Batman - TV Tropes
- ️Wed Feb 20 2013
Crazy-Prepared in this franchise.
Why would you need to repel whales and manta rays? In your helicopter?
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Batman in Comics
- Batman apparently spends most of his time devising contingency plans to use in the event that he has to fight a given individual, to the point that it's widely said that Batman can beat anyone or anything "if he's prepared". For example, he carries a chunk of Kryptonite on his utility belt at all times, "just in case". He also prepares himself to an unhealthy extent, regularly injecting himself with antitoxins in the off chance a poison-wielding villain might attack him, and training most of his day. It should be noted that Superman gave Batman a Kryptonite ring because he trusted Batman with it and knew that the day might come when that ring might be needed.
- Batman has come up with some supervillain specific countermeasures. In Batman: Endgame, he shows that he stores samples of antidotes he's made for Joker toxin in the Batcave in case Joker ever comes around. When he has to fight a mind controlled hero named Gotham whose powers are similar to Superman's, Batman reveals that he has a way to instantly call in the Justice League and does so. All-Star Batman shows that he developed a biochemical compound to help Harvey Dent control his Two-Face persona which he successfully puts to use. The Hush storyline shows that his cowl has virtual access to criminal medical records which he uses to take down thugs working for Killer Croc.
- Dick Grayson (Nightwing/the first Robin) is also highly prepared. In the first volume of the threepart series Trinity, a villain by the name of Swashbuckler steals Nightwing's mask. Which Grayson promptly has destroyed via an explosive charge set for voice activation. The command phrase was only "Autodestruct."
- Batman has attempted to be prepared in case of the inevitable superhero Face–Heel Turn, most notably in two infamous incidents. In JLA: Tower of Babel, it was mainly confined to the League. The second was shortly after Identity Crisis (2004) where Batman decided to secretly tab every superhero/metahuman on Earth he could, so he built the Brother Eye program to monitor them. Both blew up in his face horribly (Ra's found and used the files and Brother Eye was hijacked by Max Lord and, later, Alexander Luthor).
- Tim Drake, Robin III, is similarly prepared. In his own comic, while fighting another vigilante, they fall through the roof into a bowling alley, with Tim landing on an enormous display bowling ball. He stands up, and uses his feet to start rolling it toward his opponent, thinking, "Believe it or not, I actually trained for this. I told Bruce it was stupid at the time. We'll have a good laugh when I get back home."
- Tim defeated Lady Shiva. Lady Shiva who's the best Assassin in the world, and (aside from Bronze Tiger and Richard Dragon) probably the best martial artist in the world. You wanna know how? He had poisoned some complimentary chocolates from the hotel she was staying at, before she wrote the letter challenging him. The poison was a paralytic triggered by an increased heart rate. Like in a fight. Against Robin.
- In one issue of Young Justice (1998), the new team goes on a camping trip to get to know each other better. Around the campfire they start a game of "truth or dare," and Superboy promptly dares Robin to remove his domino mask. He does... revealing another domino mask underneath. He admits that he had put the extra mask on before they left, figuring that this game would come up.
Arrowette: You were toilet trained at six months, weren't you...
- In an issue of Red Robin Tim is able to drop himself Stephanie and Prudence into the hidden basement of one of his safe houses right before it's blown up by the League of Assassins because he's already installed his own explosives under the floor in sets designed to drop out a circle of the floor without blowing up whoever was standing on it.
- In an issue of The Batman Adventures, a criminal "artist" named Kim escapes from Arkham and begins leaving clues at crime scenes in a manner reminiscent of The Riddler. Riddler is furious that someone is stealing his gimmick and tracks Kim down himself. As they fight, Riddler asks what all the "clues" were supposed to mean. Kim reveals that they were actually references to an art film by a foreign director, and he was merely making an artistic statement. Riddler rants about how that is completely pointless, as nobody will ever understand such a reference, and the point of leaving clues is to give your opponent a fighting chance. Whereupon Batman shows up and reveals that he understood the clues just fine. When asked why he would watch random films and memorize the biographical information of their directors, Batman replied "In case I had to."
