Teen Titans - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Jul 30 2017
They're a lot more than just sidekicks.
"You're finished, Robin! If Kid Flash and Aqualad couldn't stop my fire-storm with their super-powers, what chance do you have?"
The most famous team of teenage Super Heroes in The DCU (but not the first). Often referred to as a "Justice Little League," though more often as a "Junior Justice League."
The original series began back in The Silver Age of Comic Books, with a one-shot story in The Brave and the Bold #54 (July, 1964), where three Sidekicks, Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash, teamed up. The issue sold notably well, and, after a few more tryouts and the addition of Wonder Girl (despite that she was actually intended to be the original Wonder Woman as a girl, and not a contemporary sidekick) and Speedy, became an ongoing series.
The book depended heavily on Totally Radical, with Fad Super villains like the Mad Mod and Ding Dong Daddy and hamfisted attempts to address the issues of the day. Nevertheless, it was lightheartedand fun. As the run continued, more teenage superheroes would join the team such as Lilith Clay, the arguably first ever black DC superheroes Guardian and Bumblebee, the caveboy Gnaark, and Hawk and Dove. The group eventually expanded into two sub-groups, the Teen Titans and the Titans West, made up of the aforemented Titans plus the first Batgirl, Golden Eagle and Joker's Daughter. Eventually, though, it was cancelled in 1973, brought back in 1976, and re-cancelled in 1978. Altogether 53 issues were published.
In the Bronze Age, the series returned as The New Teen Titans, launched in 1980. Written by Marv Wolfman and drawn by George Perez, this version of the series was the most successful and the most iconic (as well as being the version the 2003 animated series is most based on). It brought back Robin, Wonder Girl, and Kid Flash, and teamed them up with new characters Cyborg, Raven, and Starfire, along with previously-established character Beast Boy, now renamed Changeling.
The series moved into Darker and Edgier territory, and was a trendsetter in that respect; for instance, an early storyline involved them going up against "Deathstroke the Terminator," a paid assassin, and being infiltrated by the not-so-innocent Terra. It was heavily character-based, with lots of conflict, romance, and soul-searching (that occasionally slipped into Wangst).
This version was not only popular, but often considered DC's number one title at the time, a rival to the X-Men (which they eventually crossed over with), and a major definer of the tropes that came to be recognized as comics' Bronze Age. However, writer fatigue (aside from a very brief period in 1989 where he stepped away from the book, Wolfman wrote the comic for 16 years straight) and removal of the book from newsstands to prop up DC Comics' direct market line of books led to it collapsing into boredom and fan apathy.
This led to an Audience-Alienating Era for fans of the original 80s Status Quo for most of the early 90s. The arrival of a new editor inspired Wolfman to shake up the book with the Titans Hunt storyline involving the mysterious "Wildebeest Society" that went on way too long. Fan favorite villain Deathstroke became a good guy and ally to the team, half the roster was slaughtered/turned evil/depowered, time-travellers from the near-distant future of 2001 arrived and were stuck in the past, and popular villain Terra was brought back in a sense as a clone.
Around the time after Titans Hunt finished began the Total Chaos storyline which saw the time-travelling teens attempt to kill Donna Troy's son, who in the future would become the villainous Lord Chaos. This spun off into DC's attempt at having teens in their Titans franchise as the aptly named: Team Titans. The first half of the run dealt with stopping their bad future and discovering who they were in the present timeline with the second half of the run developing a story thread that would tie in to Zero Hour: Crisis in Time!. It would be revealed that the man responsible for sending the Titans to the future was, in fact, the future Hank Hall AKA Monarch. Revealing the the team was sent as sleeper agents so that his timeline would succeed, the team fought against Extant and won. As a result, the timeline began to mend itself with the team sacrificing themselves to save the present from it's future, fulfilling their original mission.
The events of The Darkening attempted to have Dick and Kori finally married but due to Executive Meddling had to be hastily canned due to the Bat offices, ultimately leading to the Batman editors taking back Nightwing from the Titans (Wolfman had the sole rights to him since 1980), to the horror of fans of the book.
This ultimately led to Wolfman bringing Roy Harper, also known as Speedy, and reintroducing him as the new leader of the Titans as Arsenal. This coincided with a lot more Executive Meddling, culminating in the "original" team formally disbanding in issue #114 with a brand new team being launched out of Zero Hour: Crisis in Time! consisting of Arsenal, Changeling, Damage, Impulse, Mirage, Terra II, the Kyle Rayner Green Lantern, the Matrix Supergirl, and Darkstar. This era would see a few storylines such as Forever Evil and Crimelord-Syndicate War. The title eventually ended with the Meltdown! storyline running through issues #127-130, ending in February 1996.
The franchise was relaunched within a year. Volume 2 of the series was helmed by Dan Jurgens and George Pérez and saw a more sci-fi based spin on the title. 17 years ago, the H'San Natall race abducted women from Earth and impregnated them with their own DNA in order to create hybrid children. In the present day, these hybrid children, now teenagers, are abducted by the H'San Natall in order to indoctrinate them as sleeper agents before they invade Earth. With the help of an aged-down Atom, the mysterious Omen, billionaire aide Loren Jupiter (a character from the Silver Age run) and Mad Mod, the teens successfully escape to Earth and become the newest iteration of the Teen Titans with the Titans aspect being that the H'San Natall were stationed at the Jovian moon Titan.
