She-Ra and the Princesses of Power ⁠— The Rebellion - TV Tropes

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The Rebellion

The heroes of the series. A resistance force dedicated to freeing Etheria from the Horde, led by Queen Angella and the forces of Bright Moon.


Characters in She-Ra and the Princesses of Power ⁠— The Rebellion

From left to right: Sea Hawk, Spinnerella, Netossa, Bow, She-Ra, Glimmer, Frosta, Perfuma, Mermista

  • The Alliance: They are an alliance of free kingdoms and anti-Horde rebel cells unified to defeat the Horde.
  • Crystal Spires and Togas: Most of the lands under the control of the princesses have this aesthetic, in sharp contrast to the Horde's dark industrial aesthetic.
  • La Résistance: They're the main resistance group that stands up to the Horde.
  • Legacy Team: The Rebellion, specifically the Princess Alliance, is formed, among others, from the daughters of those who formed the first Rebellion.
  • Losing the Team Spirit: The Rebellion gave up after the battle that got Glimmer's father killed. Much of the first season is the Best Friends Squad trying to regain support from the original Rebellion's kids. When Entrapta is apparently killed, everyone breaks up again. The battle of Bright Moon brings them back together again.
  • Meaningful Name: You can tell what most of the princesses' powers or abilities are just by their names alone.
  • Nice Guy: With the exception of Flutterina, everyone on the Rebellion is kindhearted, friendly, and amicable, with even the worst of them being Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
  • Undying Loyalty: While they initially band together simply because they're convinced by She-Ra, they're committed to the cause and undoubtedly ready to put their lives at risk for a fellow member of the Alliance. Not even Adora losing her powers in Season 5 breaks their faith in her, and they'd follow her in the heat of the battle without thinking about it twice.


Queen Angella 

Queen Angella of Bright Moon

Voiced by: Reshma Shetty (English)additional voice actors

"Take care of each other."

Queen Angella is the immortal queen of Bright Moon and the leader of the Rebellion. Still emotionally shaken by the death of her husband and jaded by the Rebellion's past failures, Queen Angella has become incredibly protective of her daughter Glimmer, which often causes tension in their relationship.

  • Affectionate Nickname: "Angie" by Micah.
  • Anger Born of Worry: A lot of her friction with Glimmer stems from her worry over her daughter's habit of throwing herself into dangerous situations with little planning.
  • Barrier Warrior: Though she can also fire energy blasts from her hands, her most used power is the ability to form energy shields around herself that can emit shockwaves for offense.
  • Big Good: Co-Founder of the rebellion, queen of its HQ in Bright Moon, and the one Adora becomes loyal to after becoming She-Ra.
  • British Stuffiness: Unlike any other characters seen in the show so far (including her own daughter), Angella has a British accent. Going along with the trope, she's quite proper and reserved.
  • Broken Bird: She's still shaken about the death of her husband (which was likely years ago), and is jaded about the Rebellion's failures.
  • Character Development: Angella is initially a very strict and overprotective parent who's reluctant to let Glimmer participate in the rebellion, much to Glimmer's dismay. As the season goes on, Angella grows to trust Glimmer with more and more responsibility, to the point of giving her King Micah's staff during the Horde's invasion of Bright Moon.
  • Demoted to Extra: She's a major character in Season 1, but in Season 2 she barely appears. She's back in the limelight in a big way in Season 3.
  • Flight: Thanks to her wings, she can fly.
  • Go to Your Room!: Invoked in the first episode where she angrily sends her daughter to her room for arguing with her in front of her guards.
  • Good Counterpart: To Shadow Weaver. She is an angel-themed loving, if an overbearing, mother with a troubled relationship with her daughter, in contrast to Shadow Weaver being a Dark Is Evil character and an outright abusive parent. Beacon makes it especially clear with Angella and Glimmer repairing their relationship being juxtaposed with Shadow Weaver ruining the last chance to reconcile with Catra. Taken even further in Season 3, as Shadow Weaver becomes more present in the plot, siding with the Rebellion, but still refuses to acknowledge her own past actions and admits she's only on the Rebellion's side because she wants revenge on Hordak, while Queen Angella has a knock-down drag-out argument with her daughter, then recognizes her error, gives up her fake 'perfect life' to go after Glimmer, saves Adora's life, and sacrifices herself to close the portal that was destroying the pocket universe. Which, by the end of the series, makes her Killed Off for Real.
  • Graceful Ladies Like Purple: Present throughout her design — her skin, the undertones of her hair, her pants, and her boots are all shades of lavender. Fitting for the graceful, feminine queen of Bright Moon.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Calm and regal she may be, but almost every conversation she has with Glimmer has her get angry very quickly.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: In the Season 3 finale, she willingly sacrifices herself to prevent Etheria from being destroyed by Hordak's portal machine to his own dimension, via grabbing She-Ra's sword from the portal entrance. This causes the portal to collapse and traps her between Despondos and the Universe.
  • The High Queen: The calm, regal, beautiful, immortal Queen of Bright Moon.
  • I Let Gwen Stacy Die: "The Beacon" reveals that she was responsible for her husband's death, as she ordered the battle in which he died, though it was revealed in Season 4 that he survived and was exiled to Beast Island by the Horde. She still feels guilty about this.
  • Immortality: Glimmer and Castaspella mention than Angella is immortal. In this context, the queen is "immortal" in the sense that she can be killed, but she can't age.
  • Inexplicably Awesome: She is a beautiful, eight-foot tall angelic being whose immortality is frequently brought up multiple times as something that is not normal. We never get an explanation as to where she came from or for how long she has ruled over Bright Moon and we never will since by the series finale she is still lost in-between Despondos and the wider universe.
  • Informed Attribute: Bow describes her as being extremely knowledgeable of First Ones tech. She displays a little bit of knowledge of the Sword and of She-Ra, both of which are more or less commonly known legends in Eternia, and that's that. For the rest of the show, the specialist in First Ones tech is Entrapta.
  • Insecure Love Interest: Angella thinks of herself as a coward while stating Micah was the opposite, and blames herself for his death.
  • Interspecies Romance: Her (an immortal angel) and Micah (a human spellcaster).
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Angella is stuffy, quick to anger, as well as somewhat standoffish and detached, but is extremely protective and devoted to her daughter and her people.
  • Killed Off for Real: In a way — with Angella "just" being trapped in between dimensions and not having actually died the showrunners could've easily justified bringing her back at some point before the series' conclusion, but chose not to go that route; Angella's heroic sacrifice stuck and she truly is gone forever.
  • Last Request: "Take care of each other". However, Adora reinterprets her last words as "take care of Glimmer" and later "take care of everyone", fueling her Martyr Complex.
  • Light 'em Up: Like Glimmer, Angella derives her powers from the Moonstone.
  • Light Is Good: She's an angelic being with light powers who is The High Queen of Bright Moon.
  • Mama Bear: To Glimmer. One of the reasons she really agrees to let Adora into the Rebellion was because her love for her daughter outweighed some of the other concerns about Adora's past.
  • Mayfly–December Romance: She's immortal, her husband apparently was not, even discounting his death in battle.
  • The Mourning After: She is still mourning the presumed death of her husband, years after it happened. When Adora meets her in "Flowers for She-Ra", she is looking at Micah's portrait and seems to do this whenever she can't sleep and is very sensitive about people sitting in the chair where he was supposed to sit.
  • My Greatest Failure: The reason her husband's dead is because she was the one who sent him out in the attack that broke up the Princess Alliance and was the cause of his death. She tells Glimmer this is the reason why she's so protective of her. She also admits that she regrets that her grief over Micah's death led her to neglect her duties and cause the original Princess Alliance to break up something she tells Glimmer to not do when her own daughter is in despair over the current Alliance breaking apart.
  • Never Got to Say Goodbye: In the Season 3 finale, Angella willingly closes the portal threatening to destroy Etheria trapping her between dimensions, meaning she never properly reconciles with Glimmer for their last fight. Tragically it's also revealed that Micah was alive on Beast Island the entire time in Season 4 and she dies never knowing that her husband was still alive. It's is downplayed slightly though since she got to spend time with her husband and daughter in the portal world and it is established that people remember what happened during that time so she did get to say goodbye to her family there before the end.
  • Obnoxious In-Laws: If Castaspella's ranting is to be believed, Angella is haughty and condescending to her sister-in-law. The opening of Season 2 at least proves that, yeah, they can't stand one another, though Season 3 shows they can get over their differences and work together to interrogate Shadow Weaver.
  • Parental Substitute: By Season 3, Angella has become a mother figure to Adora, with Angella being similarly overprotective of Adora as she is of Glimmer. Which makes her Heroic Sacrifice all the more tragic.
  • Parents as People: Angella imposes high standards on Glimmer, but she's also struggling with the Rebellion and the guilt over her husband's death. This ultimately prompts her Heroic Sacrifice in Season 3 when she realizes how much she has to make up for.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Accepts She-Ra into the Rebellion despite her past with the Horde, though she makes it clear that it's initially only because Glimmer vouches for her. As a compromise, she makes Glimmer Adora's handler.
  • Rebel Leader: In charge of the Rebellion.
  • Reluctant Warrior: Though reasonably powerful and a military commander, she credits her husband for her daughter's bravery, doesn't appear to own her own weapon, and spends the final battle in a purely defensive role. Even most of her commands to Adora and Glimmer have her telling them not to fight.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: The queen of Bright Moon and the leader of the Rebellion.
  • Shipper on Deck: She really likes Bow, and sees him as a generally good influence on her rebellious daughter. Given Bow and Glimmer's Relationship Upgrade at the series end, it looks like she knew it was gonna happen and approved.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: It is revealed in Season 4 that King Micah is actually alive and has been on Beast Island the entire time. Tragically however Micah is only rescued after Angella has performed her Heroic Sacrifice in Season 3, permanently separating them.
  • Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: Downplayed, as Micah was of average height for an adult man, she was simply taller.
  • Tough Leader Façade: Angella exudes grace and dignity, and the biggest factor in Glimmer's "Well Done, Daughter!" Girl issues is how her mother seems to be perfection personified. Underneath, however, the Queen is struggling with grief over her husband, guilt that she is responsible for his death, fears losing her daughter and that the Rebellion is a lost cause.
  • Verbal Tic: Her British accent causes her to pronounce her daughter Glimmer's name as "Glimmah".
  • Winged Humanoid: Has translucent feathered wings.

King Micah 

King Micah of Bright Moon

Voiced by: Daniel Dae Kim (adult), Taylor Gray (child)

Click here to see his mural

Young Micah

Current Micah

Angella: King Micah. My Husband. He built the Rebellion with me, and he was one of the first casualties of the Horde.

The husband of Angella, father of Glimmer, and king of Bright Moon. He was a warrior monarch like his wife and a powerful spellcaster who studied in Mystacor under Shadow Weaver (known as Light Spinner at the time) during his youth. He had disappeared in battle and was presumed dead before the events of the show. In Season 4 he is discovered alive, having been trapped on Beast Island for many years. He is rescued and rejoins the Rebellion.

  • Adaptation Origin Connection: His original incarnation had no connection to Shadow Weaver like he does here nor did he have any known long standing trauma.
  • Always Someone Better: Micah is implied to have been this to Castapella, and Shadow Weaver is able to provoke her anger by pointing this out. In Season 5, the two siblings come to blows in "Failsafe" after Micah is chipped, and while the fight is relatively even, Micah ultimately comes out on top.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: He spent just about all of Glimmer's life on Beast Island, and so is all too aware that he has no idea how to be a father. His attempts to practice with Frosta usually wind up landing in this trope.
  • Beware the Superman: After he gets chipped, Micah starts using Black Magic in his arsenal, which combined with his sheer raw power makes him by far the most dangerous of all of Horde Prime's chipped warriors. He becomes so strong that Glimmer is the only one powerful enough to stand against him and defeat him.
  • Big Ol' Eyebrows: Micah has some thick, bushy eyebrows.
  • Black Magic: Proves fond of it after getting chipped, having none of his normal self's ethical boundaries. It makes him by far the most powerful of the chipped heroes, easily defeating the other Rebellion members save for Glimmer.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: In the middle of Season 5, he gets chipped and turned traitor until Entrapta finds a way to sever the chip's mind-control from Horde Prime's main base on Etheria.
  • Brick Joke: Remember when he kept asking to learn shapeshifting back in Light Spinner? It turns out he learned how in Launch.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: A brilliant Child Prodigy, but had trouble sitting through Light Spinner's lessons, and kept asking to jump ahead to more advanced spellsnote .
  • Broken Pedestal: As a boy he clearly worshiped Light Spinner as his mentor. Her Face–Heel Turn into Shadow Weaver ruined their relationship to the point he attacks her on sight when he returns from Beast Island.
  • Casting a Shadow: After getting chipped, he starts using Black Magic to do this, at one point manipulating his own shadow to form Tendrils of Darkness to ensnare and immobilize the Rebellion members.
  • Child Prodigy: When young, he studied under Light Spinner, the most powerful spellcaster in the guild. Even she was amazed by what he could do and noted the boy was gifted.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: He exhibits significantly unusual mannerisms when Adora and Bow find him on Beast Island, due to the lack of human contact he's had. He mellows out a lot in Season 5, but still shows some quirk tendencies.
  • Covered in Scars: After his time on Beast Island.
  • Death by Adaptation: Micah in this continuity was presented as dead before the series began, then subverted when it turns out he wasn't dead. The Horde just made him "disappear" by exiling him to Beast Island.
  • Determinator: He survived the horrors of Beast Island, all the while resisting its corruption, for somewhere near a decade, because he always held out hope that he would be able to get back to Angella and Glimmer. It's only when he learns that Angella is gone that his determination falters and he finally succumbs.
  • Dramatic Irony: Angella and Glimmer both end up missing him by inches. In Season 3, Angella flies away from him before he can tell her he's actually alive, then in the following season Glimmer teleports to the Fright Zone in the exact same second he returns to Bright Moon with Bow and Adora. Then, by the time Glimmer returns from Horde captivity, he's been chipped by Spinnerella. It's not until the Grand Finale when dad and daughter finally get their true reunion.
  • Disappeared Dad: To Glimmer, as he died in battle when she was young. Turns out he was Not Quite Dead.
  • Disguised in Drag: To help Adora, Bow, and Entrapta to escape Etheria, he casts a spell that makes him a She-Ra disguise. The trap buys them the time they need.

    Micah: Get my good side.

  • Evil Sorcerer: A completely unwilling example due to being Brainwashed and Crazy at the time, but when he confronts Glimmer he proves to be the single most powerful spellcaster in the series, a user of shadow magic, and extremely nasty due to Horde Prime's possession.
  • Go Mad from the Isolation: Downplayed, but being stuck on Beast Island for years without human contact gave him some weird mannerisms. He mellows out in Season 5.
  • Interspecies Romance: Him (a human spellcaster) and Angella (an immortal angel).
  • Like Parent, Like Child: Angella and Castapella both mention that Glimmer is starting to look more and more like Micah, both in appearance and personality.
  • The Lost Lenore: Male example. Micah died in battle some time ago; this is mainly used to characterize his wife and daughter, both of whom were severely emotionally impacted by his death. He's revealed to have survived in Season 4, and reunites with Glimmer at the end of Season 5.
  • Mayfly–December Romance: He apparently wasn't immortal while Angella was, even discounting his death in battle.
  • Morality Pet: Surprisingly to Shadow Weaver. When she was Light Spinner, she positively doted on them, and even after her transformation when she attacks Mysticor's Magic Guild, all she does as she leaves is pat him on the head. When the two are reunited in "Destiny, Part 2", the shock and relief in Shadow Weaver's voice is palpable. After Micah is chipped in Season Five, Shadow Weaver tells Castaspella that she wants to save Micah, saying that "I owe him that much".
  • One Degree of Separation: He studied under Shadow Weaver's former identity as Light Spinner.
  • The One Guy: He is the only male member of Horde Prime's chipped warriors in Season 5, the others being all women.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: Once he gets chipped and becomes mind controlled by Horde Prime in Season 5, Shadow Weaver fears it will turn him into this. She points out that in terms of sheer magical power Micah dwarfs both Shadow Weaver and Castaspella, and under Horde Prime's influence Micah will have none of his usual restraint or ethics. She's right, as Micah becomes by far the most powerful of Prime's chipped enforcers, capable of defeating the entire rebellion by himself.
  • Playing with Fire: Micah seems to specialize in this during combat. While chipped and mind-controlled by Horde Prime, he at first continues to use against the heroes, but later drops it in favor of Casting a Shadow.
  • Posthumous Character: He died a long time ago, in the battle that the Rebellion lost and caused the original alliance to fall apart. Angella and Glimmer are still not quite over it. The finale of Season 3, however, hints he may not be dead, and Season 4 confirms it.
  • Promotion to Opening Titles: Micah is added to the final group shot of the Season 5 opener.
  • Race Lift: Like Castaspella, his appearance changed from generic European monarch to Etherian's equivalent of Asian, even casting Korean actor Daniel Dae Kim. His childhood hair style resembles that of an ancient Southeast Asian.
  • Redemption Demotion: Inverted; Micah becomes a lot more powerful after being chipped by the Horde, as his Brainwashed and Crazy personality has none of his normal self's restrictions against using Black Magic. In the Final Battle, he incapacitates the entire Princess Alliance save for Glimmer with a single spell, then gives his daughter the fight of her life before she manages to overpower him.
  • Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: Downplayed, as he was of average height for an adult man, Angella was simply taller.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Light Spinner manipulated him into helping her summon the entity that gave her shadow powers and disfigured her face.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: His shirt is long, long, gone by the time Adora and Bow find him on Beast Island. Though, he puts one on again once he has access to some new clothes.
  • Walking Spoiler: It's really hard to discuss his character in detail without the mid-Season 4 reveal that he's actually alive.