- In one issue of JLA, the Martian Manhunter has shapeshifted into a Japanese woman using the name Hino Rei. Batman recognises J'onn instantly, and mentions that "the name is a giveaway". Yes, Batman knows enough about Sailor Moon to spot the name of Sailor Mars. Amusingly, this is because Mark Millar got pranked; he asked a friend for a Japanese woman's name that would translate out to 'Poet of Mars', thus establishing Batman's linguistics genius; instead his friend deliberately gave him the secret ID of Sailor Mars, and so Millar inadvertently established Batman's otaku cred.
- Batman's crazy preparation is shown to an extreme in the Batman R.I.P. storyline, in which we find that in case of psychological attack, he has created a backup personality known as "The Batman of Zur-En-Arrh". Said personality might actually be crazy, making this a literal example. This is not, however, the first time he's done something like this. In a Gotham Knights story, Bruce uses a contingency plan that involves hypnotizing himself to essentially strip the Batman part of his identity and leave only the Bruce Wayne part, in case someone found out and he needed to take extra measures to convince them (and others) otherwise.
- In Batman #666, it's shown that in a possible Bad Future, Damian Wayne would become Batman. However, since he knows he's not as skilled as his predecessors, he makes up for it by booby-trapping every major building in Gotham in case he has to fight there.
- Rather infamously in JLA 59 Batman engineered the defeat of Polaris to end with the JLA victorious, Superman's healing accelerated by the hole in the ozone layer and himself standing on a teleportation disk he had hidden in the Arctic for just such an occasion. Appropriately he ends the comic with the words "always plan ahead".
- In an issue of Superman/Batman, it is revealed that Batman carries around a lead-lined mirror just in case Superman ever turns evil and Batman can't avoid his heat vision. Because, you know, that situation comes up so often.
- During the Hush arc, it is revealed that if he is ever knocked unconscious, his helmet will release tear gas on anyone brave enough to reach for his mask, as well as his suit tasering anyone stupid enough to touch him. The taser shows up in The Dark Knight.
- Lampshaded by Jaime Reyes, the Blue Beetle, in a teamup with Batman in The Brave and the Bold. An enemy has just ambushed them by essentially spawning an arctic blizzard ramped up to eleven above them, causing them to get buried in a few meters of snow. After Beetle breaks out and stops the blizzard by scaring off their attacker...
Blue Beetle: Batman! Hold on! I'll find you and get you out! Can you break out the Bat-Snowblower or something?
(minor explosion)
(Batman digs his way out of the hole caused by the explosion)
Blue Beetle: (in awe) Please don't tell me you actually have a Bat-Snowblower...
Batman: Heating flare capable of melting through ice in a hurry. You'd be surprised what you pack after going up against Mr. Freeze enough times. - Further demonstrated in an issue of Superman/Batman where the world is under the control of Gorilla Grodd except for Batman. Batman's arm is robotic and Superman is gone in space because the atmosphere has Kryptonite in it. By the end of some long convoluted scheme that proves enough how Crazy-Prepared Batman is, it turns out that it was just a simulation of that potential scenario just in case and Batman reveals to Alfred that he does these all the time.
- There was an Elseworlds comic called JSA: The Liberty Files which had alternate reality versions of Batman, Hourman, and Dr. Mid-Nite on a train in their civilian identities. They were simply eating dinner when they were suddenly attacked by a villain. Batman, as Bruce Wayne, opens his jacket and throws two grenades. One of the heroes remarks, "You brought grenades to dinner?" to which Bruce replied, "I needed them, didn't I?".
- In one issue of Gotham Adventures, Harley Quinn writes a trashy romance novel that controls the mind of whoever reads it. Tim and Barbara were controlled while Bruce wasn't. Why? He wore leather gloves while reading it.
- Batman Does Not Like Guns, but he still takes his proteges to the firing range. When asked why, Batman explained that it's useful to know as much about guns as possible even if he doesn't use them.
- In one The Brave and the Bold comic, Batman reveals that he keeps a one-way one-shot handheld teleporter preset to the vicinity of a black hole in his utility belt. Just in case.
- Jean-Paul Valley, during his time as Batman, was certainly this. Emphasis on "Crazy": he rigged the Batmobile to self-destruct and set up lethal dart launchers in the grandfather clock entrance.
- Forever Evil (2013): A plot point is that Batman created contingency plans in case he ever needed to take down the Justice League. He and Catwoman end up having to recycle the plans to use them against the Crime Syndicate, the JLA's Mirror Universe counterpart.