The line-up would consist of: Atom, Risk, Argent, Joto (later renamed Hot Spot), Prysm, and Fringe. Later on, the team would also be joined by Captain Marvel Jr. Overall, the series ran for 2 years before getting cancelled in 1998. The majority of the characters would continue to appear such as Argent being promoted into the new Titans comics and Risk became something of Geoff Johns's personal punching bag (for reasons unknown)
At this point, the idea of the Teen Titans split two ways by the Fifth Week Events JLA: World without grownups and JLA/Titans: The Technis Imperative. The first took the original idea of a band of teenage heroes and sidekicks, and became Young Justice (1998). The other idea saw the creations of the late 90s series Titans (1999) which lasted quite a while (and featured most of the original team and the 1980s successful team, plus a few new characters), but was never a big seller, and eventually delved into some truly horrific storytelling by Jay Faerber (the "Jesse Quick sleeps with her mother's fiancee" storyline). Titans tended even more toward the soul-searching of New Teen Titans, while Young Justice went through mostly lighthearted adventures and character-based comedy.
About this time, the aforementioned Teen Titans animated series premiered. After it became popular, the Powers That Be decided they wanted a Teen Titans comic that resembled the show. Thus, both Titans and Young Justice were cancelled, and the more marketable characters from the latter were brought together with the more nostalgic characters from the former in the dark-natured Judd Winick-written miniseries Graduation Day, which led into a relaunch of Teen Titans written by fan favorite Geoff Johns. This series was reasonably popular, but involved several changes in characterization which annoyed long-time fans. Generally, the ex-Young Justice characters were on the receiving end of this, being made Darker and Edgier as an attempt to invoke the New Teen Titans days and the more modern DC sensibility of dark storytelling. On a side note, the aforementioned animesque cartoon got its own comic book adaptation, Teen Titans Go!.
The series was revamped again multiple times during that third volume, introducing new Legacy Characters (such as Sailor Moon-esque Miss Martian and the cynical Bombshell), and attempting to be both Lighter and Softer and Darker and Edgier, killing off even more characters. Such gore-filled editorial mandates led to writer Sean McKeever to quit the book in protest, and things spiralled further down the drain, to the extent that DC reunited the 80s New Teen Titans into their own book Titans (again) and the Teen Titans went through even more change. After two years, the various team members were "graduated" to the Justice League (Red Arrow and Troia), "demoted" back to the Teen Titans book (Beast Boy and Raven) or killed off (Tempest). Titans became a book about a Deathstroke-lead team of villains, while the simultaneous run on "Teen Titans", by comic newcomer Felicia Henderson, had few champions, even amongst the most rabid fans.
Around the start of 2011, J.T. Krul took over writing volume 3, with fan-favorite Nicola Scott on art, and their run was fairly well-received compared to the previous writers. Yet this too would not last. Both Titans books were cancelled in August as part of DC's reboot; these were replaced in September with a single book, written by Scott Lobdell and drawn by Brett Booth, as part of DC's New 52 relaunch. The starting line-up consisted of Red Robin, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, and Solstice, along with with two new characters, Skitter and Bunker. Superboy eventually joins the team as well, while maintaining a solo series. This led into The Culling, a crossover with Legion Lost, during which both groups face off against N.O.W.H.E.R.E.. The series would later tie into Forever Evil (2013) in a story that explored Kid Flash's origins. After about 30 issues, the book was cancelled. This series was considered a pretty bad era for both the Teen Titans and the individual characters in the team, and much of that was attributed to the unlikeability of the main characters.
The series was relaunched in July 2014 with a new #1, written by Will Pfeifer with Kenneth Rocafort as artist. The starting lineup had the returning Red Robin, Wonder Girl, Bunker and Raven, along with newcomer Beast Boy. Later on, a new Power Girl would join the team. This series was also not well-received for the same reasons as the last.
In late 2014 the first volume of Jeff Lemire and Terry Dodson’s Teen Titans: Earth One was released. The book re-imagining and updating the 80’s team in a contemporary setting, confirmed in The Multiversity to be in continuity with both Superman: Earth One and Batman: Earth One.
In 2015, a 12-issue mini-series titled Titans Hunt, written by Dan Abnett, introduced past Teen Titans history into the post-Flashpoint DC Universe. Principle characters include Dick Grayson, Donna Troy, Garth, Roy Harper, and Lilith. The series Retcons in that the original Teen Titans did indeed exist, and removes the new, negatively received characterisations of Donna Troy and Garth.
In 2016, as part of the DC Rebirth event, two Titans series are being published. Titans began in June and follows up on a major plot point from DC Universe: Rebirth #1 and is also a continuation of Titans Hunt. It features the reunited original Teen Titans, now all adults. Teen Titans was also announced, and features a Damian Wayne-led team of younger heroes. The line-up consists of the aforementioned Robin, Kid Flash, Raven, Beast Boy and Starfire. The two series crossed over with Deathstroke in The Lazarus Contract, which will feature Deathstroke trying to resurrect his son Grant, and also serve to clear up the Continuity Snarl of the Titans' history post-Flashpoint.
Both titles were see a Status Quo shake-up due to the events of Justice League: No Justice: Titans got a new line-up featuring Nightwing, Troia, Beast Boy, Raven, Steel II and Miss Martian (although Nightwing eventually got booted off the book, promoting Troia as leader and bringing in the Kyle Rayner Green Lantern) focusing on the monsters formed from the Source Wall breaking and eventually culminating into another attack by the Brotherhood of Evil. Teen Titans became more Darker and Edgier with Damian adopting a more deadly approach towards villains by caging them. A new line-up would be formed with Robin V, Kid Flash III, Red Arrow II, Crush, Djinn and Roundhouse.
In 2021, the two ongoings would be combined with the Titans forming a brand new academy in order to train the new generation of teenage superheroes with the then-current Teen Titans joining as the senior cohort in Teen Titans Academy.
In 2013, a new animated series about the Teen Titans was released called Teen Titans Go! which featured things from the 2003 series (such as the character's designs and certain powers — not to mention all of the voice actors reprising their roles) and the comics (such as Raven having feelings for Beast Boy and her hair being black, Terra being straight up evil), but made Denser and Wackier.
