MCU: S.H.I.E.L.D. – Team Coulson - TV Tropes

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Team Coulson

In General 

Team Coulson

Appearances: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. | Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot

Blake: If you keep bending the rules like this, someone might take this dream team away from you.
Coulson: I'd like to see them try.

A team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents brought together by Phil Coulson after the events of the Battle of New York.

  • Arch-Enemy: Ward is this to the entire team, as he was "family" before he betrayed them to HYDRA. Most of them even have personal reason to hate him, except for Mack.
    • Daisy: Ward had been Skye's Supervising Officer in Season 1, and had developed genuine feelings for him. Ward had also fallen in love with Skye, but when it came down to it, he chose Garrett over her. After Garrett's death, his only loyalty was to Skye, but she wouldn't have anything to do with him, finally shooting him in "What They Become".
    • Fitz-Simmons: Ward jumped out a plane to rescue Simmons, causing Simmons to develop a crush on Ward and Fitz to begin Hero Worshiping him. Despite coming to genuinely care for Fitz and Simmons, Ward ultimately chose to drop them in a locked medical pod out of the Bus while it was over the ocean. Though Ward claimed that it was to give them a fighting chance rather than the gunshot Garrett had intended, both Fitz and Simmons later displayed uncharacteristically violent reactions toward Ward after that. Fitz especially because it gave him brain damage that left him with partial aphasia (inability to recall words) for months.
    • May: Ward realized that May might have been able to figure out he wasn't who the team thought he was, so he entered a sexual relationship with her. She was ultimately the one who took him out in the Season 1 finale. Later, Kara was disguised as May when Ward shot her, and Ward, unable to accept he was responsible, blamed May for it, possibly sending someone to run down her father and definitely sending Werner von Strucker after her ex-husband Andrew Garner in a Revenge by Proxy plan.
    • Bobbi and Hunter: As part of his twisted concept of "closure", Ward and Kara kidnapped Bobbi and tortured her for allowing HYDRA to inadvertently capture her. When they realized that physical pain wouldn't do it, they set a trap for Hunter using Bobbi as bait. Bobbi ended up Taking the Bullet for Hunter, and the whole ordeal left Bobbi with both physical and emotional wounds, causing Hunter to go on a Revenge Before Reason mission to kill Ward before Bobbi decides to let it go for fear of becoming like Ward.
    • Coulson: In an attempt to make Coulson feel the same pain Ward did when Kara died, Ward murdered Rosalind Price right before Coulson's eyes. Coulson then tracked down Ward to another planet and killed Ward, but he was left haunted over it as it was in cold-blood out of payback, even going as far as feeling that it was Ward who won their final confrontation.
  • Cool Plane: Their primary mode of transportation was originally the Bus, a plane outfitted as a mobile base, complete with a lab, personal quarters, an interrogation room, and a bar. A really nice bar. After it gets destroyed, they upgrade to the Zephyr One, a much more advanced plane that one would expect of the technology found in the MCU.
  • Family of Choice: For all intents and purposes, this team is Daisy's family.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Of the original team:
    • Coulson is Sanguine, being the affable and friendly Team Dad
    • May is Melancholic, being the former ace who retired from field work due to emotional trauma and only agreed to join the team because Coulson promised her she was only being asked to pilot the Bus
    • Ward is Choleric, the independent specialist who focuses on the task at hand
    • FitzSimmons are the Phlegmatic, most comfortable in their lab and both welcoming and friendly to Skye when she joins Team Coulson, unlike May and Ward's cold reception
    • Skye takes the seat of Eclectic, being the Naïve Newcomer of the team for the first season.
    • This begins to dissolve around the end of the first season, where the team develops and grows to be much larger and roles are shuffled due to factors like Skye's development into a full-fledged agent, Ward's betrayal, Fitz's brain damage, etc.
  • Five-Man Band: The original members, with Coulson as The Leader, May as The Lancer, Ward as The Big Guy, FitzSimmons as The Smart Guy, and Skye as The Heart. This is only the case for the first half of Season 1, after which it expands and roles develop until they're more The Team.
  • The Knights Who Say "Squee!": Several of them are major fanboys/girls. Skye turned into a giggling fangirl upon meeting people with superpowers. Simmons was practically giddy with excitement over holding an order signed by Peggy Carter. Trip was a huge fan of the Howling Commandos (which includes his grandfather), and even had some of their old tech. And of course, Coulson is a huge Captain America fan, and Cap's discovery caused quite a commotion for Coulson. He even watched Cap while he was sleeping! ...We-we mean...Coulson observed Captain America while he was unconscious...from the ice.
  • Living Legend:
    • May is regarded as one for her actions in Bahrain, earning her the nickname "the Cavalry".
    • Fitz and Simmons are regarded as this at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy by successive students.
    • Coulson is regarded as this by pretty much every single agent who comes to meet the group and discovers that Coulson was brought back to life after the Battle of New York (having missions with the Avengers tends to do that for you), the Koenigs being particularly obvious fanboys.
  • No Name Given: The team doesn't have an official designation, though "Team Coulson" is universally accepted among the fandom. In Season 5, they start to refer to them as Team S.H.I.E.L.D in both advertising and in universe, though by that point they're literally all that's left of S.H.I.E.L.D. after Aida and Ivanov framed Daisy for attempting to murder General Talbot.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Not quite the conflicting ideologies and egos of the Avengers, the conflicting motives of the Guardians of the Galaxy, or the mess of personal issues of the Defenders, but they're definitely this. The founding members are a major Captain America/Peggy Carter fanboy, a Broken Ace who quit the field, an anti-social field agent, a biochemist who's a little too enthusiastic about dissecting super powered people beside her, an engineer who can't quite function without said biochemist, and a hacktivist who grew up in foster care her whole life. Later members include a major Howling Commandos fanboy, an ace field agent who's a little too good at lying for her own good, a mercenary whose first response is always violence, a mechanic with some serious Fantastic Racism issues, a doctor with anger management issues, a construction foreman who's not cut out for the spy life, and a woman whose life growing up under a corrupt police force has left her suspicious of authority. Yet this team almost single-handedly saved S.H.I.E.L.D. from being completely destroyed after the revelation of HYDRA's infiltration.
  • Seen It All: The team has seen so many weird things that, by Season 5, their reaction range from mild annoyance (Mack about being in space) to being completely unfazed (Fitz about Bobbi and Hunter's attempted wedding being interrupted by ninjas). This even extends to secondary and former agents: Agent Davis lampshaded that infighting is far less common than weird missions and, despite briefly trying to understand how Ghost Rider's flaming skull works, Hunter doesn't even question his existence, focusing instead in how hot Aida was.
  • Superman Stays Out of Gotham: This S.H.I.E.L.D. team tends to deal with global threats, while the Avengers are disbanded.
  • Token Super: Skye served as this for the team's original roster, being the only with powers. She's an Inhuman capable of causing vibrations.
    • By Season 5, she shares this role with Yo-Yo, who is also Inhuman with powers, hers being super speed.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Fury originally had the team formed because he wanted them to keep an eye on Coulson in the event that there was any side effects from his resurrection. Knowing that Coulson would try and recruit May anyway, and knowing that she'd be able to judge whether or not he wasn't himself, Fury went to her first and gave her orders to assemble a profile of what she would need, coming up with a biologist to keep track of Coulson's physical health (Simmons), an engineer to keep the memory machine running (Fitz) and if necessary, a specialist who would be able to help May take Coulson down if it came to that (Ward). None of them had any knowledge of this.
  • Villain Killer: The whole team is really good at taking out villains.
    • Phil Coulson is quite proficient at killing Big Bads, being the one who kills John Garrett in Season 1, Daniel Whitehall in Season 2, Grant Ward in Season 3 and Aida in Season 4.
    • Leo Fitz is surprisingly good at killing Dragons, killing Gordon at the end of Season 2 and Giyera at the end of Season 3.
    • Skye/Daisy Johnson has killed her fair share of major villains as well, killing Gideon Malick in Season 3 (albeit while being brainwashed by Hive), Sinara and Graviton in Season 5, and Nathaniel Malick in Season 7.
    • Melinda May is the one who kills Izel in Season 6, and she's largely responsible for the death of Qovas in Season 5. She also killed some particularly dangerous one-time villains, such as Eva and Katya Belyakov and Scorch.
    • Even Jemma Simmons has killed a few major villains, notably Sunil Bakshi and Alistair Fitz.
    • Alphonso Mackenzie killed two Big Bads himself, Kasius in Season 5 and Pachakutiq in Season 6.
    • In the span of two episodes in Season 5, Yo-Yo Rodriguez managed to kill both Anton Ivanov and Ruby Hale.

Founding Members

Members with their own pages 

Daisy Johnson/Quake 

Daisy Johnson / Skye / Quake

Characters in MCU: S.H.I.E.L.D. – Team Coulson

"With great power comes... a ton of weird crap you are not prepared to deal with."

Species: Inhuman

Citizenship: Chinese-American

Affiliation(s): Rising Tide (formerly), S.H.I.E.L.D.

Portrayed By: Chloe Bennet

Voiced By: Andrea Higa [Disney dub], Analiz Sánchez [Sony Dub] (Latin-American Spanish dub), Fabiana Aveiro (Brazilian Portuguese dub), Victoria Slutskaya (Russian)

Appearances: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. | Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot

"The one thing that I don't need time to understand is that we are all in this together. I tried to take the blame for everything not too long ago. I dyed my hair, I ran away. I thought that separating myself from the team would help me protect it, but in truth, I kind of just lost myself."

A civilian hacker who draws the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. and is tracked down by Agent Coulson's team. Despite the objections of both his subordinates and superiors, Coulson makes her part of The Team. Went by the name Skye before discovering her birth name of Daisy Johnson.

  • The Ace: Evolves into this, she starts of as an accomplished computer hacker with a wide range of contacts through the Rising Tide hacktivist group. Phil Coulson put her in charge of the Clairvoyant mission because she "sees things in unique ways" and was a master at pattern recognition and analysis. She is able to pickpocket people without getting noticed. Under Ward and later May she is trained to be a field agent to become a expert marksman and martial artist holding her own against and defeat almost all enemies including the Kree. She also reached her genetic potential after undergoing Terrigenesis and gained vibration manipulation powers in season 2. Those include shockwaves, earthquakes, propel herself in the air and cushion her falls, able to sense and tap into the vibrational energy and later basic quasi-telekinetic feats. Becomes a Broken Ace in Season 3 after Hive infects her, turning her into his mole within S.H.I.E.L.D. and even leaves team temporarily after blaming herself. She recovers from this eventually in season 4.
  • Action Girl: Once Skye fully takes up her identity as Daisy Johnson she quite firmly is put on May's level, arguably even higher due to her superpowers.
  • Action Survivor: In season 1, she's not quite an Action Girl, but she can survive against standard mooks when the situation calls for it. This changes in season 2 wherein she's able to hold her own against Agent 33, who has much more combat experience than Skye does.
  • Adaptational Dye-Job: In the comics originally her hair was black, here it is brown. The comics subsequently redesigned Daisy to have brown hair.
  • Adaptational Hairstyle Change: She has long hair that's usually dyed blonde. In the comics, she has short black hair.
  • Age-Gap Romance: Daisy ends the series with a man who's significantly older than she is. It's easy to miss because Enver Gjokaj doesn't look that old, but Sousa is in his forties while Daisy is in her twenties. He's at least fifteen years older, or more than half again her age.
  • Age Lift: Daisy Johnson's age is generally given as 19 in the comics (which is why it was so impressive that she became Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. after Steve Rogers stepped down), but the revelation that Skye is Daisy Johnson, it becomes a case of this since, even though the actress is only a few years older than Daisy's comic book age, it's established that she's actually older than that, making it an example of this.
  • Ambiguously Brown: Chloe Bennet is half-white and half-Chinese. As Skye is an orphan, her ethnic background was unclear. Season 2 later on confirmed that her father is white and her mother is Chinese.
  • Ambiguously Human:
    • Since she's been revealed to be a 0-8-4, she could conceivably be anything. She might not even be human.

      Skye: [jokingly] Like, what, you think I'm an alien?
      Coulson: Well...
      Skye: Hold on, are you saying that I'm an alien!?
      Coulson: It's a theory.
      Skye: No, a theory is what scientists use to prove things in nature, this is you telling me that I might be an alien! That's not something you just say like it's no big deal!
      Coulson: I was trying not to rattle you.
      Skye: Guess what? Epic fail!

    • She's an Inhuman, which means that she's entirely human until exposure to Terrigen Mists... which happened in episode 2:10.
  • Anti-Hero: She started off as the one shown to have ulterior motives for joining S.H.I.E.L.D. in the beginning. After her much needed Character Development, she is now a good guy, but don’t expect her to pull any punches in achieving her goals.
  • Apologetic Attacker: in "S.O.S., Part 1" Skye apologizes to May when she uses her powers as a trump card in their fight.
  • Ascended Extra: With the revelation that Skye is Daisy Johnson, the show becomes this for her backstory. In the comics, Daisy was introduced as one of many members of Nick Fury's new squad, who became a Breakout Character and the most prominent member of that team, but all that's known about her backstory is that she was the long-lost daughter of Mister Hyde and the protogé of Nick Fury. In the show, though, we now have a season-and-a-half worth of details for her backstory leading up to how she got her powers.
  • Ascended Fanboy: She's always Squeeing over superheroes, and then becomes a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. Then she gets her own superpowers. Then she becomes the leader of a superhero team.
  • The Atoner:
    • After being outed as The Mole for the Rising Tide, she works at regaining the team's trust. "FZZT" shows her listing them off: memorizing S.H.I.E.L.D. protocols, "yes sir, no sir" and wearing the bracelet.
    • After being released from Hive's control and her attempt to Heroic Sacrifice herself fails, she becomes a vigilante to atone for her previous actions.
  • Audience Surrogate: She's a superhero fan and the only main character who starts out as a civilian.
  • Badass Adorable: Treats her friends warmly and is generally helpful and nice to people, at least if they're innocent. After taking levels in badass and getting her superpowers she can wipe the floor with most of her enemies in direct combat.
  • Badass Boast: In "No Regrets" Daisy gives one after Framework May asks if she's really an Inhuman.

    Daisy: Powerful enough to bring this whole place down.

  • Badass in Distress: Due to Deke's betrayal, Daisy ends up captured by the Kree.
  • Bad Vibrations: Whenever her Quake powers start to activate uncontrollably.
  • Bash Siblings: With Robbie Reyes as the series progress, notably during the finale of Season 4 where they fight LMDs together. Coulson is even disappointed not to have been able to see this.

    Coulson: I missed it, didn't I? You two together, and we missed it. Damn!

  • Battle Couple: First is with Ward, second is with Lincoln, and third is with Daniel Sousa.
  • Beauty Inversion: Averted. In the pilot, she's homeless (living in her van), yet she's perfectly clean, her hair and makeup is immaculate, and there's not so much as a wrinkle in her clothes. This is possibly justified by the fact she had a boyfriend who did have a place to stay at the time.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished:
    • Averted in "T.R.A.C.K.S." where she bleeds profusely after being shot in the stomach by Quinn. Subsequently averted in "T.A.H.I.T.I." as a direct result - she's unconscious, slowly dying in a hospital bed, with grayish skin and tubes sticking out of her, and generally does look like someone fighting for their life without much consideration for the aesthetics of the thing.
    • Discussed after her transformation into an Inhuman. Raina is quite upset that Skye's appearance remains exactly the same, while she got stuck with a hideous and painful new body.
    • Also Averted when her mother tries to kill her with her life draining power.
    • Once again Averted; in the Framework, Daisy's face is a bloodied mess after she's been tortured by Fitz. She remains this way for the entire episode.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: She tried to get Mike to embrace his powers. He did. Just not in the way she expected. A season and a half later, she gets powers herself - and they freak her out. In "Girl in the Flower Dress", Coulson warns her that the truth about her parents may be worse than not knowing.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Definitely hinted at with Ward, until he betrays The Team and show his true allegiance.
  • Berserk Button: Go ahead, try to kill Director Coulson. She'll threaten to kill you without a second's hesitation. Even if you are her father.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Good-natured hacker Skye. By the end of Season 2 not only does she gain arguably the most dangerous set of superpowers S.H.I.E.L.D. has so far encountered - enough to concern Asgardians and Kree - but she also becomes a walking embodiment of It Gets Easier as she cold-bloodedly kills a dozen HYDRA mooks. Indeed, as of the end of Season 2, she has one of the largest confirmed on-screen body counts of any character in the series, rivaling even May. A large part of Season 5 revolves around her powers supposedly going haywire and destroying Earth itself in a Bad Future, though that turns out to be inaccurate.
  • Body Horror: Her first attempts to control her Quake powers simply redirect them onto her own body, resulting in dozens of hairline fractures in her arms.
  • Bound and Gagged: Courtesy of a pissed-off Ghost Rider in "Meet the New Boss". She gets out of it in a few seconds by using her Quake powers.
  • Boxed Crook: An understated version. In "The Laws of Inferno Dynamics", by referring to Daisy as "Agent Johnson" in front of the press as they're confronting the notorious Inhuman outlaw Quake, Mace was offering to retroactively take responsibility for her actions as Quake so long as she returns to S.H.I.E.L.D., which she accepts.
  • Brain Bleach: Daisy's reaction to finding Deke making out with Snowflake.

    Daisy: I need bleach for my eyes.

