Steven Universe — Garnet - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Jan 14 2018
Steven Universe Main Character Index
Crystal Gems (Steven Quartz Universe | Garnet | Amethyst | Pearl | Rose Quartz | Connie Maheswaran | Peridot | Lapis Lazuli) | Gem Fusions | Homeworld Gems | Diamond Authority (Yellow Diamond | Blue Diamond | Pink Diamond | White Diamond) | Yellow Diamond's Court | Blue Diamond's Court | Off Colors | Gem Monsters | Little Homeworld | Humans (Greg Universe) | Other
Voiced by: Estelle
"I will fight for the place where I'm free
to live together and exist as me!"
Click here to see her appearance from "Change Your Mind" onward
Pearl: If we were supposed to fight a "giant foot", Garnet would let us know.
Amethyst: Yeah, Garnet's the boss.
Pearl: Well, we're all a team. Garnet just has heightened perception that guides us towards our mission objective.
Amethyst: Yeah, she's the boss.
Garnet is the de facto leader of the Crystal Gems, having taken over after the departure of Rose Quartz. She's a powerful, strong and disciplined warrior, and is the Gems' unarmed combat expert. A Gem of few words, Garnet is the most aloof member of the team; however, when she does speak, everyone listens. She is usually very introspective, but living with Steven, she is beginning to come out of her shell a little.
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- The Ace: She's the fastest, strongest, biggest, toughest, and most unflappable of the Crystal Gems, and she (almost) always knows exactly what to do.
- Afro Asskicker: She's the unofficial leader of the Crystal Gems, has the Power Fist, and her hair is a cube-shaped, curly afro.
- Aliens of London: Garnet is the only one of the Crystal Gems we've seen so far with a British accent, albeit flavored by some African because of Estelle's roots. What's even odder about this is neither of Garnet's two halves, Ruby and Sapphire, have a similar accent. The accent carries over into Sardonyx.
- Always Someone Better: In addition to their admiration of Rose, Amethyst and Pearl do have one trait they share in that they both look up to Garnet for being so much stronger than they are, which is why the absolutely relish any chance they have to fuse with her. This actually creates the secondary conflict in "Cry for Help", when it is revealed that Pearl kept repairing the communications hub, distracting the Crystal Gems while Peridot was still loose, because she loved the feeling of being strong that fusing into Sardonyx gave her.
- Anthropomorphic Personification: She's the embodiment of Ruby and Sapphire's love for each other.
- Art Evolution: In early Season 1 episodes, her eyes (when uncovered) were simply white spheres with black dots for pupils. Starting from "Future Vision", her eyes took on a more detailed appearance with properly colored irises, the top one being purple, the left being red, and the right being blue.
- Backported Development: Flashbacks to before the beginning of the series give her a characterization more similar to her current self than to The Stoic seen in earlier episodes, though it's possible that the character development in the series' present day is partially just Garnet returning to the way she was before Rose's death.
- Badass Boast: "Stronger Than You" is this in song form. Garnet puts who she is, the love she represents, and how Jasper is never going to truly win against her, in the form of a song. Her doing this while both giving and receiving punches just makes it better.
- Bad "Bad Acting": Due in part to her being The Comically Serious. During "Tiger Millionaire", she fakes being hit by a punch by tipping over like a felled tree, and her improvised heel speech is about as wooden. When Steven hands her a phone and asks her to pretend to be his mom to Connie's mom, she comes up with:
Hello. Mum Universe. Yes, the children are playing swords. Sorry, playing with swords. They're bleeding. Oh, no. They are dead. Don't call again.
- Bad Liar: Sometimes. As leader of the team, she's not beyond occasional white lies or manipulation to get the job done, though she ultimately she prefers her brand of blunt honesty. But she's not great at lying on the spot, and when suddenly forced to be dishonest it shows that she inherited Sapphire's habit of freezing when caught unprepared and Ruby's habit of saying whatever comes to mind to make up for it. See also Bad "Bad Acting".
- Battle Couple: An interesting variation: She's the fusion of the two members of a couple, and she kicks a lot of butt.
- Berserk Button:
- Most cases of abuses of fusion. Once the initial shock and horror passes, Garnet is furious in "Keeping It Together" at what the Homeworld Gems have done, both with using fallen Crystal Gems as test subjects for the experiments, fusing their Gem shards together, and at the experiments themselves, which she feels is a perversion of the Fusion Dance technique. She was incensed at Pearl for distracting her with the communications hub problem just to give an excuse for them to form Sardonyx, betraying the trust fusion is based on and wasting time they could have spent hunting down Peridot (who was involved with the fusion experiments). It would take her four episodes to finally calm down.
- Insubordination in a highly dangerous situation. The other Gems fear making Garnet angry, and Steven finds out why in "Mirror Gem" when he defies her orders and refuses to hand over the eponymous mirror, whacking her in the face and knocking off her glasses to show a three-eyed Death Glare. A similar problem arises in "Cry for Help", with Pearl using the very serious problem of Peridot sending out a distress call to Yellow Diamond as an excuse to repeatedly fuse with Garnet and feel better about herself as a result. Combine that with the above and you get one very angry Garnet...
- Saying fusion is inferior to a Homeworld Gem will reward you with a very uncomfortable time-out. She goes from wanting to reason with Peridot to wanting to beat the hell out of her the instant Peridot calls her a "filthy war machine".
- Do not speak ill of Rose Quartz or denigrate the Earth and its life forms. Peridot learned this the hard way in "It Could've Been Great".
Garnet: You, listen to me, now. You are talking about things that you do not understand.
- Being deceived by people she trusts makes her emotionally distraught enough to split back into Ruby and Sapphire, first during the aforementioned incident with Pearl and again when she finds out Rose had secretly been Pink Diamond the whole time.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Garnet is the nicest of her friends (sans Steven). That being said... do not make her angry.
- Beware the Quiet Ones: As stoic and reserved as she is, Garnet is the strongest and fastest of the Crystal Gems and heaven help you if you make her angry.
- Black Boss Lady: The de-facto leader of the Crystal Gems and has a humanoid avatar with African-styled features, a nod to her voice actress being of African and Afro-Caribbean descent.
- Blessed with Suck: She can predict and sort through all the likely events in the near future, which is incredibly useful. In "Future Vision", she implies it has a pretty horrible downside: she is constantly seeing, in vivid detail, the terrible consequences of every wrong choice she could possibly make.
Garnet: Steven, I see so many things that can hurt you.
- British Stuffiness: Garnet is noticeably less uptight than most examples, but her stiff upper lip and smooth British accent certainly fit this trope.
- Broken Ace: Discussed. Garnet explicitly states in "Friend Ship" that she's not as perfect as everyone thinks she is and she has her own weaknesses, but tries to stay strong because she knows she has an impact on her friends.
- Broken Pedestal: In "Now We're Only Falling Apart", she (or at least Sapphire) does not take the news about Rose's real identity as Pink Diamond very well, since Sapphire still believes every one of the Diamonds to be the evil tyrants that should've been shattered to liberate all of Gemkind, until she realizes that Pink Diamond formed the Crystal Gems because Ruby and Sapphire's (accidental) fusion inspired her to do so.
- Bruiser with a Soft Center: Despite her being a hardened Gem warrior, Garnet has a caring and close relationship with her friends.
- Brutal Honesty: Garnet is more deadpan than blunt, but she expressed her dislike for Greg's music quite brutally: by jumping out of the (still moving) van and deciding to spend the rest of the trip on top of the car's roof. This is turned on its head in "The Message", when, after the titular message is translated by Greg, Garnet very firmly thanks Greg for his assistance. The "brutal" part comes from her just as firmly silencing the other Crystal Gems so she could make that thanks, who were panicking over what the message actually told them. The jury is out if this was Garnet's attempts to stay calm herself, though.
- Casting Gag: Garnet's voice actress, Estelle, was born on January 18, and the garnet is the traditional birthstone of people who are born in January, which may make Garnet a Meaningful Name.
- Celebrity Paradox: Her favorite music is by her voice actress, Estelle.
- Celibate Heroine: She has no interest in pursing a romance with anyone because she IS a relationship (the embodiment of one, to be more specific).
- The Chains of Commanding: She's an effective and loving leader, but does not know how to manage the emotional well-being of her teammates. This becomes a problem in "Cry for Help" when a insecure Pearl develops an addiction to the power she feels when she and Garnet fuse. Garnet eventually tells Pearl that contrary to what the other Gems think she does have flaws, but she doesn't let them define her since she's the leader and sometimes she looks up to Pearl for strength. She actually joins Steven and Greg on their road trip so she can have her (quite literal) emotional breakdown out of their sight.
- Character Tics: Tends to adjust her visor often, usually as an outward indication of using her Future Vision. It's also a sign that she's stressed.
- Cold Ham: She's The Stoic, but can pull some very dramatic lines and body language without changing her usual tone of voice.
- Combat Clairvoyance: Garnet uses her future vision to assist the Crystal Gems in their future fights.
- The Comically Serious: Silly things sometimes happen to/around her, and she never stops being serious.
Garnet: [hair covered in feathers; deadpan] Hello, Steven.
- Cool Big Sis:
- This is the nature of Garnet's relationship with Steven. While Amethyst is Steven's partner in mischief and Pearl is more of a mother figure, Garnet is like a big, smart sister to Steven, always giving him good advice (usually with more bluntness and less personal opinion than Amethyst and Pearl) and serving as a role model. Garnet also lets Steven make his own mistakes and learn his own lessons when possible, like when she took Steven with him when the team had to split up in "Serious Steven". Finally, she's usually the one most in tune with Steven's emotional needs, like when she gave him the advice to just talk to Connie and making sure Amethyst and Pearl didn't interfere.