- In Batman: Endgame, Bruce finally ends up having to put his contingency plans to use when the members of the Justice League are taken over by The Joker.
- In Secret Six Deadshot is speaking to a priest, trying to understand why he has recently felt such strong urges to just kill everybody he sees, and he relates the story of the first time he fought Batman. At the climax he has Batman dead to rights at point-blank range and shoots him the chest, but Batman does not die as planned and then disarms and apprehends Deadshot. The priest then asked how Batman survived the encounter. Did Deadshot miss? Did the bullets bounce off him? No, he explains that the answer is actually scarier than a person who can dodge bullets or withstand gunshots: Batman had foreseen an eventual confrontation between the two of them, gotten to Deadshot's gear before the fight and replaced his bullets with blanks!
- As of DC Rebirth, it's revealed that Batman has a Batcave on the moon to store particularly special equipment including the Hellbat suit he raided Apokolips with. It works out in the Kent family's favor when Lois discovers the suit and subsequently uses it to defend her son from the Eradicator. The one time he used it himself, he managed to rampage across Apokolips and fought Darkseid for a limited time to get Damian's body back.
- In Justice League Volume 4, the Moon is pulling apart the Earth's surface, and the League needs to destroy it.
Martian Manhunter: Can you activate the bombs you long ago planted inside as I make impact?
Batman: Bombs? In the Moon? Why would I—
Martian Manhunter: Bruce.
Batman: ...Fine. - The Batman Who Laughs, a nightmare version of Batman who gained the bloodthirst and absence of morals of the Joker from the Dark Multiverse, takes this trope to its horrifying maximum, especially in Dark Nights: Death Metal. No matter what progress the heroes make, he planned for it and they've actually fallen into a trap. The first time around, he's defeated by something no Batman, no matter how fallen, would prepare for: Batman and Joker working together. In one of the many one-shots tying into Death Metal, Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last 52: War of the Multiverses, TBWL gets into an amusing I Know You Know I Know exchange with his prime counterpart. See, prime Batman is using a Black Lantern Ring to try to use TBWL's abandoned dead body (the actual TBWL is in the body of a Bruce with Doctor Manhattan's powers). However, the corpse unexpectedly fights against Batman, explaining he had a Black Lantern Ring of his own. Then Batman reveals that he planned for that and took a page from Jason Blood's Book of Necromancy. Then TBWL reveals that he planned for that and cured his suit with Lazarus Pit oil. Then Batman reveals he planned for that and doused the body with a counteragent.
- Batman's alternate universe counterpart "The Grim Knight", from Dark Nights: Metal, takes the crazy-preparedness up to eleven, even for a Batman. Imagine the tactical genius of Batman combined with the ruthless attitude of the Punisher, and you'd be in the ballpark. The Grim Knight is so prepared, in fact, he has managed to weaponize the city of Gotham itself. He's prepared weapon caches all over the city, along with fake ones that he can detonate on command, which he eventually uses to kill several police officers who come after him. Remote-controlled gun turrets, poison dispersal units in the city's water supply, hackable medical implants, one of which he uses to kill a corrupt judge, and even Explosive Leash implants in anyone close to him, including Alfred. All this is on top of near-universal city surveillance systems and combat training on par with regular Bats himself.
- Discussed in Superman/Supergirl: Maelstrom: As trying to repair their broken starship, Supergirl finds schematics inside the vehicle. Superman comments it was Batman's idea.
Supergirl: "Finally, I started rooting through the ship for something to help me repair. I found schematics. Not that I'm any kind of mechanic, but..."
Superman: "Batman."
Supergirl: "Huh? He's like a billion miles away. Are you hallucinating again?"
Superman: "It was Batman's idea to have schematics onboard the ship in case something happened."
Supergirl: "That man is always prepared for the worst." - In The Supergirl-Batgirl Plot, Batmite posing as Batgirl steals everything from the Batcave, but fortunately Batman had his Batplane parked on a concealed runway outside the cave...meaning that, in the event that someone finds and loots his super-secret base, he has an extra backup super-secret base.
- Batman/Superman: World's Finest: Parodied. When Batman wants Robin to meet up with the House of Ji -a group of sixteenth-century heroes-, and the latter sarcastically replies he forgot carrying his portable time-travel machine with him, Negative Man believes Robin is in fact serious.