  • Brainwashed and Crazy: In "The Team", Hive infects her, turning her into his mole within S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Broken Pedestal: When Ward is revealed as a HYDRA mole, Skye loses her Love Interest and her S.H.I.E.L.D. mentor in one go, something that clearly hits her very hard.
  • Brought Down to Badass:
    • Skye in "S.O.S., Part 2" spends half the episode with her hands locked in power-suppressing gauntlets, but she still retains the fighting skills she learned from May and the hacking skills she had before ever joining S.H.I.E.L.D.
    • During the "Agents of HYDRA" arc, Skye in the Framework had not undergone Terrigenesis, meaning Daisy couldn't quake her opponents, but she still had all of her combat training from the real world. Then May puts her through Terrigenesis in "No Regrets", giving Daisy her powers in the Framework.
    • In Season 5 Daisy gets an inhibitor when she is captured by the Kree, meaning she can't quake the Kree she fights. So she resorts to using her bare hands to fight them, which is more than enough.
  • Buffy Speak: One of the most prone to this in Team Coulson. From the look of it, she gets it from her dad.
  • Canon Character All Along: Though sharing her name with a minor War Machine character, Skye was not introduced as having a counterpart in the comics. "What They Become" reveals she's actually the MCU version of Daisy Johnson AKA Quake, daughter of Calvin L. Johnson AKA Calvin Zabo AKA Mr. Hyde.
  • Castfrom Hit Points: Without her custom gauntlets, Daisy's use of her vibration-controlling powers is slowly shattering her own bones.
  • The Chains of Commanding: After stepping reluctantly into the role of director in Season 5, when Coulson isn't available to lead the team. Daisy later acknowledges in "The End" that she isn't fit to be a leader, surrendering command over to Mack, a decision Coulson agrees with.
  • Chekhov's Skill: The first episode shows that she encrypts all of her computers with location-based keys. She uses this same encryption on the backup drive of The Bus' files.
  • Cold Sniper: After making her first kill with a sniper rifle, she's surprised to find her heart rate is perfectly steady.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Typically in a fight, she will use her speed to avoid hits, ducking around objects and moving around the room, as well as using improvised weapons, Gun Fu, and later her powers.
  • Comic-Book Movies Don't Use Codenames: Averted, finally, in Season Four. She's referred to as Quake. "Hot Potato Soup" reveals that she doesn't actually like the name, though eventually it grows on her.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: Skye is grateful to the Inhumans for helping her but also still thinks of herself as part of S.H.I.E.L.D., which puts her between a rock and a hard place when Gordon pays a visit to the Iliad and things go downhill from there.
  • Cool Car: Only kind of in one episode. She "borrows" a Lamborghini Gallardo off of a rich millionaire in the episode "The Magical Place"
  • Covert Pervert: It's implied in the stinger of "Eye Spy" that she used the x-ray glasses to see Ward naked.
  • The Cracker: She isn't malicious, but she was deliberately causing trouble for an international security agency. Quinn even calls her a "black hat," which is the term for this in the hacker community.
  • Curb Stomp Cushion: Daisy's powers make Ruby's loss to her pretty much inevitable, but Ruby performs admirably hand-to-hand and even manages to stop Daisy from quaking her at one point by slicing her palm. Daisy just uses the other hand and quakes her into a tree, ending the fight.
  • Daddy Issues: Sarge, having been informed of Daisy and Coulson's past relationship, accuses her of this. Despite her claiming otherwise, Daisy's response proves that Sarge isn't far off the mark.
  • Dark and Troubled Past:
    • Enough to make her erase her identity at least once. As the episode "Girl in the Flower Dress" reveals, so did S.H.I.E.L.D. at one point; the one document Skye was able to dig up from her past was a S.H.I.E.L.D.-redacted paper concerning her. It turns out that she was dropped off at the orphanage by a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. "Seeds" reveals that she's an 0-8-4. Some unidentified party (possibly her father and/or HYDRA) killed everyone connected to her in an attempt to get to her, including her family, her entire hometown, and her S.H.I.E.L.D. protection detail. The last surviving members unpersonned her and arranged for her to get randomly shuffled to a new foster home every few months in an apparently successful attempt to hide her.
    • Clarified partway through Season Two. Her hometown was raided by a HYDRA team claiming to be S.H.I.E.L.D. and all the residents, including her mother, were taken and used for Whitehall's experimentation. The aftermath left the village dead and her father a madman bent on avenging his wife and recovering his daughter. Then clarified further in the season finale. The village actually survived HYDRA. Jaiyang's healing factor works by draining life force, and she forced Cal to feed the village to her to bring her back. Not only that, but she Came Back Wrong and a Fantastic Racist to boot. Cal's descent into darkness was driven by hers; he became a monster in order to be allowed to remain in her life.
  • Deadpan Snarker:
    • She's prone to quite a few one-liners when the situation calls for it.
    • She's said "Hail HYDRA" sarcastically twice so far, and she tries to disguise the sarcasm the second time around, thinking it was Whitehall who was calling Bakshi's number (It Makes Sense in Context).
  • Death Seeker: After being freed from Hive's control at the end of season 3 she suffers from both immense guilt and horrific withdrawal. Daisy thinks a Heroic Sacrifice is the only way to atone for her actions under Hive's thrall, Lincoln stops her by sacrificing himself instead. After becoming a vigilante she begs Ghost Rider to kill her during their first fight at the start of season 4.
  • Dented Iron: By season 4, she'll wrap up her forearms in bandages and pop pills to quell the pain of using her powers when she wasn't wearing her customized gauntlets.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Lincoln's death affects Daisy so much that she leaves S.H.I.E.L.D. to become a vigilante.
  • Determinator: Daisy has fought and used her powers despite shattered bones, major blood loss and hallucinogenic alien puffs.
  • Deuteragonist: The second person driving most of the show's plot, after Coulson. Part way through Season 2, they seem to swap places, as Coulson's main character arc (uncovering the secret of his revival and the alien code stuck in his head) resolved, Daisy's Inhuman connection became the show's driving Myth Arc.
  • Doesn't Know Their Own Birthday: Having grown up bouncing from foster home to foster home since she was an infant, Daisy didn't learn her birthday until after meeting her biological parents as an adult. She also didn't know her exact age; when she learns her birth date, she realizes she is a year older than she previously believed.
  • Dork Knight: Shows delight in talking to Mike his powers, and her backstory is confirmed to have cosplayed in front of Stark Tower. In the episode "Eye Spy", Ward alleges that she says "bang" when firing gun.
  • Dude Magnet: Had two love interests and most of the male cast were at one point attracted to her.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: She had one hell of an awful life and journey - maybe second only to Fitz - with more and more traumatic experiences per season gradually turning her into a Broken Ace. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. ends with her finally getting her well-deserved happy ending, living the dream of being an outer space explorer with the man she loves.
  • Easily Forgiven:
    • Played with; after the blow up in "Girl in the Flower Dress", Simmons was sympathetic to her from the beginning, Fitz has forgiven her by the start of the next episode, Coulson is midway (having imposed her Restraining Bolt punishment yet keeping her on board), Ward has not, and May (who didn't trust her in the first place) hasn't changed.
    • Everyone is willing to forgive Daisy for what she did under Hive's sway — except Daisy herself.
    • When she leaves the team after her Trauma Conga Line in Season 3, this is played with as various characters just want her to come home, but Fitz and Simmons are still angry, and by this point S.H.I.E.L.D. itself considers her a rogue agent. Elena helped her while she was rogue, and Mack is more upset Elena didn't tell him she was in contact with Daisy. May gives a more Tough Love approach, but is all too ready to forgive Daisy, while Coulson plays this completely straight. Director Mace has to bend the rules to cover their asses in order to get her back into the fold, but she still has trouble being signed to the Sokovia Accords because of the crimes she committed while rogue.
  • Embarrassing Last Name: She chose the name Skye because she hated the name given to her by the orphanage, which is Mary Sue Poots. "Poot" is a slang word for farting.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: She doesn't love the "Quake" moniker, but she gets used to it.
  • Empowered Badass Normal: She becomes the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of Daisy Johnson AKA Quake, so she gets genuine superpowers in the form of vibration after she is trained as a field agent by Melinda May.
  • Everyone Has Standards: After joining S.H.I.E.L.D. as The Mole, she explicitly forbids the Rising Tide from hacking the organization, as seen in "Girl in the Flower Dress", and she breaks up with her boyfriend for doing just that. When she does hack S.H.I.E.L.D. in "The Hub", it's for a selfless reason, and she's upset to find out that there isn't an extraction plan for Ward and Fitz (what she doesn't know is that she and the rest of Coulson's team are being trusted to pick up Ward and Fitz themselves once the two have completed their mission).
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: Between Seasons 2 and 3, her shoulder-length waves are cut short, right in time with her accepting her identity as an Inhuman (and re-taking her birth name). After she leaves S.H.I.E.L.D. in the wake of Lincoln's death at the end of Season 3, there's a six-month timeskip where she lets her hair grow out to below her collarbones. By the beginning of Season 4, she's cut it back to jaw-length, then by the Agents of H.Y.D.R.A. arc, her hair goes back to shoulder-length.
  • The Face: Coulson says she has the potential to become this for his S.H.I.E.L.D. team; talking to people, building rapport, acquiring information without being scary, etc. As of season 3, she's the one making first contact with new Inhumans like Joey, and in Season 4 has become the best-known current S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Daisy is easily spotted by the security system she set up at S.H.I.E.L.D., tipping them off to her location and Hive's bought town. Coulson thinks it's an Obvious Trap, while Mack believes it's her way of Fighting from the Inside. In reality, it was actually this, and her warning to Fitz that S.H.I.E.L.D. should stay away was genuine. She simply forgot about being discreet because, in her words, she was "no longer thinking like a spy."
  • Foil: To Ward. In the beginning, Skye was the one shown to have ulterior motives for joining S.H.I.E.L.D., but when her plans go awry, she undergoes some much needed Character Development and sticks with S.H.I.E.L.D. until the bitter end. Meanwhile Ward is a true blue Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., but not really, since he's been playing the whole team right from episode 1. When his true colors are shown, he doesn't change allegiances like Skye, but sticks with HYDRA, until the end.
  • Foster Kid:
    • Part of the reason she seeks to fit in with the S.H.I.E.L.D. team; she wants a real family.
    • Several of the families she stayed with wanted to keep her permanently but were under orders to keep her moving for her protection. Skye just thought none of them wanted her.
  • Friend to All Children: Daisy has an immense care for children and their well-being and is surprisingly capable of handling them, she first showed these instincts with Ace Peterson and later Robin Hinton.
  • Future Me Scares Me: Her fate of supposedly quaking the Earth apart in a Bad Future scares her, to the point of refusing to remove a Kree-implanted inhibitor chip that supresses her powers. Eventually gets over it once she figures it was actually Talbot's gravity powers that would tear the Earth apart, just in time to stop him.
  • Genki Girl: Whenever she meets a superhuman, she's all squees.
  • Goth: Starts dressing as this when she becomes a vigilante.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Her eyes glow after injecting herself with the Centipede serum and blasting Talbot off into space.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Daisy grows in to this, the series follows her character arc from being a meek and mild hacker to her first kill to being able to kill a room full of mooks without breaking a sweat.
    • Daisy demonstrates this by killing a room full of HYDRA mooks, including shooting two who have already been knocked out, just for safety. Possibly emphasized by the fact that she spends a good part of the episode overseeing a rehearsal of said encounter in anticipation of May having to do it before she realizes she has to do so herself. At no point does she express any qualms about having to kill a bunch of men.
  • Groin Attack: She uses one against a random guy in the pilot and pretends Mike made her do it, causing the guy's friends to attack Mike. This allows her to escape.
  • Guile Hero: First demonstrates this in "The Asset" when she infiltrates Ian Quinn's party, then in "The Magical Place" she finds a way around the Restraining Bolt (and even uses the Restraining Bolt itself to her advantage at one point) and locates the place Coulson is being held without S.H.I.E.L.D.'s resources.
  • Gun Fu: Displays a John Wick-esque version of this during the shootout scene in "The Dirty Half Dozen" in this clip where she single-handedly takes down nine HYDRA agents with no help from her superpowers. Pretty impressive for a girl who once got the safety confused with the ammo release.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Her mother was an Inhuman. Her father is human... more or less.
  • Has a Type: So far the men she's been attracted have Tall, snarky, and scruffy men who have some Troubled but Cute aspects. In "Emancipation", Hive later implies that she likes the bad boys.
  • The Herald: Based on her conversation with Mike, she saw herself as the one delivering the Call to Adventure and inspiring him to fully embrace superheroing.
  • Heroic BSoD: In "Absolution", after she recovers from her brainwashing at the end of the previous episode, she feels despairing and self-hating.
  • Heroic RRoD: The first method she tries to gain control of her Quake powers ends up with her using them on herself until she breaks her own arm.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Daisy has it rough ever since Season 4.
    • When she goes rogue after the end of Season 3, the public thinks she is a terrorist because she destroys Watchdog assets. Mace handily flips this around at the end of the Ghost Rider arc so that she soon has legions of fans. But even then, a resentful and fantastically racist senator continues attacking her and, by association, S.H.I.E.L.D. for her so-called "undercover" missions.
    • Then Aida and Watchdogs frame her for supposedly quaking Jeffrey Mace to death.
    • Then Aida and Watchdogs frame her again by having a Daisy LMD to shoot Talbot to almost-death.
    • Afterwards, she's transported to an alternate future where some people claim that she cracked the earth apart. Will she ever have enough of this?
  • Horrible Judge of Character: in Season 6, Daisy and May trust a non-corporeal entity called Sarge/Pachakutiq too easily, due to him inhabiting a copy of Phil Coulson, who was created by the monoliths. He had both his actual and Coulson's memories. The confusion of dealing with multiple memories led him to incorrectly believe that Izel had killed his "family" and erased his memory. Adopting the alias Sarge, he led a squad on a mission to wipe out Izel and her parasitic race, the Shrike. In the season finale, thinking that they got through to the real Coulson. Daisy brings Sarge with them on a mission to stop the Big Bad Izel. When Sarge and May are confronting Izel, it was revealed that Sarge is indeed not Coulson, but Pachakutiq instead. Pachakutiq after realizing what memories were real, betrays the team and then almost fatally stabs May with his sword and throws her in the nearby portal. May manages to get back in one piece, but passes out from the wound, only saved from certain death by Simmons' arrival seconds later.
  • Humanoid Abomination: She's an 0-8-4 but as revealed in "Ragtag", there was more to the legend. Story goes that the village was attacked by monsters, and the monsters were the 0-8-4 (Skye)'s parents. Eventually it is revealed that she is an Inhuman, and so for all intents and purposes an ordinary human unless exposed to Terrigen Mists... which happens in "What They Become".
  • Humble Hero: She is uncomfortable with all the praise that Director Mace and the character witnesses he finds heap on her.
  • I Have Many Names: Skye (her hacker handle), Mary Sue Poots (the name she was given at the orphanage), Daisy Johnson (her birth name, which she later retakes), Tremors (Mack's nickname for her), Quake (the media's name for her after Season 3, and as of Season 4's mid-finale, apparently her official S.H.I.E.L.D. codename). In season 5, in both the present and future she gets called, the Destroyer of Worlds.
  • Impersonating an Officer: A heroic example. In "The Magical Place", she poses as Agent May to get a lead from a businessman as to where Coulson was being held. The real May is amused when she finds out.
  • In the Hood: Does this in the 2nd season in her transition to Action Girl. She wears a gray hoodie.
  • Insistent Terminology: As of Season 3, she insists on being called "Daisy Johnson" rather than "Skye". Only Coulson (who still defaults to it in stressful situations) and Simmons (who was off-planet when the change occurred) still occasionally called her Skye, but quickly got used to calling her Daisy.note 
  • It Gets Easier: Part of her character development. In the first season as she trains under May the point is made that she never has had to kill anyone and when she is forced to snipe an inhuman, leading to his assumed death, her reaction to this is shown. By season 2, she's shooting disabled opponents in battle without flinching.
  • It's All My Fault:
    • After being released from Hive's control, Daisy developed self-loathing, blaming herself for all her actions that the dark Inhuman had forced her to carry out. She was adamant that she should be punished for her actions under Hive's sway, refused to listen any attempts by others to forgive her.
    • She starts blaming herself, after May gets stabbed and thrown into the portal, due to her misplaced trust in Sarge who betrays the team in the season 6 finale.
  • It's Personal:
    • Daisy is more than happy to hand Ivanov a beatdown for his role in creating the Watchdogs.
    • She is more than willing to get revenge on Sarge/Pachakutiq after he betrays the team.
  • Jack of All Trades: Her unrivalled hacking abilities make her an excellent asset to S.H.I.E.L.D., and she's also shown to be quite the Guile Hero. With combat training from her superiors, she becomes combat-capable enough to the point that she's able to hold her own in the field.
  • The Knights Who Say "Squee!": She's a skilled hacker who turns into a giggling fangirl in the presence of metahumans.
  • The Leader: She was the team commander of the Secret Warriors in season 3.
  • Like a Daughter to Me: Coulson admits that Daisy is like a daughter to him.
  • Like Brother and Sister: With Mack as of Season 3. She even describes him as "like a big brother" in "Failed Experiments".
  • Logical Weakness: Daisy has the ability to generate powerful vibrations from her hands, which have the same effect as a small, localized earthquake. The constant use of this ability begins to cause internal damage, and in Season 4, a running plot point is that she has to take special drugs to help heal and regrow her shattered bones.
  • Made of Iron: Implied to be a side effect of her vibration powers. During the final battle with Graviton, she gets slammed through the pavement from skyscraper height with enough force to leave a massive crater. Most people would be left resembling chunky salsa by that, but Daisy survives and is still conscious after impact.
    • During the season 6 finale, Sarge headbutts her with enough force to send her flying back ten feet, but she quickly brushes this off.
  • Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter: She's quite the looker, and her dad is Mr. Hyde, so there's that. There's also the fact that they don't get along, so the betrayal part comes prepackaged.
  • Married to the Job: Says so in "Heavy Is The Head". Season 4 starts out with the argument that it is S.H.I.E.L.D's ideals rather than the organization itself she's married to; she goes rogue and becomes the outlaw known as "Quake" to bring down villains like the Watchdogs.

    Skye: S.H.I.E.L.D. is my life.

  • Master-Apprentice Chain: Like Gordon before her and her own mother before Gordon, she has taken up the role of aiding new Inhumans through Transition in season 3.
  • The McCoy: Plays the part to Coulson's Kirk and May's (and occasionally Ward's) Spock in the first season. Character Development and the introduction of other hotheads like Mack and Hunter causes this to diminish over time.
  • Meaningful Name:
  • Meaningful Rename: Skye takes her birth name, Daisy Johnson, during Season 3 of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. This is not only in honor of her father, but also reflects her newfound role as leader of the Secret Warriors.
  • Minored in Ass-Kicking: Mostly a Guile Hero and hacker, but she's gotten some combat training from Ward and is particularly good at disarming enemies. Moving through season 2 and into season 3, this has become a major as she gains more skills and her Quake ability.
  • Mistaken Age: Due to being an orphan, she had her birth year wrong, and is actually a year or two older than she thought. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who dropped her off might have done this intentionally in order to hide her, or they just genuinely made a mistake.
  • The Mole:
    • For the Rising Tide. It seems to be an open secret, at least between Ward, Coulson, and the higher brass. After being outed in "Girl in the Flower Dress" and forced to wear a Walking Techbane bracelet for several episodes, there's been no indication she's still reporting to Rising Tide, at least until Season 2, when it's hinted that Rising Tide may be an ally of sorts to Nu S.H.I.E.L.D. in at least a couple of episodes.
    • Temporarily when Daisy got infected by Hive in "The Team" on the rescue mission.
  • Morality Pet: For Ward, who claims his attachment to her is genuine. He exploits this to beat a lie detector, and Skye returns the favor leading him into a wild goose chase.
  • Movie Superheroes Wear Black: After Daisy gains her superpowers she is often seen going into action dressed in black. In Season 4 her whole appearance is mostly black.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Provides the female eye candy in the main cast.
    • Ward comments on her beauty under truth serum; she then exploits this to make Ward squirm while she interrogates him.
    • Towards the end of "The Asset", she's seen running around barefoot in a wet dress. Typically if any of the female cast members is seen barefoot, it's usually her.
    • She has an underwear scene in "Girl in the Flower Dress".
    • Moments revolving around her to this effect off taper a bit after these instances, but they return in Season 3, where she's taken to wearing a Spy Catsuit in the field and her first scene out of it is in a low-cut tank top.
    • In the opening scene of Season 4, the viewers are treated to a full-screen shot of her butt as she's getting dressed, a shot that contributed to that episode's TV-14 rating. Once she goes back to wearing her Spy Catsuit, she typically unzips the top down to where the band of her bra is.
  • Murder Is the Best Solution:
    • Daisy decides that if Izel killing Sarge made his memories resurface, killing him again will have the same effect. Much to Fitz-Simmons and Deke's disapproval, she's right.
    • When the team encounters Wilfred Malick, future head of HYDRA and father of Gideon Malick, in 1933, Daisy orders Deke to kill him in order to prevent all the damage he'll cause in the future. Deke can't bring himself to shoot Wilfred, however, much to Daisy's anger. Whether this would have been the best solution is ambiguous, but after an encounter with an older and significantly more dangerous Wilfred, Deke comes around to Daisy's way of thinking and eventually shoots him dead.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • Skye spends a lot of time wearing wrist-mounted devices, starting with the Restraining Bolt, then the heartbeat monitoring watch during her field training, then the various power suppressing gloves and such she gets to control her powers, and the nullifying cuffs she gets shackled with by Jiaying. While at first subtle, it becomes pretty clear in hindsight these are a nod to her identity as Daisy Johnson, a character known for her arm gauntlets in the comics.
    • By the end of Season 3, several incidents have her being explicitly being referred to as "Quake" by newspapers, and she's also sporting black hair like her comic counterpart.
    • In the "Ghost Rider" pod of Season 4, Coulson — who has resigned from the post of director of S.H.I.E.L.D. — states that Jeffrey Mace was not his first choice to take over that position and implies to Daisy that his first choice was her. She laughs it off, saying, "Maybe in the comic book version". In the comics, she actually did hold the position for some time, and later in the series, she does unofficially hold the position before handing things over to Mack.
  • New Meat:
    • Not only is she the most junior member of the team, as of "End of the Beginning" she is the single most junior member of S.H.I.E.L.D. Due to what happens in the following episode, she ends up keeping that distinction until Hunter decides to stop just being a mercenary on contract and fully joins up in the stinger for "One Door Closes", nearly a season later. When working in her primary strengths (hacking and data analysis), she doesn't make rookie mistakes, but she does tend to make them when working in the field which is an area she freely admits she needs more training in, especially after one of those rookie mistakes gets her shot. She grows out of this role over the course of the second season.
    • When she discovers that she is a Inhuman this trope happens a second time as she is the newest member of that group and says that she feels like "the new kid".
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: During the season 2 finale, when she knocks a Quinjet carrying a case of Terrigen crystals off of a carrier, said crystals contaminates schools of fish, which end up being processed as fish oil caplets for human consumption, resulting in a Mass Super-Empowering Event that couldn't have come at a worse time given that the Ultron Offensive had just happened. Of course, it was a desperate attempt to prevent her bigoted and batshit insane mother from committing genocide against non-Inhumans, but still...
  • Not in This for Your Revolution: Initially, Skye accepted to join S.H.I.E.L.D. to keep on the search for her parents. She fully committed to S.H.I.E.L.D. as time advanced.
  • Not Quite Flight: After the six-month timeskip in "Ascension", Daisy is shown using her quake blasts as repulsors to launch herself off the ground.
  • The Not-Love Interest: To Coulson. As the naïve newcomer she fulfills the stereotypical role of the Love Interest for The Hero, but their relationship is firmly established as substitute father-daughter within the first couple of episodes.
  • Number Two:
    • After breaking off his friendship with May, Coulson turns to Skye, who is the only member of his team that he truly picked himself and who looks up to him as a surrogate father, as his confidant. Starting in season 2, she shows frustration that he doesn't confide in her anymore.
    • She becomes this again in Season 5, whenever Coulson needs to leave the base. Especially after Coulson is forced to step down and Daisy leads The Team during his absence, or at least tries to.
  • Odd Friendship: How Simmons views their friendship, saying that they're "nothing alike". But after Fitz, Daisy is Jemma's best friend, and vice-versa.
  • Official Couple: It took her a very long time to get over Lincoln's death - somewhere between three to four years, but she was finally able to find love again with Daniel Sousa. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. ends with the two a couple exploring the universe aboard the Zephyr.
  • Old Shame: In-universe example. Skye was once one of the "sweaty cosplay girls" that hang around Stark Tower.

    Skye: [Embarrassed] It was one time.

  • One-Man Army: "The Dirty Half Dozen" cements her status as this, when she singlehandedly kills ten HYDRA guards in a display of hand-to-hand (and gun) badassitude during an epic oner, all without using her powers. It happens again in season 3.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname:
    • At first there was nothing else known about her name other then Skye. S.H.I.E.L.D. unpersonned her as a child to hide her from whoever killed her family, her entire home town, and virtually every single member of the team sent to protect her.
    • In "The Only Light in the Darkness" we find out what Skye's real name is... the name she was given in the orphanage, that is. It's Mary Sue Poots.
    • "A Hen in the Wolf House" implies that she has a third name, which was given to her by her biological parents. It's revealed in "What They Become" to be Daisy.
  • Orphan's Plot Trinket: The little data drive she keeps stashed away, containing all the info she could gather on her parents' identities.
  • Person of Mass Destruction:
    • Her powers allow her to manipulate the vibrations of all matter. It's speculated that she could grow powerful enough to crack a continent. At present, she's at least powerful enough to flatten a large area around herself and make objects explode, and she has no real training in how to use her powers. While training with the Inhumans, she manages to shake an entire mountain, causing a small avalanche.
    • In the Bad Future the team finds themselves in at the start of season 5, a version of Daisy is implied to having quaked the whole earth apart, though eventually, it turns out that the real culprit was Talbot/Graviton.
  • Portmanteau Couple Name: In-Universe there are people shipping her with Black Widow, calling them "Quack".
  • Power Incontinence: She has quite a hard time controlling her Quake powers, due to her not having any help understanding them like her parents were planning to do.
  • Pragmatic Hero: Daisy is willing to defile her own mother's grave to save Coulson. Of course, her last encounter with Jiaying didn't exactly leave her with much reason to be sentimental. Season 7 shows that she's also prepared to commit cold-blooded murder (or order someone else to) and possibly damage history if it means preventing the harm that HYDRA will cause.
  • Psychic Nosebleed: Daisy gets a nosebleed when the portal machine is activated, as her power enables her to acutely sense the intense vibrations being generated by it.
  • Purple Is Powerful: In season 6, her new costume and her hair have purple accents. Just like her Marvel Rising counterpart.
  • Race Lift: Daisy Johnson is white in the comics, while Skye, her MCU counterpart, is half-Chinese, as is the actress who plays her. The comics subsequently redesigned Daisy to look more Asian and her mother was retconned into being Chinese when we briefly see a photo of her.
  • Recruiting the Criminal: She's part of an anti-S.H.I.E.L.D. movement called "The Rising Tide" to reveal their cover-up of the world's superheroes, but is quickly caught by them and hired.
  • Red Baron: Daisy gets the nickname "Destroyer of Worlds" in Season 5. Considering that that name is meant quite literally, she's not fond of it.
  • Restraining Bolt: As of "Girl in the Flower Dress", she has been given a bracelet that will monitor her and restrict her use of electronics as well as other unnamed properties. Coulson disables it at the end of "The Magical Place".
  • Running Gag: Anytime she attempts to imitate Fitz-Simmons's British accents, it's terrible and even she knows it. Though she's yet to attempt an imitation of Hunter, she does become the object of his scorn when she refers to him as Trainspotting, suggesting that she can't even hear the differences between quite disparate British accents. (Which still doesn't explain why her impression of Fitz sounded Australian...)
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: This is her biggest strength. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are bound by the rules and bureaucracy of the system, but Skye isn't an agent and thus often ignores the rules in the name of doing the right thing. This is also the reason that May lets Hand kick Skye off The Bus in "The Magical Place." She knows that Skye will work much better when she doesn't have a bunch of by-the-book S.H.I.E.L.D. agents looking over her shoulder.
  • Security Blanket: Having lived in her van, she'll crawl into one of the Bus's vehicles when she feels a need for safety or solitude. She seems a little surprised when Coulson first finds her there.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: When going undercover in "The Asset". She never looked nicer.
  • She Knows Too Much: Robbie wants to kill Daisy because she figured out his identity, but this is complicated by the fact that he can't because she's not guilty of anything. He resorts to going through her stuff looking for an excuse, which helps lead him to his next target instead.
  • Shipper on Deck:
    • Daisy has been shipping FitzSimmons longer than anyone else on Team Coulson. In "FZZT", she tells Fitz that she wished her relationship with Miles had been more like Fitz's relationship with Simmons. In "Let Me Stand Next To Your Fire", she lured Simmons into a meeting by finding the perfect apartment for her and Fitz, and even got it for them (rent-controlled, even, and with only a little bit of her blood on the door). But she proved herself the captain of the ship in "Self Control" when she told Simmons that she would go through the highly trained S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and LMDs hunting them if only to see Fitz and Simmons reunited.

