Justice Society of Japan - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Aug 01 2013
Who the hell do you think we are?!
An in-progress story written by Edrobot for Camp NaNoWriMo 2013. A crossover between the DCU and all kinds of Anime and Video Games, including Gurren Lagann, Final Fantasy XIII, Xenoblade Chronicles 1, Code Geass, Fate/stay night, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, and Fullmetal Alchemist.
It can be read on AO3 and Fanfiction.net
There is also a side-story set in the same universe, as well as a non-canon April Fools' Day chapter
Justic Society of Japan provides examples of:
- Abstract Scale: According to Shulk, willpower is measured in "Megascotts".
- Adaptational Badass:
- While Mordred has a relationship to Morgaine Le Fey similar to how he was depicted in the Justice League cartoon, in this continuity Mordred is less of a Royal Brat and more of an Implacable Man.
- Also, Shirley Fenette is one of the main heroes, and Shinji is a bit less of a wimp.
- In Parallel Works #1 Laura and Hamtaro.
- Brains Evil, Brawn Good: Averted. The good guys rely just as much on quick wits and critical thinking as the bad guys, if not more so.
- Break the Cutie: Sayaka gets hit with this a lot harder than in canon. Not only does Hitomi snatch Kyosuke, but she then gets a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown by Sho Minamimoto, and THEN she gets kidnapped by a bunch of monsters after trying to rescue Milly, gets thrown into a prison cell, and most likely goes insane.
- The Cameo
- Nico Robin is the curator at the museum in the first chapter, and Sir Crocodile is also mentioned in passing.
- Samantha and The Screws appear in the first chapter, though they aren't mentioned by name.
- Harvey Bullock, The Question, John Constantine, Frankenstein, Negi Springfield, L, and Phelous appear in "Channel 52" segments, while Captain Harlock, Mister and Monkey D. Luffy get brief mentions.
- Masamichi Sonoda makes a brief appearance in the second chapter to demote Lightning to paperwork duty.
- Squire (of Knight and Squire) appears during another Channel 52 segment.
- Canon Welding: Drops references to works that don't play a big part in the story itself, including:
- Several mechs located in Siege Perilous, including the remains of the Exia Gundam, several Arm Slaves, a Valvrave unit, and a Metal Gear RAY, the latter of which is said to belong to the Fenrir mercenary company.
- Chickification: Parodied in an omake, where the In Name Only rebooted version of Lightning is supposed to be "sensitive and emotionally disturbed" because she was abused by her father.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Dr. Calvin Summers and the The Ashford Student Council appear briefly in the first chapter, only to play a much larger role later.
- Crossover: With Jake English's Mysterious Theater of Scientific Romance from the Year 3000, before the first chapter was even finished, no less!
- Closet Geek:
Word of God says that Milly is a huge fan of GaoGaiGar.
- Continuity Nod
- The Black Knights know about Zeta Beams; Zero travels to his base via one, and Kallen notes that the Guren's claw can shoot any kind of radiation, including Zeta Beams.
- The Avalon that Morgaine tried to steal turned out to be fake because the real one is inside Shirou.
- Sho Minamimoto is a member of Are We Cool Yet?, and claims to have created several SCP items.
- Continuity Snarl: A version of the Kingdom Hearts mythos exists in this setting, but it's almost unrecognizable from canon. For starters, instead of Donald and Goofy, this world's Sora apparently teamed up G'nort and Klarion the Witch Boy.
- Eldritch Abomination: Whatever the hell Mr. Nobody saw when he tried to possess Shirley.
- Fix Fic:
Word of God says much of the DCU's "New 52" reboot didn't happen, though some of the changes made still apply.
- Fusion Fic:
- DCU and various Anime and Video Games.
- The most dramatic change in canon has to be Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles 1, who in this continuity is an archaeologist employed by the Mages Association.
- I Believe I Can Fly:
- Averted. None of the main characters have flight as a superpower.
- Hexagon discovers he can surf through the air on his shield. Or rather, he could if he could keep his balance...
- Kent Brockman News: Features Channel 52 backup segments, including The Doctor as the station's foreign correspondent.
- Late-Arrival Spoiler: The crossover with JEMToSRFTY3k reveals that Sayaka Miki eventually joins the titular team, and this continuity has it's own version of Electra Pendragon.
- Omnidisciplinary Scientist: Averted. Lightning studied forensics and criminology, Shulk studies magic and archaeology related to magic with some skill with Magitek, Nia is a physician, and Simon is an expert mechanic.
- One-Steve Limit: Aside from the aforementioned "Hope" issue, Gendo Ikari and Detective Ikari aren't the same person. But they are brothers-in-law; Detective Ikari is Yui Ikari's brother, making him Shinji's uncle.
- Original Character:
- Hope, Electra Pendragon, and Dr. Calvin Summers.
- Also, in an Omake chapter, Samuel McGoober, the son of the cousin of the butler of the boss of the guy who does the laundry for the best friend of Dio Brando.
- The April Fools' Day chapter is a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fanfic written by Rivalz. It contains a handful of these.
- Shout-Out:
- People keep asking if Hogwarts is a real place.
- Hope's story in chapter 2 contains a reference to Quarter-Life: Halfway To Destruction.
- The Machine Plague seems an awful lot like SCP-217
- Super Young Team is mentioned to have fought The Ten Ben Matanga recently.
- At one point, C.C. cosplays as Final Fantasy VI's Terra.
- Hope compares an alleged "Puppy in Woodchipper" incident to a scene from that movie in Minnesota.