Batman: "Robin, I need you to meet the House of Ji and learn firsthand exactly how they defeated Nezha."
Robin: "You know I left my Bat-Time-Travel Ray in my other belt, right?"
Negative Man: "Do you really ha—"
Robin: "No." - In Batman (Chip Zdarsky), it's revealed that the Killer Robot Failsafe was created by Bruce's backup personality, the Batman of Zur-En-Arrh, in the possibility that Batman went rogue as a result of the events of JLA: Tower of Babel. Tim Drake lampshades this with incredulity.
- In fact, that arc and the fallout might even be a Deconstruction of when contingencies go wrong as the whole thing only happened when confronted by how his paranoid tendencies backfired on him and his allies all the way back in Tower of Babel.
Batman in Live-Action
- This was done to ridiculous extents in the '60s Adam West Batman, where, instead of being simply prepared, Batman had a wacky gadget for every situation. This came to a ridiculous head in Batman: The Movie, where Batman is attacked by a shark while hanging from a helicopter, but thankfully, the helicopter has a canister of shark repellent bat-spray. The shot of the cabin reveals the helicopter also has barracuda, whale and manta ray repellent sprays. As Batman: The Brave and the Bold puts it in "Mayhem of the Music Meister":
Black Manta: Even without shark repellent...
Clock King: ...He's tougher than he seems!- In an episode where Batman and Robin are saved by a seal, using a live fish Batman had in his utility belt. Robin asks "Where did you get a live fish?" Batman says "The true crimefighter always carries everything he needs in his utility belt, Robin."note
- Alphabet Soup Bat Container.
- To survive an attack by Mr. Freeze, in one episode he and Robin have on their Bat Thermal Underwear!
- To counter the situation of being captured as Bruce Wayne, he carries around dehydrated Batsuit tablets, so that he can turn into Batman given a glass of water.
- When The Joker tried to hypnotize the Dynamic Duo using his hypnosis box, it doesn't work. Robin informs the Joker they had taken their Bat-Anti-Hypnosis Pills from the Bat-Pill Dispenser on their Bat-Utility Belts!
- Parodied
in a DC/Wildstorm crossover miniseries. The members of Planetary are fighting various Alternate Universe incarnations of Batman, and at one point the Adam West version uses a can of "BAT-FEMALE-VILLAIN-REPELLENT" on Jakita Wagner.
- This is parodied in an episode of The Simpsons where Krusty is a guest-villain in an old rerun of Batman. Krusty's plan is to spin Batman and Robin on a carousel so rapidly that they will apparently "blush themselves to death". Fortunately, Batman happens to have a can of Carousel Reversal Spray with him.
Krusty: Uh, what don't you have in that belt?!
Batman: Patience! For harlequin hoodlums like yourself! - In the very first episode where bars of a window high above the ground needed to be welded, Batman told Robin not to drop them due to pedestrian safety. He then used a bat-hanger to hang those bars.
- He also had all-purpose bat-swatter in case of an insect attack.
- When Egghead subdued Batman and Robin with laughing gas, Batman counteracted the gas' effects with..."Sad Pills". The only side effect is that it makes Batman and Robin cry.
- Another episode saw a convoluted plot to irradiate Batman's cowl (turning it pink in the process, for some reason) so that the villain could steal it (oh, and, also unmask Batman in the process). Elaborate security measures are set up so Batman can safely remove his irradiated cowl, which the villain has infiltrated to steal it. . . but Batman wears a backup cowl under his actual cowl!
- In the 1989 Batman movie, the Batplane is outfitted with oversized scissor blades to steal and then cut the tethers of the poison-filled balloons in The Joker's parade. Okay, but why would you have giant scissors at all if you didn't know you'd one day have to use them at a holiday parade? Or at least for cutting some kind of aerial cable, most of which would probably be tethered down, and make the Batplane crash?
- In Batman Forever,
- The Batmobile comes equipped with grappling hooks of its own so it can escape dead ends by climbing walls.
- Batman has a lot of his wonderful toys on the lower floor, just in case the regular Batcave is destroyed. Including the Batplane and Batboat. In the comic novelization, Alfred explicitly calls it "The Cave Under The Cave."
