The Beauty - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Jun 02 2022
The Beauty is a Horror Comic Book by Jeremy Haun and Jason A. Hurley.
Two years ago, a new sexually-transmitted disease came into the world. Unlike HIV or AIDS, however, there didn't seem to be any downside to this disease. If anything, it seemed quite beneficial to contract it: because infected people immediately have their bodies changed to become beautiful. Now known as "The Beauty", over half the world's population has it, and are advocating it be spread to every human on the planet.
That doesn't necessarily mean everyone wants it, though. In fact, there's as much opposition to getting The Beauty as there is support for it. In the midst of it all, Police Decectives Vaughn and Foster find themselves investigating a series of deaths that seem to involve people infected with the disease. They soon find themselves up against corrupt politicians and corporate executives, on the run from bounty hunters, and trying to help save humanity from a disease it actually wants.
The series was published on August 2nd, 2015.
The Beauty contains examples of:
- Blood from the Mouth: The woman on the subway coughs up some blood into her hand, and has some on the side of her mouth and coming out of her nose before she spontaneously combusts from the inside.
- At the shootout in the meeting with Jocelyn Grace, one of the people shot has blood come out of his mouth.
- Body Horror: Anyone who gets cured of The Beauty, like Detective Vaughn, ends up looking like a severe burn victim. Of course, being infected with The Beauty results in spontaneous combustion from the inside.
- Boom Head Shot: Prepare to see a number of people get shot in the head.
- Jocelyn Grace is shot in the head to keep her from telling her viewers about The Beauty causing spontaneous combustion.
- In one story, Timo kills the janitor of his gang by blowing the top of his head off.
- Ezerae is shown to be quite the markswoman, as shown when she snipes a couple guys on a ship.
- Driven to Suicide: One religious anti-Beauty protester puts a gun to his head after learning he's contracted The Beauty.
- Facial Horror: Mr. Calaveras' real face is quite skeletal-looking when we finally see it.
- Greasy Spoon: Parks and Ezerae like to frequent one when they meet. Ezerae even had a job there for some time.
- Hazmat Suit: CDC Agent Brandon is wearing a hazmat suit in her introductory scene.
- Head Crushing: Timo kills Paolo after gunning down his gang by stomping his head into paste.
- In the Hood: Ezerae is shown in flashbacks to have worn a red hoodie.
- The two serial killers Detectives Vaughn and Foster investigated in their first case also wore hoodies.
- Kids Are Cruel: Ezerae says kids can be assholes, in a picture of Ezerae getting beaten up when she was a kid (and a boy).
- Rapid-Fire "No!": The man fitting Eddie Bennett's description lets out a series of nos when he sees the detectives are pursuing him.
- A religious anti-Beauty protester also lets these out when he learns he's been infected with The Beauty.
- Skeleton Motif: Mr. Calaveras likes to wear a Dia De Los Muertos-style skull mask to hide his rather skeletal-looking face.
- Spontaneous Human Combustion: The first issue begins with a woman combusting on the inside of her body in a subway, and the subsequent investigation into her death. We later find out that Jake Lundy and Eddie Bennett knew for some time that anyone infected with the Beauty would do this within 800 days of infection.
- White Mask of Doom: The first load of people sent to kill the Detectives can be seen wearing white masks.