Rick and Morty: Morty Smith - TV Tropes

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Mortimer Chauncey "Morty" Smith

Voiced by: Justin Roiland (Seasons 1 to 6), Harry Belden (Season 7 onwards), Gabriel Regojo (anime adaptation)

Played by: Jaeden Martell (live action)

Dubbed by: Keisuke Chiba (Japanese, TV series), Ryunosuke Yamaguchi (Japanese, Space Jam: A New Legacy), Eder La Barrera (Latin American Spanish, TV series), Moisés Iván Mora (Latin American Spanish, Space Jam: A New Legacy)

Characters in Rick and Morty: Morty Smith

"Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV?"

Rick's good-hearted and impressionable grandson who falls victim to playing the role of his sidekick. Morty is a young high school student who has trouble fitting in, especially given the circumstances he faces at home. He likely has a disability of sorts, and has trouble keeping up with the other kids in class, but he is proven to be pretty badass outside of school at Rick's side. He also has plenty of Hidden Depths, frequently proving himself to perhaps be the only one who has any skills in making heads and tails of the madness and chaos Rick tends to generate around him.

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  • Achievements in Ignorance: In “Childrick of Mort,” when Rick finds himself in a Curb-Stomp Battle with Reggie, Summer and Morty accidentally save Rick’s life by crashing a spaceship into the back of Reggie’s head, killing him instantly. Rick outright admits that this single act makes both Morty and Summer his “heroes.”
  • Action Survivor: Though he's usually the Non-Action Guy to Rick, episodes like "Anatomy Park" show that he is capable of taking care of himself without Rick around.
  • All-Loving Hero: Morty is a living Deconstruction of the trope. No matter how hard he tries, he inevitably gets dragged into situations in which people (sometimes innocent people) get killed. In "Mortynight Run", he tries to save the life of an imprisoned living gas that Rick names "Fart". Not only does he accidentally kill the assassin but by freeing the gas he causes a dangerous chase sequence that kills several cops and Fart uses its abilities to kill several more as well as a handful of innocent bystanders. In the end, Morty kills the gas when he realizes it plans to lead an invasion that will purge the universe of all carbon-based life.
    • Additionally, his naiveté regarding the multiverse and the potential dangers within it constantly puts him in harm's way, a major example being an adventure in a fairy tale world where an encounter with an anthropomorphic jellybean takes a dark turn when the jellybean attempts to violently rape him.
    • In fact, by Season 3, he has come to see his soft-heartedness and conscience as a weakness (seen when it manifested itself in Toxic Morty). As such, without it, he is energetic, chipper and happy, while also a Patrick Bateman-styled sociopath.
  • All for Nothing: In "Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Repeat", Morty continuously tries to change the future so that he and Jessica end up together well until his last days when she tells him that she loves him, though he is eventually stopped by Rick from going AKIRA. However, he later overhears Jessica talking about how, after she gets out of school, she wishes to cheer up dying strangers and repeat their names on their tags over and over to console them. Morty is pretty pissed about this.
  • Allegedly Dateless: Even though Morty is generally treated as a stereotypically virginal awkward wimp who can't talk to women, he's actually managed to score with attractive women on more occasions than most boys his age (though circumstances tend to ensure he can't enjoy it for long).
  • All of the Other Reindeer: Averted; Morty was never shown to be unpopular or an outcast. He was only shown to be bullied once in the pilot and despite not having any friends no one has a problem being around him, including his crush Jessica, a beautiful and popular girl. However, by the sixth season, his career of careening around the multiverse with his grandpa has gotten him a reputation such that the other kids, though not antagonistic toward him personally, are still afraid to have him around.
  • Ambiguous Innocence: In the episode, "The Ricklantis Mixup", Morty's character trait as being a morally good person is used frequently in this episode to manipulate other characters through emotional persuasion and seemingly good-natured acts.
  • Ambiguously Bi: We don't have much to work with, but one of Morty's memories in "Morty's Mind Blowers" is Mr. Poopybutthole proposing to him, and Morty doesn't seem to be objecting and even looks happy at it. While this is just a Freeze-Frame Bonus, we don't know the context of any of this.
  • Anti-Hero: A Classical Anti-Hero initially, though his traumatic experiences have shaped him into the Good Is Not Soft variety over time as he's grown in confidence. Specifically, Morty usually tries to do the right thing and save lives as peacefully as possible, but he almost always messes up and ends up causing more death and destruction than he would've otherwise. It also doesn't help that Rick tends to force Morty into situations where he ends up having to kill people. So, as a result, he's become more pragmatic and quicker to resort to deadly violence over time. Even so, near the end of the fifth season, we see him using Rick's portal gun to jump quickly to multiple locations and finish cleaning up the messes Rick has left behind and saving people from the consequences Rick doesn't care about.
  • The Anti-Nihilist: The events of "Rick Potion #9" seem to have turned him into this if his speech to Summer in "Rixty Minutes" is anything to go by.
  • Aesop Amnesia: Despite numerous experinces in adventuring throughout the Multiverse, Morty can't seem to comprehend that said Multiverse is a morally complex place and doesn't function in Black and White morality. He constantly gets himself and Rick into trouble, because he won't learn that sometimes he needs to stay out of a situation if all he's got to go on is self-righteousness.
  • Ax-Crazy: Whenever he gets pushed and loses his sense of morality, he becomes a homicidal lunatic.
  • Badass Adorable: He sometimes manages to kick ass.
  • Being Good Sucks: It's not stated explicitly, but a machine designed to remove all things the user deems toxic from the body removes, amongst other things, his empathy.
    • There were also three occasions he tried to be a good person and help others and all three had disastrous and very unfavorable results, usually ending with Morty himself being the loser at the end of it all.
      • First was with Fart. He tried to help Fart get home over spending a good time at Blips and Chitz with Rick. In their effort of saving him, Rick, Morty, and Fart had caused countless deaths of many Gear people, both of authorities chasing them and innocent bystanders. By the end when Fart was a portal way from home, with the intention to bring his kind to purge all carbon-based lifeforms for being so dangerous, Morty had no choice but to kill him off, rendering all their efforts, deaths of the Gear people and the sacrifice of a fun day at an intergalactic arcade moot.
      • Next is saving Arthicia but this one is more probably of him thinking with what's in his pants than his brain. The end result was Arthicia shooting Rick in the gut, leaving them for dead on the planet during the Purge season to fend for themselves without Rick's usual tech against psychopathic, murderous cat people. Even when Morty and Rick (Mostly Rick) helped Arthicia to end the festival by killing the rich assholes who made this festival happen, Morty left Arthicia on pretty awkward terms, with the latter telling Morty that she had a boyfriend, when Morty tried to ask her out. In any case, Rick probably bonded with Arthicia more than Morty even did.
      • And let's not forget Snake Planet. In trying to help them by sending them back their fake astronaut, Slippy after killing their original astronaut, that only informed Snake Planet of "something bigger and scary to unite against" a.k.a Morty and humanity. As such, they create advanced time travel technology, Terminator Snakes, and soldiers from the future to try and kill Morty. Just like the last two points, in the end, Morty trying to be good got him nothing good from it all, only some extra unwanted work, a black eye from Rick, and costing him a trip to Boob World.