- Batman carries an entire handful of spare coins, just in case he has the chance to fake out one of Two-Face's signature coin flips. Of course in this case, he knew that he was heading to confront Two-Face and the coin was pointed out to be an Achilles' Heel earlier, so this one makes sense.
- In Batman & Robin,
- Batman and Robin run into Mr Freeze for the first time and slip on his ice. They then reveal that they had ice skates hidden in their boots, despite there being no possible reason for them to ever install/use them before Mr Freeze, who they didn't know about before he showed up.
- Alfred shows this too after learning he has a fatal disease, sets his affairs in order by getting one of his family members to take over his duties at Wayne Manor. When his niece Barbra arrives, she ends up finding the batcave where a computer program Alfred wrote had contingencies in place should she find it and had constructed a Batgirl suit that fit her perfectly.
- In The Dark Knight, the Joker was often better prepared than Batman himself. It helps that he's both a Manipulative Bastard, fond of the Indy Ploy, and completely insane.
- The long-awaited smackdown at the center of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice involves Batman donning a suit of Powered Armor in order to go toe-to-toe with the Man of Steel, along with strategically placed weaponry. It is a subversion in that it's not that much of an advantage: if Superman was truly intending to take out Batman rather than talk, the Dark Knight would have been soundly beaten. Then again, as soon as the Kryptonite Factor kicks in, Supes is weakened enough that Batman can overpower him in a physical battle (though the gas only lasts for a short time).
Batman in Animation
- Batman: Assault on Arkham: Alfred informs Bruce about a yellow alert from Arkham, so Bruce checks the security footage. He notices that the guards on the footage aren’t supposed to be there. The movie takes place on a Friday, and the guards Batman sees in the tape are supposed to be the Thursday crew. Therefore, Batman's looking at an old surveillance tape, not the latest one, so Arkham has therefore been compromised. Apparently, Batman took the time to learn not just the identities of all the guards in Arkham, but also their work schedules.
- Batman: Under the Red Hood:
- Nightwing is yet again Crazy Prepared. Of all the things to carry around in his utility belt, all the cool gadgets, and he just so happens to carry a staple gun with him. Because you never know when you might need to staple something!
- The Red Hood's helmet can explode, just in case he needs his helmet to explode.
- The Batman (2004):
- The episode "Seconds" starred someone-totally-not-the-Clock-King-or-Chronos who could rewind time and relive a battle every time he loses, correcting any mistakes — the equivalent of emulator-Save Scumming. This power allowed him to fight Batman to a draw.
- The episode "Artifacts" shows that Batman engraved binary code into the Batcave's titanium supports to preserve an AI version of himself even if the electronics failed (as they did by the time the cave was discovered a thousand years in the future).
- The series finale "Lost Powers" has a rather odd case where this comes in handy. Aliens have stolen the powers of Justice League of America members, and the methods Batman devised to defeat them are used by the superheroes they were originally planned for.
- Taken to Crazy Is Cool levels while lampshaded in the Batman Beyond episode "Black Out". When the shapeshifter Inque hitches a ride to the Batcave incognito by blending in with the paint, the computers detect the weight imbalance of a lone shapeshifter on a vehicle which has to weigh many tons. She shows herself, so Bruce quickly dons a large hat and sunglasses to hide himself (a Continuity Nod; it was the original Gray Ghost uniform). Inque is eager to find out where she is exactly, so she tries to escape through the access tunnel. The following ensues:
Terry: She's trying to escape! (Bruce pushes a button, steel doors close over the tunnel.)
Bruce: It pays to be prepared.
Inque: Somebody's got a secret. (She tries to pull the door off.)
Terry: She's getting through! (Bruce pushes another button, door becomes electrified.) Man. You really are prepared.
Bruce: (Cue Inque slithering up to the ceiling.) She won't get through that way either, there's a foot of solid steel up there. - Batman: The Brave and the Bold gives us this conversation:
Jaime: OK OK, here's one. Poison Ivy has used her Mind Control spores on Superman to pit him against Batman. Oh, and Batman has no kryptonite. Who wins?
Paco: Easy: Superman.
Jaime: Wrong, Batman, by using his kryptonite.
Paco: You just said he had no kryptonite.
Jaime: Trick question. Batman always has kryptonite.- This is also a Shout-Out — the very situation actually came up in The Batman.
You can stun Superman. It just takes a lot of electricity.
