelations made about him in the Champa Saga, it's hard not to feel a little sorry for Frost once he's betrayed by Frieza and erased by Zeno, just for the fact that he seemed to genuinely like and respect Frieza and wanted to learn from him.
  • Alternate Self:
    • Lampshaded. Everyone from Universe 7 starts to believe he is one to Frieza, despite not being evil like he is. Once his true colors are shown, everyone seems to believe this is the case. It's quite telling Frieza and Frost immediately befriend each other during the Tournament of Power. Whether or not he actually is the alternate universe version of Frieza, like Future Trunks is to Present Trunks is left vague.

    Vegeta: I don't care from what universe we are talking about. Frieza could never be good.

    • The anime and manga selves are so vastly different, it's impossible to rectify them as being the same person. While Frost in the anime shares many similarities with Frieza himself, his manga counterpart is essentially a Pragmatic Hero who's judgement is severely flawed, being just as good as he seemed to be to begin with.
  • Anti-Hero:
    • While his manga self isn't evil, he's still willing to use underhanded tactics to win (and does not care when he's called out on it) and he's shown to have an arrogant streak (he boasts how Vegeta doesn't stand a chance against him). Also, after he's beaten, Piccolo starts to believe that Frost may start to become more and more like Frieza as time passes. He still joins forces with Frieza in the manga, but Frieza is real quick to betray him after he bodies a bunch of Universe 9 members.
    • In the anime, he could still qualify as one in the Tournament of Power. Although he's still fairly selfish and aims to settle some scores, Frost ultimately still acts in the interest of saving his Universe, never once actually breaks the rules while an active combatant and unlike Frieza, his loyalty to his respective universe is never taken into question. His recruitment episode implies that he seeks to redeem himself in the eyes of the public, at least.
  • Asshole Victim: Moreso in the anime than in the manga. Frost is erased from existence in the Universe Survival Saga when he tries to attack Frieza from the stands after being eliminated by him. Considering that he is a two-faced space pirate who indirectly destroyed or ruined countless lives for the sake of fame and fortune, one could argue it serves him right.
  • Ax-Crazy: By the time of the Universal Survival Arc, his interactions with Frieza as well as being forced to live as a fugitive has turned him from a closeted sociopath into a full on madman who tries to slowly burn a hole in Master Roshi's head and shoots him full of laser beams while laughing like the psychopath he is.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: When he's reduced to living on the streets after his true nature has been revealed in the tournament against Universe 7, Hit tracks him down for the purpose of recruiting him for Tournament Of Power. Naturally, Frost assumes he's there because someone paid Hit to assassinate him and tries fighting him back while wearing a trenchcoat and trying to rapidly hit him with tail jabs. Hit quickly restrains him and it turns out that he had attached another one of his poison needles at the end of his tail while also keeping it hidden under his trenchcoat to make it that much harder to notice.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: During the Tournament of Power, he talks a big game, acts as a recurring thorn in the side of Universe 7, and generally hypes himself up, only to be betrayed by Frieza and thrown out of the ring for letting his guard down fairly early into proceedings. To cap it off, in the anime, he even gets erased outright long before the rest of U6.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He pretends to be a good guy, but in reality he's just as cold and mean as Frieza. He's only mildly better in that he isn't a sadist... Until his Sanity Slippage, that is.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: Just like his U7's counterpart, Frost can suppress his power using transformations. His species can also survive in a vacuum.
  • Blade Below the Shoulder: A variation. He has a hidden poison needle embedded in his right arm.
  • Blatant Lies:
    • Frost insists that his third form is his strongest form and that he has no other transformations. Goku immediately powers up to call his bluff. He then admits that he held it back because he can't control his power as well as his other forms, which led to him accidentally killing an opponent even though he didn't have to. Since Goku is strong enough to take it, he feels it's worth the risk.
    • Upon meeting Frieza before the Tournament of Power, Frost claims that he too rules through force like him. While true from a certain point of view before, it certainly wasn't accurate by the time he was recruited.
  • Blue Is Heroic: He's a heroic version of Frieza who helps the needy instead of conquering them. He's basically Universe 6's Mr. Satan with the power to back it up. This is all Subverted when it's revealed that he's actually a planet broker like Frieza who starts wars so he can end them and buys the planets he ruins on the cheap so he can sell them later at a high price after he fixes them.
  • Boxed Crook: After being exposed as the instigator of wars that he stopped to be a seen as a "hero" in the eyes of the Universe 6 masses, Frost is now a fugitive hiding in the gutters from the law; however, he is recruited once more by Champa to be one of the ten warriors representing Universe 6, with the promise of redeeming his name and reputation.
  • Broken Pedestal: He becomes this to all of Universe 6 after the Tournament of Destroyers, once he's outed as a planet broker who causes the wars he stops to gain good publicity. Cabba in particular is utterly heartbroken to discover that Frost was Evil All Along and used the Saiyans to do his dirty work.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Played With. Unlike Frieza, Frost puts on a good guy facade and acts as Universe 6's savior, fighting off space pirates, restoring damaged planets, and providing aid to children of war-torn worlds. When his true colors are revealed after he's caught cheating, he brags about his underground planet broker operation and how he starts wars so he can buy planets on the cheap. He is so shameless about his evil acts that he all but thumbs his nose in front of two Gods of Destruction, something Frieza never did even when he gained an ultimate form. When confronting Vegeta subsequently, Frost is practically giddy over the fact that he no longer has to keep up his Nice Guy facade. Even then, he finds out the hard way that Frieza is a better card carrier than he is.

    Frost: Now that I've opened the door to changing the rules, I can get away with anything! Welcome to the world of trickery, deception, and murder! This is my domain, and soon it will be adorned with your blood!!