      Rick: Next time, stay in the f***ing car!

  • Beleaguered Assistant: He is often forced by Rick to assist him with his science projects and often rather shady adventures where he is injured and traumatized regularly. Despite this, he seems to enjoy going on adventures with Rick.
    • Vindicators 3 touches on this a bit more, implying that he's usually the one who has to handle the fallout of Rick's "blackout drunk" moments. Considering the moment in question within the episode involved the Vindicators picking each other off one by one while at the same time Rick's recording is blasting them about how they were all a bunch of pushovers and not all that special, one can only assume what other trouble Morty has been forced to clean up.

      Rick: Morty, how many of these-
      Morty: TOO MANY, Rick! Too many!

  • Beware the Nice Ones: Morty tends to snap if pushed too far. For example, when the Jellybean king tried to rape him, Morty eventually lost it and beat the crap out of him.
    • Rick mentions Morty having this tendency in the episode "Look Who's Purging Now", which Morty dismisses. Later in the episode, a villager kicks Morty and Rick out of his house after Morty gives him the writing criticism he asked for, and Morty remorselessly kills him. When Rick's Power Armor appears, Morty mercilessly kills scores of other villagers, many of whom were just hiding. Rick tries to play this off as a chemical in a candy bar they ate earlier — but it no longer has the chemical.
    • He actually tries to kill Rick towards the end of the first episode of season three.
    • Despite being the younger brother, he is rather protective of Summer, and hurting her in any way is very bad for your health. Just ask Ethan what Morty did to him as payback for dumping his sister for a girl with bigger breasts.
    • The Healthy!Morty from "Rest and Ricklaxation" appears at face value to be much nicer and more confident at first, but it is hinted throughout the episode that due to the detoxifier removing the "toxic" empathy from Morty, he's actually a manipulative sociopath. He shows no qualms with telling Healthy!Rick to kill his Toxic self, and it is mentioned several times he literally lacks a conscience or empathy. In fact, near the end, Rick calls him a "Little American Psycho"
    • In "Morty's Mind Blowers" after finding out that, at one point, he actually corrected Rick when he said "taken for granite" instead of "granted", laughed at Rick over it, and Rick wiped Morty's memory of the moment just to save face over a small grammar mistake causes Morty to snap, and pissed him off enough to physically attack him while screaming about how much of an asshole he is and ignoring Rick's requests to calm down.
  • Big Brother Instinct: To his sister Summer, despite being the younger sibling. Summer and Morty develop very protective instincts towards each other as they faced threats, their parents' complicated relationships, and their grandfather Rick's antics. Morty tries to protect Summer in any way he can, even from her own adoration of Rick. She is just as protective of him and even attempts to get Morty to go free when they face the Council of Ricks together to protect him.
  • Book Dumb: He may do poorly in school, but to be fair, he barely attends school, no thanks to Rick dragging him out to adventures most of the time. Although, he does think quickly on his feet and can be pretty observant. He also has enough common sense to poke holes in Rick's ideas and think about consequences—even if Rick usually dismisses him. It's later revealed that his supposed stupidity is why Rick has him as a sidekick. Morty's brainwaves are capable of canceling out Rick's brainwaves and thus able to mask him from potential enemies. It gets to the point where Mortys are even treated as a resource by the Council of Ricks. Although, this may just be an excuse for Rick to spend more time with Morty so he can actually avert this trope for his grandson, considering he did spend most of the time without him in his younger days. Also, to his observation skills, his experiences throughout the series turn into a Manipulative Bastard capable of playing Rick of all people to get a day off.
    • Word of God is that Morty will one day be a new Rick. It's likely that his difficulties in school stem from his Asperger's (which he shares with Rick and show creator Dan Harmon), such that he has his own hyper-specific interests, trouble focusing, difficulty processing and managing tasks... things like that.
  • Born Unlucky: Good lord, this poor guy has it hard. He's behind at school, can't get the girl, almost got raped, and gets used by his manipulative grandfather who takes him on adventures where he gets psychologically traumatized every day.
  • Break the Cutie:
    • In "Meeseeks and Destroy", Morty almost becomes victim to rape by the Jellybean King. Afterwards, he is practically crying and tells Rick that he just wants to go home.
    • On a more general note, Rick and Morty's adventures have been slowly taking their toll on Morty, robbing more and more of his optimism as he faces constant disasters and failures.
    • This has been somewhat reversed by the fifth season. His arc took him to being far more ruthless by season three, but by the fifth season his compassion has returned and he's able to clean up the messes Rick left behind. Further he's able to call Rick out on his bullshit and stand up to him, but also to show him compassion, forgive him, and acknowledge his own growth over the show's run.
  • Brainy Brunette: Due to the increasing amount of time he spent with Rick, he's growing to be a strong male example.
  • Broken Pedestal: Morty slowly loses his respect for Rick as the series goes on. Rick is family and Morty loves him, but he slowly understands that Rick is a selfish asshole that hardly cares about anyone but himself, and he doesn't even fully care about himself either, no matter how people might feel about him. By season 3, Morty has given up on Rick, feeling that he'll never change and will just keep bailing when things get bad for him.

    Morty: [after Summer says he's bailing on Rick] He bails on everybody! He bailed on Mom when she was a kid! He — he bailed on Tiny Planet! And in case I never made this clear to you, Summer, he bailed on you. He left you to rot in a world that he ruined because he doesn't care! Because nobody's special to him, Summer, not even himself. So, if you really want your grandpa back, grab a shovel. The one that won't let you down is buried in your backyard!

    Morty: [after showing Summer the Cronenberg dimension] These are the parts of Rick's adventures you don't get to see, the parts he leaves behind.

    Morty: He's not a villain, Summer, but he shouldn't be your hero. He's more like a demon, or a super fucked-up god.

    • By the fifth season, he's grown enough that he's able to see Rick through the lens of Parents as People, accepting that Rick is deeply flawed, but capable of growth and worthy of love.
  • Butt-Monkey: Rick's adventures generally leave him either deeply traumatized or incredibly humiliated. This is actually something Morty is fully aware of as he knows that Rick is incredibly toxic to be around but everyone ignores him and sucks up to Rick instead, even going as far to insult Morty as viciously as possible. When he meets Planetina, he angrily tells Beth that there's trust and comfort in Planetina that he can't find anywhere else in his life.

    Morty: My whole life, I've never fit in anywhere. Everything I have to say is always met with an eyeroll as if the act of hearing what I have to say is some exhausting chore. Nobody in this family thinks I can say or do anything right! I've been ALL over the universe, met hundreds of people, and Planetina's the ONLY ONE I've ever met that makes me feel I BELONG, and YOU just KICKED her out of our house!
    Beth: Morty, please-

  • Calling Parents by Their Name: He refers to his grandfather by his name, unlike his sister (who typically calls him "Grandpa Rick").
  • Calling the Old Man Out: Tries to do this with Rick, but his grandfather either outright dismisses these criticisms or pointedly ignores answering to them as he attempts to steer the conversation elsewhere. Season 3 shows that he's getting better at calling out Rick's jerkishness in ways that are harder to brush off.
    • He also manages to call out Beth in "The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy". After Summer accidentally misuses the Morphizer-XE and Beth tries to fix the problem without Rick's assistance, an aggravated Morty finally tells her what's up.