In 2018, a live-action adaptation titled Titans (2018) was released on DC’s streaming service, with a noticeably Darker and Edgier take on the Titans, with Robin, Raven, Starfire, and Beast Boy, as well as the addition of Hawk and Dove making up the main roster, and additional cameos from Jason Todd and Donna Troy.
This page has a character sheet.
See franchise page for the list of pages realtive to storylines and specific characters.
Here are the different incarnations of the Teen Titans so far:
- The Original/"Fab Five"/Silver Age Team: The founding team, from 1964, mainly consisted of the main sidekicks of the Justice League members also known as the "Fab Five": Robin I, Aqualad I, Kid Flash I, Wonder Girl I and Speedy I. The team would later be joined by a few more members such as the ginger precog Lilith Clay, the hallmark Black teenage superhero couple Guardian and Bumblebee, the caveboy Gnarrk and the daughter of many villains, The Joker's Daughter.
- Titans West:
- The New Teen Titans
- The New Titans
- Arsenal's New Titans
- The Alien Hybrids
- The Titans Reborn era
- Graduation Day Teen Titans
- Post-Massacre Teen Titans
- The Terror Titans
- The New 52
- DC Rebirth
- The Teen Titans Academy students
Teen Titans provides examples of:
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- Aborted Arc
- Mal Duncan abandoned his Hornblower identity and went back to being the Guardian after the Gabriel Horn was stolen, and the plot was never resolved. Had the book continued, it would have been revealed that Mal had hidden it himself because he subconsciously did not want to be a superhero anymore.
- There was the ill-fated Titans L.A. spin-off that was planned. The group was first hinted at in the Beast Boy mini-series, the seeds were planted in a Titans Annual, and the team finally assembled in the Titans Secret Files one-shot only to... never appear again. Cyborg later confirmed that the team had disbanded with a Hand Wave line of dialogue. Then it's revealed that Terra II was apparently the real Terra all along. Terra II fell into obscurity before this could go anywhere, and ended up being killed off the next time she made a significant appearance. The whole reveal was later retconned itself, as it turned out Terra II was indeed an impostor, albeit one with Identity Amnesia. Although, this explanation in turn is similar to Marv Wolfman's original intent for the character, before the later New Titans editor (Pat Garrahy) had mandated a story to imply the two Terras were the same (which Geoff Johns and Ben Raab intended to expand upon with their reveal).
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: The original five have this kind of thing going on. Donna could choose between the nice and shy Aqualad, funny Kid Flash, dashing Robin, and badboy Speedy. Guess who did wind up with her? Note, back then, Dick Grayson was pretty clean cut. Ironically, in modern stories, one of the biggest reasons Dick is a Chick Magnet of extreme proportions is actually because of his Nice Guy charm.
- All Myths Are True: The Elseworld Titans: Scissors, Paper & Stone features a character who has this trope as a superpower. Jamadagni Renuka is a magician who is able to cast spells from any system of magic - even systems that explicitly contradict each other, or aren't commonly perceived as magic. She knows this, and she doesn't actually believe in any of it, but everything still works for her. The entire story of the crossover is her attempt to stop a disaster she foresees by invoking a super team origin — specifically, the start of the Wolfman-Perez Titans — because that would mean the good guys would win.
- All Your Base Are Belong to Us: The Second Titans Tower was designed to address this problem with the whole above ground building being a hologram to attract enemies intending mayhem.
- Alliterative Title: Teen Titans.
- Alphabet Architecture: The headquarters of the Teen Titans, both in the animated series and eventually carried over into the comics, is shaped like a big capital T.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: The comic has gold/orange Starfire, red Kid Devil, and green Beast Boy and Miss Martian. Of course, both Starfire and Miss Martian are aliens, Beast Boy is a mutant, and Kid Devil was turned into a demon.
- Ambiguously Jewish: Kid Devil, aka Eddie Bloomberg.
- Animal-Themed Superbeing: Beast Boy and Robin.
- Anyone Can Die: The Titans seem to have a higher rate of mortality than other super teams. Even former Titans are prone to dying. No wonder the Titans memorial hall is so crowded. In chronological order.
- Tara Markov/Terra I: Dies in Tales of the Teen Titans Annual #3
- Gnarrk/Caveboy: Mentioned to have died before the events of Tales of the Teen Titans #50. Post-Crisis has him die in New Titans #56. Gets revived in the New 52 before "dying" in Heroes in Crisis #1 before revealing to have been alive all along in The Flash (Jeremy Adams)
- Don Hall/Dove I: Dies in Crisis on Infinite Earths #12
- Aquagirl/Tula: Dies in Crisis on Infinite Earths #12. Shows up alive in the New 52 universe in Throne of Atlantis
- Kole Weathers: Dies in Crisis on Infinite Earths #12. Alive as of DC Rebirth.
- Jason Todd/Robin II: Dies in Batman: A Death in the Family. Later gets revived in Batman: Under the Hood
- Hank Hall/Hawk I: "Dies" in Armageddon 2001 #2 when he becomes Monarch before formally dying as Extant in JSA (1999) #15. Later revived in Blackest Night #8.
- Dawn Granger/Dove II: "Dies" in Armageddon 2001 #2 before being revealed to have been alive the entire time in JSA (1999) #14
- Charley Parker/Golden Eagle: "Dies" in New Titans #72 in the Titans Hunt storyline. Revealed to be alive in Hawkman (2002) #37
- Danny Chase/Phantasm: Dies in New Titans #84 in the Titans Hunt storyline. Supposedly alive as of the New 52 in Justice League of America's Vibe #7.
- Rachel Roth/Raven: Her physical self was destroyed in New Titans #84 in the Titans storyline.
