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Dropout (Creator)

Dropout, formerly known as CollegeHumor, is a production company/streaming service that began as a website founded in 1999 by Josh Abramson and Ricky Van Veen. As CollegeHumor, it featured videos, pictures, and articles meant to be humorous to college students. The website can be found here.

Its former sister site, Dorkly, tends to focus mostly on video game parodies, often in the form of comedic sprite animations poking fun at the original games.

On January 8, 2020, CollegeHumor's parent company IAC stopped financing them, resulting in the layoffs of over 100 people, leaving CollegeHumor and its series' future uncertain. The company was sold to its chief creative officer Sam Reich. Dorkly was quickly picked up, along with its staff, by Lowbrow Studios. Since then, its web site now redirects to its YouTube channel, but much of the old site can still be accessed via the Wayback Machine, alongside sketches recorded prior to the layoffs continuing to be uploaded to both the channel and affiliated streaming service Dropout.

As of 2021, Dropout shows have resumed production, funded by Dropout subscribers and featuring many returning cast members. On the fifth anniversary of Dropout in 2023, Sam Reich announced that after 24 years, CollegeHumor was officially rebranding as Dropout, with the YouTube channel changing names to coincide with the announcement.

No relation to the webcomic Drop-Out.

Prominent CollegeHumor Features:

  • Adam Ruins Everything: Adam Conover brings up all the terrible things about common aspects of life. Began as a series of skits before moving to truTV.
  • The Adventures of Kim Jong Un: A series of over-the-top fake North Korean propaganda starring an over-the-top parody version of Kim Jong-un.
  • Badman: A parody of Batman.
  • Bleep Bloop: A talk show centered on video games.
  • CH Live: A series of stand-up comedy shows.
  • Dinosaur Office: A series of stop-motion cartoons about an office filled by dinosaur employees.
  • Dire Consequences: CH employees bet to do increasingly outrageous stunts. Probably related to the earlier sketch "What Will Kevin Do For Ricky's Money?"
  • Downbeat: A Mockumentary focusing on the lives of six different musicians.
  • Dora the Explorer and the Destiny Medallion: A live-action Dora the Explorer miniseries, not to be confused with the official live-action Dora movie.
  • Hardly Working: A series of sketches based on fictionalized versions of CH employees.
  • Hot Date: Murph and Emily live through various dates and talk about adulthood and relationship. Eventually adapted into a TV show where several characters, almost all played by Murph and Emily, face challenges in their relationships.
  • Jake and Amir: A series of videos based on CH employees Jake Hurwitz and Amir Blumenfeld.
  • Paranoia: Two people are intoxicated, and must attempt to pass as completely sober in various situations.
  • POV: A series using a P.O.V. Cam and the character's Inner Monologue.
  • Prank War: A prank war between Amir and Streeter Seidell. The pranks grow increasingly elaborate over time.
  • Precious Plum: A series which parodies Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, which is about a not so bright girl named Plum, and her fat and equally dumb mother going around road trips to beauty pageants.
  • Rank Room: CH employees solve life's greatest questions, such as "what's the best invention that has yet to be invented", by each offering two answers and then picking the best one
  • Street Fighter: The Later Years: An original sequel to Street Fighter II.
  • Very Mary Kate: The misadventures of a Cloud Cuckoolander twenty-something woman.

Dropout Original Series:

  • Breaking News, in which four of the personalities are set in a newsroom and given the wackiest lines imaginable, but have to deliver them without Corpsing.
  • Dimension 20: A tabletop adventure series with Brennan Lee Mulligan as the dungeon master and various past and present members of CH as the players.
  • Dirty Laundry: A Social Deduction Game where host Lily Du shares a secret that belongs to one of four guests, and they must guess who they belong to. The loser must drink. Grant O'Brien acts as the bartender, teaching viewers how to mix the drinks featured on the show. A spinoff of the Game Changer episode "Never Have I Never".
  • Game Changer: A game show hosted by Sam Reich in which every episode has a different format and goal, with none of the contestants having any prior knowledge of how to win.
  • Gastronauts: A cooking competition where three professional comedians issue cooking challenges — often deranged cooking challenges — for a trio of professional chefs.
  • Gods of Food: A Mockumentary series about six celebrity chefs and the food culture surrounding them.
  • Kingpin Katie: A series in which, while attempting to fuel her own drug addiction, a woman accidentally becomes a drug lord.
  • Make Some Noise: A spin-off of Game Changer based on the "Noise Boys" episodes, also hosted by Sam Reich. The contestants are prompted with some manner of noise, event, character, or scene to imitate - similar to Whose Line Is It Anyway "Scenes From a Hat".
  • Monét’s Slumber Party: A kind of variety talkshow hosted by Monét X Change in the vein of The Pee-wee Herman Show*, playing games and talking about life like at an actual slumber party.
  • Nobody Asked: A MythBusters-esque show where comedians test out bizzare and off the dome questions that nobody is really asking.
  • Play it By Ear: An improvised musical game show hosted by Mano Agapion, with two regulars, Jess McKenna and Zach Reino. Spunoff from the "Official Cast Recording" episode of Game Changer and essentially an adaptation of Jess McKenna and Zach Reino's live improv show, Off Book.
  • Rank Room: A Panel Show featuring CH regulars who are tasked with figuring out and ranking the answers to some of life's most important questions.
  • Smartypants: Comedians are invited to a faux-genius society to give humorous presentations on a topic of their choice. Hosted by Rekha Shankar.
  • Thousandaires: Comedians are given tasked with planning and/or buying the most outrageous things they can for $1000 all to win a grand prize also worth $1000 from a rotating series of hosts.
  • Total Forgiveness: With the premise of paying off their student loan debt in exchange, two people take on humiliating challenges.
  • Troopers: A parody of Star Wars centered on a pair of, "Dread Troopers", originally a series on the CollegeHumor website from 2011.
    • Troopers: Rise of the Budget: A new series focusing on a new group of Troopers set after the original series for the Dropout.TV service in 2019.
  • Ultramechatron Team Go: A series about a dysfunctional team of mech pilots trying to battle the machinations of space wizard Galatax.
  • Um, Actually: A game show hosted by Mike Trapp in which contestants are given incorrect pieces of trivia from various pieces of pop culture, and must correctly identify the mistake. Starting with Season 9, Ify Nwadiwe became the new host and Brian David Gilbert replaced Michael Saltzman as fact-checker.
  • Very Important People: Comedians are put into costumes and make up, improvise a character on the spot and go into an improvised celebrity interview with Vic Michaelis. (Essentially a remake of ''Hello My Name Is", hosted by Pat Cassels and every guest played by Josh Ruben.)
  • What The F 101: A Black Comedy educational series in the vein of The Magic School Bus.

Tropes not listed in the above pages:

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  • 419 Scam: There's a sketch with the twist being that the Nigerian prince funds really were legit, only for the email to be deleted by a jaded college student!
  • Acid-Trip Dimension: Shows up in the 8D segment in "Ice Age in 4D".

    Thing: I liked it. I thought Ray Romano was hilarious.

  • Actor Allusion:
    • In the "End of the World" parody, Sam Reich appears playing his real-life father, former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich.
    • In one episode of Breaking News, Brian David Gilbert has to deliver a report on the US medical systemnote , referencing his own video on US healthcare terminology.
  • Actually Not a Vampire: Parodied in "The Six Monsters You'll Have As Roommates" video. The "vampire" is a metaphor for the Handsome Lech who stays out all night partying and picking up young women (which is why he doesn't like sunlight). It doesn't help that this particular individual is a broody Goth type who doesn't like to eat garlic knots.
  • Adaptational Villainy: The "Grease Dilemma" sketch does this to Kenickie, as a deconstruction of his line "Did she put up a fight?" from the song "Summer Nights". His friends question this at first, but shrug it off. Then his lines get increasingly criminal, pretty much admitting to being a date rapist before his disgusted pals beat him up.
  • Affably Evil: Dominiq Machetehands takes a moment to congratulate Jessica on doing well on her diet.
  • Affectionate Parody:
  • Afraid to Hold the Baby: The subject of "Don't Make Me Hold Your Baby."
  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot:
    • Parodied in Kinect Self-Awareness Hack. A guy upgrades his Kinect so that it possesses artificial intelligence. It quickly turns against its creator, deems humans inferior beings, and then launches the end of the world as we know it by hacking into the U.S. defense network and launching its nuclear arsenal.
    • The one where Sarah's unwatched Netflix movies fight back.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Victor Vivisector and his minions. They just want to turn all of America's national forests into parking lots, but they keep getting foiled by incredibly creepy furry superheroes. They're baffled at first, but become more grossed out as they see some of the more sexual aspects of the furry fandom, until even Victor begs one of his henchmen to kill him.
  • All Anime Is Naughty Tentacles:
    • In the "His Netflix is F*cked Up" Sketch, the girl discovers that the guy watches anime, commenting that all anime looks pervy to her. Also Invoked since the anime section in the sketch is filled with Hentai. Though keep in mind that the website itself is NOT anti-anime, since they also produced some anime-themed sketches such as "If Miyazaki Movies were like other anime".
    • In "Tumblr CEO: No More Porn", the disgruntled CEO comes across animated octopus porn when searching under the cartoons tag.
  • All Germans Are Nazis: The Gunter Granz sketches. The eponymous character is a German marketing expert who joined the staff at CollegeHumor, but turns out be a vehemently antisemitic Neo-Nazi, and is usually at odds with the Israeli-born Amir. At the end of both sketches he seems to subvert the trope, as he expresses regret for what happened in the past, but then he double subverts it as it turns out that he was being Nazist after all.
  • All Men Are Perverts: Deconstructed in the "Every 7 Seconds" videos, which bases itself on the myth that men think about sex every 7 seconds. The guy in question can barely get through a conversation because he's constantly being distracted by sexual phantasies that appear completely real.
  • Alpha Bitch: The song "We Ruin Your Bar", parody of Kesha's pro-homosexuality song "We R Who We R" is about a group of these attention-seeking girls trashing a bar, and well, doing lots of illegal things.....
  • Alternate History: If Things Turned Out Differently.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents:
  • Ambiguous Ending:
  • Ancient Conspiracy: According to the "truthumentary" 'Deceptive Deceptions', the world is now, has always been, and will forever be controlled by a shadowy elite who trump the government, the Freemasons, and the Illuminati combined: The CollegeHumor staff.
  • Animal Athlete Loophole: Invoked in this sketch parodying various improbable sports movie premises.
  • Animal-Themed Superbeing: Parodied with the two-episode cartoon Furry Force, starring a gang of Funny Animals who only stop their nemesis Victor Vivisector because he's absolutely disgusted by them and would rather die (to whit, he shot himself in the temple) than fight back.
  • Annoying Pop-Up Ad: Lampooned in the video "Porn Site Strip Club". Among other internet peculiarities, such as age restrictions being easily surpassed by underage users and time-limited previews, the main character is harassed by a crossdressing man who appears out of nowhere with a "pop" sound and worries that his computer will get a virus. At the end, ten more copies of the guy appear at once.
  • Annoying Video Game Helper: In-Universe. In "The Matrix Runs On Windows XP", there is a parody of the annoying Microsoft Office assistant 'Clippy', who appears at the wrong times. The first time, Neo gets annoyed enough with Clippy's appearance that he bends Clippy.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification:
    • The premise of Font Conference and the later Font Fight: conventions of personalized Microsoft Word fonts.
    • If Google Was a Guy is a series of sketches featuring Google portrayed as a middle-aged office worker getting increasingly exasperated with the idiocy of its users and the bizarreness of their searches.
      • Apple's Siri gets in on the act in Part 3.

        Siri User: How big is the Serengeti?

        Siri: No problem. *turns to Google Guy* Show me pictures of spaghetti.

        Google Guy: That is NOT what she asked for!

    • The "Professor Wikipedia" sketch seems to parody the problems relying on information from Wikipedia has. Namely: the fact that Ryan Seacrest contains many of the elements necessary to facilitate a chemical reaction. The guy who coined the word "enzymes" was widely believed to be a total badass, and in 1908 won the Nobel Prize for Mustache. Also, Amir only wants to know about cunnilingus. Though you can tell that Jeff seems to know a fair bit about the culture on Wikipedia.
  • Anthropomorphic Typography: Pixar Intro Parody has multiple anthropomorphic alphabet letters acting like real people. As the lamp murdered a letter I, all of the letters want him executed.
  • Anyone Remember Pogs?: The premise of this video.
  • Apocalypse How: The "End of the World parody" pokes fun at western society's obsession with "end of the world" scenarios that are constantly catered to by ratings-driven news media going through cycles every few months to hype a new, singularly horrible catastrophe to come.
  • Appearance Is in the Eye of the Beholder: This video from the site features an "Optical Illusion Girlfriend" who looks like a pretty girl to her boyfriend but an ugly hag to his friend. After an argument with his friend over her ambiguous driver license picture and them both trying to explain to each other just what they see in it, the boyfriend's perspective of her suddenly switches to the "ugly hag" and he flees in horror whereas his friend begins seeing the "pretty girl" instead and approaches her with a leer.
  • Appropriated Appellation: Parodied in We Are Douchebags.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: Discussed in their 30 for 30 parody of Angels in the Outfield (1994), regarding the coach's press conference where he discussed allegations of performance enhancing angels:

    Steve Harlow: The only reason why the guy wasn't getting laughed out of the room was because it was the 90s, and there were a lot of bizarre things happening in the world of sports.

    Calvin Fanning: And to show you the hold Knox has on the press, there's only one person in the room who questions the thing. [shows footage of said reporter]

  • Arc Words: In the POV series, "How's this even possible?!"
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking:
    • In an episode of Bleep Bloop, the 'Phantom of the Office' pays a visit and lists his favorite games as follows "Let me see, hoop stick, drown the cat, drown the rat, hobble the goat, and Frogger. Frogger was hard!"
    • In the "The Problems with Jeggings Continues" sketch, Mr. S lists off inappropriate articles of clothing that will not be allowed in class, such as "NO cellophane hoodies, NO bra cardigans, NO U-Neck T-shirts, NO Hollister CLOTHES! That's just a personal preference." The class agrees with him there, as Hollister is just too slutty even for them.
    • In "Fake News Investigative Journalists", a woman pitches a story that accuses Harry Reid of being a murderer, a Satanist, a fascist, a rapist and an atheist.
  • Artifact Title: The content has to a considerable extent aged along with its creators, and most of their sketches since 2012 or so involve characters who seem to be in their late 20s or early 30s. But "Late Twentysomethings Looking Back With Increasing Nostalgia on CollegeHumor" has less of a ring to it. Downplayed as of the name change to “Dropout”, as it doesn’t specify that the humor is for a specific audience (and college dropouts can be of almost any age).
  • Ascended Meme: For a few years now, various people have claimed to have seen Sinbad portray a genie in a '90s family comedy movie titled, Shazaam. However, Sinbad denies such a movie ever existing.note  On April Fool's Day 2017, College Humor shared a supposed excerpt of Shazaam, with Sinbad himself in the eponymous role. Eagle-eyed viewers might notice other apparently non-existent items people still somehow remember.
  • Ask a Stupid Question...: From one sketch of "If Google Was A Guy".
  • At Arm's Length: "Adulthood vs. Childhood" has the former using this against the latter.
  • Attack Backfire: "Christmas vs. Hanukkah" has the latter using his Jewish Mother to induce guilt upon Christmas, only for it to backfire on him.
  • Audience-Alienating Premise: In the video "Nicolas Cage's Agent", the titular agent tries in vain to talk Nicolas Cage, who is notoriously unselective about his acting roles, out of starring in bad movies such as "Puke Bus", "Space Ass", "Schindler's Fist", (an all-white remake of) "The Color Purple", "Dick Hole Black Hole", "Schindler's Pissed" "A Very Pol Pot Christmas", "To Kill a Mockingbird" (retold so that the black guy really did rape that woman)", and "Fuck Asian People".
  • Audience Surrogate: The main character in "The Six..." videos (played by Josh Ruben, later replaced by Emily Axford) is supposed to be a completely ordinary guy. Every one of them starts with some form of "This is you [representation]".
  • Auto Erotica: Back to the Future Sex Scenes starts at the point where, when Marty is "parking" with Lorraine, she kisses him, but pulls back upon realizing she feels like she's kissing her brother. From here, the sketch explores what could have happened if Lorraine had decided that she wanted to carry on kissing Marty (who bearing in mind is her future son) - she notes that "it just feels wrong. And right!" Doc is appalled when Marty informs him that he had sex with his own mother, and as a result, he frantically tries to undo this, which only makes the problem even worse:

    Doc: You had a threeway?

