Hoppy The Marvel Bunny - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Jan 11 2025
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Hoppy the Marvel Bunny was a Funny Animal comic-book series published by Fawcett Comics from December, 1945 to September, 1947, totaling fifteen issues.
The magazine featured the eponymous Shazam! parody Hoppy, a rabbit who gained super-powers when he shouted “Shazam!”, transforming into the animal super-hero Captain Marvel Bunny. Hoppy was previously created by Chad Grothkopf, first appearing in Fawcett's Funny Animals #1 (December, 1942). All issues were pencilled by Grothkopf.
The supporting cast is confined to Hoppy's girlfriend Millie, and the series has no recurring villains.
After the cancellation of the series, the Marvels would meet Hoppy for the first time in The Marvel Family #28 (Octobre, 1948).
When DC Comics purchased Fawcett, it was established what the Marvel Family lived in Earth-S whereas Hoppy was a denizen of Earth-C-Plus. When the Mutliverse became a single Earth in Crisis on Infinite Earths, Hopppy's universe was destroyed, albeit he would return in The Power of Shazam! #29 (August, 1997).
- Angry, Angry Hippos: In #13 "Hoppy Meets a Weakling", Captain Marvel Bunny fights a crook called Hippo, a aggressive hippopotamus who is eager to come to blows with the hero, and is strong enough to force him to get serious.
- Anthropomorphic Food: In #3 "A Modern Beanstalk Story", Hoppy and Millie find a subterranean society of walking vegetables. Both rabbits befriend some antropomorphic vegetables (Tom Tomato, Pete Potato, Charley Cabbage, Billy Beet...) and save their new friends from an attack of evil poison ivy plants.
- Anthropomorphic Personification: In #1 "The Seasons of the Year", the Earth's weather is getting crazy because Winter is harassing the remainder Seasons. All Seasons live in a distant planet together with their children (the months of the year), and all look like humans except for Autumn and his sons whose heads resemble tree leaves.
- Discouraging Concealment: In #3 "Tugboat Millie", two crooks smuggle their latest heist's loot by hiding it in barrels and covering the gold and jewels with lumpy, gooey oatmeal.
- Fairy Tale Free-for-All: In #1 "Over the Rainbow", Hoppy flies over the rainbow to Fairy-Tale Kingdom to protect all good fairy tale folks from an alliance formed by all ogres, giants and witches. Over there, he runs into Hansel and Gretel, Cinderella and her fairy godmother, Goldilocks, Little Red Riding Hood...
- Invisible Jerkass: In #15 "The Invisible Crook", Flappy Ears uses an invisibility oil to make himself invisible and steal the purses of every woman in the town.
- Just Hit Him: In #13 "Hoppy Meets a Weakling", Captain Marvel Bunny fights a vicious, burly and super-strong crook called Hippo, who resorts to grabbing the hero and throwing him into a wall instead of simply punching him.
- Living Toys: In #2 "Danger in Gameland", go through a portal door and enter Gameland, a magical land inhabited by human-sized, living -and tyrannical- toys: domino pieces, bowling pins, checkers...
- Lunarians: In #6 "Hoppy Puts Some Light on the Subject", Hoppy's birthday gift to his girlfriend Millie gets accidentally stoppen by the Man-In-The-Moon, a strange brown-colored humanoid who lives in the Moon, polishing moonbeams and casting them on Earth every night.
- Hypnotic Eyes: In #12 "Hypnotizing Hi-Jinks", Professor Possum can make anybody think they are a different person by looking into his eyes. He doesn't stop mesmerizing people until he has hypnotized the entirety of Hoppy's hometown.
- The Prankster: In #15 "The Practical Jokers", the titular imp-like creatures find people who like to play practical jokes on others and invite them to their magical land so they can play pranks on them (electrified surfaces, sticky ground, squirting flowers, offering someone a collapsing chair...) in turn.
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: In #11 "Magic Madcaps", Sorceror Snake is an evil reptilian warlock, who was kicked out of Funny Animalville for casting black magic spells on innocent people, so that he tries to destroy the town in revenge.
- Right in Front of Me: In #2 "The Marvel Bunny Duels With Stinger Bee", the Queen Bee asks Hoppy to look for Captain Marvel Bunny so that he may join her Woodland Party's Grand March. Hoppy nods and dashes off to change into his super-hero self.
- Shooting Superman: In #8 "Nevermore", a freeloader moves in Hoppy's house pretending to be his long-lost "uncle" Horace. When Hoppy figures his game out and confronts him as Captain Marvel Bunny, Horace tosses a chair at him. Cap comments everybody should know by now that he is bulletproof, but Horace is convinced that it is just a publicity gag. A cracked vase and a broken fist later, which have only made Cap angrier, Horace admits he is completely wrong.
- Shout-Out:
- Issue #1:In "Over the Rainbow", Hoppy runs into Hansel and Gretel, Cinderella and her fairy godmother, Goldilocks, Little Red Riding Hood...
- Issue #3: The "Tugboat Millie" story is a play on the title of Steamboat Willie.
- In #3 "A Modern Beanstalk Story", Millie reads Jack and the Beanstalk and later she and Hoppy look for some of Jack's unused seeds to plant another giant beanstalk.
- Tornado Move: In #5 "Hoppy Cleans Up Things", Captain Marvel Bunny spins a tornado into existence to drag away all debris and trash littering his town's streets.
- Trainstopping: In #14 "Marvel Bunny's Business Agency", Hoppy stops two trains from crashing into each other.
- Wicked Witch: In #9 "A Witch's Tale", Captain Marvel Bunny interferes with a coven of broom-flying, black-clad, point-hatted witches who are trying to turn one female into a witch against her will.