- It is also common to interpret her relationship with Steven as motherly, just in a different way than with Pearl. Many moments have the two interact in a mother-son way such as Garnet going along with Steven's playing hide and seek with her, calling him "cutie pie", always being the Gem targeted by his "puppy eyes" which she can't say no to, saying he's grounded when she's mad at him, their hugs are very tender (usually when Garnet saves him), Steven may be casually seen sitting on her lap when interacting with the Gems, etc. There's also the adorable part in "When It Rains" where Garnet, not in any life-threatening situation but simply because she wants to, shapes her hands into a heart and tells Steven she loves him before going on a mission.
- Cool Shades: Garnet has a nice pair of reflective shades that take up half her face. Turns out they conceal a third eye. She can also transform them into goggles for swimming.
- Cutting the Knot: When Pearl and Amethyst's plans inevitably fail, Garnet will resort to hitting things. It usually works.
- Dance Battler: Not her most common style, but her battle with Jasper has her dancing and swaying to music.
- Deadpan Snarker: She'll occasionally make jokes, maintaining her usual tone of voice.
Pearl: Are we really going to let him keep that?
Garnet: We kept Amethyst. - Death Glare: Steven learned in "Mirror Gem" just how angry she can be when she got backhanded.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: With the reveal in "The Answer" that cross-Gem type fusions are considered forbidden abominations on her homeworld, it's hard not to read Garnet's fusion as a metaphor for gay, inter-caste, or interracial marriage. Driven home in her part of the full opening song; when the Gems are singing their motivations for protecting Earth, hers is "I will fight for the place where I'm free / To live together and exist as me."
- Duality Motif: Garnet has three eyes, one red, one blue and one violet, because she's a fusion of Ruby, who has two eyes, and Sapphire, who is a Cyclops. The violet eye is them finding balance.
- Dub Name Change: Averted. Garnet is among the few Gems who the Latin American dub doesn't change her name to the faithfully correct translation, Granate. She shares this with Peridot.
- Eternal Love: Ruby and Sapphire fell in love with each other over 5,700 years ago. Garnet is their relationship given form, and is one of, if not the, most stable fusions of different Gems (as opposed to the multi-Ruby or Topaz fusions).
- Extra Eyes: Garnet has three eyes, the right one is red, the left one is blue and the middle one is violet.
- Fangirl: Garnet's favorite music is the works of Estelle according to Rebecca Sugar, appropriate considering Estelle is her voice actress.
- Fashionable Asymmetry:
- Both her outfits show some asymmetry in their designs and colors, most likely due to her nature as a fusion. The second has a distinct red and blue tint on opposing sides.
- The first couple of times Ruby and Sapphire fused, Garnet invoked this to an even greater extent; Her outfit was a literal fusion of pieces of clothing from her components. On top of that, her hair was an uneven mix of pink and blue.
- Feel No Pain: Garnet appears to be highly resistant to physical pain as part of her stoicism. In "So Many Birthdays", she doesn't react very much when Amethyst hits her repeatedly with a baseball bat while trying to bust open a piñata.
Amethyst: (hitting Garnet with the bat) Am I—getting—close?
Garnet: (gets hit in the head) Higher... - Fire, Ice, Lightning: Sorta does all three on her own. Garnet has lightning powers, Ruby has fire powers, and Sapphire has ice. It's noteworthy that a combination of hot air and cold air form storm clouds.
- Flanderization: Once Garnet is revealed as a fusion, Garnet has a lot less focus as an individual and is instead often considered Ruby and Sapphire and is often brought into focus when the topic of fusion comes up in some shape or form. And major emotional moments cause Garnet to destabilize, so she is mainly characterized by her The Stoic nature.
- Foil: To Malachite. Malachite is a fusion born of hate and desperation, while Garnet is a fusion born of love and compassion. Additionally, as "The Answer" shows, both she and Malachite were created by a snap decision. However, whereas Malachite was born out of Jasper's scorn and desire for vengeance, Garnet was born from Ruby's need to protect Sapphire.
- Fourth-Wall Observer: Not on her own, but two of her fusions with Pearl and Steven give her the ability to reference the show itself or the audience, possibly an increased version of her future vision that goes beyond in-universe.
- Funny Afro: Her afro is notable in that it's cube-shaped rather than spherical, and she's had it since she first fused at the dawn of human civilization. In "Historical Friction", Jamie plays her by putting his head in a cardboard box with an afro drawn on with marker.
- Genius Bruiser: Garnet is the strongest of her friends and the most savvy. This is lampshaded by Steven in "Keeping It Together".
Steven: Oh. Oh! You're brains and brawn! The whole package!
- Gentle Giant: Sort of. She's not afraid to fight and can really hit hard, but she gives off this vibe around Steven what with the way she'll gently ruffle his hair or go along with whatever wacky thing he wants to do.
- Goggles Do Something Unusual: As revealed in her otherwise non-canon appearance in the OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes episode "Crossover Nexus", Garnet's visor helps her Future Vision. (They're also prescription.)
- Good Parents: While all of the Gems care about Steven, Garnet is the one who has the most faith in him, believing he can and will control his Gem powers in good time. In return, Garnet is often the first Gem he turns to when he needs advice and comfort.
- Graceful Ladies Like Purple: After Ruby and Sapphire re-fuse, Garnet now has a purplish color theme.
- Grin of Audacity: Sports one for most of her fight against Jasper. Considering her usual demeanor, it's a pretty big deal when she breaks out that big, beautiful smile.
- Hartman Hips: Just look at them! Steven calls attention to this in "Rose's Room", saying she would fit into Greg's baggy golf pants (which she does). It has also been noted that one of her legs is larger than Pearl's whole body.
- Hands-Off Parenting: Compared to the other Crystal Gems. Pearl tends to worry and obsess over Steven while Amethyst is usually even less responsible than Steven and prone to getting him into trouble or following his misguided lead. Garnet is sensible enough to put her foot down and aware enough to guide him out of danger or trouble, but usually trusts Steven to make his own mistakes and draw his own conclusions. Perhaps best seen in Steven's interactions with Connie, where she gives them space to hang out and encourages them to enjoy fusion, while Amethyst teases and Pearl meddles and frets.
- Happily Married: Garnet is the permanent fusion of Ruby and Sapphire, making her essentially a living incarnation of this trope. In "Reunited", Ruby and Sapphire actually get married, making her literally a living incarnation of this trope.
- Heroic BSoD: Seeing the forced fusion of the missing Crystal Gems mangled together by the Homeworld is enough to utterly paralyze her, which leaves her vulnerable to breaking apart.
- Hidden Depths:
- She of all people turns out to really like video games.
- Garnet gives really good love advice, which is to be expected when she's a relationship.
- She and Greg are apparently really good friends and play tennis together regularly.
- She likes to watch football.
- Improbable Hairstyle: No matter what happens, whether it's in a fight or swimming through lava, Garnet's square afro stays in place.
- Inhuman Eye Concealers: Wears a visor to cover her Third Eye, possibly because humans could find it weird.
- Innocently Insensitive: Whenever the need arises for a fusion she'll have to choose between Pearl and Amethyst, unaware that the other party is left feeling hurt and inadequate due to being left out.
- Large and in Charge: She towers over her teammates at a minimum of seven feet tall.
- The Leader: Unofficial but de facto leader of the Crystal Gems, since she is the only one that can sense incoming threats. Her levelheadedness also makes her well-suited to moderating the more polarized personalities in the team. She makes a point of respecting and listening to the other Gems, though, and Pearl (as seen in the header quote) seems uneasy about the idea of Garnet as a literal leader, suggesting that Garnet is reluctant to officially step into the role Rose Quartz left vacant.
- Leitmotif:
- Her associative instrument is a high, distinctive synth sound. After her regeneration in "Jail Break", a synth bass (different from Amethyst's) was added as well. Her instruments are most clearly demonstrated in her song from the same episode, "Stronger Than You".
- The melody that Sapphire sings in "Jail Break" is closely tied to the fusion between her and Ruby. It's incorporated into "Stronger Than You", and in "The Answer" we are shown its origin during the song "Something Entirely New". Greg also plays it on guitar during their wedding in "Reunited".
- Lightning Bruiser: Both the strongest and the fastest of the Gems.
- Literal-Minded:
- Thanks to her The Comically Serious demeanour, she takes some suggestions very literally which is Played for Laughs several times.
Steven: [providing video game instructions] Just punch and you'll be fine.
Garnet: [proceeds to punch the screen] I did it. - When she first met Rose, Garnet began spouting one question after another, processing about Earth and the reason behind her fusion from Ruby and Sapphire. After Rose tells her to never question her existence, she takes this to heart after Rose's passing. Since then, she rarely, if not ever, asked a single question about anything.
- Thanks to her The Comically Serious demeanour, she takes some suggestions very literally which is Played for Laughs several times.
- Living Emotional Crutch:
- In a lesser extent than Steven, but both Amethyst and Pearl look out for Garnet in order to have some self-assurance on their own issues. See Always Someone Better above.
- Ruby and Sapphire are both a crutch for each other, Ruby becoming next to useless with fear and self-doubt without Sapphire around to reassure her. Sapphire depends on Ruby just as much, but being rather stoic and having future sight, she is less obvious about it.
- Logical Weakness:
- Garnet's leadership style tends to be fairly reactive, which makes sense: Sapphire's powers of foresight are based on the actions of others, not her own, and Ruby tends towards hotheaded impulsiveness. However, as Peridot points out, this means the Crystal Gems often lack a real sense of direction or purpose when an enemy isn't on their literal doorstep.
- Her future vision can also overload her with possibilities if she tries to see too many futures at once (like trying to predict the future for five cats), and just because she knows many ways things might go doesn't mean she knows which possibility will actually occur — the baseball game resolution of "Hit the Diamond" was an improbable future, sure, but it still ended up happening. Her interpretation of which future might occur is also limited by her personal biases — she is surprised by Steven giving himself up to Aquamarine because she was expecting Steven to act as he would pre-Character Development. Since she has to actively look to see the future, problems she wasn't aware of beforehand can also take her by surprise, like Homeworld Gems' arrivals and the events of "Cry for Help" (she looks for the Crystal Gems finding Peridot, but the actual culprit was Pearl).