    Marty: (quietly) Yeah...

    Marty: (quietly) Uh-huh...

  • Auto-Tune: Parodied in Sing Talk, a spoof of Kesha's song 'Tik Tok', which lambasts this style of music in general.
  • Awesome, but Impractical:
    • "Nintendo Wii Rejected Game Concepts", which include:
      • $5/Hour (playing a short order cook). Jeff is shown flipping screen burgers.
      • Tea Time (Amir uses his remote to pretend to stir cream into an empty teacup, clinking the side of it)
      • Tattoo Artist
      • Bus Pervert
      • Airport Security (Sarah waves a remote like a wand)
      • Mein Kampf
      • Hot Hands
      • Stand-Up Comedy - where you speak into the pointer like you would talk into a microphone
      • Hari-Kiri
      • Ex-Boyfriend (Sarah makes out with the remote, then pulls back and says, "We can't do this anymore."
      • Ouija Board
      • Nuclear Holocaust (which has actually been made already)
    • Do you love ranch, but find it shameful? Then try new Hidden Hidden Valley Ranch. With Hidden Hidden Valley Ranch, you'll always have some delicious, creamy dressing right up your sleeve, literally! Everyone knows ranch is a poor man's, unsophisticated sauce, but that doesn't mean it's not delicious. Hidden Hidden Valley Ranch is easy to use. You just wear the dispenser on your back in a concealable backpack, with a hose you can run up your arm (after pressurizing with a foot pedal) to secretly dispense the ranch dressing. It's just too good, even if it does make you feel like a trash opossum. Also, be careful not to let anyone bear-hug you, or it will explode and cause a massive ranch-splosion.
  • Ax-Crazy: In-Universe, Chris Brown is portrayed as this in "Chris Brown's Publicist". His real life violent behavior is exaggerated for comic effect: the acts he admits having committed to his publicist include beating up Nicki Minaj—by breaking into her home—driving over a whole band with his car, attacking animals and children, murdering several people (one directly over the phone line), and digging up Tupac Shakur's corpse to use it as his personal punching bag. Ironically, being "a stupid, violent, lunatic" has no effect whatsoever on his record performance or public standing.

    Publicist: Gimme some non-violent news, Chris! (Beat) Gimme some news, Chris.

  • Bad Boss: "She's Terrible, and She OWNS It!" riffs on a female CEO whose behavior is extremely toxic, but she excuses it because she owns up to it (even when she doesn't, like lying to her best friend about sleeping with the woman's fiancee).
  • Backing Away Slowly: In the short Furry Superheroes Are Super Gross - FURRY FORCE, the bad guys back away slowly as the cow girl (as in half girl-half cow) demonstrates some martial arts, resulting in some pretty extreme Jiggle Physics.
  • Band of Brothels: The Toon Tang, a brothel where humans can hire cartoon characters as escort.
  • Bat Signal: In the animation "The Dark Knight Meets Superman", Superman gets one of his own, but because of his much more super powers, there is a slight difference in the way it functions in practice.

    Batman: "What the hell is this?"

    Commissioner Gordon: "Oh, this thing is great. I just turn it on, and he shows up with the bad guys!"

  • Bears Are Bad News: Parodied in Cartoon Bears Are Still Bears, in which various fictional bears (Bernstein Bears, the bears from the Charmin' toilet paper commercials, Smokey the Bear, Winnie the Pooh, etc.) all turn out to be hyper-aggressive man killers. Even the usually Sickeningly Sweet Care Bears are no exception.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For:
  • Bed Full of Women: In the sketch "The Six Monsters You'll Have for Roommates", The Protagonist contemplates having a three-way or a four-way with some girls from school, or just "stay[ing] in bed all day and eat cake and hot wings" when he gets a single dorm room. He then finds that having a roommate makes it much easier to deal with Things That Go "Bump" in the Night.
  • Bedmate Reveal: In the "I Got a Feeling" music video parody, a college guy cheats in front of his girlfriend at a party with Karen Matchett, which would at least be Worth It—except he finds the much homelier Karen Black in his bed.
  • Beer Goggles: Parodied in a sketch in which as a guy has more to drink he lowers his standards... for his next beer.
  • Benevolent Boss: The Oreo CEO doesn't see any reason for his employees to work hard or even show up to work if they don't want to, reasoning that the cookies are so popular and delicious that they basically sell themselves. He's exasperated by the team's insistence at coming up with increasingly-ludicrous flavors, telling them to just relax, go home, and keep cashing the checks.
  • Bestiality Is Depraved: In the second Toon Tang video, the brothel madam Velma Shreetrock (Wilma Flintstone) explains that the brothel caters to a variety of different men's fantasies. For example, they have a teenage detective who deals exclusively with bestiality. Cuts to Scooby-Doo doing Daphne doggy-style.
  • Bigger Than Jesus: The article "If the Internet Had Always Existed" saw a depiction of what Twitter would have looked like in The '60s with John Lennon tweeting, "We have more followers than @Jesus."
  • Big Word Shout: "Powerthirst", a spoof advertisement for a made-up energy drink. About half of the runtime of the video (and of the sequel) involves a man who clearly is doped up on steroids shouting random catchwords like a drill sergeant.
  • Biting-the-Hand Humor: In "Jake and Amir: Behind the Scenes of The CollegeHumor Show", the Phantom of the Office is interviewed and starts complaining about how MTV (the network that aired The CollegeHumor Show) never plays music anymore while Amir makes "cut" gestures to the cameraman.
  • Black Comedy:
  • Black Comedy Rape: In CSI: Scooby-Doo, Velma was "raped, beaten, murdered, and then super-raped."
  • The Board Game:
    • Parodied with The Hunger Games: The Boardgame. The story about a publicly televised duel game in which teenagers have to kill each other until only one is left is now marketed towards love-crazed teen girls. Justified, as some commenters on the video speculate that the game is meant to be a product sold by the Capitol specifically for the giggly, shallow, capitol consumers that focuses mainly on the romantic aspect of the 74th Hunger Games. For kids in the capitol, the Hunger Games are "just a game" to them, so the horrible things that happen to the tributes mean absolutely nothing. They don't care that children are dying, and the romance is the only reason they'd even bat a eye.
    • If Tag were as complicated as a German board game
  • Body Horror:
  • Born in the Wrong Century: Brutally mocked and deconstructed in No, You Weren’t “Born in the Wrong Decade” When Siobhan repeatedly tries to claim this, only for Trapp to point out how the horrible downside to whatever time period she names, and how she is obviously just focusing on only the good parts of those eras instead of the reality. Also they wouldn't have had cell phones or computers.
  • Brainless Beauty: In "The Six Girls You'll Date in College", there's 'The Dumb Hot One', who dates the Audience Surrogate simply because she once saw a Wes Anderson movie and thinks he's "quirky".
  • Brand Name Takeover: Spoofed in "Googling with Bing", a Parody Commercial for the search engine Bing that consistently uses the verb "google" to describe what it does.

    "With Bing, you can google anything you can think of. Google hotel info. Google coffee shops. Google health information. Google restaurants. It's all googled lightning fast. By Bing."

  • Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs:
    • In Everything is a Dating App:

    Katie: "That's awful."
    Trapp: "And dangerous."
    Zac: "And awfully dangerous."

    • In the outtakes for Wait: Is This Video Branded?:

    Trapp: [Chompsky's] three new flavours: horseradish, radish, and horse!

  • Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: The "Most Fucked-up shit" nominees in The Oscars for Frat Bros were Legolas being a dick suddenly, Hans turning out to be evil and Slavery in 12 Years a Slave.
  • Brick Joke: They love these. For example, the bartender who runs out of drinking glasses.
  • Brutal Honesty:

    Guy at College: If we were a good university, we wouldn't have a commercial.

    Guy at Graduate school: Because if we were good at life, we wouldn't need more school.

    Guy at the Online school: Because if we were a real college, we would have to do stuff.

    • The "Honest [X]" series of videos is made of the cast expressing the things most people are thinking internally during the event in question.
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday: In the Breaking News segment "Ummm...We've Met Before", Katie has to improvise long monologues about how her character has met Mike and Sam's characters before on separate occasions, which neither of them remember. But It Gets Worse when Sam loses the game and has to try to remember the first time he met Katie, Mike and Brennan in Real Life—and completely fails on all three counts: not only did he not remember that he met Brennan a full five years before the time he guessed their first meeting was, he also apparently completely forgot that he and Katie are cousins.
  • Butterfly of Doom: Described in the 5D segment in "Ice Age in 4D".

    Girl: I loved it so much I went back to the actual ice age, killed a bug, and now my sister doesn't exist.

  • But That I Would Believe: The fake trailer for a Minesweeper movie has a tense scene where the instructor tries to get a recruit to admit his real motives for sweeping mines.

    Drill Sergeant: Why are you really here?
    Soldier: I want to make this land safe.
    Drill Sergeant: Why are you here, soldier?
    Soldier: I'm here because I'm bored!

  • Call-Back: Grumpy Tommy Lee Jones is Not Amused Uses the same clip of Brendan Fraser at the end as their extended video of Natalie Portman laughing.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Used constantly in the "321 Fight" series.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Kenickie is depicted this way in "Grease Dilemma", openly singing about drugging and raping women, and additionally insulting Danny as a "square" when the T-Birds begin to realize what he's been up to.
  • Cargo Ship: Spoofed with a young woman buying a vibrator who turns out to be a sentient, stand-in boyfriend. Eventually it becomes jealous when she finds a real guy.

    Vibrator boyfriend: You used me!
    Girl: That's the whole point!

  • Casual Kink: Ally, Grant and Rekha treat every holiday as sexual, even father's day (or rather Daddy's Day), except for Valentine's day, which instead is a day of reverence for the actual Saint Valentine.
  • Celebrity Casualty:
    • "Chris Brown's Publicist" features a hapless publicist trying to deal with Chris Brown's antics, including his killing Sisqo, Usher, and Mýa, all of whom are still alive.
    • "If Things Turned Out Differently" has President Howard Dean dying from avian bird flu.
  • Celestial Bureaucracy: In "God's Boss Craig", God is not in charge of Heaven. He has a boss named Craig.
  • Chainmail Bikini: There's an uncreatively-named straight-up parody of the trope here.
  • Cheaters Never Prosper: "Duck Hunt: Behind the Scenes" explains the reason why when you hit level 100 on Duck Hunt, the duck flies all over the screen so fast that you can't predict where it is: the Duck Hunt Dog, aware that the player is a cheating bastard through his use of a Game Genie and putting his controller directly to the screen, secretly arranges for one of the ducks to be injected with RD-601, a super-formula made of crystal meth, jet fuel and pixie sticks. Of course, there is a downside: the formula eventually kills the duck by causing his heart to explode.
  • Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys: In the "Font Conference", featuring personifications of Word document text fonts, French Script is a bit of a French Jerk who immediately offers up his seat when he's interjected by Rage Italic, an angry German wearing lederhosen.
  • Child Hater: In this sketch, there's a subversion. Gary hates holding babies...but it's not because he actually hates babies. It's because he's deathly afraid of accidentally hurting something so fragile...and being responsible for it.
  • Chocolate of Romance: "If Chocolate Ads Were Honest" is a parody commercial that shows what would happen if chocolates were advertised to women as a way to boost their sex drive.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: In Your Girlfriend's Six Friends, this describes the Possessive One. Played with in that she's jealous of anyone getting near her ladyfriend, not her boyfriend.
  • Close-Enough Timeline: In the 6D segment of "Ice Age in 4D":

    Girl: I miss my sister.
    (the screen flashes and the sister reappears)
    Twins: Everything is back to normal!
    (they hug; the camera pulls back to reveal they are half-slug)

  • The Comically Serious: One video parodies Tommy Lee Jones's performance in the Men in Black trilogy by showing Jones being unamused by the most absurd stuff.
  • Coming-Out Story: Parodied to hell and back when Grant admits he's attracted to men, as none of his coworkers bat an eye, much to his frustration - until he mentions that it's because he's bisexual, and all hell breaks loose.
  • Condescending Compassion: Jessica and Katie in this video, after briefly making fun of Brennan's shirt, spends the rest of the video talking about how he's such a delicate little crybaby that they shouldn't insult his feelings.
  • Conspiracy Kitchen Sink: Parodied in 'Deceptive Deceptions'. Among the things "uncovered" as part of a massive conspiracy embracing all of humanity in this "truthumentary" are events that include: the shooting of Tupac Shakur being arranged by the government, Dan Aykroyd's role in Caddyshack 2 and Nothing but Trouble being the obvious link, the late John Candy also being in on it, Paul McCartney's replacement by a doppelgänger so he could compose "Helter Skelter" and possess Charles Manson with the spirit of the Anti-Christ: Adolf Hitler, who is actually a cyberganic demon created by Nazi scientists, who then created a faux-space agency called NASA to fake the moon landings on a special stage, the John F. Kennedy assassination (which is described as "Tupac-esque"), the moon being a prehistoric hologram hiding a gigantic spaceship, Close Encounters of the Third Kind being made to cover this up by Dick Cheney and a pentagram of corporations that control our world (comprised of Nabisco, AOL, CITGO, Atkins, Adidas, and the New York Knicks) alongside Hooters and Google. And the identity of the secret cabal that is more powerful than the American government, the Freemasons, and The Illuminati: The CollegeHumor staff.
  • Consumer Conspiracy: In this issue of Employee Manuals called "Throw them a bone". Right after the "As confusing as possible" part.
  • Coolest Club Ever: Inverted for laughs in the "Dance Clubs Are The Worst" video. The guy has to bribe the bouncer to get in, way too many people are packed together in a small space, the drinks are overpriced, his coat is stolen, and he ends up hooking up with the wrong person because he was too drunk.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive:
  • Council of Vampires: They spoof this trope in a video where Dracula calls a meeting between all the fictional vampires. Because they all operate on different rules, they quickly get into a dispute about what they should do as vampires, like Edward harping about his love for Bella and being a Vegetarian Vampire, and Bill being confused about the point of the meeting because he thought they had already discontinued The Masquerade.
  • Courteous Canadian: "If Canadians Made a Rap Diss Video": a couple of highly-stereotypical backwoods Canadians try to diss America...but are just too polite to pull off properly.
  • Crazy Cat Lady: Batman vs. Cat Lady parodies Catwoman with a character clone who is a classic Crazy Cat Lady.
  • Credits Gag: At the end of the "Head of Skate" video, which parodies Sarah Palin as a hockey mom in a bad Disney movie, all the credited members of the movie's production team are in fact members of the Nazi Party.
  • Creepy Child: Parodied in Horror Movie Daycare, which unites many of the creepy, satanic, possessed, ghost, and alien children of horror movies in the same daycare.
  • Crocodile Tears: In the Photoshop North Korea tutorial, a Photoshop project manager is being held captive by the North Korean government and is being forced to Photoshop pictures from Kim Jong-Il's state funeral.

    Brian O'Neil Hughes: Now let's move into some closeup shots of the crowd. Okay, these people are going to need to be A LOT sadder. So this is where our Warp Tool comes in. We'll just droop these a jowls a bit, okay. Just drag this frown down here. Yeah, just really make this woman look like a rotting misery pumpkin. We'll take the soft brush here and add in a few tears. [The result is that the woman looks cartoonishly miserable, with over-the-top tears exploding from the side of her face] And I've gone ahead and done that for the rest of these people as well. Whoops, got a little smudge there! Let's take care of that real quick. [He draws a box around a soldier pointing a gun at these mourners; with a button press, the gun is replaced with a cat] Great. Everything's great.

