X-Men: Black - TV Tropes
- ️Wed Oct 03 2018
Magneto's mugshot.
An anthology series in five parts released in October 2018. Each installment is focused on a specific supervillain:
- X-Men: Black - Magneto #1
- "The Stars, Our Destination?", written by Chris Claremont, with art by Dalibor Talajic.
- X-Men: Black - Mojo #1
- "Mojo Rising," written by Scott Aukerman, with art by Nick Bradshaw and Andre Lima Araujo.
- X-Men: Black - Mystique #1
- "One Short Day," written by Seanan McGuire, with art by Marco Failla.
- X-Men: Black - Juggernaut #1
- "Stoppable," written by Robbie Thompson, with art by Shawn Crystal.
- X-Men: Black - Emma Frost #1
- "Hunger is Productive," written by Leah Williams, with art by Chris Bachalo.
In addition, after each main story is a backup story about Apocalypse called "Degeneration," written by Zac Thompson and Lonnie Nadler, with art by Geraldo Borges.
It takes place after X-Men: Blue and X-Men: Gold.
X-Men: Black contains examples of the following tropes:
- A God Am I: Played With. En Sabah Nur argues that he can't be experiencing what he's experiencing, because such things simply don't happen to gods.
- Being Human Sucks: Apocalypse definitely feels this way as his body turns from metallic into ordinary flesh.
- Body Horror: En Sabah Nur experiments on live humans, looking for a way to turn their bodies worthy of him.
- This trope later happens to himself
- Continuity Nod: Juggernaut's focus issue alludes to seven other jewels of Cytorrak making a set of eight, which both references The Jewels of Cytorrak novel where other jewels were introduce and the Octessence bet Cytorrak had with other magical benefactors.
- Commonality Connection: Mojo and the Glob bond over not being conventionally (or unconventionally) attractive.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: The internment camps for mutant children in Texas, where they are separated from their parents and prevented from interacting with the outside world, despite a complete lack of charges or convictions.
- Even Evil Has Standards: In Mojo's issue, when he sees a little girl about to be run over by a man who is texting whilst driving, he instinctively leaps in and saves her by stopping the car with his Super-Strength. He also verbally chews the driver out for not paying attention whilst driving. Before that, he is offended by the one racist old man who insults Glob for being a mutant.
- Evil Is Petty: In her focus issue, Mystique is shown making peoples' lives miserable wherever she goes, stealing money and ruining reputations just for the sake of it.
- Fighting Down Memory Lane: Juggernaut's issue has Cytorrak put him through a mental trial where he fights memories of all his previous opponents and eventually reconnects with the personification of his Unstoppable Rage, which takes the form of himself as a child.
- For the Evulz: As Mystique's narration makes clear, her main reason for all the horrible things she does in her focus issue, from ruining a politician's reputation to framing a girl for mass-murder, are done mostly for the sake of amusement and being cruel.
- How We Got Here: The first issue opens with Magneto in a diner, then cuts to 24 hours earlier when he learned his reason for being there.
- I Am a Monster: Discussed by Magneto, who speculates that maybe he is, but ultimately he is just a man fighting to protect his people, just like the humans he is addressing.
- Kick the Dog: In her focus issue, Mystique rescues a scared mutant girl from a Trask Industries facility and helps her to safety... only so she can frame that girl for all the Trask employees that Mystique murdered by mixing rat poison into the building's water supply. And she only did that because she felt like being cruel.
- Love Redeems: Mojo develops a crush on a girl and interrupts his own broadcast to save her. Which is a pretty big deal for him.
- Manipulative Bitch: Emma Frost's focus issue has her persuade the X-Men to help her take down the Hellfire Club as a mutual threat after they're left vulnerable from Magneto's efforts. This was all so she could directly take out Shaw and assume control after anyone who wouldn't comply to her rule was taken out.
- Morality Pet: Kate for Magneto. He refrains from murder for her sake.
- Ann for Mojo.
- Non-Human Humanoid Hybrid: The Half-Sentient from Mojo: Black, which is the result of a Sentinel and a Mindless One who were imprisoned in Mojo's personal menagerie falling in love and doing the nasty. Lampshade Hanging is hung that this is ridiculous, but Mojo assures the X-Men that he saw it happen.
- Not Me This Time: A variant in Mojo: Black. Major Domo unleashes the Half-Sentient on the X-Academy and kidnaps Ann because he thinks Mojo has an evil plan in mind. In fact, Mojo has no such plan and was simply hanging out with Glob for companionship and trying to get a date with Ann.
- Older Than They Look: One of the diner guests points out that Erik looks too young to be a Holocaust survivor. Erik claims it's because of good genes.
- Pet the Dog: Both Magneto and Mojo are shown in a much less villainous light in their focus issues, with Magneto's encouragement to the daughter of a dead female astronaut and Mojo saving a little girl from being hit by a car. Subverted with Mystique, whose issue shows her engaging in Kick the Dog instead.
- She Is the King: Emma Frost's issue ends with her being declared the new Black King of the Hellfire Club.
- The Social Darwinist: Apocalypse's brand appears to be Jerk Justifications.
- The Starscream: Juggernaut's issue ends with him considering one day overthrowing Cytorrak.
- Tomato in the Mirror: Magneto suggests that this could happen to any of the humans who consider mutants a menace.
- Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Invoked in Mojo: Black; nobody except one old racist man really bats an eye at Glob Herman, or at Mojo, who is poorly disguised in a Conspicuous Trenchcoat. Mojo is even able to score a date with Ann because, as she says, he's not even the weirdest guy to ask her out that month.
- Would Not Hit a Girl: Normally, Mags is Would Hit a Girl, but this time he's hesitant.
- Villain Episode: The series is an anthological focus on various iconic X-Men enemies with a secondary story running between them about Apocalypse.
- Villains Out Shopping: Mojo: Black revolves around Mojo trying to ask a girl on a date and hanging out with Glob Herman. It also has a flashback to Mojo's first meeting with Ann, when he was simply taking stroll through the streets of New York.
- You Remind Me of X: Kate reminds Magneto of her name sister, Kitty Pryde.
- A sentinel-operator reminds him of Anya, Kitty, and Kate.