- Detective Ikari accuses Detective Maniwa of watching too much Special Victims Unit.
- Later on, a Channel 52 sequence shows off a scene from Lawyers and Orderlies: Sensational Victims Unit. The discrepancy is eventually retconned by revealing that the latter show is a Mockbuster produced by Uwe Wood.
- One of the "covers" has Shulk writing on a blackboard “Mechon => Virus => Aglets???”
- Amazingly Powerful Girlborg's name is a combination of Power Girl and the awkward naming scheme that the members of Super Young Team use. Justified in that she originally wanted to join said team.
- In addition, her costume is a combination of Power Girl's costume and Cyborg Guy's cyborg body.
- Purple Pruposeless becomes a grey lantern.
- Garungun claims that he read about the Princes of the Universe in the Dark Prognosticus. Which Word of God says is fictional, even in-universe.
- An unnamed mech located in Siege Perilous was said to have been built "in a cave, with a box of scraps".
- Stylistic Suck: Lawyers and Orderlies: Sensational Victims Unit. An in-universe Mockbuster of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit featuring over-the-top acting, an Obviously Evil villain named Ivan McNasty, and a plot that's very obviously Ripped from the Headlines.
- Swiss-Army Weapon: The Monado. It's a BF Laser Blade that's also a scanner, can project anti-magic shields, and has a connection to the Speed Force.
- Stock Superhero Day Jobs
- Police: Lightning, in this continuity. Being a L'cie apparently causes friction with her department.
- Student: Shirley, Sayaka.
- Scientist: Shulk is technically an archeologist with a very, very extensive background in Magitek.
- Take That!: A news report implies that Harvest, leader of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. in the New 52, was killed by The Men From N.O.W.H.E.R.E. from Grant Morrison's run on Doom Patrol.
- The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: Averted with Lightning; as of chapter 9, we finally get to see her at work as a detective.
- The Unintelligible: One channel 52 segment features The Doctor wearing a filtration mask, The Pyro, and Grant Morrison, all equally incomprehensible (even though Morrison isn't even wearing a mask).
- The Virus: The Machine Plague, a virus that slowly turns people and animals into clockwork robots. Thankfully, Shirley's technopathic powers keep it inert.
- Traumatic Superpower Awakening: This is apparently how Shirley got her superpowers.
- Translation Convention: Everyone is assumed to be speaking Japanese translated into English unless stated otherwise. One of the authors notes explains that Edrobot didn't refer to a police station as a Koban because few Americans know what that word means.
- Token Evil Teammate:
- Not in the story itself, but one Channel 52 segment implies that Vriska Serket is a member of the Teen Titans, so presumably she's one of these.
- Electra Pendragon could have been one of these, but was kicked out when she tried to kill Ino.
- Took a Level in Kindness: Gendo Ikari is a hell of a lot nicer than he is in canon, treating his son with a surprising amount of respect, and even going so far as to secure the funding for The Team to form in the first place! But he's still planning Instrumentality.
- Whole-Plot Reference: Sayaka's plight is still based on The Little Mermaid, but the "changeling" arc is based on Changeling The Lost.
- Weaksauce Weakness: After developing powers, Kallen seems to have also developed an aversion to silver and crosses.
- West Coast Team: Though not officially affiliated with the Justice Society of America, the JSJ was made with this trope in mind.
- World War II: Downplayed, at least compared to the JSA. The team was originally conceived in the aftermath of WWII as a way of getting around Japan's ban on armed forces, though the team was never actually created.
Rivaz's Bizarre Adventure (A one-shot written for April Fools Day) contains the following tropes:
- Author Appeal: In-universe example. Rivalz writes a story about rescuing Milly, who then falls in love with him. A great amount of attention is paid to describing her breasts.
- Awesome McCoolname: Parodied with Xerxes Tireiron Dada, a character who was given a name that only Rivalz thinks is cool because he invented him.
- Canon Discontinuity: This story doesn't fit into the ongoing continuity at all. Even the real world scene has no connection to the main fic's plot.
- Fetish Retardant: Invoked. Rivalz describes Milly's breasts as being "softball-sized".
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: Rivalz not only acquires a Stand out of nowhere, but it also evolves into Side of a Bullet Requiem for no clear reason.
- Original Character: Xerxes Tireiron Dada.
- Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: Of course, Dio says that he isn't quite that evil...
- Series Continuity Error: Despite what Joseph claims, Dio is not and has never been his "Evil Twin Stepbrother". However, this claim just adds to the Stylistic Suck.
- Running Gag: "But it was a lie. For in his heart, Jotaro/Xerxes/Dio knew that Rivalz would be his greatest rival."
- Shout-Out:
- The Stands that Rivalz invents for his JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fic are called Party Rock Anthem, Side of a Bullet, and Space Jam. Notable in that these are songs that Edrobot considers Guilty Pleasures at best.
- The character Xerxes Tireiron Dada was named after a character from the obscure anime "Magnos the Robot".
The "Justice Substitutes of Japan" Omake features the following tropes:
- Plot Tailored to the Party: Parodied. Cowboy Bebop has an overly-elaborate setup that can only be thwarted by a bunch of arbitrary things that the main characters just happen to be good at. Their first instinct, however, is to each do the wrong things.
- Forced into Evil: Inverted. Teddy Bomber was threatening to blow up a maid cafe before he was mistaken for a member of the JSJ, and was then drafted into the Howling Dynamite Beef Brigade in spite of his protests.
- Minion with an F in Evil: Destruction. It's implied that this is yet another attempt to do be something other than his namesake. And he's really bad at it.