- Love at First Sight: Garnet tells Jamie in "Love Letters" that love at first sight doesn't exist because true love requires time and work and at least knowing each other. In "The Answer", we see that Ruby and Sapphire did somewhat fall in love within their first meeting, but their constant fusion over several millennia still affirms her statement that staying in love takes effort.
- Love Freak: She's a fusion, a manifestation of Ruby and Sapphire's love for one another, though having no desire to extend that union, they naturally are going to have an affinity for romance and seeing others in love. The first look the audience got at a truly exuberant Garnet was her reaction to Stevonnie, and later her reaction to Smoky Quartz was even more dramatic. She was also fascinated with the Off Colors, particularly Rhodonite. Garnet described Fluorite, six Gems in a relationship, as "beautiful".
- Made of Good: Garnet sees herself as the embodiment of Sapphire and Ruby's love.
- Mama Bear: Will occasionally become this for Steven. Special mention goes to "The Return", where she absolutely loses it towards Jasper for targeting him.
- Meaningful Name:
- In gemstone mythos, garnets are known as stones that provide protection to their users from evil.
- Estelle's birthdate is January 18, and people born in January have a garnet note as their birthstone.
- Monster Progenitor: Of a sort. "Now We're Only Falling Apart" reveals that she's the first known fusion of different Gem types.
- Morphic Resonance: She has Sapphire's hourglass figure, large lips, and puff sleeves, along with Ruby's red coloration and square afro.
- Morph Weapon: In "Warp Tour", Garnet is able to increase the size of her gauntlets, easily quadrupling their size, and deal increased damage at the cost of reduced speed. This was also hinted during "Garnet's Universe" and could also suggest that Steven knew about it before its proper debut.
- Multiple-Choice Future: Garnet is established is having "Future Vision", an ability that allows her to see into many different probable futures. Many of these range from mundane to incredibly improbable (ranging from various comical deaths to chasing away the Ruby Squadron with a game of baseball) and are selected by the choices people involved in such outcomes make.
"No one can see the future. I can see options and trajectories. Time is like a river that splits into creeks or pools into lakes or careens down waterfalls. I have the map, and I steer the ship."
- Muscles Are Meaningless: Her arms are as thin as sticks, yet she's the strongest of the Crystal Gems.
- Nice Girl: While she does have her flaws, Garnet is the nicest of the Crystal Gems (sans Steven and Rose). She displays the most trust and respect in Steven and isn't as bigoted towards humans like Pearl and Amethyst; she even refers to Earth as her home.
- No Navel, Novel Birth: Whenever Garnet wears midriff baring clothes, she appears not to have a present bellybutton, possibly due to the fact that Gems (let alone fusions) aren't born at all like humans.
- Non P.O.V. Protagonist: Along with Steven, Amethyst and Pearl, she is one of the four main protagonists of the show. But said show is exclusivly told from Steven's Perspective.
- Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: A big part of why Garnet seems to be Strong and Skilled compared to Pearl and Amethyst is due to the fact that she's actually a fusion and fusions of different types of Gems are typically stronger than any single Gem barring Diamonds and Quartzes. When it comes to comparing Garnet's feats to a fusion's, she's actually quite weak.
- No-Sell: She can swim in lava and is immune to electricity-based attacks (probably due to her own electricity-generating powers).
- Not So Above It All:
- What with Garnet's personality as The Comically Serious, it's easy to assume she is "above" the others' antics, and she does sometimes have a no-nonsense attitude. But while she may keep a stoic demeanor, she often willingly goes along with weird things Steven or Amethyst want to do without the slightest hint of complaint.
Steven: If they got to spend some time with you, they'd realize how fun, and smart, and mysterious you are!
Garnet: Hehe, "mysterious". - She was not happy when the Diamonds attacked Earth during Ruby and Sapphire’s wedding reception, shouting at Blue that it was supposed to be her special day.
- What with Garnet's personality as The Comically Serious, it's easy to assume she is "above" the others' antics, and she does sometimes have a no-nonsense attitude. But while she may keep a stoic demeanor, she often willingly goes along with weird things Steven or Amethyst want to do without the slightest hint of complaint.
- Not So Stoic: As the series progresses, she starts to show facial expressions a little more often. Look at her in "Garnet's Universe"; she's smiling the whole time she's playing along with Steven's antics. This is especially the case regarding Steven learning fusions; her first noticeable facial expression is a huge grin at seeing Stevonnie, and she completely freaks out upon being introduced to Smoky Quartz.
- Number Two: As Steven slowly steps up to control his powers and grow as a person, Garnet relinquishes her position to him in good faith, though she'll still take charge when the need arises.
- Odd Friendship: Garnet and Greg, of all people, are rather good friends. She was highly supportive of his pursuit of Rose and according to
Word of God they play tennis together regularly.
- One True Love: The product of two Gems who truly and completely love each other.
- One-Way Visor: Her sunglasses, which cover three eyes in a different color each.
- Only Sane Woman: Being the most together Gem, she often has to rein in the others.
- O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
- When Garnet admits to being scared of Blue Diamond, it shows just how dangerous the Diamonds are.
- Garnet is the most stoic Crystal Gem, always seems to have her head on straight, and her fusion is completely and perfectly stable. When she involuntarily defuses, it is either a sign of extreme anger ("Keystone Motel"), fear and horror ("Keeping It Together"), or shock/sadness (when she discovers that Rose Quartz was actually Pink Diamond).
- Open-Minded Parent: As opposed to Pearl, she's more willing to listen to Steven and let him figure things out by himself.
- Out of Focus: In terms of character focus, Garnet has gotten the least out of the four main Crystal Gems. Arguably Garnet stopped getting development after Season 1, whereas Pearl, Amethyst and Steven have received tons of focus and character development. A stretch of seven consecutive episodes in Season 3 feature no dialogue from her whatsoever. She starts getting more development again in Season 5.
- Overly Long Scream: In "Know Your Fusion", Garnet screams for 16 seconds straight when Smoky Quartz reveals themself and their destructive power. Not out of fear mind you, but sheer glee.
- Permafusion: The very first example ever shown in the series, though it takes until the end of season 1 to reveal her status as such: Garnet is the Romantic Fusion between Ruby and Sapphire, who've stayed fused together ever since they accidentally did it while the former tried to protect the latter. Then, upon meeting Rose Quartz and Pearl, Garnet was encouraged to stay fused, and as shown in many flashbacks, she spent thousands of years merged together until the present day. After reforming from being poofed by Jasper, Garnet spends fused nearly the entire show's run, with her only defusing during moments when Ruby and Sapphire are too shaken or rattled to remain in harmony together.
- Personality Powers:
- When asked to describe how she summons her gauntlets, she describes it as both a marriage between Pearl's overcomplicated and Amethyst's uncomplicated methods at the same time, as well as "link[ing] your mind with the energy of all existing matter, channeling the collective power of the universe through [her] gem[s]". This not only hints at her being a fusion from the radically different Ruby and Sapphire (creating the recurring dualistic themes surrounding her), but acts as an effective Establishing Character Moment for the stoic and zen Garnet.
- Out of all of the Crystal Gems, Garnet is both the strongest and most durable, capable of taking max amount of physical punishment, knock back monsters that can flick the others away like popcorn, deflect lightning bolts and can even swim through lava. This reflects that compared to Pearl and Amethyst, she is the most stable and held-together, possessing an indomitable will and leveled head that makes her an effective leader.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Relatively speaking. She may be the second tallest Crystal Gem, but she is the fourth-smallest fusion in the entire series.
- Playing with Fire: Though she never generates fire herself, she can swim through lava without issue, which is why she goes to retrieve the Earth Beetle.
According to
Word of God, this is an ice bath to her, while the core of the sun would be a hot tub. This ability comes from Ruby, who can generate extreme heat.
- Power Fist: Her weapons, summoned from the gems in her hands. Bismuth upgrades them to include spiked knuckles.
- The Power of Love: As expounded upon in her "I Am" Song, Garnet is more than a mere fusion of Ruby and Sapphire. Their love for each other and their friends is what drives her. It's also what makes them such a perfect and long-lasting fusion. Just for comparison, it's a minor miracle if Pearl and Amethyst can maintain their fusion for six minutes. Ruby and Sapphire can maintain theirs indefinitely. The only things that can separate them are if they choose to, their body being destroyed, or a severe emotional conflict.
- Power Palms: Both her gemstones are embedded in her palms.
- Pride: A rare case of this being a good thing; her pride in her status as a fusion affirms her strength against Jasper. That said, she can occasionally take her pride in her abilities too far, which is part of why Sugilite is so unstable.
Garnet: We don't need to be careful. We just need to be huge.
- Promoted to Parent: In the flashbacks when Rose was still alive, Amethyst dressed and acted like a five-year-old child, while Pearl and Garnet acted more like they were teenagers. Now that Rose's gone, Garnet became the mother figure of the group — a role she struggles with since she's either unable or unwilling to help Pearl and Amethyst with their emotional issues, until they become problematic enough that they effect team missions.
- Pronoun Trouble: Played with during her song "Stronger Than You". For most of the song, Garnet switches between "we" and "I" pronouns, likely because Ruby and Sapphire had just re-fused and she was still adjusting herself. But during the final verse, when she finally turns the fight around on Jasper, she switches to "I" and "me" exclusively, and refers to Ruby and Sapphire as separate to herself, cementing her complete re-fusion.
- Pstandard Psychic Pstance: Does this often, though not always, when she's focusing on Future Vision.
- Purple Is Powerful: She has a couple of light purple elements the first color scheme we see in the series. After Ruby and Sapphire refuse into Garnet, her new color scheme has more of a purplish tint.