  • Cuteness Proximity: In "Don't Make Me Hold Your Baby", a man who's Afraid to Hold the Baby is forced into it and rants about his fears at great length, but no one in the room notices a thing he's saying because they're so enraptured with the baby, cooing and "aww"ing through every word.

    Gary: Why?! Why, why, why? Why would you trust me? This is the most valuable, fragile thing you have! Do you wanna see the most valuable, fragile thing I have? This! (holds up cracked smartphone) This is my baby! Look at it! This is what I'm gonna do to your baby!
    Dad: Awww, I think he likes you!


  • Da Chief: "Where the Fuck is Edward Snowden", a parody of Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?, exaggerates the live action TV series' chief to the logical extreme of this trope.
  • Damsel in Distress: The frequent abductions of Princesses Peach and Zelda are playfully deconstructed in here.
  • Dapper Pencil Mustache: "Eating With Your Rich Friends" depicts Van Horn with a pencil moustache, to illustrate how extremely upper-class and wealthy he is.
  • Darker and Edgier:
  • Dark Horse Victory: "Adulthood vs. Childhood" ends with the Manchild winning.
  • Dating What Daddy Hates:
  • Dead All Along: Shyamalan parodies the decline of M. Night Shyamalan's career by casting M. Night As Himself in a Shyamalan-esque supernatural thriller. At the end the mysterious man who haunts Shyamalan reveals the truth:

    M Night: My career is dying.
    Pale Man: Your career has been dead this whole time.

  • Deadline News: In the "End of the World parody", several of Channel 9's reporters are killed on live television, including a newscaster being devoured by zombies invading the studio.
  • Death Is Cheap: Lampshaded and mocked in "Realistic Superhero Funeral". A Flash expy grows annoyed at the city apparently holding multiple funerals for whenever Alphaman dies, pointing out that he's always back a few weeks later because "the most popular superheroes never stay dead."
  • Decade-Themed Party: In "Realistic 80s Costume Party", Janie and Raph attend an 80's dress up party. Janie is excited because she loves popped collars, big '80s hair, dancing to music heavily relying on synthesizer and wearing leggings, but it turns out others find her generic "'80s girl" costume baffling, because literally millions of girls lived in the '80s...
  • Deconstructive Parody:
    • Doctor Sim is this for The Sims.
    • A Complaint to Mario Bros. Plumbing shows what would happen if the conventions of Super Mario Bros. happened in real life. Mario and Luigi are plumbers, who, according to the guy making the complaint, are seen taking psychotropic mushrooms and trying to squeeze themselves down the toilet. Their personalities would fit the profile of someone with a drug addict, for instance, "Meanwhile, the shorter one [Mario] was eating, yes eating my wife's prize-winning seasonal orchids. When I pleaded with him to stop, he threatened me with some drug-fueled fantasy about spitting fire", and "I assumed he was under the delusion he could demolish bricks with his fists when he [Luigi] tried punching through my ceiling." At the end of the video there's a parody of Paperboy, where a kid is chased by a construction worker, the grim reaper, and a tornado.
    • Additionally, there are deconstructive parodies of DuckTales and another one for The Sims, which are listed on this page under Pooled Funds and Video Game Cruelty Potential respectively.
    • This video shows off that the destruction of the Death Star in A New Hope was the Galactic Empire's 9/11.
  • Demonization: "If The Other Party Wins" uses this (as a spoof, of course) against both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party of the United States during the 2008 elections, from the other Party's perspective:
  • Department of Redundancy Department:
    • A POV episode featured a student ogle his classmate's assets, and thinking to himself, "Girl with big boobs has such big boobs!"
    • Discussed with a lot of Hypocritical Humor in "Workshopping Your Insane Writing", an installment in a Whole-Plot Reference spoof of The Shining where Trapp plays the role of Jack Torrance.

      Ally: It's a little bit repetitive. You know, it's kind of redundant.
      Rekha: You're saying the same thing over and over, it's just a little repetitive.
      Raph: Like, you say one thing and then you say it like...again...Like the same.
      Zac: It's restating.
      Katie: Personally, I found it redundant.

  • Did I Just Say That Out Loud?: From the same episode, in the end, he says, "Ah, now that that's over, time to go back and look at the girl with big boobs... That was definitely out loud. How is that even possible!?"
  • Didn't See That Coming: One of the puzzles in "Escape the Green Room" involves driving a remote-control toy car to knock over some pins while being unable to actually see it (the controller is mounted to the wall away from the window). The intent is clearly that one contestant look out the window and give instructions while another drives. Lou and Siobhan try that for all of two minutes, and then decide to video-call each other on their phones so Siobhan can see what she's doing instead, something Sam genuinely did not expect.
  • Didn't Think This Through: "The iPhone 7 is Just Worse", satirizing Apple's introduction of iPhone 7, specifically how it removes the 3.5 mm headphone jack, without realizing that this creates many new problems for users.note 

    Tim Cook: It's all about simplicity, everything will run through one port. Now, you might be asking yourself, "What if I want to charge my phone... (in realization) while listening to music?" Shit!

  • Dining in the Buff: In "Unsexy Naked Time", Emily Axford and Brian K. Murphy get naked and order Kung Pao chicken.
  • Disneyesque:
  • Distinction Without a Difference: Hot Date's "Adult Disney Fans Are Weird" is a Take That! to Disney theme park obsessives:

    Emily: That sounds like a cult.
    Murph: Just because I was indoctrinated as a child, I ignore all the bad parts about it and yield fully to its influence over me does not mean I'm in a cult.
    (Long, awkward pause.)

  • Documentary of Lies: In "Deceptive Deceptions", a truther uncovers the gargantuan Conspiracy Kitchen Sink that has controlled humanity since the dawn of time through an absurdly long stream of Insane Troll Logic.

    Narrator: Did the Vatican suppress the fact that Jesus and Mary Magdalene together had... a dog? Was Princess Diana really killed in the Challenger space shuttle disaster? Was the Loch Ness monster actually a descendent of Jesus' magic dog? Did the Twin Towers ever really exist? The clues are everywhere if one chooses to make stabs in the darkness.

  • Does This Remind You of Anything?:
  • Double Entendre: According to "Metaphor-Free Radio", when the poetic bullshit is taken from your favorite songs, the lyrics become very sexual.
  • Double Standard Rape: Female on Male: "X-Box Girls Get Revenge" and "X-Box Girls Strike Back" both do this. Though they do it, in part, to draw attention to the frequency of sexual harassment in online gaming, they also seem to imply that threats of rape and sexual torture are funny when they happen to men.
  • Double Standard: Rape, Male on Male: Discussed and averted for laughs in "80s movies hijinks were mostly rape", where Zac and Trapp want to try out some classic pranks from 80s movies on Murph. Pat is horrified at how all of their suggestions are sexual assault at best or straight up rape at worst.
  • Downer Ending: Their parody depicting the events of Angels in the Outfield as an ESPN 30 for 30 documentary shows this was what happened to the California Angels after the literal angels left: the team fell back to last place without the angels there to help them, George Knox lost his position as the Angels' coach, and in 2005, some of the players on the 1994 Angels team testified before Congress regarding PED allegations.
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: Inverted in the "Walking Contradictions" video, where characters behave the exact opposite from how you would expect them to. The Drill Sergeant shouts down his recruits, but by showering them with praise.

    Drill Instructor: I will make it my mission to get hot fudge sundae - extra cherry - for each and every one of you! You have beautiful eyes!

  • Drowning My Sorrows: In "Best Friends In Rom Coms Are All Alcoholics", Kassia Miller's solution to every one of her coworker's minor problems (Siobhan being dumped by her boyfriend, Katie getting stuck in traffic, Mike getting a papercut) is to get them a bottle of wine to down. As the day progresses, she becomes increasingly tipsy, to the point she's carrying barrels full of wine bottles to the office...and her coworkers are forced to stage an intervention.
  • Dump Months: Parodied in "March Movies Suck", which argues that March is an extension of the "winter dump season".
  • Eagleland:
    • CollegeHumor portrays the average American citizen as someone who's in a relationship with an abusive boyfriend, but who defends him when others bring up their concerns about him.
    • The titular, America Sucks Less, is a mixed flavor (though the singer prefers Canada). While United States may not be a perfect country, it is more preferrable to a Crapsack World, such as North Korea.
  • Ear Worm: Lampooned in a "One Week" song parody: Streeter plays an amateur band player who gets so obsessed with a catchy song that it drives him insane, leading to sexual dysfunction, hallucinations, threatening his girlfriend's parents with a hammer, threatening his own fans with a handgun, attempting assassination, and eventually ending up in an insane asylum.
  • Empty Nest: In this sketch, a young man returns home for Thanksgiving, only to find that his parents have started feuds with neighbors they previously liked, taken up unusual hobbies, redecorated several times over, put up a Room Full of Crazy's worth of photos of him, and taken in foreign exchange students because they just can't cope without him.
  • Enraged by Idiocy:
    • The CEO videos run on this, with several of them having comedy provided from the corporate executive's frustrations at his employees developing poorly thought-out products and ideas that will only land the company into further trouble as well as hearing his employees' asinine excuses for their poor decisions.
      • The ABC CEO, in the wake of controversies involving the Roseanne reboot and Last Man Standing, is prompted to read off new programs airing this season - including "News for White People with Mel Gibson & Any Blonde Woman." It gives him a nosebleed.
      • The Tide Pod CEO becomes irate over his employees developing cleaning products that can easily be mistaken for candy. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he appears to be out of whatever patience he had left after his employees then start making cleaning products that could still be ingested by mistake and hearing that Donald Trump encouraged people to drink bleach.
    • The Oreo CEO is actually an incredibly chill guy who knows he doesn't need to work hard to make money since the cookies' popularity sells itself, and gets angrier and angrier throughout the video at his staff's unwillingness to stop overworking themselves in order to invent hundreds of different new kinds of Oreo's that don't taste any different.
    • The agent series is all about the guy in charge of famous celebrities careers being continuously enraged by his clients refusal to do things that don't damage their reputations.
  • Epic Fail: What happens in college when all of the Residential Advisors (RA)s get placed on the same floor.
  • Escalating War: The infamous "Prank War" between Amir Blumenfeld and Streeter Seidell, which they would later admit was staged but which nonetheless got them a gig as hosts of the MTV show Pranked.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: In "This Kidnapping Is SO Hot", the kidnapper is willing to hold a man's son hostage for a considerable ransom, but highly frowns upon any kind of sexual deviancy (to the point where he's revealed to be a virgin at the end of the episode).
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • Even though Danny and co. may be delinquents, they are pissed off when Kenickie admits to essentially drugging and raping Rizzo in "Grease Dilemma". Enough to the point that they eventually beat him to a pulp.
    • The fake Next Time On Bear Shark from the episode "Space" has the titular duo attempt to eat their hapless victim again after popping out of his closet. This causes him to have a heart attack and seemingly die, making the two ashamed of what they did and leave without even trying to eat him.
  • Evil Twin: Shows up in an episode of Hardly Working, where killing him is one of the many things Raph is putting off doing.

    Grant: What about you, are you ever going to kill your evil twin?
    Evil Raph: Yeess, do you have it in you?
    Raph: Ugh, anytime we fight he's always anticipating my every move, it's a whole thing.

  • Excrement Statement: The country singer in the Livin' Mask-Free music video prepares to take a dump in a box of masks near the end of the song as one demonstration of his suicidally stubborn stance against wearing masks during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Experimented in College: Taken to logical extremes with Claus in "Experimenting (literally) in College".

    Claus: I committed many an experiment which defied the laws of God and Man!

  • Failed Dramatic Exit: This skit parodies the Stealth Hi/Bye employed by Batman. Bats tries to ninja-sneak off the roof of Gotham PD but just doesn't quite make it.
  • Fair-Weather Friend: In one sketch, Katie suspects that her friends are leeches who only like her because they can use her for her Costco membership.
  • Fake Food: This Photoshop "tutorial" highlights just how much difference there is between Chinese food menu photos and the actual product. Including:
    • A filter that makes a modern photo look like it was shot in 1977 by an incompetent photographer.note 
    • Chicken doesn't look like chicken but more like some sort of overcooked mystery meat type thing (here, achieved by applying the textures of a bunch of different animals to the chicken)
    • Photos of pork don't exactly show the feeling of wanting to take a nap after you eat it.
    • Rice in the photos is aged digitally to look like that stuff you forget about for two weeks then drunkenly try to eat with ketchup
  • Fake–Real Turn: They made a trailer for a Dora the Explorer gritty action movie. It was so popular, fans insisted they make an actual film. So they did. And then fast-forward to 2019...
  • Fan Disservice: This seems to be the point of the "Call Me Maybe" parody. The music video opens with a well-built guy who starts to mow a lawn while shirtless... but the Eating the Eye Candy abruptly stops when he's revealed to be a Neo-Nazi fanatic.
  • Fanservice: Usually avoided, but "If You Competed in the Olympics" is basically just an excuse for Siobhan to run around for five minutes in a gymnastics leotard. You're welcome, boys and girls.
  • Fiction as Cover-Up: The conspiracy theory spoof video "Deceptive Deceptions" claims that Close Encounters of the Third Kind was made on the orders of Dick Cheney (at the time Congressman of Wyoming, where the movie was filmed) and his co-conspirators to cover up previous UFO landings.
  • Fiendish Fraternity: Phi Rho Kappa from "The Problem With Frats", whose members have engaged in racism, sexual assault, and even outright letting freshmen die to alcohol poisoning. Worse still, its members disregard all the horrific stuff they committed after moments of clarity.
  • Fight for the Last Bite: Discussed. "You Can Never Take the Last Cookie" is about how it's considered rude to take the last cookie. The characters keep dividing the cookie (so nobody is rude) into increasingly smaller and smaller portions until it creates a nuclear reaction.
  • Fighting Game: "321 Fight" pits two things against each other in one of these. Among them include Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney, Adulthood vs. Childhood (and a Manchild), Christmas vs. Hanukkah, and Cat vs. Dog.
  • Finishing Move: "Cat vs. Dog", depending on which of the two you choose, has the victor pulling off a "Memeality".
  • First-World Problems:
    • This trope is played with in this video. A group of Millenials whine about Ben Affleck being cast as Batman and the new intro for The Simpsons as ruining their childhood while other diners (and one waiter) comment on the catastrophes (sister raped, abusive father, Holocaust, racism, Vietnam War, polio, etc) disrupting their youth.
    • In the same vein, "Stop Saying 'I'm So Broke'."

      "Look at my phone."

      "Is that a 6 Plus?"

      "Yeah, I dropped it when we did molly at that music festival in the desert that we all flew to? I'm just too broke to fix it!"

