Vanya the Lost Warrior - TV Tropes

  • ️Sun Mar 05 2023

Vanya the Lost Warrior (Comic Book)

Vanya the Lost Warrior is a sci-fi comic created by Mike Tener and Zoran Jovovich, and published by Bad Bug Media.

In the late 23rd century, time travel has been perfected, to the point that the military now regularly sends recruits into the prehistoric past for extreme wilderness training as humanity prepares to colonize other worlds. These recruits are called the Time Guard, and those who succeed are offered a place on one of the new colonies.

Vanya Tepanov is one such recruit. To secure a place for herself and her girlfriend Serah, she agrees to go on a one-year mission to the distant past, with no weapons, no gear, and no back-up.

Unfortunately for her, during her absence, Earth is attacked by the Terridians, and now she and a newly-deputized Serah must find the other Time Guards and find a new way home. She also has to contend with the Bone King, a renegade Time Guard who has formed a cult in the past and doesn't want his peers interfering.

This series contains examples of:

  • Big Bad: The Bone King is a renegade Time Guard who has started his own cult in the past. With the surviving humans from the future now flooding the past, he seeks to wipe out the other Time Guards so that he can maintain control over his cult.
  • Everyone Has Lots of Sex: A lot of the Time Guards who manage to link up in the past end up screwing each other, simply because there's not a lot of other recreational opportunities.
  • Mundane Utility: In the future presented in this series, human have figured out how to travel through time. They use it for wilderness training.
  • Porn with Plot: There is an actual plot to the series, with the last surviving humans from the future trying to survive in the prehistoric past, but there's also a lot of detailed sex.
  • Time Travel: By 2288 AD, time travel has become so commonplace that the military uses it for wilderness training.
  • Time Traveler's Dinosaur: Time travel has become so commonplace by 2288 AD that the military regularly jettisons people in prehistoric times for extreme wilderness training. The series centers around one such trainee, Vanya Tepanov, who becomes stranded in the prehistoric wilderness after an alien invasion in the future leaves her with nowhere to return to. Naturally several species of dinosaur make an appearance.