Green Lantern (1941) - TV Tropes
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Green Lantern Main Character Index
Green Lantern Corps (Earth Lanterns) | The Sinestro Corps | The Red Lantern Corps | The Blue Lantern Corps | The Star Sapphire Corps | The Orange Lantern Corps | The Indigo Tribe | The Black, White, Ultraviolet, Gold, and Gray Lantern Corps | Other Villains (Cyborg-Superman, General Zod, Mongul, Superboy-Prime) | Supporting Characters | Golden Age
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Alan Scott/Green Lantern/Sentinel
And I shall shed my light over dark evil,
For the dark things cannot stand the light,
The light of the Green Lantern!
First Appearance: All-American Comics #16 (July 1940)
Alan Wellington Scott is the original Green Lantern. Bill Finger and Martin Nodell created the character in 1940, long before Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps were a twinkle in John Broome's eye.
Engineer Alan Scott was traveling on a train when it derailed in a fiery crash, thanks to a sabotaged bridge. Everyone else on the train died, but Alan survived thanks to the protective powers of a mysterious green lantern. A voice filled his mind instructing him to fashion a power ring from the lantern's metal. After bringing the saboteurs to justice, Alan Scott adopted the identity and garish costume of the Green Lantern, the better to make an impression on the criminals he fought against. He climbed his way up the social ladder to become first a broadcaster, and later the owner of Gotham City's biggest media corporation. Meanwhile, as the Green Lantern, he helped found the Justice Society of America and kept Gotham safe from supervillains, fascists, and other threats.
Alan's super-hero career spanned the 1940s, but he retired with the rest of the JSA around 1950. Later this would be revealed to be as a result of the Joint Congressional Un-American Activities Committee, who demanded that the members of the JSA reveal their identities. They all refused and retired from the scene. Alan continued his career in broadcasting until the appearance of Hal Jordan as Green Lantern led him out of retirement. He was revealed to operate on Earth-2, in a different dimension from Hal Jordan, and the two universes crossed over many times as the Justice Society met their counterparts in the Justice League.
Then the Crisis on Infinite Earths occurred, and history changed. The Earths were merged, and now shared a common history. Alan became one of the elder statesmen of the superhero community, an honorary member of the GLC, and a father-figure in the new JSA. He's become a mentor to the younger Green Lanterns, especially Kyle Rayner. Just prior to the Crisis, he learned that he had two children by his first wife Rose Canton, also know as the Thorn: Jade, who possessed the power of his ring as an inherent ability, and Obsidian, who had the opposite power—manipulating darkness instead of light.
Alan had also learned that his lantern was in fact the power battery of an ancient Green Lantern that had merged with the Starheart, a sentient mass of wild magic in the form of a green flame, exiled by the Guardians of the Universe. The Starheart briefly became one with him, and for a while he took a new name, Sentinel, but when the green flame nearly consumed him, he externalized the power again and became Green Lantern once more. Later, he harnessed the Starheart's power to create the Emerald City on the dark side of the moon, a haven for mystical creatures from many worlds. He reconciled with his son, and in the last few adventures of the Justice Society, was apparently killed stopping the villain D’arken, leaving the other members of the Justice Society to mourn his passing.
- (1940-1948) All-American Comics Vol 1
- (1940-1951) All-Star Comics Vol 1
- (1941-1949) Green Lantern Vol 1
- (1942-1948) Comic Cavalcade Vol 1
- (1963-1984) Justice League of America Vol 1 intermittent appearances
- (1965-1979) Green Lantern Vol 2 intermittent appearances
- (1976-1978) All-Star Comics Vol 1
- (1981-1987) All-Star Squadron
- (1984-1988) Infinity, Inc.
- (1985-1985) America vs. the Justice Society
- (1985-1986) Crisis on Infinite Earths
- (1987-1989) Young All-Stars Vol 1
- (1993-1993) Justice League Europe Vol 1 intermittent appearances
- (1991-1991) Justice Society of America Vol 1
- (1991-2004) Green Lantern Vol 3 intermittent appearances
- (1992-1993) Justice Society of America Vol 2
- (1993-1996) Guy Gardner: Warrior Vol 1
- (1994) Zero Hour: Crisis in Time!
- (1994-1996) Damage Vol 1
- (1994-2001) Starman Vol 2
- (1995-1996) Fate Vol 1
- (1997-1998) The Book of Fate Vol 1
- (1998-1998) Green Lantern/Sentinel: Heart of Darkness Vol 1
- (1999-1999) Day of Judgment Vol 1
- (1999-2000) Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. Vol 1
- (1999-2006) JSA Vol 1
- (1999-2001) JLA Vol 1 intermittent appearances
- (2002-2003) Doctor Fate Vol 3
- (2004-2005) JSA: Strange Adventures Vol 1
- (2005-2006) Day of Vengeance Vol 1
- (2005-2008) JSA Classified Vol 1
- (2006) Infinite Crisis
- (2006-2009) Green Lantern Vol 4 intermittent appearances
- (2006-2011) Justice League of America Vol 2 intermittent appearances
- (2006-2008) Checkmate Vol 2
- (2006-2007) 52 Vol 1
- (2007-2008) Black Adam: The Dark Age Vol 1
- (2008-2009) Trinity Vol 1
- (2009-2010) JSA vs. Kobra Vol 1
- (2009-2009) Solomon Grundy Vol 1
- (2009-2010) Blackest Night Vol 1
- (2010-2011) DC Universe: Legacies Vol 1
- (2010-2011) Brightest Day Vol 1
- (2017-2019) Doomsday Clock
- (2022-Present) "Justice Society of America (2022)"
- (2023-2024) "Alan Scott: The Green Lantern"
Live-Action Television
- Smallville played by Doug Pinton
- Stargirl (2020)
- DC Universe Online voiced by Jason Phelps
- Young Justice cameo
Golden Age/Earth Two, New Earth iterations
- Adaptational Sexuality: In the Pre-Crisis and New Earth stories prior to Rebirth, Alan was never depicted as anything but a straight man. As of Rebirth, he's gay.
- Ambiguously Gay: The Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular heavily implies that Alan is a closeted gay man, and that Jimmy, his "friend" who died during the train wreck, was actually his lover. Not so ambiguous after DC Infinite Frontier, where he came out to his kids. And especially not ambiguous after his relationship with his first lover was used as leverage to join the JSA and that he became his enemy.
- Armoured Closet Gay: In the Post-Crisis/pre-Flashpoint timeline, he told his son Todd that he couldn't accept being gay as normal, yet after Alan was restored in Doomsday Clock, the Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular implied that Alan was a closeted gay man himself and Jimmy was in fact his lover. He later came out in DC Infinite Frontier.
- Back from the Dead: Doomsday Clock's finale not only sees Dr. Manhattan undo the Ret-Gone he pulled on Alan, but also Alan's Heroic Sacrifice against D'Arken.
- Badass Creed: Predating the usual one for Green Lanterns, Alan had his own, detailed in the character quote above.
- The Big Guy: Frequently considered the most powerful of the JSA, and is sometimes mentioned to be physically quite large as well.
- The Cape: He's always been the classic cape archetype, and as far as post-Crisis DC canon is concerned, he was the first Cape.
- The Chosen One: The mysterious power of the lantern chose Alan to bestow great power upon him.
- Cool Old Guy: He fought in WWII, and is still a part of the JSA.
- Dating Catwoman:
- Alan Scott married Rose Canton, knowing that she had an alternate personality of the Thorn, but believing at the time that she had been cured. She became the mother of Jade and Obsidian.
- After Rose's death, Alan later married Molly Mayne, who had been his enemy the Harlequin.
- Determinator: The Green Lantern Corps' ring may be powered by willpower.... But Alan Scott wrote the BOOK on willpower!
- Closet Gay: As of 2020, it's been implied Alan, much like his son Obsidian and his own New 52 Earth 2 counterpart, is himself gay. He's officially out as of DC Infinite Frontier #0.
- Depending on the Artist: It hasn't been consistent on whether his Domino Mask is green or purple.
- Energy Being: In the New Age, although he was unaware of this at first, Alan Scott's body is now composed entirely of the green energy he's channeled through his ring for 70 years. Given how the Golden Age comics describe the energy of the lantern infusing Alan's body as well as his ring, the change makes sense.