  • Five-Second Foreshadowing: The season 6 finale of Breaking News, "I Want to Play a Game", kicks off when Grant traps Sam to torment him in revenge for the reoccurring "True Facts" bit. Vigilant viewers will notice that the reporter names for the episode are John Kramer, Amanda Young, Jill Tuck, and The Great Gordon.
  • Five-Token Band: Parodied in their honest college ad (at about 1:00). It shows a group with a black man in a wheelchair, an Asian girl, a white guy, a mixed-race girl and an Indian guy who says, "We're actors. This literally never happens."
  • Flame War: Wonderfully demonstrated in We Didn't Start the Flame War. It even provides the page quote.
  • Flipping the Bird: The country singer in "Livin' Mask-Free (Music Video)" flips the bird several times in the video while expressing his selfish contempt towards the practice of wearing masks when out in public during the COVID-19 pandemic to lower the cases of infection.
  • Flock of Wolves: The premise of this sketch is that at one time, Kwantlen University accidentally put all the Resident Advisers on one floor. Hilarity Ensues as they gather around for a fun meeting not knowing that they're all Resident Advisers.
  • Fratbro: Played with in "If I were a Bro", wherein Sarah dresses up as a stereotypical frat boy hanging out with the rest of the dudes.
  • Free Prize at the Bottom: Why settle for one prize when you can get a cereal box made entirely of prizes? "All Prizes Cereal" has all the toys you crave without all that boring cereal. It's the best thing to happen to breakfast since marshmellows!
  • Freeze-Frame Introduction: Episode "Font Fight" has a freeze-frame intro of its protagonists.
  • Freudian Slip: Murph and Emily refer to CrossFit as a cult. Multiple times.
  • Friendly Neighborhood Vampire: Subverted in the sketch, "The Six Monsters You'll Have for Roommates". The "vampire" isn't actually a vampire, just a Gothy college kid who happens to share some traits with them: he stays out all night, has an aversion to sunlight (because he is Not a Morning Person, probably because he's out partying all night), is never seen eating (or at least doesn't eat garlic bread), and has no trouble hooking up with several different girls.
  • Friends with Benefits: This was the premise of former show "Full Benefits", where this sort of relationship occurred between fictionalized versions of staff members Sarah and David. Later they tried to "take it to the next level" by becoming romantically involved as well.
  • Funny Animal: Deconstructed and Played for Laughs with "Narnia Dogs Can't Stand", where the titular dogs not only try to stand but do other human things even though it's really unnecessary. When the children aren't looking, they go right back to doing things like sniffing each other's butts or licking themselves.
  • Funny Background Event: Viral Video Politician is purposely built with multiple examples going on, and also includes lots of tropes including speaking with a Vader Breath.
  • Gay Best Friend:
    • One of Your Girlfriend's Six Friends.
    • In "Making Bigoted Jokes Because You Care", Grant plays this role to Katie (even though he is technically bisexual).
  • Gargle Blaster: The Honest Four Loko Commercial highlights how deadly the drink is.

    Narrator: To get the same amount of energy in just one Four Loko, you'd have to drink a Red Bull and a cup of coffee.
    Customer: That's a lot of energy.
    Narrator: And these four beers!
    Customer: I thought this was an energy drink.
    Narrator: So did the FDA. Suckers!

  • The Ghost: In the video "The Six Monsters You'll Have As Roommates", "The Ghost" is both a figurative and literal example. He's a roommate who you never see because he's always out or going around unnoticed, to the point that you start to doubt that he even exists.
  • Girlboss Feminist: In the video "She's Terrible, and She OWNS It", CEO and feminist icon Mary Seabird is famous for her accomplishments regarding her all-female makeup brand. However, she is shown to be an abusive bitch to her employees, acting like "owning" her bitchy attitude somehow makes it okay. She knocks lemonade out of her own niece's hand for not using "good ice", fires an employee (who she claimed she liked and was a new mom) for wearing red, sleeps with her best friend's husband, and offers no paid family leave.
  • Girlfriend in Canada: Memorably referenced by Emily Axford in "Yay or Nay: Is North Korea Awesome?"

    "Oh sure, North Korea, we believe you. You've got nukes and missiles and a girlfriend in Canada..."

  • Girl on Girl Is Hot: In the "Realistic Sobriety Tests", one of the non-standard tests is to introduce a 20-something female drunk driver to Lisa, an art major with a very open attitude to her sexuality. When they drunkenly start making out, both of the cops and even the guy who was hit by the car (still lying on the ground with broken bones and covered in his own blood) try to catch a glimpse.
  • Girls Like Musicians: Lampooned in a set of videos titled "Learning Guitar/Piano to Get Laid". The guys in the video managed to attract an entire harem by the end. Also, no, learning the bass will NOT get you laid.
  • Got Me Doing It: The narrator of Apple Watch ad parody "Apple: Call It the iWatch and We'll Kill You" complains of this after violating his own Insistent Terminology.
  • Grammar Correction Gag: "When Not to Correct Someone's Grammar", where a man compulsively corrects the grammar of a friend as he describes the circumstances of his brother's suicide.
  • Grammar Nazi: A pastiche of Inglourious Basterds (specifically, Chapter 1 "Once Upon a Time in Nazi-Occupied France") takes this trope literally, and shows that some Grammar Nazis are, in fact, actual Nazis.

    Perrier LaPadite: There was no Jews here.
    Col. Hans Landa: Jew, or Jews, plural?
    LaPadite: Plural.
    Col. Hans Landa: WRONG! You have to match your subject with your verb!

    • Except that "Jews" is the object; "there" is the subject.
  • Great Detective: Parodied twice, with Trapp as the detective.
  • Gym Bunny: Lampshaded in Gay Men Will Marry Your Girlfriends:

    Guy in Kitchen: "All of us are ripped. It doesn't seem statistically possible, and yet it's true."


  • Halfway Plot Switch: Picnicface NFL Crunchtime starts about a football video game, then is about the player stuck in prison, and finally about reintegrating to society after being released.
  • Halloween Enthusiast: Played for laughs in "This Twisted Freak LIKES Halloween" by Dropout. Raph is a big fan of halloween and all the scary stuff that comes with, but acts like this is some kind of creepy and unusual thing and not something the majority of people agree with.
  • Hands Go Down: In "Comic-Con Cosplay Catastrophe", the panelists are fed up with non-normal cosplayers in the audience. Joff asks the audience questions who are not gender-swapping or Digimon versions of non-Digimon things (with hands going down), until he finds a Cloud...who turns out to be Inuyasha.
  • Hard-Drinking Party Girl: In "The Six Girls You'll Date in College", there's 'The One Who Likes To Party', though it's more drug abuse than alcohol.
  • Harmless Villain: Victor Vivisector is a near-demonic looking supervillain with a skull-like face, laser guns, and an army of robots equipped with chainsaws. What is his evil, diabolical plan? To cut down all of America's national forests and replace them with parking lots. Problem is, he's so easily grossed out by the Furry Force that he gives up the first time, and bashes himself to death the second.
  • Heel Realization: "The Problem With Frats" has the fratboys gradually realize how awful they are and by the end, they all cheer at the prospect of turning themselves into the police. However, one of the guys' parents call in a favor, stopping them from repenting and Ox, the only one that isn't remorseful, is now making more money than you.
  • "Help! Help! Trapped in Title Factory!": In a photoshop tutorial video, a project manager who has been kidnapped by North Korea to edit their publicity photographs eventually tries to use the instructional video to give his co-ordinates to any possible rescuer, only to be beaten up by the guard.
  • Henshin Hero: The Furry Force are a decidedly gross take on this. With a call of "Fursona Transfurmation!" four humans are able to transform into hyper-sexualized Funny Animals.
  • He's Just Hiding: In "Realistic Superhero Funeral", a funeral is being held for Alpha Man. However, Barry Allen / The Flash doesn't take the funeral seriously, as this is the sixth time Alpha Man has "died".

    Mayor: Alpha Man seemed invincible. We all remember when it looked like he had been killed while saving us from that supernova. Or when he died defending the Earth from laser tigers. Or that time he fell into that open sewer grate and contracted sentient hepatitis. Each time, no matter how certain his demise, Alpha Man was back a few weeks later, the status quo miraculously restored.

  • High-Voltage Death: Luxo Jr. suffers from this at the end of "Pixar Intro Parody" when he is strapped to an electric chair.
  • Historical In-Joke: They made a video where Bane claims credit for the power outage that happened at the Superdome during the third quarter of Super Bowl XLVII.
  • Hive Mind: The depiction of the twins in the 7D segment of "Ice Age in 4D":

    Horde of Twins: We are all. We are many. We are one.

  • Hive-Mind Testimonial: In Legalize Shrooms Public Service Announcement, people start introducing themselves and their jobs in a string of anaphoras ("I'm a doctor/lawyer/journalist/cookie monster/big wet bag of stools").
  • Hollywood New England: Boston Chahams Cereal, with its mascot, a baseball kid named "Mickey the Masshole". He takes Bobby and Sandy on a fountain of Sam Adams into a cartoonish Boston. Marshmallows include "Chowdah, Sox and Wahlbergs, a hand Flipping the Bird, pints of Samuel Adams, and Jeter sucking A-Rod's dick." It also turns milk to Jameson's. For the Adjacent to This Complete Breakfast shot, they show a bowl of Boston Chahms cereal next to a side of beans, a pint of Guinness, and a pile of Boston Creme donuts.
  • Hollywood Pudgy: Humorously deconstructed in this video, which features a college-age woman complaining about her size as Hollywood Pudgy characters tend to do ("Look at these love handles! I'm a muffin top!") while her friend reassures her that she's not fat at all. The twist is that the two actresses are notably plus-sized and attractive women, which creates an interesting clash of visuals and words.
  • Homage: The art style and morbid subject matter of "Everything That Will Kill You... From A to Z" is a direct Shout-Out to author/illustrator Edward Gorey and, more specifically, his book The Gashlycrumb Tinies.
  • How Is That Even Possible?: This phrase being said verbatum is a running gag in the point-of-view sketches.
  • Hypocritical Heartwarming: The aptly-titled "Only I Can Insult My Mom" sketch.
  • Hypocritical Humor:
  • Ice-Cream Koan: "How to Sound Smart" discusses and analyzes this by demonstrating the rhetorical devices that make these kinds of statements seem profound.

    Trapp: ... It's called "antimetabole." He mirrored his phrase, switching two words around in order to sound smart.
    Brennan: Come on!
    Trapp: No, it's true, you can do it with anything. Listen to this: "If you want love to be a part of your life, you must first make life a part of your love."
    Grant: ...THAT IS SO WISE!
    Katie: Oh my god, I love it! I love it so much and I don't even understand it!
    Brennan: (typing on his phone) "Make life a part of..."

  • Idealized Sex: Realistic Hollywood Sex Scene parodies this trope. It's awkward, gross, creepy, and pathetic... and it still manages to seem just a teensy bit sweet and romantic.
  • Identical Stranger: Grant is this to Keith from BuzzFeed, as lampshaded and exaggerated in "Is Grant Keith from Buzzfeed?"
  • I Hate Past Me: This is one of the older Joes' reaction in Looper Has Sex with Himself when the younger Joe refuses to give the older ones a blowjob.
  • Imagination-Based Superpower: In "Adulthood vs. Childhood", the latter fighter uses this as his Super Move.
  • Immortality Promiscuity: Parodied in the CollegeHumor "My Elf Girlfriend" videos: a human in an Interspecies Romance has to come to terms with the fact that his girlfriend has 2000 years more sexual history than him, including with her entire social circle in the first millennium.

    Ryan: Orcs?! Elowyn, orcs?!
    Elowyn: Everyone has a bad-boy phase in their 1200s!

  • Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: Lampshaded here. Stormtroopers are apparently good shots until they put on their helmets.
  • Inherently Attractive Profession: "Meet Cute with a Ghost": Jess meets a really cute ghost during a seance. She originally wanted to contact her dead grandfather, but the ghost turns out to be "tall, muscular, with dark hair" and a doctor to boot. She's delighted. The psychic is baffled why she wants to pursue him, but Jess says dating in LA is hard.
  • Inner City School: The parody of the trailer for Dangerous Minds, set in a school like this for wizards, with Hermione Granger as the teacher. It is even better than it sounds!
  • Innocent Inaccurate: The Tumblr CEO (see below) is very ill-informed about a number of things.

    CEO: Martha, I'm not angry, I'm just- I'm trying to understand how this didn't get to me. When I started this website, I wanted it to be about Buddies Doing Social Media - that's why I started the BDSM tag!'s full of what?!
    CEO: Why is nobody obeying Rule 34? Be polite!
    Carmen: That's not Rule 34.
    CEO: Is there a different Rule 34?
    Carmen: A very different Rule 34.

  • Intentionally Awkward Title: The Hot Date episode "The Skinny Bitch Diet Menu" has Emily and Murph trying to order off a diet menu comprised entirely of dishes with these kinds of titles.
  • Interfaith Smoothie: The central premise of The Church For People Who Are “Spiritual, But Not Religious”, which has a liturgical Baptist-esque worship service with a spirituality that blends Eastern religions with New Age spirituality. Whatever the spirituality of this church, it is most certainly NOT Christian.
  • The Internet Is for Porn:
    • They parodied this in Porn Site Strip Club, showing some of the pitfalls of online porn. Among other things, age verification being a joke in actually preventing access to teenagers, "free" previews being anything but, and annoying pop-up ads.
    • And invoked in "Tumblr CEO: No More Porn", who attempts to avert this trope with the platform only to be told...

      CEO: Conservatively... what percentage of our platform is porn?
      Carmen: Nine-
      CEO: Nine percent?
      Carmen: -ty...
      CEO: Ninety?!
      Carmen: -eight.
      CEO: ...(Screams)

  • ...In That Order: There's a variation where Batman, circa The Dark Knight Rises, spends his dying breaths relating had sex with Talia, going in detail on how he explored her orifices...and "in an order that would surprise you", cueing Squick from Bane.
  • I Resemble That Remark!: In one sketch, Katie pitches various sketches which clearly are describing each of the other staff members seated at the table.
  • Irony:
  • It Always Rains at Funerals: It rains when they bury the letter "I" in the "Pixar Intro Parody".
  • It's All About Me: The country singer in "Livin' Mask-Free (Music Video)" doesn't even deny that his refusal to wear a mask during the COVID-19 pandemic is because he doesn't give a damn about how his decision will hurt other people.

    Singer: Fuck you! I don't care about all the deaths
    Don't care how much I kill with my stupid breath
    'Cause I'm coughin' freedom out from sea to sea
    But I'm not talkin' about your freedom to live
    I mean your freedom to look at all the shits I give
    'Cause the only guy I care about is me.

  • Jail Bake: In the video "ShamWow Guy In Jail", Vince pitches various items to the other inmates. One of them is a cake slightly smaller than a football with a hacksaw hidden inside.
  • Jerkass Gods: The titular god in "The Tetris God" who won't give the player an I-block when they're trying to make a tetris. And when they decide to plug the gap with an L-block, he just gives the player four I-blocks in a row to spite them.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Google from the If Google Was a Guy series. He's sarcastic and easily exasperated, but in his defense, he's Surrounded by Idiots, and he does work tirelessly to give people answers. On the rare occasion he gets people who aren't being stupid or gross, he's perfectly pleasant, and his exasperation gets directed at other factors—such as an NSA guy snooping in when a man asks where the nearest mosque is. The "heart of gold" is especially prominent in the quarantine special released for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic; he's pissed at people who carelessly disregard social distancing rules and put others in danger, but extremely gentle towards a woman who's obviously distressed and wondering if things will ever feel normal again.
  • Joke of the Butt: In the video "Nicolas Cage's Agent", the actor in question keeps picking projects with an Audience-Alienating Premise to the bewilderment of his agent. One of these is a turd called Space Ass, wherein Cage plays an astronaut whose ship explodes, except for his ass, which retains consciousness and has to make its way back to Earth.
  • Joke Title, Real Role: This skit parodies the opening scene from Inglorious Basterds by making the Nazi antagonist Colonel Hans Landa a literal Grammar Nazi—he threatens to execute Mr. LaPedite for continually making grammatical errors, but when LaPedite catches him making a grammatical error, he shoots himself out of shame.

    Col. Landa: Hiding under the floorboards, I have finally found you.

    Mr. LaPedite: Wait—you are hiding under the floorboards, or is she?

    Shoshanna Dreyfus: (hiding under the floor) A dangling participle!