  • Cheaters Never Prosper:
    • During the Tournament of Destroyers, he is caught having cheated against Goku and Piccolo with a poison needle. Goku is allowed back in the tournament and Frost is disqualified. However, Vegeta says there is no need to disqualify him, and proceeds to defeat Frost himself, humiliating him.
    • In the Tournament of Power, he is angered that he was tricked and eliminated by Frieza, and humiliated when Frieza calls him an amateur. He tries to blast Frieza from the stands as revenge, but Zeno immediately erases him from existence for attempting to break the rules.
  • Combat Pragmatist:
    • How he beats Goku. He takes advantage of Goku when he starts to feel fatigue and kicks him out of the ring. He clearly seems to consider his victory Dirty Business. In his fight against Piccolo, everyone finds out that he's been winning by poisoning all his opponents with a needle he hides in his arm.
    • In the Tournament of Power, he's known for taking advantage of those that are caught off guard. After Krillin defeats two of Universe 4's fighters, Frost sneaks behind Krillin, knocks him out, and before Android 18 can even counter, he escapes.
    • He continues this pattern when trying to eliminate an exhausted Master Roshi. When he's nearly defeated by Roshi's Dangerous Forbidden Technique (which only fails due to Roshi barely hanging onto consciousness), he switches tactics and decides to get Vegeta's attention. He goads Roshi into using the Mafuba once more by tag-teaming with Magetta, and then uses his telekinesis to wrest control of the technique away from him and seals Vegeta away. Roshi has the wherewithal to fire a small ki blast and shatter the Mafuba jar to free Vegeta, and Frost slinks away before he can get booted off the arena.
  • Consummate Liar: When Piccolo first sensed Frost's aura, he notices that there isn't any evil within him. He is also able to fool even Champa into thinking that he's a good person. It is only Vados who knows about his true nature (because she picked him) and that isn't explained until Jaco exposes him for cheating.
  • Cornered Rattlesnake: When Frost attempts to make his final stand against Hit when he assumes the assassin was hired to kill him, Hit notes that even though the former emperor was still outclassed, he managed to actually force the assassin to exert effort in subduing him, a contrast to their first confrontation.
  • Deader than Dead: After getting defeated by Frieza in the Tournament of Power, he gets pissed and tries to attack Frieza from the stands. Zeno erases Frost on the spot and issues a warning in no uncertain terms to Champa he'll do it to all of U6 if it happens again. Even though he broke the rules, he still gets revived in the end alongside the remaining multiverses.
  • Defiant to the End: When Hit confronts the refugee Frost in an alleyway, Frost naturally assumes Hit has come to kill him and tries his best to defend himself, even though he admits he can never beat Hit. When he fails, he resigns himself to his fate before finding out Hit actually came to recruit him.
    • After being eliminated by Frieza in the Tournament of Power, he tries to fire a death beam at him from the stands before being promptly erased by Zeno.
  • Determinator: He refuses to stay down even when Goku is beating the tar out of him, claiming he has to be an example for the children he defends and that obtaining Champa's assistance to end all conflict is too important to him. Turns out this was all a lie to gain pity. He only cares about his planet broker business. That being said, however, he does play it straight after being reduced to a fugitive, with Hit noting that Frost is a survivor, and that those skills will be essential in the upcoming tournament.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: After his true colors are revealed, he take the time to brag about how he's really an underground planet broker who start wars so he can buy planets cheaply before selling them again at a high price after he fixes them. And he did this in front of two God of Destructions. To make Frost's actions even more bold, he actually tries to trick Champa into supporting him, under the name of 'helping children'. Champa was ready to kill Frost on the spot, and only relents because Vegeta wanted to fight Frost and because he wants to show up Beerus. Keep in mind that even after he unlocked his Golden Super Mode, not even Frieza dared to piss Beerus off.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: With some clever tactics and his telekinesis, he manages to use Roshi's Mafuba technique against Vegeta and briefly seal him in a bottle. The only reason he didn't ring him out is because Roshi used the last of his energy to fire a ki blast and free Vegeta from the bottle.
  • Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?: He is almost successful in this when he makes everyone, except for Vados, believe that he's a Nice Guy who fights bad guys and protect children. If he wins the tournament for Champa, he will gain the God of Destruction's support in his charities. His true colors are only revealed after he's caught cheating by Jaco. Champa is so enraged from being deceived that he's ready to kill Frost.
  • Dirty Coward:
    • Very selfish and will resort to dirty tactics to get the job done. Even moreso, after getting defeated by Vegeta, he attempts to escape along with stealing the reward money. It didn't work out too well for him.
    • In the Tournament of Power he attacks Krillin from behind, ringing him out, and flees immediately before A18 attacks him. He later does the same with Vegeta.
  • Do Not Taunt Cthulhu: Subverted, but just barely. Champa was ready to kill him for embarrassing his universe and for trying to trick him when he learned that Frost is a planet broker. The only reason why Frost is still alive is because Vegeta wanted to beat him up during the tournament.
  • The Emperor: Said to be the emperor of Universe 6, but unlike Frieza is extremely benevolent. He is actually an underground space crimelord who uses his good reputation to hide his crimes.
  • Engineered Heroics: A big part of his planet broker operation is that the wars that he and his army stops are started by him ahead of time so he can put an end to them and get good publicity. He also gets to buy the planets he ruins at a cheap price and sells them for maximum profit.
  • Evil All Along: Pretends to be a hero, but is actually a con-artist and money-driven mercenary. He is not as evil in the manga.
  • Evil Counterpart: In a strange way, he is an evil Mr. Satan. They're both Glory Hounds and Fake Ultimate Heroes who used their fame to support their causes. Mr. Satan, although somewhat selfish, does have his heart in the right place and won't sacrifice others for his own benefit, even when directly threatened. He can also act brave when pressed and becomes a true hero in the process. Frost is an evil bastard who starts wars so he can play hero, buy the planet he ruins, put it back together, and then sell it at a high price. There is nothing heroic about Frost at all.
  • Evil Gloating: After he's outed as a villain, he openly gloats to everyone within hearing range, including Beerus and Champa, about how he's really an underground planet broker and how everyone fell for his act.
  • Expy: In-universe, Vegeta labels him as the U6 version of Frieza. He definitely has a similar appearance, techniques, and speaking style, plus the exact same voice in the anime.
  • Face Death with Dignity: When he believes Hit has come to kill him in Episode 91, Frost initially tries to lure Hit into a false sense of security before firing his needles at him. When that fails, he tries to fight him. When that fails, Frost lets out a resigned "damn it" and gives up, ready to accept death. Frieza, in this circumstance, would have probably tried to blow the planet up. Fortunately for Frost, however, Hit actually has different things in mind for him.
  • Foil: To Frieza. Both characters are powerful members of the same species, both are not above fighting dirty, both are shown to be extremely cruel and sociopathic Galactic Conquerors, and both end up as the Token Evil Teammate for their respective universes in the Tournament of Power. However their approaches are greatly differ from one another. Frieza is openly and blatantly evil being a Card-Carrying Villain who rules through intimidation and fear, while Frost is a Villain with Good Publicity who rules through charisma and manipulation. Frost is also much more mature when it comes to defeat than Frieza. While Frieza couldn't accept being defeated by Vegeta and decided to blow up the planet out of spite, Frost simply says a resigned "damn it" when it's clear that he can't beat Hit.]] Furthermore, Frost actually fights on the front lines with his men, whereas Frieza can't be bothered to dirty his own hands until literally his entire army has been destroyed.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Becomes this to his Universe 6 teammates upon The Reveal that he's Evil All Along. He's become a Broken Pedestal to Cabba, who genuinely trusted him as a hero after the two fought together in one of his many wars. Champa considered Frost's actions and true character shameful and wanted to destroy him for this until Vados reminded Champa of the imperative of beating Beerus for the Super Dragon Balls. Even with that in mind, Champa and no one else cares when he is defeated and Hit one shots him afterwards. Despite this, Magetta works with him in the Tournament of Power to take on Vegeta. Hell, not even Frieza likes him, calling him an amateur.
  • Friend to All Children: Is mentioned to take care of children left behind in the wake of his peace-keeping efforts. When Goku starts beating him, he says he can't stop fighting because he has to be an example for the children. Subverted when it turns out he was the one who was responsible for the wars that made so many of them orphans; but it's notable that while he is a crime boss like Frieza, he does not take sadistic joy in murdering children like his Universe 7 counterpart.
  • The Gift:
    • He learns to reflect Roshi's Mafuba after seeing it performed only once.