      Beth: Morty!
      Morty: Don't, "Morty" me! I tricked Rick into taking dad on an adventure because I thought I could get a break from this kind of sh*t, but no! Like father, like ***-damn daughter! You wanna be like Rick?! Congratulations, you're just as arrogant, and just as irresponsible!

    • The end of the fifth season has him do it again, and Rick calls him on it again, replacing him with a pair of crows. The resulting nonsense ends with Rick coming to acknowledge his flaws and accept that Morty is right, and that he needs to change.
  • Catchphrase: Later seasons even parody this, with Mortys (Morties?) on the Citadel repeating these catchphrases back and forth at one another as a kind of independent twin-speak dialog.
    • "OoOOOooOOHHhhh!"
    • He often responds to Rick with "Oh geez, Rick".
  • Caught with Your Pants Down:
    • Jerry once walked into his room while Morty was under the covers looking at his laptop. Morty then gave an extended speech about how he should be more careful when entering his room.
    • Summer once caught him jerking it in the kitchen, to which he answers that he's done it all over the house and he was thinking about her friend, Grace.
  • Character Development: Compare him with the quivering, useless Mortys in "Close Rick-counters", and you can see that the experiences he's gone through have definitely matured him. Given his Rick is said to be belligerent even by the standards of other Ricks, it probably rubs off on this version of Morty. By Season 2, he's become fairly numb to a decent amount of the insanity around him, though he still has his limits and still maintains a moral compass that Rick for the most part lacks. He also seems more tolerant of Rick's antics only raising an issue if Rick has a direct hand in causing problems. By season 3, he's all but given up on seeing anything redeeming in Rick, and is more exasperated by his antics than tolerant or surprised. At this point, it's less that he willingly goes along with Rick's adventures and more that he's dragged along for the ride, along with the other family members. Also, he is shown to be a lot more like Rick in some areas, as demonstrated in "The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy" where he not only loudly tells off his mother for being arrogant and trying to solve problems herself instead of asking for help, but then curses out a bystander who heard the commotion. He then gets revenge on the boy who hurt his sister by disfiguring him with Rick's device. In "The Rickchurian Mortydate", he refuses to listen to Rick and sides with the rest of the family against him. By the end of season five, he's a capable adventurer in his own right, able to act with confidence and pull off Rickian levels of audacity to solve problems on the fly, and even having his fair share of adventures apart from Rick.
  • Character Tic: Inverted. Under normal circumstances, he has a noticeable stutter and a tendency to pepper his speech with "Aw geez", demonstrating his meekness and submission to Rick. However, when speaking seriously (or royally pissed off),note  both of these traits disappear, indicating just how dire things are getting. The fact that one of the only Mortys that doesn't stutter or say "Aw geez" at all in his appearances is the Morty that becomes the President of the Citadel is a good sign that he is nothing like the usual Mortys that pass through the space station.
  • Chick Magnet:
    • Invoked in "Rick Potion #9" when Rick gave him the formula to make him irresistible. Of course, this went wrong real quick.
    • When he got rid of his own (perceived) toxic traits, Morty was able to ask Jessica out (though she politely left because he was too active for her) and woo two noticeably older women.
    • He quickly wins over Annie in "Anatomy Park."
    • In "The Ricklantis Mixup", he apparently hooked up with a mermaid offscreen.
    • He gains (and loses) a new girlfriend during the events of "The Vat of Acid Episode".
    • "Mort Dinner Rick Andre" reveals that Jessica actually likes him too.
    • In a more literal sense, the clip episode "Morty's Mind Blowers" reveals that Rick had a magnet-looking-device that would summon certain objects. After Rick got his zip-tie, Morty used it to summon (and injure) red-haired women.
  • Child Soldiers: Some of the missions with Rick amount to him becoming this. The pilot episode is especially filled with this, wherein Rick puts a gun in his hand, orders him to kill mooks, and then mocks his trauma.
  • The Chosen One: By being the only Morty with enough of a spine to stand up to a Rick. Though Evil Morty may in fact be the "one true Morty" that the captive Mortys spoke of. Which makes you the superior Morty? The one who can defeat Rick, or the one who can heal him?
  • The Consigliere: Due to the extremities of Rick's more immoral actions, Morty fluctuates between this and the Sour Supporter. It doesn't help he's a more ineffective case of the trope, since he regularly finds himself ignored by Rick or shot down by the likes of Beth, Summer, or Birdperson, who tend to enable him. Akin to the trope, however, Morty is too indispensable to just throw aside, contradicting or not, and Rick will often feel obliged to at least half-ass an excuse why he is (supposedly) wrong.
  • Cornered Rattlesnake:
    • Morty is often meek and cowardly in confrontation, though can prove quite a threat if forced into a corner. After Jellybean King tried to rape him, he retaliated and rather quickly beat him to a pulp, all the while still terrified for his life.
    • In "Morty's Mind Blowers", when Rick's general dickishness and control is revealed, Morty goes nuts and attacks Rick, taking the latter by surprise and causing an accident that leads to both of their memories disappearing. It is only when Summer comes in and fixes everything, that things return to normal.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Despite his awkward and insecure demeanor, he's proven that he able to hold off his own without Rick on some occasions, and it really shows in the feats he pulls off in "Mort Dinner Rick Andre".
  • The Cutie: Morty is considered to be, and can be at his best of moods, a cinnamon roll.
  • Cyborg: Rick gave him bionic implants that allow him to transform into a car without his knowledge or consent.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Having to deal with what he goes through regularly can turn you into this. If he's not freaking out (which is happening less often as the series goes on), he just gives a resigned "whatever" look on his face.
  • Deconstructed Character Archetype: Morty Smith is a deconstruction of the Kid Sidekick archetype. Morty is the sidekick to his grandfather, Rick Sanchez, a scientist and dimension traveler who takes him to all these different worlds and on these different adventures. Morty is traumatized by these adventures because his grandfather is an immoral scientist who views everything as meaningless, and Morty experiences a lot of death and destruction on these adventures. Morty grows as a person and becomes more assertive and smarter, as his mother hopes would happen, which is why she allows him to go on these adventures with his grandfather. It comes at the price of him becoming more traumatized and unhappy and his morality damaged by his adventures with his grandfather. While being a sidekick made him stronger, it also came at the price of damaging him as a person.
  • Designer Babies: "Rickaumari Jack" reveals that the Ricks started pushing Beth and Jerry together in lots of universes, and it's now the case that most Mortys are cloned and engineered by the Citadel, being bred to be subservient to Ricks. Comments by Evil Morty and C-137 Rick about how Morty is bred for forgiveness, to worship Rick and sell-out to him, suggest that our Morty is also a clone of another Morty. Fortunately or not, it's revealed in the first episode of season six that he's not a designer baby, but the natural-ish grandson of Rick Prime; the Rick who killed Main Rick's family.
  • Deuteragonist: To Rick's protagonist.
  • Did Not Get the Girl: Unfortunately, no matter how close he gets to a female in the show, he never manages to seal the deal.
    • Averted (albeit off-screen) in Season 3, where it is explicitly mentioned by Rick that Morty hooked up with a mermaid in Atlantis, though the outcome of the relationship after this episode isn't known other than the fact that it isn't brought up again and Morty doesn't consider himself in a long-term relationship otherwise.
    • He also manages to woo several women when cleared of his "toxic" qualities in "Rest and Ricklaxation" and hooks up with one of them, though he breaks up with her at the end when restored to his normal self.
    • He has a touching, long term relationship with a more age-appropriate partner in the "The Vat of Acid Episode", only to be accidentally reset, and further attempts to start the relationship over ends with him getting maced, though said partner is seen running away in tears at Morty's apparent "death" in the climax, indicating she remembered and still reciprocated, but given that the entire episode wasn't even in his home dimension, it isn't clear if there is even a chance of said relationship even starting.
    • He has a brief, genuine, and disastrously unsuccessful relationship with a... living weapon? in "A Rickonvient Mort". Unsurprisingly, it ends when said living weapon turns out to be an ecoterrorist who may or may not have been driven into a Black-and-White Insanity by Gaia's Lament.
    • He finally, finally scores a date with his longtime crush Jessica in "Mort Dinner Rick Andre"....only for Jessica to be captured and placed in stasis (while still conscious and aware of time passing) in a dimension that runs on Narnia Time, the result of such an experience causing her to believe herself to be a "Time God" and admit to Morty that she wants to be Just Friends. For now at least—though she does imply there may be more opportunities in the future, so not all hope is lost just yet.
  • Dumbass No More: Deconstruction. Morty's constant adventures and near-death situations turned him from a naive, slow in the mind kid to one of the more competent and self-aware characters of the show, they also took a serious toll on him, resulting in his constant sense of disillusionment and insecurity.
  • The Dreaded: By the time season 6 rolls around, he’s become this towards his class. Literally the second he walks into class, everyone ducks under their desks and apparently it’s protocol to do this every time. And really can you blame them? Even when Morty isn’t being a terrible person or racking up his body count something almost always happens involving him and Rick. And let’s not forget when the kid managed to wind up wanted by pretty much everyone.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Through the series Morty is slowly becoming more ruthless in killing and apathetic to seeing atrocities on the adventures with his grandfather. However, he still has a moral code and limits on what he does.
    • Morty is horrified by all of his mistakes and more horrified that he wiped all these memories instead of learning from them.
    • While Morty is mad that Hoovy's descendant attacked him out of nowhere, he stops pummeling him in retaliation on realizing that he's an old man and his children are watching. Morty apologizes but becomes upset again when the man tries to kill him again. Morty kicks him and makes his exit, unaware that he mortally wounded him.
    • Morty has killed, but all of his victims have come after him or got in his way. This is what terrifies him about Planetina, who will kill innocent people if they continue destroying the Earth. When Planetina brings up that he kills like her, Morty points out that the people he killed planned to sell her and kill him while she is killing innocent people.
      • Throughout the series, it has been shown that Morty is willing to toss aside his morals for either a chance at romance or a chance to have sex. However, he reached his limit in A Rickconvenient Mort. In that episode, he meets Planetina, a beautiful and popular superhero, and they hit it off. Morty learns that her team, the Tina-teers, were merely just using her as a product and were about to sell her to a shady man, so he kills them and rescues her. And when Morty's parents refuse to let her move in with them, he runs away with Planetina and helping her save the Earth by stopping forest fires and poachers. But Morty becomes uneasy when Planetina started to use more extreme methods like giving everyone in a traffic jam flat tires so they'll have to walk instead of driving, then goes officially overboard by cheerfully burning down an indifferent congressman's house. The breaking point is when Planetina murders 300 innocent miners for refusing to stop doing their job to Morty horror. Even though Morty genuinely loves her; he simply can't condone her extreme methods of murdering relatively innocent people to try to protect the planet and breaks up with her to both their heartbreak.
  • Expy: Of Marty McFly from Back to the Future. Even their first names are similar.
  • Extreme Doormat: Rick will drag him along their adventures whether he likes it or not. Gradually becomes averted though, as Morty grows more of a spine as the series goes on and stops doing whatever Rick wants him to as easily as he used to.
  • Extremely Protective Child:
    • While Jerry is treated as a Butt-Monkey by most of his family, Morty is notably very nice to him. After their disastrous Pluto project, Morty assures Jerry that he's good at being a dad. He also disapproves of Summer's brutal "The Reason You Suck" Speech toward Jerry in "Childrick of Mort", and repeatedly showcases concern for his well-being, which inspires Rick to create a Jerry Daycare, and take him out for drinks in "The Whirly-Dirly Conspiracy". Although he does have his Jerkass moments such as exploiting his fear of accidentally committing incest in "Final Desmithation", and calling him an embarrassment in "The Old Man and the Seat" (somewhat justified in the latter case, as the situation Jerry and Morty were in was Jerry's fault)
    • Downplayed but as of Season 5 onward, Morty becomes more proactive about physically helping Rick in combat, instantly jumping to Rick’s defense and attacking the president when all three are in turkey form and even attempting to help Rick fight against the Story Lord.