    Daisy: Through all the insane crap we have gone through, the one thing I have known without a doubt, the whole time, is that you and Fitz belong together. This is not how your story ends.

    • For Mack and Yo-Yo too - Daisy even says that the hardest thing to believe after returning from space mid-season 6 is not that S.H.I.E.L.D. is currently dealing with an alien with Phil Coulson’s face, but simply that Mack and Yo-Yo weren’t back together yet after they split up at the end of season 5.
  • Ships That Pass in the Night: In-Universe, people ship her with Black Widow.
  • Shoulders-Up Nudity: Has a moment in the episode "The Inside Man" after she takes off her shirt before having sex with Lincoln.
  • Sixth Ranger: She's recruited from the Rising Tide during the pilot while the other members of the team are already S.H.I.E.L.D. agents working for Coulson and she has to be convinced to join them. However, this all happens in the pilot episode, unlike most examples of this trope.
  • Smug Super: Once she actually gets a proper handle on her powers, she becomes very confident with how dangerous she can be. Unfortunately, this also translates to overconfidence with certain opponents. Robbie Reyes in particular was an enormous wake-up call for her, though she still falls into this from time to time.
  • The Spook: In the words of Coulson, "We know nothing about her. Do you know how often that happens? It never happens."
  • Supporting Protagonist: Coulson is the headlining star and leader of main cast but the plot also focuses heavily on Skye's development as a character and her perspective on things. This helped by her being the initial outsider of the team which gives her a slightly more relatable perspective.
  • Spy Catsuit: During Season 2 she wore a Civvie Spandex equivalent of this, wearing a tight jumper and skinny jeans that evoked the look in a more realistic sense. Starts wearing a real one in Season 3 when she takes over as the lead field agent after May's departure, and even keeps it in-order to use her seismic powers properly after going on the run as Quake, the Inhuman vigilante.
  • Stealth Insult: "Hail HYDRA." Spoken to Ward after revealing she had called the cops on him using her laptop.
  • Superhero Packing Heat: Despite possessing vibration powers that could level a building, Daisy uses a gun. The gun is sometimes loaded with I.C.E.R.s, but it is a real gun, and Daisy is willing to kill, if she thinks there is a very good reason.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Daisy feels very sorry for Ruby, outright telling Hale that her daughter is not to blame for her current state and could have been an excellent S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. And after Yo-Yo kills her, she is outright horrified.
  • Swiss-Army Superpower: Her vibration powers have a surprising amount of range of abilities. Besides knocking people into walls or destroying objects, she can deflect bullets and induce cardiac pumps to restart a human heart. Later, she also learns how to levitate objects and cushion falls, and launch herself into the air. She also has the Required Secondary Power of absorbing vibrations, which allows her to detect seismic activity and artificial vibrations, and gives her some level of Super-Toughness.
    • In Season 6, she is able to contain a nuclear explosion with her quake powers, and shortly after uses them to completely disintegrate a horde of Shrike.
  • Teacher/Student Romance: As of midseason 3, all of her love interests have also been her teachers. Miles was her Rising Tide mentor, Grant Ward was her S.H.I.E.L.D supervising officer, and Lincoln helped her through the Inhuman transition.
  • Techno Wizard: Managed to hack into S.H.I.E.L.D. databases, as well as gain some information about Centipede before they were able to. Oh, and did we mention she did this from a van that she was living in? The girl's impressive.
    • It's mentioned that she created the security systems at the Playground basically from the ground up. This ends up backfiring when she gets brainwashed by Hive, and the team can't stop her from hacking the base.
  • Token Super: She was this for the team's original roster, being an Inhuman capable of causing vibrations.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: Much like Mjolnir and the device from the second episode, Skye is a 0-8-4. As a baby, many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were mysteriously killed trying to protect her, forcing S.H.I.E.L.D. to put her into hiding to protect her.
  • Took a Level in Badass:
    • Ward begins her combat training at the start of "The Asset" and she uses it to effortlessly disarm Ian Quinn later on. The episode ends with voluntarily punching out a heavy bag.
    • Her storyline in "The Magical Place" is all about this. She steals the car of a Centipede associate and crashes it with herself inside, just so she can get his roadside assistance to arrange a tow truck to take her to his address. While there, she uses his computer to call his office and pretends to be an LAPD officer, flawlessly coming up with a plausible explanation about why he needs to come home immediately. Once he arrives, she poses as Melinda and effortlessly bluffs him into giving up everything he knows about Centipede's property purchases, even tossing a couple of mooks along the way. This gives S.H.I.E.L.D. Coulson's location. Even May seems impressed.
    • By the end of "Nothing Personal", she has taken yet another level of badass during the entire episode. Calmly stalling for time against Ward and making him a well-known and wanted fugitive.
    • As of the season 2 premiere, "Shadows", she's said to have undergone training from May between seasons and even joins her in the field being more than able to hold her own.
    • Training with May is shown to really pay off when she holds her own against Agent 33 in single combat.
    • As of "What They Become", she has taken another level, after her Inhuman powers are activated. At the start of Season 3, she's casually flipping cars and enemy mooks.
  • Town Girls: The (seemingly plain yet technologically gifted) Neither to May's Butch and Simmons's Femme.
  • Undying Loyalty: Towards her father figure Coulson.
    • This becomes evident especially in season 5, where Coulson is slowly dying over the course of the season. She and May were willing to save Coulson using the only remaining Centipede serum, instead of it using on herself to defeat the Big Bad Graviton. In the end, Coulson had to convince Quake he would take the cure, but instead he hid the syringe containing the cure within her gauntlets to give her power. Daisy was prepared to use their last dose of serum to save Coulson, instead of using it on herself to save the world.
  • Ungrateful Bitch:
    • Raina very subjectively refers Skye as this as a part of her Never My Fault statement in "Aftershocks".
    • in "The Honeymoon" Deke accuses Daisy of this when she berates him for trying to save her.
  • Unknown Rival: Daisy has no clue who Ruby is, or why she hates her so much.
  • Unperson:
    • She can do this on request, and it's implied she did it to herself, hence why she's an unknown to S.H.I.E.L.D. It turns out that this is her reason for learning how to hack in the first place. Her parents themselves have been the subject of this, by S.H.I.E.L.D. no less, as was Skye herself shortly before being put into foster care.
    • In "Providence," at Coulson's request, she does this for every member of Team Coulson so that they can more easily go off the radar.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom:
    • She unknowingly brings a HYDRA agent to Providence by chatting on the phone with Ward, who had, in a bit of Dramatic Irony, been with HYDRA all along.
    • In ""The Honeymoon", by providing Talbot a means to contact his family, Daisy allows Candice Lee to have Talbot's wife trigger his brainwashing and make him a Manchurian Agent.
  • Vibration Manipulation: In season 2, Skye gains the power to generate and control vibrations.
  • Vigilante Man: When Daisy left S.H.I.E.L.D in season 4 she became one of these; she takes out banks and bridges to take down the Watchdogs' resources and funding, but only her own team really knows this is what she's doing it all for. The rest of the world knows her as the outlaw "Quake". She rejoins the team fully at the end of the "Ghost Rider" arc.
  • Villain Killer: Vigilante Man period aside, she has killed her fair share of major villains, killing Gideon Malick in Season 3, both Sinara and Graviton in Season 5, and also both Nathaniel Malick and Sibyl in Season 7.
  • The Watson: She serves this role, especially in the first season. She would frequently ask questions or go against S.H.I.E.L.D.'s policies, with both often resulting in trial by fire and/or a history lesson. She still serves a minor role as this in the later seasons, but usually simply asking questions about some shared knowledge that she isn't in on, resulting in a less painful history lesson.
  • We Help the Helpless: Coulson's lessons have sunk in pretty well by the second season.

    Skye: He could hurt people!
    Jiaying: Those people aren't my concern.
    Skye: Well, they're mine. I'm a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • She doesn't like what she finds out about the mission in "The Hub", and she makes it perfectly clear to Coulson when he catches her hacking S.H.I.E.L.D. to learn the truth.

      Coulson: What did I tell you?
      Skye: You told me to trust the system, and the system sent Ward and Fitz in there to die.

    • Throughout season 4, she ends up on the receiving end of this trope numerous times after leaving S.H.I.E.L.D. to avoid hurting them again. Not for lack of respect, though— Daisy understands that her absence did hurt the rest of her friends (in an emotional sense), it just takes her quite a while to shake off the guilt from the events that led to Lincoln's demise.
    • Daisy calls out Yo-Yo in "All Roads Lead..." for killing Ruby when she might have been talked down, but Yo-Yo sees it as having saved the world and is unrepentant. However her actions going by Yo-Yo’s expression before she struck could be a combination of Yo-Yo getting revenge for her brutal mutilation at the hands of Ruby as well as acting out due to her recent trauma, and the prophecy taking its toll on her.

Jemma Simmons 

Dr. Jemma Anne Simmons

"Maybe some things are inevitable."

Species: Human

Citizenship: British

Affiliation(s): S.H.I.E.L.D. (formerly), Izel's Crew (formerly)

Portrayed By: Elizabeth Henstridge, Ava Mireille (young)

Voiced By: Karen Vallejo [Disney dub], Jessica Ángeles (Seasons 1 to 3) and Cynthia Chong (Season 4 onwards) [Sony Dub] (Latin-American Spanish dub), Jullie (Brazilian Portuguese dub), Ekaterina Tikhomirova (Russian dub)

Appearances: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. | Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot

"I can't be a part of your bad-girl shenanigans! I like following the rules and doing what's expected of me! It makes me feel nice."

A Level Five S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who specializes in biology and chemistry. She works alongside Leo Fitz, with the two of them sharing a close friendship. She is a member of Agent Coulson's team that is assembled to investigate strange events around the world.

  • Action Girl: By the end of Season 3, she's finally become one. As mentioned below, she's the least skilled out of the entire team and tries to avoid fighting when she can, but she's also able to fight alongside them ably when the situation calls for it, up to and including against Primitives, who are a great deal stronger than humans. She's especially good with firearms, having been trained by May.
  • Action Survivor:
    • She's becoming one in Season 2. Though far from a fully-fledged Action Girl, she seems to be making a deliberate effort to become stronger and faster, even if it's just to ensure that she can evade her potential captors within HYDRA until her extraction team arrives. It comes in handy in "A Hen in the Wolf House".
    • She later skirts the line between Action Girl and Action Survivor. While she's still the least combat capable female on the team, she proves her skill in "The Dirty Half Dozen," where she's not afraid to jump into active combat situations and even shoots a few HYDRA soldiers on her own. And then she's able to overpower and kill Bakshi.
    • She receives another such experience in Season 3, where it is revealed that the monolith teleported her to some kind of alien world after absorbing her, where she has been surviving alone ever since. She is seen on the run from something unknown, but having become well versed in the terrain after months of being stuck - including knowing to cover a cut with mud to mask the scent of blood.
  • Admiring the Abomination: She's inappropriately excited to learn that Centipede has managed to keep its super-soldiers from exploding.
  • Agent Scully: In "The Well", she doubts any magical elements in their investigation and prefers to look for scientific reasoning instead. This is pretty heavily shown when the explanation she choses is that the Berserker staff causes the release of anger-causing chemicals in the brain... which just means that the staff causes anger, the exact problem she wanted to solve in the first place.
  • All-Loving Hero: She's the only one on the Bus with any sympathy for the Centipede soldiers. Then she plays Rochambeau with Fitz over which one of them gets to torture the prisoner, so this trope is downplayed.
  • Amazon Chaser: Becomes infatuated with Mockingbird, especially when she sees her kicking ass.
  • Amnesiac Hero: As part of their plan to defeat the Chronicoms in season seven, Jemma can't know Fitz' location in case she's captured and interrogated. As such, she has a memory blocking device in her head, and when the Chronicoms try to remove it Jemma loses her memories. She spends most of the penultimate episode going on random tangents from what little she remembers.
  • Badass Bookworm: Explicitly averted, the first thing we learn about her and Fitz is that they're not combat-capable. Her first level in badass was in T.R.A.C.K.S., when she does what most of Steve Rogers' training platoon didn't have the cojones to do and jumps on a grenade to save Skye and Fitz's lives. Granted, it wasn't a lethal grenade, but she didn't know that, and neither did Steve. The Season One finale sees her taking another level in badass, when she refuses to let Fitz pull a Heroic Sacrifice to save her life, and instead manages to save them both.
  • Back from the Dead: Jemma was killed by HYDRA years ago in the Framework, so when her real self plugs in, she revives in the mass grave she'd been dumped in.
  • Bad "Bad Acting": As a result of being a Bad Liar.
    • On a couple of occasions she attempts to overcome her inability to lie convincingly by deciding what she's going to say beforehand. Needless to say, it backfires, and she ends up either speaking completely tonelessly or over-doing the emotional delivery.
    • Averted in Season Two: While she still believes she can't handle telling direct lies, she's become very good at evasively delivering half-truths and Exact Words as part of her role as Coulson's The Mole within HYDRA.
  • Bad Liar: A Running Gag. Nearly every episode starting with "The Hub" has at least one incident.
    • When Agent Sitwell catches her helping Skye get into the Hub's database in "The Hub", her hilariously inept attempt at deceiving him starts with trying to convince him she's looking for a bathroom, heads on through an amazingly bad attempt at flirting/seduction, and ends with shooting him with the Night-Night gun because she talked to Skye over the earpiece right in front of him. All the while, Skye pleads with her to stop talking.
    • In "T.R.A.C.K.S.", she tries to compensate with an overly-elaborate backstory which fools Stan Lee.
    • In "Turn, Turn, Turn," Triplett lampshades it, saying that if they're ever interrogated she should just let him talk.
    • In Season Two, Skye calls her lying skills "a horror show". In truth, she's gotten much better during the hiatus, because Coulson assigned her to be S.H.I.E.L.D.'s The Mole inside HYDRA.
    • By "One Door Closes" any thought that she is still this is destroyed. When Bobbi and Mack are revealed to be moles, Bobbi visits Jemma, unaware that she was aware. Simmons is able to trick Bobbi into holding two objects that knock her out. To reiterate, she sold a professional spy and one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s best agents on a deception, and both the audience and said agent never saw it coming!
  • Battle Couple: She and Leopold Fitz fell in love while protecting the world from terrorists, aliens, robots, and interdimensional beings.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished:
    • When infected with a rapid-acting fatal virus in "FZZT", she becomes increasingly pale and ill-looking, but far from unattractive for it, especially compared to the other sufferers shown early in the episode, who are shown to be haggard by the equivalent stage of infection.
    • Happens again in "Beginning of the End": despite having apparently hit her head hard enough to knock her out for several hours when the medical pod fell into the ocean, she has nothing more to show for it than a slight cut on her forehead.
    • It is averted in "Laws of Nature", where her appearance makes it clear that the Death World she's been transported to via the Monolith hasn't been kind to her. Her clothing is ragged, her hair is a mess, she's covered in dirt and grime, and there's a sizable cut on her forehead that she's forced to clean with nothing but a smear of mud.
    • Averted, when she enters in the Framework. Simmons looks quite dirty, having spent some Framework time buried in a mass grave still in the sweater and jeans she was wearing at the time of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy massacre. At one point a character even refers to her as a bag lady. Helped by the fact that the actress was ill in real life as she filmed the episode, but used this to her advantage.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: When Ward is transferred to his brother's custody, she promises to kill him if they meet again. In "The Dirty Half Dozen", despite being in an Enemy Mine, she tries to make good on that promise with the most horrific method available... and almost succeeds.
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: She's half of this with Fitz. Both of them tend to be soft-spoken and usually come across as just geeky lab rats. But if you threaten Fitz's safety, you have now angered a genius biologist / chemist who can come up with all kinds of neat ways to hurt or kill you.
  • Birds of a Feather: Her and Fitz, as everyone never fails to notice, thus "Fitz-Simmons".
  • Bond One-Liner: A non-fatal example, when Raina is arrested at the end of "The Magical Place".

    Simmons: I bet there's no flower dresses where she's going.

  • Break the Cutie:
    • Downplayed, but since she's the most naïve and idealistic member of the team to begin with, it's pretty inevitable that bad events clearly hit her hard. Becomes a plot point after the "Uprising" Retool arc. Simmons is so disillusioned by HYDRA's takeover of S.H.I.E.L.D. that she openly admits she doesn't even know why she's staying with The Team any more. Season 2 begins with the revelation that she's left S.H.I.E.L.D. entirely after deciding that she's unable to help Fitz's recovery. When she came back, she told Mack that she already knew her presence made Fitz worse.
    • It gets even worse in "Aftershocks", when Trip's death hits her so hard that she develops a reactionary hatred towards anyone with superpowers, and goes so far as to say that she's partly to blame due to spending her career trying to research and harness said powers rather than just wipe them out. Basically everything she's ever stood for up until this point, and every relationship she's developed within S.H.I.E.L.D., has been turned on its head.
    • In Season 3 she's left with severe PTSD after spending months being hunted on an alien world, completely alone.
    • In Season 4 she goes into the Framework and finds that her best friend and lover has become barely recognizable, he's not only a heartless psycho completely at odds with the man she knows but he's in love with someone else.
  • Canon Foreigner: She had no comic book counterpart before the show started.
  • Canon Immigrant: She was introduced in the Prime 616 Marvel Universe with the 2014's S.H.I.E.L.D comic series.
  • Character Development: At the start of the show, Jemma was an easily excitable scientist and Nightmare Fetishist who didn't much care for field work and was bad at lying. By the end, she's become a stoic and professional badass with a ruthlessness sometimes rivaling that of even her husband, yet nevertheless a kind and caring individual. Compare her fangirl-esque glee upon meeting "The Cavalry" to their friendship in the present, and Simmons has matured quite a bit.
  • Child Prodigy: She was seventeen when she joined S.H.I.E.L.D. academy, which she did after getting two PhDs.
  • The Cutie: Lovely and adorkable woman who doesn't hold a grudge. Unless you're Ward, in which case she's completely willing to kill. Following Trip's death, she's completely lost this trait and has become very bitter and business-like.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She can be quite snarky when she needs to be.
  • Deep Cover Agent: As Coulson's The Mole inside HYDRA in Season 2 but she's only halfway to establishing a true deep cover identity: Coulson notes that while she's no longer in contact with anyone from S.H.I.E.L.D. other than him, she has yet to make any friends within HYDRA.
  • Discovering Your Own Dead Body: Not her body, but her grave. Once Simmons arrives in the Framework she has to claw her way out of an old mass grave from a massacre at the S.H.I.E.L.D. She then notes the bullet holes in her shirt and realizes she had been murdered in this reality.
  • Ditzy Genius: She's undeniably brilliant with biotechnology, but is hopeless at trying to conceal her motivations from others, and can never remember to perform a simple spot-check before she starts talking in front of someone who shouldn't be listening.
  • The Dividual: Fitz and Simmons spend so much time together that they're usually just referred to as "Fitz-Simmons".
    • The latter half of Season One sees Fitz-Simmons dealing with the fallout from the HYDRA uprising, Fitz's Love Epiphany towards Simmons, and Simmons's growing closeness to Triplett and uncertainty about her dedication to the new S.H.I.E.L.D.
    • In season 2, Fitz' brain damage and Simmons's sudden departure from the team leads him to hallucinate her presence as an extension of his subconscious in order to maintain this relationship. She tries to guide him on his way to recovery. When the real Simmons returns, this trope is defied; Simmons and Mack each note that Fitz's condition worsens in her presence, leading to more scenes of them apart while they actively avoid each other.
    • By the end of season 2 they have reconnected to the point where she can start a plan that requires Fitz's assistance, without telling him that she even has a plan, because she knows he will pick up her train of thought without words.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: After years of suffering and heartache, losing each other from everything to brain damage to dimension traveling, to the point where it seems the universe itself wants to keep them apart, Fitz and Simmons finally get their happy ending in the Grand Finale, settling down in retirement to raise their child.
  • Eating the Eye Candy: In "The Bridge", Mike's physique has Simmons fumbling her way through several cringe-worthy sentences. She also insists on taking Mike's measurements by hand despite Fitz pointing out that they have a machine that could do that.
  • Everyone's Baby Sister: Her near-fatal viral contamination in "FZZT" reveals this attitude among the other team members, most surprisingly May and Ward. This is probably due to her non-combatant status and relative youth as far as field agents go: even May is noticeably distressed at her condition, saying "She's only a kid."
  • Fake Defector: In "Afterlife", she pretends to betray Team Coulson for the "real" S.H.I.E.L.D. and be clueless about how to open the MacGuffin while sending Fitz away with the real deal and his favorite sandwich.
  • Fantastic Racism: Trip's death causes her to turn hard on people with superpowers, right when Skye has developed her own. She eventually loses this during the conflict with "real" S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Fatal Flaw: An inability to cope with change. When world shattering events specifically effect her life and those of her loved ones, such as the discovery of Inhumans and Daisy's powers activating or the Framework incident and Fitz's lifetime as The Doctor, Jemma is more likely to waste her brainpower on trying to make life return back to normal than accept the present and learning how to utilize it.
  • Finishing Each Other's Sentences: She and Fitz. They also frequently tend to talk over each other mid-sentence, saying the same thing synonymously before ending on the same word. During Fitz's field mission in "The Hub" she starts trying to do this with Skye instead, less successfully.
  • For Science!: Her cover story inside HYDRA is that her loyalty is to science and that as long as HYDRA allows her to perform the experiments she wants, then they can count on her.
  • Gaining the Will to Kill: In season 2, she threatens to kill Ward. Later in the same season, she advocates killing Raina - and possibly the other Inhumans as well - rather than bringing them in for study. Then, towards the end of the season, she attempts to murder Ward, despite his nominally working with them, and is utterly unfazed by accidentally having killed Bakshi instead.
  • Geeky Turn-On: In "The Singularity", she is initially confused when Fitz compares the crux of their reilationship to "the singularity in trans-humanism" but quickly grasps his concept and finds his comparison to be both apt and oddly romantic.

    Simmons: Just to be clear, are you comparing us sleeping together to crossing the event horizon?
    Fitz: ...Yeah.
    Simmons: It's quite lovely when you think of it like that.