- The Quiet One: She rarely speaks at all. When she does, she almost never uses more words than absolutely necessary to get her point across.
- Rank Scales with Asskicking: She's in charge, and she can fight and defeat Pearl and Amethyst, quite literally, single-handedly, at the same time.
- Rank Up: After Rose's death, Garnet became the leader of the Crystal Gems.
- Really 700 Years Old: Garnet was formed about 5,750 years ago when Ruby and Sapphire accidentally fused. Her component Gems are even older than that.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Most willing to listen to, or at least humor, Steven and others out of the Crystal Gems.
- Red Is Heroic: Her outfit is mostly red and she's The Leader of the main heroes.
- The Reliable One: Out of the four Gems, she's the most reliable and careful. When the Gems get into trouble, a typical solution is to 'Go get Garnet'.
- Rocket Punch: She fires her gauntlets as projectiles in "Watermelon Steven".
- Romantic Fusion: She's a fusion of two Gems so madly in love with each other that they stay fused all the time. Garnet is explicitly the embodiment of Ruby and Sapphire's love.
- Rubber Woman: Garnet can use her shapeshifting powers to elongate and enlarge her arms.
- Rule of Symbolism: The amount of Fashionable Asymmetry that manifests in her physical form seems to reflect the degree of unity between Ruby and Sapphire, her component parts. When they first fused, they were essentially a complete mishmash of red, blue, pink, and purple. As noted above, each time she refuses, she appears purpler overall, and by the end of the series, she's almost completely balanced on both sides, with only the belt-like structure around her waist in two different tones.
- Seers: She seems to be aware of incoming danger and events, which is why Pearl and Amethyst prefer to do missions with her than without. Expanded upon in "Future Vision", where she describes her third eye as allowing her to see possible outcomes of future events and make the best choices given what she can see at the time. She seems to be able to command this vision at will as well.
- Self-Deprecation: "You can't trust love advice from those two hopeless romantics."
- Shipper on Deck: A professional one, no less: she's made of ship.
- In hindsight, her reaction to Stevonnie makes it clear she's one for Steven and Connie, after the reveal that she's a fusion of two lovers herself.
- In "We Need to Talk", the flashback shows Garnet giving Greg love advice in regards to Rose.
- She's also more than willing to provide useful pointers to right any existing ships that are taking on water and listing in front of her, regardless of what she thinks of the individuals involved (even if she knows they won't listen). But, when the relationship is listing, in flames and going down with all hands, be it a fusion or not, she'll also willingly attempt to help torpedo it out of its misery. If no saving it is possible or desirable on a moral or ethical level, that kind of ship is way better scuttled than saved, in Garnet's level-headed opinion.
- Shock and Awe: She has electric powers as a result of Sapphire's ice and Ruby's fire. She can generate at least enough electricity to power an unplugged arcade game and charge a car battery, and is capable of redirecting lightning bolts. It took quite a while for this ability to actually be used in combat, but she eventually redirects an enemy's electrical attack and sends lightning across the ground as an attack.
- Shoulders of Doom: Combines this with Giant Poofy Sleeves. Transfers this quality over when fusing into Alexandrite.
- Sitcom Archnemesis: Apparently sees some sort of rivalry with Kofi Pizza:
- She has a tendency to destroy his property without caring about his reaction. In "Steven Floats", when the Gems need a way to communicate with a floating Steven, Garnet breaks into Kofi's car and steals his phone.
- In "Restaurant Wars", she puts all her cooking skills to create the greatest ketchup-infused french fries (a fusion of foods) ever cooked, siding with Mr Fryman in the process.
- So Proud of You:
- Her smile at the sight of Stevonnie, the proof of Steven being able of successfully fusing, after she stated that she believed he would be able to pull it off, has heavy undertones of being this trope.
- After spending most of the episode arguing with Amethyst about not treating her form properly, she's visibly relieved and smiles in approval when the other Gem finally chooses a form that she likes best.
- Spirited Competitor: While mostly level-headed, she occasionally demonstrates a fierce competitive spirit. This is best seen while playing volleyball, Steven Tag, and arcade games.
- The Spock: She's almost always calm and thinks logically.
- Squee:
- She had the biggest Squee when Steven and Connie fused into Stevonnie.
- And when Steven and Amethyst fused into Smoky Quartz.
- Statuesque Stunner: Garnet is the tallest of the group and at least one person considers her beautiful. Also the fact that she's a fusion created from a loving relationship between Ruby and Sapphire probably counts towards that as well.
- The Stoic: Almost always keeps her cool.
- Strong and Skilled: In comparison to Pearl and Amethyst, Garnet has plenty of combat skills and plenty of power to go with them solidifying her status as The Ace in the team.
- Sugar-and-Ice Personality: She's sugary nice towards Steven. The Ice part comes from her being The Stoic and The Quiet One most of the time, though she's never actually mean.
- Sunglasses at Night: She wears her visor day or night and even in dark caves. Its main purpose seems to be covering her third eye so she doesn't freak out any humans she might encounter.
- Super-Empowering: She can temporarily pass along her visions with a kiss to the forehead, demonstrated with Steven.
- Super-Strength: Seems to be the physically strongest of the Gems; she's able to hold back a mother centipeetle's tail, chuck Amethyst hundreds of feet away, and easily overpowers Amethyst (even when she's taking her much larger Purple Puma form).
- Super-Toughness: She reveals that she can swim in lava in "Giant Woman", and is the only one of the three that can.
Word of God states she's actually much tougher than this
and the core of the Sun would be the equal of a hot tub to her.
- Supporting Leader: With Rose Quartz gone, Garnet takes the position of de facto leader of the Crystal Gems, but Steven is still the main protagonist of the series. Subverted as the series progresses and Steven slowly steps up and takes the position of leader himself, with Garnet becoming his Number Two. Though she will still step up if ever needed.
- Talking to Themself: A truly rare moment of weakness for a fusion like Garnet. Witnessing the horrific fusion experiments Homeworld is conducting is so traumatizing that Ruby and Sapphire end up letting out their individual fury and disbelief while still fused as Garnet. While this is going on, the camera flips to only show one side of her face at a time, each with different expressions. It happens again in "Keystone Motel" as she tries to handle Pearl's betrayal of her trust; unlike before, she ends up splitting into Ruby and Sapphire before she's done.
- Taught by Experience: Garnet seems to be fond of this teaching method. Whenever Pearl starts being too overprotective, she puts her foot down and lets Steven work things out on his own.
- Team Dad: She scolds the other Gems for mocking Steven in the pilot and in later episodes she will be the most likely to try and get Steven to solve problems on his own.
- In "Secret Team", the others desperately try to hide a dangerous mistake from her and are more focused on arguing with each other (Amethyst and Pearl) or being part of a "secret team" (Steven) than the damage the mistake could have caused. When she finds out, she stages a fake monster attack to get their attention and scolds them for them letting petty divisions distract them from being a team. The jacket Steven gives her to wear in "Maximum Capacity" even says "Cool Dad!"
- Subtly acts as one to Peridot during "Log Date 7 15 2", offering her approval when she tries new things on Earth and admonishment when she pushes Greg off the barn roof to see if humans could fly.
- In "Secret Team", the others desperately try to hide a dangerous mistake from her and are more focused on arguing with each other (Amethyst and Pearl) or being part of a "secret team" (Steven) than the damage the mistake could have caused. When she finds out, she stages a fake monster attack to get their attention and scolds them for them letting petty divisions distract them from being a team. The jacket Steven gives her to wear in "Maximum Capacity" even says "Cool Dad!"
- Third Eye: Has one covered by her shades, allowing her to see possible future outcomes at any given moment.
- Took a Level in Badass: Her existence is one for Ruby and Sapphire. Individually, they are a Red Shirt and Non-Action Girl respectively, but when fused, Garnet can go toe-to-toe with Quartzes like Jasper.
- Took a Level in Cheerfulness: She was also the first to thank Greg for deciphering the Wailing Stone's message in "The Message" while Pearl and Amethyst were going bonkers over Lapis' message about the Homeworld Gems coming to Earth, showing that she is starting to think less of him as a burden.
- Took a Level in Kindness: As she bonds with Steven, she becomes less stoic and starts showing more open affection and emotion while still maintaining her cool demeanor. By Season 2, not only does she smile more often than she did in Season 1, she's also more relaxed and playful like she was in the flashbacks.
- Tough Love: How she leads the team, in contrast to Rose. She's caring and fair, but stern and no-nonsense. Unfortunately it has the unintentional side effect of exacerbating Pearl's and Amethyst's personal problems.
- Triangle Shades: She almost always wears her triangular futuristic orange tinted shades, which cover all three of her eyes. After Ruby and Sapphire refused, her shades are now colored in a soft pink and blue color, instead of pale orange, and different light sources cause different colors to reflect off of them.
- Trickster Mentor: Her preferred method of dealing with Amethyst and Pearl's emotional issues is to send them on a mission with Steven, so he can help them work through them. This approach has its limits since Steven is still fairly young after all, and he has issues of his own.
- Two Beings, One Body: She's the result of two beings fused on a spiritual level. That doesn't happen even in this universe, at least not with same-Gem fusions.
- Unreliable Expositor: Basically, there are things about the rebellion that Garnet was lied to about, meaning that many things she says about the rebellion, Pink Diamond and her Zoo are inaccurate.
- Unreliable Narrator: She gives an inaccurate account of Pink Diamond's personality, story and demise, and her supposed disdain and apathy towards life on Earth is contradicted by the Human Zoo. Her death by Rose's sword contradicted by the fact it cannot shatter the gem itself, only slice through physical forms. With the latter, Steven is starting to suspect something is off. "A Single Pale Rose" reveals that she told the story as Rose told her, and she believed her account to be true.
- Used to Be More Social: A mild example. Flashbacks show that Garnet still had no social skills with humans, but she was more emotionally open before Rose's "death".