    • Frost's conversation with Frieza implies that Frost has never trained, or at least nowhere as hard, just like Frieza before his revival, as Frieza implies that Frost could have gained his own golden form through training. Considering that Frost's third form was more powerful than Frieza's fourth form was even after Frieza had trained for four months, one has to wonder how powerful Frost would have been if he did achieve a golden form, or even train all of his life like Goku has.
  • Glory Hound: He clandestinely starts wars that he finishes to garner sympathy and support for himself. This costs him dearly after the tournament. He is now a wanted fugitive for his actions. Thus, he willingly participates in the Tournament of Power so as to restore his reputation.
  • Good Colors, Evil Colors: Heroic characters in the series tend to be represented by red, blue, white, and gold. Frost plays with this since he's presented as a heroic character and has blue highlights with a blue battle aura, but is actually a self-centered conman who cheated his way into "legitimate" wealth with Engineered Heroics.
  • Good Counterpart: To Frieza, obviously, being a benevolent ruler (as Piccolo does not sense evil energy in him), a Spirited Competitor, and a Nice Guy. He runs his empire not to conquer the universe, but to stop wars, rebuild war-torn planets, help children, and doesn't want to use his full power since he can accidentally kill someone. He also fights on the front lines with his men instead of being an Orcus on His Throne. He is literally Frieza's polar opposite. Although it is later revealed that he's a dirty cheater who's pulling a facade to play everyone and get all the spoils.
  • The Good King: Friend to All Children, dedicated to protecting innocent lives, and trying to bring about universal peace by intervening in wars to protect innocent lives. All of it is a lie, and it's just part of his image. He's a space pirate who starts wars so he could publicly end them.
  • Graceful Loser: Not a very good one, but still slightly better than Frieza. In Episode 91, he tries to catch Hit off guard and uses his poisoned needles, but Hit easily overpowers him. He then closes his eyes and utters a low "damn it" and waits for Hit to execute him. This is a contrast to Frieza who would of had a Villainous Breakdown and would have tried to blow the planet up out of spite.
    • Zigzagged. in the Universe Survival Saga. While he's so angry at being betrayed by Frieza that he becomes the first combatant to try to attack from the stands, this is more the betrayal itself than the fact he was actually ringed out. Nonetheless, Zeno made sure he paid the price for trying. Though, in the manga, Frost doesn't even try to kill Frieza, rather than scream "Damn you" and look angry. While, normally this wouldn't be considered "graceful", his anime counterpart tried killing Frieza.
  • Greed: Whereas Frieza pursues power for the sadistic rush of crushing the dignity of those who are beneath him, Frost is a capitalist and realist whose raison d'être is the joy and satisfaction of possessing and acquiring extravagant amounts of monetary wealth. Though he does admit to Frieza that he does have an enjoyment of ruling by power, even if it's more subdued.
  • Hate Sink: One possible interpretation of him in the Universe Survival Saga, depending on how one interprets his motivations. The Zenos have Blue-and-Orange Morality, the Grand Minister is similarly morally ambiguous, Frieza, despite how evil he is, is technically on the heroes side for the moment, and most of the fighters are just trying to save themselves and their universes. Along with Quitella, the Token Evil Teammate to the Gods of Destruction, Frost might serve the narrative purpose of giving the audience someone to truly root against, although in Frost's case it's slightly more ambiguous. For starters he might be one of the only fighters, besides Frieza who does not care about his universe. While unlike Frieza, Frost seems to at least be loyal to his universe and might actually care, he still clearly prioritizes the fact that he needs to have his rep and record restored. Then he also does a number of things during the tournament that will definitely make viewers root for his opponents. He eliminates Krillin with a cowardly sneak attack despite clearly being way stronger than him anyway Note, and he tortures Master Roshi to the brink of death when the latter manages to tick him off.
  • Horned Humanoid: His first three forms are horned. However, he doesn't use them as a means of attack in his battle against Goku.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: He admires, respects, and most stupid of all, trusts FRIEZA of all people, someone Frost says is similar to himself, a lying traitor. No points for guessing how their partnership inevitably ends.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: Frost went from being the Emperor of Universe 6 who was seen as a universal hero, to being a wanted fugitive for war crimes. When Hits finds him, he sits huddled in an alleyway with only a worn cloth to protect him from the elements.
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: He tries to hide his transformations and gauge Goku's strength in his base form. Since Goku knows Frieza's race has numerous transformations, he calls Frost on it. Even then, Frost still tries to hold back by only switching to his third form, but jumps to his final form when he realizes nothing less will stop Goku, in the manga. In the anime, Frost says he isn't trying to conserve his strength, but is holding back since he can't control his full power and accidentally killed someone in the past. He only transforms once he's sure Goku can handle it.
  • Ideal Hero: Frost comes off as this. He fights against bad guys across the universe, greatly regrets killing an evildoer in his final form (which is why he doesn't use it anymore), and runs a charity that supports children of war-torn worlds. The only reason why he's fighting for Champa's cause in the tournament is so he can gain Champa's support in his charity work. Which is all part of his facade. Frost is a greedy and selfish planet broker who causes the misery of said children since he starts wars so he can buy planets more cheaply.
  • Informed Attribute: Frost is hailed as one of the most powerful people in his Universe, but due to the circumstances of his fights, there's no real proof to back up this claim due to his "strength" mainly seems to be based on pragmatism and poison.
  • Karmic Death: His erasure from existence is brought about by Frieza betraying him. Considering how he made a living tricking people into thinking he was their ally when he was actually the one hurting them, this is fitting.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: He gets hit with this big-time once his true colors are revealed during the tournament. He's knocked out with one punch by Vegeta, beaten up by Hit after trying to steal Champa's cube, and as of Episode 71, he's currently a fugitive on the run from the very people who once worshiped and loved him.
  • Lazy Bum: Frost is even more powerful than post training Frieza in equivalent forms despite not having trained himself. Because he doesn't train though, he's weaker than Frieza's golden form. Frieza implies that Frost could have become much stronger than him if he did train, but he doesn't.
  • Let's Fight Like Gentlemen: He simply tells Goku to give him everything he's got and doesn't resort to unfair levels of Combat Pragmatism, not even ones that would be permitted by the rules of the tournament such as using his horns in combat, unlike Frieza who was very fond of that tactic. All a facade, since Frost is willing to use underhanded tactics; he's just a lot more reasonable, merciful and civilized about it.
  • A Lighter Shade of Black: He falls into this in comparison to Frieza. While Frost may be a crime lord and con-artist who profiteers off war like Frieza used to do, he isn't a sadist. He is motivated mostly by money and respect, which although hardly noble, is very "human". It's how he achieves it that makes him evil. To his credit, however, he could have easily strong-armed a city into giving him a new base of power once he lost everything and/or tried to wage an universal war using what was left of his empire, but he instead lives on the streets and tries not to harm anyone despite his great power, even hiding from patrolling police officers when he could easily obliterate them with a flick of a wrist. When caught by Hit with no chance to escape, he chooses to silently accept his fate instead of blowing up the planet like Frieza whenever he is forced against the ropes. At the same time, this could be Pragmatic Villainy since any action on his part would cause the Saiyans, his former allies, to come after him. That said, he has no qualms about actually teaming up with Frieza, and if his sadistic torture of Roshi is any indication, Piccolo's concerns that Frost being more like Frieza after his defeat against Vegeta are more true then they thought. Lampshaded by Frieza, who betrays Frost and mocks him for believing that Frieza would team up with an "amateur" villain.
  • Mirror Character: Despite being the Good Counterpart to Frieza, Frost's original plan for fighting Goku was to tackle the fight one transformation at a time just like how Frieza did on Namek. Subverted because Frost's reasons for not using his final form are very different from Frieza's. Also, re-inverted as he actually isn't good as he seems. He's a planet broker who buys and sells planets, just like Frieza. Those wars he stopped were actually started by him so he can buy the ruined planet cheaply, fix them up, and then sell them at a high price. When Beerus hears all this, he says word-for-word that this is the kind of business Frieza used to do. When the two finally meet, they instantly hit it off and strike up a Villain Team-Up.
  • Mistaken Identity: Goku and Vegeta initially mistake him for Frieza. They are not too far off the mark in the anime.
  • Manipulative Bastard: It's implied that he only teamed up with Frieza to try and eliminate Universe 7 from the inside. It ends up backfiring.