    Col. Landa: A dangling participle... [shoots himself]

  • Jumping the Shark:
  • Just Friends: Hilariously, Adam finds himself sent to the friendzone by Eve, despite them being the only people in Paradise. When she tells him that she just got out of a bad relationship, it turns out to be the snake.
  • Just the Introduction to the Opposites: In these two sketches, a gamer is bullied and sexually harassed by gamer girls. Warning, audio is NSFW!
  • Karma Houdini: Played depressingly straight in "The Problem With Frats." The frat bros realize that they are all extremely racist, sexist and have helped cover for a rapist to the point where the victim had to leave school, and resolve to turn themselves in to the police. Said rapist's father pulled some strings and got them out of trouble. Meanwhile, the frat bro who spraypainted swastikas on a Jewish dean's car got a job on Wall Street and now makes more money than you.
  • Kill the Poor: In We Are The 1%, the richest 1% of the country decide that since they only control 43% of the nation's wealth, they should own all of it.
  • Klatchian Coffee: Parodied with Powerthirst, an energy drink which makes outrageous claims about its potency; the drink was later Defictionalized and contains a staggering 190 mg of caffeine per 16 ounces. (For reference, Bawls Exxtra packs 150 milligrams per 16 ounces.) The end of the second video makes it pretty clear what you are drinking:

    POWERTHIRST!! It's like Crystal Meth in a can! It's Crystal Meth in a can! Powerthirst is Crystal Meth!

  • Kleptomaniac Hero: Hilariously parodied, and deconstructed in CollegeHumor Original RPG Heroes are Jerks.
  • The Krampus: There's a video of "Kovert Krampus", a Black Comedy version of Secret Santa exchanges.
  • Lack of Empathy: The country singer in "Livin' Mask-Free (Music Video)" rather bluntly admits that he doesn't give a damn about the people who will die because of his refusal to wear a mask during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Last Note Hilarity: CollegeHumor is fond of this trope. See for instance Awkward Rap. Several other songs end in similar ways.
  • Law of Inverse Fertility: In an animation that parodies those health class films shown to children about puberty, that discusses the pitfalls of aging, the trope is lampshaded. "A 15-year-old girl making a mistake on prom night has a better chance of getting pregnant than a 40-year-old woman actively trying to conceive with her husband." In the animation itself, a teenage girl goes into a bathroom with her boyfriend while an adult woman gets in bed with her husband...followed by the girl suddenly developing an Obvious Pregnancy right away, and the adult woman crying at a doctor's office as yet another pregnancy test comes back negative.
  • Limited Special Collector's Ultimate Edition: In-universe. In "Adulthood vs. Childhood", when the latter tries to attack Manchild with "Saturday Morning Cartoons", he counters by using a "Limited Edition DVD Box Set" as a shield.
  • Line-of-Sight Alias: Done when Katie, trying to come up with a sketch, desperately looks around the room and says it's about... a woman... named... Amir Raphael Wallstripes Turkey Helmet Couch Floor Table Tube Hair Sweater Blanket Guitar Wood Chair Cushion Dragon Map Beard Pen Astronaur Spill Garbage Can Used Kleenex Laptop. And her last name is Lamp Trophy Boardgame Globe Books Door Gnome Ceiling Phone Frame Poster Dumbass Plant Notebook Lights Pillow. And then it turns out that not only was this something Katie had already come up with, she'd already told Sam about it and he liked it.
  • Lyrical Dissonance:
    • The "Honest Holiday Card Song". The faces on the card photos sing a ridiculously upbeat melody about all of the various problems they are struggling with, like estranged marriages, struggling with obesity, losing one's job.
    • The "End of the World" Parody. The musical beat is joyful, the lyrics are about the many ways news media claim we should expect The End of the World as We Know It.
  • Mad Libs Dialogue: To be expected in a trailer for Mad Libs, the popular 1960s drama that airs every Sunday night on AMCow. Sneak preview:

    Don Draper: You see it's about selling the American Dream. People don't fly to get to a destination. They fly to get to a booger.

    • And gems like:

      Joan: Mr. Draper, your wife's on the line.
      Don Draper: Tell her I'll flatten the kids another time. After last night's walrus party, I have a queef popsicle.

    • Or:

      Betty Draper: Don, I feel like I don't even know you any more!
      Don Draper: You think I like Albert Einstein baking me nipple pies?!

  • Manchild:
    • The CollegeHumor Original "Adulthood vs. Childhood" has Adulthood and Childhood facing off in a fighting game, only to be interrupted by a third contender: the MANCHILD.
    • There's also the doctor in "Retarded Tests", who likes to give people Shmuck Bait in place of a real psych evaluation just as an excuse to "diagnose" them retarded when they fall for it. When his patient turns the tables, all he can do is pout and yell at him to shut up. Once apologies are said, he pulls out a toy truck and starts playing with it.
  • Media Scaremongering: Parodied here. Set to R.E.M.'s "It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)", they showcase basically every ratings-driven media panic frenzy of the past 10-15 years, including Y2K, 2012, Peak Oil, terrorist attacks, Global Warming, and the imminent Zombie Apocalypse, Robot War, and Alien Invasion.
  • Medium Awareness: A parody skit of Sesame Street had Cookie Monster replaced by a "pot cookie monster". By the end of the video the drug's effects cause him to realize that he's just a puppet.
  • Meet Cute: Exaggerated in "7-Way Meet Cute"
  • Memetic Mutation:
  • Men Buy from Mars, Women Buy from Venus:

    It's energy for MEN! MENERGY!!

  • Milkman Conspiracy: Played for laughs in the "Deceptive Deceptions" video, which reveals that the ridiculously massive Conspiracy Kitchen Sink designed to control humanity is being led by the dorky members of the CollegeHumor staff.
  • Mills and Boon Prose: College course texts are reinterpreted as cheap bodice rippers.
  • Misaimed Merchandising: "The Hunger Games" parodies this by turning The Hunger Games into a board game targeted towards love-obsessed teenage girls, whereas the story itself is about a literal duel to the death set in a dystopian North America.
  • Mistaken for Name: One satirical article involves a story from the perspective of a little boy. The boy calls his father's girlfriend (his parents are divorced) "Bich", the implication being that he heard his mother calling her a bitch and assumed that was the girlfriend's name.
  • Mockspiracy: The sinister conspiracy is played completely for laughs in the College Humor video "Deceptive Deceptions". Basically, everyone is in on it, the proof of their connections is laughably absurd, and it ultimately amounts to a Milkman Conspiracy.
  • Monster Mash: The sketch "The Six Monsters You'll Have for Roommates" personifies college roommates as these. The Neat Freak is the Robot, He Who Must Not Be Seen is the Ghost, The Casanova is the Vampire, the Cloud Cuckoolander is the Alien, and The Slacker is the Zombie. The Mummy apparently has his own place off-campus.
  • Monster Roommate: The sketch "The Six Monsters You'll Have As Roommates" humorously characterizes the types of college roommates as various kinds of monsters: the antisocial control freak is a robot, the one you never see because he's always out is a ghost, the Guyliner-wearing goth who somehow always gets laid is a vampire, the foreign exchange student with strange customs is an alien, and the one who's always tired and lifeless is a zombie. The last Monster is the fact that there are no more monsters - i.e., you live alone, and are now completely freaked out at night because there's no one to blame the noises in the night on.
  • Mood Whiplash:
    • "Mix Up at the Snack Factory", a parody of 90's snack commercials, starts off with a boy asking his grandfather how "Quadruple Cheese Cheezos" got so cheesy. This segues into a flashback to when the grandfather used to work in a "Cheezos" factory. The flashback starts off cartoonishly when someone notices that too much cheese has been poured into the "Snack-a-tron", resulting in an explosion that creates the "Quadruple Cheese Cheezos", but the "Cheez Level" suddenly goes critical, resulting in a flood of liquid cheese that leaves the workers panicking and desperately scrambling to get out. The foreman, a parody of Chester Cheetah, watches the catastrophe unfold and sinisterly decides to let the workers drown so he can replace them all. The grandfather manages to escape before the emergency doors activate, only able to watch in horror as his comrades are left to drown in cheese.

    Grandfather: [solemnly] And that's how they got... so cheesy. [reaches towards his now shellshocked grandson for a Cheezo and bites into it]
    Announcer: Buy Quadruple Cheese Cheezos! Now with four times the cheese!

    • "Grease Dilemma" begins as a cheerful re-enactment of "Summer Nights"... before Kenickie begins spouting lines essentially confessing to raping Rizzo.
  • Moon-Landing Hoax: As part of the Conspiracy Kitchen Sink video, 'Deceptive Deceptions', the moon landing was faked by NASA to hide that the moon is really a prehistoric hologram that hides an enormous starcraft behind it.
  • More than Three Dimensions: Lampooned in "Ice Age in 4D":

    Announcer 1: People can't stop talking about Ice Age in 3D. For a limited time only, see Ice Age in 4D.
    Announcer 2: The fourth dimension is time.
    Announcer 1: Go to select Loews theaters and see Ice Age in 5D.
    Announcer 2: The fifth dimension is another possibile reality caused by choice or chance somewhere along the course of time.
    Announcer 1: Get a large popcorn and see Ice Age in 6D.
    Announcer 2: The sixth dimension allows you to jump between possible realities.
    Announcer 1: Get your 7 Up helmets and see Ice Age in 7D.
    Announcer 2: The seventh dimension is all conceivable possibilities in our universe.
    Announcer 1: Go to the drive in at Area 51 and see Ice Age in 8D.
    Announcer 2: The eighth dimension is another possible universe caused by a different combination of particles after the Big Bang.

  • Morton's Fork: "What Going Back to the 90's Would Actually Be Like" has a man wish he went back to the 1990's, only to be faced with the difficult choice of preventing 9/11 (which he is told can only be done successfully by becoming a terrorist himself) and going back to the present day with the knowledge that he let 9/11 happen when he could've prevented it.
  • Multiple Endings: "Christmas vs. Hanukkah" and "Cat vs. Dog" allow the viewer to choose which of the two fighters wins.
  • Mundane Made Awesome:
  • Mundane Wish: In "Prince Harry as a Disney Prince", Harry-as-Aladdin uses his three wishes for two shots of Jäger and a pack of condoms. Jasmine is not amused.


  • Naughty by Night: In "The Six Girls You'll Date in College", there's 'The One Who Goes to Church', who's easily impressed by the Nice Guy Audience Surrogate, and (with her modest attire and seemingly naive nature) seems out of place at the frat party where she meets him, but in the bedroom, she is not the naive virgin she appears to be, and is apparently heavily into bondage.
  • Neat Freak: In "The Six Monsters You'll Have as Roommates", the "Robot" is such because he's a rigid neat freak who suffers a technical malfunction as soon as one dirty sock soils the floor.
  • Nerds Are Sexy: The skit "I'm Such a Nerd", in which a nerd happily discovers that the rather attractive girl he's dating is herself a giant nerd... who then promptly dumps him for not being nerdy enough.

    Girl: I thought he was different, you know, but he wasn't. He...he couldn't even name all of the current Batman titles!

  • Nightmare Fuel: In-Universe, the "Super-Intense ER Promo":

    ER Narrator: It's the episode NBC told us not to air, and we told them to go fuck themselves. Don't watch this episode pregnant. You'll miscarry. When we showed the rough cut to an insane asylum, the patients were cured and the staff went insane. It's the episode Newsweek called "AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" (...) When they showed this episode to a third grader, he drew a very disturbing picture. [Shows a child's drawing, with a tombstone over his dad's grave, his mom hanging herself from a tree, and their house on fire] Features a twist so shocking that when the writers came up with it, they locked themselves in a basement, wrote "God is a Lie" on the wall in blood, and hung themselves with their own intestines.

  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: This video starts out by parodying the Nazi Zombies concept, then adds werewolves, vampires, and other permutations to the mix.
  • No Bisexuals: One sketch used this as the punchline for a Coming-Out Story, as Grant's admission that he's attracted to men is met with indifference, and he's infuriated because he expected a stronger reaction. This persists until he mentions that he's bisexual, not homosexual, and everyone in the office invokes this trope.
  • Nobody Loves the Bassist: "Learning Guitar to Get Laid" ends with a (fake) ad for a video cassette called "Learning the Bass and NOT Getting Laid."

    Bassist: (playing some muddled chords for a bored-looking girl) That was "Free Falling", I think.

  • No Dress Code: Parodied in the hit sketch series, "The Problem with Jeggings."
  • No Ending:
    • The video "Ambiguous Endings Resolved" is a video that attempts to resolve the endings for movies or TV shows that ended on cliffhangers:
      • Lost in Translation: We learn what Bob really whispers into Charlotte's ear at the end (if she wants to marry him).
      • No Country for Old Men: we have Sheriff Ed Tom Bell talking to his wife about the two dreams involving his late father. The conversation is interrupted with an excited deputy appearing in the window to break the news to him that they've caught Anton Chigurh, then helps himself to some of the bacon on Bell's plate.
      • The Graduate: Benjamin and Elaine are on the bus having escaped the wedding. Then they realize how wrong this is as the bus continues down the road.
      • The Sopranos: CollegeHumor has their own answer to how the show ends: the screen going black on the last word to "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey is because Tony Soprano gets whacked.
  • Non-Nude Bathing: The "Dorm Bathroom" sketch featured a P.O.V. Cam of a "typical" dorm bathroom, wherein The Protagonist takes note of a Shower Shy student stepping out of the shower in his swim trunks and still having a minor Naked Freakout upon being seen and wraps a Modesty Towel over his swim trunks as he leaves. The Protagonist ask himself, "How self-conscious can you be?" just as another student steps out of the shower fully-clothed and still wraps himself in a Modesty Towel over his clothes.
  • No Party Like a Donner Party: Jokingly referenced in the video about airplane safety instructions when the captain assures the passengers that if they crash in the mountains, there's no need to resort to cannibalism for at least one winter. However, if they do run out of food, they're going to start with the third-class passengers and gradually move up to the first class.
  • Not a Mask: In the CSI: Scooby-Doo parody, Shaggy immediately suspects that a cop is the culprit. He grabs for the guy's face and pulls it off, revealing...the inside of the cop's face.
  • Not Hyperbole: In "If Your Girlfriend Was Actually Crazy", a typical guy discussion of "crazy" girlfriends takes a dark turn as it becomes increasingly clear that one of the guys is dating an Ax-Crazy psychopath whose previous boyfriend disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
  • Obsessive Spokesperson: In "Extremely Real People Who Are Definitely Not Actors", a group of "real people, not actors" in a battery commercial go absolutely berserk over the obscure-award-winning power of Omnivolt batteries. One girl breaks a table and another guy's head explodes after learning that Omnivolt was the second most reliable battery in a consumer survey.
  • Offscreen Reality Warp: CollegeHumor brings us The 6 Monsters you'll have as Roommates, the "ghost" of which messes up and opens every single cabinet door in the kitchen while his roommate isn't looking.
  • Off the Rails: The "Alternate Mad Men Intros". The animated title sequence starts the same way, but midway through, something happens to derail the opening (like the black figure who falls past the advertising people smacking the sidewalk and dying instantly, him landing in an alcoholic drink and ending up plastered, being intercepted by Superman; the office furniture collapsing; his briefcase falling open revealing pornographic tapes; the figure being kicked into the Breaking Bad title card).
  • Old-Timey Ankle Taboo: "If the Internet Always Existed" has bare ankles on the 1900 version of YouTube.
  • Ominous Visual Glitch: Glitches are part of Brennan's outro when he pleads viewers to keep watching more CH videos, otherwise he will vanish. His image starts to have glitches, gets pixelated and he gradually disappears while he screams.

    Brennan: Hey guys, it's Brennan from CollegeHumor. Click here to subscribe. Click here for more fun stuff. And please keep watching, because if you stop watching, I start to vanish. Do you get it? I'm not really real. I'm just a thing in your screen. Agh! DON'T FORGET MEEE!

  • One of the Boys: In "The Six Girls You'll Date in College", there's 'The Friend', who is basically the same character as the Audience Surrogate but female, so making the move to a relationship just becomes weird.

    Narrator: She's definitely your hoodie. But who in their right mind would fuck their hoodie?!