  • Genki Girl: She is the most energetic and upbeat member of the team, second only to Skye.
  • Graceful in Their Element: Simmons may be a terrible liar, lousy fighter, and a horrible flirt, but place her in a lab or talk to her about biology and she definitely shows how she earned her place on the Bus.
  • Hallucinations: The subject of them, rather than the one suffering from them: her only presence in several episodes of Season 2 is Fitz's prolonged hallucination of her. The real Simmons left months ago after deciding that her presence was harming his recovery.
  • Happily Married: To Leo, as of the end of "The Real Deal".
  • Heel Realization: "Real S.H.I.E.L.D." seems to have made her realize how much of a jerk she's been acting to Fitz and what damage her Fantastic Racism really could do.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Jemma seems very prone to these. In "FZZT", she throws herself off the Bus to prevent an alien viral infection from blowing her up and taking the team down with her. In "T.R.A.C.K.S.", she throws herself on a man with a dendrotoxin grenade (in the heat of the moment she assumed it was lethal) to save Fitz and Skye.
  • Heroic Suicide: She attempts this by jumping out of the cargo bay in "FZZT" when she believes a viral infection might cause her to die and take out the Bus. Fortunately, an antiserum had been successfully synthesized, and Ward is able to parachute after her and cure her mid-air.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: Jemma's hatred for Grant Ward is so intense that she tries to disintegrate him while his back is turned.
  • Hope Bringer: She takes it upon herself to be the sole source of hope on the Monolith Planet. Will had long since given up on ever going home before she showed up.
  • Humble Hero:
    • Played Straight on the only two occasions in Season One where she does something legitimately badass: She either never mentions it again (as when she jumps on a grenade to save Fitz and Skye in "T.R.A.C.K.S.") or refuses to accept that what she did was heroic (when Fury commends her for saving Fitz's life in "The Beginning of the End", she will only answer that "It was the other way around", even though both are technically true). Contrast with Fitz and Skye, who are both shown to be at least mildly impressed whenever they Took a Level in Badass.
    • Usually Averted in that she's very much aware of how brilliant she is at biochemistry, and while not usually arrogant about it, isn't afraid to state the facts of the matter. However, she does berate herself when her shortcomings as The Medic are revealed by her inability to outright save Skye's life in "T.A.H.I.T.I.", despite the fact that she's not a medical doctor and acquitted herself very well under the circumstances.
  • Hypocrite: She begins to develop Fantastic Racism towards people with superpowers in Season 2, but claims that she could never feel that way towards Skye, because they're friends, even though she abandoned Fitz when he started to change for the worse. Fitz quickly calls her out on the Double Standard.
  • I Am Very British: Compared to the more Glaswegian-sounding Fitz, Simmons usually has a RP accent that's similar to Keira Knightley, except when her Yorkshire accent shows through (Henstridge was born in Sheffield). Becomes less pronounced as the series goes on, and Henstridge's natural accent now seems to be more or less the character's as well.
  • Imaginary Friend: After she leaves the team, Fitz creates an imaginary version of her to both cope with the loss and to help him finish his own sentences. After Mack starts interacting with him, he seems to be aware that she's not actually there, and starts to phase the imaginary Simmons out.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Has a tendency to come across as hurtful when she's trying to be nice.
    • Specifically, her remark to Coulson about his fitness level "for a man of your age" makes him feel old.
    • Her attempt to reassure Fitz that "I'm not saying you're weak, I'm saying all men are weak" after he's mind-controlled by Lorelei - which carries a much worse implication that she completely misses because It Makes Sense in Context (to her, anyway).
    • Her treatment of Fitz in Season 2, she can't help treating him like his old self, and it just hurts the brain-damaged Fitz even more.
    • Though she doesn't know it, her treatment of Skye in "Aftershocks": she heatedly defends her new Fantastic Racism to Skye, arguing that superpowers are an epidemic and should be wiped out, right as Skye realises that she herself has just developed superpowers. Coming from one of her best friends within S.H.I.E.L.D., it was just about the last thing Skye needed to hear right then.
  • Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: After Trip dies she becomes more ruthless, upping the stopping power of the ICERs despite potential side effects and taking a more hard-line approach to stopping them. When Coulson teams up with Ward for a mission to raid a HYDRA base, she brings along a splinter bomb to kill him, though she ends up getting Bashki when he takes the bullet for Ward.
  • The Knights Who Say "Squee!":
    • In Season 2, she's practically giddy with excitement at the fact that she's holding an order signed by Peggy Carter herself, and can't stop gushing to May about how awesome it is that S.H.I.E.L.D. was founded by a British woman.
    • In the episode where she first meets Bobbi, she can't stop telling everyone (including Bobbi herself) how awesome she thinks she is.
  • Living Legend:
    • In "Seeds", she and Fitz are both revealed to be this to the science and tech students at S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy.
    • There's also the fact that everyone within S.H.I.E.L.D. - including Dr Stretian and Nick Fury - seems to know them by reputation even before they join Coulson's team. Stretian is shown to be concerned to learn about them joining since he knows they're not combat capable, and Fury knows them at least well enough to realise they'll help Coulson modify the plane's interior in their spare time if he doesn't put a stop to it.
  • Mad Scientist: Just a bit. When Skye wonders how long an Asgardian has been living on Earth, Simmons suggests cutting him open to find out. Skye then suggests the much simpler option of asking him.
  • Master of the Mixed Message: It's pretty obvious from the beginning that Simmons is in love with Fitz - they're Birds of a Feather and Everyone Can See It. Heck, she smothers him in kisses when he finally gets the nerve to tell her how he feels about her. Except that she never thought of him that way, and it was such a shock that she had to go away for a while to clear her head, but she still really does care about him, but just as a friend. Probably. How would she know, since she's never thought about it? Though she doesn't like seeing him happy with someone else, even though it's probably platonic. She tells Bobbi that she's definitely not interested in him that way, and then Bobbi tells her that she's putting out as many as ten signals that say she's lying. Not that it matters, because he kept secrets from her and she hates him now. Then she becomes scared and she still desperately wants him to hold her hand, and when it looks like they're going to be separated for another indefinite period she signs her note to him "Love, Jemma x". As if poor Fitz didn't have a hard enough time keeping his sense of reality in check...
  • Master Poisoner: Given her specialty in biology and chemistry, she's the go-to for creating poisons, knock out chemicals, or other drugs.
  • Meaningful Name: "Jemma" echoes "Gemini", the star sign symbolised by twins, as she's one-half of The Dividual, along with Fitz (whose own first name, Leo, is also that of an astrological sign).
  • The Medic: Out of the whole team she has the most medical experience, which she likely picked up during her biology studies. Though it should be noted that she is not a medical doctor, just that she knows slightly advanced first aid. When Skye is shot and almost dies, Simmons identifies a hyperbaric chamber that would keep her alive temporarily, but still stresses that she will die if not taken to a hospital.
  • The Mole: In "Making Friends & Influencing People", it's briefly made to look as though she may have been a HYDRA mole all along. Then, it's revealed that she's actually Coulson's The Mole inside HYDRA.
  • Moment Killer: Can be a Type 3 at times, which fits in with her occasional social awkwardness. Is particularly guilty of this where Fitz is involved, managing to inadvertently derail any attempt he makes to discuss his feelings with her. She's also done this at least once to Ward: when he imitates her bad impression of him as an attempted ice-breaker, she ends up correcting it, which leaves him looking confused.
  • Morality Chain: Downplayed, and even mildly Played for Laughs on occasion: Fitz (and sometimes Skye) have to remind her now and again that it's inappropriate to get over-excited about the opposition's success because it advances her own interests, or to discuss dissecting someone who is in fact still alive.
  • My Way or the Highway: While she mostly values her friends, she is prone to taking on this attitude whenever she feels like she is right. In Season 6, when she, Daisy, Davis and Piper are searching for Fitz in space, she absolutely refuses to entertain the idea of returning to Earth, even though the fuel and food stocks are running dangerously dry. She even insults Piper and Davis as cowards.
  • Nerds Love Tough Schoolwork: Fitz admits that she's probably cleverer than he is, technically, "but only because she loves homework more than life itself."
  • Nice Girl: By far the sweetest character on the show, though that's been slipping in the second season.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: Season 2 opens after Simmons has left, believing that her presence was somehow harming Fitz's chances of recovery. In reality, her absence breaks the last connection with reality he has, to the point where he doesn't even know that she's gone and hallucinates her presence, or his recovery is actually declining alarmingly.
  • Nightmare Fetishist:
    • Every time she encounters something weird, gooey, and dripping, she coos and squees over it like a little kid that just got a new stuffed toy.

      Simmons: Oh wow, it's actually dripping! Fun!

    • In the second episode, this extends to being excited about being in a place with lots of dangerously venomous snakes around, which alarms Fitz.
    • Her well-meaning attempts to explain to others (especially Skye or Fitz) that something potentially deadly is in fact adorable and fascinating often just makes them more nervous.
    • Toyed with in "FZZT" where she's excitedly detailing to Coulson how a deadly virus spreads as the latter realizes that she's infected. As she rambles on, Coulson quietly quarantines her.
  • No One Gets Left Behind: Rather than leave Fitz to drown as he had intended, Simmons drags him from the medical pod that Ward tried to drown them in.
  • No Social Skills: Downplayed when compared to the more pure example provided by Ward, but it's increasingly clear that although she genuinely likes most people, she has very little idea of how weird she occasionally comes across as in conversation. Fitz seems to provide a buffer to some of her more awkward attempts to express herself, and she becomes noticeably worse during his absence in "The Hub".
  • Oblivious to Love: As Fitz's feelings for her grow more and more obvious to him and to others, Simmons seems to be more and more clueless that he feels more than friendship for her.
  • Odd Friendship: How she views her friendship with Skye/Daisy. In "T.A.H.I.T.I.", Simmons says that she and Skye are "nothing alike", but admits that she couldn't imagine life without Skye.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist:
    • Played with: like Fitz she is a specialist (though different iterations of the character are in slightly different fields: biochemistry in the show, xenobiology in the comics), and has a good working knowledge of other areas, but very clearly defined limitations outside of what she's specifically trained in.
    • She acts as The Medic purely on the basis that she has a Ph.D. in biology, despite most of what she says about her previous work indicating that she's never actually studied human anatomy or medical science, and in fact May seems to have more experience of treating injuries sustained in the field. It's Justified in that she's just good enough at what she does to get by in advanced first aid; she certainly doesn't have the calm response in a medical crisis that an M.D. would, and is shown on occasion to be near to tears if she's forced to work on critically injured patients.
      • Later seasons seem to actively forget that she's not a medical doctor, however. Pretty much at any point after the team find The Lighthouse, she'll be the first port of call for medical issues, even if by rights there should be a medical specialist on hand to take care of it.
  • Only Friend: In "Seeds", Fitz says that he didn't really have any company other than his mother growing up, implying that Simmons was the first real friend he ever had.
  • Only Sane Man: Subverted. Simmons often hints that she thinks this (especially of herself in relation to Fitz), but while it's sometimes true (even he's forced to admit she's probably the more intelligent of the pair), he's more capable of adapting quickly to tasks outside of his comfort zone, and is generally better at dealing with people who aren't helpful allies.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
    • Jemma is undoubtedly one of the nicest people on Coulson's team, and she probably wouldn't hurt a fly. That's why her firm declaration that she would kill Ward should he ever return is so disturbing.
    • In the second half of Season Two, she rants that the various horrible things that have happened recently are all her fault for wanting to study aliens and superhumans when she should have been trying to eradicate them, and advocates a shoot-first-and-ask-questions-later policy.
  • Proud to Be a Geek: In addition to her open fascination with all things biology and chemistry, she makes multiple references to Harry Potter and Doctor Who, and apparently plays Minecraft.
  • Put on a Bus: The real Simmons is long gone by the Season 2 premiere, having left S.H.I.E.L.D. in the belief that her presence was harming Fitz's chances of recovery; the version the audience sees is just Fitz's hallucination of her, demonstrating that her plan did not work at all.
  • Rank Up: In Season 4, when Jeffrey Mace becomes the new Director, Simmons accepts the position of "Special Advisor to the Director in Science and Technology" (or S.A.D.I.S.T. as Fitz points out), which makes her the highest ranking agent in the Playground after Mace, placing her in a position to give orders to the rest of the team. She eventually uses that to circumvent General Talbot when he tries to take command after Mace goes missing after an assassination attempt.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Fitz's red, sometimes they're even Colour-Coded for Your Convenience. Though interestingly, while she has the Stiff Upper Lip and even-temperedness of the Blue Oni, she tends to be the one of the duo who's adventurous and most excited about new things.
  • Relationship Upgrade: After more than two and a half seasons, her relationship with Fitz goes from platonic to romantic. Two seasons later, they say I Do.
  • Running Gag:
    • Simmons is a very Bad Liar, which makes undercover work nearly impossible. This becomes significant in Season 2, where she's perfect as Coulson's The Mole because HYDRA are well aware she can't even beat a lie detector.
    • In social interactions generally she often comes across as slightly... odd. A combination of her Innocently Insensitive and Nightmare Fetishist comments often manage to insult, offend, or just freak out the person she's talking to. Chances are about fifty-fifty whether she spots it herself and tries to undo the damage, or if Fitz or Skye have to jump in and stop her talking.
    • Her noticeable appreciation of physically fit black men, usually conducted so that Fitz can't help but notice it. In Season 2, even Fitz's hallucination of her gets in on the act.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: A Downplayed example with her and Fitz. She's the one who wanted to be a field agent and is happy to deal with hazardous materials as part of her work; Fitz Didn't Want an Adventure and is more cautious about what aspects of the work he voluntarily becomes involved in.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: She may have flubbed it up, but in "The Hub" Skye has no problem talking Simmons into helping her to hack S.H.I.E.L.D. for information on Fitz and Ward's mission when she plays off Simmons's concern for "their boys", which far outweighs her concern for following the rules.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely:
    • When disguised as Coulson's estranged "daughter" in "T.R.A.C.K.S.". Who'd have thought she'd look so good wearing lady clothes? Jane Foster would probably feel upstaged at that point.
    • Downplayed in "The Singularity". Her disguise there is not quite as feminine as the one from "T.R.A.C.K.S.", but she still looks pretty snazzy, especially with that chic red leather jacket, a fact which Fitz is not blind to.
  • Ship Tease:
    • She becomes the focus of a Love Triangle with Fitz and Triplett towards the end of Season One, though it's not quite clear to what extent she returns either of their feelings. However, she does respond quite positively to Fitz's Dying Declaration of Love in the Season One finale.
    • She's also quite prone to Eating the Eye Candy whenever Mike Peterson's around, and attracted the romantic advances of Prof. Randolph.
  • Skilled, but Naive: The status of both her and Fitz when they join the team. Of everyone on the Bus, they are the least acclimated to the hardships of life and battle.
  • The Smart Guy: Shares this role with Fitz because they're The Dividual. She focuses on biological issues The Team encounters. In the words of Coulson, she has two Ph.Ds in fields he can't pronounce.
  • Stupid Sexy Flanders: Bobbi appeals to Simmons very much, particularly once she starts beating down people.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: Jokes involving her time on Maveth aside, Simmons and Fitz have been put through hell and back over the course of the series. Fitz even refers to them as "cursed" in "Many Heads, One Tale". It gets even worse in season seven, where Jemma is forced to erase her memories of Fitz' location and their time raising a child together, in case the Chronicoms capture her and torture her for information. By the Grand Finale, thankfully, the two reunite for good.
  • Teen Genius: She and Fitz were both mentioned to have been this back when they were at the Academy.
  • Through His Stomach:
    • You know the sandwich Fitz was looking forward to eating in "The Hub"? She made it for him and was very eager to hear if he liked it.
    • In "Nothing Personal", her solution to cheer up Coulson, Fitz and Triplett after their discovery that the rest of the team have gone missing is to make pancakes.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Though still probably the least combat-capable of the team by the end of Season One, she does get a couple of moments:
    • In "T.R.A.C.K.S." she doesn't hesitate to jump on a live grenade to save Fitz and Skye (her only comment before doing so being "Oh bloody hell!"). Luckily it's only a dendrotoxin grenade that knocks her out for a few hours, but none of them knew that at the time.
    • In "The Beginning of the End" she refuses to allow Fitz to pull a Heroic Sacrifice to save her life, and instead of swimming to safety by herself like he wanted, drags him along with her.
    • She takes another major one during her absence between "The Beginning of the End" and "Making Friends and Influencing People". The latter reveals that she's The Mole for Coulson within HYDRA. It's unclear whether she volunteered for the role or was offered it, but she carries it off much better than she would have done in Season One.
    • In "A Fractured House," Simmons explicitly and boldly tells Ward that if she ever sees him again, she'll kill him herself. Again, Simmons tells Ward that she will kill him without a hint of hesitation.
    • "Laws of Nature" shows she can give Survivorman a run for his money. She survived months on an alien planet, with little but the clothes on her back, while something was chasing her.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: More subtly than Fitz perhaps, but in Season Two she's less pleasant than in Season One, partly due to losing her status as the resident Wide-Eyed Idealist of the team.
    • Particularly, her framing of her HYDRA lab partner to save herself (even though he wasn't an innocent bystander), her near-constant verbal sparring with Mack, and her inability to deal maturely with the increasing messiness of her relationship with Fitz, generally make her less unambiguously sympathetic than in the first season.
    • There's also the fact that she threatened to kill Ward, but it's easy to see how her actions on that occasion could be entirely justified.
    • Then she develops Fantastic Racism just as Skye becomes a superhuman herself.
    • Episodes in the second half of Season 2 continues, as she develops new ICErs, that are more powerful but also risk permanent damage.
    • In the Framework, she's increasingly snarky and hostile upon reuniting with Ward, albeit a nicer version of Ward at that, and her refusal to fall for the alternate reality (especially in regards to Fitz) gets her called out on frequently. Her attitude does take a few hits when she sees Mack interact with Hope, and when Ward apologizes for his counterpart's villainous actions, though.
  • Torture Technician: A heroic example. She picked up some useful techniques during her stint as S.H.I.E.L.D.'s woman in HYDRA, as she coolly demonstrates in "The Patriot" during a Perp Sweating. It helps that she could disguise AIDA's severed robotic head as her own handiwork. Fitz admits that it was "weirdly attractive."
  • Town Girls: The (lovely, idealistic and adorkable) Femme to May's Butch and Skye's Neither.
  • The Unfavorite: The S.H.I.E.L.D. comics give her a brother and sister to whom her father compares her unfavourably.
  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • In "FZZT", Coulson rakes her and Ward over the coals for jumping off the Bus during the climax.

      Coulson: Don't get me wrong — I'm happy you're both alive, truly, and I realize you were trying to save the team — but what you did today? That was not your call. Just getting you out of the water — do you have any idea what a pain it is dealing with the Moroccan office? Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again! We'd hate to lose you, Jemma.

    • She comes in for one of these courtesy of Skye and Trip in "Heavy is the Head": they're not happy with her for leaving Fitz and the rest of the team. They have to rethink that line of thinking in "Making Friends and Influencing People" when they realize that she didn't in fact just leave them, and Fitz, because she wanted to but to infiltrate HYDRA. At that point they get it - they just don't know if she's going to survive it, considering she's such a bad liar.
    • Calls out Fitz for lying about Skye's newly-developed superpowers, only for him to throw back how badly Simmons reacted to Fitz changing from brain damage.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?:
    • Despite her total fearlessness when in close proximity to insects, reptiles, rodents, dead bodies, and carriers of infectious disease, in "Providence" she's anxious at the prospect of there being bears anywhere within scanning range.
    • After nearly falling to her death in "FZZT", she mentions an increased fear of heights once or twice, which becomes a minor difficulty in "The Well". It doesn't really come up much later because she was making a conscious effort to avoid letting it develop into a full-blown phobia.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist:
    • Simmons likes following the rules. It makes her feel nice!
    • Later Averted: Simmons becomes massively disillusioned with S.H.I.E.L.D. following the "Uprising" arc, and after learning of Ward's betrayal, she's ready to accept that some people are inherently evil, while Fitz is the one arguing that no-one is simply a bad person for no reason. It becomes worse after the incident in the Kree city, after which she becomes the one to push hardest for just putting superhumans down.

Later Additions

Antoine "Trip" Triplett 

Antoine "Trip" Triplett

"I got a clear shot and a trigger finger that needs some love."

Species: Human

Citizenship: American

Portrayed By: B.J. Britt

Voiced By: Carlos Torres [Disney dub], Raúl Solo [Sony Dub] (Latin-American Spanish dub), Maurício Berger (Brazilian Portuguese version), Roman Nikitin (Russian dub)

Appearances: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (first appears in Episode 14: "T.A.H.I.T.I.")

A Level Six S.H.I.E.L.D. agent working with Agent Garrett since Ward's promotion. He and Garrett assist Coulson's team in several missions during the hunt for the Clairvoyant. Trip soon joined the team on a permanent basis after HYDRA's continued existence was exposed.

  • The Ace: Aside from being a bonafide badass, he's smart enough to understand every word that Fitz says. He can also fly a plane and anything else Coulson needs him to do.
  • Always Someone Better: Fitz is starting to see him as this due to his closeness with Simmons and his status as The Ace.
  • Badass Family: His grandfather's a Howling Commando!
  • Big Brother Instinct: Seems to have inherited Ward's attitude towards FitzSimmons in this regard. When the gun turret in "Providence" starts firing into the group, Triplett can be seen covering Simmons' retreat and then pulling Fitz out of the way before diving for cover himself.
  • The Bus Came Back: Died in Season 2, but returned in Season 4 as part of the Framework simulation with his grandpa's Howling Commando gear in tow.
  • Canon Foreigner: Unlike many other major recurring characters on the show (particularly S.H.I.E.L.D. agents), but like the main cast members, Triplett has no comic book counterpart.
  • Character Catchphrase:
    • His all-purpose "Damn!".
    • Also according to his team "Come on gurl!"
  • Cultured Badass: Much to Fitz' consternation.

    Triplett:...but I'm telling you, he's chasing the white whale.
    Fitz: Okay, have you even read Moby-Dick?
    Triplett: Yeah, have you?
    Fitz: That's not the point.