  • Master Actor: Frost presents himself as a benevolent ruler who fights for the innocent, will only kill evildoers when no other choice is presented to him, refuses to use his true form out of fear of causing harm to others, is extremely polite and humble towards his opponent, and wants a clean match and, win or lose, nothing should be taking personally. According to the information presented at the tournament, he is fighting on Champa's team to get support for his charity work that helps children of war-torn planets. His story is so convincing that he gets Goku's own friends cheering for him and Champa feels bad for him since he has no real chance winning the entire tournament. Then it all turns out to be a big lie. Frost is a planet broker who start wars so he can buy and sell planets, and uses his good reputation to hide his crimes and gain powerful allies like the Saiyans. He also uses poison whenever he's about to lose, which is how he defeated Goku and Piccolo. When all this comes to light, Frost goes from polite and humble, to smug and boastful about how he played everyone.
  • Mind over Matter: Like his "evil" counterpart, Frost has impressive psychic abilities. He's even able to wrest control of Master Roshi's Dangerous Forbidden Technique away from him with his will alone.
  • Misery Builds Character: Hit states that being on the run for a very long time made Frost stronger to the point that Hit actually had to get serious for a moment to dodge Frost's poisoned tail.
  • Nice Guy: From what can be seen, he seems to be gentlemanly and sportsmanlike and, for all his power, doesn't seem to be overconfident or arrogant. Then again, when you are Frieza's Mirror Universe counterpart, it's hard to be anything but this. He even feels remorse for having killed an evil-doer by accident. The reason why he joined the competition in the first place was to obtain Champa's assistance in ending conflict in his universe. Even Bulma, Goku's oldest friend, Chi-Chi, his wife, and Champa, a boorish destroyer god, feel bad for the guy when he starts losing against Goku. Subverted when he reveals his true colors and all his supporters end up being supremely disappointed that it was too good to be true for Frieza to be "nice".
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain!: His poisoning of Goku ended up indirectly responsible for his team's defeat. If Goku managed to defeat him fairly, he would have been forced to fight against the entire Universe 6 team and be severely weakened against Hit and without any knowledge of his technique, leaving Goku at a disadvantage. If Goku lost, Piccolo would have been physically unable to challenge him & probably wouldn't be able to outsmart Hit using the tactics he did against Frost either, given the latter's thousand-year combat experience and Vegeta would have likely lost since he had no way of countering Hit's improving Time-Skip. With no Worthy Opponent at the tournament, Monaka would have been blown away by him, giving U6 the victory.
  • Oh, Crap!: Has this several times.
    • When he realizes that he's not strong enough to take on Goku as a Super Saiyan.
    • When he sees Hit coming up towards him. That stare he gives in his eyes.
    • Subverted when Frieza betrays him. The dope doesn't realized what happened until longer after.
  • Opposing Sports Team: In the manga, where he lacks the villainous attributes of his anime counterpart but is still smug and dishonest. Cheating in the tournament was definitely bad form, but it's also not particularly vile, as nothing was as stake other than pride.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: Frost is extremely powerful, surpassing Frieza in his true form even after he trained to unlock all his latent strength. However, he lacks an ultimate transformation like Frieza and is beaten senseless by Goku who only uses his golden Super Saiyan form. He still wins after dazing Goku with poison, giving him the chance to kick Goku out of the ring. He proceeds to do the same with Piccolo.
  • Poison Is Evil: The first sign that he's actually not good as he seems.
  • Power Limiter: Much like Frieza, he has difficulty controlling his power in his true form. Unlike Frieza, he doesn't avoid using it out of pragmatism, but from guilt over needlessly killing an enemy. This is all a cover story to gain sympathy. He doesn't actually care who he has to hurt or kill to get his way.
  • Pragmatic Hero: In the manga, where despite not being evil he is still as underhanded as in the anime. In short, if an easier way or opportunity to handle a battle presents itself, Frost will take it, such as forging an alliance with Frieza.
  • Recruiting the Criminal: As bad as Frost is, he is still recruited to be part of the Universe 6 team for the Tournament Of Power.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Has red eyes. He is relatively strong, but unlike his Universe 7 counterpart, he is not malicious, or so we initially think. In truth, he's a planet broker just like his counterpart, Frieza.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Frieza's red. While Frost is calm, measured and polite even in the thick of battle and as his deceptions are pulled up from under his feet, Frieza's a raving psychotic prone to fits of rage and Villainous Breakdowns as soon as the tables even start to turn out of his favor. Their nature also reflects this, being that while Frost is more secretive in his plots to start wars, quash them and make himself look like a hero in the process, Frieza doesn't hide the fact that he's a colossal bastard and proud of it, starts and quashes his wars publicly (usually by annihilating the planet involved himself) while both uncaring and gleeful of the effect it has on his reputation. The difference in their MO is apparent: Frost is a Villain with Good Publicity masquerading as The Good King, while Frieza is an Ax-Crazy Caligula. Fittingly, Frost is mostly colored blue while Frieza is mostly associated with purple.
  • Revenge: He tries to seal Vegeta in a bottle to eliminate him as payback for defeating him in the previous tournament.
  • Sanity Has Advantages:
    • Compared to the utterly insane Frieza, Frost for all his cruelty and grievances appears to use his head and control his emotions rather than let them get the best of him in the heat of the moment and, for the most part, ends up much better off for it. Whereas Frieza literally gets himself killed months after his revival, Frost is able to survive for over a year as a fugitive upon losing everything he had. Even as a villain, Frost is mainly driven by profit and is a No-Nonsense Nemesis rather than enjoying wanton death and destruction and drawing out fights.
    • In a cross-canon example, Manga Frost being relatively sane and heroic compared to his anime counterpart means he isn't stupid enough to get himself erased by trying to attack Frieza from the stands.
  • Sanity Slippage: The Universe Survival Saga shows that the loss of his empire, being forced to go on the run, and Frieza's corrupting influence are starting to have an effect on him and he's beginning to take on some of Frieza's traits such as his sadism, shown when he tortures Roshi with a Beam Spam while Laughing Mad.
  • Save the Villain: Notably, Frost's failure to do this while he was using his final form, in which he struggles to control his power, have left him hesitant to use it again. Given what he's really like, this "excuse" may simply be a way to garner sympathy from his listeners.
  • Slasher Smile: Gives one to Champa after Champa tells him that he'll forgive him if he defeats Vegeta. In the Universal Survival Arc, he makes an even bigger one when he gets Vegeta's attention by shooting him from behind.
  • Smoke Out: In the Tournament of Power, he uses a ki blast to create a large smoke cloud, hiding himself from Android 18 before she could attack him. He later does this with Vegeta.
  • Smug Snake: Another sign that Frost may not be as good as he is. He does a smug smirk around his first appearance, subtly hinting that he's not as good as he presents himself, and does a few while he's using his poison. Before the start of his match against Vegeta he gloats about how he's going to defeat Vegeta in the cruelest way possible, only to be knocked out of the ring in a single blow.
  • Slowly Slipping Into Evil: Invoked in the manga, Piccolo suggests that, after he is defeated, that Frost will become more and more like Frieza as time passes. During the Universal Survival Arc, he seems to have no qualms teaming up with Frieza, and occasionally makes ominous expressions. However, its still ambiguous whether this is genuine or simply trying to get on Frieza's good side.
  • The Sociopath: Frost is almost as terrible as Frieza. He shows no remorse or empathy about starting wars that kill millions and then plays hero before selling the planets he destroys for profit, making him a classic Bitch in Sheep's Clothing. He uses his Nice Guy facade to gain powerful supporters for his cause like the Saiyans and uses his resources to help the children of the people he indirectly murdered. He even tries to manipulate the God of Destruction to his cause, who was completely fooled by Frost's entire act. To top it all off, when he is caught, he brags about what he has done, all with a smug smile on his face. While not as cruel and sadistic as Frieza, he is just as dangerous because since he rules through charm instead of fear, it's harder to see him for the scheming snake that he is.
  • So Last Season: Especially in the manga with its clearer power-scaling. He's the self-proclaimed emperor of the universe and the most powerful being in U6 when he debuts besides Hit, Champa, and Vados, without using his true form's power. Despite that, his level is rather unimpressive to the protagonists at this point. His Assault Form is only slightly stronger than Goku's base (heavily implied in the Battle of Gods arc to still be below Namek Frieza), while his final form is between Goku's base and Super Saiyan. He has a lot of trouble fighting Piccolo and would have lost if he didn't cheat, even though Piccolo at this point is one of the weakest protagonists, only above the human characters. A full-force Super Saiyan Vegeta takes him down with one hit.
