Calico (2020) - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Apr 14 2022
NYC has a new Anti-Hero.
Calico is a Superhero Comic Book by H.H. German.
One of the worst things humanity's ever done isn't any of the atrocities they commit towards each other. No, some of the worst of us decide to turn their cruelty towards those weaker than them...
Well, Hector Gil definitely won't stand for that. Donning a black, red and white superhero costume, he takes to the streets dishing out brutal punishment on those who hurt animals for any reason.
With the help of a network of fellow animal lovers that he's amassed, Calico will make sure no one will ever hurt any animal again.
The first issue of the comic was funded on Indiegogo on 2020. It was released December 15th, 2020. All subsequent issues went to Kickstarter for funding.
Calico contains examples of:
- An Arm and a Leg: When torturing a family that killed a lioness, Calico chops both of the husband's arms off.
- Animal-Themed Superbeing: Calico, though only of the Animal Alias variety, as he's just a guy who goes by Calico in his superhero identity.
- Asshole Victim: While all of Calico's targets are intended to be this, the best example would have to be the guy running the dog fighting pit in Issue #3, who meets his end when Calico sicks his own dogs on him.
- Bad People Abuse Animals: All the people Calico targets are those who have harmed animals in some way.
- The Bully: Hector's flashbacks show a rich kid from his childhood called Guillermito, who was this to him and his friends.
- Censor Steam: Comes in during Hector's post-training shower in Issue #1. There's just enough to keep us from seeing something too explicit.
- Cold-Blooded Torture: Calico does this to a rich family in retaliation for them hunting and killing a lioness.
- Decapitation Presentation: At the end of Issue #2, Milo E. Barnes' family is presented with a meal tray with a lid on it, with Milo's severed, battered head inside.
- Flashback: Plenty in the story, usually sepia-toned ones detailing Hector's childhood.
- In the Hood: The mysterious villain Calico encounters in Issue #4 wears a hood.
- Off with His Head!: When Calico targets a family who killed a lioness, the first thing he does is show the parents their daughter's severed head.
- Shower Scene: Hector has one in Issue #1 after working out with the speed bag.
- Super-Strength: The villain who shows up in Issue #4 is strong enough to lift a car over his head with both hands.
- Threw My Bike on the Roof: In the first flashback featuring Guillermito, he's seen breaking Hector's toy car, and hand, under his foot.