  • One Phone Call: The page image is taken from the video "Realistic Sobriety Tests", where two police officers use all sorts of inventive ways to trip up suspects involved in drunk driving incidents. One of the drunk drivers is later seen in the station and is handed a phone by one of the officers, only to call up his girlfriend and talk a bunch of nonsense.
  • One-Steve Limit: They have an entire video on the subject (in real life). Specifically, a video telling parents to stop naming their children Mike (or Michael) because of the absolute fuckton of Mikes in the US, and the only result will be that people give him nicknames, or use his last name. The video is narrated by Mike Trapp.
  • Only Sane Man:
    • The page "Facebook History Of The World" has two characters playing this role, one called "Common Sense" and the other called "Hindsight", who are the only ones to realize how idiotic the various historical figures are.
    • The Tide CEO is apparently the only one in the company who stopped to think that if they don't want anyone to eat their products then they shouldn't go out of their way to make it look like food.
    • The ABC CEO seems to be the only one in the entire company who sees something wrong with how racist and generally offensive their new line-up is, and the only one unaware that most of their viewers actually want to see racist programming based on the surveys that were taken.
  • Opposing Sports Team: Spoofed with this video. As it turns out, it's the same group playing in multiple sports, trying (and failing) to win against a werewolf pointguard, a field goal kicking horse, and a child in magic shoes. And finally, with a cry of, "We are done being made the fool! OOH-RAAAAAAAH!" the team turns rather...psychotic.
  • Organ Theft: In the "Urban Legend ER" video, a doctor is about to perform an organ transplant when a woman bursts into the ER claiming that the kidneys are actually hers and that she woke up in a bathtub full of ice that morning with two huge scars on her back. After she faints, the doctor tells the nurse to give the woman her kidneys back.
  • Oscar Bait: "21 Steps to Making an Oscar Movie" spoofs the process of making an Oscar-worthy, serious, dramatic film. They outline the steps to create an angsty, grey-tinted Period Piece called American Gay Racist, about a secretly gay soldier going through marital problems with his wife (played by a beautiful actress in ugly facial prosthetics) and coming to terms with his own racism in 1921 before he commits suicide.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: "Vampire Reunion" shows in a very humorous manner the inherent problems this trope makes with creating any sort of Intercontinuity Crossover with more than one series that includes a vampire. Among the vampires featured are Count Dracula (who naturally is the leader because he's been around longest), Edward Cullen, Bill, Count von Count, Blacula, Angel, and Count Chocula. Even the assorted vampire hunters waiting to strike in the next room (Buffy, Blade, and Van Helsing) can't agree on what methods they should use to kill the vampires. It also carries shades of Your Vampires Suck, since Dracula calls Edward out on the fact that he doesn't have fangs, and Edward in turn states that at least he doesn't look like Angel, who has a monstrous true form.
  • Padding the Paper: The site has some tips exactly for this, and suggests cranking the fonts, margins, spacing, etc, as well as using a picture.
  • Pandora's Box: In Pandora's Unboxing the opening of Pandora's box is depicted as an unboxing video on YouTube.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Used in a video that is a Take That! to British Petroleum's response to the 2010 Gulf oil spill. Tony Hayward and other executives in BP's London offices announce to us after showing a video from an actual focus group that cleaning up the spill is difficult, so they're changing their name to Baby Otter Smiles & Co. Then Hayward and another employee Sally Harris (both of whom are wearing false mustaches) go to the house of Sarah Schneider (one of the focus group members). Sarah sees through their cover, says "You guys are monsters", and shuts the door on them.
  • Parents as People: In "The Six Ways You'll See Your Dad", the last way you'll see your father, after viewing him as a superhero, a clown, a tyrant, a sell-out, and a source of income, is that he's a guy with his own hopes and dreams just like you.
  • Parody Assistance: Happens quite a bit.
  • Pizza Boy Special Delivery: Parodied in this video, where the trope plays out with a guy coming to the house to check for a gas leak. After doing the deed, he then dies in the woman's bed from carbon monoxide poisoning. Then the trope plays out exactly the same when a guy from the coroner's office shows up to collect the body.
  • Politically Incorrect Hero: The video "Zordon is a Racist" spoofs the untinentionally politically incorrect connotations of Zack Taylor being African-American and the Black Ranger as well as Trini Kwan being Asian and the Yellow Ranger by depicting Zordon as a complete bigot who is blatantly appointing Ranger colors to his recruits based on what minority they belong to. After kicking out a second black recruit and a Jewish recruit, the remaining recruits call out Zordon on his bigotry and walk away in disgust.
  • Pooled Funds: Deconstructed in this video, where Scrooge McDuck accidentally breaks all of his bones after jumping into his pool of money, resulting in him being immediately rushed to the hospital where he has a heart attack on the operating table and dies. A funeral is held for him, where he is buried with all of his money, and as a result his grandnephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie go crazy over their granduncle's death and end up in prison, their uncle (and Scrooge's nephew) Donald Duck becoming very angry with them and refuses to pay their "duck bail", before finally going bankrupt and committing suicide.

    DuckTales! (Whoo-hoo!)
    Get to the ER before his brain swells! (Uh-oh!)
    Stabilize his neck. Oh, no! His heart failed!
    Book a funeral, time for mourning
    Happened so fast without warning
    This peaceful bird's now a duck angel! (Uh-oh!)
    Kids can't cope and wind up in a duck jail! (Uh-oh!)
    Donald's pissed and he refused to pay the duck bail! (Uh-oh!)
    Family falls apart, now there's no more DuckTales! (Boo-hoo!)

  • Poor Man's Substitute: Parodied—if you need help but can't afford The A-Team, perhaps you can hire the B-Team, C-Team, or F-Team. They all include a guy who's The Strategist (Hannibal), The Charmer (Face), The Crazy One (Murdock), and The Tough Black Guy (Baracus). However, the substitute teams get increasingly less impressive on these fronts:
    • The A-Team:

      Narrator: One year ago, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you have a ton of money, maybe you can hire the A-Team.

    • For those who can't afford the A-Team, there's the B-Team.

      Narrator: A different Commando unit was also sent to prison for a crime they might have committed. These men eventually escaped from a medium security facility to a motel in Fresno. Today, still more or less acknowledged by the government, they survive as soldiers for hire. If you have a problem, if it's sort of urgent, but you don't need anything fancy, you can probably just hire the B-Team.

    • Then there's the C-Team.

      Narrator: I'm not sure I should tell you this, but one year ago, a group of drug addicts were sent to a prison for crime they openly confessed to (they, uh, shot the mayor's dog). These men were released after their case was thrown out on a technicality. Today, pretty much forgotten by the government, they get by with odd jobs here and there. If you have a problem, if you're totally spaced, and you just need someone, literally anyone, and if you can offer a hot meal in exchange, you can always hire the C-Team.

    • Lastly, there's the F-Team.

      Narrator: OK, I don't usually mention these guys, year ago, four idiots started fighting over half a steak left in a dumpster behind a TGI Friday's. These men—-look, you don't really want to hire these men. They just-oh come on! Oh and that crazy guy? He has mild OCD! And he's clearly not black, what is he, Indian? Not even close. Look, I'm gonna level with you here. You're probably just better off taking care of it yourself. Really. Why would you ever hire anyone named the F-Teem?

  • Porn Stash: In the "Matrix Runs on Windows XP" sketch, Mission Control Cypher supposedly creates a closet full of guns for Neo to find, only for a pile of porn DVDs to fall out after Neo opens it.

    Neo: Amateurs. Woah.
    Cypher: ...I don't know how those got there.

  • Portmanteau: The "Powerthirst" commercials thrive on this (and Mundane Made Awesome). Flavors include Shockolate, Rawberry, Manana, Fizzbitch (?), Juice Springsteen, "Godberry: King of the Juice", and Gun. (And don't forget, it's energy for men... MENERGY!!! Also contains preposterous amounts of testosterone... PREPOSTERONE!!!]])
  • Potty Failure: Katie shits her pants in several sketches.
  • Poverty Porn: Parodied in a sketch about an "Adopt-A-Graduate" program, that parodies those "sponsor a child" programs. It features recent college grads staring forlornly into the camera and crying because Growing Up Sucks.
  • Power Perversion Potential: "Wish I Had a Portal Gun" explores a range of things that would be made possible by possessing the titular gun from Portal, including autofellatio.
  • Prisoner's Last Meal: The video "I Can't Decide What My Last Meal Should Be" is about an annoying young woman on death row who can't make up her mind on what to have for her last meal. In the end, she attacks the guard asking her for her last meal request and takes a bite out of his neck.
  • Proscenium Reveal: In The Last Supper at a Chain Restaurant, we start with Jesus delivering the Last Supper at a regular banquet table, with bread on it, and his apostles surrounding him. He gives a speech, but then suddenly stops and asks, "Okay, who are you?" Suddenly the ethereal lighting vanishes, revealing that we are actually in a Wacky Jack's Rodeo Barn & Grill, and a waiter named Steve shows up to take their food orders.
  • Puff of Logic: In "Professor Wikipedia", a student asks Professor Wikipedia to tell everyone his knowledge about her. Another student points out that she's "not notable" even though she edits the yearbook, and she vanishes into nothing while screaming.
  • Random Number God: "The Tetris God" will manually choose which piece will be next.

    "Thou art a cruel and angry God!!"

  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: "Grease Dilemma" takes the rather concerning lyric of "Did she put up a fight?" from "Summer Nights" and runs with it: Rizzo eventually breaks down sobbing as her friends wonder what happened, and Kenickie becomes a pariah to the point that Danny authorizes his group to beat him up.
  • Red-and-White Comedy Poster: Parodied with Big Red Text.
  • Red Shirt: "Jurassic Park Character's Awful Realization" is explicitly about this, wherein the main cast are arguing over who should distract the T-rex with a flare. Donald Gennaro (Martin Ferrero reprising his role) is elected for this, and accuses the others, "I'm only here to die, aren't I?" The other characters fail to reassure him ("You're a very important character!") and an argument ensues wherein Genre Savvy Gennaro insists it's unfair to ask the most obviously doomed character to go out there, saying Grant and Ellie are both needed experts, Malcolm is the charismatic comic relief, and Tim and Lex are kids, and he's simply "the lawyer." The others try and convince him maybe he's a Mauve Shirt instead. Malcolm ultimately tosses him out of the Explorer and after a failed attempt to persuade the T-rex he's plot-relevant by saying he's Tim and Lex's real father, he gets nommed.
  • Redundant Parody: They made a fake trailer for a version of The Dark Knight done in the style of the 1960s Batman TV show. Much of the humor seems to rely on the apparent fact that a movie about this incarnation of Batman would turn out way too silly. Someone must not have gotten word that this TV show does have a very silly movie.
  • Ridiculous Procrastinator: Exaggerated in "Don't Bother Fixing Your Problems" and "Lazy Ghost Has SO Much Unfinished Business."
  • Right on Queue: Every episode of "If Google Was a Guy" starts with a long line of people standing outside Google's office. In some episodes, he snaps impatiently at them.
  • The Roast:
  • Role-Playing Game: A recurring feature on the site is to cast TV shows what they would be like if they were made as an RPG videogame instead. So far they've done Jersey Shore (link), Game of Thrones, season 1 (deleted scenes) and season 2, Battlestar Galactica (2003) (link), Breaking Bad (link), The Wire (link), Lost (link), Homeland (link), and Doctor Who (link).
  • Rule of Three:
    • The second "Rejected Song Parodies" video has Zac try to do three songs about soup ("I Really [Really Really Really Really Really] Like Stew", I'm About That Bouillabaise", and "Turn Down for Pho").
    • The third "Rejected Song Parodies" video (the political edition) has Grant try to parody "Candle in the Wind" three times ("Rand Paul in the Wind", "Jindal in the Wind", and "Candle in the").
    • "No, You Weren't 'Born in the Wrong Decade'" follows this formula: after Siobhan names a decade, Zac imitates a dance from then, Katie names an important event that occurred and declares it "the decade America came into its own", and Trapp brings everyone back to Earth by pointing out the problems with that decade. This happens 3 times overall.
  • Running Gag:
  • Sadistic Game Show: "Total Forgiveness", a show where Grant and Ally force each other to do embarassing or painful things to pay their student debts. Discussed in the first episode, where Grant and Ally are pitching the idea and Sam says that he loves the pitch, but he doesn't know if he can ethically sign off on it as their boss.
  • Saw "Star Wars" Twenty-Seven Times:
    • In the 3D segment of "Ice Age in 4D", the twins exclaim, "We saw it three times!" In the 4D segment, the twins exclaim, "We saw it three million times in an hour!"
    • In one installment of "What Will Kevin Do for Ricky's Money?", Kevin goes to seven consecutive showings of Beverly Hills Chihuahua for $200. At the end of the ordeal, Pat notes that he's probably seen it more than anyone else in the country.
  • Schmuck Bait: The video "Retard Test". The patient is given this riddle: the red man lives in the red house, the orange man lives in the orange house, and the blue man lives in the blue house. So who lives in the white house?
  • School of No Studying: Subverted in "If College Movies Were Honest", a trailer for a college movie in which Surprisingly Realistic Outcome occurs.

    "I can't make it to rehearsal for acapella regionals tomorrow! I have a physics final!"
    "Beth, if we don't won't matter in the grand scheme of things, I guess."
    "Yeah, it would be insane of you to skip your physics final for this."
    "Yeah, this extracurricular has no intrinsic value to us after we graduate."

  • Screw the Rules, I Have Money!: Invoked by Amir in the final "Prank War" video to explain how he supposedly managed to get Streeter's skydiving instructor to convince him that his parachute didn't open. (There would be a lot of legal problems with attempting this in real life.)

    "So I called the skydiving place, and they said, 'No, absolutely not, we wouldn't wanna jeopardize, you know, the life of one of our paying customers or the life of one of our employees.' And then I said, 'What if I gave you a lot of money?' And they said 'All right, sounds great, what day works best for you?'"

  • Screw Yourself: Parodied in Looper Has Sex with Himself. The Time Travel in the film is employed specifically to invoke this, but all of Joe's older duplicates can't agree on who is going to give who oral sex.
  • Self-Abuse: One of the patients in the "Urban Legend ER" video is a teenage boy who developed hair growth on his palms after masturbating.
  • Self-Deprecation:
    • "Web Site Story".
    • Along with Self-Parody, Adam Ruins College Humor.
    • This conversation in "Watching TV Is Work" (while Hot Date plays in the background).

      "I want you with me, not you up watching some under-the-radar comedy about a young urban couple navigating their way through life and love!"


      "No, the other one!"


      "No, the other one!"


      "No, the other one!"

      "You're the Worst?"

      "I don't know, maybe!"

  • Self-Plagiarism: This parody turns Seth McFarlane's tendency to copy his own shows by showing a bunch of fictional shows he created that follow the same premise with only the setting being different.
  • Serious Business:
    • Brennan considers Ice Breakers - as well as a host of other games - to be this. While the rest of the cast is more fun about it, the minute someone accuses it of being childish and unserious, it turns into this. Exaggerated when they swap to Musical Chairs, and he breaks out a barbed-wire baseball bat and hockey pads.

    Brennan: I'm having fun. Getting the answers right is fun for me.

  • Settled for Gay: Gay Men Will Marry Your Girlfriends has an assortment of gay men cheerily listing their advantages as husband material while explicitly threatening to Invoke and Exploit this trope if the straight male viewing audience refuses to support gay marriage. They go so far as to debunk the idea the marriage would be sexless

    "...We could play her like an upright bass! And the kind of threesome she wants? Oh, we're cool with that."

  • Settle It Without Weapons: Parodied in "GoldenEye Stand-Off" (based on GoldenEye (1997)), where Bond and Trevelyan run out of ammo and go at each other with basic melee attacks:

    Bond: Then it's settled... brutal hand-to-hand combat it is.
    Trevelyan: To the death.
    Bond: [dramatic whisper] Slappers only.