- Generation Xerox: Alan began the trend of the Green Lantern of the era working in a close partnership with their Flash, in this case, Jay Garrick.
- Gratuitous Animal Sidekick: He was virtually squeezed out of his own book at the tail end of the Golden Age by his own dog, aka "Streak, the Wonder Dog."
- Heroic Sacrifice: He broke his vow about not using the Starheart to save his friends from the fallen god called D'Arken, seemingly dying in the process.
- Honest Corporate Executive: Owner of his own communications company and president of Gotham's broadcasting stations.
- I Minored in Tropology: In All-Star #2, Alan Scott suddenly has the medical knowledge to both perform an autopsy and fabricate a cure for a drug that is turning men into very strong and obedient soldiers for an (implied) Nazi agent. The explanation? He took a few years of pre-med in college.
- Intangible Man: One of the differences between his powers and the Corps. Alan's ring allows him to ghost through walls.
- Late Coming Out: DC Infinite Frontier #0 sees him come out as gay to his kids.
- Loyal Phlebotinum: He was saved a couple of times from a bad guy who'd stolen his ring by the fact that it would backfire and kill anyone who tried to use it for evil.
- May–December Romance: Pre-Rebirth. After he was youthened to twenty-five, with his wife Molly remaining around sixty-five. This caused her to develop some anxiety over whether or not he was still in love with her, which he literally ended up going to Hell and back to prove.
- Mr. Exposition: He provides Kyle, when he becomes the new Green Lantern, with some info about the Green Lantern Corps and what has happened with Hal Jordan.
- My Greatest Failure: His son, Obsidian, turned into a crazy monster influenced by the Shadowlands. He got better.
- Older Than They Look: As with most of the JSA he had his aging slowed due to exposure to temporal energy, then aged rapidly after Extant removed it. His life was saved when he was youthened to about twenty-five after becoming one with the Starheart; when he separated himself from it he aged a few decades closer to his chronological age, but not quite.
- Politically Incorrect Hero: Alan Scott had admitted that he would never fully be able to accept homosexuality as normal even though his son was gay. This was before the 2020 implication that he himself was a closeted gay man and him coming out in 2021.
- Ret-Canon: James Tynion IV, who wrote the story where Alan's sexuality is revealed, explicitly stated that the reason he did it is because the Alan Scott of Earth 2 is gay and it was his way of honouring an implicit promise DC made to its readership regarding Alan's sexuality.
- Retcon:
- In-universe. After the Crisis on Infinite Earths, he was swapped in for the the now-Ret-Gone Golden Age Superman when it came to previously-documented adventures. (Specifically, the later, more powerful version. Iron Munro was meant to replace the earlier version).
- As mentioned, after eighty years of being depicted as nothing but an actively heterosexual man, as of Rebirth he's homosexual.
- Ret-Gone: Doomsday Clock #8 reveals Doctor Manhattan casually murdered Alan by making him unable to reach the lantern when it would've saved his life all those years ago, aborting his existence as Green Lantern and one of the fundamental reasons why the current DC Universe is such a nightmare. Issue 12 not only sees Manhattan undo this, but Alan's original death fighting D'arken.
- Second Love: Pre-Rebirth, Alan had a relationship with and eventually married Rose Canton, though her Thorn persona manifested on their honeymoon and she fled in order to keep from harming him. Eventually he realized his feelings for Molly Mayne, aka the Harlequin, who had been pursuing him for some time and they married, staying together for decades until Doctor Manhattan sack-tapped the timeline multiple times and inadvertently flipped the switch on Alan's sexuality.
- Superheroes Wear Capes: Alan wears a black cape with a green interior and a large collar that goes around his head.
- Superman Substitute: In instances where Superman isn't present, or has just been removed, Alan fills this role in the Justice Society.
- The Unsmile: An entire Golden Age story, "The Smile That Wins
", was built around Alan Scott's disturbing smile.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Unlike the Oa-based Green Lanterns, Alan's weakness is not the color yellow, but wooden objects. Also unlike the other Lanterns, he still has this weakness. It's suggested that this weakness is psychosomatic; he has a limit to his powers because he thinks he should.
- When He Smiles: According to one issue of JSA, Alan doesn't smile a lot, but when he does, it's a sign someone's done right.
- The Worf Effect: Alan Scott became a regular victim of this in Justice Society of America (New Age). Happened at least once in JSA's run when Blackbriar Thorn stabbed him through the heart and almost killed him. Happened again in two consecutive storylines when the Nazis killed him (sending Jay Garrick into a rage) and again in Marc Guggenheim's first issue as writer when the unknown super-terrorist broke Alan's neck in five seconds flat (sending Jay Garrick into a rage).
- Zorro Mark: In his early Golden Age adventures, Alan would often knock out a villain with a left haymaker, leaving an imprint of his ring (at least temporarily) on his foe's cheek.
New 52 Incarnation
Since the New 52's recreation of Earth-2, Alan and other Golden Age heroes are a part of this alternate universe. Once again depicted as a young man on a very different Earth, Alan is homosexual in the new universe. His power derives from the Earth and "green growing things" rather than a magic lantern or the Starheart. He wears a green bodysuit rather than the old theatrical costume, and is explicitly intended as a replacement for that world’s Superman. A very different man on a different "Earth 2", it remains to be seen if this Alan Scott will last as long as the original.
The Starheart
A power source created by the Guardians of the Universe. Ages ago, before the Green Lantern Corps was formed, the Guardians gathered up all the chaos magic they could in a mass of energy and sealed it within an orb of their green light. The Starheart drifted for eons until a piece of it fell to Earth, where it was found by a man in China who fashioned into a lamp—from which, millennia later, Alan Scott would fashion his power ring. The Starheart imbued his children with its power—Jade gained the power of the green light, while Obsidian gained the shadow power of the dark magic.
The Starheart is alive. Its sentience has at times called itself the Lord of the Green Flame and, during Brightest Day, possessed Alan Scott and his children. With the JSA and JLA's help, Scott absorbed the Starheart into himself and used its power to create the Emerald City on the dark side of Earth's moon.
- The Chooser of the One: The Lantern was a mite picky about who touched it. It chose Alan to receive its power.
- Retcon: In the 90s, a new origin was given where the Starheart was actually a Green Lantern who'd gone rogue after the Guardians removed his ring's inability to kill. Doomsday Clock restored the "magic lantern" version.
- Rule of Three: On landing on Earth, it prophesied it would do three things - bring death, bring life, and bring power. The first happened a short while after it landed. Some thugs tried grabbing it, and it flash-fried them. The second came some millenia later, when it cured a patient at Arkham (yes, that Arkham) of his illness. The third is when Alan found it.
- Sentient Cosmic Force: The Guardians gathered up all the magic they could find, so as to remove it from the universe. This had the unintended side-effect of creating a living field of magic. Luckily for everyone the Starheart is good, and didn't hold a grudge.
AKA: Jennifer-Lynn "Jenny" Hayden
First Appearance: All-Star Squadron #25 (September 1983)
The daughter of Alan Scott, Jade inherited her father's powers, but without the need for a power ring. She got her start as a superhero with Infinity, Inc., a group made up of the teenage progeny of the Justice Society of America. Years after Infinity disbanded, she met and fell in love with Green Lantern Kyle Rayner, who created a power ring for her to use, making her an honorary Green Lantern. Jade died (like so many of Kyle's girlfriends) saving the Polaris system in Infinite Crisis, but was resurrected by the White Light at the end of the Blackest Night.
During the New 52, Alan Scott was reverted in age to be far too young to have adult children, and was also retconned into being gay. As a result, Jade and Obsidian were wiped from existence, but Jade at least makes an appearance in the Ame-Comi Girls universe. As of Doomsday Clock, however, the twins have been reintroduced into continuity.
- Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder: Jennie becomes so frustrated with Kyle's long forays into space that she cheats on him, bringing their relationship to a messy end. She never stops loving him, however, and feels that he was the one to actually end the relationship by choosing Oa over her.
- Action Girl: She might not be as powerful as her father or Kyle, but she is more than capable of defending herself.