  • Failure Hero: In contrast to Rick's Invincible Hero, Morty almost always fails whenever he attempts to lead their adventures and he usually has to be bailed out by Rick. However, this does slowly erode over time as he becomes more competent.
  • The Farmer and the Viper: A convoluted and partially literal example in "Rattlestar Ricklactica"; upon learning that a space snake that bit him was their first astronaut and had hailed from a planet of snakes on the verge of civil war, he feels guilty that he killed what seemed to be their last hope even though he only did so out of self-defense. When he tries to fix his mistake, he only causes the snakes to become aware of humanity and the threat that they pose, and thus send Terminator-like snake drones after him to kill him and his family. This is briefly discussed by both titular characters during the initial attack.

    Morty: W-why are they attacking us? I-I helped them...
    Rick: You gave them proof that there was something bigger and scarier to unite against, you little idiot! They would have gone back into the Dark Ages for a couple of generations, but instead, they dedicated themselves to making universe-destroying, unthought-out technology like time travel all so they could kill a little sh**sack on Earth who couldn't let a dead snake be dead even after it bit his ankle!

  • Fetish: Morty had sexual thoughts about Jessica's feet as shown in "Mortynight Run".

    Fart: I communicate from what you call Jessica's feet... no, telepathy.

  • Fatal Flaw:
    • Lust. His moralistic nature comes back to bite as well, but time and time again many of Morty’s darker moments or more idiotic stunts were motivated in some way by either Jessica or some random girl that catches his interest.

    Rick: Pretty weird you were willing to sellout my existence for some trim, Morty!