- Joey Wilson/Jericho: Jericho supposedly "dies" in New Titans #84 as his father stabs him in order to stop the Wildebeest Society. Teen Titans (2003) #3 reveals that Joey had in fact jumped his consciousness into his father's body. Joey formally gets his body revived in Teen Titans (2003) #40. He's also alive as of the New 52.
- Phantasm II: Dies in New Titans #121 as part of the Forever Evil (1995)
- Isaiah Crockett/Joto/Hotspot: Supposedly dies in Teen Titans (1996) #15 before getting revealed to have been alive all along with his life essence in Prysm's body in issue #23. He also "dies" in the DC Rebirth universe in Heroes in Crisis #1 before revealing to have been alive all along in The Flash (Jeremy Adams)
- Lilith Clay/Omen: Dies in Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #2. Revived temporarily as the undead "Mother Mayhem" during the Life and Death storyline of Teen Titans (2003) and later as a Black Lantern in Blackest Night: Titans. Turns up alive in the New 52 universe.
- Donna Troy/Troia: Dies in Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #3 before getting revived right before Infinite Crisis in The Return Of Donna Troy.
- Rosabelle Mendez/Pantha: Dies in Infinite Crisis #4. Turns up alive in the Infinite Frontier universe in Tales of the Titans #4
- Wildebeest: Dies in Infinite Crisis #4
- Ryuko Orsono/Bushio: Dies in Infinite Crisis #4
- Conner Kent/Kon-El/Superboy: Dies in Infinite Crisis #6 before getting revived in Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds. The New 52 version created by N.O.W.H.E.R.E. disappears in Teen Titans 2014 #11. The Jon Lane Kent version ceased to exist in Superboy (2011) #34. (Yeah, there's a bit of a Continuity Snarl that happens with Kon during the New 52)
- Amon Tomaz/Osiris: Dies in 52 #43, later revived in Blackest Night #8.
- Tara Markov/Terra II: Dies in World War III #3
- Young Frankenstein: Dies in World War III #3
- Amy Allen/Bombshell: Supposedly dies in Teen Titans (2003) #43 before revealed to be alive in Final Crisis #3
- Duela Dent/Joker's Daughter/Harlequin: Dies in Countdown #51 which sets up the events of the title.
- Bart Allen/Impulse/Kid Flash II/The Flash IV: Dies in The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive before being revived in Final Crisis: Legion On Three Worlds #3
- Power Boy: Dies in Titans East Special
- Molecule: Dies in Terror Titans #1
- Eddie Bloomberg/Kid Devil/Red Devil: Dies in Teen Titans (2003) #74
- Holly Granger/Hawk II: Dies in Blackest Night: Titans #1
- Garth/Tempest: Dies in Blackest Night #2
- Quinn Nash/Enigma: Supposedly dies in Batman #712. Revealed to be alive in Batman: Urban Legends #21.
- Richard Grayson of Earth-3/Talon: Dies in the Forever Evil (2013) tie-in of Justice League (2011)
- Roy Harper/Speedy I/Arsenal/Red Arrow: Dies in Heroes in Crisis #1 (and, in extension, The Flash (Jeremy Adams) 2021 Annual), revived in Infinite Frontier #0.
- Cody Driscoll/Risk: Dies in Nightwing (Tom Taylor) #89
- Brick Pettirosso: Dies in Teen Titans Academy #12
- An Arm and a Leg: Risk loses an arm fighting Superboy-Prime in Infinite Crisis. He then loses the other arm in a later battle with Superboy-Prime during the Sinestro Corps War. He's absent for a long time after that, then comes back in Nightwing (Tom Taylor)... only to be killed off.
- Arch-Enemy:
- Trigon and Deathstroke for the entire group. Brother Blood I was a recurring Arc Villain.
- Blackfire for Starfire.
- Aristocrat Team: Zigzagged. The Team, especially during Marv Wolfman's run, is generally thick with the sons and daughters of wealth and royalty, including various Robins, Garfield Logan, Starfire, Donna Troy, etc. Wally West is a notable exception to the trend, being from a blue collar background.
- Back from the Dead: Zigzagged with Terra II. She was originally meant to be a normal girl that was surgically operated on to resemble Tara Markov. An editor later told Marv Wolfman to hint at her possibly being Tara resurrected, by showing the original Terra's grave to be empty (and having the Time Trapper suggest she was from this timeline). Geoff Johns seemed to be heading in that direction, but nothing came of it. Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti went back to the idea that she was a separate entity. So, it turned out the real Terra truly was dead and the second Terra was revealed to be a member of an underground race called the Stratans, who decided to send out a liaison to the modern world in a guise people would've been familiar with, using DNA implants to make it look like Tara Markova came back. The Stratans admit this was a poorly thought out move considering what a sociopath Tara turned out to be, but that was nothing compared to when the Time Trapper got his hands on her and warped her memories.
- Back for the Dead: Wolfman made a big story with Brother Blood that ended with him amnesic and left in a forgotten church to farm. Many years later, the Outsiders visit the Church, and discover the evil hidden base below it. Brother Blood unleashes his master plan... and gets murdered at the end of it, so that his son became the new Brother Blood (something that Blood had done himself, as well as his father, his grandfather and all the way to the time of Crusades).
- Badass Normal:
- Each Robin, Speedy and Batgirl to join the team falls under this.
- Averted with Eddie Bloomberg (Kid Devil and later Red Devil), who feels anxious and inadequate in the presence of people with superpowers, and actually signed a Deal with the Devil for powers of his own.
- Band of Brothers: The various Titans teams are just as much a surrogate family as they are a crime-fighting team. This is especially true of the "Original Five": Robin, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, Speedy, and Aqualad.
- Battle Cry: "Titans Together!"
