C.T. Phipps - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Oct 11 2014
Not a wookiee.
C.T. Phipps is a lifelong student of horror, science fiction, and fantasy. An avid tabletop gamer, he discovered this passion led him to write and turned him into a lifelong geek. He is a regular blogger on The United Federation of Charles and Grimdark Magazine.
C.T. Phipps is also the creator of the popular tabletop RPG setting, Halt Evil Doer!. He is also the author of The Rules of Supervillainy, Agent G, Cthulhu Armageddon, and Lucifer's Star, and The United States of Monsters.
- Cthulhu Armageddon (he's one of the modern writers of Cthulhu Mythos)
- Cthulhu Armageddon
- The Tower of Zhaal
- The Tree of Azathoth
- Tales of an Eldritch Wasteland
- Dark Destiny with Frank Martin
- Dark Destiny
- Destiny's Paradox
- Futurepunk
- Agent G
- Agent G: Infiltrator
- Agent G: Saboteur
- Agent G: Assassin
- The Cyber Dragons Trilogy
- Daughter of the Cyber Dragons
- Revenge of the Cyber Dragons
- Moon Cops on the Moon
- Space Academy with Michael Suttkus
- Lucifer's Star with Michael Suttkus
- Lucifer's Star
- Lucifer's Nebula
- Wraith Knight
- Wraith Knight
- Wraith Lord
- Wraith King
- Agent G
- The Dark Undermaster Saga
- The Supervillainy Saga
- The United States of Monsters
- Red Room
- Esoterrorism
- Eldritch Ops
- The Fall of the House
- Straight Outta Fangton
- Straight Outta Fangton
- 100 Miles and Vampin
- Vampiraz4Life
- The Bright Falls Mysteries with Michael Suttkus
- I Was a Teenage Weredeer
- An American Weredeer in Michigan
- A Nightmare on Elk Street
- Morgan Detective Agency
- Brightblade
- Psycho Killers in Love
- Red Room
- Art of War: Anthology for Charity
- At Hell's Gates 2: Origins of Evil
- At Hell's Gates 3: Bound by Blood
- Blackest Knights
- Blackest Spells
- Horror, Humor, and Heroes Volume 3: New Faces of Science Fiction
- Humanity 2.0: Emergence
- High Tech/Low Life
- Monster Hunter: Blood Trails (Legends of the Monster Hunter Book 4)
- Neo Cyberpunk volume 2.
- Planetary: Mars
- Simple Deeds
- Tales of Capes and Cowls
- Books of Cthulhu
- Tales of the Al-Azif
- Tales of Yog-Sothoth
- The Book of Yig
- Tales of Nyarlathotep
- Time Loopers
- Eldritch Prisoners
- The Book of Hastur
Tabletop Games
- Halt Evil Doer!
- The Murder of Modius (For Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
- The United Federation of Charles (link to the actual blog
His works contain the following tropes:
- All Myths Are True: The case in his urban fantasy and superhero books.
- Anti-Hero: Gary Karkofsky (supervillain), Cassius Mass (ex-fascist starfighter pilot turned criminal), Agent G (professional assassin), Jacob Riverson (Ringwraith), and more.
- Ascended Fanboy: Used to review a lot of Crossroad Press' books, now is a writer for them.
- Author Appeal:
- Goth girls make a disproportionate number of appearances in his books.
- A number of his characters are in Love Triangle relationships if not outright polyamory.
- Action Girl supporting casts tend to surround the male protagonists in his works.
- Author Filibuster: Not as frequent but tends to crop up whenever his characters would get into a rant against Mega Corporations and how they care more about building their bank account than improving the world.
- Bathos: Arguably the author's Signature Style. Issues of democracy, capitalism, and moralistic questions of justification are thrown about with debates about Star Wars as well as parodies of popular culture.
- Cape Punk: The genre for The Supervillainy Saga. It's a Deconstruction of superhero morality when it's not zig-zagging into Reconstruction territory.
- Capitalism Is Bad: Megacorp and Corrupt Corporate Executive types are frequently villains in his stories.
- Canon Welding:
- Jane Doe, Agent G, and Cassius Mass all show up in the multiversal tournament of The Tournament of Supervillainy with the first two becoming regular cast members.