  • Spikes of Doom: Frost has these on his hands, which can cause opponents to get dizzy and pass out. He uses this when he knows he's at a disadvantage, especially against Goku and Piccolo, and they're only brought to light when Jaco notices something's up.
  • Stupid Evil: Instead of dumping the bottle containing a trapped Vegeta off the side and being done with it, he decides to torture Master Roshi, giving him the opportunity to unseal Vegeta and turn the fight back in their favor.
  • Super Mode: Frost has the same set of transformations as Frieza does, minus Frieza's Golden Super Mode. Like Frieza, his transformations are not there to power him up like a Super Saiyan, but to suppress his true power. After seeing Frieza turn golden during the Tournament of Power, he asks him how to transform into that. Frieza has him use his 100% bulky form, then blasts him out of the ring while he's distracted.
  • Superpower Lottery: He is stronger than Frieza with his normal transformations even after Frieza trains for four months to unlock all his latent power. In fact he only needs his third form to fight evenly with an untransformed Goku, who was more powerful than Frieza's fourth form even before his three to four years of added training. He only falls behind Frieza because he doesn't have an ultimate form like the tyrant. Which does makes sense when you consider that Frieza only gained his Golden Frieza form out of revenge and his hurt pride, while Frost goes out of his way not to hurt people and wouldn't want to become stronger unless it was to help people, which is why he's siding with Champa in the tournament. Turns out that Frost is more willing to utilize underhanded tactics to win rather than train. He just hasn't met someone in his Universe to give him the incentive to train as hard as Frieza did.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: In the sense that he doesn't get himself erased from the stands in the manga due to not trying to attack Frieza. In the manga, he's erased with the rest of Universe 6, but later brought back.
  • Spirited Competitor: From what is seen, he seems to be a good sport, even telling U7 that no one should take any of these fights personally. All part of the façade. When he's busted and booed, he doesn't really care.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Trying to break the rules in the Tournament of Power while every single god is in attendance? Not exactly his smartest move, even if he was too enraged to think. Zeno wipes him out on the spot before he can even try.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Hit says that Frost has gotten stronger while being on the run, as he admits that he had to get serious for a moment to dodge Frost's attacks. And since this comes from the best assassin in Universe 6 and a guy that can match a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku, it is quite a praise. In the tournament proper, Frost manages to fight Super Saiyan Vegeta one-on-one for brief bouts, rather than being beaten in one punch. This is a case of Adaptational Badass on the anime's part, as he's not noted to have gotten noticeably stronger in the manga and is knocked out before he can even pose a challenge to Vegeta.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Maybe. When Hit comes to recruit him for the Tournament of Power, Frost displays some un-Frieza-ish traits such as accepting imminent death and acknowledging he could never beat Hit. He also says he sees the tournament as a chance to restore his honor. Whether he's honest or just trying to rebuild his image is left ambiguous.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Also maybe. By the time of the Universal Survival Saga Frost is willing to cooperate with Frieza, and shows a more sadistic tendency. compared to before, even torturing Master Roshi when the latter pushes him too far. That being said, he appears squarely loyal to his own Universe and his teaming with Frieza is seemingly out of genuine respect and admiration for the latter's power and skill and eagerness to learn these skills.
  • Token Evil Teammate: To the Universe 6 team in the anime. Cabba is a hero, Botamo and Magetta are neutral, and Hit is a Noble Demon. Frost is a mass murdering underground planet broker with no redeeming qualities, though the manga version of Frost isn't as bad. In the Universe Survival Saga, Champa still wants him to fight for Universe 6 again (with Hit recruiting him).
  • Token Heroic Orc: Notably he is the first member of Frieza's race shown not to be evil in canon material, although Toriyama has called Frieza and his father unusually cruel for their species thanks to their mutation. A few appeared in Dragonball Xenoverse and Dragonball Heroes, but those are, respectively, dubiously canon and non-canon. Episode 34 shows that he's just as evil as Frieza; it seems members of his race who become unnaturally strong also turn out bad in the end. That said, his manga counterpart subverts this and is a genuinely a well-meaning person who resorts to pragmatic actions to get what he wants, so he's just as much as hero as he presents himself.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Frost thinks he will have an easy time with Vegeta since he is allowed to use his poison needle trick and kill Vegeta during their match. He obviously never considers that Vegeta can transform like Goku and he goes down with one punch. Also earlier, he fights Piccolo with kid gloves since he knows he is much stronger and can accidentally kill Piccolo if he isn't careful. It almost costs him the match when Piccolo completely outsmarts him and he calls Frost out for underestimating him. He only wins by poisoning Piccolo.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: Frost is a very powerful fighter from U6, able to push back base form Goku in just his third form where a post-trained Frieza was overwhelmed even in his true form. However, according to him, he does not have complete control of his full power, and accidentally killed an evildoer with it. That is why he never uses his true form, only choosing to use his third transformation. He only changes his mind once he sees that Goku won't die if he goes all out. Given the revelation about Frost's true nature, however, it is suspect about how true all of this is, especially since we never actually see him lose control of his power.
  • Villainous Breakdown: After Frieza betrays him and mocks him as an amateur, Frost loses his temper and tries to blast Frieza from the stands. Zeno erases him on the spot for trying to break the rules.
  • Villain Respect: A fairly mild example but he does praise Roshi on his Evil Containment Wave technique, calling it a wonderful attack.
  • Villain Team-Up: With Frieza during the Universe Survival Arc. It doesn't last very long.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: In terms of publicity, he's almost equal to Mr. Satan. However, the "villain" part comes in from the fact that he's actually a space pirate who's not afraid of playing dirty to bend things to his favor. Plus, he's admitted to starting wars on many worlds just so he can get this said publicity.
  • Walking Spoiler: It's best not to look at Frost's entry if you haven't watched the Champa saga, as he's initially presented as a good character, yet he is just a Villain with Good Publicity.
  • War for Fun and Profit: This was his modus operandi. He deliberately instigates wars and other conflicts across his universe before swooping in to quell them. Not only would he get good publicity, but he proceeds to buy up the war-torn lands at bargain prices and make a profit from the reconstruction efforts.
  • Warm-Up Boss: He is this to Goku since he can beat back Goku in his normal form just using his third transformation. However, he gets utterly curb stomped by Super Saiyan Goku. To make it worse, Goku even refers to him as a warm-up. He only wins by poisoning Goku and he later gets one-shotted by Vegeta. His victory over Goku is also negated since Beerus finds the poison wound on Goku's palm, which allows him back into the tournament.
  • Weak, but Skilled: More in the context of the Super manga than the anime, "weak" being strictly relative to the tournament. While he ends up being one of his team's weaker fighters in terms of pure power, he is noted by Vados to be the most skilled hand-to-hand fighter in Universe 6, in the manga since no such claim exists in the anime. During his bout with Goku in the manga, he comments on how lightweight fighters, such as himself in his first form, need a different fighting style from larger, imposing fighters. In the anime proper, he is the third strongest fighter on the U6 team since he is stronger than Botamo who never even touch Goku and Cabba can only match Vegeta's base form before ascending to Super Saiyan while Frost's third transformation overwhelms Goku's base (granted Goku wasn't really trying either). However, he is weaker than Magetta who can tank hits from Super Saiyan Vegeta and even withstand the Final Flash, while Hit demolishes Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta.
    • Though this is also played straight in the anime version of the Universal Survival Arc, as he primarily relies on his cunning and dirty tactics over power to take out his opponents, as shown with Krillin and Vegeta.
  • World's Strongest Man: Is said to be the strongest in hand-to-hand combat, at least according to the manga. Ends up being a Dirty Coward who uses underhanded tactics as a way to win against foes, though he's still amongst his universe's best and briefly pressured Hit, the real strongest mortal, when the latter came to recruit him for the Tournament of Power.
  • Worthy Opponent:
    • He claims he is glad to have met Goku since since he can finally fight all out without worrying about killing someone. He could be lying given that he is a Consummate Liar.
    • He also genuinely commends Master Roshi for his creating the very useful Evil Containment Wave. Seeing how he uses said technique to almost eliminate Vegeta and beats Roshi to a pulp, this isn't necessarily a good thing.