The Current Queen (SPOILERS) 

Queen Glimmer of Bright Moon

See Princess Glimmer below.

Best Friends Squad


Click here for SPOILERS

  • Badass Crew: A princess with teleporting powers, an ex-Horde soldier who can turn into the famed hero, and a skilled archer. Season 5 sees them expand with an ex-horde Force Captain and skilled strategist.
  • Breaking the Fellowship: It takes the loss of Angella, a lot of hard work from Double Trouble, the Horde going on a blitzkrieg offensive and the toxic influence of Shadow Weaver to do it, but over Season 4, a rift develops between Glimmer and the other two, culminating in them heading off to Beast Island to rescue Entrapta against her direct orders. There's hope for it, at least; Adora and Bow vow to rescue Glimmer from Horde Prime despite the tension between them, and Glimmer realizes during the Heart of Etheria fiasco how badly she messed up. The trio reconcile after Glimmer apologises for her actions and Bow forgives her.
  • Combat, Magic, Trickery Trio: Glimmer is the mage, prioritizing her magic using light and teleportation. Adora is the fighter, wielding a sword and being the local powerhouse. Bow is the thief, due to his skills focusing on his dexterity and trickery with the bow.
  • Family of Choice: They are more than just best friends to Adora; they’re her family, and perhaps the closest to a real family she’s ever known.
  • Fire-Forged Friends:
    • Bow and Glimmer don't become fast friends with Adora, especially the latter, due to her being a Horde soldier at the time. However, upon Adora switching sides and saving a town from being taken by the Horde, they begin to see her as a friend.
    • For most of the series Catra serves as their main adversary and she frequently tries to hurt them both emotionally and physically. However, after she risks her life to break Glimmer out of Horde Prime's ship the squad decides to rescue Catra in turn and they spend most of their time afterwards fighting Prime's forces together. By the series finale Catra becomes friends with all of them and is officially made a member of the squad.
  • Freudian Trio
    • Super-Ego: Adora, the archetypal hero always looking to do the right thing.
    • Ego: Bow is the more level-headed member of the group and The Heart.
    • Id: Glimmer, the most intolerant to the frustration of the Trio.
  • Only Sane Man: Bow is the most level-headed one, compared to Glimmer's impulsiveness and Adora's Fish out of Water moments, though he has his moments of wackiness too.
    • After her Heel–Face Turn, the brain cells are firmly in Catra's possession, and she's not amused.
  • Sixth Ranger: Catra becomes this in Season 5. Though Bow and Glimmer realize this has happened fairly quickly, it's not until the climax that Catra fully accepts it.
  • Strong Girl, Smart Guy: Though Bow is no slouch in a fight and Glimmer and Adora have proven to be capable strategists, Bow is also The Smart Guy and Only Sane Man while the two girls have innate magical skills.
  • True Companions: Adora will protect the realm and her friends will protect her. Their bonds formed quickly, but those bonds were amazingly strong. It's for this reason that Glimmer being split off from Adora and Bow in the fourth season is such a gut-punch, but it is worth noting that getting them to that state took Double Trouble's best efforts, combined with Shadow Weaver doing what she does best, combined with some extremely stressful situations, and even then, by the end of the season, all three still seem to want to fix it when they get the chance.
  • Two Girls and a Guy: At least as far as the Best Friends Squad goes, though it can change depending on who joins them for adventure. This dynamic is officially broken in Season 5 after Catra joins the squad adding a third girl to the team.
  • With a Friend and a Stranger: Glimmer and Bow are childhood friends and form a fire-forged bond with Adora.


  • See Adora's page here.


Commander Glimmer, Princess of Bright Moon/Queen Glimmer of Bright Moon

Voiced by: Karen Fukuhara (English) LaLa Nestor (English, young) Alondra Hidalgo (Latin American Spanish), Risa Taneda (Japanese)

Click here to see Young Glimmer.

Click here to see her second outfit.

Click here to see Future Glimmer.

"It's time for us to take back our home. Together we will push out the Horde, once and for all!"

Sweet, wildly enthusiastic, and driven by her desire to forge her own path, Glimmer possesses magical powers that she inherited from her mother. Motivated by love, loyalty, friendship, and fairness, Glimmer truly believes that with her friends by her side she can do anything.

  • Accidental Hero: Glimmer’s decision to use the Horde paid spy Double Trouble to infiltrate the Horde allows them to give Catra "The Reason You Suck" Speech after she was defeated. This starts off Catra's redemption for real and allows her to make amends with Adora, which in turn saves Etheria when they confess their love to each other just as Adora was about to be sacrificed.
  • Acrofatic: Glimmer's on the big side but is nimble and agile, with her teleporting powers helping her out.
  • Adaptational Badass: She goes from a She-Ra supporter often in need of rescue to a frontline fighter who has saved She-Ra as much as She-Ra has saved her.
  • Ambiguously Bi: While she is certainly into guys considering she and Bow become an Official Couple in the Grand Finale, she is never stated to be interested in women. That said, there is so much subtext that calling it "ambiguous" is a stretch. She is very touchy-feely with Adora, such as in Mystacor where she (while they're both wearing only swimwear) falls asleep against Adora's shoulder, she seems to flirt with one of the pirates, and in an Imagine Spot she depicts Catra as a sexy Femme Fatale she flirts with.
  • Anguished Declaration of Love: Confesses her love to Bow during the final battle with Horde Prime.
  • Anti-Hero: In Season 4, she becomes an Unscrupulous Hero. Her goal is to save Etheria and end the Horde's depredations; she's just become willing to use the Horde's own methods to do so. Such as paying Double Trouble to disrupt plans and turn the enemy leadership against each other.
  • Badass Boast: Glimmer lays one on the chipped Micah after thinking of Angella hardens her resolve.

    Glimmer: My mother raised me to be brave. My friends taught me to be kind. And I'm stubborn. I get that from you. I will never stop fighting! And I won't lose another parent!.

  • Badass Cape: A sparkly one she wears into battle, her later one is just as cool.
  • Battle Couple: Was always this with Bow but it takes until Season 5 for them to confirm their love for each other, and kick ass.
  • Benevolent Mage Ruler: She tries to be this but season 4 sees her fall deeper into a ruthless pragmatism that sees her putting friends in danger for tactical advantage. delaying Entrapta's rescue makes sense given the Alliances greater priorities but it's still cold.
  • Big Beautiful Woman: While she's actually on the short side, Glimmer is a cute, chubby young lady and multiple characters find her attractive. Justified in that she uses her teleportation powers frequently in daily life, which means that she uses fewer calories than most people do.
  • Big Good: After Angella’s sacrifice, she and Adora become the new co-leaders of the Rebellion.
  • Blinded by the Light: Her sparkles can be used to this effect.
  • Brought Down to Badass: Glimmer temporarily loses her teleportation powers in Season 1 but still fights in the battle against the Horde in the final, and does impressively well.
  • Brought Down to Normal: After Horde Prime takes Glimmer aboard his flagship, she loses her access to magic again in Season 5. This time her combat skills don't cut it against the much stronger antagonists of Horde Prime's clone army- Catra has to save her multiple times. Only until she returns to Etheria's surface does she get her powers back, though she does manage to cast spells on Krytis.
  • Cast from Stamina: Her uses of teleportation are this.
  • Caught the Heart on His Sleeve: Glimmer does this to Bow during the finale right before he runs into the data center. She confesses her feelings to him, He reciprocates and they hold each other for a few seconds before rushing back to war.
  • The Chains of Commanding: She's pretty much the senior battlefield commander by Season 2, and to her horror finds herself becoming increasingly dour and chastising others for almost exactly the same things her mother used to chastise her for. By Season 4, she's the Queen of Bright Moon—and the chains are even heavier.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: The series finale has her go through a Relationship Upgrade with Bow, her oldest friend.
  • Corrupt the Cutie: On the receiving end from Shadow Weaver, the elder sorceress has a seductive and seemingly logical pragmatisim that Glimmer adopts for herself to win the war, instead she almost manages to destroy Etheria.
  • Costume Evolution: In Season 4, she styles her hair differently and gets a completely new, more 'regal' outfit with a tiara and full cape, signifying her transition from princess to queen.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: A variant, as her skillset is actually fairly varied. She can teleport, empower her attacks and shoot blasts of sparkles, and she later studies sorcery under Shadow Weaver, the most powerful sorcerer alive. The issue is that her power stops working entirely when outside of Etheria's atmosphere. She does regain some sorcery when on planets rich in magic, but in space she is largely useless.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Purple hair to go with her purple eyes.
  • Damsel in Distress: Twice but still a much better track record than her 1980s counterpart. Season 1 has her captured by the Horde, and Season 5 starts with Horde Prime keeping her prisoner.
  • Deadly Dodging: Displays this a few times as part of her Weaponized Teleportations. She can maneuver easily around the battlefield so later seasons show her taking advantage of this in Ties That Bind where she gets Scorpia to accidentally sting Catra, later still she regularly gets bots to destroy themselves in Friendly Fire.
  • Determinator: One of her most notable traits is stubborn courage, this is one of the major factors that gets the Princess Alliance back together when everyone else had given up on it. Even the Heart of Etheria powering up, which pretty much paralyzes every other princesses, only slows her down as she drags herself to the Black Garnet room and attempts to smash it in order to fix her mistake.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Another notable trait and one her teleportation abilities only exacerbate. Getting anywhere is so effortless for her that Glimmer doesn't usually consider the consequences. She's been known to do things like teleporting into a room full of dangerous robots against all advice. This also diminishes her threat potential as she tends to burn through her teleports without thinking.
    • At the end of Season 4, after learning of Horde Prime's impending arrival, she impulsively goes to Light Hope to learn how to access the magic at the Heart of Etheria in order to empower the princesses so they can crush the Horde regardless of Adora's warnings about Light Hopes true motives. The result is that she and the other princesses are almost killed by the Heart and the release of power allows Horde Prime to track Etheria down.
  • Dub Name Change: Her name is "Destello" in the European Spanish dub, "Scintilla" in the French dub, and "Cintilante" in the Portuguese dub.
  • Dynamic Entry: Uses her teleportation to great effect this way.
  • Easily Forgiven: Zigzagged in Season 5. Adora and Bow are both willing to head after Horde Prime's main ship to rescue her after they learn where she is, but their time together after the rescue varies a bit. Adora forgives her for their last interaction with each other, but the rift is more apparent with Bow, who takes several episodes for him to react normally around her again. She completely understands how much time he needs.
  • Elemental Hair Colors: All Moonstone wielders have lavender shaded hair that evokes the Moonstone they wield.
  • Everything's Better with Sparkles: À la the name, sparkles also factor into her hair, cape, and powers. It's even Catra's nickname for her. Ironically Glimmer thinks her powers are kind of lame. She embraces her powers more as the series goes on, coinciding with her taking several levels of badass.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: In Season 4, Glimmer grows her hair out into a bob between the third and fourth seasons, making it look more like her dead mother's hair, but unlike its in-universe inspiration, it's much more asymmetrical, as if to show that she hasn't fully stepped into Angella's shoes and is still working on fitting into her newfound role. And indeed, she proves very insecure about her authority as queen, and makes quite a few mistakes, at least one of them catastrophic.
  • Expy: Fans and Stevenson himself have drawn comparisons between Glimmer and Starfire, specifically the 2003 animated version. They share a similar boisterous personality, light-based powers and presentation, and their English voice actress even sound similar.
  • Family Theme Naming: "Glimmer" is an archaic term for the mineral mica, for which her father Micah is named.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: Has a white sleeve-thing and a pauldron on her left arm. In Season 4, she has a fingerless purple half-glove on her right hand, and an arm length purple and white fingerless glove on her left.
  • Fatal Flaw:
    • Pride. Glimmer is absolutely certain that she's right about everything, and her determination to prove herself is what is most likely to lead her to reckless decisions. This especially comes into play in season 4, where she's still certain about being right but there are no longer anyone who has the authority to reign her in, resulting in her making the same impulsive and poorly thought-through decisions, and then steamrolling anyone who objects.
    • In Season 4, it shifts to jealousy: she becomes convinced that Adora is trying to undermine her, and it leads to a string of catastrophically bad decisions on Glimmer's part.
    • In ''Return to the Fright Zone", Netossa directly states Glimmer's biggest weaknesses are her "crippling self-doubt mixed with overwhelming hubris".
  • Feminine Women Can Cook: Double subverted; she isn’t shown cooking in the show and Bow has never seen her cook but given access to what are basically microwave food she doesn’t do bad.
  • Foil: Glimmer's development is paralleled most clearly with Catra. Both care deeply for their friendship with Adora and dread losing that bond. Both are often rude to the people around them (intentionally or not). Both are desperate to prove their worth. The key difference between them is that Glimmer grew up with loving parents and is kind enough to know when she's gone too far. Catra in comparison grew up under the thumb of Shadow Weaver, lived in Adora's shadow, and refuses to accept blame and digs herself deeper in an attempt to make all her crimes worth it. Upon losing Angella, Glimmer begins to make the exact same mistakes as Catra. This includes trusting Shadow Weaver, accusing Adora of jealousy when the latter voices her worries about Weaver, alienating her friends as she grabs more and more power, and nearly destroying the world because of her anger at Adora's supposed disrespect. Fittingly, both of their ambitions end in the same place: trapped together while Horde Prime holds his power over them, but with Catra a servant, and Glimmer a trophy.
  • Flashy Teleportation: Everytime she teleports herself or others she leaves behind a sparkly silhouette. Catra literally calls it a “sparkly effect”. Ties into the motifs of her runestone and the power it grants her.
  • Forgiven, but Not Forgotten: While Adora and Bow go out of their way to rescue her from Horde Prime and soon forgive her they are still mad at her for how she treated them in the previous Season with Bow especially bluntly telling her that her activating the Heart means that it is her fault that Horde Prime is invading Etheria. According to Word of God this is one of the reasons she is so easily able to forgive Catra for opening the portal and why they quickly become friends since they both made terrible mistakes that they have been forgiven for but will have to live with.
  • Fragile Speedster: Especially before she Took a Level in Badass. Glimmer lacks defense and endurance and her magic blasts initially are rather weak. However, she uses her Teleport Spam to great effect.
  • Freudian Excuse: Glimmer's Inferiority Superiority Complex can be chalked up to her mother's overprotectiveness. Despite being a capable commander and skilled warrior, she never had the chance to prove herself due to Angela being overly careful. Thus, she started defying her mother's orders, which only led to her pride and certainness in how right she is to grow.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: Implied. Glimmer has an Inferiority Superiority Complex caused by her childhood and the loss of her mother, resulting in her becoming the new Queen of Bright Moon. However, her reckless actions resulted from this leaded to Horde Prime's invasion to Etheria. At one point, Glimmer tried to remind Bow of the good times they have in the past, but Bow told her that was long ago. A lot has changed and she is still accounted for her actions.
  • Friendless Background: Bow was the first friend she ever made and was her Only Friend before she met Adora and restarted the Princess Alliance.
  • Generation Xerox: We initially meet Glimmer's father Micah in flashbacks and see he had the same headstrong and mischievous yet goodhearted personality she does. What’s more they both get manipulated by Shadow Weaver.
  • Genki Girl: Very energetic and feisty.
  • Gilded Cage: Her childhood was definitely this. Apparently she only managed to make one friend in Bow and before then she was driving the palace staff up the wall.
    • Glimmer finds herself in another one after being taken captive by Horde Prime. The Season 5 trailer shows her in clean, beautiful quarters behind a force field. Another shot shows Glimmer in her cell, where a plate of pretty desserts sits uneaten. One brief shot shows Glimmer and Horde Prime in some kind of trophy room adorned with plants and mounted animal heads. Glimmer's new surroundings are luxurious, but she is very much a prisoner.
  • Girly Bruiser: Glimmer wears pink and purple, literally has pink sparkles as her powerset, and enjoys dressing up in pretty dresses as well as giving Adora a makeover for Princess Prom. However, she also really enjoys fighting and can pack a heavy punch. Her introduction even shows her clashing with her mother because she so desperately wants to fight for the Rebellion more than her mother is willing to allow.
  • Girly Girl with a Tomboy Streak: Glimmer loves being a princess with all the decorum and social events that that entails, wears pink and purple, literally has pink sparkles as her powerset, and enjoys dressing up in pretty dresses as well as giving Adora a makeover for Princess Prom. However, she also loves fighting the free Etheria from the Horde and would do so single handedly if she could, and can also pack a heavy punch. Her introduction even shows her clashing with her mother because she so desperately wants to fight for the Rebellion more than her mother is willing to allow.
  • The Gloves Come Off: Throughout the series, Glimmer's often complained about how she's always held back from taking action against the Horde because of bureaucracy, her mother, etc. By Season 4, she's now queen, and it's ultimately up to her to decide if and when she wants to take the gloves off, and where to draw the line. As it became clear the Horde is winning more effectively that the way the Rebellion has been doing things before isn't working anymore, not to mention Adora trying to keep her from making reckless decisions, that's when she decides to take the gloves off; Glimmer goes as far as convincing Double Trouble to sabotage the Horde's leadership psychologically, and then deciding to activate the Heart of Etheria, only to discover doing so will destroy the entire universe. Turns out once you take the gloves off, you can't put them back on.
  • God Save Us from the Queen!: Downplayed a lot; once Glimmer becomes queen, she becomes far more ruthless and The Unfettered in doing whatever it takes to win the war (to the point that she's willing to cut off her friendships with others). Thankfully, events in Season 5 force her to reconsider her stance and she mellows out considerably.
  • Good Is Not Soft: The beginning of the series has her being frustrated at how much she's being held back by rules of engagement/bureaucracy, and so on while her mother is queen. Once she does become queen, this is what she’s been waiting for: Glimmer is willing to do whatever it takes in order to stop the Horde from hurting others again. Later in the story, Glimmer is willing to sacrifice her own friendships through the decisions she makes, and it leads others to question what they signed up for. Once she finds out exactly what one of her decisions would entail, she wonders if taking the gloves off was the best choice.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Initially, she was very clingy at the thought of Bow having other friends, mainly because she thought if he had other friends, she'd be left all alone. And in Season 4, Glimmer interprets Adora's natural take-charge attitude as an attempt to usurp her authority.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Her mother is a winged immortal; her father is an ordinary, if magically gifted, human.
  • Hereditary Hairstyle: Her hair looks a lot like her father's, but with her mother's coloring.
  • Heroic RRoD: She breaks through the Black Garnet-powered restraints Shadow Weaver had her in to save Adora through sheer willpower, but it disrupts her connection to her Runestone, causing her powers to glitch for a while. Also suffers the effects of the Heart of Etheria with the other powered-up princesses.
  • Heroic Willpower: Breaks through Shadow Weaver's restraints to save Adora in ‘‘No Princess Left Behind’’. And when the Heart of Etheria powers up in Season 4, she's the only princess other than Adora who's able to keep fighting, dragging herself into the Black Garnet room and unloading on it in a futile attempt to destroy it and shut the weapon down.
  • Holding Back the Phlebotinum: She can only use her power a set number of times... and often loses count, so if she runs out? The group has to do without. In The Coronation, she stopped teleporting altogether—because she felt if she were to recharge at the Moonstone, she'd have lost what she felt was the last remainder of her mother. Averted later in Season 4; it's heavily implied that once she gains the full power of the Moonstone, she has unlimited teleports - at least as long as she's on Etheria - which admittedly poses her a bit of a problem when she's captured by Horde Prime.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Downplayed and Played for Drama in Season 4. Glimmer can understand objectively that Shadow Weaver was an abusive parent to Adora, but her inexperience with that familial abuse first-hand, combined with her Pride, means Glimmer is also very ill-prepared for Weaver pulling the same tricks on her. Ultimately, her failed judgment not only emerges from overly trusting Weaver, but also from presuming she's too smart not to fall for the same tricks as the others.
  • Hypocrite: In Season 4, during her Unscrupulous Hero phase, she calls out Adora and Bow for wanting to drop everything to go on a "hare-brained rescue mission" to rescue Entrapta on Beast Island which is pretty galling considering the number of times she has dropped everything to save someone else often without a real plan.
  • Ideal Illness Immunity: Only perk her angelic heritage gives her; if we discount the small wings on her back and the fantastic hair.
  • Improbable Hairstyle: Leaving aside the color how could you possible get sparkles to stay in your hair? The fact that her hairstyle as queen stays styled the way it does after everything Glimmer goes through is nothing short of miraculous.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Glimmer feels a strong need to prove herself, while also believing herself to be always right. This becomes an issue when she becomes queen, as she still feels the need to prove how right she is while also having the authority to ignore any objections. Even Netossa lampshades how this is her Fatal Flaw when she's listing everyone's weaknesses in Season 5.