    • His self-loathing is a variation of sorts, since while it leads him to make some poor decisions individually and often plays into his subservience to Rick, it's even more fatal among the numerous Mortys of the Citadel, particularly more immoral ones such as Cop Morty and Evil Morty who harm and even kill other Mortys out of hatred for what they represent of themselves.
  • Friendless Background: Downplayed. Beth believes Rick to be her son's only friend, and Morty is rarely shown interacting with teenagers other than Summer. However, Morty is bullied only once onscreen, and most teenagers do not seem to mind his presence. Even Jessica gradually warms up to him, and is happy he's finally worked up the courage to ask her out in the fifth season opener. Although he's always been fairly awkward, it appears no one actually dislikes him, it's just that he's got his own shit (and Rick's shit) going on so much that he's been a bit distant and they vary from indifferent to kind of liking what little they see of him. Averted? Subverted? Played With?
  • Generation Xerox: In contrast to Beth and Summer both worshipping Rick, Morty has inherited Jerry's healthy skepticism of Rick, going so far as to outright state that he is an asshole that doesn't care about anyone but himself. Roiland has stated he believes an adult Morty will look like Jerry but have Rick's abilities.
    • If the aging serum Morty took in the fifth season finale is anything to go by, then he will look a lot like Jerry, but with Rick's bald spot. Kinda makes him look like a tonsured monk. And with the same dating life as a monk. HEYOOOOO!
  • Going Native: Hilariously Deconstructed when he goes to live with a group of primitive aliens after getting fed up with Rick's feud against Zeep. Months later, Rick runs into Morty again, now part of the tribe and decked out in their native costume. Morty takes Rick and Zeep to the tribe's World Tree and starts to give a spiel about it, then abruptly stops and grabs Rick by the lapels:

    Morty: You have to get us the fuck outta here! These people are backwards savages! They eat every third baby because they think it makes fruit grow bigger. Everyone's gross and they all smell like piss all the time! I-I-I miss my family, I miss my laptop... I masturbated to an extra-curvy piece of driftwood the other day!

  • Grew a Spine: Morty has been forced to man up often due to the horrible events of his adventures with Rick. By the fifth season two-episode finale, he still suffers from being in Rick's shadow, but he's really gained a lot of skill and confidence.
  • Guilt by Association Gag: When Rick gets in trouble, there's always a chance that Morty has to deal with the punishments too, like with their arrest by the giant police in "Meeseeks and Destroy", or Supernova's death threats in "Vindicators 3".
  • Has a Type: Shares Rick's affinity for redheads. His first crush is Jessica, a redhead from his school, and he uses a magnet-looking-thingy to summon (and injure) a mob of redheads in "Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort". He's had other love interests, though, so he's not too picky.
  • Hand Behind Head: A signature move of his whenever he feels shy about something.
    • His crush, Jessica, has orange-ish red hair.
    • While living as "Healthy Morty" with his self-perceived "toxic" traits removed, he settles into a serious relationship with a curvaceous redhead named Jacqueline.
    • One of Morty's Mind-Blowers shows that he once used a sort of interdimensional magnet to attract a bunch of women to him. Noticeably, they were all redheads.
    • A poster in his bedroom is of a busty redhead in a bikini.
  • Hidden Depths: One could be forgiven for thinking of Morty as dumb if they only saw the first few episodes. But later ones show this is not true. Morty has been able to adapt to the insanity of Rick's adventures shockingly easy, though not perfectly all the time. By season three, Morty has been shown to know how to use or disarm several of Rick's devices, such as his portal gun, the Morphizer-Xe, and neutron bombs. Plus, he knows his grandfather well enough to easily figure out how to solve most of the traps the genius drunkenly creates for the Vindicators.
  • Historical Villain Upgrade: Gets one courtesy of his son, Morty Junior in The Stinger of "Raising Gazorpazorp," in the latter's autobiography.
  • Hormone-Addled Teenager: Morty is a shameless masturbator and tends to think with his manhood rather than his brain when attractive women are involved. He's also a chronic masturbator.

    Morty: I spent a week pleasuring myself with animal equipment, and my sperm got turned into monsters on accident because I kept lying about it because I was ashamed!

    The President of the United States: You should be! My God, man, we were all 14 once, but it's called self-control.

  • Horrible Judge of Character: A self-inflicted example. He actually thinks having empathy is toxic, so when he undergoes a detox in "Rest and Ricklaxation," the resulting "Healthy Morty" becomes The Sociopath.
  • Hypocrite: He calls out Rick for making the "love potion" that resulted in the destruction of the world in "Rick Potion No.9". While Rick does bear responsibility for offering to do that in the first place, Morty was the one who requested what was essentially a date-rape drug to begin with, and should know at this point how utterly deranged and unsafe Rick is. Rick calls him out for this.
  • I Can't Believe a Guy Like You Would Notice Me: Jessica does like him back to some degree, but often the zany situations will unavoidably kill off any vibes and advances for Morty. The season 5 premiere cements that she does return his feelings, unfortunately his rotten luck prevents him from making any tangible progress with her.
  • Idiot Hero: Subverted. He's stated to be dimwitted by most people around him and according to his Bumbling Dad has a learning disability of some sort, but it's mostly due to his young age and naivete of the multiverse. He is more intelligent than most of his family. He is even able to disarm highly sophisticated neutrino bombs (weapons capable of wiping out all life on a planet). Word of God has stated that, as an adult, Morty will be just as capable as Rick.
  • I'm a Man; I Can't Help It:
    • One of Morty's biggest flaws. He's a sucker for a pretty face, which often skews his priorities when his life isn't in immediate danger. It has even caused an apocalypse on one occasion. Him getting Rick to buy him a sex bot sets up the events of "Raising Gazorpazorp".

      Rick: Kind of weird that you were that willing to sell my existence out for some trim, Morty.

    • As a horny 14-year-old male, this is one of his reasons for being a rather unapologetic masturbator.
  • Informed Flaw:
    • For all of Morty's supposed stupidity, he never really comes across as any dumber than the average 14-year-old and even seems to be talented at thinking on his feet.
    • In "Vindicators 3: The Return of Worldender", Vance says something like "he's the learning-impaired kid we bring along for photo-ops", but Morty is the most level-headed character during the whole episode, even being able to dismantle a neutrino bomb.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: Morty is 14, and has a close bond with his elderly grandfather.
  • It's All About Me: His increasingly feeble moral compass is easily tossed aside when the opportunity for romance (or even just sex) crops up and he even goes on a massive killing spree in the Season 4 premiere in the hopes of attaining a future where he and Jessica hook up.
  • Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: Definitely in "Look Who's Purging Now".


  • Kissing Warm-Up: Beth has to tell him not to practice kiss the pillow.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: Seeing as how "Healthy Morty" note  lacks his strong empathy for others, it's likely that Morty sees his sense of justice as a burden at times. This really shows in his newfound cynicism after the events of "Rick Potion #9"; despite telling Summer that none of their lives really matter, he nonetheless continues to try and do the right thing as the series goes on.
  • Knight Templar Big Brother: Morty is younger than Summer, but still proves to be very protective of her because she doesn't realize the scope of Rick's Lack of Empathy the way he does. Morty is even willing to pull a gun on Rick to try to save Summer's life. It's also likely that the trauma of having to leave the original version of his sister (not to mention the rest of their family) behind in a doomed apocalyptic world contributed to Morty's protectiveness of her.
    • In "The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy", Ethan breaks up with Summer in favor of another girl with bigger breasts, which causes Summer to go through body image issues. Morty responds to this by calmly telling Ethan what he did wrong before giving him a dose of Body Horror.
  • Knight Templar Parent: He lies to Morty Jr. about the outside air being poisonous for him, although it was really a matter of protecting everyone else from his son's homicidal urges.
  • Know-Nothing Know-It-All: A Running Gag is Rick showing an invention and Morty saying whatever scientific term he knows about the invention to show off his knowledge for hanging out with him, only for Rick to correct him and insult him for getting the term very wrong.
  • Lampshade Hanging: By far the most prone to this of any character in the series, frequently pointing out parts of his adventures or things people say that make no sense.