- This is also a Shout-Out to the Hush story arc, when Poison Ivy does just that to Supes in an elaborate plan of Hush's to corner Bruce into trusting him. Batman tricks Superman into punching into the power cables for all of Metropolis. And then snaps him out of mind control by having Catwoman drop Lois Lane out a window, so that his subconscious desire to protect her will break through the effect of the Ivy-spores.
- There's a fantastic example in the first season finale, where it appears that he has planned for the specific situation of "forced to team up with the Joker and use a back-up vehicle" by including a Big Red Button in that vehicle that would spray knock-out gas into the passenger seat, knowing that Joker wouldn't be able to resist pushing it.
- Joker himself shows tendencies of this. When Batman put him in handcuffs, he revealed that he was wearing fake, detachable hands (as well as having a number of other handy objects up his sleeve).
- In one of the later episodes, Batman reveals that he actually has at least one back-up Batcave, which he and the JLI use as a hideout during Darkseid's invasion of Earth.
- In general, the campy, tongue-in-cheek tone of Brave and the Bold allowed them to get away with more preposterous instances of Crazy-Prepared that would seem over-the-top even in the mainstream comics. This includes a can of Easy Amnesia spray, a Batsuit with a built-in life support system and jetpack in case of space emergencies, and a Batmobile that transforms into a Mini-Mecha in case of superhuman smack downs!
- This is also a Shout-Out — the very situation actually came up in The Batman.
- Some episodes of The Super Friends carry the versatility of Batman's utility belt to ridiculous extremes. If every episode is to be believed, his utility belt holds a Bat Glue Ray, a Bat Invisibility Ray, and a Bat-Belt Mouse Compartment.
- The Justice League two-parter "Only a Dream" has Batman claim that he has never used stimulants of any kind. When he finds himself needing to stay awake for upwards of 72 hours straight, he barges into a coffee shop and gets the most caffeine-laden drink they have. It can be inferred that he avoids using stimulants of any kind to avoid building up a tolerance, ensuring that they will be maximally effective if/when he needs to resort to them.
- The movie Justice League: Doom is all about this. A bunch of villains gets a hold of Batman's secret countermeasures against the Justice League and proceeds to almost kill all of them using them. What does Batman do? Simple; he has countermeasures against his countermeasures so he uses those to save the JLA. The only member he doesn't have a countermeasure for is Cyborg, who isn't a member of the JLA at the moment. He even has a countermeasure against himself if he ever pulled a Face–Heel Turn: the JLA itself.
- Young Justice - Robin is crazy prepared and this is lampshaded by Kid Flash when Robin has his utility belt while wearing civilian garb.
Kid Flash: You have your utility belt?!
Robin: Never leave home without it! First thing Batman taught me.
Kid Flash: Yeah, right after never go to the bathroom without it. - In the Batman: The Animated Series episode "The Clock King", the eponymous villain has studied Batman's moves just in case he survives the Death Trap. And Fugate manages to fight Batman to a standstill.
- In the first episode of Batman Beyond, it is revealed that Bruce Wayne included a remote button to paralyze anyone in the Batsuit on the off chance it got stolen.
Batman in Video Games
- Batman does it again in the game Batman: Arkham Asylum:
- It is revealed early-ish in the game that Batman has secretly built a second Batcave on Arkham Island just in case, after he found an extensive cave in the process of saving a convict from committing suicide. This is in canon with the comics. He has several smaller "satellite" Batcaves all throughout Gotham City, including a sub-basement underneath the Wayne Foundation building, an abandoned underground subway station, and the aforementioned.
- He does it again just before trekking into Killer Croc's lair. Just before he enters it proper, he takes the time to spray some explosive gel on a seemingly random spot on the sewer floor for no apparent reason. It turns out to be how Batman defeats Killer Croc by blowing up the floor and sending Croc into a deep pit.
- After taking down Bane, Bats and Gordon walk outside and start talking about the events going on at Arkham while Bats fiddles with his arm computer for a moment, followed by a quick cut to the Batmobile revving up before cutting back to Bats. In the middle of the conversation, Bane explodes out and grabs Bats and lifts him up to have this exchange:
Bane: I will break you Batman!