- Affectionate Nickname: She's sometimes called Jennie or Jenny by her family or close friends.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: She's a human but has green skin. She explains this is because her skin contains chlorophyll due to her inheriting a bit of her mother's plant powers. She also claims this allows her ton photosynthesize sunlight like a plant.
- Back from the Dead: She died during the Rann-Thanagar War in Infinite Crisis but was resurrected by the White Light at the end of the Blackest Night.
- The Bus Came Back: She and her brother got retconned out of existence in New 52 since her dad Alan was de-aged and too young to have adult children. They both got reintroduced into the continuity in DC Infinite Frontier.
- Buxom Beauty Standard: Kyle notices several times just how well-endowed Jade is during their relationship in Green Lantern (1990). After she gives him a Naked First Impression via a shower mishap, she's quick to forgive him but gets annoyed again when she notices his gaze keeps traveling down to her cleavage and she has to tell him My Eyes Are Up Here.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: When Jade and Kyle were an item, she frequently worried that he wasn't as invested in their relationship as she was, and felt jealous of Alexandra De Witt and Donna Troy (and, arguably, the entire Green Lantern Corps).
- Color Motif: Green, as she's the daughter of a Green Lantern, has powers that allow her to control green energy like a Green Lantern, has green skin, and is codenamed Jade after the green stone.
- Daddy's Girl: Jade thinks highly of her father Alan Scott and they bonded quickly after they reunited.
- De-power: Since Starheart is the source of her powers, she loses her powers when something happens to it.
- Did Not Get The Guy: Jennie's interpretation of how things ended between her and Kyle. From her perspective, Kyle ended their relationship by choosing Oa over Earth, leaving Jennie heartbroken. When she finally confronts him about this, however, Kyle points out that her version of events overlooks the fact that she cheated on him and then died shortly thereafter.
- Fanservice Model: By the time Kyle met her, Jade was an ex-model who got famous for posing in bikinis, but quit to be a photographer due to disliking the nature of the sleazy work.
- Fusion Dance: In Brightest Day, she fuses with her twin brother Obsidian, becoming a mix of both twins, with both personalities being present and taking turns talking.
- Green Thumb: Sometimes, Depending on the Writer she's shown to have inherited her mother's ability to control plants.
- Happily Adopted: When she first debuted, Jennie felt so loyal to her adoptive parents (who, unlike Todd's, were functional and loving) that she decided to keep the surname 'Hayden' instead of changing it to 'Scott.' However, her bonds with her biological family became so intense that she grew apart from her adoptive family, something that she felt guilty about in later years.
- Inconsistent Spelling: Her nickname is alternately spelled as 'Jenny' or 'Jennie.'
- It's All About Me: Jennie is very prone to becoming swept up in her emotions, and frequently overlooks the feelings of others when making decisions.
- Legacy Character: Played With. Jade doesn't have a Secret Identity, but during 52 a woman named Nicki Jones, who had gained superpowers through Lex Luthor's Everyman Project, assumed the "Jade" identity. Since then, she has been Put on a Bus, allowing Jenny to remain as the sole Jade.
- Lineage Comes from the Father: She inherited her Starheart powers from her father Alan, who was once possessed by the Starheart.
- Luke, You Are My Father: After reuniting with her twin brother, they speculated that Alan Scott/Green Lantern might be their biological father, and set out to meet him. Later Harlequin is the one who reveals to them that Rose/Thorn is their mother.
- Ms. Fanservice: She's a pretty, green girl with large breasts and even had one Stripperiffic uniform that showed off her midriff and her legs. In Green Lantern (1990) she would get into a lot of gratuitous fanservice scenes, such as having Kyle walk on her in the shower or going topless on an alien beach with only Scenery Censor covering up her assets.
- Naked First Impression: She first meets her Love Interest Kyle Rayner when he walks on her in the shower. She was pretty embarrassed and quickly threw him out of the bathroom with her powers, but calmed down after since she did just break in into his home while he wasn't there and hopped into his shower (he assumed it was Donna due to her Sexy Silhouette).
- Poor Communication Kills: Jade and Obsidian admit that if they had actually told any of the JSA about the relationship between Rose and Thorn, they would have revealed they were one and the same.
- Power Palms: Jade had a special star-shaped birthmark on one of her hands that let her use her Green Lantern Ring-type power.
- Ret-Gone: Both Jade and Obsidian got retconned out of existence in the New 52 as Alan Scott was reverted in age to be far too young to have adult children. It later turned out this implicitly applied to the main universe version of them and not just any counterpart she may have had on the new Earth-2, when it turned out Alan was murdered by Doctor Manhattan before he became Green Lantern. Which meant their existence were literally nullified by Manhattan.
- Sibling Team: Obsidian and Jade are superpowered twin siblings who decided to start a superhero career together when they discovered their powers, and have often worked together as a superhero often, like in Infinity, Inc. or JSA (2024).
- There's No Place Like Home: Even though Jennie initially accompanies Kyle into space, she never stops regarding New York City as home, and is eager to return. As Kyle quickly starts to feel more comfortable in space than on Earth, this ultimately leads to their break-up.
- Twin Telepathy: Jade shares a limited telepathic link with her twin brother Obsidian.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Like her father, Jade's powers are useless against wooden objects.
- Women Are Wiser: As written by Judd Winick, Jade was frequently portrayed as more practical and perceptive than her boyfriend Kyle or the logical John.
- You Are in Command Now: In Outsiders (2003), she suddenly finds herself taking over as The Leader of the group because Nightwing wasn't in the team enough to command it, and Arsenal was severely injured and unable to replace Nightwing.
AKA: Todd Rice
Abilities: Generate absolute darkness
First Appearance: All-Star Squadron #25 (September 1983)
The son of Alan Scott and twin brother of Jenni-Lynn Hayden/Jade. Like Jade, he joined up with the Infinity, Inc.. After they disbanded, he went through some issues in his life, including succumbing to his own demons and became evil for a while. Thanks to the help of his father and friends, he recovered from that incident and retired. During the events of Brightest Day, however, he quit from retirement and became a superhero once more. Wielder of the Shadowlands, he acts as the security system for the JSA brownstone as his shadow powers allow him to be aware of the entire building at once. Obsidian is also notable for being one of DC's openly gay heroes.
- Abusive Parents: His adoptive father Jim Rice was an Alcoholic Parent who abused him physically and verbally.
- Angsty Surviving Twin: He was emotionally crushed after Jade died in Infinite Crisis. When Nicki Jones tried to become Jade's Legacy Character, he went ballistic and attacked her for "disrespecting" his dead sister.
- Blessed with Suck: Todd can feel every negative emotion in people around him, can bring out negative emotions in others, and can manipulate shadows to attack and engulf people. Understandably, Todd sometimes has a hard time believing he's a good person given the way his powers have mostly negative effects on people.
- The Bus Came Back: He and his sister got retconned out of existence in New 52 since her dad Alan was de-aged and too young to have adult children. They both got reintroduced into the continuity in DC Infinite Frontier.
- Casting a Shadow: Unlike his sister Jade, whose powers resemble their father's, Obsidian has various shadow-based powers from his father's exposure to shadow energy after a battle with Ian Karkull. Obsidian is connected to the Shadowlands, a dimension of primordial, quasi-sentient darkness. At will, Obsidian can merge with his own shadow and possess the shadows of others. In his shadow form, he is stronger than in human form, can pass through solid objects and can fly. After being corrupted by the Shadowlands, Obsidian was able to control his shadow powers to the point that he could grow to enormous size and create objects out of shadow, in a similar way that his father and sister can create objects out of green energy.
- Dark Is Not Evil: He has shadow manipulation powers that he gained due to his father battle with a villain, but he uses it in his work as a superhero.
- Face–Heel Turn: Once he went off his medication, he started listening to the voices inside and outside his head telling him to hurt people.
- Hearing Voices: It didn't help that one of the voices Todd heard was actually a Golden Age supervillain with a grudge against the JSA.
- Horrifying Hero: He doesn't hesitate to take advantage of the scary nature of his Casting a Shadow powers when doing superhero work. In issue #1 of JSA (2024), he manifests on-panel as a creepy skeleton made of darkness as he pursues some of Kobra's sect members.