    Netossa: Crippling self-doubt mixed with overwhelming hubris.

  • Interspecies Romance: Downplayed with Bow. While Glimmer is half human and half angel, Bow is a full human.
  • It's All My Fault: She blames herself for causing the Rebellion to fall apart for the second time in Season 1. And for setting off the Heart of Etheria in Season 4.
  • Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: Showcasing how much she's changed since she's become queen, Glimmer threatens a Horde soldier she captures in "Princess Scorpia" by summoning a truth spell and telling him that, if done incorrectly, it could be quite painful. While she tells Adora and Bow she never had any intention of actually hurting him it puts strain back on their relationship just as Double Trouble planned.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Glimmer can be abrasive to those she thinks are her enemies but she has a hard time covering up her kind nature. Even at her worst point in Season 4, she's still got good intentions (even if her plans for bringing them about are ruthless and manipulative), and she seems genuinely friendly towards Scorpia after she pulls a Heel–Face Turn and joins the Rebellion.
  • Kung-Fu Wizard: She's likely the least skilled of the team in close combat, but she shouldn't be underestimated. She particularly favors an eminently practical teleport into a dropkick or tackle, and at one point teleports straight into what can only be described as a beautiful Superman Punch straight out of Roman Reigns' arsenal that knocks Shadow Weaver out cold.
    • She's considerably better by Season 2, where she manages to go head to head with both Catra and Scorpia in quick succession, mixing up her teleportation, glitter powers, and some pretty legit unarmed strikes.
    • In Season 4, thanks to the full force of the Moonstone after becoming Queen, she is an absolute beast in combat. She annihilates Catra in a one-on-one; even though there were other factors in play that helped, Glimmer still wiped the floor with Catra.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Although Light Hope's advice allows her and the Rebellion defeat the Horde on Etheria, she ignores Adora's advice about Light Hope being the real bad guy. And by following Light Hope's advice, she unintentionally activates the Heart of Etheria which nearly kills her and the Princess Alliance. Even though the First Ones' plan of using it to destroy other planets was ultimately stopped, the activation allows the Galactic Horde to discover Etheria, bringing bigger trouble to the planet.
  • Lethal Harmless Powers: Her teleportation has no offensive use on its own, but Glimmer can use it in creative ways such as grabbing her opponent, teleporting to a great height, and then letting go to give them a nasty fall before teleporting to safety herself. Another tactic is waiting for two enemies to come at her from different directions and then teleporting away so they smash into each other.
  • Leitmotif: Besides the electronic effect of her teleportation, she gets violin during major emotional moments.
  • Light 'em Up: Described as "glimmer powers", this is just part of her powers that Glimmer derives her power from the Moonstone. The other abilities are even more impressive.
  • Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: She finds this dynamic with Catra as the sparkly new friend to Adora who contrasts to her former brooding childhood friend. This dynamic flexes during the season 4 but doesn't fully break. When Catra joins the Best Friends Squad in Season 5, being relieved of her commanding duties and among friends Glimmer is a much happier person. Catra, meanwhile, is cynical and trying to find an equilibrium with her former enemies.
  • Light Is Good: Pretty straight example given she has light-based powers and is one of the main heroes, that doesn’t mean she can’t be worryingly pragmatic at times.
  • Like Brother and Sister: Her VA has gone on record describing her relationship with Bow as like this. Subverted, as the two become an Official Couple in the series finale.
  • Like Parent, Like Child: She is growing to be similar to her father, according to Castapella and Angella; both are warriors and strong-willed people, with a love for fighting and a deep desire to protect their land.
  • Lunacy: She derives her powers from the Moonstone, and furthermore when she combines her powers with Shadow Weaver's to teleport directly into the Fright Zone a pentacle depicting the phases of the moon is shown on the ground.
  • Magikarp Power: Glimmer starts out feeling insecure about her power due to being the least powerful princess. Over the course of seasons 1 to 3, she becomes more experienced in combining the powers she does have with normal combat skill, becoming a much stronger fighter. Her power increases further in season 4, when she gains full access to the Moonstone, gaining much more powerful sparkles and unlimited teleports, as well as learning sorcery from Shadow Weaver. By the end of season 5, she is able to defeat the entire princess alliance and her father, one of the most powerful sorcerers in the world, single-handedly, cementing her as one of the most powerful characters in the setting.
  • Manipulative Bitch: She slips into this in season 4, having taken more lessons from Shadow Weaver than even Shadow Weaver intended. She identifies Double Trouble as the spy for the Horde, then hires them to become a triple agent to sow discord within the Horde, not to mention destroy Catra's mental state so Glimmer can deliver the final blow. She also pressures Scorpia into reconnecting with the Black Garnet, something Scorpia has no interest in, by playing on her need for affection and approval. Notably, this is all done with a kind smile and gentle imposition.
  • Military Maverick: A deconstruction. Throughout seasons one through three, she regularly ignores her mother's orders in order to act on her own plans, feeling that her offensive strategy is better than Angela's defensive. This generally works out for the best, since Angela is overly cautious. But then Angela dies, leaving Glimmer as the queen of Bright Moon. Glimmer never grew out of feeling that she knew better than whoever was in charge... but now she's in charge, and she can steamroll any objections. This goes seriously wrong when her two best friends object to her plans, and she simply pulls rank on them.
  • Mundane Utility: She uses her teleportation constantly, just to get around as seen from the intro which shows her and Bow running up to Adora, only for Glimmer to teleport the last 3 meters. Glimmer frequently uses it as a way to get out of embarrassing or awkward situations (such as a conversation with her mother), and it allows her to move about Bright Moon essentially at will. She's been known to Teleport Spam as an alternative to walking. She even needs them to get into her own bed, which is suspended from a high ceiling. This comes back to bite her when she gets hit with Power Incontinence and requires Bow's help and wacky antics simply to get into it.
  • My God, What Have I Done?:
    • After Glimmer tells Adora that she blames her for her mother's disappearance due to Angella sacrificing herself to close the portal, Glimmer instantly regrets it.
    • At the end of Season 4, the moment where she realizes that Adora was right and her actions are just about to destroy Etheria is heartbreaking. It's also the moment where all of Glimmer's bad decisions through Season 4 come back to haunt her, further adding to her guilt.
    • She had a minor breakdown in "Stranded" when she sees a broken Spire on the destroyed planet that the Best Friend Squad is forced to land on, and realizes that Horde Prime is probably going to lay waste to Etheria the same way.
  • Next Tier Power-Up: Her father's staff massively increases her combat potential, coupling the mobility her teleportation gives her with enough kick to take out a Horde battle tank in one hit. She gets another one when she becomes the sole wielder of the Moonstone.
    • There's also getting the complete power of the Moonstone, which takes her sparkles into death laser territory and gives her unlimited teleportation in Season 4.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: At the end of Season 4, Glimmer makes a call that ultimately causes more problems than it solves. Desiring a decisive victory against the Horde, Glimmer uses magic from the Heart of Etheria to give the princesses a Next Tier Power-Up. While this does enable the Princess Alliance to Curb Stomp the Horde’s armies, it also activates the Heart of Etheria's bomb in the process. In order to prevent the Heart of Etheria from destroying numerous worlds, Adora is forced to destroy the Sword of Protection, robbing herself of She-Ra’s powers. Things get worse when the Heart transports Etheria out of Despondos and into the wider universe. The energy created from this event is detected by Horde Prime’s armada and allows them to find Etheria. The kicker to all this is that while Horde Prime received Hordak’s message, he was unable to trace the message’s source. Had Glimmer not activated the Heart of Etheria, Horde Prime would have likely never found the Rebellion.
  • Noblewoman's Laugh: Briefly does one during the planning/roleplaying session.
  • Nonhuman Humanoid Hybrid: Glimmer's mother is an immortal angelic being, and her father was a Human Alien sorcerer. A benefit from her mother's side, besides giving her tiny wings, is that she never gets sick.
  • The Not-Love Interest: At the end of "Princess Prom," she and Bow are abducted by Catra, who uses them to lure Adora to the Fright Zone. Arguably to some degree with Bow in the same episode, when he takes Perfuma to Princess Prom instead of her. She gets angry with him, but her anger is caused primarily by fear that Bow will abandon her for new friends instead of explicitly romantic jealousy.

Catra: (looking at an image of Adora, Bow, and Glimmer resting together at the end of "Mystacor") If you want to take down Adora, you've got to go for the heart.

