Valor - TV Tropes

  • ️Wed Jan 30 2019

Valor (Comic Book)

I'm a living time paradox, you see. History—not to mention my own memory—says I'm a crucial player in the development of humanity. I freed the enslaved humanoids that colonized the inhabitable worlds of the galaxy. Without me, the united planets—and the Legion of Super-Heroes—wouldn't exist. But that's thirtieth century history. In the past—now—the twentieth century—I died. Before I did any of that stuff. And history started unravelling. So my future self—me, that is—has been patched into the timestream by the linear men to make sure everything happens the way it should. Don't ask me how—it makes my head hurt just to think about it.

—Lar Gand, Valor #20

Valor is a 1992 comic book series published by DC Comics. It's a Spin-Off of L.E.G.I.O.N. and the Eclipso: The Darkness Within crossover. It stars the titular superhero Lar Gand AKA Valor.

Valor starts on the heels of The Darkness Within, which featured Lar prominently. The book ended during the Zero Hour: Crisis in Time! tie-in crossover End of an Era, crossing over with the other Legion of Super-Heroes books at the time.

For tropes relating to the character in general, see Legion of Super-Heroes: Silver Age.

Valor provides examples of:

  • A God I Am Not: Lar makes sure to tell those who worship him for his power and strength after he's saved them that he's just a man. Glorith is attracted to the way people worship him and it is the reason she decides to try to force him to join her.
  • All for Nothing: Lar gives in and decides to allow himself to be trapped in the Twilight dimension for a second thousand years of torture to patch the broken time-stream when his younger self is killed by Glorith, but he has to try and do all of the things he was meant to be doing while he was being slowly killed. In the end when he comes out of the dimension instead of having his friends there waiting for him it's to a broken world where time is constantly shifting and no one can properly remember their own history, who they're married to or who is dead at the moment, and Lar and the others keep almost fading from reality, until most of the Legion is gone anyway.
  • Alternate Timeline: As time falls apart Lar gets visions of other timelines, some of which are from other periods in DC's publishing history and some of which never happened.
  • Big Bad: Glorinth, who poses as Lar's girlfriend before trying to destroy the Legion and tries to force him to chose between ruling with her or dying. In the end however it turns out Time Trapper is the actual cause of the decaying timelines, which means its likely Glorinth wouldn't have been able to kill Lar and would have had to go through with her fate in the original timeline of trapping him for a thousand years without killing him without T.T.'s interference.
  • Chronoscope: Rip Hunter and co. are tracking and trying to shore up the cracks and alterations to the timeline using one.
  • Cool Starship: Lar Gand's star cruisers Pilgrim One and Pilgrim Two, the ship Kilowog built out of the mostly destroyed Pilgrim One when Lar brought Alia to Oa for medical care while his powers were on the fritz.
  • Delayed Ripple Effect: When Lar's contributions to history get whipped out things start fading and disappearing at different rates, first computer records, then memories starting with those who knew him the least, then the billions of people who'd never been born since he didn't rescue their ancestors from the Dominators and help them set up refugee colonies—starting with Cosmic Boy— and then the rest of the Legion and people from their era because without him their time period would have been entirely unrecognizable.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: Shadow Lass is fatally injured in the fight with Mordru and fades out of reality while Lar is holding her.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Lar surrenders to another thousand horrific years in the Twilight dimension to patch the broken time stream and undo his friends' erasure from history. He refuses at first since he remember his first trip there, and unfortunately even his sacrifice doesn't fix what was broken when his younger self was killed before completing his destiny.
  • The Hero Dies: The young version of Lar whose been the star of the series is killed by Glorith, he's replaced by a much older version of himself who'd been time traveling in a failed attempt to patch the very large break in the timestream his early death causes, and then that version allows himself to fade out after Shadow Lass dies.
  • Indulgent Fantasy Segue: Lobo spends several pages while Lar is offering him a hand up and apologizing for starting a fight over Lobo insulting his ship imagining different ways to dismember Lar before discarding them as not feasible due to Lar's invulnerability. In the end he decides to trash the ship, so they get to fight properly because Lar isn't about to let him.
  • Inkblot Test: The series starts out with Lar Gand being given an inkblot test, during which he proceeds to lie about what the shapes remind him, claiming things like butterflies, when really they remind him of his time with Eclipso when the villain took over his body. When the therapist is about to give up on his obvious lies he somewhat accidentally answers that one reminds him of his father and gets the therapy session running again.
  • Let's You and Him Fight: Lar is constantly punching and picking fights with people he could get along with or at least be allied with if he'd just try talking to people first. He starts trying to be more careful about this when his powers start going haywire.
  • Posthumous Character: Lar's father sacrificed his life to convince Daxam to turn on the alien alliance and aid earth during Invasion! prior to the start of the series.
  • Properly Paranoid: Lar's therapist seems irritated that he's so guarded during their therapy sessions, but given that she works for Lex Luthor and Luthor is watching and manipulating their sessions he's probably not guarded enough.
  • Ret-Gone: It becomes apparent somethings gone horribly wrong when the Legion's records suddenly are missing all mention of Lar, despite the fact that he was instrumental in many of their worlds ever being populated. Then the Legionaries start forgetting him and fading from the timeline, Brainiac 5 has a bit of a meltdown as he realizes time itself has been badly damaged, and while he comes up with a possible way to repair it he too fades before he can implement it.
  • Ripple Effect Indicator: There are a few, like disappearing from records, but the most stark is when people start just fading away right in front of their friend's eyes.
  • Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: Lars holds on to his memory longer than the others in the 30th century as time falls apart, but it doesn't last:

    Tasmia: This is going to sound stupid but...I have this feeling, and...are we, um, married?

    Lar Gand: I remember you, looking so beautiful...your hands in mine...but I don't know...I can't remember for sure.

  • Rubber-Band History: Time is described by Waverider and Brainiac 5 as something flexible which will generally repair itself and find ways to keep close as possible to the original despite the meddling of time travelers. Unfortunately it got stretched to the breaking point.
  • Sapient Ship: Pilgrim One has a slightly sarcastic male AI named Babbage who is generally unimpressed with Lar even when Lar manages to save the ship despite Babbage calculating it to be doomed. He doesn't care for the risks Lar takes to protect the ship even though those risks are precisely to save Babbage, since Lar is fairly invulnerable. Part of the issue is that Babbage is programmed by and loyal to Luthor.
  • Stable Time Loop: Lar and Waverider try to fix the timeline by having the Lar from the future do everything the murdered modern era Lar was supposed to do (and which future Lar already did in his own past) and while it appears to have helped at first, with the Legion's timeline briefly stabilizing, time starts falling apart shortly thereafter.
  • Temporal Paradox: Too many of these build up, and Lar was too important too far too many people's lives for his timeline being drastically and repeatedly altered to go unnoticed so time starts falling apart.
  • Time Crash: Everything after leaving earth is ultimately leading to Zero Hour: Crisis in Time!, at which point time was borked it had to be rebooted, and reality starts falling apart in earnest in the last few issues. It doesn't help that both characters that could be described at the biggest villain of this series are intentionally messing around with time, causing massive damage to the integrity of the time stream.
  • Time Master: Glorith's powers allow her to warp time, age people (or parts of their biology) prematurely, de-age them, and grab things from other points in the timestream.
  • Time Travel: The Legion travels to the past to try to fix whatever's happened to turn Lar into a short footnote in history about a guy who had a short superhero career and died young instead of helping to found multiple civilizations of refugees and then getting stuck in a limbo for a thousand years before joining the Legion.
  • Variant Chess: Lar describes and flashes back to playing Paragon, a chess-like game native to Daxam.
  • We Can Rule Together: Glorith's whole plan hinged on making Lar have to agree to team up with her and become her lover and fellow galactic conqueror in order to live. He turns her down and dies due to the way she's sped up the effects of his lead poisoning, meaning she killed the man she "loved" instead.
  • We ARE Struggling Together: Between Lar's impulsive brashness, Lobo's rude barely reigned in murderous tendencies and Brainiac II's disinterested jerky behavior it's no wonder Lar didn't last in L.E.G.I.O.N. Brainiac offers to repair his ship and then sets the auto pilot to take him to a prison that's all set to depower him and pays the warden to keep him there for life, and he hadn't even started any fights with Brainiac at the time.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: As Waverider says:

    Like it or not you are a child of destiny[...]Haven't you wondered about the familiarity of this Khund attack? Before Glorith fouled history, this was young Valor's very next mission! He—you—vaporized this prototype craft![...]Despite your best efforts your flight here wasn't random. You're still at fate's mercy. You can't reject your destiny Valor. You're seizing it...whether you realize it or not.