    CinemaSins: Morty, as always, would be excellent at CinemaSins.

  • Last of His Kind With Rick Prime dead, Morty is the last non-mutated human from the Prime Universe.
  • Like Father, Like Son: He shares Jerry's nervousness, mediocre intellect, and hidden reserves of murderous rage. However, he is eventually shown to have surpassed Jerry in terms of nervousness (of which he has less of) and intellect (of which he has more of). His tendency towards rage is also present in Beth, who inherited it from Rick.
  • Likes Older Women: Besides redheads, Morty also has a thing for older and/or taller women.
    • Non-Toxic, fourteen-year-old Morty gets into relationships with at least two adult women.
    • The first non-redhead he meets and falls for in "Rick and Morty S4 E8: "The Vat of Acid"" is taller, and looks a few years older than him.
    • And of course there's Planetina, who Beth uncomfortably describes as having a rather "mature" appearance. While Morty states that she's technically ageless, Planetina has been around since The '90s...
  • Living Emotional Crutch: Rick argues with and often berates Morty, but insists on taking with him on adventures even though he doesn't need to. Many Ricks from the Citdel treat their Mortys as expendable yet Rick has risked his life on several occasions to save him. Rick has even jumped to other universes when things get bad, abandoning everyone else, but taking Morty with him. This is particularly notable since, like the rest of the family, this Morty isn't from Rick's original dimension (which doesn't have a native Morty at all, since Beth died as a child), but instead an alternate version.
  • Loser Son of Loser Dad: He seems to take after his father, both physically and mentally. One of the reasons Beth puts up with his adventures with Rick is that she'd rather her father rub off on him than Morty becoming another Jerry. Over time however, it's been shown that Morty has outshined Jerry in many ways while Jerry himself has grown more of a spine in later seasons.
  • Lovable Coward: Very meek and easily intimidated. He's getting better though.
  • Love Makes You Evil: Morty shows little concern for morality when he’s trying to court Jessica. To elaborate:
    • Morty asks Rick in “Rick Potion #9” to make him a Love Potion for Jessica and still decides to use it even after Rick calls him out for essentially using a date rape drug.
    • One of his mindblowers shows him eager to torture an alien because he tried to kill Jessica, and he probably would have killed the alien immediately if Rick wasn’t present.
    • In “Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die RickPeat”, Morty is willing to let Rick stay dead by not cloning him, though to be fair he planned on ressurecting as soon as the vision allowed for it if it means dying old with Jessica, and even after he learns the truth of the death crystal’s vision, he’s just pissed off that his efforts were All for Nothing rather than remorseful that numerous people died because of his actions.
  • Man, I Feel Like a Woman: While he's disguised as a woman on the Story Train he takes a moment to squeeze the breasts of his disguise, which alerts the also-disguised Rick to his identity (they both hadn't recognized the other).
  • Morality Chain: Despite how it seems Morty does act as this for his grandfather and helps to curb the mans worst impulses. In Gotron Jerrysis Rickvangelion when Summer decided to replace her brother as Rick's sidekick by enabling her grandfather's habits, the adventure spiraled out of control until it caused a huge mess.
  • Morality Pet:
    • To the hyper-intelligent Snuffles in "Lawnmower Dog".
    • While he might put him through a lot of crap, Rick does actually love Morty and can be quite protective of him. As he insists in "A Rickle in Time", Rick really wants Morty to turn out better than him.
    • By the end of the fifth season, Morty's done such a good job of this that Rick... has grown and become a better person.
  • Nervous Wreck: The typical Morty is prone to nervousness, timidity, and bouts of panic during their adventures, and this initially included the main Morty. However, he rather quickly grows out of this as his time dealing with Rick's shenanigans increases his confidence. This really shows in Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind (season one's penultimate episode) when he ends up trapped in a cellar with dozens of alternate Mortys; while they all cower and panic, the main Morty immediately stands up and gives them a Rousing Speech to fight back against Evil Rick, causing them to dub him the One True Morty.
  • Nice Guy: Despite his flaws, Morty is a good-natured person who has a strong moral compass. This gets subverted as the seasons go on, his moral compass gradually being eroded away until he becomes almost as bad as Rick.
  • No Badass to His Valet: To spite having taken several levels in badass through his adventures with Rick, enough that he's now The Dreaded at his school, his family continues to talk down to him and treat him like an idiot.
  • Not So Above It All: Though normally very tolerant and the voice of reason, he will often break down and lash out when separated from modern conveniences. For example, in "The Ricks Must Be Crazy", he launches into an epic rant about how the locals suck and how much he hates it there.
  • Odd Friendship: With Rick. Not only is his relationship with his 70-year old+ grandfather more like "two best friends" than "a boy and his grandpa", but they're also Vitriolic Best Buds who almost spend as much time arguing with and insulting each other as they do enjoying the other's company. Still, they both care for each other.
  • Older Than They Look: Sort of. Despite being 14, Morty could easily pass for a boy in his pre-teens.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Almost no one calls him by "Mortimer".
  • Only Sane Man: Zigzagged. Despite being "as stupid as [Rick] is smart" (not actually the case), he's easily the most responsible person in the family; however, out of him and Summer, she is more mundane and grounded.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
    • In "Look Who's Purging Now", Morty lets out all of his pent-up rage and starts murdering the inhabitants of the purge planet he and Rick were stuck on, a far different take on his usually calm and whipped personality. It's one of the few times we see Rick visibly shocked and concerned about his grandson. It culminates with Rick tazing him into submission when Morty threatens to kill an innocent girl as well as his own grandfather.
    • In '"The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy", he uses Ricks' Morphizer machine to subject Ethan to a severe case of Body Horror for dumping Summer. This is more calculated and early than his other bouts of anger (see Rage Breaking Point below). Not only that but Morty's demeanor before the deed is disturbingly similar to Rick when he's pissed. It's also a very appropriate punishment. Ethan gave Summer body image issues; Morty returned the favor.
  • Other Me Annoys Me: Downplayed. In "The Ricklantis Mixup", he's rather aggressive towards and alternate Morty (and his Rick), and in "Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind", he is unimpressed and irritated with the other kidnapped Mortys who are either cowering or turning to prayer for someone else to save them rather than do anything to help themselves, but he's still horrified to see all of the tortured alternate versions of himself, wants to rescue them, and rallies the other Mortys to rebel. In general, he seems annoyed with alternate versions of himself who are ditzier and/or more spineless than he is, but he still doesn't want to see harm come to other Mortys, because they're still him. This solidly contrasts him with Evil Morty, who doesn't care about other Mortys at all and has actively hurt and killed them on purpose, and indeed, Evil Morty seems to be the alternate version of our Morty that he dislikes the most because of this.
  • Outdated Name: Morty (a nickname for Mortimer) isn't a typical name for modern teenage boys. This is lampshaded by Rick in the episode "Total Rickall" where he tells Morty that he has the name of an "old, Jewish comedy writer".
  • Outliving One's Offspring: Implied. His son, Morty Jr. (a Half-Human Hybrid conceived via a Sex Bot) is an elderly man by the end of the episode that introduces him. He aged from infant to teenager (equivalents) in just a few days, and he will die of old age before Morty can do the same, if that rate of aging continues.