- Later, the protagonists of Cthulhu Armageddon show up for the Hollow Earth in The Future of Supervillainy where the book serves as a Fully Absorbed Finale.
- Happens again in The Horror of Supervillainy when William and Nancy from Psycho Killers in Love appear.
- Happened with the Red Room trilogy when it was written in as a prequel to the United States Of Monsters universe despite originally having been a separate urban fantasy group.
- The Agent G and The Cyber Dragons Trilogy became the distant past of both Space Academy Dropouts and Lucifer's Star when Agent G showed up in Space Academy Rejects.
- Jane Doe, Agent G, and Cassius Mass all show up in the multiversal tournament of The Tournament of Supervillainy with the first two becoming regular cast members.
- Cool People Rebel Against Authority: Only a handful of his characters aren't rebels against the establishment in some way. Subverted with Vance Turbo who is an Internal Reformist for The Federation that doesn't quite live up to its ideals.
- Comic Books Are Real: All of his various books are fictional media properties in other universes, which leads to the odd situation of Gary and other characters knowing characters from reading their books or watching their movies.
- Cyberpunk: Is the author of three series in the genre with Agent G, The Cyber Dragons Trilogy, and Dark Destiny.
- Cthulhu Mythos: In addition to the Cthulhu Armageddon series, writes in multiple anthologies and frequently makes references to the lore in other worlds like the Great Beasts in the The Supervillainy Saga and the Primordials in Space Academy.''
- Failure Is the Only Option: The kind of endings you'd expect from his series range from bittersweet to downer endings. Rarely do any of his main characters get a truly good ending.
- Fantastic Noir: Several of his series deals in this.
- Agent G is the story of a professional assassin and cyborg who works for Murder, Inc.. He finds himself A Lighter Shade of Black than his employers but can't turn to the authorities or anyone else to do better. Femme Fatale characters aplenty.
- The Cyber Dragons Trilogy appears to be a science fiction action thriller but the protagonist soon finds themselves wrapped up in conspiracies, detective work, and dark pasts they want to forget.
- The Bright Falls Mysteries is inspired by the works of David Lynch despite being set in a town full of werewolves and spirits. Jane Doe is an amateur detective in a town utterly filled with secrets, lies, and real world evils alongside the supernatural ones.
- Morgan Detective Agency is a series about a Hardboiled Detective who just so happens to walk the beat of a city filled with supernatural horrors. Ashley Morgan is a Broken Ace and struggles to rebuild herself after her trauma as a vampire's slave.
- Red Room is a spy story about a morally ambiguous conspiracy that keeps the world ignorant of the supernatural. Its protagonist is an assassin that is aware the organization may do more evil than good. It also ends with the hero dead and most of the cast.
- First-Person Smartass: He has a tendency to do this with his Agent G, Cthulhu Armageddon, United States Of Monsters, Space Academy, and The Supervillainy Saga series. All of his protagonists tend to speak in nonstop sardonicism and pop culture references.
- The Multiverse: All of his fiction shares one and started having characters jump from one reality to another. Mostly this is restricted to his comic book universe but is referenced in their home books.
- Pop-Cultured Badass: Almost all of his protagonists (Gary Karkofsky, Agent G, Jane Doe, and more) are ass kickers with an intimate knowledge of Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, and Disney.
- Signature Style: First-Person Smartass characters and World of Snark in Affectionate Parodies of genre fiction.
- Sliding Scale of Comedy and Horror: The United States of Monsters series includes quiet drama scenes and horrible violence in-between ridiculous puns.
- Space Opera: Played with. The Lucifer's Star series is a universe with eldritch space gods, aliens, and sentient robots but is also a darkly cynical hellhole. Space Academy Dropouts is a more bright, optimistic, and heroic future...that is a Prequel to Lucifer's Star.
- Troper: Is a frequent poster on the this wiki.
- Urban Fantasy: The United States of Monsters novels are an urban fantasy series where the supernatural has come out.
- The 'Verse: Has three of these with Futurepunk, The Supervillainy Saga, and The United States of Monsters
- Villain Protagonist: Gary Karkofsky a.k.a Merciless, Agent G, Jacob Riverson, and Cassius Mass all qualify as this due to being ruthless criminals or out to literally take over the world.
- World of Snark: Every one of his characters seems to be somewhat sardonic and catty.