Sensational Wonder Woman - TV Tropes
- ️Fri Mar 12 2021
Sensational Wonder Woman is a (primarily) Digital First Anthology Comic published by DC Comics in celebration of Wonder Woman's 80th Anniversary. What distinguishes it from previous DC Digital Firsts series is stories initially published digitally would be then later collected and released at a latter date as a physical issue. Writers and artists on the series including, but not limited to, Colleen Doran, Alyssa Wong, Eleonora Carlini, Mirka Andolfo, and Corinna Bechko,
With it being an anthology comic, some of the stories are one shots which go from start to finish in a single issue but some took place over two to three issues.
Following the initial run of stories, a special Woman's Day anthology issue was announced for March 2022.
Tropes Found in the series include:
- Affably Evil: Circe wants to have fun with people, not kill them. She doesn't care if others' definition of "fun" doesn't line up with her own, and she will kill, but that's not her aim.
- Apathetic Citizens
- Wonder Woman nearly loses to Blue Snowman after delaying her hunt to save three people who got frozen trying save a girl who wanted to play in the ice.
- Wonder Woman loses a fight to Circe partly because only one among the people Wonder Woman would like to protect has the sense to get away from it, with one girl trying to live stream the action!
- Art Shift: Comes with being an anthology comic with a rotating cast of artists.
- The Atoner: R'Goroth helped three criminals in an unprecedented rampage of destruction, and became resigned to either acting as their jailer forever after or dying to ensure they never can cause any harm again.
- Batman Gambit: Artemis pulls one on Diana, in "Better Nature", when it seems the former is being held captive on WarWorld by Mongul but it turns out her distress signal was actually trying to get Diana to come to WarWorld as she wanted a better opponent. She was genuinely held captive but also on a mission to rescue Bana-Migdhall Amazons who were being captured and killed in gladiatorial games by Mongul, she did need Diana's help as an distraction to escape but getting a chance to go a few rounds with her was a bonus
- The Bus Came Back:
- "The Empty People" brings back Nina Close, a.k.a. The Mask, one of Wonder Woman's Golden Age villains.
- "Man's World Momager" sees a modernized update of Myndi Mayer.
- Catch and Return: Circe has a spell for sending bullets back faster than they were shot at her
- Changing Clothes Is a Free Action: Doctor Fate twice changes Wonder Woman's clothing to fit the situation
- "Freaky Friday" Flip: One of the stories in the Woman's Day special sees Diana and a teenage girl swap bodies courtesy of spell from Circe.
- History with Celebrity: "Ultimate Fangirl" centers around a senior named Katie who seems to the orderlies charged with taking care of her to just be an aged delusional fangirl of Wonder Woman but turns out she's been friends with Diana since World War 2.
- Holiday Episode: An International Women's Day Special supplemented the series in March of 2022.
- Hypocrite: Diana points out that Blue Snowman's willing to work with Queen Bee, despite Queen Bee's implicitly adhering to the gender binary and her actions ignore Byrna being gender-fluid.
- Insult Friendly Fire: Wonder Woman makes a boy named Will, who decided to dress up like her for a party, feel self conscious while berating Blue Snowman for having an unhealthy fixation with Blue Snowman's father. She clarifies that he need not equate his fun time with Byrna Brilyant's petty grudge.
- Lensman Arms Race: Blue Snowman is engaged in one against a city that apparently honored her father more than her. Snowman is winning, but law enforcement is developing some counters to her strategies nonetheless.
- Male Gaze: A rather egregious one in "Ice Blue" gives a full page up skirt shot of Diana as she's scouting out Blue Snowman's base.
- Mistaken Identity: An amazon newly awakening into her gift as an oracle named Angela quickly becomes a Doom Sayer, warning of Threnn monsters and their Drakoom caretaker destroying the world as a sea monster makes its way towards Coast City. Wonder Woman and Doctor Fate go to fight this Drakoom, and zero in on the sea monster...but Drakoom was in Coast City long before the sea monster got there. Furthermore the sea monster isn't even, it's just pre-adapted for water.
- Nightmare of Normality: Played for laughs but when Diana finds herself trapped in an imaginary world courtesy of Dr. Pyscho, Diana's greatest subconscious fear is apparently being a married 1950s-style housewife.
- Not So Stoic: Wonder Woman get indignant when she's overpowered by a sea monster and asks Doctor Fate for assistance only to realize he's left her. She immediately regains her composure, however.
- Of Corset Hurts: The International Women's Day Special has a story where a teenage girl is forced into Wonder Woman's body and starts complaining about Wonder Woman's outfit, demanding Diana try something different if they ever get their original bodies back. Wonder Woman wants Devyn to do better in history, but allows her to call it a "metal corset".
- Only Sane Man: Abi in the last story of the Woman's Day special, and that includes being more sane than Wonder Woman herself, after Wonder Woman is forced into the body of Abi's fellow teenage classmate.
- P.O.V. Cam: "Man's World Womanager" is mostly set from the P.O.V perspective via an iPhone of Myndi Mayer
- Race Lift: Natalia Close/The Mask, is a Latina here. Her birth name is actually Nina Solorzano.
- Reimagining the Artifact: Nina Close, a Golden Age Wonder Woman villain, is re-imagined as a social media celebrity with millions of followers on SnapShout
- Required Secondary Powers: A lack of some is discussed during the special issue. Wonder Woman might be Nigh-Invulnerable, some of her enemies are willing to accept the possibility she's flat out immortal, but her natural pain tolerance is far below her body's toughness and had to be built up over years a teenager finding herself in Wonder Woman's body doesn't have. Just wearing Diana's outfit hurts her!
- Run the Gauntlet: "Queen's Hive" sees Diana run a villain gauntlet against Blue Snowman, Silver Swan, and Giganta. If she wins Queen Bee will free the Amazons from her mind control while if she loses Diana will remove the Lasso of Truth from herself and submit to being mind controlled by Queen Bee as well.
- Superman Stays Out of Gotham: Averted. One of the issues, "The Museum Gala", sees Diana facing off against Mr. Freeze at a Gala event in Gotham that Bruce invited her to.
- This Is Gonna Suck: Forced into a teenage girl's body, Wonder Woman takes the bet that she can handle more than an hour of high school. Diana quickly realizes she made a terrible mistake.
- Threatening Shark: Giganta finds herself being attacked by the Megalodons that patrol Themyscira's waters during a battle with Diana in "The Queen's Hive".
- Trophy Wife: Natalia Close, a.k.a Nina Close/The Mask, is a deconstructed version of this in "The Empty People".
- Villain Team-Up: A few so far;
- Blue Snowman and Veronica Cale in Ice Blue
- Queen Bee leads a takeover of Themyscira with Blue Snowman, Dr. Poison, Giganta, and the Silver Swan in "The Queen's Hive"
- Wham Line: "Man's World Momager" ends with the woman who's been following Wonder Woman revealed to be none other than Myndi Mayer, who hasn't been in any comic since her suicide back in the 1980s.