- Big Bad: Trigon the biggest and baddest the Titans have ever faced and, to a lesser extent, Deathstroke who is Nightwing's and Arsenal's Arch-Enemy.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Virtually every Teen Titan has succumbed to this trope at least once.
- Canon Discontinuity:
- Judd Winick threw out all of Geoff Johns' work to redeem Jericho and bring him back to life.
- J.T. Krul tried to fix that, only for Eric Wallace to undo it himself just so he could fix Jericho.
- In a similar case to the Jericho situation, J. Torres attempted to redeem Cassie Sandsmark of her aggressive attitude in the "Wonder Girl" miniseries and have her come to terms with Kon's death— only for Sean McKeever to derail her back only so he could put his OWN fix and explanation for her behavior. And then after Kon was resurrected, writers such as Henderson just simplified her back down to a clingy jealous girl that was condescending to her teammates.
- Titans comics following Marv Wolfman's run refused to acknowledge the Gainax Ending of The New Titans, and in particular the part where the second evil version of Raven conspired with the Psions and helped annihilate Tamaran.
- Judd Winick threw out all of Geoff Johns' work to redeem Jericho and bring him back to life.
- Captain Ersatz: In-universe. In the time between the Doom Patrol and the Teen Titans, Logan worked in the TV series "Space Trek". He used a Red Shirt, and worked for "Captain Tim". The program was sued for plagiarizing Star Trek, and the green guy was unemployed again.
- Cartwright Curse: Starfire's relationships, and all three of her weddings, have ended disastrously
- Catchphrase Interruptus: General Zahl said "Heil... Hit..." and died.
- Cerebus Syndrome: ...and back. The 1980s were the good kind of "Angst-ridden super-heroes", so much that they (along with the X-Men) pretty much defined the trope for comic books, but even that got bad after a point. Various other runs have fallen into this as well.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: In the New 52, the majority of the original Teen Titans. Aside from Dick Grayson, who is too essential to the Bat-mythos, and Roy Harper, the original Titans do not exist. There has never even been an Aqualad (the first Aquagirl, Tula, exists, but is not a superhero), Cassie Sandsmark is the first Wonder Girl and Bart Allen is the first Kid Flash. Eventually, wildly different versions of Donna and Wally were brought in, but they aren't superheroes. It was even retconned that the team in general never existed before Tim Drake formed the team — done in the collected editions of the story, as the first arc has Tim state that there were other incarnations of the team — which is essentially the Geoff Johns lineup with some new additions. Dick, Roy, Starfire, Cyborg, Lilith and Garth were on a team, but it's never called the Teen Titans.
- Continuity Snarl: Numerous, due to editorial decrees on the universe changing during the run:
- Initially, the original Titans team history was to be left intact. At some point, editorial deemed all the previous teams to be excised from continuity, which led to all references to previous teams across the New 52 being removed in the trade collections of those series. Tim's references to other incarnations was removed from Teen Titans, Bette Kane's reference to being on the team and fighting Deathstroke was removed from Batwoman, and the official statement that the team that Roy references being on with Starfire in Red Hood and the Outlaws was not called the Teen Titans.
- It was said that Tim still would have had his history as Robin... then it was said that Tim was never Robin, just Red Robin. This lead to said references to previous Titans and Tim's Robin history being edited out in the TPB printing of Lobdell's first arc... but not in Scott Snyder's Batman. Later, Robin War would make it clear that he was only ever Red Robin... even if Grayson, the series that Robin War was practically a companion to, directly quoted lines from his time as Robin.
- Meanwhile, a cameo of Beast Boy was edited out from the first arc due to the change in plans for him: he'd now be a newly-debuting hero, and red (to tie into "The Red" from Animal Man). A cameo of Miss Martian was also taken out, though the speech bubble next to her still mentions aliens. In Red Hood and the Outlaws, Roy mentions Beast Boy and Tempest having been part of his past team, but Garth (Tempest) was, at the time, a mere infant in the new continuity and Beast Boy was freshly introduced.
- Garth would later show up in Aquaman as an adult, but not a superhero.
- This would all be for naught, as Titans Hunt would restore some of the previous Titans history to continuity, including that there was indeed an original Teen Titans team, composed of Dick Grayson, Donna Troy, Roy Harper, Garth, Lilith, Don Hall, Hank Hall and Wally West. And, as of Detective Comics (2016)'s "A Lonely Place of Living", Tim's time as Robin, including (as the title suggests) his pre-Flashpoint origin story.
- Circus Episode: In The Fifth Titan
(December 1966), the Teen Titans go undercover at a circus that they believe is brainwashing its audience.
- Clever Crows: Raven is a Dark Is Not Evil hero (when not being possessed or mind-controlled by her Eldritch Abomination father) whose magical powers often use a corvid motif.
- C-List Fodder: It's a comic series made up mostly of teenage characters, many of them forgettable. They may as well have bullseyes on their heads. Their "Hall of the Dead" is now ridiculously huge, featuring Kole, Aquagirl I, the aforementioned trio, Kid Devil and half a dozen others.
- Pantha, Baby Wildebeest and Bushido were casually murdered by Superboy-Prime in one page of Infinite Crisis.
- Risk got his arm ripped off (which later became a running gag).
- Comic-Book Time: When Dan Didio took the helm at DC, the Titans franchise got locked into a sort of perpetual youth, with even some of the oldest veterans and regulars (Beast Boy, Raven) presented as being roughly at the same age and maturity level as new up-and-comers (Young Justice transplants, Miss Martian, etc.).
- Continuity Snarl: Donna Troy had so many problems over the years that she got her own page. Notably, it was the initial creation of the Teen Titans comic that started the snarl - the comic was initially conceived as a team-up of all the JLA members' kid sidekicks, and the writers wrongly assumed that "Wonder Girl" was Wonder Woman's teen sidekick instead of Wonder Woman as a teenager in flashback stories.