- Intangibility: He becomes intangible in his shadow form.
- It Runs in the Family: He inherited a tendency toward mental instability from his mother.
- In the Blood: Obsidian's mother was a schizophrenic with a Literal Split Personality. Poor Todd's inherited some of the madness, though Ian Karkull's powers and a hideously abusive foster father did a lot of the work as well.
- Knight Templar Big Brother: Jade complains that he's often overprotective of her. In Green Lantern (1990) he first meets Kyle just as he's picking up Jade's underwear (which she asked him to). But to Todd, it obviously looks like he's a pervert going through his sister's underwear and he attacks Kyle without bothering to hear an explanation.
- LGBT Awakening: While a member of Infinity, Inc., Todd was uncertain of his sexuality and dated Marcie Cooper for a bit. In adulthood, he would identify as fully gay.
- Luke, You Are My Father: He found out he was adopted right before he graduated high school, and met his twin sister Jenni. They speculated that Alan Scott/Green Lantern might be their biological father, and set out to meet him. Later Harlequin is the one who reveals to them that Rose/Thorn is their mother.
- The Mentally Disturbed: He inherited his mother's schizophrenia and it varies whether this is treated as a quirk to make him violent or if actually treated seriously. Some stories show he averts No Medication for Me and is actually taking medication for his schizophrenia, and it works for him. When he starts acting strangely, Liberty Belle worries aloud that he's quit his meds.
- Poor Communication Kills: Jade and Obsidian admit that if they had actually told any of the JSA about the relationship between Rose and Thorn, they would have revealed they were one and the same.
- Retcon: The source of his powers via the Brightest Day event. Before his powers came from the Shadowlands via Ian Karkull (who is also the reason why the JSA age so well when not given another reason) now it's implied that he got that his powers from the Starheart, same as his sister.
- Ret-Gone: Both Jade and Obsidian got retconned out of existence in the New 52 as Alan Scott was reverted in age to be far too young to have adult children. It later turned out this implicitly applied to the main universe version of them and not just any counterpart she may have had on the new Earth-2, when it turned out Alan was murdered by Doctor Manhattan before he became Green Lantern. Which meant their existence were literally nullified by Manhattan.
- Separated at Birth: Jade and Obsidian's mother Rose ran away from their father Alan on their honeymoon, not knowing she was already pregnant with twins. She gave them away for adoption so they would be safe from Thorn, which led to both being raised by different families, though they managed to find each other by the time they were teenagers.
- Sibling Team: Obsidian and Jade are superpowered twin siblings who decided to start a superhero career together when they discovered their powers, and have often worked together as a superhero often, like in Infinity, Inc. or JSA (2024).
- Straight Gay: He's a gay man but lacks most of the flamboyance and campiness associated with gay men in media, especially during the time he was introduced.
- There Are No Therapists: Averted. Todd spent several months in a DEO mental hospital. Alan and Jenn-Lynn were shown visiting him.
- Twin Telepathy: Jade shares a limited telepathic link with her twin brother Obsidian.
- The Unfavorite: He can't help but feel Alan likes Jade more than him, since she inherited his positive Green Lantern powers while he got the shadow-based powers from his father's exposure to Shadow energy. This is shown to be somewhat true when Alan is shown to be in contact with Jenny-Lynn and lost track of Todd for several months and only found him again when Todd covered Milwaukee in darkness during the "Darkness Rising" arc.
- Unrelated in the Adaptation: He has a counterpart in the Earth 2 continuity show up during Earth 2: World's End, but he is clearly not the son of that world's Alan Scott due to the Earth-2 Alan Scott being reinterpreted as a gay man and being too young to be the father of a young adult man.
Charles "Doiby" Dickles
First Appearance: All-American Comics #27 (June 1941)
When Alan Scott was incapacitated by a group of thugs, a simple taxi driver called "Doiby" Dickles donned a makeshift Green Lantern costume and came to his rescue. Impressed by his spirit, Scott invited Doiby to become his sidekick and eventually revealed his identity to him. Doiby filled the role of comic sidekick, but was also a solid and dependable help for Alan.
Doiby was revisited during the Silver Age, where it was revealed that he fell in love with Princess Raima of the planet Myrg. Rather than return home with Scott, he married the beautiful extraterrestrial and has remained on Myrg since. His few modern day appearances are a sequel to this story in an issue of Green Lantern Corps Quarterly, and some involvement in a couple of adventures with Young Justice.
- Beware the Silly Ones: There's no doubting he's the comic relief of Green Lantern's adventures, but he's usually good for taking out a few Mooks of his own in every fight too. It takes some serious stones to be willing to face down Solomon Grundy and a bunch of gangsters, especially after it seemed for the whole chapter like Green Lantern had finally met his match and might not be coming to save the day this time.
- Brooklyn Rage: He had an exaggerated Brooklyn accent and propensity for wrench-related violence.
- Bumbling Sidekick: Bumbling for comic relief on occasion, but also very competent on occasion.
- Funetik Aksent: His dialogue frequently had words deliberately misspelled to accommodate his Brooklyn accent, mostly by pronouncing hard R sounds as "oi" sounds.
- I Call It "Vera": His cab is named "Goitrude".
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: In his Young Justice (1998) appearances, Doiby is drawn to look like Mickey Rooney.
- Put on a Bus: Doiby was written out in Green Lantern #45, but since he and Alan were only occasional guest stars in Hal Jordan's book at this point, it's not as bad as it might have been.
- Sidekick: He was Alan Scott's second banana.
- Wrench Whack: His weapon was a large wrench.
The Harlequin
AKA: Molly Mayne-Scott
First Appearance: All-American Comics #89 (September 1947)
“That’s only the beginning, Green Lantern! You saw what Doiby can do! And I’m the only one who can control him! Now — are you ready to give up and marry me ?”
A secretary at Alan Scott's broadcasting company, Molly Mayne fell in love with Green Lantern, so she adopted the costumed persona of the Harlequin to commit harmless crimes to attract his attention (to no avail, as he loved only one thing—fighting crime). Over the years, she joined numerous gangs, including the Injustice Society, only to covertly betray them; Green Lantern eventually learned she'd been hired by the FBI to infiltrate them. After this, Green Lantern revealed his secret identity to her and the two were married.
- Alliterative Name: Molly Mayne.
- And Now You Must Marry Me: Most of her schemes revolved around forcing Green Lantern to take her down the aisle.
- Badass Normal: All she had were her themed gadgets and her wits, and yet was still portrayed as an equal to Green Lantern.
- The Beard: Retroactively became this as of DC Infinite Frontier, when Alan officially came out as gay.
- Deal with the Devil: Deeply insecure by the apparent age difference between her and Alan (who was more or less ageless) she sold her soul to Neron in Underworld Unleashed to gain eternal youth (and got the ability to induce nightmares to boot). Alan went into Hell to break her out, restoring her old age. Later, he'd lose his ageless appearance.
- Enigmatic Minion: During her days with the Injustice Society, she showed inscrutable behavior, sometimes fighting the heroes and sometimes covertly helping them. All was explained when it turned out she was an FBI infiltrator.
- Goggles Do Something Unusual: They project illusions.
- Happily Married: To Alan Scott, apart from a few small bumps on the road—like when he was de-aged to 25 and she was still in her 60's.
- Harmless Villain: By design Molly's villain activities were small time and didn't endanger people as she was doing it for a bit of fun and to get Green Lantern's attention. She later was outright working for the government as a mole in villain groups.
- Instrument of Murder: Carries mandolin with an extending handle which she uses as a defensive weapon, especially against the Golden Age Green Lantern (due to his ring's weakness to its wooden construction).
- Master of Illusion: Her glasses allow her to project extremely realistic illusions.
- The Mole: For the FBI within the Injustice Society.
- Parents as People: The New Golden Age establishes that she had a son named Michael whom was primarily raised by his grandmother because of Molly's career as the Harlequin. Michael would later take on the name "Harlequin's Son" and it's noted despite Molly's help in proving he was innocent of killing a man and training him, their mother/son relationship was strained. It's unknown who Michael's father is.
- Retired Badass: Eventually quit the costumed adventurer biz.