- War Is Hell: Unlike her fellow senior Crystal Gem Pearl, Garnet doesn't look back on any part of the war with the Homeworld fondly, even calling a major battle they won as "a maelstrom of destruction and death".
- The Watson: Garnet was conceived by the show's creators to be a "reverse Watson" — instead of asking questions constantly, she never does at all.note This turns out to be because Garnet did nothing but ask questions about herself when first formed, until she encountered Rose, who told her "No more questions. Don't ever question this." Notably, when stricken with Identity Amnesia in the movie, she asks even more questions than she did when first formed.
- Weak, but Skilled: Compared to most two-Gem fusions, Garnet is relatively weak and limited in offensive capabilities, but makes up for it in emotional stability and a more powerful future vision. "Relatively" being the key word here as she is a physical match for some of the strongest of single Gems.
- Wolverine Claws: Bismuth upgrades her gauntlets to include these.
- Yin-Yang Bomb: She's essentially a walking one of these, with her fusion combining fire and ice both in personality and power-set.
Word of God is that fusions that combine opposites like these produce a more powerful result than ones that don't.
- You Are in Command Now: Became the leader of the Crystal Gems after Rose's death. Although she's a great battle commander, she does struggle when it comes to the team's emotional problems.
Ruby and Sapphire
Two Gems deeply in love with each other. Together, they form the fusion that is Garnet.
- Amnesiac Lover: In Steven Universe: The Movie, Ruby and Sapphire lose their memories after they're hit with the Rejuvenator. Still, it takes them less than a day to fall in love all over again and re-fuse into Garnet.
- Battle Couple: They always fight together while fused as Garnet who is the embodiment of their passionate love.
- Berserk Button: Because they spend so much time as Garnet, fusion is a very personal matter to Ruby and Sapphire. Their anger at Pearl for tricking Garnet into fusing with her causes them to unfuse as Ruby doesn't want to forgive Pearl while Sapphire thinks they should, even though she's still just as furious on the inside.
Sapphire: You're choosing to take it personally.
Ruby: IT'S FUSION, SAPPHIRE!! WHAT'S MORE PERSONAL TO US THAN FUSION?!? - Common Law Marriage: Ruby and Sapphire shared a committed, monogamous love for over five millennia (pretty long even by Gem standards), but weren't married as this is a concept foreign to Gems. On Steven's suggestion, they hold a wedding as a way to commemorate their relationship even when they're apart from each other.
- Distracted by the Sexy: Both spend most of "Hit the Diamond" doing terribly at the baseball game because they're focusing on how cute the other is rather than the job at hand. Sapphire, who can literally foresee where a baseball will come from, cannot successfully hit it for most of the episode because she's busy flirting with the catcher Ruby.
- The Dividual: The Syndividual type. Although their personalities and appearances are very different, Ruby and Sapphire have spent a long, long time fused into a single being, and their first priority when separated is to find each other again. This is explored in "The Question", when Garnet breaks apart due to Sapphire's shock at Rose Quartz's greatest secret. Ruby goes off to do a bit of soul searching, reasoning she'd spent so long as Garnet she didn't really know who she was. It doesn't take her long to discover she likes being Ruby, but loves being with Sapphire. Her and Steven's solution is for her and Sapphire to get married, with the implication they might unfuse more often but still be together symbolically.
- Elemental Hair Colors: Granted, it applies to their entire bodies, but the redhead Ruby can produce fire and the light blue-haired Sapphire can produce ice.
- Eternal Love: Ruby and Sapphire have been in a stable, loving relationship for 5,750 years.note And they're just as in love as the first day they met.
- Fire/Ice Duo: Ruby (fire) and Sapphire (ice) have contrasting color schemes and personalities that match their respective elements, and are also lovers.
- Foil: To each other. Ruby is hot-headed and emotional, and it's implied that she constantly hurts herself trying to get out of her cell in "Jail Break". Sapphire is calm and collected and simply sings to calm Ruby down. They're also red and blue respectively. "Keystone Motel" further exemplifies this; both are angry enough with Pearl that they're suffering from Power Incontinence, but Sapphire is already prepared to forgive Pearl for tricking them, while Ruby is literally fuming with rage over it. The reason being that Ruby gets so emotional that she's essentially stuck in the present, only thinking about how mad she is rather than any actual solutions. Sapphire, on the other hand, focuses too much on the future where the problem has already been solved and didn't notice the emotional strain that exists before the actual resolution. They even are this power-wise. Ruby has fire powers and Super-Strength whereas Sapphire has ice powers and Super-Speed. Even their designed places in the Gem caste system are opposites, Ruby is a Red Shirt, Sapphire is a Blue Blood.
- Guest-Star Party Member: Ruby and Sapphire defuse for three episodes straight to help infiltrate the Zoo.
- Heel–Face Turn: They were originally part of Blue Diamond's court and helped fighting off the then newly-born Gem Resistance, but fled after they accidentally fused into a Garnet, and officially joined the other side after they met Rose again.
- Love Freak: Are just as, and arguably more so, passionate about romance as Garnet. In "Together Forever" Ruby is the one to tell Steven to propose to Connie when Steven says that she is their future, and Sapphire passionately encourages them to take the chance for love. After Connie tells Steven that they should wait for some time to get married since they're too young, Garnet tells them that a pair of Hopeless Romantics can't always give the best romance advice, especially since a soulmate is meant to be a compliment, not a missing piece for Steven who is Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life.
- Masculine–Feminine Gay Couple: A Discount Lesbians example. Ruby is Hot-Blooded and wears martial arts-inspired clothes in contrast to Sapphire who is ladylike and dresses like a princess. Ironically, during their wedding Ruby dons a dress and Sapphire a suit.
- Official Couple: They're in a explicit romantic relationship and later, hold a wedding ceremony to reaffirm their eternal love for each other, so they consider themselves married now.
- One True Love: Garnet is such a perfect, stable fusion because Ruby and Sapphire are an ideal couple deeply in love even after thousands of years of being together. They're so perfect for each other that their fusion happens very naturally (even by accident sometimes) as if it's their fate to be one with each other.
- Opposites Attract: Ruby and Sapphire are each other's complete opposite in personality, color, and elemental affinity. They're still completely devoted to each other and their differences make up for what the other lacks, creating the perfectly stable Romantic Fusion that is Garnet.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Ruby is the Red Oni to Sapphire is the Blue Oni. Ruby's passion and concern helps Sapphire to stay in the present instead of peering into the future when the matters have been resolved and thus grow distant and complacent. In return, Sapphire happens to be one of the few people that can keep Ruby cool and collected when the two aren't in conflict with each other.
- Rescue Romance: Ruby saved Sapphire from being poofed by Rose Quartz, accidentally causing them to fuse into Garnet for the first time. Afterwards, Blue Diamond wanted to have Ruby shattered for said fusion, but Sapphire wouldn't allow that and ran away with Ruby to save her from her punishment. As they wandered on Earth together, they soon fell in love and decided to stay fused forever. After they are reset in Steven Universe: The Movie and lose all their memories, an attempt by Steven, Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth to recreate this scenario ends with the two of them swapping roles, with Sapphire being the one to save Ruby from almost being shattered and the two once again fusing into Garnet as a result.
- Sickeningly Sweethearts: When they're not a single being or fighting, they can't stop flirting and making kissy faces at each other. Witness when they're making up in "Keystone Motel" and Steven covers his eyes so as not to witness the incredible sappiness. In "Hit the Diamond", they're flirting so heavily that they can't focus on the game at all.
- Single-Target Sexuality: Ruby and Sapphire never had eyes for anyone but each other.
- Twirl of Love: Ruby and Sapphire love each other and being fused so much that they don't even need to do an elaborate dance, they just twirl and the fusion happens naturally.
- Uptown Girl: "The Answer" reveals that Sapphire was an aristocratic Blue Blood, while Ruby was a common low level soldier. Both fell in love while Ruby was working as Sapphire's bodyguard.
- Walking Spoiler: Their existence reveals Garnet is a fusion, though after Season 1, it's a Late-Arrival Spoiler.
Click here for her in Steven Universe: Future
Voiced by: Charlyne Yi
"I am an eternal flame, baby!"
A small, red Gem that is always Fused with Sapphire. Described by the creators as "someone who cares a lot", she often lets her anger and frustration get the best of her, and so is complemented well by her more reserved partner Sapphire.
- Afro Asskicker: She was built to be a foot soldier, and her hair looks like a square 'fro.
- Angrish: Frequently and with gusto.
- Badasses Wear Bandanas: She's a fighter who wears a red (later gold) headband which visually distinguishes her from any other Ruby.
- Bad Liar: "Hit the Diamond" confirms that about the only person in the history of fiction she's a better liar than is Invader Zim. She does get away with it, but mostly because the people she's lying to are bungling morons who quite literally cannot count past six.
- Bodyguard Crush: Originally, she was one of three Rubies assigned to the "rare aristocratic Gem, Sapphire". She never expected said Sapphire would become her girlfriend for the next millennia.
- Boyish Short Hair: Her short hair contrasts with Sapphire's Long Hair Is Feminine.
- Broken Tears: She breaks down in tears when Sapphire denounces their relationship as being based on one of Rose's lies and leaves.
- Bruiser with a Soft Center: "Keeping It Together" had Garnet's red-colored eye openly crying at the sight of the fusion experiment monster and during the ensuing dialogue between Ruby and Sapphire, Ruby's outrage seems to stem from being unable to save her former allies from this fate. In "Keystone Motel", when it seems like nothing will calm Ruby down, she stops dead in her tracks when Steven asks if her and Sapphire arguing is his fault.
- Burning with Anger: In "Keystone Motel", her anger over the events of "Cry for Help" get her so mad that she causes an entire pool to evaporate with her heat powers while standing in it.