  • Cynicism Catalyst: His death turns him into one for half the cast. Simmons' Fantastic Racism comes due to blaming superpowers and the pursuit/study of them for causing Trip's death, Skye is shown to blame herself immensely which likely contributes towards her Power Incontinence, and Mack and Bobbi consider his death (as well as Mack's brainwashing) the final straw that causes them to turn against Coulson's leadership that leads to 'real' S.H.I.E.L.D. shutting him down. As noted the episode following, they're going to laugh a lot less without him.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Snarks to Ward about the Bus being tricked out and how he'll probably find the brig "between the Jacuzzi and the Squash Court". He and Fitz, who also employs this trope a lot, trade insults more or less every time they talk to one another. It helps that they share a Love Interest.
  • Dead Partner: His partner in Garret's team was Damon Rowe, who was killed by Ian Quinn's men thanks to information provided by the Clairvoyant. Triplett had to tell Rowe's six year old son about his father's death and wants to kill the Clairvoyant for it.
  • Dying Moment of Awesome: Downplayed, but it's there. Upon hearing that Coulson and Skye were in the alien city, he immediately jumps back into the city, without the hazmat suit he had on earlier. He proceeds to find and disarm the four bombs that he and Fitz-Simmons just set up, when earlier, they had to split up for them to make it out with "ten minutes to spare". Finally, he makes it into the room where Skye and Raina are in just before it's sealed, though this proves to be fatal for him. He does manage to break the Diviner before he gets Taken for Granite, thus preventing a widespread catastrophe.
  • Face Death with Dignity: When Raina and Skye are being encased in Terrigens cocoons, he sees he's unaffected and spin-kicks the crystals in hopes of saving them from, apparently, the same fate that hit everyone who ever touched the Obelisk/Diviner. It doesn't work, and when he sees shards of Terrigens in his chest and knows he's turning to stone, he just looks at Skye with a sad, apologetic look.
  • Fake Guest Star: He appears in all but one episode in the final run of Season 1, has as much screen-time as the leads and is a full member of Coulson's team (essentially replacing Ward) by the end, but is still billed as a guest star. This is still the case in Season 2, despite the popular belief that he'd be promoted to lead cast and the fact that he appears in every episode. Justified as he barely makes it to the halfway point of Season 2 before carking it.
  • Famous Ancestor: His grandfather's one of the Howling Commandos. Quite possibly where he gets his Cultured Badass from. We never did find out which one, though.note 
  • Good Counterpart: For Ward; he joins Team Coulson as the replacement Big Guy while Ward turns out to be HYDRA. Also, both of them worked under Garrett, but Triplett is a loyal S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
  • The Good Guys Always Win: Espouses this belief in "The Only Light in the Darkness". His grandfather kicked HYDRA's ass back in the day and he's going to do the same thing now.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Had Trip not shattered the crystal, the Terrigen Mists would have spread much farther, triggering widespread mutations and chaos.
  • Hidden Depths: Fitz repeatedly makes the mistake of treating Trip like Dumb Muscle and is continuously flustered whenever he tries to explain something only for Trip to already know it, or even show him up.
  • The Knights Who Say "Squee!": Like Coulson, he's very enthusiastic about his grandfather's old S.H.I.E.L.D. gear.
  • Literally Shattered Lives: After he dies, his body crumbles to pieces almost immediately due to the effects of Skye's new earthquake powers on his petrified remains, presumably so there's no way for fans to speculate that He's Just Hiding or for the writers to back out and claim he got better.
  • The Medic: He has medical training, which is why he stays aboard The Bus to assist Simmons in treating Skye rather than accompanying the other field agents into the Guest House.
  • Mexican Standoff: Has one with Hand and several of her agents after HYDRA came out of hiding within S.HI.E.L.D. and making Triplett and Jemma believe she was a HYDRA plant, which in-turn makes Hand state that he was now the 7th person she could trust.
  • Nice Guy: A genuinely good and kindhearted man, Trip never let any of the evils he saw in the world shake his belief in good. He's also pretty much the one person in S.H.I.E.L.D. who everyone - from Coulson, to May, to even Hunter - seems to like and get along with; even Fitz couldn't dislike him despite his insecurities. Highlighted by his death - everyone on the team's heavily demoralised and upset by it, and tempers flare in response to interpersonal conflicts coming to the fore.
  • Not So Stoic: All stoicism is dropped once he drags out his grandfather's S.H.I.E.L.D. kit. See The Knights Who Say "Squee!" above.
  • Only a Flesh Wound: One of the team's more combat-effective members. Despite still recovering from a life threatening wound, Tripp manages to run around and disarm four remote bombs before they detonate and kill everyone in the Underground city.
  • The Paragon: As explained by May after his death, Coulson sees in Trip all the qualities on which he feels S.H.I.E.L.D. should be built on.
  • Romantic False Lead: He seems to be this for Simmons, since their implied mutual attraction is never really explored further than how it impacts Fitz and Simmons' relationship, and is usually shown from Fitz's point of view. So far his part in the Love Triangle that got set up in Season 1 has not even been mentioned again, since the whole Fitz-Simmons arc took a different direction in Season 2. The Love Triangle involving the three of them gets one last minor nod before Trip dies in Episode 2.10, but overall that seems to confirm the use of this trope.
  • Sacrificial Lion: True to form, he's built up as a major yet secondary character for the best part of a season, then becomes the first member of Team Coulson to die in the Season 2 mid-season finale.
  • Schizo Tech: Thanks to his grandfather being one of the Howling Commandos, Trip has a briefcase full of deceptively-advanced retro tech. From cigarettes that are lasers, to antique hair dryers that are ray guns. Predictably, Coulson completely geeks out over it. Even in the Framework, a combat boot with a hidden camera becomes a plot point.
  • Senseless Sacrifice: Trip spin-kicks the crystal, shattering it, in hopes of freeing Skye from the stone covering her. It fails, and he's hit by some of the Diviner shards, which turn him to stone, thinking Skye died as well. Not so senseless is his Heroic Sacrifice detailed above.
  • Ship Tease: He had quite a few scenes with Simmons, particularly in Season 1, that hint that they may become involved, causing Fitz to go all Green-Eyed Monster whenever the three of them are together.
  • Sixth Ranger: Technically seventh, but he's the first new character to join Team Coulson after the initial six are introduced in the pilot. And his joining coincides with Ward's exposure as a HYDRA infiltrator, so Triplett is the sixth of six good guys on the team.
  • Soul Brotha: "I bring the noise and the funk wherever I go."
  • The Stoic: While he's cool headed and reserved, he's more personable then other standard agents. He even snaps once he sees his mentor having turned traitor. In "Nothing Personal", even when unemployed, disavowed, and hunted by various intelligence agencies, Trip considers their stay at a hotel a vacation until he gets his next set of orders.
  • Taken for Granite: He dies by being turned to stone after part of the Diviner crystal becomes lodged in his chest while he tries to free Skye from its influence.

Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie 

Lance Hunter 

Lance Hunter

"Well excuse me doing my job thoroughly. And with style."

Species: Human

Citizenship: British

Portrayed By: Nick Blood

Voiced By: Carlos Hernández [Disney dub and Sony Dub] (Latin-American Spanish dub), Léo Rabelo (Brazilian Portuguese dub), Andrey Khitrin (Russian dub)

Appearances: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (first appears in Episode 23: "Shadows")

A mercenary who used to work closely with Isabelle Hartley and Idaho. He becomes a member of Team Coulson in Season 2.

  • Age Lift: The comic version of Hunter is an older man who serves as the head of S.T.R.I.K.E.
  • Amazon Chaser: His ex-wife's a kick-ass S.H.I.E.L.D. agentnote  and it's implied that he had a crush onnote  Isabellenote  who was also a kick-ass S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
  • Anti-Hero: Compared to the rest of Coulson's team, Hunter's the guy far more willing to get his hands dirty than the rest of them. It reaches its apex during his Start of Darkness when Andrew nearly died because of his obsession with getting revenge on Ward. It took him a very long time to earn the team's trust back after that, and as a result spent said time as their resident Butt-Monkey.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: Calls his ex-wife "pure evil" before she's revealed to be Bobbi, and endlessly snarks at her once she joins the team, but it's increasingly clear they still love each other and are both violently protective of each other.
  • Berserk Button: Don't keep secrets or lie to him to keep those secrets. That's why his marriage to Bobbi ended in divorce.
  • British Teeth: Idaho states that this is the reason why Hunter broke a tooth while eating a meal Idaho had prepared.
  • The Bus Came Back: In Season 5, he comes back to help Fitz out of a jam.
  • Butt-Monkey: Is increasingly humiliated episode-to-episode for laughs.
  • Cassandra Truth: While his first complaints about his ex-wife Bobbi sound like hyperbole, it's eventually revealed that their relationship problems stem from the fact that Bobbi always has some secret side-job running that inevitably spoils their relationship as soon as Hunter figures it out. By contrast, Hunter, despite being a secret agent, is not a big fan of secrets within secrets and is generally straight with her. This makes it all the more ironic that Bobbi would be working for the supposedly transparent "real" S.H.I.E.L.D. while Hunter sticks by Coulson, who plays things almost as close to the vest as spymaster extraordinaire Fury.
  • Composite Character: He's Bobbi Morse's ex-husband, like Hawkeye is in the comics,
  • Crazy-Prepared: He carries around a hip flask of scotch and two shot glasses in the event that he's stuck somewhere cold. The second glass is for whomever will help "keep [him] warm".
  • Deadpan Snarker: Befitting his Britishness, Hunter can be quite snarky when he wants to be without having to change the tone of his voice.
  • Determinator: He fought his way off of the Iliad when the entire crew was trying to stop him.
  • Elites Are More Glamorous: A former lieutenant in the Special Air Servicenote .
  • Establishing Character Moment: He manages to get the drop on May and Triplett, impressing Coulson in the process.
  • Expy: The television version of Lance Hunter, as a deadpan snarker with a heart of gold who's also Mockingbird's ex-husbandnote , has more in common with Hawkeye than his comic counterpartnote . He's also rather similar to Dominic Fortune, a mercenary who worked with Mockingbird and often flirted with her.
  • Hidden Depths: In Season 3, he briefly mentions recommending a documentary about climate change to Fitz.
  • Hopeless with Tech: Type 1. He can do basic stuff, but knows nothing about code, and can only type about 10 wpm. Not a huge problem for a hitman, but it almost blows his cover when he goes to infiltrate the ATCU as a supposedly brilliant hacker.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: He took one of the Terrigen-laden fish pills on the off chance he was an Inhuman. Nope.
  • In Name Only: He's the first member of Team Coulson to have a comic counterpart before being introduced on the show, but he bears little resemblance to his comic counterpart outside of name and nationality. This eventually leads to a Ret-Canon, as 616 Lance Hunter was later reintroduced in the Mockingbird comics, but resembling his TV counterpart far more — including an Age Lift and romantic relationship with Bobbi (she even has a threesome with him and Clint at one point).
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold:
    • He's smarmy and sarcastic, but he can also be incredibly loyal and Coulson realizes that, financial considerations aside, Hunter will go to great lengths do what he thinks is right. This leads Coulson to recruit him for S.H.I.E.L.D. 2.0, because the new agency needs people who will do the wrong things for the right reasons.
    • He's also surprisingly kind and supportive of Fitz, insisting that he "buy him a beer" after they work together to repair the Bus and being quite possibly the first person to actively praise his engineering skills since his injury. Later, when Fitz is discussing his unrequited feelings for Simmons during a conversation about ex-girlfriends, instead of making light of it, Hunter reassuringly tells him that it's her loss.
    • There's also his jubilant reaction to hearing that Fitz has rescued Simmons after months of trying in Season 3. Yes, everyone's delighted, but Hunter's reaction's probably the strongest after Fitz himself.
  • The Lancer: Whenever May isn't around to hold the role, Hunter will play the part to Coulson; Lance is the cynical mercenary to Phil's idealistic leader. Especially when the two of them are on the run from "Real S.H.I.E.L.D." and making plans to fight back against them and HYDRA.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: His zeal to take Ward down for disabling Bobbi involved poor planning and has disastrous consequences.
  • Long Bus Trip: Both he and Bobbi left the show because they were contracted to appear in a spin-off called Most Wanted, which didn't air, and because of Adrianne Palicki's role on The Orville it's unlikely we'll see the both of them any time soon. Subverted, as Hunter came back as a guest star to help Fitz out, then promptly leaves after the episode.
  • Made of Iron: He's almost as tough as Jack Murdock, and even Matt Murdock himself, when it comes to soaking up punishment. When he infiltrated Grant Ward's Hydra, Lance had to fight Spud to prove himself - a psychotic, brutish monster of a man. His strategy was to pretend to be unskilled and attempt to wear Spud down, taking hit after hit. By the time he realizes his strategy won't work on Spud he's nearly beaten to a pulp, so he decides to cheat by using a knuckle duster he snuck into the match, killing Spud almost instantly. Truth in Television, as many trained military agents working undercover may to fight as if they are unskilled to avoid giving away the fact they are soldiers.
  • The McCoy: Despite his Britishness, Bobbi outright states that Hunter wears his incredibly big heart on his sleeve for everyone to see. This is one of the reasons why Coulson trusts him implicitly and why he gets along with (mostly) everyone so easily, but this fact also makes him a bit of a loose cannon as he lets his emotions get the better of him frequently. He often put the team in danger - or at the least difficult situations - due to prioritizing his own emotions first, and even very nearly got Andrew killed once. Despite that, his aforementioned big heart makes him easy to forgive, though being the local Butt-Monkey also helps with that.
  • Murder the Hypotenuse: He encouraged Fitz to leave Will on the alien planet, because he would be competition for Jemma. It wasn't well received.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: Hunter causes the near-death of Dr. Garner by falsely identifying a lethal scenario described by Ward as a bluff. Turns out, May was right about the threat being real. Oops.
  • Noodle Incident:
    • He left the British Army under mysterious circumstances.
    • He's also been helped (read: thrown) out of a helicopter before. He doesn't reveal why.
    • He broke a tooth because of a mysterious and disgusting meal Idaho cooked for him in Budapest.
    • He and Bobbi went on a road trip through Arizona that was so horrible that he can't listen to the Eagles without getting the chills.
    • He and Bobbi were going to get remarried during their time away, until the ninjas showed up. Fitz doesn't even ask.
  • Noodle Implements: Give him an electric hand dryer and he can shake a tail with ease.
  • Only in It for the Money:
    • While he considers Hartley a friend, he makes clear that he's only helping S.H.I.E.L.D. because he's been promised payment. Hartley has to tell Hunter to shut up when he won't stop bringing up the subject of his remuneration. Coulson even puts Hartley's team under surveillance partly because Hunter might decide to run off with cash S.H.I.E.L.D. can't afford to lose.
    • Talbot tries to get Hunter to sell out Coulson and S.H.I.E.L.D. by letting the mercenary name his own price. Subverted, because although Hunter does ask for an extremely large payday, what he really wants is for Hartley and Idaho to be given respectful burials and not be thrown into paupers' graves like so many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents after the agency's collapse.
  • Psycho Ex-Girlfriend: All of his stories about his ex-wife show her in a bad light. At their mildest, Hunter's stories show her to be a nagger. At their worst, he says she's not even human. Once Bobbi's introduced, it's clear he's exaggerating, but later revelations indicate she really is the problem behind their relationship because she can't step out of the secret agent mentality, a fact Bobbi herself makes no effort to deny despite insisting she does love him.

    Hunter: It didn't work out because interspecies relationships are hard! I was a human whereas she was a demonic hell beast.
    Mack: He doesn't like her.
    Trip: You don't say.
    Hunter: She's pure evil.

  • Put on a Bus: He and Bobbi are burned from S.H.I.E.L.D. late in Season 3 due to political fallout from a mission gone south in Russia. Coulson offered to protect them, but they decided to let themselves be burned for the greater good.
  • Revenge Before Reason: If you kill or harm his friends and teammates, he'll come after you - even if he has to abandon a critical mission to do so.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge:
    • He attempts to avenge Hartley and Idaho by stomping into a park while blatantly brandishing a sniper rifle in order to take down Creel. Unfortunately for Hunter, he ends up having to fight a much larger man with superpowers in hand to hand combat.
    • In Season 3, he leaves S.H.I.E.L.D. to go on another one, with his target being Grant Ward due to his attack on Bobbi.
  • Running Gag: Pissing off Melinda May. He does it three times in a big way, first by shooting her to so he can pursue Creel personally, then nearly gets Andrew pursuing Ward in a personal vendetta, and then again by endangering the whole team by going after Creel again despite the latter having pulled a Heel–Face Turn and very nearly blowing his cover. As Coulson puts it, May savors her grudges, and he keeps giving her reason to do so.
  • Sex with the Ex: Happens with Bobbi in Season 2 Episode 8, inside a car.
  • Shipper on Deck: In Season 3 he encourages Fitz to pursue a relationship with Simmons, and he means well, but his suggestions are not welcomed. When they reunite in Season 5, he asks Fitz how things go with Simmons and congratulates him after he learned that Fitz and Simmons are finally together.
  • Spanner in the Works: He nearly screws up more than a few missions in Season 3, and May calls him on it at least once, having nearly lost her ex-husband to one such blunder.
  • Tastes Like Friendship: When he extends the hand of friendship to Fitz, it's holding a bottle of beer. He says he looks forward to working together in the future (and sharing more beer). He later shares scotch with Coulson when the two are on the run from "Real" S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: He's not happy at having to go out in the field with Bobbi, but he still does his best to watch out for her and it turns out that they are in perfect sync in combat situations.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: After Bobbi's injury, he returns in Season 3 as a far more vengeful and even more reckless individual. He winds up risking Andrew Garner's life at a chance for revenge and advises Fitz to leave Will Daniels to die on an alien planet so he'll have less competition for Jemma's love.
  • True Companions:
    • While he's very much a mercenary motivated by financial reasons, he genuinely considers Hartley and Idaho as friends. When Hartley's hurt by the original 084, his only thought is to get her out of danger and to the nearest doctor. He even amputates Hartley's arm simply because she asked him to. Later, he makes clear to Coulson that the decision to abandon the mission was his alone and that Hartley remained determined to do her duty to the very end.
    • After Hartley and Idaho are killed, Hunter suffers from survivor's guilt and goes out of his way not just to get revenge, but also to make sure that they get the respectful funerals they deserve. Coulson taking care of the arrangements is partly what motivates Hunter to join S.H.I.E.L.D. permanently and not just as a mercenary because he sees that Coulson cares for the people who work for him.
    • He forms a close bond with Coulson and especially Fitz, mostly due to the three of them being on the run together for some time. Once Coulson's back in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D., he notices that they're just a little too comfortable around each other, given that he's the director and all. Hunter putting his feet up on Coulson's desk really sells it.
  • Undying Loyalty: He's incredibly loyal and will stick with whichever side he's on come hell or high water, even if it means turning against the woman he loves.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: It seems as if most of his friendships are like this. He trades barbs and quips with everybody, making it all the more shocking when he lays off on the attitude and shows genuine compassion to those around him.
  • Working with the Ex: He's shocked and decidedly unhappy when he discovers that Bobbi Morse a.k.a. his ex-wife will be joining Team Coulson. To be fair, she wasn't all that thrilled to see him again, either. The rest of Team Coulson, however, find the situation to be hilarious. Making things worse for Hunter is that at least Coulson and May clearly favor Bobbi over Hunter, even though the sniping between the two is mutual.

    Coulson: Play nice.

  • Would Hit a Girl: Hunter has absolutely no problem with punching a female opponent square in the jaw and then knocking her out with a chair when he and Bobbi go up against a group of HYDRA-employed mercenaries. Justified given he was married to an Action Girl so he's well-aware of the fact women can kick ass.

Bobbi Morse / Mockingbird 

Barbara "Bobbi" Morse / Mockingbird

"We're spies, we lie for a living."

Species: Human

Citizenship: American

Portrayed By: Adrianne Palicki

Voiced By: Leyla Rangel [Disney dub], Laura Ayala [Sony Dub] (Latin-American Spanish dub), Marisa Leal (Brazilian Portuguese dub), Maria Tsvetkova-Ovsyannikova (Russian dub)

Appearances: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (first appears in Episode 27: "A Hen in the Wolf House")

An agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., codenamed Mockingbird, who offers her services to Coulson in between the first two seasons. She appears in "A Hen in the Wolf House" seemingly as HYDRA's Security Chief, but in actuality was a Deep Cover Agent assigned to infiltrate them so she can look out for Simmons and help extract her should they need to. She joins the team in the fifth episode of the second season.

Billy Koenig has a pretty unsubtle crush on her, while Lance Hunter is still hung up on her.

  • The Ace: Expert undercover agent, One-Woman Army, can interrogate someone to the point that they give up and commit suicide, and is an accomplished and competent biochemist. Coulson even refers to her as one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s best. She has a unique specialized 'spy suit', rather than a typical blue jump suit or combat gear used by most regular agents (including members of Team Coulson), something seemingly only seen elsewhere by Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Captain America, which probably indicates she's on their level in terms of skill.note  In Season 3 she becomes a Broken Ace, thanks to the torture she underwent from Ward. She gets past it when May gives her a blunt pep-talk, and she regains her confidence following.
  • Adaptation Dye-Job: Blonde in the comics, but appears to have dark brunette hair in her first appearance. It's ultimately subverted, as "A Hen in the Wolf House" reveals that she originally was a blonde, but dyed her hair when she went undercover in HYDRA; once done with this, she's blonde before her next appearance.
  • Amazonian Beauty: Her field agent physique is played up; Simmons can't stop gushing about how awesome she is, to the point it appears she has a lady-crush on her. The showrunners have commented on how she's a very sexy character as well.
  • Ambiguously Evil: She and Mack are double agents for Gonzales' S.H.I.E.L.D., which is separate from Coulson's branch and trying to overthrow him. Unlike Mack and pretty much everyone else in the other branch, however, she doesn't automatically label anyone who's Gifted as a threat and treats Coulson's leadership style as the problem, rather than using it as a thinly veiled excuse to dismiss him on the pretense of being affected by Kree blood.
  • Amicable Exes: One-sided example. Bobbi vouched for her ex and appears to not hold any hard feelings about their divorce, but Lance can't stop ranting about her for at least four episodes before she's introduced. When he starts getting pissy, she snarks him back.
  • Awesome by Analysis: She's able to tell a lot about Bakshi's person and mental state through the words he uses and the way he pronounces certain words, and is able to figure out that there's more to Whitehall simply because of how Bahkshi described him, leading the team to discovering the former's past.
  • Badass Normal: No powers, but that doesn't stop her from fighting super thugs when she encounters them. This is best exemplified so far when she's able to keep up with a demonically possessed super strong Mack, who's able to shrug off Icer rounds with ease and tosses the others around rather easily; while she can't take him on in a straight up fight, she's able to use skill to avoid being killed until she can take him down with electrified batons. Later, she's the only person capable of holding off Vin-Tak, a Kree warrior (note that Kree warriors are on Asgardian level in terms of power, and Vin-Tak himself fought Lady Sif), until they can hit him with a super-weapon.
  • Becoming the Mask: Despite being a mole for Gonzales she does care for her friends on Coulson's team. She was also previously sent in to get intel from Lance, falling in love with him in the process, although she still left with the intel.
  • The Big Guy: Bobbi's a pretty tough fighter, and is also fairly tall. Besides Mack, she stands taller than most of the cast. Her costume's also the most battle-oriented in terms of design, showcasing this.
  • Character Catchphrase: Sometimes, she'll let out a sarcastic "Hail HYDRA" in response to the possibility that someone had been turned to HYDRA's side.
  • Combat Pragmatist: When Kebo (Ward's right-hand man) proves too much for her in a straight fight, she uses her batons to electrify the pool he's in.
  • Comic-Book Movies Don't Use Codenames: Mockingbird. This is only said in the promos and advertising material for Season 2.
  • Cool Big Sis: Simmons thinks that she's "amazing" and gets to be on a First-Name Basis with her. "A Hen in the Wolf House" can be read as an older sister babysitting the younger one for their father. She later consoles Skye while she's in quarantine, and is very protective of her when "Real" S.H.I.E.L.D. label her a threat. Season 3 shows her acting like this to Fitz as well, giving him helpful advice and covering for him.
  • Create Your Own Villain: She's ultimately the one responsible for Kara aka Agent 33 going down the bad road, as she, while undercover for HYDRA, gave up the warehouse where Kara was at that timenote .
  • Deadpan Snarker: Mainly towards her Hunter, who's more than happy to return the favour.
  • Decomposite Character: Her role as Hawkeye's wife and Agent 19 of S.H.I.E.L.D. are given to Laura Barton.
  • Deep Cover Agent:
    • She'd been infiltrating HYDRA before she's introduced, to the point she got a high position in HYDRA's security forces, assigned to find and detect double agents and moles.
    • Along with Mack, she turns out to be a Deep Cover Agent to Coulson as well, working for a separate branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. that considers itself the "real" S.H.I.E.L.D..
  • Didn't Think This Through: She recommended Hunter to Coulson under the assumption that he'd at best stick with it for a few weeks before taking some other job. She never considered he might take the job seriously and develop genuine loyalty to Coulson. Hunter lampshades this.
  • Do Not Call Me "Paul": She hates being called "Barbara" and claims that she even considers being called "Robert" better than being called by her full first name.