- Thememobile: Sometimes drove the Harlequin-Car: a car with windscreen in the form of Harlequin's glasses.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Even after the Justice Society-related characters were fully brought back into DC continuity following Doomsday Clock, Molly hasn't made a single appearance. It's unknown if she's even still alive. Meanwhile, her son Michael has appeared as "Harlequin's Son."
James "Jimmy" Henton
Jimmy (Post-Crisis)
Click here to see the Earth-Two Jimmy:
First Appearance: All-American Comics #16 (July 1940)
Jimmy Henton was a train engineer and friend of Alan's who was killed when Albert Dekker sabotaged a bridge the train Alan was on was crossing. It was in the aftermath of this accident, which Alan survived due to the Starheart, when Alan became the Green Lantern.
- Black Dude Dies First: While Jimmy's skin wasn't colored differently than Alan's in his first appearance later flashbacks to him make it clear he's African American. He also dies pretty much as soon as Alan is introduced to give Alan a motive for turning hero.
- Bury Your Gays: While Jimmy was firmly in the closet there were hints over the years through flashbacks that he wasn't straight and once he was brought back into continuity with DC Rebirth the fact that Jimmy was gay and in a relationship was made canon. He also died in his first ever appearance and pretty much every subsequent appearance has been as a flashback or photo. The 80th Anniversary Special implies his lover was in fact Alan himself.
- Death by Origin Story: Jimmy was a friend and possible lover of Alan's who was killed in the same train wreck in which Alan gained access to the Starheart.
- Died in Your Arms Tonight: When Alan woke from the injuries he sustained in the accident, and being introduced to the Starheart, the first thing he did was stumble over to cradle Jimmy's body.
- Race Lift: In Jimmy's original appearance he had textured black hair and a skin tone similar to Alan's, but when he was shown in a comic in 1987 he was depicted as a white man with brown hair. In the Post-Crisis continuity he's a African American, and in the DC Rebirth continuity he's a white man with brown hair again.
The Fool
AKA: Unknown
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol 1 #28 (October 1947)
"Hee hee! I'm so FOOLISH that only I would think of blowing a GAS bubble strong enough to carry me out of here!"
Nothing is known of the petty criminal before he escaped prison by blowing a bubble of sufficient strength to carry his weight and float over the prison walls. Succeeding, he took up the idea that he could succeed if the crimes seemed too foolish or too obvious. Crafted a dunce-capped costume for himself, he took the name the Fool.
- All Balloons Have Helium: The Fool escaped prison by blowing a bubble of sufficient strength to carry his weight and float over the prison walls.
- Dunce Cap: The Fool's costume incorporated one.
- My Little Panzer: What his arsenal was based around: seemingly innocent toys that were actually deadly weapons.
- Obfuscating Insanity/Obfuscating Stupidity: The Fool's crimes were based on him undertaking schemes that seemed completely moronic or completely insane.
- Wicked Toymaker: He modified ordinary toys into deadly weapons.
The Gambler
AKA: Steven Sharpe III
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol 1 #12 (Summer 1944)
“What frightened little men you are ! The Gambler *always* takes chances — and I took this one merely to prove I can operate in this city.”
Steven Sharpe was once an honest man, but a string of unlucky incidents convinced him that the only way to win at life was to cheat. He became the Gambler, a notorious bank robber who clashed with Alan Scott, the first Green Lantern. He also fought Starman and the Sandman, and was one of the founders of the Injustice Society. While having no superpowers, he instead used a wide variety of skills he learned as part of a traveling circus, such as fencing, illusions, disguises and sharpshooting. Years later, after losing everything he had to his gambling addiction, he committed suicide. He is survived by his granddaughter, Hazard, and his grandson, the new Gambler.
- Abnormal Ammo: His iconic derringer, which could shoot things other than bullets, such as gas or acid.
- Awesome Anachronistic Apparel: Dresses in the finery of a Wild West riverboat gambler.
- Badass Normal: Unlike his ISA teammates, he had no powers or advanced technology of any kind, just skills he had honed over years of training and experience.
- Beard of Evil: Sports a very stylish and dashing goatee, which marks him as the rogue and scoundrel he is.
- Born Lucky: The Gambler possesses almost supernaturally good luck. If he keeps rolling the dice, sooner or later he’ll get a spectacular break. He can fairly reliably rebuild his war chest by hitting a casino. When he’s in prison, some opportunity he can seize to escape will eventually occur.
- Came Back Wrong: Like several of his former colleagues, he was brought back as a Black Lantern during Blackest Night.
- Cane Fu: When he carries a cane as part of his costume, it will be a stout one that doubles as a redoubtable melee weapon – and is made of wood.
- Character Tics: His was constantly making betting odds on whatever he planned to do. In one of his later appearances this made Green Lantern realize the guy he was talking to was really the Gambler in disguise.
- Daddy's Little Villain: His granddaughter Hazard idolizes him and became a supervillain in order to avenge his death. although she gives this up after some of her new teammates try to kill Mike Dugan.
- Death Dealer: At least one story has the Gambler throwing razor-edged playing cards.
- Death Trap: Occasionally built giant game-themed death traps: such as a giant pinball machine, and a giant roulette wheel.
- Driven to Suicide: The last time that Sharpe was paroled, he traveled to Las Vegas. He fell in love with the gambling in the Taj Mahal Casino. What the Gambler did not know was that the games in this casino were rigged, and he soon lost every penny. This final defeat coupled with all of the defeats he had suffered at the hands of costumed heroes was too much for Sharpe. Using his famous Derringer pistol, he shot himself in the head.
- Fair-Play Villain: Always honours his bets.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Was just a random teenager from the South, until the day of his high school graduation when his girlfriend Helen refused to marry him unless he could prove he wasn't a compulsive gambler like his father and grandfather, then turned around and eloped with another gambler who struck it rich.
- The Gambler: Sharpe styles his criminal identity after a riverboat gambler, and uses a lot of weaponry in the form of gambling paraphernalia.
- The Gambling Addict: His passion for games of chance, bets, cards, risk and the like lies well past the point of mania.
- Hidden Weapons: Aside from the derringer up his sleeve, the Gambler carries about 10 throwing knives concealed within his vest.
- Knife-Throwing Act: One of the skills the Gambler mastered during his time in the carnival was knife throwing.
- Legacy Character: After his death, his grandson took over his name.
- Master of Disguise: Could pull off near-perfect disguises that fooled even the Green Lantern. It got to the point that he claimed to no longer remember his true appearance.
- Might as Well Not Be in Prison at All: The Gambler was once condemned to death, and detained on death row for several months. During that time he continued to run his mob using coded letters. He also prepared a spectacular escape on the day of his execution, and set up a vast underworld gambling ring betting against his survival.
- Mugged for Disguise: A prisoner wearing the exact same clothing as Doiby Dickles came to share the Gambler’s cell. Stealing his clothes and disguising himself as Doiby, the Gambler escaped under Green Lantern’s nose.
- Never Suicide: At a ski lodge, the Gambler bet three successful professionals their entire fortunes. Though all three reneged after he won, he killed two of them and made it look like a suicide.
- Nothing Up My Sleeve: Keeps his trick derringer hidden up his sleeve.
- Pinned to the Wall: Prefers to use his throwing knives to to pin targets to nearby surfaces through their clothing.
- Refuge in Audacity: Had such an ego that he would happily hang around right next to his own "Wanted!" Poster just to provoke people.
- Sharp-Dressed Man: As befitting his status as a gangster, he wore a zoot suit and hat (well, sharp for the time anyway).
- Swiss-Army Gun: His derringer can fire regular bullets, ammonia gas pellets, a smokescreen, and various other specialised loads.
- Thrill Seeker: Is obsessed by chance, and lives to take major risks. He sometimes takes risks simply for the rush.
- Trick Bullet: The Gambler carries a special Derringer, which can fire ammonia or blackout gas in addition to real bullets.
- Verbal Tic: The Gambler is forever giving odds for everything: three to eight, six to five, etc. He can occasionally be recognised when in disguise because of this.