- Butch Lesbian: A Discount Lesbian with a masculine design, albeit a cute and diminutive one.
- Character Tics: Whenever Ruby feels agitated, panicked, and/or angry, she places both of her hands on the side of her head.
- Comical Angry Face: Makes several of them in "Keystone Motel" while furious over Pearl's betrayal, complete with bugged-out eyes and clenched teeth while she's shaking a diner table.
- Conditioned to Accept Horror:
- Downplayed heavily, but still implied in "The Answer", in which she states that she doesn't care if she dies, due to there already being a ton of other Rubies. Though this belief may have changed over time.
- It's implied that she has a bit of this mentality left over in "Jail Break", where she openly considers her own well-being as unimportant compared to Sapphire's.
- Dumb Muscle: Ruby thinks of herself as this, since that's what Rubies are made to be. But while it's true that she has her fair share of dumb moments, such as Comically Missing the Point of making Suspiciously Specific Denials because she's just a Bad Liar, she's by far the most levelheaded, intelligent and rational Ruby we see on the show. Even early on when she just viewed herself as one Ruby among many she was clearly the Only Sane Gem among Sapphire's bodyguards. Her problem is not so much that she's stupid, she's just very impulsive and bad at thinking ahead.
- Duplicate Divergence: Ruby started out so utterly identical to other Rubies that when she fused with them, she barely noticed because she still had exactly the same mind and personality — like herself "but bigger". After meeting Sapphire, she chooses to stay fused with her as Garnet to be part of a unique being instead of just another Ruby.
- Elemental Personalities: She's the classic hot-head with fire powers.
- Expendable Clone: Initially considered herself to be essentially this, as seen in "The Answer".
Sapphire: They were gonna break you!
Ruby: Who cares? There's tons of me!- It's implied that she may still think of herself this way to a certain extent. In "Jail Break", she responds with a "Who cares?!" when Sapphire asks if she's hurt. Another example is in "Gem Heist", where she rants angrily about why she hates Blue Diamond: she hates fusion and love and tried to punish Sapphire. Notably, Ruby never brings up that Blue Diamond tried to kill her.
- Expy: Design-wise, of K.O. during his series' conceptualization, per Word of God, on the Cartoon Network Twitter
- Fatal Flaw: Ruby is so emotional that she can get caught up in her own feelings when there is a problem and be unwilling or unable to move past her feelings to work on a solution.
- Fiery Redhead: Ruby is the "fury" according to "Stronger Than You", and her hair has a reddish tint.
- Fire Is Masculine: Ruby is one of the more masculine Gems in the series; she has Boyish Short Hair, a sporty outfit, and an aggressive temper. She also has the ability to heat up the room and set things on fire, especially when she's angry. Contrast this with her more stoic and feminine partner, Sapphire, who has ice powers.
- Grew Beyond Their Programming: Much like Pearl, our Ruby was born and bred to be just another expendable, inconsequential member of her class. Most of her early interactions with Sapphire in "The Answer" reflect this — she's genuinely confused that Sapphire cares about her as a person, because there are tons more like her. While this is also evident to an extent with Sapphire, for Ruby especially becoming Garnet reflected becoming more than what she was expected to be — and in the current day, she seems much better adjusted than Pearl was despite starting with the same issues.
- Heroic Build: Her stocky design makes her look quite muscular (especially if you compare her side by side with Sapphire).
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: She puts Sapphire in much higher regard than herself and often lets herself be blamed for things. Sapphire is not happy when she does this, though.
- From "Jail Break":
Ruby: Are you okay? Did they hurt you?
Sapphire: No. Did they hurt you?
Ruby: Who cares?!
Sapphire: I do! - From "Keystone Motel":
Ruby: Sapphire... No, no no no no no no no! This is all my fault! I-I didn't want to look for a solution, I-I just wanted to be mad! Y-You're right! You're always right! I was being stupid!
Sapphire: I don't think you're stupid!
- From "Jail Break":
- Hidden Depths: If this bumper
is considered canon, Ruby is enthusiastic about abstract painting.
- Hot-Blooded: She feels all her emotions intensely. When she gets mad, she gets furious, and when she's upset, she's horrified.
- Immortal Immaturity: She's six thousand years old and is still prone to throwing violent tantrums when she gets really mad. As of "Now We're Only Falling Apart", she seems to be working on it, as she handles the reveal that Rose Quartz was Pink Diamond all along in a much calmer fashion than Sapphire.
- Immune to Fate: Apparently she's so spontaneous that Sapphire can't reliably predict her actions with future vision.
- Improbable Hairstyle: Like Garnet, Ruby has a square afro.
- Ink-Suit Actor: Rebecca Sugar incorporated a lot of Charlyne Yi's physical antics into Ruby's mannerisms
- Instant Expert: While calling herself dumb, she actually learned to play guitar very quickly — in less than ten minutes!
- Ironic Name: While most of the Ruby gemstone mythos fits her very well, there's one big exception: Real life rubies are associated with nobility, and are actually more valuable than diamonds, while Homeworld has rubies (including Crystal Gem Ruby) as an expendable Red Shirt Army caste.
- I Will Find You: Ruby has a single desire when they're separated: find Sapphire. After they get married, Ruby and Sapphire are more comfortable spending time apart.
- Klingons Love Shakespeare: Really likes cowboys, to the point of deciding to dress and act as one during the events of "The Question".
- Large Ham: Ruby has a tendency to over-exaggerate with her face and gesticulations, particularly when aggravated.
- Leeroy Jenkins: She just runs through the ship screaming Sapphire's name, with no apparent concern that she might instead run into Jasper or Peridot.
- Meaningful Name: In gemstone mythos, rubies encourage closeness and commitment and it deepens a couple’s relationship, reflecting how Ruby's whole world revolves around Sapphire. They also sharpen the mind, bringing a heightened awareness and excellent concentration, showing her focus on one thing at the time to the point of one-track mindness and how she amplifies Sapphire's precognition as Garnet. They are used for protection (often against the paranormal and psychic/psychological attacks), which goes with Ruby's job as a bodyguard. Rubies are also associated with fire and the sun, and she has fire powers.
- Morphic Resonance: When fused with Sapphire into Garnet, Garnet gains her skin tone (mostly in her first form, less so with the second), general outfit design, meaty legs, afro, and eye shape from Ruby. Interestingly, where Garnet's afro has its indent is around the same place where Ruby's headband is, making their hair frame their face in the same square fashion. She is also apparently the source of Garnet's gauntlets, as she materializes one herself (which does not have a star on it).
- Mr. Vice Guy: Despite her hot temper, she's usually caring, brave, selfless, and loving.
- No Indoor Voice: If angry. Oddly quiet otherwise.
- Non Sequitur: When trying to distract Holly Blue Agate she screams "EXPLOSION!!" before explaining that her ship might explode.
- Only Sane Woman: Compared to the other Ruby Guards she was assigned with in "The Answer" (and indeed, most of the other Rubies seen so far), she's noticeably more levelheaded and intelligent.
- In a subversion of their usual dynamic, she also ends up being this to Sapphire during the events of "Now We're Only Falling Apart" and "The Question". She very quickly digests the new information and concludes that there wasn't any possible way for them to realize what was going on behind their backs and lets it blow over so that she can move on with her life. Sappire on the other hand completely snaps at hearing the information, denounces their relationship in a fit of short-sighted rage and only realizes the gravity of what she had said after it was too late.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Despite her small size, Ruby has shown several feats of surprising strength, such as smashing a table hard enough to send it across the room. Since Rubies are the foot soldiers of the Gem empire, it would make sense that she would be stronger than she looks.
- Playing with Fire: She can emit extreme heat, and does so unconsciously when emotional — enough to leave burning footprint and boil a whole swimming pool full of water in a few hours.
- Power Fist: Like Garnet, her weapon armors up her fist. The design is slightly different, though. Whereas Garnet's fists are essentially one large block, Ruby's wrist armor is larger, her hand doesn't increase in size, and the back lacks a star and spikes, making it more like a boxing glove rather than a gauntlet. Interestingly, she summons it on her right hand, which doesn't have a gem.
- Power Incontinence: Ruby is naturally Hot-Blooded, and intense emotions such as excitement or rage can cause her fire powers to flare up by accident.
- In "Keystone Motel", her anger over fighting with Sapphire causes her to burn the hotel carpet under her feet and boil away all the water in the pool.
- In this Cartoon Network bumper
, she makes a beautiful painting for Sapphire, but gets so excited to show it to her that she flares up and chars the painting to a crisp. Apparently, this has happened many times before, as seen by an entire wall being covered in burned paintings. (Sapphire loves them and hangs them up anyway.)
- Red Is Heroic: Her main color scheme is red and she's one-half of the fusion for Garnet.
- Red Shirt: "The Answer" reveals her place in the Gem caste system as an expendable low level soldier. Not only that, but she is literally wearing a red shirt.
- The Runaway: She runs away after Sapphire yells at her over Rose turning out to be Pink Diamond to the point of calling their whole relationship a lie. According to Steven, however, she means this literally.
- Say My Name: "SAPPHIIIRE!"
- Screw Destiny: In contrast to Sapphire's Fatalist attitude in "The Answer", Ruby can't bring herself to accept a future where Sapphire gets poofed. By leaping in front of her and forming Garnet for the first time, she's able to derail Sapphire's prediction and leave her amazed in the process.
- She's a Man in Japan: In some foreign dubs, Ruby is referred to as male due to restrictions on showing same-sex relationships in TV shows.
- Shout-Out: Visually, her design is based on K.O., the protagonist of Ian Jones-Quartey's other series, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps: Ruby's outfit has no sleeves.
- Smarter Than You Look: She calls herself stupid when she is actually impulsive/emotional, probably because Rubies are expected to be Dumb Muscle on Homeworld. Most are, but our individualized Ruby was the only Gem who thought Amethyst was using her powers too much during the baseball game. Even from what little we see of her pre-Crystal Gem life, our Ruby was clearly the most levelheaded and intelligent of the squadron of Rubies she was deployed with. When Amethyst comments that Rubies are dumb, Garnet notes that not all of them are.