    Bobbi: My name's Bobbi. As in the name usually short for "Robert," but in my case, "Barbara," which, to me, is worse.

  • Double Reverse Quadruple Agent: When she was working at HYDRA, she was secretly working for Coulson's S.H.I.E.L.D. while secretly working for Gonzales' S.H.I.E.L.D., while still retaining some degree of loyalty to Coulson's S.H.I.E.L.D. and pretending to come clean to her ex-husband while still feeding him lies on numerous occasions. This sort of multi-layered duplicity is why Lance says they got divorced.
  • Dual Wielding: Like in the comics, she primarily fights with her Battle staves; though she's good with a gun and can fight with anything from her fists to a napkin, she generally does most damage with the staves. Though is how her use of them is changed from the comics; generally she'd snap them together as a staff, but here she primarily uses them as dual batons and fights eskrima style.
  • First-Name Basis: She insists Simmons call her Bobbi.
  • Game-Breaking Injury: While she eventually got better and returns to her old job, she starts Season 3 having been transferred from Operations to Science and Technology because of the injuries inflicted on her by Ward and Kara at the end of Season 2.
  • Genius Bruiser: Has a degree in biochemistry, and is one of Team Coulson's best fighters.
  • Heel Realization: She begins to regret betraying Coulson as Gonzales grows more and more belligerent.
  • Hero on Hiatus: Though part of an ensemble rather than The Hero, the injuries she suffered at the end of Season 2 have kept her sidelined from field duty for the beginning of Season 3, allowing for more focus on the other field agents. Fortunately, her qualities as The Ace aren't limited to field duty and she's found a role putting her degree in biochemistry to use, but she's still frustrated with being cooped up in a lab.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: She justifies her decision to rat out the safehouse for HYDRA is because it was necessary for her cover and the only alternative was a location that she knew was inhabited versus the one she thought empty. It's a reason that doesn't sit well with Kara, who was captured and brainwashed as a result.
  • Long Bus Trip: Although Hunter was able to come back onto the show, Bobbi hasn't been since Season 3 due to Adrianne Palicki's role on The Orville. The characters left the show because they were contracted for a spin-off called Most Wanted, which didn't air.
  • The Mole: She's actually loyal to a rival S.H.I.E.L.D. faction and is working to take down Team Coulson from within.
  • Movie Superheroes Wear Black: Played with; in the comics, her costume's either black or blue primarily Depending on the Artist, but here it's made black with a blue highlight (and thus, incorporating both colours), while the usual white belly-stripe was replaced with grey. The suit also includes a few extra straps for tactical purposes and some protective plating on the shoulders, making it look more like realistic battle gear.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!:
    • She convinced Gonzales to take a chance to take back the Iliad instead of sinking it like Fury ordered - thus forming the nucleus for "Real" S.H.I.E.L.D. But as the Season goes on she begins to regret it as Gonzales grows more belligerent and hostile towards Team Coulson.
    • In order to maintain her cover at HYDRA, she had to give up the location of a S.H.I.E.L.D. safe house, hoping nobody was going to be in it. Turned out there was someone, Agent 33.
  • Not So Above It All: She's usually the serious one in the relationship, while Hunter tends to be more goofy. Sometimes though, he manages to wrap her up in his wackiness, like the time he convinced her to take Terrigen-tainted fish pills with him to see if they would get powers. Hilariously, she makes it clear that she wasn't really interested in gaining superpowers (she hardly needs them after all), she just thought going through Terrigenesis would let her skip the rest of her recovery therapy.
  • One Head Taller: Than her ex-husband Lance Hunter (though, only by an inch), and for that matter with most of the main cast save Mack (and Ward). Adrianne Palicki's far from a short woman.
  • One-Man Army: She alone takes down every HYDRA soldier they come across with ease, and is able to extract herself and Simmons with almost no trouble or help, save for Trip in an invisible jet, and thus setting her up as a combatant on par with May and Ward. Coulson refers to her as "one of their best agents", putting her on par with Hawkeye and Widow if true, and she's shown able to fight May and Ward pretty easily.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: She doesn't even like people to use her surname, introducing herself as Bobbi, and so far the only appearance of her full name has been on a transmission. She outright tells Joey that she thinks people calling her "Barbara" would be worse than them calling her "Robert" (the name Bobbi/Bobby is typically short for).
  • Platonic Life-Partners: Mack's her closest male relation outside of her ex-husband.
  • Psycho Ex-Girlfriend: Hunter's stories about her invariably put her in this light. When she finds out that he's been spreading this image of her as a psychotic hell-beast, she seems more amused by it than anything. It's later revealed, though, that their on-off relationship's actually her fault, as Bobbi can't get out of her secret agent mentality and isn't honest with him. This, inevitably, would drive Hunter away whenever they get together because he wants an honest relationship and eventually gets tired of being manipulated. She rationalizes this by claiming that it's Hunter who's afraid of commitment, though she also doesn't deny her own problems when called on it.
  • Put on a Bus: She and Hunter are burned from S.H.I.E.L.D. late in Season 3 due to political fallout from a mission gone south in Russia. Coulson offered to protect them, but they decided to let themselves be burned for the greater good.
  • Remember the New Guy?: While all the Season 2 characters get this to some extent, Bobbi's notable as she's introduced and joins the team in "A Hen in the Wolf House", but everyone in the cast already knows her personally and appear to be great friends with the team already, especially Mack. She also counts as New Old Flame for Hunter, save for the fact he wouldn't shut up about her since he was introduced.
  • Sex with the Ex: Happens with Lance in Season 2 Episode 8, inside a car. It wasn't the first time.
  • Shipper on Deck: Although she found the idea of being friends with someone before dating them to be novel, she seems to support FitzSimmons, repeatedly urging Simmons to talk to Fitz, and later doing the same for Fitz.
  • Shock and Awe: Her batons are able to produce an electric charge to zap enemies. No doubt she took a few cues from Romanoff.
  • Statuesque Stunner: She towers over Simmons when they share scenes, and uses this to her advantage to intimidate her in their early meetings.
  • Taking the Bullet: Does this for Hunter.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: She and Hunter can't stop taking metaphorical shots as each other even as real bullets are flying. Luckily for them, they know each other so well that they can take on numerically superior opponents with no problem.
  • The Tell: When she's frustrated with or stumped by something, she twirls her staves. Hunter notices.
  • Token Good Teammate: For "real" S.H.I.E.L.D.. She's the only one that doesn't seem to have a Fantastic Racism problem, and she's the only one voicing the opinion that Coulson isn't hoarding Gifted individuals for nefarious ends.
  • Understatement: She considers Raina leaking Simmons' identity to HYDRA, and thus forcing her to extract them early, to be a "curveball" at most.
  • Working with the Ex: She vouched for Hunter when Coulson considered recruiting him, but she's not exactly happy to be working with her former husband or to be within his immediate vicinity. Seeing Hunter immediately wipes the smile off her face and her voice takes on an annoyed tone.



Species: Human

Citizenship: American

Portrayed By: Briana Venskus

Appearances: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (first appears in Episode 63: "Failed Experiments")

A S.H.I.E.L.D. operations agent, Piper volunteered for the strike team sent to destroy Hive. After S.H.I.E.L.D. was reorganized under Director Jeffrey Mace, Piper became May's second-in-command for her strike team.

  • Action Girl: Her basic job description as a operations agent. Piper's brave and skilled enough to volunteer to be part of the kill team sent after Hive, and May trusts her enough to appoint her as second-in-command on her strike team. When May's infected by Lucy Bauer's ghost and begins attacking other agents, Piper lasts a lot longer against her in hand-to-hand combat than anyone else.
  • Ambiguously Gay: She's rather tomboyish, with a fairly butch haircut, and has never shown any interest in men. Briana Venskus implies in her Twitter that Piper has a crush on May, which may explain the That Came Out Wrong below.
    • In "The Honeymoon", when referring to Daisy after Deke enters into a drug-fueled rant about how much he was into her, Piper awkwardly mentions "she's not my type, but I get it." Interpret that as you will.
  • Ascended Extra: Appeared in one episode of Season 3, "Failed Experiments", as a member of Coulson's backup team, and has slowly but steadily increased in prominence since then.
  • The Atoner: Spends a good portion of her appearances in Season 5 trying to make up for getting tricked by Hale into leading Coulson's team into a trap that led to Yo-Yo losing her arms.
  • BFG: Wields a small rocket launcher against Hive, which she claims Coulson promised her in her contract. Unfortunately, when Piper uses it against Hive and blasts off an arm, it simply regrows the limb.
  • Boyish Short Hair: As befitting a tomboyish S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, she has noticeably short hair.
  • The Bus Came Back: After being absent in the first half of Season 5 due to the team traveling to the future, she quickly rejoins them upon their return to the present.
    • Absent from most of Season 7 due to the team time-traveling to the past this time, and reappears in the series finale.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Frequently snarks at the other members of her team.
  • Mauve Shirt: The most prominent character among S.H.I.E.L.D.'s "random backup field op agents" post-Season 3. Surprisingly, she actually survives to the end of the series.
  • The Medic: Before S.H.I.E.L.D. got disbanded again following the LMD crisis, Piper was training to be a field medic and surgeon. In Season 5, this makes her the de facto team medic despite her incomplete training.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After realizing that General Hale lied to her and how it led to Elena's crippling, she's shaken to the core.
  • Number Two: Basically May's lieutenant.
  • Oh, Crap!: Has two moments of this during the mission to assassinate Hive: the first when the Kree land, and the second when Hive no-sells her rocket and begins regrowing his arm.
  • Only One Name: That we know of, although we can assume it's not her surname.
  • Put on a Bus: Technically inversion, in literal sense. After Aida went berserk, Piper left Zephyr One by parachute with all of the instructions necessary if things got wrong between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Aida. So, she left "the bus" (Zephyr One) rather than be put on one.
  • Small Girl, Big Gun: Briana Venskus is a fairly petite woman, and attentive viewers will note that during fight scenes with her S.H.I.E.L.D. compatriots, Piper's nearly always the one holding the largest gun.
  • That Came Out Wrong: When May tells her to just call her "May", she says "I can do May... I mean, I can do that, May."
  • Those Two Guys: Occasionally forms one with Agent Davis.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Helps General Hale luring Team Coulson into a trap, on the false promise of them just being taken into custody and treated fairly.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Davis, particularly in Season 6. They are almost always take shots at one another, but have each other's backs when making plans with the rest of the team. To the point that when Simmons owes Piper a favor of absolutely anything, her choice is to resurrect Davis as an LMD. They're back to playfully feuding in no time at all, and Elena jokes that Piper's starting to regret it.

James Davis 

James Davis

Species: Human / LMD

Citizenship: American

Portrayed By: Max Osinski

Appearances: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (first appears in Episode 9: "Repairs")

An agent who worked with Coulson's team prior to the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. Following the appointment of Director Jeffry Mace, Davis was assigned to work under Coulson aboard Zephyr One, participating in the hunt for the Darkhold and operations against the Watchdogs. After being severely injured by Aida he rejoins the team to prevent the destruction of Earth by the "Destroyer of Worlds" before joining Daisy, Simmons, and Piper in space to search for Fitz.

  • Ascended Extra: He appeared in one Season 1 episode, "Repairs", very briefly. Davis is brought back in the Season 4 premiere "The Ghost" and got increasing screen time as the season went on.
  • Ace Pilot: Ironically, though he starts out flying the Zephyr as the "least unqualified option", by Season 5 he appears to have graduated to this level full-time, and he's one of the ship's two pilots on its historic maiden voyage into space. After spending a year in space, Davis can now fly through asteroid fields while dodging fire from hostile spaceships with little problem.
  • Action Dad: Although we've met neither of them, Davis has a wife and kid at home on Earth, which is part of why he's so eager to get back home, with or without Fitz.
  • Badass Normal: While not on the level of the main characters, he's a skilled agent who often backs them up on missions against killer robots in Season 4.
  • Back from the Dead: Piper has Simmons bring back Davis as an LMD in the series finale.
  • Comic-Book Movies Don't Use Codenames: The press release for his second appearance credited him as "Agent Red", a telepathic S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in the comics.
  • Closest Thing We Got: Although he just started training to fly the Zephyr, Davis is forced to become its pilot when he's one of only five agents to escape the Playground after it's infiltrated by LMDs.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Gets a few moments of snark off during "The Man Behind the Shield". When he and Simmons are searching the underground section of the Watchdogs base, she says that is it like a labyrinth, causing Davis to wonder if they'll meet the Goblin King.
  • Every Scar Has a Story: Which he got fighting AIDA. Humorously, the story in question is one the audience never gets to actually hear.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: He has the classic "ruggedly handsome" version on one cheek after surviving a one-on-one with Aida.
  • Happily Married: While talking with Yo-Yo his pregnant wife's brought up. After a year in space searching for Fitz, Davis is quite eager to get back to Earth and reunite with his wife and son.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He tells Piper to get herself and Fitz into the containment pod while he stays behind to stop a rampaging Aida. He thought he had killed her by emptying a clip into her, but Aida's new Inhuman powers allowed her to regenerate and kill him. Or so it seemed, we later learn that Deathlok got him medical attention just in time offscreen.
  • I Heard That: During Principa, Coulson says he trusts May to pilot the Zephyr One more skillfully than Davis; which Davis both heard over the communications system and agrees with.
  • I'm Standing Right Here: In "The Man Behind the Shield", Fitz does not show much confidence in his ability to take on Aida.

    Fitz: You want to go after a killer robot alone?
    Simmons: I'll take Davis with me.
    Fitz: Concern only slightly lessened.
    Davis: Thanks.

  • Mauve Shirt: Classic example, takes point on several missions, provides covering fire in fights, and seemingly dies near the end of Season 4. Subverted when he turns up alive and well in Season 5. Perhaps a promotion to Blue Shirt is in order. And double subverted in Season 6, where Izel kills him late in the season.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Whatever the story is behind Davis surviving a one-on-one with Aida, Piper and Deke both agree that it's extremely awesome.
  • Only One Name: That we know of, unless you listen to his actor's theory. Post-series his first name's revealed to be James.
  • Psychic-Assisted Suicide: In "Leap", Izel takes over Davis' body and makes him jump off a high ledge, which kills him.
  • Repetitive Name: According to his actor, he has the glorious name of "Davis D. Davis."
  • Sacrificial Lion: His gradual promotion from Red Shirt to Mauve Shirt over the course of the series makes him this when he eventually falls victim to the Red Shirt curse at the hands of Izel, especially given that he has a wife and newborn son, which might have been expected to give him Plot Armor.
  • Took a Level in Badass: When he returns in Season 5, he appears to have graduated from Mauve Shirt status, after surviving his fight with Aida and even holding his own when the Remorath board the Zephyr. He even comes complete with Perma-Stubble and a nifty battle scar.
  • Uncertain Doom: He's last seen in Season 4, mistakenly thinking that he killed Aida, when she suddenly attacks him from behind. Turns out that he actually survived - somehow.
  • Unexplained Recovery: However it was that he survived the battle with Aida, which Piper implies was pretty awesome.

    Piper: That's amazing, you survived all of that with just one scar? Do you tell everyone that story?
    Davis: I don't think they care.

  • The Unreveal: It's something of a Running Gag for the show to cut to Davis just after he explains to someone how he survived fighting Aida, a story which everyone thinks is incredibly amazing but which the audience never gets to hear.
  • Those Two Guys: With Piper, usually board the Zephyr One while the others are off on missions.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: He and Piper, thanks to their shared experiences supporting the main team, have bonded. This bonding consists mostly of sniping insults, but they always have each other's backs when making plans with the other agents.
  • The Watson: Serves as this in a couple of episodes, particularly "Hot Potato Soup" where he's thoroughly confused by the Koenigs and is trying to figure out if they are clones or robots.
  • Why Are You Looking at Me Like That?: Gives one when the other two agents look at him after being asked by Simmons if anyone can fly Zephyr One.

Deke Shaw 

Deke Shaw

Species: Human

Citizenship: American

Portrayed By: Jeff Ward

Voiced By: Vadim Prokhorov (Russian dub)

Appearances: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (first appears in Episode 89: "Orientation, Part One")

"I'm kind of trying to do the whole hero thing man! Is that your pep talk? You guys get killed, who saves the world then? I told my parents not to believe in this roach-crap fairy tale, and they went and they died for it anyway. And I'm probably next in line. But there is no way in hell that I'm gonna let some blue Kreeper destroy that machine before I get to see whether or not that damn thing was worth any of this."

A scavenger onboard the Lighthouse, later revealed to be the grandson of Jemma Simmons and Leopold Fitz. A born survivor and opportunist who tried to sell out Coulson's team to the Kree, his better nature triumphed over his preservation skills and he found himself fighting side-by-side with them. No one really likes him, however.

  • Abhorrent Admirer: To Daisy, pretty much since they came back from the future. She finds him annoying at best.
  • Action Survivor: Deke has decent surviving skills and equipment like a helmet and knife, but he's not very good in direct combat. May would've curb-stomped him in their first encounter if not for her injured leg and his gravity manipulator device. He also ends up hurting his own fist after punching Sinara, a super-tough Kree.
  • But Now I Must Go: With the apocalypse nigh, Deke chooses to venture out into the world rather than stay in the Lighthouse, arguing either the world's about to be destroyed or he will blink out of existence if the team successfully saves it. Either way, this is his last chance to experience a world that he was never able to in the post-apocalyptic future. Turns out that time travel doesn't work that way, and neither happens, but he still doesn't willingly return to S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Character Development: You wouldn't believe that a man who sold Daisy for slavery becomes a valued member of the team, helping them escape from danger and all. Living in a slave-free world will do that to you.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Deke is… Deke is a lot of things. A dipshit is certainly one noun which can be used to describe him, and one which he very much lives up to – if he isn't annoying Coulson's team to no end, he's at least very much pissing them off. Or betraying them. Or stealing from them. And yet most everyone seems to forget that the man comes from a truly Crapsack World. In his first appearance, he bested May in hand-to-hand combat; granted, she was injured, but that's still something very few can claim. And time again he's shown himself to be capable in hinky situations, from fighting off Remorath and Kree to easily disarming and injuring Sarge, who himself damn near beat Mack in a fight.
  • The Cynic: He does not share Virgil's idealism nor Team Coulson's belief the world can be saved.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Growing up in a time where the Kree ruled over humanity, his life got a whole lot worse when he witnessed his mother getting murdered. He also lost his father to the Kree after she was gone. All summed up when he told Coulson:

    Deke: I was 9, okay? When my mother got dragged away and murdered. Kasius got rid of all the elders, all the smart people, and she was one of them. And after she was gone, my dad took up the cause. He carried the torch for her. And as I got older, I begged him not to. I said that they were gonna get him, too, and I was right. He got sent to the roaches, just like the rest of them.