Gryll (グリル, Guriru)

Voiced by (Japanese): Jiro Saito
Voiced by (English): Brian Olvera
Voiced by (Latin American Spanish): Raúl Anaya

Leader of a galactic crime gang who searches Planet Potafu to obtain the power of the Comméson Water.

  • Big Bad Wannabe: Downplayed. Gryll is described by Jaco to be a top target for the Galactic Elite and is played out to be the antagonist of the Potaufeu arc even though the heroes vastly outclass him and his minions. Except, they end up dead halfway through his debut episode, with his role being taken over by Copy-Vegeta.note 
  • Combat Pragmatist: When Gryll's men attack an old man, the man responds by taking a fighting stance that impresses Goten and Trunks. Gryll's men respond by taking out their guns. When that fails, they retreat and notice that the old man dropped the item they are after and come back for it while Goten and Trunks search for it in the wrong direction. When Goten and Trunks try to attack them again, they take Monaka hostage.
  • Elemental Shapeshifter: After unlocking the seal to the Comméson Water, he and his men can turn their bodies into a strange purple liquid. In reality, the water took control of their bodies, and the original Gryll and his men died.
  • Hostage Situation: At one point, he holds Monaka hostage to prevent Goten and Trunks from attacking them.
  • Killed Off for Real: He and his men get killed after being absorbed by the Comméson Water.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: After a few seconds, he could tell that he and his men stood no chance against Goten and Trunks, and made an order to retreat.


Comméson (コメソン, Komeson)

Voiced by (Japanese): Kouhei Fukuhara
Voiced by (English): Brian Olvera
Voiced by (Latin American Spanish): Raúl Anaya

Special water that was made by planet Potafu's natives to defend against invaders. However, it turned evil and absorbed the natives, so it ended up being locked up. Rumors had it that the water would make others powerful, but this is false, and the result of people misidentifying its true power. This water also controls Copy-Gryll and Copy-Vegeta.

  • Arc Villain: It is the primary villain of a story arc that has no connections to any previous villain or story.
  • Assimilation Backfire: He finds out the hard way that Copy-Vegeta doesn't take orders any better than the original.
  • Bullying a Dragon: After Copy-Vegeta refuses to absorb Goku, Copy-Gryll electrocutes him so he will obey. This ends horribly for Copy-Gryll.
  • Combat Pragmatist: While Vegeta is prepared to fight Copy-Gryll directly, Copy-Gryll simply has the special liquid he and his men are made out of drain Vegeta of his energy from behind, making an evil copy of Vegeta. Copy-Gryll orders Copy-Vegeta to do this to Goku, but Copy-Vegeta has Vegeta's pride, so he isn't going to resort to such a dirty tactic.
  • Disappears into Light: All victims of the Comméson Water have their strength drained and disappear within 3-5 minutes. However, Vegeta is able to endure for a significantly longer time.
  • Edible Theme Naming: An anagram of consommé, a type of French soup.
  • Elemental Shapeshifter: The copies it produces can shapeshift into water.
  • Good Colors, Evil Colors: Anyone who gets touched by the water gets their strength drained and has a purple clone made out of them, with the original eventually disappearing if the water isn't defeated.
  • Gone Horribly Right:
    • The people of Planet Potaufeu created it as a powerful weapon that can absorb people and steal their powers. It was created to neutralize the enemies of the Potaufeu. However, the Comméson not only takes the power of the people it absorbs, but also their will and spirit. So when the Comméson absorbs the power of an evil person, it too becomes evil. It soon became so powerful that it threatened the universe, so the people of Potaufeu sacrificed themselves to seal it within the planet.
    • By absorbing Vegeta, it copies his personality and will. Since the real Vegeta is far too prideful to fight using dirty tactics or relying on the strength of others to get ahead, the Comméson can't control Copy-Vegeta.
  • Power Copy: The Comméson can take the power and abilities of the people it absorbs, creating a perfect copy. This can be a bad thing if the Comméson absorbs someone as headstrong and as powerful as Vegeta, which it unfortunately does.
  • Power Nullifier: The original intention of the Comméson. It was created by the people of Potaufeu to nullify their enemies by stealing their strength. Unfortunately, the Comméson also absorbs its victims' will and spirit, turning it evil since it took the power of evil people.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: It was sealed in a pot, which was locked in a fridge, and locked by a padlock that uses a binky as a key.


Copy-Vegeta (複製ベジータ, Fukusei-Bejīta)

A copy of Vegeta made that was created after the Super Water absorbed him. Along with sharing the appearance of the real Vegeta, he also shares his power, personality, and spirit.

  • Anti-Villain: Of the Noble Villain variety. He doesn't like to gain more power by stealing it from others and prefers to fight Goku head-on rather than absorb him from behind like Copy-Gryll.
  • Casting Gag: The English dub has one of the most impressive examples of these to date, with Brian Drummond, the voice of Vegeta in the Ocean dub playing him. So for the first time ever, both Vegetas face off in-series!
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Defeats Gotenks with no effort, acting as if the whole fight's a simple training session for Gotenks.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Toyed with. Due to being a copy of Vegeta, he genuinely cares for Trunks and hesitates when Copy-Gryll tells him to absorb Trunks. He later praises Trunks for his efforts in fighting him. Not enough to stop him from trying to kill Trunks and Goten however.
  • Evil Knock Off / Evil Counterpart: Copy-Vegeta is a purple copy of Vegeta created by the Comméson after it absorbs Vegeta's power and personality. Because the Comméson also absorbs Vegeta's will and spirit on top of his power, he doesn't like others telling him what to do, taking the power of others' to boast his own strength, and has a fondness for Trunks.
  • Filler Villain: His arc is one of many Toei-original bits of the Super anime that wasn't in Toriyama's outline and has no effect on anything else. However, his appearance does somewhat foreshadow the succeeding arc's introduction of a certain other, much less noble body-snatching villain by the name of Goku Black.
  • Honor Before Reason: He wants to fight Goku in a fair match, despite having the ability to absorb Goku's power and become stronger. This puts him at odds with Copy-Gryll who is a Combat Pragmatist.
  • Pride: He inherits Vegeta's massive ego, and in a scene mirroring what Majin Vegeta did in the Buu saga, he defies his alleged master's orders and decides to fight Kakarot.
  • Rooting for the Empire: In-Universe, the real Vegeta sees Copy-Vegeta as an extension of himself and occasionally roots for his doppelganger in his fight against Goku. Of course, since Copy-Vegeta's victory would ensure his template's erasure, Vegeta is content with Goku winning but at least wants his duplicate to give Goku a real challenge for the sake of his own pride. Goku and Copy-Vegeta wonder aloud whose side Vegeta is even on.
  • Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth: Although copied by the "Superhuman Water" of planet Potofu, Copy-Vegeta has the original's indomitable will and refuses to be controlled by the Comméson. However, the clone also has Vegeta's stubbornness and desire for power, so it's still bad news for everyone else.
  • Vocal Evolution: For Drummond's Vegeta voice in English. Copy-Vegeta has a slightly deeper, somewhat raspier sounding voice, sounding closer to Sabat's Vegeta voice.
  • The Worf Effect: As mentioned above in Curb-Stomp Battle, he destroyed Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks in his base form. Copy-Vegeta nonchalantly tanks several strong attacks but sustains no damage whatsoever.