- Spanner in the Works: Though unintentionally, by saving Sapphire, she prevented Pearl and Rose from being captured which would result in the Rebellion's collapse and would allow the Homeworld Gems to have their way with Earth.
- Springtime for Hitler: In "Hit the Diamond", she infiltrates the team of Homeworld Rubies and tries to sabotage their chances of winning the baseball game from within by playing horribly. She does alright for the most part, but at one point she accidentally hits a home run when she is distracted by Sapphire waving at her.
- Straight Man: As opposed to her preceding appearances, she was this to her fellow Rubies during "The Answer".
- Super-Strength: She angrily punches the wall of her cell so hard the vibration knocks Steven over.
- Tomboy with a Girly Streak: Quite unexpectedly, even though she's hot-tempered and masculine, she's the one who wears a dress at her wedding to Sapphire.
- Violently Protective Girlfriend: Hurt Sapphire and Ruby will end you.
- Visual Pun: Her status in Homeworld society as a Red Shirt.
- Vocal Dissonance: She is tomboyish and has a masculine appearance, but has a very high-pitched voice.
- Wacky Marriage Proposal: Proposes to Sapphire with one right out of a Western in "The Question".
- Walk, Don't Swim: In "Keystone Motel", Ruby paces along the bottom of the pool until it completely evaporates.
Click here for her in Steven Universe: Future
Voiced by: Erica Luttrell
"I can see the path of fate as it stretches toward the horizon."
A small blue Gem that is always fused with Ruby. Possessing ice powers and Future Vision, she can often be very withdrawn and emotionally distant, and so is complemented well by her more open partner Ruby.
- Affectionate Nickname: Laughy Sapphy. Given by Ruby of course. This may have a double meaning, if "sapphy" can be considered slang for "sapphic", another word for lesbian, derived from the poetess Sappho.
- Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: When viewed from the bottom, the layers of her dress resemble a geode.
- Blessed with Suck: Sapphire possesses Future Vision, but can only see one course instead of alternatives (like Garnet). Also, her ability to see the future has also made her fatalistic.
- Blind Seer: Sapphire has the ability to look into the future and her eye is completely covered. In a blink-and-you'll-miss moment in her first appearance, you can see her come to a stop exactly where Ruby would be able to see her a second before she appears. In her later appearances, she uses it more blatantly. However, her Future Vision originally wasn't as advanced as Garnet's; while Garnet can see multiple outcomes, Sapphire only saw one outcome for the rebel attack in "The Answer". This appears to be a consistent flaw with Sapphire's version of future vision as in "Gem Heist", when asked if the plan will work her answer is a definitive no before quickly stating that they'll change fate. However, Sapphire has moved closer to Garnet's own mindset, acknowledging that even though she can not see other possibilities independently fate is not as set as she originally believed.
- Blue Blood: "The Answer" reveals her place in the Gem caste system as a rare high level aristocrat, as well as an advisor for Blue Diamond. Bonus points for being literally blue, albeit not having any blood due to Gem biology.
- Blue Is Calm: Sapphire is a blue-colored Gem who provides Garnet with her calmer side, as opposed to Sapphire's hot-headed fusion (and romantic) partner Ruby. When she gets into an argument with Ruby, Ruby has frequent angry outbursts, but Sapphire literally freezes up and isolates herself, avoiding conflict until she apologizes to Ruby.
- Blue Is Heroic: Her main color scheme is blue and she's one-half of the fusion for Garnet.
- Blue Means Cold: Sapphire is a Gem with a blue color scheme who can freeze things, but only when she's very emotional.
- Blue Means Smart One: Sapphire is the blue Gem of the Red Oni, Blue Oni duo that fuses into Garnet. She's intelligent and wise, having the power of precognition. Her thoughtful and logical behavior is a direct contrast to the red Ruby's emotional and irrational approach to things. When she isn't fused with Ruby, Sapphire is usually coming up with a plan for the team.
- Character Development: "Hit the Diamond" shows her more open to the various future possibilities, rather than deciding that one thing will absolutely happen. She also shows more interest in the present than in "Keystone Motel", though part of this might just be that the latter episode was an emotional low point for her. The most dramatic development is in her backstory; prior to meeting Ruby in "The Answer", she had her entire life mapped out via future vision, which Ruby's interference convinced her to willfully deviate from. While she's upset and running away from Ruby after learning the truth about Pink Diamond and tells Ruby she never knows what's going on, she makes sure to tell Ruby that she's angry about Rose's lie, and it has nothing to do with Ruby. This is in stark contrast to her bottling up her emotions in "Keystone Motel" and making Ruby think she didn't care.
- Character Tics: Her bangs tends to be removed from in front of her eye when she's distressed.
- The Comically Serious: Definitely has her moments of this, in part due to being more stoic than Garnet.
Steven: Sapphire, the toilet's frozen.
Sapphire: Such is fate.
Steven: Am I fated to pee on the grass too? [runs outside]
Sapphire: Yes. - Creepy Monotone: Doesn't show any emotion or variance in her voice when she speaks... except when being consoled by Ruby, or flirting with Ruby, or saying hi to Steven...
- Curtains Match the Windows: Light blue hair and eye.
- Cyclops: She has one large eye underneath her bangs.
- Defector from Decadence: Was a member of Blue Diamond's entourage before the war. Sapphires are "rare aristocratic Homeworld Gems", and she was addressed as "Your Grand Clarity" by Holly Blue Agate in "Gem Heist".
- Didn't See That Coming: Sapphire can correctly predict most things with her future vision, but it seems she can be caught off-guard by outcomes she never considered possible, such as Pearl fixing the communication hub as an excuse to keep fusing with Garnet, (though that may be due to Garnet herself missing it, as her powers work slightly different due to Ruby's influence) or Rose Quartz actually having been Pink Diamond since she trusted Rose enough to not look into her future and question her.
- Dissonant Serenity: She almost always appears to be completely calm and stoic.
Sapphire: [completely monotonous] Can't you see I'm completely engulfed with rage?
- Elemental Personalities: She has a very calm and withdrawn personality, as is befitting someone with ice-powers.
- Emotionless Girl: Downplayed. Sapphire normally has a calm exterior, but also is seen laughing when being Sickeningly Sweethearts with Ruby, embarrassed when called by her pet name, and crying when she realizes how she's been unintentionally insensitive to Ruby's feelings and by extension upsetting Steven. By the time of "Hit the Diamond", she's just as flirty and distracted as Ruby is.
- Everyone Has Standards: While she is fine with lying when there's a good reason for it, such as during the baseball game with the Rubies, she hates it when someone deceives her about an important issue because it messes with her Future Vision and is a breach of trust. Pearl's deception about the tower, which wasted the Crystal Gems' time and used Garnet for a power high, causes her to freeze up a room in anger, and she runs off in tears after learning that Rose lied to them about being Pink Diamond.
- Fatal Flaw:
- She has Future Vision that allows her to see threats and paths to the future and when such events have been resolved, which makes her neglect the equally important present, or occasionally have a panic attack.
- There's also the fact that her Future Vision isn't omniscient. She can't predict the future of something or someone unless she's specifically focused on it. She never realized Rose and Pink Diamond were one and the same because she never considered the possibility, and therefore never looked into possible futures that would have revealed the truth. Such a massive oversight devastated her when she found out.
- Addtionanlly, her Future Vison is lacking in comparison to Garnet as Sapphire alone has a passive personality. Because of this, Sapphire's Future Vison, while clearer, largely focuses on the most likely path, and can be disrupted by those with impuslive personalities such as Ruby. Because of this she can be easily blindsided by someone doing something illogical and impulsive. (In comparison, Garnet can see dozens of futures, even some that are comically improbable, allowing her to be prepared for any situation, at the cost of general clairty)
- The Fatalist:
- Compared to Garnet, who insists that the future is not written and that her future sight is just a way of seeing possibilities that might happen, Sapphire seems to think that everything is inevitable. The fact that Ruby is able to derail her predictions in "The Answer" leaves her stunned, but apparently does little to change her way of thinking, as she still seems to think this way over 5,000 years later in "Keystone Motel", though part of that might have just been her trying to get Ruby to hurry up and make up with Pearl. She does seem to have moved closer to accepting possibilities by "Hit the Diamond", though, since she rolls with Steven's baseball-game ploy when it beats her predicted odds and ends up being the final option. In "Gem Heist", she bluntly states that the plan she's made will fail but then says they can change the future, albeit with a very crooked smile.
- Per a 2016 interview
, Sapphire generally only sees one future possibility, because she herself is so passive. Ruby's more impulsive nature changes the certainties into a selection of possibilities, making Garnet's version less certain but more expansive.
- Flight: She at least possesses the ability to hover short distances.
- Gamer Chick: Only a single eye was actively following the action when Garnet got addicted to a rhythm game. That said, Sapphire is a cyclops.
- Giant Poofy Sleeves: Her dress has large, round sleeves to complete her very feminine image.
- Good Costume Switch: She had a blue diamond on the front of her dress when she still served Blue Diamond. It became a normal stripe when we first see her.
- Good with Numbers: Her prescient powers are implied to involve Awesomeness by Analysis, and Sapphire writes out some extensive statistical formulae in "Together Forever".
- Heroic BSoD: She's very upset on learning Rose lied to them and was Pink Diamond the whole time, running off in tears despite Ruby calling for her. She has another one after finding out Ruby has run away because of her lashing out at her.
- Hidden Depths: In "Mindful Education", personal issues are represented as butterflies; Ruby seems to only have one, Sapphire has a swarm big enough to drown her. This is most likely because as the Blind Seer of the Crystal Gems, she is constantly seeing every possible pathway of fate at once, constantly trying to decide what actions taken will and won't result in disaster.