  • 7-Minute Lull: "Awkward Rap" references this.
  • Sex for Product: Parodied in the "Powerthirst" ads. "BABIES! You'll have so many babies! FOUR HUNDRED BABIES!
  • Sexy Discretion Shot: Played with, as it's not really sexy, but we fortunately don't get to see most of the pornographic content that Brennan is exposed to in "Tumblr CEO: No More Porn", instead being clued in by his incredulous reactions.
  • Shipping: "Shipping, the OTP Dating Commercial" features a dating agency where a fangirl with Shipping Goggles pairs different fictional characters to their own bemusement. Her choices include quite a few Crack Pairings and Crossover Ships.
  • Shirtless Scene: Parodied in the "Call Me Maybe" parody. Like in the actual music video, an attractive guy starts lawnmowing a backyard, but when a girl takes note of him and he takes his shirt off, he's revealed to be a Neo-Nazi on account of the huge swastika tattoo on his chest.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: Sam spends the first four episodes of the 2017 Halloween special "The sCHing" racing to rescue his friends, only to get axe murdered at the end of the fifth episode after he finally shows up at the house the writers were staying at.
  • Shower of Love: Deconstructed in Showering with Girls, in which Dan states that while he would like to see this trope happen, he goes into (perhaps too much) detail as to why it would be difficult, uncomfortable, or even downright dangerous in real life.
  • The Siege: "The Fall of Pinterest".
  • Signature Style: Affectionately spoofed in the "If Other Directors Made The Social Network" video. If The Social Network were directed by Wes Anderson it tries too hard to be quirky and off-kilter, directed by Michael Bay it's a by-the-books action blockbuster with a blue-orange filter, directed by Christopher Guest it's a mockumentary about character relationships, directed by Quentin Tarantino it's an incredibly violent movie with gangsters who talk about pop culture, directed by Guillermo del Toro it's in Spanish and about a Deal with the Devil gone wrong, and directed by Frank Capra it's a sentimental piece that emphasizes the importance of friendships.
  • Sleep Deprivation:
    • Sketch "The Horrors of Hungover Traveling" has Zac trying to catch a flight while being brutally hungover and extremely sleep deprived. The flight gets delayed and he passes out lying over several seats at the airport.
    • "I Got NO Sleep Last Night": Small talk about how you couldn't sleep and have to drink coffee to get though the day is considered the most boring conversation imaginable. Zac keeps bringing it up and wants to tell it in elaborate detail.
  • Snakes Are Sinister: In the sketch "Adam and Eve in the Friendzone", Eve tells Adam that she doesn't want to start a relationship with him because "she's just out of a really long relationship and wants to keep her options open." As Adam wonders who this alleged ex could possibly be, the snake (a puppet) pops up from behind a log, wearing a leather jacket and a red mohawk, and invites Eve to the Tree of Knowledge. She accepts his invitation, leaving Adam behind to sulk. God tells Adam that He can make him a new partner, but that He will need another rib to do it. Adam declines, saying that he and Eve will make it work somehow.
  • Soda-Candy 'Splosion: The skit "Urban Legend Ward" takes place at an emergency hospital ward that is being overrun by victims of various Urban Legend-inspired disasters. One patient in particular has washed down Pop Rocks with coke, and the doctors can only watch in horror as his belly bursts open in a geyser of soda and gore, killing him instantly.
  • Softer and Slower Cover: "The Worst Pokémon Go Deaths" accompanies a memorial slideshow of cast members supposedly killed while playing Pokémon GO with a weepy acoustic cover of the Pokémon theme song.
  • Song Parody: Some sketches are song parodies, such as "Don't Stop Your Screaming" or "Sing Talk".
  • Sophisticated as Hell: This article.

    ''I believe it was Sigmund Freud who once said, “Sometimes horrific things just fall out of your mouth before you can muster up the strength to stop them. That’s just the worst, man, for real.”

  • Space Whale Aesop:
  • Spontaneous Human Combustion:
    • The article "Things to Do Before Dying in a Freak Accident" ends with the main character of the piece suddenly blowing up.
    • The brief 3-frame animation graphic that plays before any of the site's animated shorts depicts a man handing a lighted stick of dynamite to a friend, covering his ears, and spontaneously combusting.
  • Spot the Impostor:
    1. If you shoot the one with the green shirt, both the remaining guy AND the girl are revealed to be aliens.
    2. If you shoot the one with the yellow shirt, you killed the alien impostor.
    3. And if you shoot neither, the woman instead suggests a threesome between herself, her husband, and the alien clone, which is then revealed to be just a nightmare that the real husband was having.
  • Stag Party: They've done this about bachelor movies contrary to what movies say. Just a plain old affair. No, seriously.
  • Stalking is Love: Parodied in "Obsessive Boyfriends Are SO Romantic!"
  • Stimulant Speedtalk: "The Roast Of Weed" gives us a depiction of a bag of cocaine, personifying the drug as a very fast talker and taking deep breaths in between sentences. After being well for about 20 seconds, it eventually faints after the rapid fire roasting it gives weed.
  • The Stinger: There are a surprising few of these, considering the number of videos they have made.
  • Strictly Formula: CollegeHumor itself has been known to poke fun at the one-joke nature of Jake and Amir, such as in the Roast of Amir Blumenfeld (Jeff Rubin: "This roast gives me a great idea for an episode of Jake and Amir! Like, you guys could be at a roast or something, right, and then you do something, like, childish and naive, and then Jake gets annoyed about it!") The Hardly Working skit "Daylight Savings" distills the whole series down to the following:

    Amir: Dinner tonight?
    Jake: Stop that, Amir, that's very annoying.

  • Stunned Silence: During the Breaking News episode "True Facts About Grant Anthony O'Brien", everyone on the set is stunned into silence by Grant's appallingly bad acting choices when he was younger. Then it happens again when it's revealed that Grant sodomised himself with a dildo in the shower, and then didn't clean it off and put it away before going to work.
  • Subverted Kids' Show:
  • Sucky School: There's a fake commercial for the Quendelton State University, where you can get A Degree in Useless in literally thousands of disciplines, renovation projects will take decades to finish, the football team is worthless, and the nearby community is a complete ghost town.

    "If we were a good university, we wouldn't need a commercial!"

  • Superman Stays Out of Gotham: Lampooned in this video, which provides the page image.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome:
  • Surrounded by Idiots:
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: The Ceo of Moviepass, when found sleeping on the floor:

    "My house is fine. I have my house still."


  • Take That!:
    • "We Didn't Start the Flame War" (itself an Affectionate Parody of Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire") is a big Take That! against Internet trolls.
    • A big Take That! at Wikipedia's expense in "Professor Wikipedia", who starts delivering a lecture on chemical reactions that has some interesting things in it:

      "The word enzyme was coined by physiologist Wilhelm Kuhr, widely believed to be a total badass. (Daniel looks up) In 1908, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Mustache."

    • "Tim Burton's Secret Formula" seems to be a jab at how Tim Burton's movie formula is just the same thing recycled. You can tell that from the Dull Surprise reactions of the executives to Burton saying that the studio plans to make another film. Also, when the casting director is told "get me Johnny Depp and my wife on the phone", he says, "I can't ever not do that", and we see that the cell phone in question can only call Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter.
    • "Seth MacFarlane's Secret" does the same thing in regards to Seth MacFarlane's creative process. All his animated series, which comprises Family Guy, American Dad!, and The Cleveland Show are all suspiciously similar. All three feature the same generic family unit, composed of a stupid, fat, but lovable father; an attractive, gentle mother; an awkward son or daughter; a comically sociopathic baby; and a supporting non-human character that can somehow talk. CollegeHumor pitches more show ideas, such as Country Life, Big City Man, Suburban Family Time, Ma, Pa and Kids, and three unnamed ones. The first four characters are almost identical across the shows, but the talking non-human supporting character are respectively a stereotypically French cat, a Nazi guinea pig, a Republican giant anteater, an "urban" pterodactyl, and a sassy snowman, Fratty Elf, and a blender that's a vampire. MacFarlane didn't seem to mind though, and later showed up in "Seth MacFarlane's Rejected Pitches", poking fun at Ted, a film he directed.
    • "The Magic Chinatown Bus" involves Miss Frizzle taking a Wung Fa bus into a human body, which none of the passengers approve of. The name of said Chinatown bus is a Spoonerism of Fung Wah, a Chinatown bus line shut down by the US Department of Transportation for safety violations.
    • In the second installment of "If Google Was A Guy", a Google Glass user looks up how to avoid being bullied for wearing Google Glass. Google laughs at him.
      • Similarly, one segment has a man asking about various failed Google products before Google starts hyping up their next idea, with the implication that it would also fail miserably.
      • Both of the Quarantine Edition videos feature a jab against people deliberately disregarding the quarantines enforced during the COVID-19 pandemic to do what they want. Each video has one person ask Google about where they can party, with Google responding by chewing the person out for how their selfishness and recklessness during the pandemic will only increase the rates of the coronavirus spreading.
    • This video skewers the anti-Vaccination movements with the Too Dumb to Live adults trying to destroy the vaccines in a misunderstood attempt to save the kid that it would give him autism. Before all of them melted from measle infected body.
    • "If the Speech from Independence Day Happened Today": How people would react to President Whitmore's Rousing Speech in Independence Day if it happened in the present day, mocking every political viewpoint pundit and random bloggers would have about the speech.
    • "My Dinosaur Is a Service Animal": A video released at a time when the airlines cracked down on fake service animals, Owen and Claire (played by the actual actors) try to check in a velociraptor as a service animal.
    • "I wore makeup for a week and here's what happened" is a massive one directed at BuzzFeed-style social stunts.

      I'm don't wanna say I'm a hero. But I hope someone else says it.

      • BuzzFeed and its click-driven ilk come in for another skewering in the Hardly Working episode "The Epic Bacon Boys: Internet Popularity Consultants."
    • "Tumblr CEO: No More Porn" cracks down hard at Tumblr after their decision to forbid all adult content in the site in late 2018. The video portrays the CEO as completely out of touch with the userbase of Tumblr and the several kinks that were freely posted there. In the end, the CEO refuses to take down the only non-porn post on the site, a Neo-Nazi advocating genocide, due to freedom of speech, which refers to how Tumblr is riddled with Neo-Nazi content but decided to focus on getting rid of the porn instead (also doubling as a dig at free speech absolutists who believe the right to say whatever one wants immediately absolves them of the consequences of saying things like hate speech and harmful rhetoric).
    • The Problem With Frats is one directed at frat bros, with one standing up to give a stirring speech... And the others slowly come to realize that everything he's saying is very racist, sexist, or straight-up rape.

      Upon realizing there isn't a single black guy there: This might be emblematic of a bigger problem.

    • The Livin' Mask-Free music video is a blunt middle finger aimed at people who refuse to wear a mask when outdoors during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the country singer rather blatantly admitting that he refuses to take scientific claims about limiting the rate of infection seriously and that he doesn't care about how many people will die if he continues to infect people while never wearing a mask. The video ends with "In Loving Memory: Earl Crust (1980-2020)", implying that he died of COVID-19 as a consequence of his stubborn insistence on disregarding the recommended safety measures.
    • All of Furry Force is one big jab towards the Furry Fandom for how certain aspects of it are prone to oversexualization. People are visibly disgusted or ashamed to be near the Furry Force, even the President and the villain, to the point where the latter drives himself to suicide after wanting nothing more than to kill them.
  • The Talk: Parodied in this sketch about "second puberty", which discusses the pitfalls of the aging process in a fashion like those films you may have been shown in health class (or by your parents) about actual puberty.
  • The Talk Show with Host Name: Parodied with a prank sketch where Dan Gurewitch's colleagues break into his house in the middle of the night so he can host The Late Late Late Show from his bed.
  • Tall, Dark, and Handsome: In "Meet Cute with a Ghost", Jess meets a really cute ghost during a seance. She originally wanted to contact her dead grandfather, but the ghost turns out to be "tall, muscular, with dark hair" and a doctor to boot. Jackpot!
  • Tan Lines: This article presents a few other variations...
  • Technology Marches On:
    • If All Movies Had Cell Phones demonstrates a number of movies where the plot conflict could easily be reduced or the story shortened because characters had cell phones to call for help/look up information/reveal information to people that had been withheld from them/etc.:
      • In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet gets the message to Romeo that she will fake her own death, rather than a mixup happening with the Friar's message.
      • The Home Alone clip shows Kevin being called by his mother right after he finds himself all alone, and tells him to go to a friends house - which if done in the actual movie would have reduced the running time to about 45 minutes. Except for the fact that this doesn't explain how then booby trapping the house to stop Harry and Marv would work.
    • Done again with the Internet in If Movie Characters Had The Internet.
      • In Basic Instinct, for instance, the damning evidence against Catherine Trammell is that her Internet search history indicates she's been reading websites with information about how to use an ice pick as a murder weapon.
    • With smartphones in If All Movies Had Smartphones.
    • 24: The Unaired 1994 Pilot imagines what 24 would have been like if it took place in 1994. Complete with getting emails through AOL and Windows XP being very slow.
    • "The Matrix Runs on Windows XP", and Hilarity Ensues:
      • When Neo is being jacked in, Trinity cannot tell the difference between the monitor and projection cables.
      • The Agent Training Program scene starts like it does in the film, with Morpheus talking to Neo while they walk down a bustling street with Neo being bumped by passerby. This time, Morpheus is telling Neo about how the Matrix used to run fast but it slowed down over time. Then the woman in the red dress walks by. All goes well until Morpheus orders the program to freeze upon the moment the model Agent Smith draws his weapon. When the image fails to unfreeze, Morpheus tells Neo to go on without him, then yells to the operators, "Try CTRL-ALT-DELETE!"
      • Clippy appears multiple times, trying to offer his help to Neo. The first time, "It looks like you're trying to bend a spoon with your mind. Can I help you with that?" Neo bends Clippy with his mind.
      • Neo gets accosted by Agent Smith in an alleyway. Smith fires his pistol at Neo, and suddenly, the bullet freezes in flight inches from Neo's head, with a progress bar showing up.
      • The lag time is long enough that Agent Smith starts cloning as he runs towards Neo in frustration, after being put on hold trying to call Agent Brown and Agent Jones who are up in Connecticut.
  • Telephone Song: There is a sketch called 'The Other Side Of Adele's "Hello"'. Mike Trapp is Adele's ex-boyfriend and she keeps calling him during their meeting. He keeps picking up and taking to her because he's afraid... that she's gonna write a song about him.

    Adele: [singing] Hello, can you hear me?
    Mike: Barely. It sounds like you're calling from the middle of a windstorm or something.
    Adele: [singing] Hello from the ouuutsiiiiiiide.
    Mike: Go inside.

  • Testosterone Poisoning: One of the main selling points in the Powerthirst videos. Preposterous amounts of testosterone.


  • Thanks for the Mammaries: This happens in "Awkward Rap".
  • Thermal Dissident: One video "Why Summer is Women's Winter" depicting the differing opinions of the women and men in an office about the AC settings. All the men enjoy the summer atmosphere played up to the point of them being in Hawaiian Shirts and board shorts throwing beachballs around the office whereas the women are depicted as being covered in ice and having to cover themselves in blankets.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: In-Universe, in parody of Google forcing YouTube users to sign up for Google+ to comment on videos, Google has introduced "Google Blackmail". The user can sign up for Google+, or they'll release all the user's private information.
  • This Explains So Much: In one of the jeggings videos, where teenagers keep coming to school wearing inappropriate clothing, the exasperated teacher eventually asks them what their parents have to say about it. When one of them confesses that all of their parents have died, he pauses and admits that does make sense.
  • Those Wacky Nazis: In the "Wolfenstein" episode of "Hardly Working", Owen finds a trunk full of Nazi paraphernalia belonging to his grandfather, but he mistakenly thinks his grandfather is a Wolfenstein fan. It gets worse when he accidentally invites neo-Nazis to the office, thinking they're an underground Wolfenstein fan club.

    Pat: They're so huge!

    Owen: Yeah, they're covered in Wolfenstein tattoos.