  • Did Not Get the Girl: Ultimately his crush on Daisy remains unreciprocated throughout the end of the series.
  • Expy: A roguish, leather-clad, orphaned space bandit with jet boots and a cool mask? Never seen that in the MCU before.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: Despite being at point-blank range when Enoch exploded, he didn't die, and instead got sent to the present day, where his lack of understanding of how things (specifically money) work gets him arrested.
    • While he eventually gets used to the present day, when the team starts bouncing through time in Season 7, Deke's lack of historical knowledge once again leaves him often a page behind the rest of the team. Notably, when they have to interrogate a racist general in the 50s, Mack, May and Elena eventually decide Deke's the best choice, and it takes him a minute to figure out what they're hinting at.
  • Foreshadowing: He's convinced that Daisy destroyed the Earth. When Daisy argues that since she was pulled from the time stream, it would be impossible for her to do so, Deke states that he believes the Multiverse theory which he says means that the Quake from the past is a divergent self of the Quake that destroyed the Earth. While he's wrong about Daisy being the one that destroyed the Earth, his theory accurately describes what happened with Thanos. 2014-Thanos left his time to travel to 2023, which did not undo the devastation he caused in 2018. 2014-Thanos became a divergent self of the one who killed half the universe, and his absence from 2014 added a new timeline to the Multiverse.
  • Freudian Excuse: After his mother was a victim of The Purge by the Kree and his father got exiled to Earth to become Roach food, Deke swore to prevent as many unnecessary deaths as he could. He sold out Daisy because her rashness would have gotten hundreds of humans killed.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: After selling Daisy to Kasius, nobody on Team Coulson trusts him because they know he'll turn on them at the drop of a hat in the Lighthouse. Even when they get back to the past and they learn he's Fitz and Simmons' grandchild, only the latter's attitude towards him changes. Fitz still says "He's the worst" after Jemma tells him. Elena expresses her condolences after she finds out. When Deke tells her, Daisy says that she can see it because he and Fitz are "both such… special people" (at this point, she's mad at Fitz for removing her power inhibitor against her will).
  • Generation Xerox: Not only is he able to recreate the Framework program, he also understands how Gravitonium works. We can't expect any less from Fitz and Simmons' grandson.
  • Has a Type: Dark-haired kickass women. First he has an unrequited crush on Daisy, later he hooks up with Snowflake. Yes, really.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Subverted. He uses Enoch to power the device used to activate the monolith, after being told that it will cause his death (that said, he does not Face Death with Dignity). However, the explosion somehow did not kill him.
  • Hopeless Suitor: To Daisy. He develops feelings for her during the course of Season 5.
  • I Choose to Stay: When the rest of the team crosses over to the original timeline via Fitz's quantum tunnel, Deke volunteers to stay behind and operate it in Sousa's place, as he has the scientific knowledge to do so and doesn't want to get in the way of Sousa's developing relationship with Daisy, despite his own crush on her. He was already well established in that timeline as well.
  • Kid from the Future: He's Fitz and Simmons' grandson.
  • Les Collaborateurs: He genuinely believes collaborating with the Kree despite their abuses is the only way to prevent humanity from going extinct.
  • The Load: Averted in the first half of Season 5, due to his lifelong knowledge of the future society S.H.I.E.L.D. finds themselves in, but when he returns to their time period, he proves far less useful to the team than virtually everyone else, though he still has his moments; mostly, his intricate knowledge of future Kree-borne technology can occasionally prove vital to a mission.
  • Lotus-Eater Machine: Deals in Framework-esque simulations of what life was (supposedly) like before the world was destroyed, which the Kree overseers tolerate because it keeps the people docile.
  • Malevolent Masked Man: Subverted. He's introduced wearing a mask, and later gets into a fight with May, but he was planting a metric on her to try to save her life.
  • Manchild: Starts showing how once he gets to the present day, he behaves a lot more childishly. Justified since he lost his parents at a young age and everything in the past is literally new to him.
  • Meaningful Name: "Deke" is a term used in ice hockey, defined as "a deceptive movement or feint that induces an opponent to move out of position," in fitting with his Wild Card character.
  • Mirror Character: As morally flexible guys who have a history of mistrust among Team Coulson, he's one to Grant Ward. Ward was one of the founding members of Coulson's team, whereas Deke joined them after they had been operating for years. Ward was initially considered as family by the team before he was exposed as a HYDRA agent, betraying the team in the process. Deke, meanwhile, was introduced as a shifty Wild Card who sold out the team to the Kree for his own survival, which informed their initial distaste for him. However, Deke, upon traveling to the past, was able to take responsibility for his choices that led to being distrusted and felt compelled to make amends, something which Ward could never fully do. While Ward used the team's rejection of his supposed kindness as an excuse to further hurt them and not feel guilty about it, Deke never allowed their low opinion of him to dent his desire to prove himself as capable and trustworthy. Both of them had romantic feelings for Daisy; but while Ward convinced himself that Daisy could eventually love him despite his betrayal and crimes until giving up after she shot him, Deke accepted that he and Daisy weren't meant to be and encouraged her to find love with Sousa instead. Ward finally met his end at Coulson's hand and his corpse was left behind on another planet, Hated by All of his former comrades. Deke bid farewell to the team by choosing to stay in the past to help them return to the present, finally attaining their respect and being remembered fondly afterwards as a true friend.
  • Missing Mom: Poor kid lost his mother (Fitz and Simmons' daughter, as it turns out) at age 9. No wonder he's such a cynic.
  • Momma's Boy: He was closer to his mom, and partially blames his dad for her death.
  • Must Make Amends: This, along with a developing romantic interest in Daisy, is what mostly fuels his desire to help Team Coulson after he tags along with them back to the past.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: Selling out Daisy to Kasius when they first met. The team as a whole tend to under-appreciate that he's become much more reliable since they returned from the future Lighthouse.
  • Out-of-Genre Experience: During Season 6, Deke runs a very successful tech company, and there are a couple episodes which feature Deke running the company as a tech mogul and somewhat of a social media sensation that doesn't quite fit in with the tone of the rest of the season. Helped by the fact that he moves his entire company into the top-secret Lighthouse during the season, which makes little logical sense even with the possibility of an impending apocalypse.
  • Stranded with Edison: He eventually makes his own way in the past with a company where he recreates technology from his time of 2091 (and reverse engineering S.H.I.E.L.D. tech he managed to familiarize himself with). The most prominent is turning his remote version of the Framework into a VR video game with enemies modeled after the Kree and Remorath. Director Mack had a S.H.I.E.L.D. plant keep an eye on him and is not pleased seeing just how much tech he's taken to distribute to the general public.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: According to Sam Voss, Deke looks just like his father when Owen was his age.
  • Swapped Roles: In the first half of Season 5, Team Coulson's a Fish out of Temporal Water in his time period. In the season's latter half, he's the Fish out of Temporal Water in their time period.
  • Time Travel for Fun and Profit: After coming from the future, he uses his knowledge of future technology (and some stolen S.H.I.E.L.D. tech) to create a tech start-up and make himself a millionaire, which was going well until S.H.I.E.L.D. crashed back into his life. And later when he gets stranded in 1982, he creates a band using a bunch of stolen future '80s hits that he claims to have written, like "Don't You (Forget About Me)" and "Walk Like an Egyptian".
  • Took a Level in Idealism: After spending time on Earth in the present day, he starts to change his selfish and cynical ways.
  • Trademark Favorite Drink: Falls in love with Zima after tasting it in present day.
  • Wild Card: Or as he calls it "playing the long game". One second he's aiding Team Coulson, the next he's selling Daisy out to Kasius. This comes back back to bite him, as Team Coulson no longer trusts him after the latter.
  • The World Is Just Awesome: After landing in River's End, Deke's awed by the beauty of a real tree, to the point of literally hugging it. A local passerby thinks that he's high.
  • You Are in Command Now: "What We're Fighting For" implies that Deke will take charge of the remnants of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the new timeline.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: His reactions to the increasingly insane situations he keeps finding himself involved in since meeting Team Coulson.

    Deke: You know I used to be really good at self-preservation.

Enoch Coltrane 

Enoch Coltrane

Species: Chronicom (Anthropologist)

Citizenship: None

Portrayed By: Joel Stoffer

Voiced By: Stanislav Kontsevich (Russian dub)

Appearances: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

A sapient Chronicom who has been observing human evolution for over 40,000 years, he begins arraigning a plan to prevent an extinction-level event from destroying the human race. After some Timey-Wimey Ball shenanigans with Fitz, Enoch unfortunately finds himself on the opposite side of his people: Following the destruction of Chronica-2 at Izel's hands, the rest of the Chronicoms have launched a campaign of conquest to take Earth as their new home. Despite wanting to save the Chronicoms as much as anyone, he remains steadfastly loyal to his bestie Fitz and Coulson's team.

  • Alien Non-Interference Clause: His people are forbidden from interfering in the affairs of the races they observe, unless it's to prevent an extinction-level event.
  • Because Destiny Says So: He took Team Coulson because the Seer's prophecy said that they were needed to be sent to the future to avert the end of the world, but left Fitz behind because he wasn't on the list.
  • Bad Liar: He doesn't really make for a terribly convincing Kree, and promptly ices the guard.
  • Beware the Nice Ones:
    • As friendly and amiable as they come, but if you're an obstacle, he will ice your ass.
    • In the "Groundhog Day" Loop episode of Season 7, one attempt to break out of the loop involved the entire team fighting Enoch. He curb stomped them all in about a minute.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Enoch's complete lack of social graces makes him a rather amusing character – one who will gun you down in seconds, ICER or not, if you're a threat to the future.
  • Big Good: Of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. starting with Season 5. First he does what must be done to prevent the Bad Future from occurring, including placing Team Coulson where they need to be in order to make this happen. After preventing the cataclysmic event, he does everything in his power to keep Fitz alive in a hostile alien world, and finally even begins to fight against his own people for the sake of the team.
  • Character Catchphrase:
  • Combat Pragmatist: Enoch doesn't seem to bother much with actual combat, primarily using gadgets or the element of surprise to disable people before they have even registered that he's a threat.
  • The Comically Serious: Rarely if ever shows his emotions, which makes the funny things he does say that much funnier.
  • Cowboy Cop: Hilariously enough, his fellow Chronicom Noah describes Enoch as "quite reckless", which raises questions about how emotionless and inactive the Chronicom must be if Enoch qualifies as "reckless."
  • Creepy Good: He's an alien robot who frequently appears in shadows, kidnaps the team and sends them to the future with no warning, and speaks in a Creepy Monotone, but he's actually the Big Good of Season 5.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Enoch gets quite painfully drained to power the Monolith. He gets better, since that timeline no longer exists (or at least is no longer the team's future).
  • Disney Death: Technically he didn't "die" since he's a construct, he regardless met his end performing a Heroic Sacrifice. But as Daisy changed the timeline by taking the Centipede serum herself and saving Earth from Talbot, it means there's another version of Enoch floating around in space along with an alternate version of Fitz, both waiting to be rescued.
  • Establishing Character Moment: In the very first scene of Season 5, we see him take a drink from a refrigerator entirely filled with bottles of coconut water and going for a swim in his pool while looking straight forwards into the camera with an unnaturally blank expression the entire time, clearly establishing him as inhumanly off somehow – even before he removes his human skin to take a shower.
  • Face Framed in Shadow: When he first appears in the Season 4 finale, he's entirely covered in shadow. He's actually listed as "Silhouette Man" in the credits for that episode.
  • Fake Guest Star: He appears in a good chunk of the first half of Season 5, and most episodes of Season 6 and Season 7, yet is still only given guest billing.
  • Fantastic Anthropologist: He describes himself as an anthropologist when explaining his role to Fitz and Hunter.
  • The Greys: His silhouette in the shower seems to resemble the stereotypical long-limbs/small-head depiction of the species, and his human disguise has very large eyes with a bald head and sallow skin tone.
  • Hot-Blooded: As stoic and emotionless as he is, by Chronicom standards he's apparently quite the loose cannon.
  • Heroic BSoD: After he's "decommissioned" by the hunter Chronicoms while on Kitson, Enoch suffers a huge (albeit adorable and hilarious) existential crisis and spends the episode's climax sulking and moaning about his worthlessness. Fitz eventually mostly snaps him out of it, although in the following episode he's still mopey enough to annoy Davis.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Enoch dies in the process of sending S.H.I.E.L.D. home, due to Deke Shaw's improvised method of using Enoch's battery to power the Monolith activation machine. He retroactively gets better.
    • Does it again in Season 7. After learning that what's effectively his "heart" is the crew's only hope of breaking a "Groundhog Day" Loop that's about to kill them, he unflinchingly and without hesitation pulls his heart out and casually gives it to Simmons, dying shortly afterwards.
  • Insistent Terminology: He is not a "robot", no matter how much he's accused of being one. Robots are made of metal, he's made of a plastic alloy.

    Enoch: Plastic is quite useful, if often unappreciated.

  • Latex Perfection: Exaggerated; not only his face but seemingly his entire skin is fake, and yet when he talks, nothing looks the slightest bit abnormal.
  • The Men in Black: Ironic, given that he's an alien in disguise who the military has no idea exists. He even has a device for quick getaways.
  • Meaningful Name: Enoch, his assumed name, is Hebrew for "dedication". Between studying humanity for millennia and doing everything in his power to save it, Enoch's nothing if not dedicated. He will do anything for the mission to save the team, including laying down his own life to return them.
  • My Friends... and Zoidberg: Tends to be on the receiving end of this from the rest of the team, who tend to be remarkably unconcerned for his well-being most of the time, much to his dismay.
  • My Species Doth Protest Too Much: Partway through Season 6, and continuing through Season 7, pretty much all of the Chronicoms as an entire species undergo a Face–Heel Turn to terraform Earth and take revenge against S.H.I.E.L.D. for not using their Time Travel technology to save Chronyca-2… except Enoch, who still remains true friends with the rest of the team, Fitz in particular.
  • Never Got to Say Goodbye: His second Heroic Sacrifice takes place in the absence of his "best friend" Fitz, who he lamented not being able to bid farewell to.
  • Nice Guy: Despite kidnapping Team Coulson and sending them to a Bad Future while leaving Fitz behind to rot in jail for six months, he's ultimately trying to avert the Bad Future and the extinction of the human race. When Fitz and Hunter finally find him, Enoch's incredibly polite and does everything he can to help Fitz reunite with the team.
  • Ninja Pirate Robot Zombie: He's a Chronicom, so he's an alien whose biology has a surprising amount in common with that of robots.
  • Noodle People: We haven't seen what his true form looks like, but his silhouette in the shower appears to be much skinnier and have longer limbs than a human. Given the way that he folds himself into a tiny crack to hide from the Kree onboard Zephyr One, he doesn't even seem to have any bones.
  • No Social Skills: Enoch's interactions with the team are… awkward to say the least.
  • Not So Above It All: While he's incredibly pragmatic and analytical, he does admit he had quite a bit of fun crafting an exceptionally brutal and notorious identity for Fitz while he was sleeping – enough to make some of the worst people in the universe uneasy around him. Fortunately, Fitz was more than up to the task.
  • Obviously Evil: Subverted. He's a disguised hairless alien in a man suit with an emotionless voice who appears in shadow to kidnap the team, but he's actually a good guy who takes care of widowed single mom Polly Hinton and helps Fitz reunite with his comrades.
  • Odd Friendship: Despite a rather rough first encounter, he and Fitz have gotten along rather famously. The two put complete faith and trust in each other.
  • One-Man Army: In an Offscreen Moment of Awesome, he single-handedly disables all the Chronicoms holding FitzSimmons hostage with nothing but a rifle.
  • Only One Name: As with all Chronicoms, Enoch seems to have to have only one name, though on his voicemail he introduces himself as Enoch Coltrane, likely an alias during his time on Earth.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: How does he disguise himself as a Kree soldier? Paint himself blue.
  • Really 700 Years Old: He's been personally watching Earth for over 32,000 years, with no word on how old he actually is.
  • The Reliable One: When shit gets real, Enoch gets shit done. Despite a rough start, by the time Fitz wakes up in the future, he trusts Enoch implicitly. The rest of Coulson's team also quickly take note of how dependable he is.
  • Ridiculously Human Robot: Enoch's an artificial being made of plastic alloy and powered by a battery. Although he himself claims he's not a robot.
  • The Slow Path: He allows Fitz to use the cryopod from his ship while he just waits out the next 74 years, since he doesn't age like humans do. Once the timeline's "fixed", the Enoch that was waiting ultimately gets interrupted, kicking off the plot of Season 6.
    • During the time-travel shenanigans in Season 7, he gets left behind in the 1930s, and doesn't rejoin the team until the '70s.
  • The Stoic: The guy does not emote very much. Even when jumping into the pool to take a swim, his face remains passive. The only time he shows any emotion is when Fitz slams him into a desk and points a gun at his head, and he's quite obviously in agony when he willingly uses his own battery to power the monolith.
  • The Spock: Emotionless, logic-driven, and far more dangerous than he might first appear. Bonus points for being an actual alien (and played by a rather pointy-eared actor, to boot).
  • Token Non-Human: Inhumans aside, he's the only non-human member of the team, at least until LMD-Coulson comes along. Even so, he remains the only true alien member of the team.
  • Took a Level in Badass: While he was already a super tough and strong robot, his passive anthropologist programming prevented him from getting physically involved in combat, and the most he would ever do is ICE people. Come Season 7 however, because they are at war with Chronicom hunters, he in turn upgraded his programming with a hunter-level combat skill protocol, making him a much more capable combatant capable taking on the entire rest of the crew of the Zephyr if need be.
  • Trapped in the Past: Gets trapped in 1931 when the Zephyr's forced to make a time jump without him, though given that he's tens of thousands of years old, this is really just a minor inconvenience for him.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Coulson's team. He'll send them all into a distant Bad Future without a second thought to save mankind... But he'll also stand guard over Fitz's cryogenically frozen body for 74 years and won't hesitate to put himself at risk for the sake of the team, even laying down his life to send them home again. In his dying speech after his second Heroic Sacrifice, Enoch admits that for the longest time he didn't understand what companionship was like, but he figured it out through knowing the team and preferred that to his eons of loneliness.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: The fridge in his house is absolutely filled to the brim with cans of coconut water and nothing else.
  • Willfully Weak: Mid-Season 7, Enoch gets battered by May with a fire extinguisher when he tries to prevent her from leaving for her own safety. However, when he later wants to defeat her, he curbstomps her.

Phil Coulson (Chronicom LMD) 

Daniel Sousa 

Agent/Chief Daniel Sousa

"You think because I'm wearing a suit and I got a clean shave, we're different? We're not. We're both people nobody cares about."

Species: Human

Citizenship: American

Portrayed By: Enver Gjokaj

Voiced By: Raymundo Armijo (Latin-American Spanish dub); Eduardo Bosch (European Spanish dub), Konstantin Panchenko (Russian dub)

Appearances: Agent Carter | Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

An injured veteran working at the S.S.R., and one of Peggy's few friends in the department. Following the Leviathan incident, he becomes Chief of the LA office in Season 2, and would go on to become Chief of the nascent S.H.I.E.L.D.'s West Coast office.

Some time later after S.H.I.E.L.D.'s official formation, Sousa would go on to serve and ultimately die in the line of duty, as the agency's first fallen agent – the victim of a HYDRA assassination plot… Or that's what's written in the history books, anyway.

  • Artificial Limbs: After years of living with a barely functional prosthetic leg that was all The '40s could provide, Simmons sets him up with a modern one and he quickly loses the need for his cane as a result.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Thompson and Dooley are openly jerks, but their condescension toward Peggy causes them to often miss her covert actions. Sousa, however, is kind to her and believes she's competent, which means he doesn't underestimate her and thus is the one to discover she's a double agent. While normally he's the "good cop" during interrogation, he turns out to be pretty aggressive if he believes you personally betrayed him.
  • Big Damn Heroes: After he and Daisy are captured by Nathaniel Malick, Sousa single-handedly deals with their captors and takes an injured and unconscious Daisy back to the team. Defiant Captive doesn't quite give him enough badass points for that one.
  • Brainy Brunette: Sousa's a lot more competent than his colleagues give him credit for.
  • The Bus Came Back: Makes an recurring appearance in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 7, 4 years after Agent Carter was cancelled.
  • Canon Foreigner: There's no Daniel Sousa in the main comics.
  • Cane Fu: Can use his crutch as a weapon.
  • Cassandra Truth: Sousa had correctly developed suspicions that S.H.I.E.L.D. had been infiltrated by HYDRA as early as 1955 and tried to warn his superiors about it. Unfortunately his suspicions would get him assassinated that year, and history shows that his superiors didn't listen.
  • Character Development: In Season 1 of Agent Carter he's Peggy's ally, but still has trouble overcoming the sexism of the day, and has a bit of a Madonna-Whore Complex with her as a result. Flash forward 10 years, in Agents of SHIELD, and he has done a fair amount of work on himself, to the point where he doesn't bat an eye at having superiors that include an Asian-American woman and a black man, and is perfectly willing to be Daisy's support system.
  • Deadpan Snarker: At times, mostly about his sexist coworkers.

    Sousa: [of Jack Thompson] Poor guy. I hear he got his personality shot off in Iwo Jima.

  • Derailing Love Interests: Picks up the Jerkass Ball big time during Peggy's interrogation in Season 1, revealing his hypocrisy much to her disgust in "SNAFU". While they've patched things up by the end of Season 2, history dictates that it didn't work out in the long run.
  • Death Faked for You: How future S.H.I.E.L.D. manages to avoid his death in 1955 while tricking out time.
  • Disabled Snarker: He was injured during WWII, and as established, he's a Deadpan Snarker.
  • Doomed by Canon: His relationship with Peggy, after Captain America travels back in time to be with her at the end of Avengers: Endgame. He seems to have already split with Peggy when seen in 1955 in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D..
    • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. also states that he was assassinated in 1955 for his attempts to expose HYDRA, and that he was historically the first S.H.I.E.L.D. agent to fall in the line of duty. Thwarted when future S.H.I.E.L.D. saves him by Tricking Out Time.
  • Fair Cop: Former Edition. Daniel was a police officer before WWII; it's the reason he's a better investigator than anyone else in the S.S.R. New York Office (except for possibly Peggy). Might even be a Shout-Out to Enver Gjokaj's cameo role in The Avengers (he's one of the NYPD cops that Steve coordinates with during the Chitauri invasion).
  • Fake Guest Star: He's given a special guest star billing throughout his run on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s seventh season to hide the fact that he joins the team very early on, and stays with them through the series' end.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: He becomes a man out of time almost as much as Steve Rogers was. After faking his death in 1955 and joining Team Coulson, he's completely aghast at how far technology has come. Hell, the now-primitive tech of The '70s leaves him awestruck.
  • Good Cop/Bad Cop:
    • He's the Good Cop when interrogating a homeless bum in "Time and Tide". Sadly, he finds that being empathetic to the man's plight just gets him rebuffed over and over, while Thompson's bribery approach immediately gets the guy talking.
    • In "SNAFU", he instead falls into the Bad Cop trope when interrogating Peggy, as he feels personally wronged by her perceived betrayal.
  • Handicapped Badass: During WWII his leg was injured to the point where he's permanently crippled, getting around with the aid of a crutch. That doesn't stop him from easily taking out a homeless veteran with said crutch when the latter becomes aggressive. He even manages to hold his own and survive against Dottie, the first character to do so in a straight-up fight. It gets even more impressive once he joins Team Coulson: after he and Daisy are captured by Nathaniel Malick and drugged to hell and back, he still manages to brutally kill his guards with a glass shard and carry an unconscious Daisy back to the Zephyr – all without his cane.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: Thompson and Dooley are the ones in charge, but Sousa surpasses them both in terms of detective skill and cunning.
  • Insecure Love Interest: Sousa's hinted to have a crush on Peggy, but Krzeminski tells him to stuff it, claiming she'd never look at a cripple like him when she's dated Captain America.

    Gjokaj: I think there's definitely a situation where… if she hadn't dated Captain America, he might ask her out for a drink. It's like if your new girlfriend dated Ryan Gosling. It's going to make you sweat a bit.

  • Inspirationally Disadvantaged: Deconstructed. Sousa tells a story of being applauded while entering a diner but another GI was not. That was when he realized they were applauding him out of pity for his disability.

    Sousa: So, I walk into this diner. This isn't a joke. I walk into this diner, and everybody starts clapping. And I look around at first, confused, and then I realize, oh, they're clapping for me, in my dress uniform, 'cause I served and came back alive, like you… So, I pretended to curtsy. Played it off as a joke, and then I'm working on my meal. I look up. I see another G.I. walk in. So, I put down my fork, put down my knife, get ready to clap. And nobody else does a thing. Silence. That's when I realized they weren't clapping for me. They were clapping for this and this. (gestures to leg and crutch) Clapping because I make them feel guilty, and they want to feel good.

  • Irony: His brightness and willingness to see Peggy as the competent agent that she is, rather than dismiss her as just a Sexy Secretary, leads him to be perhaps the biggest threat to her cover when she's working to clear Stark's name.
  • It's Personal: When Peggy was accused as a traitor in "SNAFU", he feels personally betrayed so he becomes the bad cop and is the most aggressive in interrogating her, while Thompson and Chief Dooley are more composed in doing so.
  • Jerkass Ball: In "SNAFU", Sousa accuses Peggy of sleeping with Howard, saying that he's "as good as they say" and that he "scrambled her brain". This goes away again after Peggy comes clean about her own interrogation and possessing a vial containing Steve's blood, with him trying to convince Dooley to believe her. It comes back again in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as the stress of time travel's clearly taking its toll and he starts taking it out on poor Simmons. It gets to a point where he's about to ship off in 1976, but mellows out and decides to stay with the team after saving Daisy.
  • Killed to Uphold the Masquerade: He was assassinated in 1955 for his attempts to unveil HYDRA's infiltration of S.H.I.E.L.D. Future S.H.I.E.L.D. manages to avert this with some Tricked Out Time.
  • Madonna-Whore Complex: Peggy diagnoses him as having one regarding her; he idolizes her, but turns against her when she's revealed to be a double agent and accuses her during the interrogation of having been been seduced by Howard. (Though it's not clear if she actually believes this about him or if she's just trying to turn the tables on her interrogator.)

    Peggy: [To you, I was] the girl on the pedestal, transformed into some daft whore.

  • Married to the Job: Implied to be why his relationship with Peggy didn't work out. Given that Peggy herself was also very career-minded, it may have been mutual.
  • Nice Guy: He's supportive to Peggy in contrast to his co-workers. This is initially averted in "SNAFU", however, with him being the most aggressive interrogator out of him, Thompson and Dooley.

    Sousa: You're an agent, but they treat you like a secretary.

