Laina - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Jan 28 2013
♪I'll always be, checking up on you ♪
Laina Morris (born June 22, 1991) is a YouTube parody singer and blogger, best known for her persona as the Overly Attached Girlfriend. She first gained prominence in 2012 with her parody of Justin Bieber's song Boyfriend, where she rewrote to the lyrics to be about an obsessive girlfriend who obsessively hunts her "boyfriend". Her fame skyrocketed, and she followed her viral hit with parodies to other Bieber songs, Taylor Swift songs, sketches with other original characters, and raising awareness for her local charity camp.
In 2019, Laina formally declared her retirement from YouTube, citing her own mental health struggles and encouraging viewers to be unashamed about seeking help.
Visit her channel here, her Facebook here,
her Instagram here,
and her Twitter here.
Provides examples of:
- Abhorrent Admirer: The degree of "abhorrent" varies. Sometimes she seems like a living nightmare, other times it seems like she might actually be fun to be around if she just weren't so darn persistent.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Your computer wants you to love her again...
- Alter-Ego Acting: According to a few sketches, Overly Attached Girlfriend is also called Laina. It varies as to whether she's a separate character, a split personality, or just what happens whenever Laina wears a pastel shirt.
- Ascended Meme: Her "Girlfriend" video was for a "Write Your Own Lyrics!" Justin Bieber contest. Although she didn't win, Bieber featured her in the video showing the winners and even imitated her Nightmare Face.
- Author Appeal: Kia Souls are her favorite car. And her enthusiasm paid off!
- Book Ends:
- Her video where she actually got her own KIA
was intercut with her old rap video submission for one.
- Her last video, “Breaking Up With You... Tube
”, ends with the closing footage of her very first video.
- Her video where she actually got her own KIA
- Cassandra Truth: Few seem to actually believe Laina when she insists her last name isn't Walker. It's actually Morris.
- Casual Danger Dialogue: From her Twitter: "So I just cut my finger open... Thought I should take a picture instead of fix the problem."
- Comically Missing the Point: Her relationship advice
. For instance, one viewer asks for help because his stalking attempts have gone awry and he wants to attract his crush. Laina concludes that he needs to be better at stalking.
- Everyone Has Standards: She's pretty much planning herself ahead for any guy to be her future husband, except for
Bad Luck Brian.
- Jump Scare: Her Easter scaring
—er, staring—contest
video has a damn good one near the end.
- Law of Inverse Fertility: She wants kids. But no sane boyfriend of hers is willing to give any.
- Lethal Chef: She tries to attract boys from making sandwiches. However, she's got quite an odd idea of what a sandwich should include, such as butter.
- Man, I Feel Like a Woman: Inverted in a crossover vid where she gets accidentally transferred into her "boyfriend"'s body. She's thrilled to realize this means he can never escape her, and begins hugging herself.
- Murder Is the Best Solution / If I Can't Have You…: Her modus operandi.
- Nightmare Face: Her Slasher Smile is quite terrifying, to say the least.
- No Sense of Personal Space: The majority of OAG jokes runs on this.
- Noticing the Fourth Wall: "There's videos of me on YouTube?!"
- Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue...: For Valentine's Day
- Running Gag: Laina is required to wear a single colored shirt, and must apologize to the viewer if she forgets it.
- "I still don't have a good outro."
- Satellite Love Interest: Her only concerns are her boyfriends, what he's up to, where he lives, getting his children...
- Slasher Smile: Her famous expression is her with one of these as she obsessed over her hypothetical boyfriends.
- Split-Personality Takeover: "Just Another Holiday" between Adorkable Laina and the OAG.
- Stalking Is Funny if It Is Female After Male: Or creepy. Reeeeaally creepy.
- Subverted Rhyme Every Occasion: "Blood is red, bruises are blue, don't say no." On the other hand, the meter doesn't fit, so there may be an unspoken "or I'll hurt you."
- This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!: In her cameo
during one of Shane Dawson's video:
Overly Attached Girlfriend: You just messed with the wrong meme, bitch!
- Tranquil Fury: In her CRJ Fanvideo
, she's not happy to hear her "boyfriend" is dating another girl.
- Trivially Obvious: Parodied in The Relatable Song
, a song about Laina saying how relatable she is because she does so many things most or all people do.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: She does not like rollercoasters.
- Yandere: You think?!