- Cruel Mercy: Trigon. Psimon, who betrayed him and secretly aided the Titans to stop Trigon, was sentenced to a Fate Worse than Death. But his servant Goronn, who spreads terror in his name since time immemorial, and was defeated for the first time, does not deserve such punishment. No, a quick and painless death is enough for his failure!
- Darker and Edgier: The title swings this way pretty frequently.
- The renewal of the original series was generally much heavier and more dramatic than the original series, and actually had the Titans take a vow to quit being superheroes after they failed to save a certain life, afterwards becoming a team of superpowered special agents for a time.
- The New Teen Titans as a whole was a successful attempt at integrating Marvel-style drama and personalities into the franchise, which would eventually spread to DC as a whole.
- New editor Jonathan Peterson kicked off the 90s with a bang by organizing what would eventually be known as Titans Hunt, which brought the series fully into The Dark Age of Comic Books. Titans Hunt was Bloodier and Gorier than anything put in the series so far, killing off countless side-characters and even a few old Titans.
- Dating Catwoman: Speedy and Cheshire, Changeling and Terra
- Death of a Child: The only three living children of the Titans are Jai and Iris West, and Mirage's daughter Julienne. And even then, the West twins were brought back from the dead, and Julienne is the product of rape. And now thanks to the New 52 reboot, all three characters are wiped from existence. Thanks to Convergence, the pre-Flashpoint universe is implied to have been fully restored, meaning the West Twins and Julienne do exist once more. Also, Lian Harper's death is undone during the event when she's pulled out of the timestream by Dreamslayer of the Extremists.
- A Dick in Name: There's Richard "Nightwing" Grayson, who usually goes by "Dick". Things like this
◊ can't be an accident. In one issue of Titans, he insists the team can't reveal their secret identities to the newbies, even when they're just hanging out. Tempest calls him a real... and Arsenal interrupts that they can't use his real name.
- Distaff Counterpart: Miss Martian (for Martian Manhunter) and Bombshell (for Captain Atom), and Power Boy for Power Girl.
- Dysfunction Junction: Team members tend to devolve into in-fighting and conflict from time to time, which has caused the Teen Titans to disband more than a few times. Especially when team members start dating each other which actually made fighting during team meetings a normal occurrence.
Jesse Quick: When you told me the Titans were like a family — I guess I thought you just meant in the nice way — closeness, you know, loyalty. But you're also a family in all the worst ways. You may all be great in your own right — I know, I've studied some of you — but together you're disorganized, reactionary, and incestuous.
- Emotionless Girl: Raven, though later writers have tried to emulate her animated counterpart's surly Deadpan Snarker personality.
- Energetic and Soft-Spoken Duo: Quiet Raven and spunky Beast Boy started out platonically in the 1980s Teen Titans comics. In the early 2000s, they were given a Relationship Upgrade and have stayed on-and-off love interests ever since.
- Face–Heel Turn: Averted with Terra, who was really bad all along, and acted like it. But other Titans have played this straight, in a trope that's used quite a lot for the series.
- Fad Super: As mentioned above, Mad Mod and Ding Dong Daddy are prime examples.
- Family of Choice: The Titans support each other in all the good ways of a family, but they're also a family in all the worst ways with all the conflicts you'd usually suspect from living together like one. They do have some disagreements, but it always leads into more character depth.
- Fanservice: To an insane degree. Though notably, both Wolfman and Perez gave a bit of equal ground — Dick Grayson was Mr. Fanservice personified, and Deathstroke was set up as a "sexy older gentleman" type, and the female fans of the book reciprocated alongside the males drooling over Starfire and Wonder Girl (see Ms. Fanservice).
- Flying Firepower: Starfire is a Rubber-Forehead Alien that flies and shoots energy blasts from her hands.
- Green-Skinned Space Babe:
- As stated previously: Starfirenote , in the comics. There is a reason Starfire was called "balloon bod" by Terra I. She basically defines Most Common Superpower, Ms. Fanservice, and Stripperific. At the very least, she's as fanservice-intensive as, say, Power Girl (if marginally "smaller"). In the comics. In the cartoon, not so much.
- Pérez actually stated
that her character was meant to exude sexuality.
- Pérez actually stated
- Miss Martian in her Green Martian form, though perhaps a much cuter take.
- As stated previously: Starfirenote , in the comics. There is a reason Starfire was called "balloon bod" by Terra I. She basically defines Most Common Superpower, Ms. Fanservice, and Stripperific. At the very least, she's as fanservice-intensive as, say, Power Girl (if marginally "smaller"). In the comics. In the cartoon, not so much.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Raven as well as the majority of the cast in Teen Titans (1996)
- Hand Blast: Starfire, as well as her evil sister Blackfire, has this as her main superpower.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Cinder of Deathstroke's team dies in order to destroy the Methuselah Device. Subverted in that she was already suicidal but couldn't die because of her power to turn into molten magma, and that she destroyed the device because given the option to bring her dead family back, she'd rather they stayed dead because she believed the world is a horrible place. It's hard to feel that sorry for her, or awed by her, when she'd been portrayed as such an utterly flat character, the circumstances of her powers revealed a month before she died, and the reminder that she burned off a man's reproductive organs using her own.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: General Zahl fired his gun against Robotman, but the bullets ricocheted on his metal body, and returned to him instead.
- Husky Russkie: Red Star.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Cyborg had one of the defining aspects of this in the 1980s run (he was an unwilling cyborg). Blue Beetle later on. Solstice has shades of it in the reboot.
- Idiot Ball:
- Is handled by Cyborg and Dick Grayson in Rise of Arsenal.