  • "Not So Different" Remark: Her actions in Season 4 mirrored Catra such as becoming a leader that is hostile to everyone, causing them to abandon her and activating a superweapon that almost destroyed Etheria. According to ND this is the reason that Glimmer is able to let go of her grudge against Catra in Season 5 since they both made mistakes that almost destroyed the world and will have to live with what they've done even if everyone has forgiven them.
  • Odd Friendship: In Season 5 Glimmer actually becomes pretty close with Catra. While it starts mostly as a way to fight off loneliness on Horde Prime's ship at the start of the season, by the end Catra and Glimmer are almost as close as Glimmer is with Adora.
  • Odd Name Out: The only princess thus far whose name doesn't end with an "A", although her name does have a similar sound, especially the way her mother pronounces it.
  • Official Couple: Her and Bow become one at the end of the series, with the two declaring their love to each other during the final battle. A vision Adora sees in the Heart of Etheria shows they get married at an unknown point in the series future.
  • Power Loss Makes You Strong: When she loses her powers in the first season finale, she laments that she's now useless in the war. Her mother Angella encourages her not to give up and gives her her deceased father's old war staff. With the staff, Glimmer takes down several mooks until She-Ra is able to restore her powers. This the first of several levels of badass she takes during the show.
  • Pragmatic Hero: Even in early seasons, she's the most pragmatic member of the group. She truly becomes an anti-hero in season 4, however, as the pressures of the war and the discord in the Best Friend Squad cause her to become a lot more ruthless. It starts in "Pulse", wherein she takes on Shadow Weaver as an advisor, puts Adora in danger by using her as a decoy, and outright tries to kill Catra, and continues throughout the season, to the growing dismay of Adora and Bow.
  • Prophetic Name: Naturally, it was during the reign of Queen Glimmer that Etheria regained its starry sky.
  • Pimped-Out Cape: Usually those Glimmer wears are simple easily animated fare. The one exception is her coronation cape, or possibly robe, a huge white thing that puts all other capes to shame.
  • Race Lift: With Micah and Castaspella's Race Lift, Glimmer is now the Etherian equivalent of half East Asian.
  • Rebellious Princess: In addition to the obvious, she rebels against her mother, who's kept her safe on the sidelines despite Glimmer's desire to fight.
  • The Red Mage: By Season 4, she's started to use the magical spells of Mystacor in combination with her innate powers as a Princess, thanks to tutelage from Shadow Weaver. In the final season, her mastery of both abilities proves the deciding factor in her Wizard Duel against the chipped Micah.
  • Related in the Adaptation: Glimmer and Castaspella weren't related in the 80s cartoon, but are aunt and niece here.
  • Relative Button: She didn’t really know her dad but insulting him will still tick her off. After she ascends as queen DO NOT bring her lost mother into any conversation about her decisions.
  • Required Secondary Powers: Has a few one can suss out by implication. Her teleportation can remove inertia in ideal conditions which makes it easy to get from falling to standing still. Further her 'porting is precise and avoids a potential Teleporter Accident that could end with her or others phased through a wall.
    • Interestingly she admits that this last part is optional in a dire situation as seen in System Failure, where she tells Entrapta that they’ll be leaving their legs behind.
  • Rose-Haired Sweetie: Downplayed. She has purple-and-pink hair and is a Jerk with a Heart of Gold in her worst moments.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: As a princess, she's a bit of a Blood Knight who really wishes her mother could be more aggressive in the war, since she loves fighting on the frontlines. This continues when she becomes queen, as she still wants to fight on the frontlines, though her friends try to hold her back since she's more important as a leader now. This is also deconstructed slightly, as it reflects Glimmer's reckless impulsiveness; going on the attack and personally leading her forces works out most of the times, but when it doesn't, it really goes wrong.
  • Saying Too Much: During their worst argument in Season 4, she reveals she blames Adora for Angella's sacrifice.
  • Shadow Archetype: It is subtle; but Glimmer's insecurities, temper, and capacity for outright viciousness indicate that had she been raised by someone like Shadow Weaver rather than Angella... she would be far more like Catra than Adora.
  • Shared Family Quirks: Far more with Micah then Angella. For example Glimmer freaks out when she first meets Swift Wind fixating on his wings and ability to talk, Micah has much the same reaction when seeing the alicorn on Beast Island.
  • She Who Fights Monsters: Downplayed. She has became aggressive with her enemies and is willing to hire Double Trouble to tear the Horde leadership apart. Nevertheless, she's doing this in the wishes of defeating the evil Horde.
  • Shipper on Deck: Subtle, but she (with Bow) notices a lot of Catra and Adora's more intimate moments.
  • Shout-Out: Her initial hairstyle in this incarnation is based on the titular Cutie Honey directly while her Imagine Spot in "Roll With It" recalls the animal's style.
  • Significant Wardrobe Shift: Gets a new outfit in Season 4: a two-toned leotard over purple leggings, a simple Cool Crown, knee-length boots, pauldrons on both shoulders instead of one, a darker cape, and a single pearl earring. All are subtle shout-outs to her lost mother.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Implied. She gets together with Bow at the series finale and doesn't have any prior love interests before him with there also being no mention of her having a past romance. She seems to crush on a few people in the show, such as Adora, but nothing comes of it.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: She becomes an Official Couple with Bow, the resident emotional center of the group and a Nice Guy.
  • So Long, Suckers!: Fitting with her mischievous personality, Glimmer isn't above taunting opponents as she teleports away.
  • Speech Impediment: She develops a noticeable lisp whenever she is angry or upset.
  • Stealth Pun: In Season 4, after becoming queen of Bright Moon, Glimmer makes a big mistake when she activates the Heart of Etheria hoping to in the war against the Horde. In other words, she screwed up royally.
  • Stealthy Teleportation: Given the accompanying light show that comes with it it's hard to imagine Glimmer being able the be covert. But it seems as long there’s an obstruction where she ports in or out she can get around easily.
  • Stout Strength: A big-boned teenage Action Girl who can absolutely throw down, given the opportunity. She manages to lay out Shadow Weaver with one teleport-assisted punch.
  • The Strategist: In Season 4, Glimmer develops into a pretty good, if a bit ruthless, strategist. By the season's end, she comes up with a plan without any help from Shadow Weaver and pulls it off. She learns how to tap into the power of the Heart of Etheria and flips Double Trouble to the rebel side. Glimmer gets them to send false information to Catra, and has them tell Hordak the truth about Catra sending Entrapta to Beast Island. This results in the bulk of the Horde forces charging into ambushes and being flattened by the powered-up princesses while the Horde's leaders are trying to kill each other. By the time the fight between Hordak and Catra is over, the Horde forces have been wiped out, Hordak is out cold, Catra is too weak to fight anymore, and Glimmer has enough power to wipe out the Fright Zone if she wanted. In a stroke, Glimmer outplays both Catra and Hordak, and turns the tide of the entire war. It's undermined when she realizes Light Hope outplayed her and plans to use the Heart of Etheria, destroying the planet in the process. Even after that threat passes, Horde Prime shows up and flips the whole board over. Still, Glimmer's ability to bring down Catra, Hordak, and the Horde all at once was impressive and shows her growth as strategist, even if it had numerous side effects.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: She is noted to look like her father, Micah, they share coloring and face shape. What’s more she acts like him too.
  • Summon to Hand: She can teleport her father's staff into her hand no matter where it is. She clarifies that she only figured out how to do it with the staff and not with other objects.
  • Super-Cute Superpowers: Regardless that she evolves into a highly effective combatant in the series the idea that she takes down opponents with ‘‘sparkles’’, motes of light, is unbelievably cute.
  • Take Up My Sword: When the Horde attacks Bright Moon in the first season finale, Angella gives Glimmer her late father's staff to help her in battle.
  • Teleportation Rescue: Does this quite a few times in the series, such as snatching Sea Hawk from the boat he’s about to wreck, interestingly she also does this to keep a horde trooper from being knocked into the horizon and likely killed.
  • Teleportation Spam: Zipping around here and there is how she usually moves. She'll also strategically teleport allies around battlefields and enemies off of them.
  • Teleportation Sickness: Glimmer is the cause of this in others, presumably everyone takes some getting used to it. Both Adora and Catra have bad reactions in their first few experiences with teleporting but it goes away as they get used to the effect.
  • Teleportation with Drawbacks: One of her main magical powers. Glimmer can teleport herself and anyone she's in contact with using teleportation magic. However, she had a limit as to how many times she can do it before needing to recover up to Season 4. First timers also find the experience highly unpleasent.
  • Teleporter Accident: Averted thankfully but Glimmer makes clear on several occasions that if she’s not careful people can end up with limbs in walls or worse.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: She's the literal princess trained in decorum girly girl to Adora's savant child soldier tomboy.
  • Took a Level in Badass: She takes about one per season, as she keeps getting better at using her powers effectively in combat. As she gets more combat experiences over the months and years the series take place her powers scale as well. One example is her light bursts had been little more than irritating to her enemies before, now she's blowing through walls with them. Then she receives her father’s staff which is a huge help. She gets a Next Tier Power-Up in Season 4 by getting complete access to the Moonstone's power, further strengthening her sparkles and letting her teleport as many times as she wants.
    • Compare Moment Of Truth which has Glimmer barely able to fight Catra with Shadow Weaver's help to when she possesses the full power of the moonstone and quickly proves to be more than Catra can handle in Pulse.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: In Season 4, through a combination of factors, such as her mother's sacrifice, being put in charge of Bright Moon, her increasing resentment of Adora, and Shadow Weaver's influence, she becomes increasingly bad-tempered and hostile to everyone.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Her first interaction with Adora is highly adversarial, but by the end of the two-parter she’s become very accepting of her new friend. Subverted in later seasons where her rise in leadership status has led to her being more pragmatic than empathetic to her friends. Glimmer's My God, What Have I Done? moment at the end of Season 4 helps her transition back into her nicer, more cooperative side in the first three seasons.
  • Tragic Keepsake: The staff she uses in combat belonged to her deceased father. And her pearl teardrop earring in Season 4 is Angella's.
  • Unknown Rival: Seems to legitimately consider Catra her archenemy, even though Catra is way more focused on Adora. Makes good on this in Season 4 with a borderline No-Holds-Barred Beatdown of Catra.
  • Warrior Princess: Every member of the princess alliance is this but Glimmer gets the most focus and absolutely relishes combat. This doesn’t change when she’s Queen as she ends up on the battle field more then once.
  • Weaponized Teleportation: It's really her main tactical option, at least when it comes to magic, though she combines this with Good Old Fisticuffs. Common moves include luring an opponent into striking her and teleporting out so their inertia knocks them down, and grabbing an opponent, teleporting them high in the air, letting go, and returning herself safely to the ground to let them fall.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: She is desperate to prove herself to her mother, whether she ever had to is up in the air.
  • What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Her sparkles were initially pretty much useless aside from creating light sources and no-bang flashbangs, which was something she was sadly aware of. Her teleportation was still greatly useful, but she lamented that half of her powers were no good in a fight. But as the show's progressed, she's gained more confidence in her powers--and an upscale in concussive force as they've developed.

Glimmer: (to Huntara's goons) Hi, I'm Glimmer. And I sparkle.

  • Willfully Weak: Glimmer doesn't fully recharge her powers for months after Angella disappears. This is part of her grieving process thinking that if she does, it would be an admission that her mother is truly gone for good.
  • Winged Humanoid: She has pink feathered wings. Yet unlike her mother's wings, they're so tiny that it would be easy to mistake them for tattoos. Her wings appear fully grown upon fully accepting the Moonstone's power, though they then disappear and are never seen being used.


Bow, Master Archer

Voiced by: Marcus Scribner (English)additional voice actors

Click here to see Future Bow.

"You say you're just ordinary people? I say you're warriors of The Rebellion!"

Bow is a highly-skilled archer and the Rebellion’s resident tech master. Driven by loyalty, Bow is dedicated to doing what’s right and will do everything he can to protect his friends in dangerous situations. Even complete strangers can count on him to stand up for what’s right.

  • Adaptation Dye-Job: In the original cartoon, he had red hair. Here, his hair is dark brown.
  • Ambiguously Bi: He goes to Princess Prom with Perfuma, but seems really invested in getting Sea Hawk's approval when they first meet, to the point where it walks the fine line between mancrush and just plain crush. At the end of the show, it's revealed that he is in love with Glimmer.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: Bow is the youngest of thirteen.
  • Badass Bookworm: While not on Entrapta's level, Bow does show a talent when it comes to technology.
  • Badass Normal: He doesn't have any magic, but compensates with his skill with his bow and gadgets.
  • Bare Midriffs Are Feminine: Although Bow is the only male member of the Power Trio, he is In Touch with His Feminine Side and serves as The Heart of the team (a traditionally feminine role) in contrast to the tough warrior Adora and the headstrong and occasionally arrogant Glimmer. All of his outfits bare his midriff; even his space suit has a small belly window.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Bow is an extremely kind-hearted and honest person but is still a master archer not afraid to defend himself, his friends, or the innocent. He also isn't afraid to give What the Hell, Hero? moments if needed.
  • Big Brother Instinct: To Glimmer. When her power starts glitching out at random after the Black Garnet is supercharged, he can be seen sitting off to the side of her healing pod and staring at her with worry, which she quickly points out and he denies.
  • Black and Nerdy: The Rebellion’s resident tech master and is of the Etherian equivalent of African descent.
  • Boring, but Practical: Compared to the other two Best Friends, Bow's ability is the least flashy of them all (no pun intended) and his combat capabilities don't particularly stand out much from other magically-superpowered members of the rebellion. However, his gift in technology and knowledge can be incredibly useful in the right situations, whether it be hacking, tactics, or making trick arrows and weaponry on the fly for the other rebels.
  • Brainy Brunette: Dark brown hair and a tech master.
  • Calling Parents by Their Name: Downplayed. Bow only refers to his fathers by their names to distinguish them from one another.
  • Camp Straight: Second only to Sea Hawk in the camp department, but ends up with Glimmer. May still have a crush on Sea Hawk, though.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: The series finale has him undergo a Relationship Upgrade with Glimmer, his childhood friend.
  • Clothing Damage: He rips off his cummerbund when dressing for a ball, though he decides to put it back on after feeling how cold it is there.
  • Cultured Badass: Tech expert, master of the bow and arrow, and can play the violin.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Bow loves Catra's little sneezes, finds the ears on her space helmet adorable, and he thinks she grows cuter when she's angry.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Discussed and subverted. Glimmer presumed Bow never talked about past or his family because it was painful and troubling to him. In reality, he comes from loving fathers but keeps his rebel life a secret, as he fears they would disapprove of it.
  • Dub Name Change: His name is "Arco" in the European Spanish dub, "Flechdor"note  in the French dub, and "Arqueiro" in the Portuguese dub.
  • Extremely Protective Child: Even though they can embarrass him, Bow will nonetheless protect his fathers when they might be in danger.
  • Fanboy: Both to Entrapta and Sea Hawk.
  • Family Theme Naming: Like his father Lance, Bow's named after a type of weapon.
  • Fatal Flaw: While not on the same level as other characters, Bow's biggest problem is he has a very naive outlook on life and tends to believe The Power of Friendship can solve any problem. So when tensions between Adora and Glimmer start to grow he at first assumes that they just need a little reminder they are friends and everything will work out, when it doesn't though, Bow becomes increasingly frustrated as he genuinely has no idea what's wrong or how to fix it.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Not on Entrapta's level, but Bow is the resident tech whiz and makes his own arsenal of Trick Arrows.
  • The Heart: Catra even calls him this. Everyone tends to like Bow and he tends to like almost everyone, and he often leaps in to talk down Glimmer and Adora when they get too emotional. It's notable that the episode that sees the pair most compromised by their emotional connections, "Princess Prom", sees him separated from them for most of the episode. Which is why he has a heart on his breastplate. Deconstructed in Season 4 where due to Adora and Glimmer's relationship becoming strained, Bow tries his hardest to keep the peace between the best friend squad, before finally admitting to Sea Hawk that it is taking a lot out of him being the only one trying to keep their friendship from falling apart and that no one appreciates his efforts.
  • Heart Symbol: Bow wears heart symbols on his shirt and boots; his father, George, has a heart symbol t-shirt as well. He's also the literal heart of the group.
  • Heroic Build: Bow has a lithe, muscular figure and is one of the good guys.
  • Hypocrite: Bow showed a love of making bad puns in "Roll With It" but is embarrassed when his fathers do the same.
  • Interspecies Romance: Downplayed with Glimmer. Bow is a full human while Glimmer is half human and half angel.
  • In Touch with His Feminine Side: Bow is a sensitive young man who likes cute things and is open about his emotions.
  • Jock Dad, Nerd Son: Inverted. He's a soldier while his fathers are historians.
  • Lame Pun Reaction: Following the Horde's takeover, Lance and George left a dad joke in a note for Bow so that he can find them. It works, but he and Glimmer are... less than amused at the punchline.
  • Like Brother and Sister: With Glimmer. The two of them are very close and Bow hangs around Bright Moon frequently, but their relationship is very much like siblings as opposed to romantic. Averted in Season 5, in which Bow and Glimmer profess their love for each other before the final battle with Hordak Prime.
  • Like Father, Like Son: He has a lot of his father George's personality. They're both dorks who share much of the same quirks. He shares his sense of humor, however, with his other father Lance.
  • Living a Double Life: Bow kept his rebel activities a secret from his fathers and pretended to be studying in a historian school.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: Bow has always served as this to Glimmer, to the point that she panics when he starts branching out with other friendships in "Princess Prom". When a rift forms between them throughout season four, she does not take it well, highlighting the parallels between her and Catra.
  • Love Bubbles: Parodied. He defeats a robot able to create bubbles and the robot creates bright, shiny bubbles behind him at the same time people are amazed by his subsequent speech.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: He shares this dynamic with Adora, though it's very downplayed. While Adora's go-to answer for complicated problems is "brute strength", he's likely to suggest a more thought-out approach. Adora even mentions it in Season 5: Bow talks feelings, she punches them.
  • Massive Numbered Siblings: Thirteen siblings, according to Bow, and he's the youngest.
  • Master Archer: His primary role in combat is to be an excellent shot with a bow and arrow.
  • Meaningful Name: Bow's main weapons include a bow and arrow.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Wears an outfit that exposes his midriff and is quite strong and good-looking.
  • Nice Guy: In general, Bow is a friendly, caring, and thoughtful young man. He is the first to trust Adora, and even before that he helped her move through the forest when he and Glimmer had captured her.
  • The Not-Love Interest: At the end of "Princess Prom," he and Glimmer are abducted by Catra, who uses them to lure Adora to the Fright Zone.

    Catra: (looking at an image of Adora, Bow, and Glimmer resting together) If you want to take down Adora, you've got to go for the heart.

  • Official Couple: Bow and Glimmer become one at the end of the series, with the two declaring their love to each other during the final battle. A vision Adora sees in the Heart of Etheria shows a possible future where they got married at an unknown point.
  • The One Guy: Bow is the only leading male in cast mostly consisting of women. Furthermore, in the "Best Friend Squad" he is the only male in a group comprised of Adora, Glimmer, and Catra. This is okay though because he's...
  • One of the Girls: Several times Bow displays more emotions than the rest of the girls has interests in crafts and fashion and regularly tries to communicate rather than just out and out fight with people.
  • Only Friend: Before the reintegration of the Princess Alliance, he was this to Glimmer.
  • Only Sane Man: There's some silliness to him as well, but he still tends to be the member of the team with the most common sense... usually. Through Season 4, he tries mediating between Adora and Glimmer as their relationship gets increasingly fractured, actually managing to undo some of the strain Double Trouble puts on them. He generally succeeds, until things get too strained between them.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
    • Bow, the emotional center of the group, strong believer of The Power of Friendship, and always the optimist angrily yells he doesn't care what Octavia does to him when he (with Sea Hawk and Swift Wind) is captured. That and doubting the bonds he has with Glimmer and Adora plus growing tired of trying to keep them together with little appreciation. Really shows how the two girls' fights have begin to wear on him.
    • If nothing else, you know Glimmer has gone too far, when Bow of all people snaps and calls her out on her behaviour.
  • Primary-Color Champion: White and gold top and boots with red heart accents, and blue pants.
  • Promoted to Love Interest: Zigzagged.
    • Inverted with Adora. In the original series, he was her love interest. Here, they are just close friends who develop a familial bond. This is due to Adora being a lesbian here, so she wouldn't be attracted to Bow anyway.
    • Played straight with Glimmer. They were friends in the original but make a mutual Love Confession in the show's series finale.
  • Pungeon Master: Bow makes a lot of puns in-character for "Roll With It".
  • Race Lift: In the original series, Bow was a Caucasian red-haired guy. Here, he's dark-skinned with Afro-textured hair.
  • Red Is Heroic: Like his original incarnation, he's got red hearts as a motif.
  • The Reliable One: Tied in with his characterization as The Heart while everyone shows signs of fracturing over the various stresses they come under Bow doesn't. He's also the only one who's likely to pack binoculars in a scouting mission. Until season 4 rolls around and he reveals how much this status is wearing on him.
  • Rousing Speech: Bow makes several of these throughout the series since he’s the only one with actual social skills, for example, he's able to get a group of cooks to [[fight against a horde of robots.