Harlequin IV
AKA: Unknown
First Appearance: Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #5 (June, 1993)
The mysterious fourth holder of the Harlequin identity, following Molly Mayne, Duela Dent and Marcie Cooper. Her origins and motivations are unknown, though she claims to have discovered she had the ability to induce hallucinations in the minds of other at an early age. She first appeared when she attacked Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern, with whom she appeared to be obsessed (she had somehow learned of his relationship with Molly Mayne, the original Harlequin, and had decided that she was destined to be Mayne's successor and be with Scott).
- Civvie Spandex: Her costume included a leather jacket.
- Cleavage Window: Harlequin's Leotard of Power has a cutout exposing her cleavage.
- Leotard of Power: Wears a leotard with a Cleavage Window under a purple leather jacket.
- Master of Illusion: Harlequin has illusion casting powers similar to those of her predecessors. Hers seem to be natural in origin though and also far more powerful, allowing her a degree of mental manipulation.
- No Name Given: Her real name has never been revealed.
- Purple Is Powerful: Harlequin's costume is predominatly purple.
- Sinister Shades: Harlequin's costume includes reflective sunglasses.
- Stalker with a Crush: She was obsessed with Alan Scott and decided that she was destined to be Molly Mayne's successor and be with Scott.
- Sunglasses at Night: Harlequin is never seen without her Sinister Shades.
- Too Many Belts: Wears two belts over her Leotard of Power.
- Your Mind Makes It Real: When casting her illusions, if the victim has any doubt that the illusion is not real, they will feel the pain that her illusion is inflicting on them.
AKA: The Last Criminal
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol 1 #28 (October 1947)
"Knodar's the name — and crime is my game!"
Knodar is a citizen of the year 2447 AD in a possible future where crime is a thing of the past and all of society's needs are met by machines. Knodar rebelled against this sterile system by becoming the 'Last Criminal', but was soon caught, and placed in a cell in a customized prison uniform. He escaped and time traveled back to 1947, where he embarked on a crime spree which was stopped by the Green Lantern before being returned home, and to jail, by a man from his own time named Dalmyr. He nonetheless escaped and tangled with the Green Lantern again at least twice more before the end of the 1940s, and later resurfaced during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, whereupon he was challenged by the Star Spangled Kid and private detective Jonni Thunder.
- Born in the Wrong Century: Knodar comes from the year 2447 A.D. Everyone's needs and whims are met by machines so that there is no incentive to steal, therefore no reason to create a crime or criminals. The one person who liked this idea of being a criminal was Knodar. He was inspired from old gangster movies. In his initial try at being a criminal he was caught and placed in a cell for all to see as a social anomaly. He escaped to 1947 and began a crime spree with stolen tech from his time period in an era where a criminal was regarded as a threat rather than an oddity.
- Cool Mask: Knodar's domino mask is actually tatooed on to his face.
- Institutional Apparel: Knodar's bodysuit covered in 'P's (for 'Prisoner') is actually his prison uniform. It was created especially for him because society had not had a criminal in living memory.
- Magic Tool: Knodar carries a device called the Magitron: This device can create anything that the wielder wants, even time machines.
Red Lantern
Vladimir Sokov
First Appearance: The New Golden Age #1 (January 2023)
The Red Lantern of the Golden Age, he was a Soviet rival to Alan Scott.
- Evil Counterpart: He serves as this to Alan Scott, down to having a similar costume and a daughter named Ruby (countering Scott's own daughter named Jade).
- Retcon: He was inserted into the Justice Society of America mythos around 2022.
Sky Pirate
AKA: Unknown
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol 1 #27 (August 1947)
In the late 1940s, a man we now know only as "Sky Pirate" owned and commanded the zeppelin "The Flying Dutchman", and his modus operandi was to bump his airship right up against a penthouse apartment, or other target, and then deploy his pirate crew to invade it, strip it of valuables, and escape in minimum time. His hideout was a natural cave, in the Catskills Mountains.
- Cool Airship: The Flying Dutchman was a zeppelin used by the Sky Pirate and his gang. It had a paint job that resembled a pirate galleon; from far away it gave the appearance of being a flying pirate ship, which is exactly what it was. The ship could emit a smokescreen, which was used to disguise the airship as a cloud. When it docked, the airship ropes were almost invisible, and gave the impression that the Pirate, while balancing on such a line, was floating in the air.
- Death Trap: The Sky Pirate has a habit of using elaborate deathtraps to eliminate prisoners like Alan Scott and Doiby Dickles instead of killing them as quickly as possible.
- Sky Pirate: The Sky Pirate and his gang would rob skyscrapers by barding from the Sky Pirate's Cool Airship the Flying Dutchman.
- Trick Bullet: The Sky Pirate packed a replica flintlock pistol (modified to fire knockout gas, which was strong enough to subdue the Green Lantern).
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: The Sky Pirate's main weakness is his terraphobia, a fear of being and/or feeling grounded. He loses confidence and skill when on flat ground or below it.
Solomon Grundy
Born on a Monday
New 52-Earth 2
AKA: Cyrus Gold
First Appearance: All-American Comics #61 (October 1944)
Solomon Grundy, born on a Monday, Christened on Tuesday, married on Wednesday, took ill on Thursday, worsened on Friday, died on a Saturday, buried on Sunday. Is this the end of Solomon Grundy?
Solomon Grundy is a DC Comics character created by Alfred Bester who debuted as a villain of the Green Lantern Alan Scott in 1944, and has been fighting pretty much every hero in the DCU ever since, although since he remains tied to Slaughter Swamp just outside Gotham, he has primarily become an enemy of Batman. He has long been one of the key members of the Injustice Society, a villain group that opposes the Justice Society of America.
In life, Grundy was a 19th Century Gothamite merchant known as Cyrus Gold, who was murdered and dumped in Slaughter Swamp in the late 1800s. For decades his decaying corpse mingled with the other flotsam and debris rotting in the swamp, until it was revived by supernatural elements in the swamp and crawled out on a Monday in 1944 as a hulking, undead behemoth with no memory of his old life. Taking the name Solomon Grundy after the nursery rhyme, his confused mental state lead him to a life of crime and havoc wreaking.
In a virtually permanent state of undeath, Grundy is a functionally immortal zombie since even if one does manage to put him down, he'll just rise from Slaughter Swamp the following Monday with a tweaked personality and powerset.
His Earth 2 New 52 iteration was re-imagined as an Avatar of the Grey to make him the evil counterpart of Earth 2 Alan Scott, re-imagined as an Avatar of the Green.