- In Cyborg's case, designing a hideously gaudy removable prosthetic that in fact increases the pain Roy already felt in his arm, and is aware of that flaw. Notwithstanding his engineering capabilities, did giving something like that to a man who had just recently learned his daughter was dead seem like a good idea? Wouldn't it have made more sense to wait, or at least give him a more standard strap-on prosthetic made from wood or plastic? Did a grieving father honestly need the pain in his missing limb amplified at that time? Cyborg even states that Roy is "good as new" once he's outfitted with it, and then quickly apologizes for said statement.
- And in Dick's case, having Roy admitted to Virgil House, completely alone. From the way Roy had been acting, Dick should've known that being alone was the last thing he needed at the moment.
- Is handled by Cyborg and Dick Grayson in Rise of Arsenal.
- Island Base: The Titans Tower is on an island.
- Kid Hero: At least the original version of this team. By the Marv Wolfman era, most members had reached college age, but there was still room for teenagers (like Beast Boy and Terra).
- Lawyer-Friendly Cameo: One issue of Teen Titans Spotlight features a nascent Brotherhood of Evil transported to an Alternate Universe where they encounter the post-apocalyptic future selves of Tintin, Captain Haddock, and Professor Calculus, er, that is, "Tin" and his associates.
- Legacy Character: Four Robins, three Kid Flashes, two Wonder Girls, two Speedies, two Aquagirls, two Aqualads.
- Leotard of Power: Every female Titan has worn one at one time or another.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Changeling had a less troublesome case with one of the villains of the Doom Patrol, who was actually his former foster parent. But, as he was an Abusive Parent in his own right, this simply gave him the excuse to fight him even harder.
- Mad Scientist: Doctor Caligan.
- Magic Is Feminine:
- The first female Titan was Donna Troy, whose powers are often connected to Greek deities. Before the first DC reboot, Lilith Clay was a clairvoyant who was revealed to be the daughter of a Titan of myth.
- The New Teen Titans era introduced Raven, a witch whose biological father was a demon. On the villain side, Jinx of the Fearsome Five was one of the only two female characters on the team and was their magic expert.
- The Mole: Subverted with the finalized origin of Terra II. She was sent to the surface world to help Mankind by her people, who were oblivious to the fact that Terra was evil.
- Monster Modesty: Cyborg doesn't wear anything. He used to wear a jump suit hoodie with the hood up, but Beast Boy convinced him he looks better
wearing nothing. The orange-skinned alien Starfire also had elements of this (see below).
- Most Common Superpower: Starfire is the best example. They didn't call her "Balloon Bod" for nothing.
- Motive Decay: The villains of the Fearsome Five. What do they want to do as villains? According to the day, it may be bank robberies, be more powerful, get revenge (either against the Titans or one of their own ranks), or bank robberies again.
- Ms. Fanservice: Starfire was an obvious example in the old days, what with her Innocent Fanservice Girl ways, but Donna Troy often ran around in bikinis as well. Let's just say George Perez liked drawing sexy ladies.
- Next Tier Power-Up: After Beast Boy was briefly Only Mostly Murdered by Deathstroke, the Titans brought him to the Amazons on the chance that their purple ray might be able to heal him. It did, but it briefly made him go berserk and enabled him to accomplish transformations he couldn't before, like dinosaurs. His Bad Future self Animal Man implies he has a whole host of other abilities that he's too afraid to make use of.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!:
- Roy Harper's descent into anti-heroism can be attributed to how out-of-character his family and friends acted during Rise of Arsenal.
- Black Canary, the closest thing to a mother he ever had and the woman who helped him beat his addiction the first time, washed her hands of him and considered him a lost cause. She should've known that being alone was not helping matters. It was with her support that Roy beat his addiction the first time. And when she had the opportunity to fully give that support again after Roy had been pushing her away, she chose not to and gave up on him entirely.
- Cyborg designed him a prosthetic arm that wasn't a "proper" prosthetic because Roy's arm is still infected. The arm is removable, but increases the pain in his stump, greatly hinders his ability as an archer, and he can't wear normal clothes over it.
- Doctor Mid-Nite was completely oblivious to the fact that Roy had been taking pain killers from his supply of medication, never mind how easily Roy was able to take them.
- Donna Troy, Wally West, and Dick Grayson, supposedly his closest friends for years, did nothing to help. Granted, Roy called Donna a whore and said she was a bad mother, but if Donna truly understood the pain Roy was in as she claimed during his daughter's funeral, she'd know people say things they don't mean when they've lost a loved one (and have suffered a horrible injury). She might have wound up the same way he did after her son died, only she had the support of her friends and family. Dick was the one who came up with the idea of having Roy temporarily committed at Virgil House. And Wally, he did absolutely nothing at all.
- Roy Harper's descent into anti-heroism can be attributed to how out-of-character his family and friends acted during Rise of Arsenal.
- The Notable Numeral: The Fearsome Five. Also the Fatal Five-Hundred, from a crossover with the Legion of Superheroes.
- Orwellian Retcon: Brother Blood is a special type of Legacy Character: he is immortal, nothing can kill him, nobody can kill him... except his own son, when he gets to 100 years old. His son takes up the identity of Brother Blood, and will reign as an immortal until his age of 100, and then face a similar curse. But what about the people that pray to him? Even if they witness the fight, they will not even think that there was one man being Brother Blood then and another one now: it is always Brother Blood, who has lived 700 years. All hail Brother Blood!
- Our Mermaids Are Different: Villain named Siren, though she can make her tail into legs.
- Poisonous Person: Plasmus, a walking chemical monster, has the ability to melt people with his touch.
- Power of Friendship: They are all over this trope. They aren't the equals to the JLA or JSA in sheer power. It's their ability to work as a team and the fact that you mess with one, and expect any and all past and present members to show up looking to kick your butt that makes them frightening.