    Baker: But you're a master archer, we're just ordinary people.

    Bow: I'm a master archer who's out of arrows, but that never stopped me either. You each have a skill that only you can do, even if it doesn't come from some magical jewel. You say you're just ordinary people, I say you're warriors of the Rebellion!

    • Bow takes advantage of Horde Prime's Spire's hologram systems to deliver one across Etheria.

    Bow: Hey, everyone. I'm Bow. Prime is probably trying to get his channel back right now, so I have to make this quick. Prime's controlled the universe for a long time. Right now, we're the only thing standing in the way of him controlling it forever. You might be feeling hopeless, you might be thinking "We don't stand a chance!" And maybe we don't. Prime's too strong, his army's too powerful. But that's not gonna stop us! We need to show Prime we're not afraid of him. Because we have each other! We have love. We can't give up. And if we go down, we go down together. We need you, all of you. It's time to take back our world. It's time to fight. For She-Ra. For our homes! And for each other!

  • Shipper on Deck: Subtle, but he (along with Glimmer) notices a lot of Catra and Adora's more intimate moments.
  • The Smart Guy: He becomes the Rebellion’s resident tech master after Entrapta defects to the Horde. He is capable of reverse-engineering the Horde's machines, crafts his own weaponry, and relies on tactics in battle since he doesn't have magic like most of the Rebellion's members.
  • Stepford Smiler: He pretends he wants to be a historian to please his fathers.
  • Taught by Experience: Implied, as he mentions teaching himself archery.
  • The Team Normal: Until Catra joins, he's the only member of the Best Friend Squad without magical powers, and even Catra has Melog.
  • Trick Arrow: Besides regular arrows, he does have some that allow him to hook onto objects and zipline across to get closer to an enemy. In System Failure, he shows off an assortment of arrows from smoke arrows to a sonic boom arrow. The mere existence of a magnifying glass arrow is enough to make Catra question how the Rebellion survived so long.
  • Vocal Evolution: Bow's voice noticeably cracks towards the start of the series but gets lower towards the end. While his voice actor was capable of doing the same voice throughout the whole series, ND encouraged him in the final season to reflect his character's growth.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: At least according to Netossa, all you have to do to take out Bow is to cut his bowstring.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: The main reason he kept his Rebellion life a secret: He was afraid if he told his fathers, they would disappointed in him.
  • Youngest Child Wins: Subverted. As the youngest, Bow's father are set to have him inherit their family archaeologist library, something they think he wants. However, Bow doesn't want to follow in their footsteps but is afraid to voice his true feelings.

The Princess Alliance

A group of magical princesses who lead the Rebellion and are founded by Adora and Glimmer.



Perfuma, Princess of Plumeria

Voiced by: Genesis Rodriguez (English)additional voice actors

"For the She-Ra!"

Though she is a peace-loving pacifist, Perfuma possesses a surprisingly strong core. She believes that the universe will reward good and punish evil in kind. Still, if it takes a little too long, she isn't afraid to take matters into her own hands.

  • Acid Attack: There's an Etherian plant that secretes acid, which Perfuma uses to destroy robots.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: Downplayed. Originally, Perfuma was the only member of the Rebellion that didn't fear Hordak. This Perfuma fears the Horde and believes herself to not be fit to fight. Subverted when, after meeting She-Ra, she actually quickly drops this and actually gets mild Blood Knight undertones to her personality as she now enjoys fighting enemy soldiers.
  • Afraid of Their Own Strength: This is the belief of several of the princesses, who think that Perfuma is afraid of hurting people and consequently holds back in fights. It’s Netossa’s opinion that Perfuma could be one of the strongest princesses (or maybe the strongest) if she ever truly cut loose and fought as hard as she could. The fact that she's one of Adora's most powerful and most relied upon allies despite holding back speaks volumes.
  • All-Loving Hero: Perfuma is an incredibly friendly, loving young woman who always tries to find the peaceful solution.
  • All There in the Manual: Though not outright confirmed as canon, according to Rae, they always thought of Perfuma as a trans woman while designing and drawing her.
  • Amazon Chaser: She seems to have a particular fondness for muscular women, going by her reaction to seeing She-Ra for the first time and her referring to Huntara as a "desert rose." Most notably, the series finale very heavily implies that she and Scorpia become an Official Couple.
  • Ambiguously Bi: Asks Bow to Princess Prom on the spur of the moment, but also sees Love Bubbles when seeing She-Ra for the first time, refers to Huntara as a "desert rose" while giving her a flower crown, and instantly forgives Scorpia after her Heel–Face Turn and becomes her greatest supporter in Season 5, doing everything she can to save her from Horde Prime's control and being with her in the ending celebration while the Official Couples are together.
  • Babies Ever After: According to a charity livestream, she and Scorpia end up having a lot of kids.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Perfuma is a pacifist by choice but is able to control a variety of plants. Netossa even comments that if Perfuma let go of her pacifistic ideals, she probably be the strongest Princess of the group.
  • Blood Knight: Drops her pacifist shtick pretty quickly after fighting the Horde once, declaring she never felt more alive, then joining up to hit more Horde soldiers with flowers.
  • Caring Gardener: Even though she has plant powers, she still seems to keep a garden the old-fashioned way; her rant about cacti includes a complaint about how hard it is to figure out how much water they need. As for caring, she's almost endlessly forgiving, compassionate and kind.
  • The Chains of Commanding: After Mermista is chipped and Netossa goes to find Spinnerella, Perfuma is left in charge. Given her tearful crying about it when reunited with Bow, she did not like the experience.
  • Creature of Habit: She is irritated by Entrapta and Mermista's disorderly ways, and part of the reason she's so upset in "The Valley of the Lost" is that the mission interrupted her customary morning meditation.
  • Earthy Barefoot Character: She doesn't appear to wear true footwear; instead having pink decorative straps around her feet. Starting in Season 2 she wears slippers.
  • Explosive Breeder: It is unknown which one was carrying their children but according to the charity livestream, she and Scorpia had a LOT of kids.
  • Flowers of Nature: She has a strong flower theme in her costume, helping to symbolize her connection to nature and control over plants.
  • Genki Girl: Perfuma can be quite excitable.
  • Girly Girl with a Tomboy Streak: Perfuma is a gentle peace- and flower-loving pacifist... who also loves using her Green Thumb powers to fight the Horde and can be quite the Blood Knight.
  • Granola Girl: Downplayed. Whilst Perfuma (and every person in her kingdom) acts like a New-Age Retro Hippie, she is a little too grounded for this trope to be played straight.
  • Green Means Natural: Perfuma wears a green vine as a part of her tiara and a green shawl, and her primary power is the controlling of plants (including trees), which she can grow at will. She also often attacks with vines.
  • Green Thumb: Can control plant life and utilizes massive vines during combat. Perfuma derives her powers from the Heart-Blossom.
  • How Do I Shot Web?: The only plant she's never been able to figure out is cacti. She eventually does manage it.
  • Kind Restraints: Her vines come in very useful when the Alliance want to painlessly neutralize someone or prevent them from wandering into danger, although they can't stop Scorpia's Heroic Sacrifice. When the captive Scorpia apologizes for hurting her, Perfuma shows she heard her apology by sprouting a flower on the binds.
  • Lethal Harmless Powers: Controlling plants doesn't sound very dangerous, but she manages. She once created a titanic plant golem to scale the walls of a Horde-controlled base.
    • Take note of how quickly vines under her command can restrain Horde soldiers; if she really wanted to, she could probably strangle an entire battalion to death in seconds. And that's not even getting into the sheer number of plants that have toxic properties.
  • Long Hair Is Feminine: Has waist-length hair and is the most feminine of the group.
  • Love Makes You Stupid: She is very taken by Scorpia, even before there's any proof that the latter's defection is genuine. Luckily, Scorpia's worthy of that trust.
  • Masculine–Feminine Gay Couple: She becomes an Official Couple with Scorpia after the final battle. While Perfuma is feminine, has long hair, wears dresses (the main one being pink), and her powers include growing plants; Scorpia is a butch woman, has Boyish Short Hair, is hinted to be a Perky Goth, wears pants (but does wear dresses at fancy events), and her main skills include brute strength and lightning powers.
  • Maybe Ever After: The series finale heavily implies that she and Scorpia become an Official Couple. ND Stevenson has posted artwork in support of this.
  • Misplaced Kindergarten Teacher: Occasionally lapses into talking to other Rebels like they're small children, particularly in the use of "we don't" instead of "don't."

    Perfuma: NO! We do not throw tanks at our friends!

  • Nice Girl: Perfuma is kind, peaceful, gentle and friendly.
  • Noble Savage: Noticeable in an SFF manner. Among the Princess introductions Perfuma and her people get hit with this particularly hard. She's shown to end her encounter with She-Ra with the stereotypical line, "You inspired us to save ourselves. How can we ever repay you?"
  • Official Couple: A charity livestream confirms that she and Scorpia got together after the series.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
    • Entrapta legitimately angers her, and brings her as close to a rant as she can manage when she repeatedly abandons the team during "No Princess Left Behind".
    • In Season 5 when meeting the reformed Catra, Perfuma is uncharacteristically petty with her. Going out of her way to say how much she's a better friend to Scorpia and being rather uncaring when Catra is sent flying in a fight. Its not until Catra admits Perfuma is a better friend to Scorpia than Catra ever was that she warms up and shows Catra the same kindness she shows to everyone else.
  • Pink Means Feminine: A flower-loving pacifist with Green Thumb powers who primarily wears pink.
  • The Pollyanna: Subverted. At first, Perfuma and her whole kingdom seem impossibly happy but even in her debut she's not optimistic so much as desperately denying anything is wrong. It then seems like it'll be played straight once she joins the Rebellion but while she certainly tries to remain upbeat even in during their toughest moments she often gets just as upset and stressed out as anybody else.
  • The Power of Friendship: In Season 5 she comes into some conflict with Netossa who believes that her worrying about hurting friends is a weakness whilst Perfuma passionately believes that her friendships, and caring deeply for them, are a strength.
  • Shipper on Deck: Talking to Catra about her feelings she hints that she knows about Catra's feelings for Adora and certainly sees it as a wonderful thing.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: Apparently she and Scorpia become a very domestic couple.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: Her official bio lauds her "surprisingly strong core". Although she is initially introduced as a gentle pacifist, she later doesn't hesitate to stand up to the Horde and act directly against them.
  • Statuesque Stunner: One of the tallest princesses and is a cutie.
  • Stepford Smiler: While she tries to act happy and calm all the time, she's actually very anxious and constantly trying not to freak out.
  • Tastes Like Friendship: She personally brings Scorpia a salad bowl after the latter's defection.
  • You Are in Command Now: In Season 5, while Adora, Bow, and Glimmer are in space and after Micah and Mermista (who had been leading the Rebellion's efforts on Etheria) have been chipped, Perfuma is more or less forced into leading the remnant of the Rebellion, sharing the role alongside Netossa. Perfuma does not care for it, is pretty overwhelmed by the circumstances, and is extremely grateful when the Best Friends Squad returns and take over leading the Rebellion.
  • Youthful Freckles: Perfuma is a teenager/young adult who has some freckles on her cheeks and shoulders.


Mermista, Princess of Salineas

Voiced by: Vella Lovell (English)additional voice actors

Click here to see Sea-Ra.

"I practice at HOME!"

Mermista is the "cool girl" princess who can come off as blunt and is unimpressed by everyone. Her judgments are delivered flatly and she is not known to mince words. Even though she does have a soft side, it can be hard for her to express her true feelings.

  • Action Girl: "Rescuing people is [her] jam," and she can certainly hold her own in a fight.
  • Amazonian Beauty: She's one of the tallest princesses, and has a more massive frame than even She-Ra (size difference not taken in account). This corresponds to how her body would develop muscle mass due to lots of swimming.
  • Ambiguously Bi: She has a rather complicated relationship with Sea Hawk. She also thinks that She-Ra has beautiful hair. Granted, it may appear as a cute compliment, Make of that what you will.
  • Ambiguously Brown: It's a safe bet she's equivalent to South Asian, seeing as she's rocking a sari at the Princess Prom.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Is chipped and turned traitor until Entrapta finds a way to sever the chip's mind-control from Horde Prime's main base on Etheria.
  • Brutal Honesty: Her bio notes how her judgments are delivered flatly and her tendency not to mince words.
  • Captain Fishman: She's the "token water hero" of the Princess Alliance, with the power to control water, swim with a fish tail and she can talk to seagulls.
  • Catch Phrase: "Urrrrrgh!"
    • "[Topic] is my jam."
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Its gradually revealed that for all her dry wit, she's quite possibly the weirdest princess. She often diverges into rambles about her favorite books, or the powers of "Sea-Ra", regardless of the relevance to the situation.
    • She has an action figure of herself.
  • Deadpan Snarker: After her emotional speech about why she joined the Rebellion to avenge her home, she dryly notes that Adora turns into an eight-foot-tall lady with a sword and she wants her on their side.
  • Dub Name Change: Sirena in the French dub.
  • The Eeyore: At worst, Mermista tends to be the more pessimistic one of the team.
  • Elemental Hair Colors: Dark blue-green hair for the resident water magic user.
  • Facepalm: She does this a lot. Usually in response to some of Sea Hawk's shenanigans.
  • Flat Joy: Even when she's being cheerful, she still sounds deadpan.
  • Genre Savvy: In "Mer-Mysteries", she uses her knowledge from mystery novels she has read to solve the case of who the Horde spy is.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: "Roll With It" strongly suggests she's kinda jealous about Adora being She-Ra. Or possibly just crushing on her. Or both...
  • Ham and Deadpan Duo: Her and Sea Hawk. Sea Hawk is enthusiastic and flamboyant, while Mermista is a fairly stoic deadpan snarker.
  • Heartbreak and Ice Cream: In Season 4, after her kingdom is retaken by the Horde, she takes some me-time to deal with it by hiding in the bathtub and eating tons of ice cream.
  • Heroic BSoD: She takes the destruction and conquest of her home by the Horde hard, retreating to a bathtub to mourn and eat all the ice cream in Bright Moon.
  • Hypocritical Humor: She snarks at the main trio for "playing dolls" when they're using tabletop miniatures to work on an attack plan, but when she later joins the reunion, she brings an action figure that looks exactly like her.
    • Exaggerated. Bow wonders why she'd have something like this, she still acts offended and insists 'they' are the one playing dolls.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Sarcastic, blunt, and rather pessimistic, but still cares about her friends and her kingdom.
  • Large Ham: Appears to be taking a few skill ranks in this in Season 4, such as punctuating her lines with Dramatic Thunder.

    Frosta: How are you doing that?
    Mermista: I PRACTICE AT HOME! (thunderclap)

  • The Leader: Shares this position with King Micah for the Rebellion while the three lead heroes is out in space in Season 5. Until they both get chipped, that is.
  • Like Is, Like, a Comma: Like, she tends to talk this way.
  • Making a Splash: She has control over water. Mermista derives her powers from the Pearl.
  • Ms. Fanservice: A Statuesque Stunner who is also an Amazonian Beauty.
  • Not So Above It All:
    • In "Perils of Peekablue", she reveals that she set fire to someone's boat because she "wanted to know what it felt like".
    • Also, for all the grunting, face-palming and eye-rolling she gives Sea Hawk, she's prone to act melodramatically.

      Mermista:I! Practice! At! HOME! (dramatic thunder)

  • Our Mermaids Are Different: Mermista can switch between a form with legs and one with a mermaid tail.
  • Prongs of Poseidon: While she's seen with a trident in her first appearance, she doesn't seem to use it much since she can essentially use water as her weapon.
  • Race Lift: Mermista in the '80s series was a very pale woman and spoke with a French accent. Here, she is noticeably darker and is implied to be the Etherian equivalent of South Asian.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Gender-inverted with Sea Hawk. She's sardonic and somewhat stoic while he's exuberant and loud.
  • She's Back!: She recovers from the destruction and conquest of Salineas thanks to Sea Hawk and vowed to reclaim her home. Her lyrics in her song sum it up best...

    Mermista: ♪You can’t keep me down, Can’t throw this Princess around, ’Cause you all know how this all ends♪ [...] ♪I’ll blast you away, And fight another day, For Salineas! ♪

  • Shock and Awe: She has the power to create loud claps of thunder. However, she does not use it for combat, only to provide dramatic sound effects while trying to solve a murder mystery.
  • Sour Supporter: The pessimist of the group.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: She can speak and understand the language of Seagulls. She even taught Sea Hawk how.
  • Stepford Snarker: Shows some shades of this trope in her debut episode as she states how hopeless her situation is in her usual snarky tone.

    Mermista: It figures I would inherit a kingdom that's crumbling but it's totally fine — I'm handling it. It's just kind of inconvenient because the Horde won't stop attacking us.