  • Time Zone Troubles: Played for Laughs in "Bicoastal Time Zone Lesson" (originally made when they were still CollegeHumor), in which Raph stars in a children's show teachings kids about time zones, only for him to get more and more aggressive towards his adorable puppet co-host for constantly calling him at what is the middle of the night for Raph.

    Raph: That means, if it's 8 AM where you live in New York, then it's 5 AM where I live in LA and don't fucking text me.

  • Tomato in the Mirror: In "Pot Cookie Monster" (yes, it's a parody of Sesame Street), the eponymous monster comes to realize that the reason he can't digest his pot cookies is because he's just a puppet.
    • "Is Grant Keith from Buzzfeed?" concludes with a near-literal version of this trope, as Mike complains about the four Grant/Keiths in the office before pointing out a fifth... which is a mirror.
  • Tomato Surprise: At the end of "Why the Hell Is He Her [Katie's] Boyfriend", we get the answer.

    Katie: He has the only map to dryland tattooed on his back!
    All: Ohhh.
    [Camera pans out to show that the CH offices are part of a barge convoy in an endless sea.]

  • Tongue on the Flagpole: In "Why Girls Are Cold on Halloween", partying on a hotel rooftop, one girl gets her tongue stuck to the metal of another girl's costume while licking a body shot off her.
  • Too Dumb to Live:
  • Too Incompetent to Operate a Blanket: The CH staff knows what kind of person needs infomercial products with the "Has this ever happened to you?" opening tagline.
    1. First, he bumps into tables, pulling the cloth off one of them.
    2. He fails to open the door because he can't use the knob right or give any leverage.
    3. He is unable to start his car because the battery has died. When a little girl comes up to him, he rolls down both windows on the driver's side of the car. She asks him, "How many times has this happened to you?" He says "Happens to me every fucking day. Every day."
    4. At home, when moving a boiling pot of pasta to the strainer in the sink, he drops it because he isn't using potholders.
    5. He keeps all his plastic cups in the same top cupboard, so they all fall out when he opens it.
    6. He cuts his finger while slicing a carrot.
    7. He gets tangled up in his phone cord as he tries to call 912.
    8. From nowhere, more plastic cups rain down on him.
    9. Depressed, he sits down on his bed and puts a gun to his head to kill himself, but when he pulls the trigger, it clicks empty, informercial music starts playing, an X is emblazoned on the screen, and an announcer shouts, "ARE YOU TIRED OF UNRELIABLE GUNS?!" revealing that we were just in another infomercial.
  • Too Kinky to Torture: In a sketch, a kidnapper tries to hold the children of a rich guy ransom, only to immediately regret it when they start treating it like a kink thing.
  • Trailers Always Spoil: The hypothetical "If Movie Trailers Ruined Endings", where the trailer guy goes out of his way to spoil the endings and plot twists. Warning: spoilers for Fight Club, The Usual Suspects, The Crying Game, and Reservoir Dogs. Also includes references to Luke, I Am Your Father.
  • Trapped in Containment: So how did new Quadruple Cheese Cheezos get so cheesy? Well, it all started one day, at the Cheezo factory.
  • Traveling Salesman: "If Internet Ads Were Salesmen" has an internet popup take on the form of a 1920s traveling salesman who tries to constantly sell Zach things he doesn't need, like shoes, a shirt you don't have to tuck in, and live ladybugs.
  • Trojan Gauntlet: They parody this in the POV series where buying condoms is shown from both the guy's perspective and his girlfriend's. The guy finds it embarassing and tries to hide it by buying half a dozen unrelated items. The girl doesn't know the guy's size so she just buys all of them.
  • Troll: Parodied in a sketch featuring an Internet troll living under a bridge. He blocks the road and shouts racist, sexist, homophobic or just plain inflammatory comments at people until they lose their temper, at which point they get sent flying Monty Python style. The only way to defeat them is to agree with everything they say until you can get them to unironically and genuinely admit vulnerability and the need for friendship, which imposes the same fate on them as their victims.
  • Trolling Creator: In-Universe, A Song of Ice and Fire writer George R. R. Martin is parodied as this in "George R.R. Martin Responds to Game of Thrones Backlash". After several important characters are rather unexpectedly killed off in season 3 of the TV adaptation Game of Thrones and some fans start complaining, he lashes out. "Martin" says he revels in upsetting his fans, and proceeds to bash their hopes for his own joy.

    Martin: Your sorrow is my playground! Your tears are the fountain I frolic in!

  • Twister Game Hijinks: Parodied this in their "Honest Twister Commercial", which presents the game as a lazy excuse for socially awkward guys to touch girls, and adds that it's not suitable for "all male and family gatherings".
  • Two of Your Earth Minutes: There's a skit where a genie claims to have been imprisoned for "millions of your Earth eternities."
  • Tyrannical Town Tycoon: "SimCity Mayor Mayor" is a faux campaign ad where the mayor of Sim City basically threatens to destroy the city with natural disasters unless he gets re-elected.
  • Uncomfortable Elevator Moment: "Awkward Rap":

    I'm an elevator ride you want to oppose

    I'll say I'm pressing open, but I'll press "door close"

    If you make it in, I will devise

    A way to look everywhere but in your eyes

    Then I'll follow you right out the door

    Take a look around, this ain't my floor

  • Unfazed Everyman: A lot of the humor from the "Horror Movie Daycare" sketch comes from the fact that the teacher is a completely ordinary, cheerful, sweet woman working with children from every horror movie you can think of — and, despite them being demons, monsters, or all-around Creepy Children, she treats them like regular kids from a normal daycare.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Zordon is a Racist parodies how in the Power Rangers, the Black Power Ranger was played by a black guy and the Yellow Power Ranger by an Asian girl by making Zordon into an utter bigot.
  • Unmourned Death: In "Chris Brown's Publicist", Chris Brown brags about murdering Sisqó (among numerous other crimes) and asks his publicist how they should do damage control. The publicist shrugs and says nobody would probably notice anyway. When the papers report on it, the headline reads "Chris Brown murders unknown guy".
  • Urban Legends: Urban Legend ER, explores a lot of known urban legends including: hit by a penny thrown from the Empire State Building, being struck by frozen airplane waste, swallowing eight spiders in one night, Elton John gulping down seven gallons of semen, a train derailing from pennies placed on the tracks, a woman waking up in an ice-filled bathtub to find her kidneys missing, a kid getting a facial expression frozen on their face, a teenage girl getting pregnant from swimming in a sperm-filled pool, and Little Mikey's "death" by Pop Rocks and Coke.
  • [Verb] This!: A short named "Cell Phone Reunion" where iPhone and BlackBerry start fighting. At one point, BlackBerry says, "At least I know what I'm hitting. Look at you. Ooh. Touch-screen. Look at my touch-screen. I've got something you can touch." *grabs crotch* "Right here!" *points at it with his other hand* "Dial this up!"
  • Victory Quote: The Manchild gets one in "Adulthood vs. Childhood":

    "I'm not sure if marriage is right for me!"

  • Video Game Cruelty Potential:
  • Virtual Assistant Blunder: In the "If Google Was a Guy" skits, Google is personified as a middle aged office worker that people come to in order to ask questions. At one point a woman tries to ask a question through the Apple interface Siri, who repeatedly messes up the question. Much later in the skit, Siri is still misinterpreting the question. The skit in question.

    Siri User: How big is the Serengeti?

    Siri: No problem. *turns to Google Guy* Show me pictures of spaghetti.

    Google Guy: No, that's not what she asked for!

  • Visual Pun: In "The Matrix Runs in Windows XP", which is a spoof of both The Matrix and Windows XP (and thus contains many computer-related jokes), the Oracle welcomes Neo into her kitchen while she's holding a plate of freshly-baked cookies, and tells him that she hopes he has "cookies enabled".
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Jake and Amir. Amir was also often portrayed as having this dynamic with Streeter Seidell bordering on Friendly Enemy, most notably in the (wholly staged) "Prank Wars" series.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: In the video "Tumblr CEO: No More Porn", the head of Tumblr vomits on-screen after searching "Yiff Party" and looking at the search results.
    • The letter "P" in the Pixar logo does this in "Pixar Intro Parody" right after Luxo Jr. kills the I.
  • Wacky Fratboy Hijinx: Played for dark comedy in "The Problem with Frat Bros", where said hijinks includes a lot of actually awful stuff, up to and including rape. The frat bros come to realize that they are actually awful people and decide to turn themselves in.
  • Wham Line: From "The Six Christmas Movies You'll Live Through", after the focus character and his girlfriend have broken up, and he's now living through "the Christmas Carol":

    Narrator: It's good thing there's no such thing as "ghosts from the past."

    (the door opens, and...")

    Ex-Girlfriend: (smiling) Merry Christmas.

  • What Could Have Been: In-Universe, their parody of the GEICO "Googly eyes" commercials. It starts off with the Googly eyes on a wad of money, but then it goes a few steps further:
    • Guy is watching TV: "It's right here, it's easy. It's the jacket you could've worn if you tried out for the varsity football team."
    • Guy is sitting on the toilet: "It's the heart disease you could've avoided if you didn't let yourself go."
    • Guy is getting in his car: "It's the years of your life you could've enjoyed if you didn't spend time in prison for insurance fraud."
    • Guy is having a nightmare in bed, gets up, and hears a baby crying: "It's the baby you could've had if you didn't drive Michelle away with your drinking."
    • Guy prepares to hang himself in his garage: "It's the peace you could have if you have the balls to go through with it." [He hangs himself]
    • GEICO: Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen years of regret, misery and desperation.
  • What Did I Do Last Night?: The parody of "I Gotta Feeling". The guy breaks his leg, antagonizes his girlfriend, and sleeps with an unattractive girl. In the end he decides that it was worth it, since he got in a nice fight and even better, now has an awesome kite.
  • What Measure Is a Mook?: Stormtroopers' 9/11 shows the fact that the Death Star's destruction was probably similar to a terrorist incident like 9/11 for the Stormtroopers.
    • Touched upon in the Star Wars canon; the Stormtroopers were indeed mourning, but it was less "terrorist attack" and more "disastrous military operation". However, the Stormtroopers were able to channel that mourning into devastating fervor during the Yavin base ground battle in The Empire Strikes Back and avenge their fallen brethren.
  • What the Hell Is That Accent?: The accent Master Splinter is given in "Donatello Gets Screwed" is a little all over the place. It sounds like the voice actor is going for a straight Japanese accent, but the accent in question sways back and forth between Japanese, Italian, and Arab.
  • What the Hell, Player?: A faux game example: They did a video imagining the first season of Game of Thrones as an SNES era video game. When the "player" plays as Jaime Lannister and elects to attack Bran when Bran sees him sexing up Cersei, the video makes it clear that it doesn't approve of this. Link.

    Like, seriously? He's only ten! *player selects again to do the attack* Wow. OK. I mean, I understand that you don't want to people to know you're porking your sister, but still... wow. *Jamie's attack sends Bran flying out the window, triumphant music plays* You defeated Bran Stark! Obviously. Because, you know, he's ten!

  • "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue: Parodied in "Every Teen Movie Ending". All the classmates and their teacher meet very unfortunate ends, and the narrator died when he was still a kid and never actually saw these people graduate.
  • Whole-Plot Reference: The video "Charlie and the Apple Factory", which is like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory except that it has the kids being taken by Steve Jobs on a tour of Apple's factory after winning their Golden iTickets. They are taken first to the Apple Room, which is like the Chocolate Room, with Apple devices growing on the trees. Charlie is briefly taken by Bill Gates, who wants to know the secret to Apple's success. Ultimately, Jobs shows Charlie why Apple products are empty room, because they pride themselves on showmanship. It ends with a Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Oompa-Loompa song.
  • Who's on First?: "DROPOUT Is a Netflix" centers around the various Netflixes there are, as well as some of the confusing naming conventions.
  • Wimp Fight: "Realistic Fighting Game" depicts one between the characters Ryan and Greg. Attacking each other does nothing to their health meters. In fact, their health meters only go down when a random woman comes up and hits Ryan with her purse apropos of nothing, and when Ryan pushes Greg into a table.
  • Witch Classic: In a sketch called "The Apothecary Barista", a witch (enthusiastically portrayed by Brennan) is hired to treat people at College Humor's office. She looks old, wears a brown robe and brews potions with magical properties. Those Millenials though... She's baffled by their tastes and general approach to her craft.
  • Wondrous Ladies Room: CollegeHumor's rather disturbing solution to the mystery of "Why Girls Don't Fart" - a secret gas decompression chamber reachable through the toilets.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Victor Vivisector may be a Captain Planet villain parody, but it can be hard not to feel sorry for him having to witness the Squick-inducing Furry Force.
  • Word-Salad Humor: For 2019, College Humor partnered with Botnik Studios, the predictive text engine behind Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash, to do a sketch. The results...
  • Worst News Judgment Ever: At the end of the "National Fart Hearings" skit, we see a bundle of The Newsly Times wherein it looks like the Senator's farts are more newsworthy than the end of World War II.
  • X Called; They Want Their Y Back: Taken literally by having a personification of "The '90s" actually call someone to say they want their outfit back.
  • X for Exception: Played for Laughs in "Alphabetical Sketch". When they get to the final three letters of the alphabet, they have to awkwardly use the only word that starts with X despite it not fitting at all and photoshop an image to make it look like they're actually wearing xylophones as clothing.

    "What were we wearing when we went whaling Wednesday?"
    "... Xylophones?"

  • X Meets Y:
  • You Bastard!: Get off the internet (or CollegeHumor) and GO TO SLEEP!!!
  • You Keep Using That Word: The subject of "The Boy Who Cried Literally", with a guy using "literally" in its well-documented "figuratively literally" instead of "literally literally" meaning, and is berated by his roommates for it. When he does use it correctly after he's been stabbed, they ignore him and he dies of his wounds.
  • Your Mom: In this sketch, a bunch of "your mom is so fat" jokes are treated like a serious medical condition.
  • Your Television Hates You:
    • In this video, Sarah is dealing with her unwatched Netflix videos piling up, with the movies themselves complaining about how she hasn't yet watched them.
    • Netflix proudly brings you "Cringe-Watching":

    Narrator: Here at Netflix, we know the only thing people like more than binge watching, is cringe watching. Which is why in 2017, we're rolling out a whole new lineup of shows guaranteed to make you squirm. Just finished Making a Murderer, and can't wait for more harrowing glimpses to life in the American Midwest? Then get ready for Poor Tours. A new documentary where we take a camera crew into the houses of lower class residents of Manitowoc County, and force them to talk to us about their sad, awful lives. It's basically poorn! Pretty grim, right? Don't worry, we're just getting started. Next we'll investigate the cruel world of abusive nursing homes with Elder Scare, an in-depth documentary that will leave you questioning whether or not human kindness is actually a lie. Want something a bit more close to home? Then choke down a Zoloft and get ready for Thin Walls, the first ever documentary that's actually just a live feed of the couple that lives next door to you having a really aggressive and loud argument. Will it get abusive? Should you have called the cops? Are you a bad person for enjoying this? There answer is "yes". Almost certainly. But that's never stopped you before.
    Documentaries not your speed? Don't worry, we've got something for everyone to try their best to suffer through. Check out these great new shows and movies streaming soon: Next fall, we'll drop our first ever prank show, White People Being Openly Racist on Camera. Then in summer 2017, get ready to fall in love with a new season of the critically acclaimed British reality series Close-up Footage of a Guy Picking a Hangnail. And finally, next winter, a very special treat for all the Marvel fans: It's Eight Hours of Wilson Fisk Crushing People's Heads in Car Doors.
    Still craving more cringeworthy content to try and simulate emotion within your joyless husk of a body? Then keep your sweatpants on, shitbeak, because in 2018, we're releasing nothing but Adam Sandler movies, every month, until someone goes crazy and murders him. Then we'll make a documentary about his murder investigation, thus beginning the cycle anew.
    Netflix. Because if it doesn't feel like work, then it's not worth watching.

Alternative Title(s): College Humor