  • Papa Wolf: Even though Rick warned Morty that Morty Jr. is one of the most aggressive creatures in the galaxy (and is later proven right), Morty will attack Rick if he tries to kill Morty Jr. Morty even stated that if Rick wanted to kill Morty Jr., he has to kill him too.
  • Parents as People: In one episode Morty has a half-alien son and tries to raise him well, but a combination of factors (Morty Jr. reaches adulthood in one day and his hyper-aggressive, and Morty has no experience with raising children) results in Morty Jr. having a pretty bad childhood. While they do reconcile when Morty Jr. is a young man, he still writes a book about his bad childhood literally called My Horrible Father. Upon learning of this Morty is very downcast, only saying that he hopes his son is eating enough.
  • Pintsized Powerhouse: He's small for his age, so that he seems more like an eleven- or twelve-year-old than a teenager, but he's frequently fought back unarmed against people more than twice his size, such as Jellybean or Poncho, and won.
  • Please, Don't Leave Me: Says this to Armothy just before they complete Armothy's Unfinished Business.
  • Potty Failure: Morty had an offscreen incident where he peed his pants in history class.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Morty normally represses his anger to an extreme, so when the dam bursts, it turns into an anger that can give even Rick a scare. Perhaps the most prominent example is in "Look Who's Purging Now", where after being blamed by Rick for the majority of the episode, Morty's rage eventually reaches its boiling point when the Cat Folk villager that fostered them during the purge decided to kick them out just because Morty criticized his screenplay, which the villager asked him to critique. Morty proceeds to completely snap, pushing the villager down some stairs, killing him, and later entering an Unstoppable Rage and slaughtering scores of the villagers, many of who were hiding, with Rick's Power Armor. It gets to the point where Rick is forced to knock Morty out until the end of the episode.
    • Do not hurt or upset his sister. For serious.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Rick's red. He's an emotional and sensible doormat while his grandfather Rick is a alcoholic sociopathic scientist who often drags his grandson into dangerous parallel adventures.
  • Robosexuals Are Creeps: In the "Raising Gazorpazorp" episode, Morty's family is concerned about him spending all his time in his room with a sexbot. Jerry blames and scolds Rick for this since the latter bought the sexbot.
  • Sanity Slippage: With every passing episode, Morty becomes more and more unhinged. The most notable examples being "Look Who's Purging Now", where he goes on a mass-murdering spree in a blind rage and "The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy" where he horribly mutates Ethan for messing with his sister's body image. This arc continues for several seasons, until he grows enough to stop following Rick down the path of nihilistic rage-monster, and starts to grow into his own man.
  • Seen It All: He starts to show signs of it in season 2. In "Auto Erotic Assimilation", once he gets past the potential threat of being assimilated by Unity, he just rolls with it. When Unity loses control of a town and a race war erupts, much to Summer's shock, he just says "First race war, huh?" with a chuckle.
    • "Vindicators 3: The Return of Worldender" shows that he's been around Blackout!Rick so many times that not only does he guess (almost) all of his questions right, but even knows how to disarm a neutrino bomb without so much as a look of concern on his face!

      Rick: Morty, how many of these-?
      Morty: TOO MANY, Rick! Too many!

    • In "The ABCs of Beth" when he finds out that an alien is dating Jerry he not only knows her home planet, he knows about her culture, and can introduce himself in her language, while Summer struggles to do so.
    • In "Solarricks" upon traveling to yet another universe to take the place of their deceased counterparts, Morty has a rather chalant look on his face as he buries his alternate self, even carelessly giving Beth pointers on how to carry herself, causing her to ask in shock how many times Rick and Morty have done this.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The Sensitive Guy (an awkward, sweet All-Loving Hero) to Rick's Manly Man (a foul-mouthed, aloof Sociopathic Hero). This is becoming somewhat averted, however, as their arcs over the course of the series seem to be that they're both being good influences on one another. Yes, Rick is managing to be a good influence on Morty. Morty is learning to be more practical and confident, and Rick is opening up emotionally and shedding his "fuck it, let's kill everyone and go to a different universe" ways.
  • Shapeshifting: Rick implanted him with nanomachines that gives him the ability to transform into a car. It evidently triggers at the sound of a car alarm, though that may be that the alarm does what Rick wanted him to do and makes him "think carlike thoughts".
  • Shouldn't We Be in School Right Now?: Beth and Jerry don't like the fact that Rick drags Morty out of school to go on his adventures in the pilot. In the second episode, "Lawnmower Dog", Rick incepts Morty's math teacher's dreams so that he subliminally convinces him to give Morty good grades all the time, even if Morty isn't there.
  • Shrinking Violet: Being an exaggeration of an awkward teenager, Morty is very shy and anxious. Hanging out with the uber-confident Rick really reinforces this.
  • Socially Awkward Hero: Definitely gives off this vibe during the little interaction we see between him and his peers, especially when it comes to girls. He obviously isn't fond of this aspect of himself, as "Healthy Morty" (a version of Morty lacking his own perceived "flaws") is a perpetually confident and charismatic smooth-operator (to the point of being a sociopath with a complete Lack of Empathy, in fact).
  • Sole Survivor: In a sense, as of Season 3, he's the only remaining member of the original cast. His versions of Summer, Beth and Jerry were left behind in the 'Cronenberged' timeline, and are possibly dead after being frozen by the Rick squad that found Morty and Summer in 'The Rickshawnk Redemption' while Rick himself has lost his original body and has transferred into an alternate Rick. Confirmed when his original Jerry, the only one left after Summer and Beth's deaths, is killed by Rick Prime in "Solaricks." And the death of Prime Rick (Morty's original grandfather) in 'Unmortricken', makes this Morty the only surviving member of his original family, and likely the only surviving human of his original Earth.
  • Speech Impediment: Like his grandfather, Morty has a noticeable stutter that causes him to stumble over the beginning of a word (w-w-w-w-what?) or repeat words multiple times in sentences. Notably however, he gradually stutters less over the course of the series as he becomes more confident and confrontational, much like his less than benevolent counterparts Evil Morty note  or Healthy Morty. note 
  • Strong Family Resemblance: He looks a lot like his dad. Apparently, he'll grow up to have Rick's bald spot, too.
  • Suppressed Rage: According to Rick, Morty tends to bottle up his anger. And when he cuts loose, WOOO. Look out!
  • Superior Successor: Morty is this to both his father and grandfather.
    • Jerry: Morty has the spine and Rick-level-intellect that his father lacks.
    • Rick: Morty has the morality, however, damaged, that his grandfather lacks.
  • Technical Virgin: He's gotten to make out with several girls and has engaged in some intimate touching, and in Season 5 he at least sleeps through the night with Planetina in his bed, but it's implied Morty has never actually had sex yet. granted, he is only a teenager.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: With all the bad luck Morty has in his life, especially with trying to get Jessica's attention and love, the stinger at the end of "The Ricklantis Mixup" implies that both Morty and Rick spent much of the episode having sex with very willing mermaids. He even comments that he wants to go back and try to develop a relationship now that he knows that "mermaid puss" is an open possibility.
  • Tiny Schoolboy: He's 14 and in high school, but has been mistaken for a preteen and is shorter than his crush and classmates.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: Comments by Evil Morty and C-137 Rick in "Rickaumari Jack" imply that the main Morty Morty is one of the many clone Mortys bred by the Citadel for other Ricks. Ultimately subverted in season six, when we learn that Morty is the grandson of Rick Prime, the Rick who killed C-137 Rick's family.
  • Took a Level in Badass:
    • His adventures with Rick seem to be rubbing off on him, as stuff that would send him into a near panic attack early in the show is starting to be met with worry or curiosity rather than blind fear. For example, in "Auto-Erotic Assimilation" a comment after the nipple based race war reignites when Unity loses control of the species it has assimilated indicates that this isn't his first time dealing with race wars and during "The Ricks Must Be Crazy", after having enough of Rick's and Zeep's bullshit inside the Teenyverse, he opts to go off on his own and within a couple of months takes control of a local tribe of savage tree-people. He's still definitely The Woobie, but he's slowly starting to grow into an Iron Woobie.
    • Season 3 demonstrates this best in the episode, "Vindicators 3: The Return of Worldender" when he's treated as The Load by Rick and the Vindicators for being some stupid kid, but his Seen It All circumstances allow him to figure out exactly what's going on pretty damn fast with little to no concern about the entire problem. Not that it saves the Vindicators, but the Broken Pedestal part is more concerning than their actual deaths to him.
    • The Planetina episode in the fifth season demonstrates this: he started as a kid horrified by the prospect of hurting someone in the pilot. In "A Rickconvenient Mort", he kicks someone to the floor, kicks the man's face in after using a fire to burn the ropes binding his wrists, bites the man's finger off, then uses the man's magic ring to burn that man to death, then murder the armed guards who come through the door. Then he pretends to be a pizza delivery guy and kills a few more armed guards and the carriers of Planetina's magic rings, using those rings' powers against the allies of their former owners. To kill them. Then to be eaten by baby seals.
  • Took a Level in Cynic: His adventures with Rick have slowly shaped Morty into a more apathetic person. See Seen It All section. From "The Ricklantis Mixup", this is a development exclusive to the main Morty, like all other Mortys that actually have Ricks tend to fall in line and act as the usual optimistic sidekick. The first Rick they meet since destroying the Citadel even calls out the main Morty on being unusually aggressive and outspoken.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Morty begins as a morally upright young man who scolds his grandfather into doing the right things. As he continues to become more and more traumatized by his adventures with Rick, Morty's moral compass gradually erodes and he even starts doing Rick-like behaviors. The fifth season's penultimate episode has Rick recognize this and that it's his own fault, so he gently tells Morty they need to spend time apart so they can each become better people, only for Morty to try emotionally blackmailing Rick into coming back, even artificially aging himself to make it seem like Rick's departure just ruined everyone's life.
  • Tranquil Fury: Despite his calm, conversational tone as he's confronting Ethan over s'mores, his small, threatening glare and the way he ominously sets his hand on the enlarger ray shows that he is well and truly pissed off. Off-screen, he turns Ethan into a demorphed-monster.