- Precision F-Strike: A downplayed example occurs during issue 50 of the original Silver/Bronze Age run. During an argument with Speedy, Duela Dent calls him a "pompous ass". It's not emphasised in any way, but the fact that the rest of that particular era of Titans comics was mostly campy fare makes it stand out.
- Put on a Bus: With the Flashpoint reboot, all of the Titans save for Cassie, Tim, Connor, Kiran are now gone. Furthermore, even the villains are now on a bus, as Scott Lobdell had announced that his run will not feature a single existing Teen Titan villain. Rose Wilson and Bart Allen are kind of exceptions, but their origins have been changed around note
- Religion of Evil: Brother Blood's Church of Blood.
- Retcon: The New 52's Teen Titans history is... unstable, to say the least. The first year of its publishing had the Teen Titans existing, but dissolved. Teen Titans had Tim reference a previous incarnation of the Teen Titans, and Batwoman had Bette Kane reference being in the Teen Titans and fighting Deathstroke. Red Hood and the Outlaws had Roy mention a team consisting of him, Starfire, Dick, Cyborg and Garth, but it's never called the Teen Titans, though it is obvious it was meant to be them. Reprints and trade collections removed all references to the Teen Titans from these series, and it's retconned that Tim's team is the first. Cyborg doesn't even allude to ever being on any super team aside from the Justice League, where he's now a founding member.
- Revisiting the Roots: There are several arcs the center around reunions of the Fab Five or on their memories.
- Following the end of Teen Titans (1996)note , apparently somebody felt the franchise had gone too far astray, so Devin Grayson's work on The Titans (launched in 1999) and the JLA/Titans crossover preceding it focused greatly on setting up the Fab Five as True Companions and building a new phase of the team based around the Fab Five and their personal nominees.
- Sassy Black Woman: Bumblebee, in the old days.
- Secret Public Identity: Danny Chase, Mal Duncan.
- Sexy Jester: Joker's Daughter, eventually. She started out being pretty hideous (basically, she took after her supposed dad The Joker, with the same really long nose and chin he was drawn with at the time), and got heavy (and aged up) in the mid-80s, but later artists draw her very hot.
- Sidekick Graduations Stick: Nightwing, Arsenal, Troia, The Flash, Flamebird, Tempest, Red Devil, Aquaman III
- The Smurfette Principle: In the first incarnation of the team, there wasn't even one. They were looking for a token girl and they saw that a character called "Wonder Girl" had already been published, so they decided to use her. Somehow they (not to mention their editors!) missed the fact that "Wonder Girl" was actually just Diana as a teenager for something like four or five years real time. She was finally given the first of way too many origin stories in an attempt to fix this mistake. And thus began a grand and glorious tradition of no one having any idea who she is or where she came from.
- Supernatural Fear Inducer: Phobia, a minor enemy of the Teen Titans and sometime member of the Brotherhood of Evil, has this power as her codename indicates.
- Take That!: After leaving DC and going to work for Marvel Comics, Sean McKeever publicly talked about the copious amounts of executive meddling he faced while writing the Teen Titans. In response to the attention the quotes drew and the negative reputation Teen Titans has garnered in recent years, Marvel editor Tom Breevort publicly referred to McKeever's new title, Young Allies (which like Teen Titans is a book about teen superheroes) as "...What you wanted Sean's TEEN TITANS run to be!"[1]
- Token Black
- The book actually had two black cast members in the 70s (initially to be three but
Executive Meddling cut that off), and it was going to be averted with Cyborg and the character who eventually became Starfire in the Wolfman team, but they went with an alien girl instead.
- Averted in Lobdell's run; three of the seven members are minorities.
- The book actually had two black cast members in the 70s (initially to be three but
- Totally Radical: Cropped up in every version from time to time, but especially the original.
"No teen-ager would use "music" in a hip language message! They'd use jive!"
- Underwear of Power: Several, though less nowadays. Best example would be the old Robin costume.
- Even though it was in fact a legless leotard, people (even later writers) seem to think it was just underwear, despite how impractical that is.
- Values Dissonance: In-Universe. Troia had an "anti-evil touch", and tried to use it against Panzer and his group of Neo-Nazis. It did not work: in their twisted view of things, those guys believed in the alleged virtue of their cause, and did not consider themselves evil.
- Villain Protagonist: The Terror Titans in their own miniseries, and much later Deathstroke's team in Titans, most of whom kept indecisively straddling the line between anti-hero, anti-villain, and straight-up villain.
- Wicked Toymaker: The Puppeteer was a villain who used remote controlled marionettes to murder people.
- Yet Another Christmas Carol: Happen in an issue entitled "A Swinging Christmas Carol" involving a stingy junkyard owner, junk smugglers, and a young boy in need of a motorized wheelchair. The Titans work out what's going on halfway through and, entirely undisturbed, take the opportunity to play the ghosts.
- You Can't Fight Fate: Raven spent years knowing that Trigon would eventually assimilate her, and that she would eventually become a demon like him. It finally happened in The Terror of Trigon. Her soul was cleansed from Trigon's evil at the end of the story.
- All the Brothers Blood were cursed with this. They do not age, but at some point, each one's son kill his father and becomes the new Brother Blood, who would be killed by his own son a century later, and so on.
- You Have Failed Me: Do not work as a mook for Trigon, ever. You'll have more chances if you tell Darth Vader that the rebels have escaped.
New Teen Titans
- See New Teen Titans
Teen Titans by Dan Jurgens
Teen Titans (2003)
New 52
- See Teen Titans (2011) and Teen Titans 2014
DC Rebirth
- See Teen Titans (2016) or Titans (2016)
Infinite Frontier
"Sometimes, the more things change, the more things stay the same.
We've been to hell and back together, but our bond remains intact.
Our love.
Our friendship.
Our camaraderie.
Titans Together.
Titans Forever."