Batman: No, Bane. This time, I break you. (The Batmobile drives through and takes Bane with it into the water.) - The Riddler also shows signs of being Crazy-Prepared: He spread out not only his own personal trophies around Arkham, but he also spray painted hard to find question marks that can only be seen by Batman's cowl, he set interview tapes around Arkham, and he made riddles for every area in Arkham. He did all that just on the off chance that Batman might have to spend a lot of time at Arkham (though he might have been privy to the Joker's plan, which would indicate extreme resourcefulness on relatively short notice).
- With Batman: Arkham City, Batman (and a few other characters even) gets to continue showing off how prepared he is for any and every situation under the sun. The best part? The game is designed so the player themselves gets to instigate most of the preparations this time around!
- Right off the get go, Bruce Wayne is captured by Arkham City guards and incarcerated. Bruce convinces a guard to attack him, snaps his radio off, and quickly steals the SD chip before getting processed into the prison. When he changes to Batman, he slips the SD chip into his Sequencer and taps into the guards' radio transmissions, ensuring he'll know about their movements ahead of time well into the rest of the game.
- Batman obviously keeps empty spots on his belt for any gadgets he obtains while in Arkham City. The only gadgets he needs to get dropped in is the Grapnel Boost (which is explained as that gadget is still being tested but of course Batman basically says "this will be the test") and the Line Launcher (which Batman explains as it would make his belt too heavy if he always took it with him). But then again who needs to take every gadget with you when you can just call the Batwing to bring you that particular gadget?
- Batman gets another one in Harley Quinn's Revenge. His Utility Belt is rigged to shock anyone who tries to tamper with it.
- Riddler again gets to show he's even more crazy prepared then Batman, by managing to hide his trophies in and come up with riddles for areas he shouldn't be able to access, or even know exist!
- The Riddler also had the foresight to plan ahead for Catwoman teaming up with Bats, strewing trophies and riddles around Arkham City for her as well. However it should be noted that most of her trophies are in much easier spots, far fewer and even in traps already set up for Batman, suggesting that he rushed to add them after finding out she was there.
- Mr. Freeze seems to have been taking lessons from Batman. Every tactic you use to deal damage to him only works once, as he will quickly devise a method of countering it. He also has a chip that can stop his freeze gun from being used against him, and he has some sort of override in case that falls into the wrong hands.
- Batman: Arkham Knight: Batman of course Does Not Like Guns and operates on a Thou Shalt Not Kill mentality. His Batmobile still has a tank-like combat mode, armed with a 60 millimetre main cannon and a Vulcan gun just in case, both of which prove useful when the Scarecrow and Arkham Knight show up with their army backed up by tanks (which are remote-controlled with no driver inside because the Arkham Knight wants Batman to go "all out"). Said guns can also fire non lethal rounds, allowing him to use them against people when he needs to. He also had a spare made in case the first was destroyed, and made sure all upgrades happened to the spare as well.
- DC Universe Online has Kevin Conroy reading through Batman's contingency plans
. Some are simple enough, like Kryptonite for Superman and paralysis for Flash. Others are more elaborate, like inducing hydrophobia in Aquaman through an altered fear toxin from Scarecrow, or invoking Sealed Evil in a Duel to deal with Wonder Woman.
If these contingency plans are discovered in the wake of my being incapacitated, please understand, this had to be done for each of us. Which brings us to...
Agamemno Contingency - Codename: Detective. While Batman is a master strategist and combatant... he is only human. The best way to disable his strategic abilities would be to distract him. His parents are an excellent blind spot, as is his endless crusade to protect the innocent. Taking hostages is a good distraction, particularly if they're friends or family. [Angrily] Think carefully before you do this. - In Injustice: Gods Among Us, the Batman of the Injustice Earth is asked why Wayne Manor is merely kept under careful watch rather than Superman attacking it when Bruce's identity was exposed to the world. Batman's reply: "Would you take any chances with me?" The Leaguers of the other Earth can only nod.
- In Injustice 2, one of Batman's (frequently used) pre-match lines is to ask his opponent if they "Think I haven't planned for this?" Indicating Batman has stepped into the arena ready to face anyone from Harley Quinn, to Poison Ivy, to Bane, to Superman, to Brainiac, to Hellboy, to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
- Gotham Knights (2022) plays this for laughs when Batman is shown recording one of the many variants of his Video Wills, which made him late for dinner that night. Tim Drake laments that Bruce was making a version in case of his death from Crazy Quilt of all people.