  • Super Not-Drowning Skills: She can breathe underwater.
  • Tsundere: Towards Sea-Hawk. She acts like she's tired of him most of the time, but they're actually a couple; she just struggles to express her affections.
  • Tomboy Princess: While planning to rescue Glimmer and Bow, she refused to be represented by lipstick, preferring a knife.
  • Verbal Tic: Her "Uuuurrrghh!" groan whenever something annoys or frustrates her. Which is often.
  • Water Is Womanly: Inverted. She has a water theme but is a blunt tomboy, being much less feminine than her original animated counterpart.


Frosta, Princess of the Kingdom of Snows

Voiced by: Merit Leighton (English)additional voice actors

"I didn't join the Princess Alliance just to fight. I joined to save people. And the Horde, even after everything they did... they're people, just like us."

At 11 (and three quarters) years old, Frosta is the youngest princess in the Alliance. Not only is her kingdom one of the most powerful of the kingdoms in Etheria, but her ice and snow powers make her an essential member of the Rebellion. Even though she is new to the throne, she’s a stickler for the rules and is very particular about how she likes things to get done.

  • 11th-Hour Ranger: In Season 1, she does not join the rebellion until she shows up last minute during the Battle of Bright Moon to join protect the Moonstone.
  • Adaptational Modesty: Understandably so, as it would be icky for everybody to see the now eleven-year-old Frosta wearing a Fanservice-y Leotard of Power (even though the original 1980s costume did include long pants and a skirt). She now wears a big coat and pants to protect her from her own kingdom's cold temperatures. Even in the episode where the characters are wearing the outfits of their 1980s counterparts, the new version of the outfit covers much more skin than the original did.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Downplayed. While her ice powers are just as powerful as her 80s counterpart, her 80s counterpart was completely unaffected by cold temperatures, while she is as vulnerable to them as anybody else.
  • Added Alliterative Appeal: Her Runestone is called the Fractal Flake.
  • Advertised Extra: She had much less of a role in Season 1 than the advertising and opening suggested. She enters focus in Season 2 and then on becomes as much a secondary character as Mermista and Perfuma.
  • Age Lift: An adult in the original, a kid in the reboot.
  • All-Loving Hero: In Season 4 she says that she joined the Rebellion to save people and despite the war she considers the Horde to be filled with people worth saving.
  • Ambiguously Brown: She has slightly slanted eyes and a darker skin tone and looks Asian or, more likely, Inuit.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: The youngest of the princesses and main characters, but she is one of the most mature characters around and demands respect. She actually implies at one point that she expects teenagers to be rude and foolish, and views herself as better than them. Played straighter in Season 2, where she starts acting like most people her age would - utterly childish.
  • Berserk Button: Do not mention how young she is or imply that she's in any way unfit to rule, especially not in conjunction. One of the reasons why she doesn't join the Rebellion at first is because Adora, before catching herself, implies that she's too young to rationally lead.
  • Big Damn Heroes: In the Season 1 finale she arrives at the last minute to prevent the Moonstone from being destroyed by Catra and joins the heroes to save the day.
  • Blue Means Cold: She uses ice magic and has a primarily blue wardrobe.
  • By-the-Book Cop: She’s a stickler for the rules during the ball.
  • Characterization Marches On: From what little we saw of her in Season 1, mostly during the very formal Princess Prom she was hosting, she was shown to take herself very seriously and was very strict, although she mellowed out by the finale. In Season 2, she is way more excitable and eager to help, being a kid made too mature too soon into the role of a monarch.Justified, as Frosta was putting up a front as not look too weak or immature to rule her kingdom, and by her own self-admission she had never had friends before, due to having to ascend to the throne so young and likely didn't know how to treat people differently then her subjects.
  • Cool Crown: Literally. She wears a simple tiara that appears to be made of ice.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: In her debut she's stiff, aggressive, and formal to the heroes. She gradually softens to them and reveals her true Sugar-and-Ice Personality later.
  • Elemental Armor: Frosta can use her Fractal Flake connection to form an armor out of ice.
  • Elemental Hair Colors: Short blue hair for the ice magic user.
  • Elemental Punch: Frosta has taken a liking to covering her fists in ice, in season 5, she lands a solid punch straight to Catra’s face.
  • Foil: Frosta serves as a classic foil to Glimmer, especially in season 2. She represents the immature, isolated and impulsive side of Glimmer as Glimmer herself struggles to grow out of this behavior.
  • Friendless Background: Says in Season 2 that, having ascended to the throne at the age of eight, she never had any real friends because they were all her subjects.
  • Honor Before Reason: She adheres to the rules of the Ball to the point of letting Horde members inside and forbidding any violence against them. The Horde repays her by nearly destroying her castle.
  • An Ice Person: Has ice powers reminiscent of Ice Man. Frosta derives her powers from the Fractal Flake.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Her first appearance makes her come across as overly strict and cold and she can sometimes act like a bratty, impulsive kid, but her heart is in the right place and she is a loyal member of The Rebellion.
  • Kid Hero: Even more than the other members of the Princess Alliance, who are teenagers. Frosta is eleven (and three quarters).
  • Kung-Fu Wizard: In later seasons her primary strategy is using her ice powers to augment physical attacks; she starts her battles by freezing up ice fists
  • Tagalong Kid: She is the youngest member of the Princess Alliance at eleven and three quarters, and is frequently treated differently from the others of the team.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Come Season 2, she has a tendency to ignore orders and do whatever she feels like, and her battle plans rarely (read: never) go beyond "SMASH!" In fairness, she is a kid.
  • Little Miss Badass: Even by the show's standards, at eleven years, Frosta's powers are something to behold, Glimmer even mentions that her magic is strong and her kingdom is powerful and fortified. When she comes to the rescue in "Battle at Bright Moon", she is able to single-handedly create a support for the Moonstone, freeze almost the entirety of the enemy army and move around by creating an ice slide.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: She allows two Horde captains in the Princess Gala on the basis they can legally be there. It ends with two of her guests kidnapped, She-Ra's sword stolen and her palace almost destroyed.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Glimmer notes that she's not so different from her, as a talented but sheltered and immature girl, desperately trying to gain the respect of an older authority figure through actions others would consider reckless.
  • Not So Stoic: Is much more emotionally open during Season 2.
  • Personality Powers: In Season 1 she has an icy personality to match her powers, but she averts this in Season 2 and beyond, when her characterization shifts to being the team kid.
  • Pretty in Mink: Rocking a blue coat with a fur-lined collar and sleeves, with matching boots.
  • Race Lift: Not as noticeable, as her skin color is still fairly light, but the shape of her eyes implies that she's the Etherian equivalent to either south Asian or Inuit, compared to her original counterpart, who was white.
  • Required Secondary Powers: Subverted. Frosta's wardrobe choices imply she does not have a higher tolerance to cold.
  • Skilled, but Naive: Despite her insistence to the contrary, she's very much this. While her kingdom and her magic are impressive, her youth means she puts more effort into looking wise and reasonable, allowing the Horde to nearly destroy her palace and make off with Bow, Glimmer and She-Ra's sword right under her nose.
  • Shout-Out: Her outfit seems to give off a Water Tribe vibe. While they always shared a color scheme, Frosta's new clothing—especially her parka—wouldn't look remotely out of place on a member of either polar Water Tribe.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Progressively.
    • While she doesn’t speak much, she does come off as much nicer during her return in the Season 1 finale than when she was first introduced. Likely due to Adora’s warnings to her regarding the Horde ultimately being proven right.
    • In Season 4, she's the one who (alongside Adora and Bow) most openly opposes trying to use the Heart of Etheria, not only because it's ridiculously dangerous, but on moral grounds.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: She goes back and forth. In her introduction she acts far more mature than most princesses, with a tendency to respect rules and is well informed about a lot of things. She implies that she has actually been working hard to get the respect of others despite her age and has matured early. Deconstructed in Season 2, where her desire to interact with the others as peers and be useful to them comes across as bratty and immature despite her skills and intelligence. Played straight at the end of Season 4, when she covers for Adora and Bow, because she realizes that Glimmer is taking things too far.
  • Young and in Charge: Frosta is only 11, yet in charge of ruling the Kingdom of Snows.


Netossa, Rebel Princess

Voiced by: Krystal Joy Brown (English)additional voice actors

Netossa was a member of the original Princess Alliance and remains loyal to its cause. She is tough and smug about her ability to conjure powerful nets out of energy. Netossa is also closely bonded to Spinnerella — the two are inseparable.

  • Adaptational Sexuality: Overlaps with Adaptation Relationship Overhaul in that she’s now married to Spinnerella. This is played with in that in the original, her sexuality was never addressed at all, nor has she shown romantic interest in any character.
  • Adaptational Superpower Change:
    • In the '80s series Netossa was the only member of the Rebellion who has no magical or mystical powers, instead she was a Badass Normal employing nets to fight. Here she still uses nets but appears to generate them out of light or energy she manipulates.
    • By Season 5, she's gone a bit beyond that. She essentially generates webbing, including the ability to create single strands, make dense net-balls for use as throwing weapons, the creation of flat anchored planes for safety nets and spheres which multiple people can stand within, used as defense.
  • Advertised Extra: She and Spinnerella were given the same amount of focus as the other princesses in promotional material, but barely appeared in the first several seasons.
  • Affectionate Nickname: "Darling" by Spinnerella. Becomes a plot point when a chipped Spinnerella calls her "beloved", and Netossa points out she's never called her that before.
  • Ascended Extra: She gains far more screen-time and characterization in Season 5 when forced to go up against her wife.
  • Awesome by Analysis: She has been keeping track of everyone's weaknesses and gives a run down of those of her allies. Not only that, but she notices both physical weaknesses and emotional ones, and uses her knowledge of Spinnerella's weakness to get her wife back.
  • Barrier Warrior: How she uses her powers in most fights. She can create shielding walls and domes to protect herself and allies or trap enemies. She can also make small orbs to throw at people as a type of hand blast.
  • Battle Couple: She fights together with her wife Spinnerella in battle.
  • Betrayal Insurance: Her evaluation of her allies weaknesses smacks of this, and she apparently did this before Mind Control entered the equation.
  • Blue Is Heroic: A blue-clad member of the heroic Princess Alliance and Rebellion.
  • Boring, but Practical: Her method for taking down Catra? Spray her with water and then catch her in a net while she's panicking. And it works.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: Official artwork from ND Stevenson shows she knew Spinnerella ever since they were kids. Now, they're a Happily Married couple.
  • Clothing Switch: She and Spinnerella appear to be wearing each other's necklaces.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Major part of her tactics she's perfectly fine with Attack the Injury tactics for example.
  • Competition Freak: She tries to make almost everything a competition with Spinnerella, and is quite a sore winner. In Season 5 this actually becomes a huge advantage for The Rebellion: when several princesses fall under Horde Prime's mind control, Netossa reveals that she keeps a detailed set of notes on the weaknesses of all her allies that they can use to subdue the mind controlled princesses. Bow points out that it's a bit disconcerting that she's clearly spent a lot of time thinking about this, but it appears more that Netossa simply sees battle as another game to win.
  • Covert Pervert: If her notebook is any indication, she thinks Spinnerella would look cute in a maid outfit.
  • Crazy-Prepared: She reveals at one point that she keeps detailed notes on the weaknesses of all her allies, both practical and psychological. It has nothing to do with fearing any traitors in the Rebellion, it's just because she's that much of a Competition Freak.

    Netossa: Contingency plans are how you win and I always win.

    • Her notes on the princess' weaknesses are pivotal to allowing the non-chipped Rebellion fighters to stand a chance against the chipped ones. She even uses notes on Spinnerella's old physical wound to take her down in their next fight so the latter can have her mind-control chip removed.
  • Foil: Netossa and Spinnerellas’ relationship mirrors and contrasts Catra and Adoras’ on multiple fronts.
    • Unlike Catra and Adora, Netossa and Spinnerella are sure of their emotions towards one another and have been an item from before the start of the series, as opposed to only admitting their feelings and getting together in the series finale.
    • Netossa and Spinnerella supports each other in everything, as opposed to Catra and Adora who has more volatile interactions.
    • Netossa is forced to fight Spinnerella when she’s chipped by Horde Prime, similarly to how Adora had to fight Catra.
    • Both couples are known to be very competitive, especially with their respective partners.
    • Both are childhood friends.
  • Happily Married: Season 5 confirms that Spinnerella isn't just her partner, but her wife of as long she can remember. And they have a loving and stable marriage.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: Netossa uses nets, which sounds pretty plain even if it’s enhanced with magic, but she can use them to trap explosions and redirect them at opponents or barriers that can hold Spinnerellas’ attacks at bay.
  • Informed Attribute: She's apparently smug about her powers. Of course, given she's only said a few lines, most of which were being irritated at Bow for not knowing what she does, it's hard to tell. This comes up more in Season 5, tying into her Competition Freak nature as well, she's rather assured about her knowledge of the weaknesses of the other princesses.
  • Kill It with Fire: Her notes on Mermista, Frosta, and Perfuma's weaknesses is to use fire.
  • Knows the Ropes: Able to create energy rope in pretty much any configuration from the normal nets to strands net balls barriers. She showcases what one can do with this power if you aren't restricted to material.
  • The Leader: Forced into the role briefly in Season 5, out of process of elimination when the Best Friend Squad are stuck in space and Micah and Mermista get taken out of commission.
  • Masculine–Feminine Gay Couple: With Spinnerella. While Spinnerella wears feminine apparel, Netossa usually wears pants and armor. Also, Netossa is more hot blooded and competitive while Spinnerella is calm and laid-back.
  • Meaningful Name: You'd think the name would be a bit of a hint as to what she can do, but Bow doesn't figure it out until Netossa yells it at him. She tosses nets.
  • Not So Above It All: She's a grown woman who's allegedly more mature than the younger members of the Rebellion, but she takes considerable glee spraying Catra with water, and she has just a bit of childish banter with Spinerella.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: She and Spinerella are the ones that liberated Thaymor. To reiterate they did that by themselves.
  • Punny Name: Net-toss-a. She tosses nets.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: In contrast with her cool-colored theme, she's the emotional red oni to Spinnerella's calm blue.
  • Smug Super: She's very smug about her powers and thinks nets are easily the most powerful ability around.
  • The Strategist: In Season 5 when most of the Rebellion's leadership is either off planet or under Horde Prime's mind control, Netossa becomes the brains and driving force within the Rebellion. This includes her detailed files on the weaknesses of their enemies and the other princesses, which proves a valuable resource for the group.
  • Token Adult: Compared to the mostly teenaged members of the Rebellion, Netossa is old enough to have been part of the original Princess Alliance and old enough to be married.
  • Undying Loyalty: Along with Spinnerella, the two being the only remnants of the original Princess Alliance to still be around before Adora shows up, and the only two remaining when the other Princesses go back into isolation until the Battle of Bright Moon.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: A wife example, but Netossa won't pull punches even to save Spinny from herself. After Spinnerella is brainwashed, Netossa is determined to rescue and unchip her at all costs.


Spinnerella, Rebel Princess

Voiced by: ND Stevenson (English)additional voice actors

Spinnerella is not tied to a specific kingdom, but she’s always been a staunch ally for the Rebellion. By spinning, she can create cyclones of wind to blow the enemy away. She usually has a kind, loving nature, but she can go from gentle breeze to mighty storm in a heartbeat.

  • Achilles' Heel: She twisted her left ankle as a kid and it apparently never fully healed, so it can act up when she's off-balance in a fight, and Netossa deliberately targets it to take her down long enough to subdue her and remove her chip.
  • Adaptational Sexuality: She and Netossa are a couple, despite being straight in previous incarnations (not that she's ever shown romantic interest to any character whatsoever), though that went without saying.
  • Advertised Extra: Just like her wife, she's given the same amount of focus in promotional material as the other princesses. In the show proper, she and Netossa had very few appearances through the first several seasons.
  • Affectionate Nickname: "Spinny" by Netossa, as her name can be a mouthful.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Her skin appears to be a light shade of pink.
  • Ascended Extra: She gains substantial screentime in Season 5 at the cost of her individuality.
  • Battle Couple: She fights together with Netossa in battle, and Word of God confirms the two are married.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: While Brainwashed and Crazy, she is able to chip most of the Rebel Alliance without anyone noticing, and proves to be a massive threat in combat.
  • Big Beautiful Woman: She's the most heavy-set member of the Rebellion and quite pretty.
  • Blow You Away: She can control the wind and air. This actually puts her on a combat level with Mermista: there's just about always air around, giving her access to her weapon at nearly all times. She's also the only human member of the Alliance who can fly.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: The first princess to be chipped by Prime and takes down most of Rebellion with her.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: Official artwork from ND Stevenson shows she knew Netossa ever since they were kids. Now, they're a Happily Married couple.
  • Clothing Switch: She and Netossa appear to be wearing each other's necklaces.
  • Happily Married: Netossa is her beloved wife and they have a loving, stable marriage.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Her bio notes how she can go from a gentle breeze to a mighty storm in a heartbeat.
  • The Heavy: After getting chipped, she becomes Horde Prime's dangerous enforcer for the most of the season and one of the most recurring threats to the Rebellion.
  • Lady Ella: "Spinnerella", for someone who utilizes Spectacular Spinning and Blow You Away.
  • Masculine–Feminine Gay Couple: With Netossa. While her wife usually wears pants and armor, Spinnerella wears feminine apparel. Also, Netossa is more hot blooded and competitive while Spinnerella is calm and laid-back.
  • Nice Girl: What little we see of her personality, Spinnerella is a kind and sweet woman. One example being when she tries to reassure Netossa after Bow upsets her.
  • Not So Above It All: She treats Netossa's desire to turn everything they do into a competition with repressed annoyance, but is later shown that she does indeed enjoy the games, she just doesn't like losing.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The calm and laid-back blue oni to Netossa's competitive and emotional red.
  • Terms of Endangerment: While under Horde Prime's control in Season 5, she calls Netossa "beloved".
  • Undying Loyalty: Same as Netossa, she is one of the two remaining members of the original Princess Alliance prior to Adora joining. Later, she and Netossa are the only ones who remain when the other princesses leave until the Battle of Bright Moon.