  • Not So Above It All: A rather depressing reveal. Sousa took Peggy's part against the rest of the S.S.R.'s sexism, but while his opinion of Peggy's more benevolent, it's just as sexist in a different way: by idolizing Peggy, he set himself up to be disappointed when it looked like she wasn't the perfect woman he envisioned, and he turned on her pretty viciously. While he was initially reluctant to believe she was a traitor, his assumption that she's only doing it because she's sleeping with Howard Stark's the nail in the coffin here. To his credit, though, the instant Peggy starts laying down all her cards, he believes her, so much so that Thompson says it's because of his crush on her.
    • It's possible he never actually believed she betrayed the S.S.R. because she was sleeping with Howard, and that it was just an interrogation technique designed to get a reaction. It's fairly common in interrogations to make their motive out to be something really bad so they'll correct you, and in doing so admit that they did what they're being accused of.
  • N-Word Privileges: He freely jokes about his lost leg, but is annoyed when others make jabs about it.
  • Official Couple: He's finally able to move on from Peggy by falling in love with Daisy Johnson. To everyone's surprise, the series ends with the two of them a couple, happily exploring the universe together aboard the Zephyr.
  • Offscreen Breakup: He and Peggy broke up some time between 1947 and 1955.
  • Only Friend: He's the only one to accept Peggy as a S.S.R. agent, mostly because of his feelings for her. Because of this, he feels particularly betrayed when he assumes her guilt in "SNAFU", leaving her with zero friends, until she was able to convince him and his colleagues of her innocence.
  • Rank Up: Gets promoted to being chief of a new branch of the S.S.R. on the West Coast between seasons.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: To Peggy in Season 2.
  • Retcon: Agent Carter implies that his injured leg is still present but irreparably damaged to the point that he needs to walk with a crutch. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. slightly alters this to him actually missing a leg, wearing a prosthesis and using a cane.
  • Returning War Vet: Sousa lost the use of his leg during the Siege of Bastogne.
  • Second Love: He slowly becomes a contender for this for Peggy. In the Season 2 finale, they get together. It ultimately doesn't last, with them having split by 1955. During his travels with present-day S.H.I.E.L.D., he and Daisy Johnson become this for each other; Daniel finally gets to move on from Peggy, while Daisy finds love for the first time since losing Lincoln years earlier.
  • Sixth Ranger: Sousa joins present-day S.H.I.E.L.D. on their time-traveling adventures in the seventh season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D..
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: After losing his leg, his relationship with Peggy Carter ended, and he was supposed to be murdered by HYDRA, Team Coulson saved him from HYDRA, gave him a prosthetic leg that worked as well as a real one, and he ended up with Daisy.
  • Took a Level in Badass: He was already a badass when he joined the SSR and then S.H.I.E.L.D., but his crutch and later cane had a tendency to slow him down. This changes when Simmons gifts him with an advanced prosthesis, and he graduates to full-on action hero.
  • Transplant: From a series regular on the two seasons of Agent Carter to a recurring character in the final season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D..
  • Tricked Out Time: Unwilling to let a good man die but also trying to avoid changing the past, S.H.I.E.L.D. fakes Sousa's death in 1955 while taking him time-travelling with them. This way the world believes he dies as originally dictated, while he gets to live on without being around to affect the timeline.
  • Undying Loyalty: Season 2 gives him this towards Peggy, even as powerful forces threaten both of them and Peggy herself tells him to save himself from the sure-to-come fallout.

    Daniel: I'm in this with you 'til the end, Peggy.

  • Unfazed Everyman: All things considered, Sousa handles all the information dropped on him after being rescued from 1955 pretty well. Time-traveling S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, body-snatching alien robots, the fact that he was historically ordained to die that day? Just another day on the job for him. When Daisy later calls him out on this based on his non-reaction to them being trapped in a "Groundhog Day" Loop, he replies that he's very fazed, he just doesn't show it.
  • Utility Weapon: He sometimes uses his crutch as a weapon. It even gave him an edge when throwing down with Dottie.
  • Walking Spoiler: Can't talk about his role in Season 7 without spoiling that he cheated death and joined the time-traveling S.H.I.E.L.D. crew. The very fact that he's on the Team Coulson page is a spoiler for anyone who last saw him in Agent Carter.

Secret Warriors

In General 

The Secret Warriors

Appearances: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (first appears in Episode 53: "Closure")

A team of super powered Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. led by Daisy Johnson after the Terrigen outbreak.

  • Adaptation Origin Connection: In the comics, the Secret Warriors were formed by Nick Fury as part of his personal crusade against Hydra, composed of the children of super villains. Here, the Secret Warriors are all Inhumans gathered together by S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Badass Crew: On their first mission, they managed to not only rescue the rest of Team Coulson, but also capture the head of HYDRA.
  • The Fellowship Has Ended: With the threat of Hive being able to sway Inhumans, Coulson was forced to disband the team. With Lincoln's death and Joey quitting SHIELD, Daisy and Yo-Yo are the only ones left.

Lincoln Campbell 

Dr. Lincoln Campbell / Sparkplug

"Saving the girl I love and the world at the same time, seems pretty right to me."

Species: Inhuman

Citizenship: American

Portrayed By: Luke Mitchell

Voiced By: Carlo Vázquez [Disney dub], Arturo Cataño [Sony Dub] (Latin-American Spanish dub), Daniel Müller (Brazilian Portuguese dub), Andrey Lyovin (Russian dub)

Appearances: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (first appears in Episode 38: "Afterlife")

A young med student - later doctor - and Inhuman with electrical powers who introduces Skye to the Inhuman city of Lai Xi or "Afterlife".

  • The Alcoholic: He's heavily implied to have a problem with alcoholism and recreational drug use. It's confirmed in "Paradise Lost" when he revealed to Daisy the true extent of his past alcohol use.
  • Bad Liar: Lets information slip and then poorly tries to correct himself, leading to Skye confronting Raina.
  • Character Death: He dies in the finale of Season 3 along with Hive.
  • Code Name: Is given the name "Sparkplug" by S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Combat Medic: After his joins S.H.I.E.L.D., one of his duties include manning the infirmary as one of their resident doctors, on top of being a powerful field agent.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: The events of Season 2 Finale left him far more cynical, now believing their gifts to be a curse.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Season 3 hints that not all was sunshine and roses in Lincoln's early life even before his discovery of his Inhuman powers. While he's on the run from the ATCU, his family's not mentioned - either because he's not close with them or perhaps because they're dead. He has one friend that seems to be of an age where he might have been a Cool Uncle figure or Parental Substitute. Said friend questions whether Lincoln had been drinking, which points to a possible problem with alcohol (he's already implied to perhaps be into recreational drugs of some sort), and there's explicit mention of at least one suicide attempt. Another subtle clue to difficult childhood/teen years is that Lincoln, while obviously afraid of his situation, seems comfortable being on the run, which may indicate that it's not entirely new to him. Eventually, he reveals that his substance abuse culminated in a car accident in which his girlfriend was nearly killed. Gordon found him then and took them both to Afterlife, where his girlfriend was treated and presumably sent back to civilization.
  • Dead Guy Junior: It's subtle, but in the Framework Mac's nickname for his daughter Hope is "Sparkplug," subconsciously naming her after Lincoln.
  • Easily Forgiven: Repeatedly. It becomes a little shocking how much Coulson's willing to forgive, largely for Daisy's sake.
    • He's allowed back into civilian life despite taking part in Jiaying's assault, in which he was complicit in the deaths of several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and directly injuring some of them. The same's true of the other Afterlife Inhumans who survived; obviously, they weren't locked up because Jiaying lied to and manipulated them.
    • He goes rogue to try and murder Andrew Garner.
    • He frequently disobeys orders and argues with his superiors.
  • Explosive Leash: In "Singularity," Coulson gives him an explosive vest that May can trigger if Hive infects him. Both Lincoln and May point out that this is a really screwed up way of asking for his help, especially considering that Coulson's doing everything he can to save Daisy. In the end, Coulson agrees he was wrong, and grounds Lincoln entirely.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Is calm and collected in his final moments, looking at the Earth in awe along with Hive.
  • Fatal Flaw: His anger's by far his biggest problem, which when combined with his dangerous powers, causes others to question whether he's a suitable asset. When push comes to shove, however, he does manage to keep himself under control.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: He's only at S.H.I.E.L.D. because he has feelings for Daisy, not because he's interested in making a difference; combined that with his Hair-Trigger Temper means he's not very well liked by Coulson or May.
  • Good Counterpart: To Ward, as a mentor figure to Skye/Daisy that eventually evolves into a Love Interest. In contrast to Ward, who was a sociopath that had most people believing that he was a charming, decent guy... Lincoln's really a Nice Guy under the tough exterior and wants to help people - but by citizens (and even parts of S.H.I.E.L.D.) he's misunderstood and characterized as an evil or at least dangerous threat.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Flies a ship with a nuclear bomb into orbit in order to destroy Hive.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: His biggest flaw by far. Despite being generally a Nice Guy, it's incredibly easy to piss him off, and he in turn tends to violently explode when it happens. His temper, along with his alcoholism, ended his past relationship when he nearly killed his girlfriend. This trait also makes him a giant liability, as it turns out to be staggeringly easy to manipulate and frame him, as Daisy demonstrates after becoming swayed by Hive.
  • Hidden Depths: He's initially introduced as a calm and zen-like Inhuman who specializes in helping other Inhumans transition through the effects of Terrigenesis. Once he's removed from the paradisiacal Afterlife, however, we find out that he's quick to anger and not good with unexpected situations. Daisy keeps him grounded, but this causes problems when he has to go on missions without her.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: After Season 2, he wants nothing to do with either S.H.I.E.L.D. or his fellow Inhumans, and wants to live a normal life as a doctor.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: His role in Jiaying's assault in the Season 2 finale may have had something to do with Lash targeting him. How did Lash find him? Jiaying's ledger.
  • The Lost Lenore: His death really hit Daisy hard and continues to do so in Season 4.
  • Magical Defibrillator: Subverted and later played straight; He tries to use his shock and awe powers to restart a friend's heart after disarming him and scaring into a heart attack but it doesn't work. He later uses his powers to help reboot Werner's brain after the latter's in a semi-comatose state.
  • The Medic: He's a transitioner for the Inhumans, and his introduction shows him using acupuncture to help Skye's body fully adjust to her new powers. Later, he tells her that he's working on a medical degree. In Season 3, he's seen working at a hospital, until he's forced to go on the run. He even helps to "jump-start" Werner's brain with his powers when the latter's in a semi-comatose state.
  • Messiah Creep: Well-disguised because of his Anti-Hero character, but eventually sacrifices himself for the S.H.I.E.L.D. team and all of humanity by piloting an armed warhead into space on a one-way trip. His last moments include a discourse about the state of humanity and why they warrant such a sacrifice. Other characters discuss how he's 'paying for all their mistakes.' He even takes possession of a literal cross – well, a crucifix necklace, which is heavily featured in his death scene – several times, it turns out.
  • Mr. Exposition: Has the task of informing Skye where she is and what they do at Lai Xi.
  • Nice Guy: He's nothing but sweet and courteous to Skye, and doesn't exhibit any of the Bitch in Sheep's Clothing of his fellow Inhumans.
  • Not in This for Your Revolution: It's made pretty clear in Season 3 that he's only working with S.H.I.E.L.D. for Daisy's sake, rather than any commit to the organization or its ideals.
  • Power Floats: Can channel his electricity into other people to make them float. He can do it gently by hand contact or throw you into the ceiling with a short range bolt of energy.
  • Pretty Boy: James mocks him as looking like he's from a boy band.
  • Sacrificial Lion: The one major character on the side of the good guys to bite the dust in Season 3.
  • Shock and Awe: Every cell in his body has a charge, which he can control at will. He can use this to heat objects or deliver shocks, and mentions that he nearly burned down Lai Xi before gaining control. He can also transfer the energy to others through physical contact, which he demonstrates on Skye by making her levitate. He also uses these powers to short out the controls on the Quinjet at the end of Season 3, making it impossible for Hive to retake control of the plane and escape.
  • The Stoner: He shows Skye a good spot to go to "smoke something".
  • Token Good Teammate: Among those in Jiayang's war party, he's the only one not okay with her ruthless campaign. Eventually, he pulls a complete Heel–Face Turn in the finale.
  • Trauma Conga Line: All of "A Wanted In(human)" was this for him. The ATCU outed him to the public, his Only Friend sold him out, and when he disarmeded him it scared him into a heart attack. Then, after agreeing to come in to work with Daisy, Coulson sells him out to keep Daisy a secret. As Daisy put it:

    Daisy: You've been having a Hell of a day.

  • The Unmasking: He's exposed after Lash attacks his hospital and made public by the end.

Joey Gutierrez 

José "Joey" Gutierrez

"I'm literally a catastrophic meltdown."

Species: Inhuman

Citizenship: Colombian

Portrayed By: Juan Pablo Raba

Voiced By: José Gilberto Vilchis [Disney dub], Alfonso Obregón Inclán [Sony Dub] (Latin-American Spanish dub), Vladimir Maslakov (Russian dub)

Appearances: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (first appears in Episode 45: "Laws of Nature")

"I've lived with a secret before. I was miserable until I came out with it."

The first Inhuman that S.H.I.E.L.D. was able to reach first and extract, in the wake of Terrigen being released into the ecosystem. He has the ability to shape metal.

  • Barrier Warrior: His powers enable him to create a field that melts incoming projectiles so long as they are made of metal and this allows him to shield both himself and his allies from most modern weapons.
  • Bury Your Gays: Averted, but trolled a few times. The writers are aware of this, having played it straight previously with Victoria Hand, and twice have made it look like he's been killed, first by Lash then by Giyera, only for it to be revealed as a fake-out (firstly by revealing to be Lash's imagination, then secondly by the bullets turning to liquid prior).
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: A gay character who has special powers that people who are scared or repulsed by his type of people are trying to cure, while people who share his identity (namely Daisy) try to reassure him that his abilities are not a disease or something to be afraid of, and that he needs to come to terms with it. Get the subtext? Joey himself somewhat lampshades this.
  • Expy: Seems to be one for Sebastian Druid of the comic book version of the Secret Warriors, being a dorky Audience Surrogate who's introduced with no control of his powers but comes back some time later having gained competence and confidence. He even somewhat looks like Druid.
  • Extra-ore-dinary: His powers include being able to control the physical state of metal. Joey eventually learns how to reshape metal into something new as well.
  • Jumped at the Call: Once he's grown accustomed to his powers, he's thrilled by the prospect of using them in construction, and later geeks out over being bulletproof.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: He has no idea how to control his powers, and he's dismayed that there's no way to reverse his powers. However, by his second appearance he has come more to terms with it and apparently doesn't want a cure anymore.
  • Immune to Bullets: To his delight; he discovers this by jumping in front of three bullets fired at Daisy only for them to melt before striking him.
  • Mundane Utility: Discussed. After he gains some control over them, he notes that his powers could be very useful in construction.
  • Non-Action Guy: Not as combat trained as the rest of the Secret Warriors, but like the rest of the cast even when non-action oriented he's still more than capable of kicking ass. However, when he actually kills someone he's so shaken up by it that, after Hive infects Daisy, he becomes disillusioned with working for S.H.I.E.L.D. and opts to go home.
  • Opt Out: He quits working for S.H.I.E.L.D. after the Hive Crisis due to the shock of killing Lucio.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: He can affect certain metals up to three meters (nine feet) away, enabling a lot of damage potential by collateral.
  • Power Incontinence: He managed to wreck a good few blocks before S.H.I.E.L.D. got to him by accident. They're working on helping him to control it, and as of "Chaos Theory" he's made considerable progress.
  • Straight Gay: The first definite LGBT character in the entire MCU, and currently the only gay superhero. It's revealed in a "by the way" manner, with Bobbi mentioning his ex-boyfriend as one of the things S.H.I.E.L.D. knows about him (via Facebook), and later he wryly notes that he's already lived with one secret that made him miserable until he revealed the truth.
  • Taking the Bullet: He shields gunfire from Giyera meant for Daisy, but he subconsciously uses his power to liquefy the bullets before contact, rendering them mostly harmless. So he does stop the bullets from hitting her but he isn't hurt in the process.
  • These Hands Have Killed: He stabs Lucio with a pipe in "The Team", killing him, and spends the rest of the episode in a funk heavily influenced by this.
  • Took a Level in Badass: He's slowly but surely evolving into this, even if his powers make him more adept at in support role than a straight up combatant like the other Secret Warriors. As of "The Team" he's officially gone on missions as a Secret Warrior, has skydived into a HYDRA base, effortlessly melted bullets fired at him and Elena, and killed Lucio with a pipe, though that last one shook him up a bit.
  • Twofer Token Minority: Latino and gay. It's a threefer, if you count the whole Inhuman part.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Really afraid and confused when his powers awaken and he accidentally trashes a couple city blocks.

Elena Rodriguez / Yo-Yo 

Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez

"I wouldn't use my gifts to commit a sin. they are a gift from God."

Species: Inhuman

Citizenship: Colombian

Portrayed By: Natalia Cordova-Buckley

Voiced By: Gaby Willer [Sony Dub] (Latin-American Spanish dub), Oksana Andreychuk (Russian dub)

Appearances: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (first appears in Episode 55: "Bouncing Back") | Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot

"Evil preys on the weak because it fears the strong."

An Inhuman woman with the ability to move at superhuman speed.

  • Action Girl: Her powers are quite handy in a firefight, and she's very creative with them.
  • Adaptational Nationality: Is Puerto Rican in the comics, but Colombian here.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Headlines her own Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. web spinoff, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot, which takes place before Season 4.
  • Affectionate Nickname: "Yo-Yo", the nickname Mack gives to her.
  • Age Lift: She's in her late twenties here, while her comic self was only 15 when she was a member of the team. Given Daisy's own Age Lift and the moral implications of S.H.I.E.L.D. working with a young teen, the lift makes sense.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Ruby cuts off both her arms at the elbows in "All the Comforts of Home".
  • Artifact Name: By the end of the show, the nickname Yo-Yo no longer applies, given that she no longer bounces back to where she started running when using her powers.
  • Artificial Limbs: Elena's given robotic limbs after losing her forearms mid-Season 5, but Jemma later gives her more lifelike prosthetics at the start of Season 7.
  • Battle Couple: She and her fellow S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Mack become a couple in Season 4.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Yo-Yo wanted to be with Mack, but he wants to be with Hope. So Yo-Yo jumps into the Framework alongside him – and wakes up Strapped to an Operating Table, unable to move.
  • Bilingual Conversation: In her first appearance, she can only understand a few words of English, forcing Mack to translate for her with his (limited) Spanish. She later becomes more fluent after becoming an agent, but still regularly slips Spanish words into her speech.
  • Blood Knight: Not in a creepy way, but Elena's often seen cracking a wide grin during fight scenes, suggesting that she really loves putting down bad guys.
  • Brought Down to Badass: Yo Yo can't use her superspeed when fighting Ivanov, but she's still a trained agent with incredibly strong robot arms.
  • Cast from Hit Points: When she first got her robotic arms, they weren't able to handle moving at such high speed, causing them to short out and cause her extreme pain whenever she used her powers. This problem was later fixed by Fitz, however.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Just because she loves combat doesn't make her stupid. A confrontation with half a dozen gun-wielding soldiers opens with the soldiers staring comically down at their empty hands and Yo-yo grinning as she drops their guns in a pile.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She has perhaps the driest sense of humor in all of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Drama-Preserving Handicap: Her super-speed makes her by far the most overpowered of the S.H.I.E.L.D. field operatives, so getting her arms cut off by Ruby in Season 5 and having to spend significant time adjusting to her prosthetics helped keep her in check. And once again in Season 7, where she suffers from PTSD after her shrike infection from Season 6, preventing her from accessing her powers for the front half of the season.
  • Fragile Speedster: Her powers make her incredibly fast, but she's no more durable than a regular human and lacks the combat training of more traditional S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, making her very reliant on her powers to get things done.
  • The Gunslinger: Entirely capable of pulling a Woo using her powers, as demonstrated in the Season 6 finale when she uses her powers to gun down three Shrike zombies in a fraction of a second.
  • Heroic BSoD: A prolonged one, after seeing herself die in the Bad Future, warned of the Stable Time Loop, and getting her arms cut off on top of everything else. And again in Season 7 after her close call with a shrike.
  • In-Series Nickname: Mack calls her Yo-Yo. It later spreads around the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D. and becomes her official Secret Warriors moniker.
  • Jumped at the Call: The first thing she does when she gets her powers is to steal an arms shipment and destroy it so the weapons won't be in the hands of the corrupt cops who run her country. She takes a bit more convincing to join Coulson's team, but eventually gets into it.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Her powers make her often quite reckless, jumping into action without thinking of the potential dangers.
  • Named by the Adaptation: In the comics, Yo-Yo's real first name was never revealed.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: She blames Mack for everyone calling her "Yo-Yo" instead of Elena. She shall have her revenge.
  • Real Men Love Jesus: She sincerely believes that her powers are a gift from God. She carries with her a cross necklace that was meant to telegraph a character's death, and switches hands several times in the last few episodes before finally settling on Lincoln.
  • Shipper on Deck: She encourages Coulson to get together with May, saying that she doesn't need to read a file on them to know the truth.
  • Ship Tease: With Mack in Season 3. By Season 4 (post roughly a 6-8 month Time Skip), the 'tease' part's all but out the window, and they've gone on at least one dinner date.
  • Spicy Latina: She's a Colombian woman who wears her heart on her sleeve and can be considered quite feisty.
  • Story-Breaker Power: Her speed has trivialized a lot of encounters for the team. For this reason she has been Put on a Bus or given Drama-Preserving Handicaps to keep her in check.
    • Gets broken to her full potential in Season 7 when she realized that she didn't actually need to bounce back to her original position, greatly opening up the applications of the power.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: Once she's warmed up to you, she's friendly, funny and good-natured. However, she has not had the easiest life and will shut down just as quickly if she has reason to mistrust you.
  • Super-Speed: She can move incredibly fast, but only for the length of time of a single heartbeat, and she would always snap back to her original position, hence the name "Yo-Yo". She eventually learns that she doesn't need to snap back, though the single heartbeat restriction still seems to apply.
  • Taking the Bullet: For Mack, in the Season 3 finale; she was trying to catch all the bullets heading towards him but she wasn't fast enough. She gets better.
  • Throwing Off the Disability: It's implied that Yo-Yo's fixation on bouncing back rather than moving forward was what prevented her from using her powers in the first half of Season 7, so as soon as she realizes she doesn't need to bounce back, she's able to put them to good use.
  • Tragic Keepsake: Her abuela's cross necklace. Elena trying to protect it from a would-be thief indirectly got her uncle killed, a trauma that she kept buried for a long time. It would later end up as a hot potato in Season 3 indicating who would die in the season finale thanks to a prophetic vision, and Lincoln would ultimately take it to his death.
  • Worst Aid: The Season 3 finale sees her taking machine gun fire for Mack. She lives because Mack, as per Dr. Radcliffe's suggestion, cauterizes her wounds with a damn blowtorch. Even the other agents discuss how awful an idea this is; but as Radcliffe rightly points out, it's their only idea.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: A believer in this idea. Losing both her arms like in the Bad Future didn't help.

Daisy Johnson: This is what we're fighting for.
Phil Coulson: Family.

Alternative Title(s): Agents Of Shield Team Coulson Introduced In Season 1, Agents Of Shield Team Coulson, MCUSHIELD Secret Warriors, MCU Daisy Johnson, MCU Jemma Simmons