- Hidden Eyes: Her long bangs cover the top half of her face, concealing her single eye.
- High-Class Gloves: A white pair, giving her an old-fashioned feminine look.
- How They Treat the Help: 5,000 years ago, she was shown to be polite and courteous to her Ruby guards, who were considered common soldiers and ranked far below her, an aristocrat, in Homeworld's Hive Caste System. She even ran away from Homeworld to save the Ruby who had saved her life a few seconds ago, because said Ruby was about to be sentenced to death for accidentally fusing with her while pushing her out of the way of Pearl's blade.
- An Ice Person: She emits extreme cold when emotionally distressed, typically manifesting in ice forming around her feet. Properly focused, she can freeze entire rooms solid in a matter of minutes, or use sudden cold snaps to empower her physical blows.
- Inhuman Eye Concealers: Her bangs usually hide that she's a Cyclops.
- Innocently Insensitive: She constantly sees the imminent future, unconsciously forgetting that the problems that she sees resolved still exist in the present, and might require her personal action to be solved in the first place.
"I keep looking into the future, when all of this has already been solved, as if it doesn't matter how you feel in the present. No wonder you think I don't care!"
- Instant Ice: Just Add Cold!: To the degree she has ice powers, it seems to just be a side effect from supercooling her body.
- Kicking Ass in All Her Finery: Moves so fast Steven's feet don't even touch the ground when he's pulled along, despite wearing a big poofy dress.
- Lipstick Lesbian: A Discount Lesbian with a feminine design.
- Logical Weakness:
- To see something with Future Vision, she has to be actively looking for it. She never knew that Rose Quartz was actually Pink Diamond because she trusted Rose implicitly and never looked into her personal future. She has a massive Heroic BSoD when she eventually does find out because she sees what Rose did as a betrayal of that trust.
- Her Future Vision also becomes less reliable when predicting the actions of someone who tends to act without thinking or do things spontaneously, like Ruby. She can still predict their actions to some extent, but she'll get confused if she sees them doing something that doesn't make sense, even if it is techincally accurate.
Steven: Do you see her [Ruby] coming back in your future vision?
Sapphire: Oh! Maybe! But... she's so wonderful... [sniffles] ...and spontaneous...I have no idea why she would– why would she be a cowboy?!
- Long Hair Is Feminine: Her long hair contrasts with Ruby's Boyish Short Hair.
- Meaningful Name:
- In gemstone mythos, sapphires help to calm and focus the mind and increase the power of the Third Eye; Sapphire pretty much balances Ruby's impulsiveness and she's the Blind Seer of the duo.
- Sapphires are also love stones, specifically attachment and fidelity and amplifies healing through the voice, explaining why Sapphire sings to calm Ruby from a distance.
- Throughout history, sapphire has symbolized truth, sincerity, and loyalty. Sapphire is always straightforward and honest with her predictions of the future, and she has remained in a monogamous, loving relationship with Ruby for thousands of years.
- Ruby's nickname "Laughy Sapphy", with "sapphy" possibly being a slang form of "sapphic", may be indicative of their sapphic, i.e. lesbian relationship, derived from Sappho, the Greek poetess from Lesbos who wrote about love between women.
- Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: The reason she joined the Crystal Gems is because the Homeworld Gems turned on her for fusing with Ruby by accident, and because Blue Diamond was willing to kill Ruby even though she saved Sapphire's life.
- Morphic Resonance: When fused with Ruby to make Garnet, Garnet gains her lip shape, tendency to leave her eyes covered (bangs on Sapphire, Cool Shades on Garnet), a small part of her first form's skin tone (which is noticeably darker than Ruby's bright red), a larger part of her second form's skintone, her slender arms, gloves (reduced to one finger on each hand rather than a full glove), and her Giant Poofy Sleeves from Sapphire.
- My God, What Have I Done?: She becomes remorseful after remembering that she denounced her relationship with Ruby during her fit of rage upon discovering Rose was Pink Diamond, and when she discovers Ruby has run away as a result, she breaks down.
- Nerves of Steel: Even while in prison and separated from Ruby, Sapphire was calm in her cell. In "Keeping It Together", despite her side of their fusion's face looking more fearful, she seems to be trying to comfort both herself and Ruby, rationalizing that neither them nor Rose Quartz could've known about Homeworld's fusion experiments.
- Nice Girl: Even before she defected, Sapphire was nothing but nice and considerate.
- The Noseless: One would think her hair is covering a nose, but when it's pulled up you can see she doesn't have one.
- Not So Stoic:
- Despite her cool exterior, Sapphire finally breaks down when she realizes how she and Ruby have upset Steven and that she was ignoring Ruby's feelings, outright bursting into tears and having to be consoled by Ruby. She really only acts emotionless when she is actively suppressing her anger, otherwise, she can be just as dorky as Ruby.
- In "Now We're Only Falling Apart", she's so livid about learning that Rose used to be Pink Diamond, and thus lied to them all those millennia, that she defused and warped away in a rage... without Ruby.
- Omniscient Morality License: Sapphire has yet to do anything heinously amoral, but she does have a rather cold, utilitarian, and even condescending attitude she justifies as being because her Future Vision means she always knows what's going to happen. In "Keystone Motel", she admits to and apologizes to Ruby for ignoring how she felt in the present.
- O.O.C. Is Serious Business: "Now We're Only Falling Apart" has her actually angry and in tears due to recent revelations. (See Not So Stoic above.) Yes, the calm-as-a-cucumber, Tranquil Fury Sapphire is showing genuine anger. This is especially jarring considering how calm she was after the whole "Pearl-lying-to-form-Sardonyx" event in Season 2.
- Parachute Petticoat: Uses this to land gently after jumping off the Cloud Arena and falling thousands of feet through the air with Ruby.
- Personality Powers: Due to her ability to see the future, she often is very detached, and frustrates those around her due to knowing what's going to happen and acting like she's better than they because of it. This last element is also displayed by her ability to float; she thinks she's above others.
- Power Incontinence: When Sapphire freezes up, she involuntarily freezes herself to the floor.
- The Power of Love: Ruby's love helped Sapphire learn that the most likely future isn't always the future that will happen, and that she needs to understand and empathize with people in the present instead of living in the future where everything is solved.
- Prescience Is Predictable: Constant use of her Future Vision has rendered her fatalistic and complacent about outcomes. It leaves her with having a cold, patient and dissociated personality. She does seem to be dialing it back more recently, though.
- Pride: Hinted at in "Keystone Motel", which might be where Garnet gets it. Ends up being part of the reason she explodes when she finds out that Rose and Pink are the same person: not only did Rose lie her and Ruby into a relationship (or so she assumed at the time), but Rose also made a fool of her, a mistake she took very personally as she considers herself the one person on the team who's supposed to know better.
Sapphire: Yes. I am. - Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Apparently, the reason why her visions always came true before "The Answer" was that she was so passive she went along with everything that happened, assuming it was set in stone.
- Stepford Smiler: Heavily implied in "Mindful Education", considering that, as opposed to Ruby's single mental-baggage butterfly, she has an entire swarm. Which would make sense as she is constantly exposed to the most likely futures at any given time, including ones where everything and everyone she cares about are destroyed.
- The Stoic: Sapphire doesn't really emote much: her voice is quiet and monotone even when she's livid, and her calm and collected demeanor only adds to it.
- Sugar-and-Ice Personality: Sapphire is usually cold and distant with others, a trait that is sometimes reflected in Garnet. However, it's very clear that Sapphire is very compassionate, fair and level-headed on top of having a lot of patience.
- Super-Speed: She grabs Steven and then speeds through the corridors of the ship in seconds to find Ruby. Seen again when escaping Blue Diamond's court with Ruby in "The Answer".
- Tranquil Fury: She doesn't show emotion. When she says that she's furious at Pearl after "Cry For Help", you have to take her word for it (though the Power Incontinence is a big clue that she's telling the truth). It makes her lividity at The Reveal that Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond were the same person all the more jarring.
- True Blue Femininity: She has blue hair, blue skin, and a blue dress. She's also the feminine half of her and Ruby's Masculine–Feminine Gay Couple.
- Visual Pun:
- Her status in Homeworld society as a Blue Blood.
- Sapphire's hair is a light blue color, almost white, and poofy like a cloud. In her early appearances, she is constantly thinking about the future and is not very grounded in reality, due to her future vision — in other words, she has her head in the clouds.
- Was It All a Lie?: Ruby and Sapphire held Rose in high esteem for letting them exist as a fusion, and for liberating the Earth from the Diamond Authority. Sapphire as a result is quite upset when she and the other Crystal Gems learn that Pink Diamond and Rose Quartz were the same person, because it appears that everything Rose said was just a big lie and that many Gems died as some kind of cruel game for her. Turns out the lie was Pink/Rose's only option; she tried to do everything as Pink but was stopped by Blue and Yellow. Originally other Gems weren't part of the plan at all, but then she met Garnet and was following her lead instead; realizing this lets Sapphire forgive Rose/Pink.
- Weather Manipulation: It's implied in "Now We're Only Falling Apart" that Sapphire's out-of-control ice powers are causing the snowy weather at Rose's fountain. When she starts calming down, it starts warming up.
- When She Smiles: Ruby is about the only person who can get Sapphire to smile, and Ruby herself goes nuts for it.
- Winter Royal Lady: Sapphire has ice powers and was created as a member of the Homeworld aristocracy. She also fits the personality of one, being a calm and composed Proper Lady.
- You Can't Fight Fate: She saw herself getting poofed by the Crystal Gems, and accepted it as fate. Ruby jumping in and fusing with her surprised her, as she never imagined her destiny could be changed.
- You Can't Go Home Again: She could no longer return to Blue Diamond's court or Homeworld after fleeing with Ruby and saving her from execution. But it was okay, because they had each other.