Other Members

Swift Wind 

Swift Wind, She-Ra's Noble Steed (AKA Horsey)

Voiced by: Adam Ray (English)additional voice actors

"I am my own horse."

Swift Wind used to be an ordinary horse until Adora accidentally bestows him with incredible speed, flight, and the power of speech! With his newfound abilities, Swift Wind becomes She-Ra's noble steed and an outspoken member of the Rebellion.

  • Adapted Out: His original series counterpart could be changed from a normal horse (going by the name "Spirit") to powered-up form and back again. Here, Swift Wind's transformation appears to be permanent, even holding after the Sword of Protection is destroyed.
  • Adaptation Name Change: Swift Wind's alter ego as a normal horse was called "Spirit" rather than "Horsey" in the original 1980s show.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Sometimes called "Swifty" by Adora.
  • Amplified Animal Aptitude: Even as a normal horse, Horsey seems to be slightly more intelligent than your average horse.
  • Big Eater: During the episodes he's not present, he gets a mention as having wandered around eating a lot. In Season 2, he wolfs down apples when he passes through an abandoned orchard. In a conversation with Adora, he lists "apples, hay, toppling unjust hierarchies, [and] apples" as his favorite things. In of the "Swift Wind Adventures" shorts, he gorges himself on many baskets of apples.
  • Bond Creatures: Is bonded to Adora. He even has a psychic link with Adora that allows him to sense when she is in danger.
  • Bragging Theme Tune: Adora briefly sings him one in Swift Wind Adventures: Horse Hero Transformation, when he does his "transformation sequence".

    Adora: ♪Swift Wind is a wonderful Swift Wind!♪ Hey, wait a minute, I don't get a song when I transform!

  • Breakout Character: In between Seasons 2 and 3, he received his own spin-off shorts, Swift Wind Adventures, chronicling his misadventures across Etheria.
  • Brutal Honesty: Swift Wind is honest to a fault when speaking his mind.
  • Character Catchphrase: When making an entrance: "Did somebody say SWIFT WIND?!" Most of the time, nobody has actually said his name.
  • Characterization Marches On: In the first season, Swift Wind had an interest in freeing all horses and starting an equine uprising in pursuit of "hay for all". This was dropped from his following appearances.
  • Composite Character: Kowl's sarcastic personality has been grafted onto him.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He has plenty of dry remarks in response to obvious questions, as early as a week after first gaining sentience.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": Before his transformation, he was a horse named Horsey. According to Razz, he stated that 'Horsey' is a completely stupid name.
  • Epic Flail: Falls deeply in love with a brick on a chain as soon as he looks at it in Episode 13. Adora vetoes this just as fast.
  • Fiery Redhead: Has orange hair and is an excitable, upbeat winged unicorn.
  • Flight: Swift Wind can fly. He especially likes to do loops.
  • Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: When Adora is spiraling from Catra's betrayal, Glimmer getting hurt, and Entrapta's supposed death, he's the one that snaps her out of it and convinces her to come home.

"I've had the ability to form complex thoughts for, like, a week, and even I know you can't help anyone by hiding."

  • Humanlike Foot Anatomy: Averted. When he tries to arm wrestle in one of the "Swift Wind Adventures" shorts, he finds it's a lot harder to get into position than he thought because none of his legs bend like humanoid ones. He eventually settles for using a wing.
  • Large Ham: You will nearly always hear him arriving before you see him, and he makes up for not having arms to wave by gesturing with his wings instead.
  • Liminal Being: As an uplifted animal, he is both a horse and a sentient being.
  • Meaningful Rename: Goes from "Horsey" to "Swift Wind". Razz states he gave the latter name to himself while also saying that the former was a stupid name.
  • Nice Guy: He's caring, kind, and loyal.
  • Non-Human Sidekick: To Adora, by virtue of his psychic connection to her and to the sword.
  • Odd Friendship:
    • With Madam Razz. He doesn't think much of her sanity, but in Season 4, it's revealed that he visits her quite often because "you gotta check up on old ladies alone in the woods."
    • He develops a friendship with Scorpia in Season 5.
  • Out of Focus: Swift Wind does not appear in Season 3 except for a brief, non-speaking appearance when Adora visits Light Hope. He's back as a major character in Season 4, though.
  • Rainbows and Unicorns: He's a Winged Unicorn with rainbow-colored wings.
  • Rebellious Spirit: After gaining sapience, he dedicates himself to "freeing" his fellow equines, even going as far as to try and talk to Angella about his views. He lists "toppling unjust hierarchies" as one of his favorite things, along with apples and hay.
  • Servile Snarker: He refers to himself as "She-Ra's Noble Steed" but even she isn't safe from his snark.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: Speaks to horses and, per Island of Magical Creatures, one of the tie-in books, also hedgehogs for some reason.
  • Talking Animal: A winged unicorn capable of speech.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Swift Wind is very fond of apples.
  • Transformation Sequence: Parodied in Horse Hero Transformation. He demands his own transformation sequence, mimicking Adora's, but it's all done with props, he doesn't change at all, and he thinks it also involves a Bragging Theme Tune.
  • Undying Loyalty: Swift Wind is Adora's loyal steed and they are bonded together.
  • Uplifted Animal: Adora accidentally makes him fully sapient and capable of human speech when trying to figure out how her magic sword works.
  • Winged Unicorn: Thanks to She-Ra's magic, he gets wings and a horn.

Sea Hawk 

Sea Hawk, Captain of the Dragon's Daughter

Voiced by: Jordan Fisher (English)additional voice actors

"The fact that I kept setting my boats on fire was seen as charming."

An adventurous and boisterous sea captain. He likes Mermista and seeks to impress people with his feats.

  • Adaptational Badass: No really, he may be a lot sillier than his original counterpart, but when it comes to actual success in battle, this current incarnation comes out on top.
  • Adaptational Comic Relief: In the original show, Sea Hawk was a fairly serious character. Here he's a lot goofier, being a Large Ham and a bit of a Cloudcuckoolander, and while he does have his Hidden Depths, he's usually played for comedy.
  • Adaptation Dye-Job: Originally a ginger, his hair now sits somewhere between brown and purple.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: He was Adora's Love Interest in the original, as well as someone Catra would flirt with periodically, now he has no romantic undertones with either. In contrast, the Ship Tease actually went over to his relationship with Mermista, who is his girlfriend in this version.
  • Aesop Amnesia: Almost every friendship he has ever ruined and every enemy he has ever made was because he loves to set ships on fire. Like, a lot of ships on fire, and most of the time they weren't even his.
  • Amazon Chaser: One of his heart eyes moments for Mermista is seeing her get the power-up from the Heart of Etheria and subsequently wipe the floor with a Horde fleet. He also does the same thing while making a Love Confession when she shyly admits to setting fire to a ship to see how it feels.
  • Ambiguously Bi: He definitely has a thing for Mermista, but he seems a bit taken with Bow, and some of the buildup to Season 4 implied that Scurvy, another dude, was his ex.
  • Asian Airhead: He's the Etheria equivalent to East Asian is something of a cloudcuckoolander.
  • Badass Normal: He's usually totally outclassed in battle (unless it's on the water, where his signature move is to crash his boat against the enemy and destroy it), but in "Heart, Part 2" he shows himself to be quite a competent swordsman, taking out several of Horde Prime's robots with impressively precise attacks.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: He's silly, loud, and has a habit of setting ships on fire. He's also a proficient swordsman and sailor.
  • Brick Joke: He mentions coming from someplace where he had friends who considered his arsonist tendencies charming. We later meet said friends. No, they did not consider him lighting their boats on fire charming.
  • Captain Morgan Pose: He does this a lot.
  • Catch Phrase: "Adventure!"
  • Cleavage Window: Rare male example.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Though he does have a few painful encounters with reality from time to time.

    Sea Hawk: This was all a terrible idea. Why didn't anyone stop me?!
    Swift Wind: Because you didn't tell us. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?!
    Sea Hawk: If I told you, you would have stopped me!

  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: When he gets his act together, Sea Hawk can be a threat.
  • Excellent Judge of Character: He is very good at gauging Mermista's true feelings, and manages to connect on a personal level with Glimmer and Scorpia despite the short amounts of time he's known both.
  • Fake Ultimate Hero: Subverted. The episode introducing him sets him out to be one, as he constantly boasts about his accomplishment, yet is quickly outclassed by all characters, down to Adora defeating him in arm-wrestling without turning into She-Ra. However, as it turns out, he really is genuinely competent and skilled (though lacking powers)- it's just that 1) He is Overshadowed by Awesome when placed next to the protagonist and 2) His habit of constantly setting his ships on fire has caused people to lose patience with him; the reason he is so craving for attention is that he misses the time people admired him.
  • Ham and Deadpan Duo: Mermista and him. Sea Hawk is enthusiastic and flamboyant, while Mermista is a fairly stoic deadpan snarker.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: His main weapon in battle is a sword.
  • "I Am" Song: He has an "I Am" sea shanty in his introductory episode, "The Sea Gate".

    Sea Hawk: Ohhh!
    I am Sea Hawk, I am, I am.
    If you're looking for adventure, then I am your man.
    If you want to ride on the waves of deepest blue,
    Through perilous winds, then I got you.
    Some say I'm a hero,
    Some say I'm a man,
    What I know for sure is:
    I'm Sea Hawk, I am, I am!

  • I Just Want to Have Friends: He admits that he misses having friends and a crew, and much of his antics are implied to be his way of coping with loneliness.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Sea Hawk loves bragging about how awesome he is and always tries to show off to the Best Friend Squad. However, underneath, he is very insecure due to the fact that he's not really taken seriously.
  • Insecure Love Interest: He has confided in Scorpia that he feels he's not good enough for Mermista, who he thinks doesn't see him as an equal.
  • It's Not You, It's My Enemies: Parodied. He's made so many enemies around the world (mostly by setting their boats on fire), Mermista has to keep saving him.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Downplayed. He's got a big ego for sure, but he's a loyal friend and is definitely someone you want standing alongside you when chips are down.
  • Lady and Knight: Mermista has other soldiers, but Sea Hawk is the only one she fights alongside. His scenes are very much about supporting her (especially after the fall of Salineas) and their relationship.
  • Large Ham: As evidenced by his... everything.


  • Lovable Rogue: It’s implied he was a pirate back in the day, and Scurvy was his former pirate comrade. He may have left that lifestyle, but he’s still got that roguish charm. Sea Hawk is the kind of swashbuckling hero Bow sometimes envies and aspires to be.
  • Love at First Punch: He seems almost fond of the memory of his first meeting with Mermista, which involved her trying to kill him (it's not stated why).
  • Must Make Her Laugh: Sometimes his antics are deliberate, to distract Mermista from the problems of ruling.
  • Odd Friendship: With Scorpia: they both bond over feeling unappreciated and overshadowed, and form a genuine connection. It's even odder since this all started even before Scorpia defects to the Rebellion.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: He's clearly used to being the coolest person in the room, and is caught wrong-footed by the fact that the Best Friend Squad is as good or better than he is at everything he tries to impress them by doing.
  • The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: The ease with which Salineas' guards let him into the royal palace implies that Sea Hawk's only crime is destruction of public property. Even Mermista steals more things on-screen than he does.
  • Promoted to Love Interest: Played with. Instead of being Adora's love interest like in the 80's cartoon, he is now Mermista's.
  • Pyromaniac: He has a habit of setting his boats on fire. Not for any particular reason, he just thinks it makes him look cool.

    Mermista: Don't set this one on fire.
    Sea Hawk: No promises!

  • Race Lift: Confirmed to be the Etherian equivalent of East Asian, compared to the white original.
  • Ramming Always Works: His primary contribution in battle is to ram his flaming boat into the biggest target.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: He is quite fond of singing and flowery love declarations, which in no way makes him weak (as a chipped Mermista discovers during the final battle).
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Gender-inverted with Mermista. While she's serious and sardonic, he's almost always silly and flamboyant.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: He learned to communicate with seagulls from Mermista and it helps rescue him and Bow from their captors.
  • Uptight Loves Wild: He is barely fazed by Mermista's dismissal of his chaotic tendencies, which seem to make him enjoy the moments where she's Not So Above It All even more.
  • Victoria's Secret Compartment: A Rare Male Example; this is where he keeps his map in his debut episode.
  • Wingding Eyes: In a couple of scenes, his eyes when looking at Mermista are shown to be heart-shaped or have hearts in the pupils.
  • Your Answer For Everything: Hey, is there a ship we can set on fire?

Flutterina (SPOILERS) 

Flutterina, Resident of Elberon

Voiced by: Amanda Céline Miller (English)

A cute, sweet Naïve Newcomer who adores the Rebellion and begs to join in for herself. Except that none of that's true, not even the pronouns...

  • Action Girl: Less so than the other characters as Flutterina often ends up in trouble in the midst of a battle, but is nonetheless determined to fight. Subverted in that not only can Flutterina handle herself in a fight, but is actually an alter-ego of the non-binary shapeshifter, Double Trouble.
  • Adaptational Villainy: In this story she's Double Trouble's secret identity rather than a true member of the Rebellion.
  • Age Lift: The 80s version of Flutterina was an adult, while this one is a child. Or so it seems.
  • Ascended Fangirl: She's a fangirl of the Rebellion who gets to join in herself after her village is attacked by the Horde.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Seeing as her true form is Double Trouble. In any case, she’s likely not real to begin with.
  • Children Are Innocent: She has a bubbly and positive view of the world and is clearly a young child. Deliberately invoked, as she is Double Trouble trying to sneak into the Rebellion.
  • Composite Character: This time around, Double Trouble and Flutterina are the same person: the latter is a fake identity Double Trouble uses to infiltrate the rebels. It's not clear if there's a real Flutterina around somewhere or if Double Trouble just made her up, but either way the audience only knows Flutterina as Double Trouble's alter ego.
    • There is a real Flutterina who appears at Princess Prom. She can't be Double Trouble since they also appear at the prom in their default appearance.
  • Eye Colour Change: Exaggerated. Sometimes when no one is looking, Flutterina's pink eyes change back into Double Trouble's reptilian ones, complete with the vertical-closing eyelids.
  • Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon: The cute, sweet, peppy, pink-clad new member of the Rebellion who successfully diverts the entire Alliance from the Horde's destruction of Salineas under duress, and deepens the insecurities of the strongest members. Double Trouble designed their appearance specifically to seem as sweet and nonthreatening as possible to let down the princesses' guard.
  • Genki Girl: Flutterina is energetic, happy, and eager to fight the Horde.
  • Innocently Insensitive: She often comments on Glimmer and Adora's relationship, showing confusion that Adora seems to order Glimmer around despite Glimmer's higher rank. This is because she's actually Double Trouble in disguise and is trying to ruin their friendship.
  • Insectoid Aliens: As visible from the structure of the ears, lack of a nose, and wings, Flutterina's based on moths.
  • The Mole: Flutterina is actually Double Trouble's alternate persona trying to destroy the Rebellion from the inside and to sell all their secrets to Hordak.
  • Morphic Resonance: Viewers may note that while rather subtle, Flutterina in some ways resembles their true identity. Her eyes have the same general shape, she has long, pointed ears, a small nose, tiny eyebrows and a slim build. Flutterina's outfit also has yellow panels resembling Double Trouble's cutouts, which is aided by the actual cut out for her wings in the back. Her necklace is similar to DT's collar and her sleeves are puffed out and pointy, echoing Double Trouble's broad shoulders.
  • New Body, Old Abilities: Played with. Earlier, Double Trouble employed several kick-based attacks as Catra, and despite the difference in size and build, is able to execute a spinning-kick on an enemy with no trouble as Flutterina.
  • Older Than They Look: Flutterina looks like a young girl, and even refers to herself as a kid. This was deliberately invoked by her true identity, Double Trouble, to appear innocent to the Rebellion. Double Trouble themself appears to be an adult.
  • Plucky Girl: Despite not having a whole lot in the way of combat abilities she stands up to the Horde in order to free her captured village.
  • The Pollyanna: She is wide-eyed and usually positive.
  • Red Right Hand: They never use their wings. Also, she sometimes blinks with Double Trouble's eyes.
  • Secret Identity: An alternate persona created by Double Trouble, whom they designate with her own name, gender and personality.
  • Troubling Unchildlike Behaviour: While alone, 'Flutterina' will drop her innocent persona, often uttering worrying sentences such as "like lambs to the slaughter", and cruelly smirking as she tears the Best Friend Squad apart.
  • Two Aliases, One Character: Flutterina is actually Double Trouble in disguise.
  • Walking Spoiler: This girl has a lot of secrets underneath that cute smile of hers.
  • Winged Humanoid: She sports a pair of butterfly wings.


