Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider - TV Tropes

  • ️Mon Dec 16 2024

Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider (Comic Book)

Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider is an 2024 ongoing comic book series published by Marvel Comics. The series is written by Stephanie Phillips with art by Federica Mancin.

Following the events of Spider-Gwen: Smash, Gwen Stacy, aka Ghost-Spider, is now living incognito on Earth-616, and not allowed to tell any of the other spiders that she's there. But like any other spider, Gwen can't stay out of trouble.

The first issue was released May 22, 2024.

Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider provides examples of:

  • Arc Villain:
    • The Chameleon is the villain for issues #1-4.
    • Black Tarantula is the villain staring from issue #5.
  • Canon Discontinuity: Ghost-Spider (2019) establishes that Gwen has been regularly attending university in Earth-616 under a Stark Scholarship program for Dimensional Travelers, Aliens, Clones, and Sentient AI. That series also establishes that Gwen has been fighting crime alongside Peter and Miles long enough for her "Ghost-Spider" persona to be a recognizable face to the citizens of New York and even played prominent roles in other titles such as King in Black, Sins Rising, and Spider-Man Unlimited (2023). This is all retconned away by this series in favor of a new status quo, where Gwen is treated as an Unperson by the people of Earth-616 due to having no legal documentation or identification by virtue of being a refugee from another dimension. The public also has no idea who the new "Spider-Woman" is, which leads to her making headline news after she debuts stopping a bank robbery. Peter, Miles, and Cindy are also all perplexed as to how Gwen even ended up on Earth-616 in the first place and are disappointed in her refusal to explain why she's chosen to fully immigrate here now.
  • Likes Clark Kent, Hates Superman: A villain example. Gwen develops a crush on Fabian LaMuerto after meeting him at a cafe and even gushes about him while working alongside Jessica Jones. But this is partly because she is unaware that Fabian is the Black Tarantula, who she firmly sees as a criminal that needs to be brought to justice.
  • New Super Power: Gwen suddenly develops electricity powers, kind of like Miles', only they're far more powerful and a lot less controlled.
  • Power Incontinence: Gwen has new electric shock powers that she barely knows how to access or regulate. Unfortunately the Chameleon, who is using new nanotechnology to effect complete shape-shifting, gets zapped and his nanites begins going haywire, causing uncontrolled, painful shape-shifting as they've apparently become "addicted" to the Gwen's specific energy signature.
  • Trapped in Another World: For unknown reasons, Gwen is forced to live on Earth-616 by the Time Variance Authority.
  • Unperson: Played with, as Gwen Stacy does exist on Earth-616, but since she was killed years ago, Earth-65 Gwen can't use her ID, and thus has to use the fake ID of "Lisa Rogers".
  • Villainous Crush: Fabian/Black Tarantula routinely flirts with Gwen both in and out of costume and even broke into her apartment to leave behind a bed of roses along with a note inviting her to a rendezvous.
  • Villainous Legacy: Fabian LaMuerto is the son of the original Black Tarantula Carlos LaMuerto, who raised Fabian to take up his mantle as tradition dictates.
  • Villain Takes an Interest: After the Chameleon fails to complete his contract to eliminate Gwen, Fabian becomes quickly infatuated with the female wallcrawler to the point of stalking her and inevitably pieces together her true identity. Around #7, he attempts to recruit Gwen over to his side, and kidnaps a corrupt Judge as a part of a ploy to get her to see his side of things.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: The new Black Tarantula is a Vigilante Man who has a vendetta against the criminal justice system and targets corrupt city officials to expose their crimes to the public before leaving them at the mercy of mob rule via televised executions where everyone can vote on their smart phones whether his captured target is guilty or innocent.
  • Witness Protection: The TVA has effectively put Gwen in this on Earth-616, not allowing her to tell any of her friends she's there, and having her live under a fake name.