Solomon Grundy has appeared in:
- All-American Comics Vol 1, issue 61, (1944)
- Comic Cavalcade Vol 1, issues 13 & 24, (1945 - 1947)
- All-Star Comics Vol 1, multiple issues, (1947 - 1976)
- Showcase Vol 1, issue 55, (1965)
- Justice League of America Vol 1, multiple issues, (1966 - 1981)
- Batman Vol 1, issue 194, (1967)
- Superman Vol 1, issues 301 & 319, (1976 - 1978)
- Wonder Woman: Huntress, issues 271-273 (1980 -1980)
- All-Star Squadron Vol 1, multiple issues (1981 -1982)
- Infinity, Inc. Vol 1, multiple issues (1984 - 1986)
- Infinity, Inc. Vol 1, issues 35-53 (1987 - 1988)
- Justice Society of America Vol 1, issues 1 - 8, (1991-1991)
- Starman Vol 2, issues 10-71, (1995 - 2000)
- Batman: The Long Halloween, multiple issues, (1997-1997)
- Batman: Dark Victory issues 1 - 13, (1999-2000)
- JSA Vol 1, multiple issues, (2001 - 2004)
- Justice League of America Vol 2, multiple issues, (2006 - 2010)
- JSA Classified Vol 1, multiple issues, (2006 - 2008)
- Salvation Run Vol 1, issues 1 - 7, (2008-2008)
- Trinity Vol 1, multiple issues, (2008-2009)
- Justice Society of America Vol 3, issues 26 & 50, (2009-2011)
- Faces of Evil: Solomon Grundy issues 1, (2009)
- Solomon Grundy Vol 1, issues 1 - 7, (2009 - 2009)
- The Power of Green Vol 1, issues 1 (2010)
- Blackest Night: JSA (2010-2010)
- Batman Vol 3, multiple issues (2016 - ongoing)
- Harley Quinn Vol 3, issues 37 & 41, (2018-2018)
- Damage Vol 2, issues 1-2 (2018-2018)
- Deathstroke Vol 4, issues 36-39, (2018-2019)
- Detective Comics Vol 1, multiple issues (2019 - ongoing)
- Justice League Dark Vol 2, issues 8-19 (2019-2020)
- Harley Quinn Vol 4, multiple issues (2021-current)
- Earth 2 Vol 1, multiple issues, (2012-2015)
- Earth 2: World's End Vol 1, issues 1-20, (2014-2015)
- Kingdom Come
- Justice (DC Comics)
- Batman '66
- Wonder Woman '77
- Batman: Arkham Unhinged
- Tiny Titans
- Scooby-Doo! Team-Up
- DCeased
Films — Animated
- Superman/Batman: Public Enemies voiced by Corey Burton
- JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson
- Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts voiced by Fred Tatasciore
- Batman: Gotham by Gaslight voiced by David Forseth
- Justice League vs. Teen Titans voiced by Rick D. Wasserman
- Batman: The Long Halloween voiced by Fred Tatasciore
- Catwoman: Hunted voiced by Steve Blum
Live-Action Television
- Smallville played by John DeSantis
- Arrow played by Graham Shiels
- Gotham played by Drew Powell
- Stargirl (2020) portrayed by CGI
Video Games
- Batman: Arkham City voiced by Fred Tatasciore
- Batman: Arkham Origins voiced by Fred Tatasciore
- Batman: Arkham Knight voiced by Fred Tatasciore
- Injustice: Gods Among Us voiced by Fred Tatasciore
- LEGO Batman voiced by Fred Tatasciore
Web Animation
- DC Super Friends voiced by Richard Epcar
- DC Super Hero Girls voiced by
Western Animation
- Superfriends voiced by Jimmy Weldon
- Justice League voiced by Mark Hamill and Bruce Timm
- The Batman voiced by Kevin Grevioux
- Batman: The Brave and the Bold voiced by Diedrich Bader
- Super Best Friends Forever voiced by Keith Ferguson
- Justice League Action voiced by Fred Tatasciore
- LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes voiced by
- Harley Quinn voiced by
Solomon Grundy Provides examples of:
- Alternate Company Equivalent: To the Hulk, though Grundy came first.
- Annoying Arrows: Green Arrow once shot Grundy with enough arrows to fill a pincushion, but inflicted no substantive damage. Given that Grundy is a) Immune to Bullets and b) already dead, this is entirely justified.
- Archenemy: Grundy has tangled with most of the DC Universe at one point or another, but Alan Scott is his most perennial foe, and vice-versa.
- The Brute: In supervillain team-ups he usually plays this role.
- Dumb Muscle: Usually less than brilliant.
- Driven to Suicide: In the lead-up to Blackest Night, Grundy received a seven issue self-titled series, where it's revealed that Gold had in fact killed himself.
- Evil Counterpart: To Alan Scott in the New 52, as he is the chosen champion of the Gray (death) with Alan Scott opposing him as the chosen champion of the Green (life).
- Fate Worse than Death: In his more lucid incarnations, Grundy fully grasps the exisential horror of his perdicament, being cursed to rise forever as a different person.
"My Creator's sense of humor is twisted... Usually I come back a mindless monster, my personality and intelligence always slightly shifting. Last time, I came back dumb...the time before that, I was softened...docile. Still, with each death, I'm forced to start again — ignoring the splinters that stab my fingernails...belching the bitter swamp water that lingers on my tongue until I dry out...and then clawing my way yet another miserable existence."
- Genius Bruiser: Can be as intelligent as he is strong if he regenerates with a high enough IQ.
- Gone Horribly Wrong: In The New 52's Earth 2 he was an attempt by the Parliment of Trees to create a plant elemental like Swamp Thing, but prospective plant elementals need to have died in flames, and Gold had not.
- Healing Factor: Regenerates any injury eventually.
- Heel–Face Turn: One the occasions when he awakens with a good aspect of Cyrus Gold's personality. Unfortunately, Cyrus wasn't a very nice guy. At all.
- Hero Killer: Grundy is a dangerous foe, and many heroes have been out of their weight class in their fights with him. His most prominent kill is Skyman, who was known as the Star-Spangled Kid as a Kid Hero and is part of the Starman and Stargirl legacies.
- HULK MASH!-Up: Although Solomon Grundy's creation in 1944 actually predates the Hulk, he is a massive Revenant Zombie with strength rivaling that of Superman and is impervious to most forms of harm including death. Later depictions of him have a more massive physique, third-person speech patterns, and low intelligence. The DC and Marvel co-produced Amalgam Comics line solidified the similarity by merging Hulk and Grundy to create The Skulk.
- Hulk Speak: In some versions, Grundy speaks in incomplete sentences and refers to himself in third person.
- Human Pincushion: After a brawl, Grundy will often have arrows, swords, knives, etc, all sticking out of his undead corpse.
- Immune to Bullets: Grundy's power levels range from being unaffected by bullets, to shrugging off the damage they leave and healing almost instantly from it.
- Implacable Man: Nothing stops Grundy, and anything that does only lasts until the next Monday.
- Innocent Inaccurate: Regardless of whether he's a childlike loner or a murderous beast, some versions of Grundy simply don't seem to understand what they're doing, or the consequences or reality of their actions. His original iteration — who was "born knowing some things", but not others — first tries to kill Green Lantern by throwing him off a balcony, where he makes a loud crash and a flash of green light because the lantern in Doiby's taxi cab underneath released a barrier of magical energy that saved his life; enjoying the noise and the light, Grundy concludes that killing people causes that to happen, and immediately turns and strangles another man in his mob because he wants to see it happen again. The guy slumps to the ground with a broken neck, and Grundy calmly says he isn't dead.
- Logical Weakness: As a plant based-being he's vulnerable to herbicidal chemicals.
- Man of Kryptonite: The wood in Grundy's body renders Scott's ring almost useless.
- Multiple-Choice Past: Just how Cyrus Gold has died has varied. His debut stated he was mugged and murdered, issue 155 of the 1982 Swamp Thing comic stated he was murdered by the vengeful father of a girl he killed while drunk, Batman: Shadow of the Bat #39 stated a pimp bludgeoned him to death when Cyrus wouldn't give into the pimp's attempts to blackmail him, Grant Morrison's Seven Soldiers of Victory stated he was hanged by a mob who suspected him to be a child molester, and the self-titled miniseries that helped lead into Blackest Night stated Gold killed himself.
- Mundane Solution: After spending the whole chapter trying and failing to defeat Grundy with his power ring, ultimately Green Lantern defeated Grundy by fighting him bare-handed and throwing the zombie in front of a freight train.
- Nigh-Invulnerability: When confronting Green Lantern or Superman this can usually be counted among his powers, but it's not one his form has every time it leaves the swamp, as he'd more often "only" be Immune to Bullets.
- No-Sell: For some reason, Solomun Grundy ignores the affects of Wonder Woman's magic lasso, the original make the bound follow any commands lasso, in All-Star Squadron. Since one of his arms was free it's possible he just failed to hear her commands while flailing around and managed to hit her before she could make herself heard, but nothing on panel bothers to explain why it didn't work.
- The Nth Doctor: Every time Grundy dies and comes back he has a different aspect of Cyrus Gold's personality, and differing levels of intellect and physical strength.
- Numerological Motif: Seven, for the seven days of the week. There are also seven issues in his miniseries.
- Our Zombies Are Different: He combines the Voodoo Zombie elements of being reanimated by uncontrolled supernatural forces, with the Revenant Zombie traits of retaining fragments of his original life and personality.
- Pet the Dog: One incarnation has him living in the sewers of Gotham, and actually has a brief Thanksgiving dinner with Batman.
- Pre-Asskicking One-Liner: He'll sometimes introduce himself by reciting the poem, even using Punctuated Pounding after each line.
- Resurrective Immortality: Assuming that you can get past the Nigh-Invulnerability and the Healing Factor and actually put Grundy down, you still haven't won, because he won't stay dead. By the next Monday he'll have crawled out of Slaughter Swamp again and resumed his rampage.