    Morty: Ethan, Ethan! Hey, it's okay. Sit down. You made my sister cry, Ethan. You messed with her body image.
    Ethan: Look, Morty, I...
    Morty:[puts a finger to his lips and narrows his eyes] Shh shh shh. Careful, Ethan: [lifts up a flaming s'more] Your s'more is burning. [reaches over and powers-up the machine]

  • Undying Loyalty: To Rick and the rest of his family.
  • The Unfavorite: In his original universe, neither of his parents tries to find him after the world is devastated in "Rick Potion #9". Beth even says she's glad he's gone. Then a memory in "Morty's Mind-Blowers" has Beth forced to choose whether an alien will kill Summer or Morty. Beth immediately chooses to sacrifice Morty.
  • Unscrupulous Hero: Has turned into this by Season 3. His utterly horrific experiences have ground down his emotional state significantly to him being significantly faster to and less afraid of violence, being perfectly willing to kill people without hesitation if he deems it necessary, to the point he deforms Ethan into a deformed monster for upsetting his sister. Despite this, he's kept out of the Villain Protagonist territory that Rick resides in by virtue of caring significantly more about the consequences of his actions and attempting to prevent harm.
  • Unstoppable Rage: He's usually an Extreme Doormat, but he will go into a homicidal, murderous rage when his buttons are pushed far enough. The most notable example comes from when he is being crowded and attacked by the Amish people in the Purge, at which point he lets loose and violently kills most of the purgers. Even Rick ends up surprised and mortified at Morty's rampage.
  • Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: He's this along with Rick.
  • Vague Age: Morty is 14 per Word of God but his adventures shown onscreen and alluded to frequently include Year Inside, Hour Outside. He spends several days in Mr Goldenfold's head in Lawnmower Dog, spends months in the Teenyverse in The Ricks Must Be Crazy, lives an entire life in the video game "Roy: A Life Well Lived" in Mortynight Run, lives billions of lives across several generations in the same game in Rick: A Mort Well Lived, spends months frozen in time between seasons 1 and 2, lives as many as 64 lives over the course of a couple hours during A Rickle In Time, etc. As a result the actual age of his person is considerably in excess of his biological one, especially once he gets manually reverted to 14 years old in Rickmurai Jack
  • What You Are in the Dark: In Season 4, Rick creates a Save Scumming device that allows Morty to go around doing whatever he wants free of consequences. In the end, Rick reveals that Morty now has to face the consequences of what he has done, he shows the enormous group of people he pissed off, which includes groups even Morty is ashamed of having messed with, like the AARP and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor. Holy shit, Morty.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Morty is often the more sensible and reasonable one among his family. He convinces Summer to stay after she learns she was an unwanted pregnancy by telling her that the universe is an extremely weird and random place, and being an unplanned pregnancy is nothing compared to having to bury and eat breakfast fifty feet away from your own corpse. He later tells Rick that he will be O.K. if Rick leaves but he won't forgive him for breaking his mom's heart.
  • Yandere: Downplayed. Morty doesn’t do anything creepy to Jessica or treat her as a possession. However, whenever he finds a scenario where he might end up with her, he goes to pretty sociopathic lengths to achieve it. He gave her a love potion because he couldn’t handle that she was dating Brad, which ended up mutating her and causing Rick to label him as a creep for trying to roofie her. Likewise, one of Morty’s Mindblowers shows that he’s violently protective of her, as he was willing to torture an alien for releasing a worldwide virus that nearly killed Jessica. He’s also willing to sell Rick, his own grandfather, for some trim as he ignored Summer’s concerns about Tiny Rick overwhelming Rick’s mind because he helped him get close to Jessica. Furthermore, upon gaining a death crystal that let him see a future where Jessica comforted him in his old age, Morty committed several atrocities to ensure it happens, up to avoiding resurrecting Rick and killing many cops and military men while acting like an AKIRA.