Watagash (ワタガッシュ)

Voiced by (English): Ricco Fajardo

A parasite and criminal that Jaco captured. However, Jaco decided to eat some ramen, getting distracted long enough for him to escape.

  • Body Horror: He mutates his hosts depending on the time and hate, initially starting with just spikey shoulders and him popping out of their heads. Extended exposure causes hosts to mutate into Kaiju and even making them grow to giant sizes.
  • Body Snatcher: Can steal the bodies of people.
  • Body Surf: It chooses hosts depending on their power. Jaco suspects that Gohan was his host.
  • Expy: Of Baby, the original body stealing parasite.
  • Here We Go Again!: Jaco lets him loose again after eating ramen.
  • More than Mind Control: Upon stealing the body of one of the bank robbers, it's implied that he used the host's hatred of Great Saiyaman in order to goad him into fighting him. The same seems to be true for Barry Kahn.
  • The Power of Hate: The more evil the heart of its host is, the more powerful Watagashi becomes. Barry is a host so vile and black-hearted that he became more powerful than base-form Gohan.
  • Puppeteer Parasite: Can attach onto people, greatly increasing their strength, making them actually catch Gohan off-guard (he quickly turned the tables though).
  • Transformation of the Possessed: He's able to possess others and shift their forms, the transformation depending on how much evil and hatred the host has in their heart. When he possesses Barry Khan, Barry turns out to be such a horrible person that he first shifts into a large ape-like form, and then a Kaiju-sized reptilian beast that no longer resembles Barry at all.

Barry Kahn 

Barry Kahn (バリー・カーン, Barī Kān)

Voiced by (Japanese): Nobuyuki Hiyama
Voiced by (English): Robert McCollum
Voiced by (Latin American Spanish): Jerry Velázquez

An actor for the "Great Saiyaman vs. Mr. Satan" movie, he is quite the charmer. However, he's not as nice as he seems.

  • Abhorrent Admirer: Videl is unimpressed with Barry's attempts at flirting with her and giving her an autograph. Her impression of him sinks even lower when he tries to ruin her marriage with forged evidence of Gohan's affair with Cocoa, all because Barry was butt-hurt by her rejection.
  • Aerith and Bob: In a world where people can be named Goku, Videl, and Tien Shinhan, this guy is named "Barry".
  • Ascended Extra: He appeared in a magazine in Dragon Ball Z (chapter 476 of the manga). He was the supermodel Fat Buu copied the face of in order to receive a kiss from a girl before he killed her for rejecting him. Also counts as an example of a Continuity Nod.
  • Attempted Homewrecker: He attempted to woo Videl, a married woman, to the point of creating fabricating evidence of Gohan having an affair to convince Videl to leave Gohan. Videl is neither wooed by his charm and can tell right away that his attempt to slander Gohan is just another attempt to try and steal her.
  • Attention Whore: He can't stand the thought of not being the center of attention, and it's clear the "Great Saiyaman vs. Mr. Satan" is just a Vanity Project made for him to plaster his face in every nook and cranny imaginable. Gohan standing out and getting more attention than him sets him off big-time.
  • Ax-Crazy: He goes nuts when he is taken over by Watagash, kidnaps Pan, and lures Gohan out to kill him in front of the public in a crazed rage.
  • Beauty Is Bad: He's a very good-looking man and acts nice in public, but behind closed doors, he's an egomaniacal asshole who belittles others and throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He acts charming and nice, but it's soon made clear that Barry is a major Jerkass and Spoiled Brat who only puts up said charming and nice act to get people to do what he wants. The point is driven home when he's possessed by Watagash, who's specifically noted to only draw out hatred and evil that's already present in his host's heart, not create it.
  • Body Horror: In Episode 74, Watagash uses him as his host and beats down Gohan, and he turns into outright terrifying forms as he grows stronger.
  • Break the Haughty: After getting taken over by Watagash and going Drunk with Power, Gohan beats him down with ease after he becomes Super Great Saiyaman and then Cocoa blackmails him with threatening to tell the public about his time as Watagash's host if he even thinks about outing Gohan's secret to the world.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Despite knowing Gohan is the Great Saiyaman, a superhero famous for beating up dozens of guys with machine guns, Barry starts threatening to expose Gohan and shouting threats of sending paparazzi after Gohan and his family after Videl rejects him a second time. In response, Gohan politely tells him to stop or he will wake up Pan. Barry refuses to take the hint, snapping that Gohan's just a stuntman and can't tell him what to do, Gohan grabs onto him, rushes him at hypersonic-speed, and stops just before a wall, scaring the living daylights out of him, before once more politely telling him to leave.
  • The Charmer: Tries to charm Videl right next to Gohan. However, Videl doesn't buy it, outright telling Gohan that "he is cooler".
  • Didn't See That Coming: Barry expected Videl to instantly believe Gohan was having an affair with Cocoa when presented with (forged) photographic evidence. What he didn't expect to see was Videl ripping said evidence up, being too smart to trust a complete stranger who made an ass of himself multiple times to her family, and having unshakable faith in her husband.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: He didn't know Gohan was superhuman so he fully intended to have him hurt/killed doing a stunt as revenge for his wife's rejection.
  • Drunk on the Dark Side: He really enjoys the power boost he gets from Watagash.
  • Evil Is Petty: He allows Gohan to be a stuntman and hopes for him to be seriously hurt or killed because Videl snubbed him when he tried hitting on her. He then tries to ruin Gohan's marriage by setting him up with Cocoa, taking pictures of her kissing Gohan, and then showing those pictures to Videl. Videl isn't fooled for a minute and shreds the pictures before shooting Barry down with a "The Reason You Suck" Speech, remarking how pathetic it is that Barry is treated like royalty and still acts like an insecure little brat.
  • Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon: He's a handsome, charming man, and an absolute Spoiled Brat who will resort to trickery, blackmail, and even kidnapping babies the very instant something doesn't go his way or he isn't the center of attention. When he's possessed by Watagash, all of his inner evil and darkness is brought to the surface.
  • Fatal Method Acting: Invoked. Barry has no problem with risking the life of his stuntman just to make a scene look cooler. He is eager to see Gohan get hurt or killed when he takes the stuntman's place.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He's willing to act charming, polite, and nice when it suits him, as seen with his interactions with Mr. Satan; the second something doesn't go his way, Barry drops the act and is perfectly willing to resort to such lows as trickery, blackmail, and even kidnapping babies.
  • Foil: Arguably to Zamasu of all people. Both of them are insanely petty, prone to Disproportionate Retribution over the most minor of slights, and have a massive Inferiority Superiority Complex. The biggest difference between them is that Zamasu has the strength to be a universal threat while Barry's only 'power' is his social influence.
  • Frame-Up: Tries to frame Gohan and make it look like he's cheating on Videl with Cocoa so he can have her all to himself. Videl, however, knows her husband and throws Barry out of the house.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: He really didn't like Gohan getting more attention than him after he successfully pulled his stunt of jumping on a moving tank, pulling out the driver, and changing the pose that he came up with. He's also jealous that Gohan is married to Videl and actually tries to ruin their marriage in revenge. It gets to the point where after being taken over by Watagash, he fully intends to murder Gohan out of simple envy and spite.
  • Grand Theft Me: He is taken over by Watagash because he has so much darkness in his heart.
  • Hate Sink: The audience is clearly not supposed to like Barry since he is an insufferable Jerkass who will risk the life of his stunt double just to make a scene look cooler and wishes harm to others because they snub him.
  • Hero-Worshipper: Subverted. He wants a movie about the Great Saiyaman not because he's any fan of the guy, but because he figures it would be an interesting contrast if a popular star like him plays a dorky, forgotten figure. Unlike most civilians and people who aren't in the know, he's not really a fan of Mr. Satan either, having only read the first page of his autobiography to quote so he can appeal to the man's ego when pitching the movie to him, and likely only approached Mr. Satan so the movie could ride off of his fame and popularity.
  • Hopeless Suitor: Tries to flirt with Videl, who is absolutely not interested and Happily Married to Gohan, who she considers much cooler. He doesn't take the rejection well.
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters: He's easily one of the biggest, most evil bastards in the series, which is saying something given the monsters the franchise is known for, and was already that way even before Watagash hijacked his body and gave him superpowers. To drive the point home, it's established that Watagash doesn't induce any evil or hatred in his host's heart, he merely brings it to the surface; when Barry is possessed, he becomes strong enough to overpower base Gohan, something a violent bank robber was unable to do, which goes to show just how evil and heartless Barry really is.
  • It's All About Me: He only wants to star in a movie about the Great Saiyaman because he wants to plaster his face in every nook and cranny imaginable. He also doesn't take rejection well, since he hopes Gohan will be seriously hurt doing a highly dangerous stunt. Videl actually calls him out on this in her "The Reason You Suck" Speech, saying how Barry is treated like a prince, yet is so insecure that he would resort to trickery and blackmail when he isn't the center of attention.
  • Jerkass: Is a jerk to almost everyone, including the director of the Great Saiyaman film, the intended stunt double for the Great Saiyaman (until Gohan took his place), and Gohan himself. He acts nice to Mr. Satan, but that's all a facade to get him to do what he wants. He's also polite to the ladies, for all the wrong reasons.
  • Jerk Jock: He tries to invoke the "bad boy biker in a leather jacket" persona that Chick Magnets like James Dean are famous for being. Unlike James Dean, who as a rule played Jerk with a Heart of Gold characters, Barry is just a plain old jerk with no gold in sight.
  • Karma Houdini: He gets off very lightly for setting Gohan up so he can ruin his marriage and kidnapping baby Pan to spite Videl and Gohan. The worst punishment he gets is him getting blackmailed by Cocoa in case he ever exposed Gohan's identity as the Great Saiyaman.
  • Kick the Dog: Barry proves what a Jerkass he is by forcing a stuntman to jump on top of a speeding tank without wires, not caring if the man gets hurt or killed. He also lets Gohan do the stunt out of spite for Videl's rejection, hoping that Gohan gets injured.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He manipulates Cocoa into framing Gohan for infidelity.
  • More Hateable Minor Villain: Compared to Frieza, Zamasu, or other major villains in Super, he's not the biggest deal or the most threatening but he's far more despicable on a human level, being a Psychopathic Manchild and perpetual Narcissist who tries to get stunt doubles injured/killed, hits on a married woman, and kidnaps Gohan's daughter all because he's just that bad of a person.
  • Narcissist: He displays some of the traits of genuine narcissism, being an extremely self-absorbed man as his Vanity Project lays out quite well and essentially goes into a narcissistic rage when Videl snubs him the first and second time.
  • Nice Character, Mean Actor: He plays the protagonist in his movies, yet in real life, he is a major jerkass and Hate Sink.
  • Not Good with Rejection: Everything he does, both before and after he's possessed by Watagash, is purely because Videl, a married woman, shot him down when he tried hitting on her.
  • Playing Against Type: Invoked in-universe. The Great Saiyaman is considered by the public to be an uncool hero who made the headlines for a while then vanished, and Barry thinks it'll be amusing to play someone so different from (how he sees) himself.
  • The Power of Hate: Watagashi becomes more powerful the eviler the heart of its current host is; the fact that Barry becomes stronger than base form Gohan when possessed, something even a violent bank robber couldn't do, reveals just how horrible a person he is.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: All of his actions are motivated by the fact that someone said "no" to him. This trait is made all the more clearer in his Villainous Breakdown when Videl snubs him again; he throws a screaming tantrum, ranting about how much of a big deal he is while pounding on his car with his fists and sulking like a child who didn't get what he wanted.
  • Prima Donna Director: He has creative and executive power over the Great Saiyaman movie, and will treat the film crew like dirt while making unreasonable demands on them. He even threatens a stuntman's life by changing a scene so that the stuntman will have to jump on top of a moving tank that's speeding at him without wirework. If the Gohan hadn't substituted for the guy, it would've been Fatal Method Acting.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gets one from Videl after he tries to break up her marriage with Gohan by taking pictures of Cocoa kissing him:

    Videl: I feel bad for you. [tears up the pictures] I can't believe you'd go through all of this just because I turned down your autograph! And does it really bother you so much that Gohan gets a moment to shine? You're the most famous guy around, but you're also the most insecure. That's why I feel bad for you.

  • Secret-Keeper: During an attempt to frame Gohan for infidelity, he discovers Great Saiyaman's Secret Identity is Gohan. He is blackmailed into keeping quiet by Cocoa, who threatens to reveal his actions under the influence of Watagash if he spills the beans.
  • Signature Style: He mentions that his films are famous for having stunts without wires and insists on maintaining this even when he changes a scene so that a stuntman will have to jump on top of a moving tank.
  • Slimeball: Uses his fame, money, and good looks to sleaze and bully his way up the social ladder and coerce women into sleeping with him. Put him in a business suit and he will not be out of place in The Wolf of Wall Street.
  • The Sociopath: A high-functioning example; Barry possesses a superficial charm and charisma that masks a total inability to feel empathy for others; takes amusement in watching those less fortunate than himself cower in fear by threatening their livelihoods and futures, an utter lack of conscience, to the extent of being willing to ruin marriages and kidnap innocent children over jilted love. Barry would be just as dangerous as Frieza if only he was more powerful and Watagashi possessing him made him just that.
  • Spoiled Brat: He expects to be given everything and anything, and if he doesn't he flips his shit. Videl calls him out on this, remarking that he's so insecure despite being treated like royalty. His Villainous Breakdown over Videl snubbing him a second time takes the form of a blatant temper tantrum.

    Barry: I don't care if he's a superhero, you don't disrespect me! I'm superstar Barry Khan! I'm rich! I'm famous! I still read for under 20! He should worship me!

  • Uriah Gambit: Sort of. He approves Gohan's request to substitute for the stuntman in a very dangerous action scene that he thought would've invoked some Fatal Method Acting. Reminiscent of the biblical Trope Namer, he tries to pull this on a man whose wife he tried to hit on.
  • Vanity Project: It's clear that "Great Saiyaman vs. Mr. Satan" is one of these for him. He acts like a Prima Donna Director to his film crew, tries to make the assistant director rename the movie to "Barry Kahn in Great Saiyaman vs. Mr. Satan", cast a famous idol as his character's love interest, only chose to play the Great Saiyaman because he thought there'd be an interesting contrast between a famous star like him to play a washed-up has-been, and he doesn't actually respect his costar, only approaching Mr. Satan to ride off of his popularity.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Has a massive tantrum when Videl catches on about his Frame-Up attempt on Gohan, thumping his car and yelling to himself about how much of a big deal he is. This ultimately culminates in him kidnapping Pan and challenging Gohan to a fight after he is taken over by Watagash.
  • Villainous Crush: On Videl, to the point of trying to falsely accuse Gohan of cheating - though it's less that he has a thing for her and more that he's outraged that she didn't fall for him.
  • Wag the Director: Invoked routinely by Barry. He uses his fame to bully film crews and directors to make stupid and dangerous alterations to productions to better inflate his self-image. However, when faced with a director with genuine force of will, he will hastily back off.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Watagashi only amplifies the evil within his host; he doesn't induce it. Barry's status as human garbage is therefore confirmed when he kidnaps and endangers the life of baby Pan, and holds her hostage as a final gesture of petty spite for Videl's rejection.