- Rogues' Gallery Transplant: Grundy has fought everybody over the course of his existence, tangling with Superman, Batman, Green Arrow, the JLA, and the JSA, in addition to his original adversary, Green Lantern. This is likely due to both his proximity to Gotham and the fact that his powers can be altered to make him an appropriate adversary for almost any hero.
- Strong as They Need to Be: Justified, since it's part of his Resurrective Immortality powers. Whenever he gets killed off and revived, he can come back as either being a serious physical match for Superman or Green Lantern, or in other cases, a strong but still beatable foe that Batman or Green Arrow can bring down.
- Super-Strength: As Grundy is a little bit different every time he crawls out of Slaughter Swamp just how much super strength he has varies. Sometimes Green Arrow and Batman can put him down, sometimes he can tank hits from Superman.
- Swamp Monster: He began life as a deceased criminal, Cyrus Gold, whose body was dumped into Slaughter Swamp, where mutagenic chemicals and mystical energy revived him as a gigantic zombie partly composed of plant matter. He was introduced as an enemy of the Golden Age Green Lantern, who has difficulty fighting him due to his ring's weakness to wood, which was what Grundy's swampy body is largely made from.
- Third-Person Person: In his most well known massive brute form(s) Grundy always speaks of himself in the third person.
- Tragic Villain: Very much Depending on the Writer; whether Grundy is a childish, rage-prone creature easily manipulated by others into evil or a bloodthirsty and cruel beast that enjoys causing mayhem can vary from one appearance to the next. The multiple unconfirmed and conflicting accounts of Cyrus Gold's death — robbed and left for dead, murdered by a blackmailing pimp, and lynched by a mob on suspicion of being a child molester — also bring into question whether he even deserved his original fate, let alone becoming Grundy.
- The Undead: Grundy is the reanimated corpse of Cyrus Gold, and any time he's "killed" he rises once more from Slaughter Swamp the next Monday.
- Walking Wasteland: In The New 52''s Earth 2 continuity where Grundy's backstory is changed and he's an "avatar of the grey" he causes things to go to rot in his vicinity.
"This is the end of Solomon Grundy"
The Sportsmaster
AKA: Lawrence "Crusher" Crock
First Appearance: All-American Comics #85 (May 1947)
“I’m the greatest natural athlete in the world ! I play any sport and I play to win ! I’m tops… they ought to build a monument to me !”
A former star athlete who was banned from playing professionally for cheating, Crock adopted a mask and instead chose a life of crime, where he would never have to play fair ever again.
- Badass Normal: He went up against Green Lantern, the wielder of unimaginable power, with mundane (wooden) sporting equipment. Dude had some serious guts...though being an Olympic-class athlete and exploiting Lantern's weakness helped.
- Blatant Lies: Boasts about having a champion's spirit, but he's just a cheating bully.
- Busman's Vocabulary: Crock peppers his speech with a lot of sporting metaphors.
- Cool Boat: The Injustice Society were competing to see who could pull off the most patriotically-themed crime, so Sportsmaster affixed jet engines to the USS Constitution and flew it.
- Daddy's Little Villain: His daughter Artemis Crock became a supervillain, first under her own name, then as the second villainous Huntress.
- Didn't See That Coming: His attempt to trap Harlequin using a fake case and kill her in revenge for betraying the Injustice Society went awry when it turned out her backup on said case was some dude by the name of, uh, "Superman"?
- Early Installment Character-Design Difference: At first he was just a rough-looking guy. Later, he gained a distinctive mask.
- Faking the Dead: How his first encounter with GL ended. He repeated the trick a few times afterward.
- Gadgeteer Genius: Apparently his mastery of sports encompasses the ability to design sports-related gadgets or rig sports equipment with bombs, poison gas or such. Perhaps it makes more sense when you recall that he's also an expert at cheating.
- Instant Expert: Had the ability to instantly master any sport or sport-related talent like a world-record champion, no matter how obscure.
- Outlaw Couple: With the Huntress (Paula Crock).
- Swiss-Army Superpower: Car/boat/airplane/horse racing is a sport. Competitive shooting/archery is a sport. Martial arts, gymnastics, and track and field...all sports. Need we go on?
- Trick Arrow: Used a number of tricked-out sports gadgets.
- Unnecessary Roughness: Banned from sports after deliberately crippling a guy on the other team during a football game.
- Unwitting Instigator of Doom: During a fight with Green Lantern, he stunned GL with a baseball bat and blew up a corner store with an exploding baseball. The store's unstable owner, who'd looked upon Lantern as a sort of god, killed five people, including Gotham's Mayor, and carved the words "Made of wood" into their chests. The crime went unsolved for decades.
AKA: Rose Canton
First Appearance: Flash Comics #89 (November 1947)
Rose Canton was a Golden Age Flash villain with a split personality. Her good side (Rose) was a mild-mannered botanist, but her evil side (Thorn) was a psychotic criminal with the power to control plants. She married Alan and is the mother of Jade and Osbidian.
- Daddy Had a Good Reason for Abandoning You: She gave birth to Jade and Obsidian, but Rose left them to be adopted and never returned to Scott, fearing that Thorn might kill them.
- Expy: As an unstable redheaded woman with an affinity for plants and a romantic attraction towards a hero who operates out of Gotham City, Thorn could surprisingly stand as sort of a prototypical counterpart to Poison Ivy.
- Fighting from the Inside: While in her Thorn persona, Rose occasionally fought to the surface, begging Flash for help and claiming Thorn was her "sister". After Thorn took over full-time, Rose managed to stab herself in the heart rather than kill her husband and children.
- Give Him a Normal Life: Rose gave up her children with Alan for adoption because she feared they wouldn't be safe from her Literal Split Personality and wanted them to have a life that didn't involve heroes or villains.
- Green Thumb: She could control plants, thanks to the sap she was exposed to.
- Heroic Suicide: Rose eventually committed suicide to prevent her Thorn personality from doing further evil.
- Literal Split Personality: Thorn is her evil split personality, being a psychotic criminal who detests having to "share" a body with Rose.
- It Runs in the Family: She unfortunately passed her mental instability on to Obsidian, exacerbated by his powers.
- Rogues' Gallery Transplant: Started out in The Golden Age Flash's gallery, with two published stories and a third that was not published until decades later. It's at the end of that third story where Alan makes a cameo appearance to take her to Paradise Island for treatment.
- Runaway Bride: Played With, she ran away right after she married Alan, during her honeymoon. She did this out of fear Thorn could harm in, but unbeknown to her she was already pregnant when she made the decision.
- Spike Shooter: Could use her plant-powers to shoot out thorns, her namesake.
- Spectacular Spinning: She had the rather odd ability to spin at superhuman speeds, which she used to battle The Flash.
- Split Personality: As a child, Rose would blame the bad things she did on an imaginary friend by the name of "Thorn". As she grew, Thorn remained dormant in her psyche until, as a biology student, Rose was exposed to sap from a strange jungle root, which gave her superpowers, but altered her mind. After that, Thorn became a bona fide alternate personality.
- Split-Personality Takeover: Eventually, the Amazons of Paradise island managed to seemingly wipe out the Thorn personality via therapy, and Rose would dye her hair and start a new life under a new name. After romatically pursuing and marrying Alan Scott, Thorn suddenly resurfaced on their honeymoon and Rose was barely able to keep her from killing him, and pretended to have died. After that, Rose mostly lost her grip on Thorn, though she managed to put her kids up for adoption so Thorn couldn't hurt them.
- Super-Reflexes: Could react quickly enough to fight The Flash.
- Trick Arrow: She had numerous trick thorns that she would use in a fight.
- Villainesses Want Heroes: Subverted. It is her good side (Rose) that fell in love with Alan Scott.
Vandal Savage
AKA: Vandar Adg
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol 1 #10 (December 1943)
The immortal Vandal Savage has attempted to rule the world (and on a few occasions, succeeded) countless times since prehistory. Alan Scott was the first superhero who fought Savage, earning him the conqueror caveman's eternal hatred. Savage continues to clash with all of Earth's heroes to this day. See his own page for more.