Castaspella, Head Sorceress of Mystacor

Voiced by: Sandra Oh (English)additional voice actors

Glimmer's paternal aunt and Micah's younger sister, a sorceress who lives in the floating island of Mystacor.

  • Adaptational Modesty: Instead of a yellow Minidress of Power or a figure-hugging blue suit under yellow shorts, she now wears a floor-length navy blue shift dress under a light pink cape.
  • Adaptation Dye-Job: Originally a redhead, now a brunette.
  • Age Lift: Castaspella was originally a young woman roughly the same age as Adam and Adora (considering she hits on the former), but being Glimmer's aunt she's an adult woman who just happens to be Older Than She Looks.
  • Always Someone Better: She may be the leader of Mystacor, but that doesn't stop Shadow Weaver from constantly bringing up her brother's superior abilities.
  • Ambiguously Gay: She has no Love Interest that we know of, but her reaction to Shadow Weaver's usual No Sense of Personal Space antics is to blush angrily.
  • Ascended Extra: Mostly a background character until Season 5, when the occupation of Mystacor by the Horde forces her to take a more active role in the plot.
  • Big Sister Instinct: Inverted. She's Micah's younger sister but is very protective of him. One of the main reasons she hates Shadow Weaver is because the latter woman used her brother in his youth.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: A bit kooky, but also one of Mystacor’s most powerful sorcerers.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: She's more than a little weird, which Glimmer can't stand, but still genial and supportive. Case in point, trying to reassure Glimmer by saying she looks like her father. Glimmer points out he had a beard.
  • Cool Aunt: Zig-zagged; Glimmer doesn’t think of her this way, but her friends do.
  • Cool Crown: A halo-esque golden one with a star in the center. Flashbacks in Season 2 show that it's the traditional crown of the Head Sorceress of Mystacor.
  • Homemade Sweater from Hell: She likes knitting them.
  • Impractically Fancy Outfit: Typical Mystacor garb isn't particularly suitable for moving through Etheria's forests: she's prone to getting her cape snagged. Partially crosses over with a justified version of Limited Wardrobe: it wasn't as if everyone got to pack while evacuating — but she still won't take it off.
  • Mama Bear: Castapella is is protective over her niece, Glimmer.
  • Passive-Aggressive Kombat: While overall generous, supportive and amiable, she's good at making these small little digs, usually targeted at Angella and Glimmer. Which is probably a big reason why Glimmer doesn't see her as the Cool Aunt that Bow and Adora do — Castaspella seems just a little too fond of trying to guilt-trip her.

    "What brings you all the way out here to visit your aunt? Is it once in a blue moon already? (forced laugh)"

  • Punny Name: Cast-a-spell-a. She does magic.
  • Only Sane Man: In Season 3, she's the first to point out that Angella has no idea of what consists of a good prison to hold Shadow Weaver.
  • Race Lift: Her design (as well as the decision to cast Sandra Oh as her voice) would seem to suggest she's the Etherian equivalent of East Asian, in contrast to the original 80s version of the character, who was a white redhead.
  • Related in the Adaptation: Castaspella and Glimmer weren't related in the 80s cartoon, but are aunt and niece here.
  • Shipper on Deck: Implied. She gives a small smile to Catra and Adora when the former saves the latter from an illusionary fire.


Melog, Empathic Shapeshifter

Voiced by: Mochi (supervising sound editor Rob McIntyre's cat)

Emotional Support Animal

A magical creature the Best Friend Squad found on the planet Krytis. Often taking the form of a large cat, Melog is the last of its kind after First Ones mined most of the magic from the planet.

  • 11th-Hour Ranger: Shows up in the last five episodes of the final season, incredibly important to the plot regardless.
  • Adaptation Species Change: In the original show Melog was a mud creature brought to life by Shadow Weaver, here it is a magical being born on the planet Krytis. (Catra in the prior show had a companion cat, Clawdeen, but she wasn't adapted because she was deemed to look too similar to Lion from Steven Universe.)
  • All Animals Are Dogs: Downplayed. While it mostly does act like a cat, it does have a fondness for licking the faces of people it likes, such as Adora, Catra and Scorpia.
  • Ambiguous Gender: In the show Melog is never referred to by any gender pronoun. In the 80's show after absorbing some of She-Ra's power and taking on her likeness it is referred to as a "she", whether the female nomination still applies is unknown.
  • Animal Companion: Becomes this for Catra, it works kinda the opposite of Adora and Swift Wind's bond, where Melog gives Catra powers and a very strong Psychic Link.
  • "Aww"-choo: Most likely due to its psychic connection with Catra, its sneezes are just as cute as hers.
  • Cats Hate Water: Is scared of water, like Catra.
  • Composite Character: A combination of Melog and Clawdeen from the 80s series.
  • The Conscience: It rebukes Catra for unnecessarily diminishing team morale, encouraging her to apologize to Perfuma about the former.
  • Cooldown Hug: Does a kind of animal variant of this, when Catra angrily refuses to go back to Adora, despite it being obvious even without Melog's ability to read her mind that Catra really wants to. In order to calm her down, Melog tackles the cat girl and licks her face.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Melog is the last of its kind because the First Ones effectively strip-mined their home before Horde Prime destroyed it.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Melog is a dark-themed alien cat but is loyal to the heroes, especially Catra.
  • Empathic Shapeshifter: Only has two forms, but it’s a major part of their character that they mirror Catra, showcasing the usually closed up girl's emotions.
  • Empathy Pet: Catra's, to the point where anyone who wants to know what the former is really feeling just needs to watch Melog. Catra buries her emotions: Melog expresses them.
  • Foil: To Swift Wind, as both are the animal bonding creatures to Catra and Adora, respectively, who help them through their emotions. Swift Wind was a regular horse accidentally granted powers by Adora, can talk, is goofy, and has bright colors; Melog is an alien cat who develops a Psychic Link with Catra, can only be understood by Catra, grants her powers, is usually quiet, and has dark-themed colors.
  • Home Field Advantage: Melog showcases powers in their introduction that they don't use to the same scale afterward. Though definitely a useful asset, Melog is essentially benefiting from this or being nerfed for story purposes.
  • Intelligible Unintelligible: Due to their bond, Catra can understand Melog perfectly, holding an entire conversations with it. Everyone else, audience included, only hears flanged meows and growls.
  • Invisibility: One of the primary uses of its illusion magic is to make itself and/or others invisible. It proves able to do this with a group, and even an entire spaceship, allowing all those cloaked to remain perceptible to one another while invisible to everyone else.
  • Last of Its Kind: The sole survivor of its species following the First One’s and then their stand against Horde Prime.
  • Licked by the Dog: It bonds with Catra and basically becomes her animal companion in the same way Swift Wind is with Adora, except only Catra can understand it. For bonus points, it also literally licks both Catra and She-Ra.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: It helps Catra a lot in dealing with her emotions in more positive ways, while also preventing Catra from hiding them as well. Showrunner ND Stevenson even revealed in interviews that Melog's nickname in the crew was "Catra's Therapy Pet".
  • Living Mood Ring: When it's angry, scared or distressed, its mane, tail, eyes and mouth glow red, and its mane and tail become spiky and bristling. When it's calm or happy, these parts are blue, and its mane and tail are relaxed and wavy.
  • Long-Lived: It is at least centuries old. The time scale of the First Ones and then Horde Prime is roughly a millennium, so a lot has happened.
  • Master of Illusion: Its magic seems primarily illusion-based. In its debut, it keeps almost the entire cast confused and lost in its illusions for much of the episode.
  • Meaningful Name: It remembers — keeps a log of — Krytis' fate.
  • Mind over Matter: Once levitates some fruit up for Catra to eat.
  • Mythology Gag: Melog resembles the giant cat Catra's '80s counterpart used to transform into.
  • Psychic Link: Forms one with Catra, allowing her to understand Melog. Melog, on the other hand, is able to easily read Catra's emotions, often displaying them in its behavior. The link is very strong and the two often move in sync, seemingly knowing exactly what the other is thinking at all times.
  • Sdrawkcab Name: "Melog" is "golem" backwards. This made sense with the original Melog from the 1980s cartoon, who was created much like the golems of Jewish mythology, but that reference is lost here.
  • Shapeshifter Mode Lock: Downplayed. It shapeshifts to communicate when it is first introduced but settles into its quadrupedal form, with some minor shifting outside that.
  • Shipper on Deck: It can sense Catra's true feelings for Adora and tries to push her to act on them, especially when Catra tries to run away after watching Adora risk a Heroic Sacrifice.
  • Starfish Alien: Melog is the sole survivor of a spectral alien species formed entirely of magic and capable of taking on any form it chooses. It is initially humanoid when mirroring the Best Friend Squad, but settles for making a feline form its default after bonding with Catra. It then becomes an empathetic mirror for her. When calm its mane, teeth, and tail are a soft blue, but when angry or afraid they turn a spiky red.
  • Uncatty Resemblance: Justified. Melog is a shapeshifter and locks into a cat shape when it joins the Best Friends Squad and specifically Catra.
  • Undying Loyalty: Melog imprinted on Catra and follows her everywhere. Its devotion is a healthier source of the affection she craves that helps her to avoid depending on/leeching off of people.
  • Walking Spoiler: It would be hard to talk about it without revealing some major Season 5 spoilers.

Wrong Hordak (SPOILERS) 

Wrong Hordak, Clone of Horde Prime

"Hello there, brothers!"

Voiced by: Keston John

During the heroes' daring rescue of Catra from Horde Prime's mothership, one of his clones was disconnected from the Hive Mind and tagged along with the group. Entrapta initially mistakes him for Hordak, leading to him being affectionately nicknamed "Wrong Hordak". As he spent time adventuring with the Best Friends Squad, Wrong Hordak grew increasingly disillusioned with the Galactic Horde, ultimately discovering his own personality and defecting to the Rebellion.

  • Affably Evil: For a very low value of "evil", as he never really does anything bad, but is still fanatically loyal to Horde Prime even while helping the rebellion (he doesn't even understand they're on opposite sides) and is too innocent and naive to experience any cognitive dissonance... at first.
  • Bad Liar: Deception doesn't come naturally to the guy. Justified, since being part of a Hive Mind left him with no private thoughts or opinions to hide. It also makes him a horrible actor, especially when trying to infiltrate or deceive his fellow clones — and that doesn't matter, because none of his "brothers" are capable of understanding that another clone could lie to them.
  • Bizarre Alien Psychology: He's in extreme distress when he cannot access the hive mind. He copes by treating the Rebellion members as fellow "brothers" and obeying them as if they were Horde Prime.
  • Broken Pedestal: Horde Prime becomes one to him on Krytis. When faced with undeniable proof that Prime retreated from the planet, it shatters Wrong-Hordak's image of him as an invincible, perfect conqueror. This causes him to suffer a brief existential crisis, but he comes out of it vowing to expose the lies Prime has built himself up on to the rest of his clone-brothers and throws in with the Rebellion for real.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: He's a good cook, a welcome assistant to Entrapta, and a competent addition to the Rebellion, despite being awkward and childlike.
  • Character Tic: After learning the concept from Entrapta, Wrong Hordak likes to wink at any given opportunity.
  • Conservation of Ninjutsu: He is able to defend himself against several of his brothers at the same time, even when there is nothing that differentiates them from them. Potentially justified in that there's nothing in a clone's programming which anticipates being attacked by one of their own.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: While at first he comes off as a goofy, emotional train wreck of a fool (due to his sudden disconnection from Horde Prime's neural network), he proves himself to be a very capable ally to the Rebellion and plays a vital role in the eventual downfall of the Galactic Horde.
  • Decomposite Character: He could be seen as taking several of the more comedic traits of 80's Hordak that didn't fit the Hordak we knew for the past four seasons and turning them into a new character.
  • Defector from Decadence: It takes him some time to fully untangle himself from Horde Prime's propaganda, but he becomes one of its most important and visible critics.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Wrong Hordak is reminiscent of someone who escaped a cult or broke free from a fundamentalist upbringing, and who is going through the turmoil of deconstructing their former faith.
  • Dumb Is Good: Without access to the Hive Mind, Wrong Hordak is an innocent blank slate with almost no guidance or knowledge of his own. He's also helpful and supportive of the heroes.
  • Emergent Human: Wrong Hordak's character arc involves working through an existential crisis, befriending new "brothers", finding new purpose away from the Galactic Horde, and experiencing emotions and facial expressions for the first time. He's especially fascinated by winking.
  • Foil:
    • To the real Hordak. Both were normal clones that were separated from Horde Prime's Hive Mind, but the circumstances behind their separations were different. The original Hordak was deemed defective by Horde Prime and was deliberately cast from the hive, leaving him an angry, violent, and murderous man desperate to return to Horde Prime's side. Meanwhile, Wrong Hordak was accidentally separated from the hive and was taken in by the Best Friend Squad, causing him to become a sweet, helpful, and genuinely innocent person despite his origins. It's also implied that Wrong Hordak was a newer clone when he was severed from the hive, while the original was high ranking in it before he was severed. He's essentially who Hordak could have been if he'd met supportive people after arriving on Etheria and had space to deconstruct his indoctrination.
    • To the Galactic Horde clones. The other clones are cold and fanatical, while Wrong Hordak is warm, helpful, emotional, and eventually opposed to Horde Prime.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After being freed, he slowly comes to embrace his individuality and joins the Rebellion.
  • Heroic BSoD: Goes into a complete existential crisis when Horde Prime's teachings and physical, concrete evidence come into conflict.
  • Identical Twin ID Tag: He's distinguishable from other clones thanks to his hair not being smoothly brushed back.
  • Inelegant Blubbering: He sobs hysterically as he goes through an existential crisis.
  • Insistent Terminology: He calls all of his new friends "brothers", even the women, as he comes from a One-Gender Race of clones and presumably has no conception of "female".
  • Keet: He's emotional and exuberant.
  • Lethal Chef: Defied. He's competent, but his programming leads him towards some unusual ingredients. Like artificial amniotic fluid.
  • Liminal Being: He is a clone of Horde Prime who is disconnected from the hive mind and free from Horde Prime's control, so he both is and isn't part of the Galactic Horde.
  • Manchild: He's naive, socially awkward, and eager to make himself useful to his new "brothers" in the Rebellion.
  • More than Mind Control: While he's a genuinely sweet person when he's freed of the Hive Mind, he's still fanatically loyal to Horde Prime until he realizes what kind of person Prime actually is. He, after all, has known nothing but Prime's propaganda his entire life.
  • Nice Guy: In stark contrast to the original Hordak, who was a Bad Boss to his allies who occasionally dipped into Pet the Dog, and Horde Prime, a megalomaniacal, sociopathic tyrant, Wrong Hordak is a sweet, caring individual.
  • Never Given a Name: The Rebellion characters refer to him as Wrong Hordak because he was mistaken for Hordak. As a clone of Horde Prime, he wouldn't normally have a name anyway.
  • Obliviously Evil: To the point that he's obliviously heroic, remaining completely unaware that his new "brothers" are not members of the Armada. When he makes his full Heel–Face Turn, he genuinely believes he's the one telling the heroes that Prime is evil.
  • Rogue Drone: One of Horde Prime's many clones who was disconnected from him and turned against him.
  • Spanner in the Works: He's just one of Prime's many, many disposable vessels and Prime completely fails to notice his disappearance. He also (unintentionally) leads the heroes to Melog and Krytis and (intentionally) provides the rebels with an easy disguise to infiltrate any Prime controlled territory. Without his aid, the war effort would be doomed from the start.
  • Token Heroic Orc: He's a Galactic Horde clone who helps the Rebellion.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: As one of Horde Prime's clones connected to a Hive Mind and regularly memory wiped, he knew nothing but what Horde Prime let him know. His discoveries about the universe begin to shake him as he learns more and more, and when they find a planet that Horde Prime failed to conquer, his world is shattered because he learns that Prime is not perfect and has lied to and used him his entire life.
  • Uniformity Exception: Wrong Hordak’s hair is unrulier than his fellow clones’, letting the viewer tell him apart.
  • Yes-Man: He's eager to be of service to his new "brothers". He helps Glimmer prepare food, assists Entrapta in her scientific endeavors, and helps Rebellion members navigate clone-heavy enclaves.