Blessed with a Hero's Heart - TV Tropes

  • ️Wed May 13 2020

Blessed with a Hero's Heart (Fanfic)

When Izuku Midoriya tries to save his former friend from a villain, the hero All Might comes to defeat the villain, but this time his attack was slightly off-center, blasting not only the villain, but also Izuku, who is sent flying - and he dies. He revives in front of the goddess Aqua, who offers him reincarnation in another world, along with one magical object. When Izuku takes too long in making his choice, Aqua forces him to pick something - and Izuku accidentally picks her. Aqua's superiors agree with the choice and force the goddess to go to Belzerg with Izuku, where he is expected to fight and defeat the Devil King.

Upon arrival to the new world, Izuku and Aqua become adventurers, with Izuku becoming a Druid. Thus begin the adventures of a young druid that will turn the world upside down with his knowledge, his power and his allies...

This My Hero Academia/KonoSuba Crossover can be read on and AO3. Delekmaster has made a reaction fic for this story with the author's permission titled MHA watches Blessed with a Hero's Heart.

This Fanfic contains examples of the following tropes:

  • Achievements in Ignorance: Izuku did not know that Druids usually need special foci to cast magic with, so he kept working without one.
  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: Senna, the Belzerg prosecutor, rather than not being able to marry because of her Ice Queen status and interests, remains unmarried because the one man she loved was forced into a Shotgun Wedding by the Axis Cult.
  • Adaptational Badass: Both Megumin and Darkness get this treatment courtesy of Izuku:
    • Megumin thanks to some clever points from Izuku ends up shedding her Crippling Overspecialization of only using Explosion and with some education from him, even ends up creating new spells such as Big Bang (a bigger version of Explosion that only costs a third of the mana) and Hellflame (a potent fire spell capable of bypassing magical resistances).
    • Darkness ends up discarding her sword in favor of a club and shield made of Druid-made Iron Bark (natural Iron Bark is already durable, but Iron Bark made by a Druid such as Izuku is much, much tougher) which allows her to properly make use of her natural strength without needing to worry about accuracy any more and make her much better as a Tank, to the point that she's able to fight Beldia on equal footing in contrast to canon where while she could take all of his hits, she couldn't hit him even when he was standing still.
  • Adaptational Jerkass:
    • Aqua. The fact that Izuku tends to keep her on a tight leash only adds to it.
    • Chris' first appearance (and thus Eris') shows her nastier side with her insults towards Chika and Liza.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Somehow against all odds, possibly due to becoming The Alcoholic, Aqua is even more useless here at her best than she was at her worst in canon; In canon, Aqua (despite Kazuma's statements to the contrary) was helpful in most situations, only being useless when there were no undead or demons to demonstrate her power on or if she was dealing with monsters resistant to water based attacks. Here she's inept to the point that she ends up causing more damage to Izuku and their party than their enemies, gets herself into a 50 million eris debt that Izuku ends up buying to get her to remove Liza and Chika's slave marks when she tries to help the Axel branch of her cult with their taxes (which was only a fifth of the debt and was ultimately stolen by the head priest and his cronies) and after Kyouya swaps Aela out with her to get out of the debt he ended up taking, only hinders him even worse.
  • Agony of the Feet: When Liza calls Aqua "dummy", the latter replies by kicking her in the leg. Aqua quickly learns that Liza's legs are much harder than the tombstones in the graveyard.
  • The Alcoholic: Aqua quickly turns into one after being forced to leave her Goddess position - which prompts her to make dumb mistakes that quickly erode Izuku's trust in her.
  • All for Nothing: Aqua got into a fifty-million eris debt to Izuku to pay her church's taxes, but not only was that five times the actual debt, the head priest and his cronies promptly ran off with it.
  • Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?: Some time after Megumin starts to live with Izuku, Megumin asks him why he hasn't tried to do anything to her. Izuku answers that she is too important for him to do anything before they are both ready and willing.
  • Atomic F-Bomb/Cluster F-Bomb: Izuku combines both in his reaction when he learns that the Sage Claire was looking for (and the reason why he traveled back to Axel) is actually him.
  • Automatic Crossbow: Izuku designs a semi-automatic sniper crossbow (a bowgun) for Aela to use, crafted by Talenof the Dwarf artisan using Iron Bark and Hellflame-melted Mithril. In her first outing with it, she kills the Rookie Killer in two shots.
  • Awesome, but Impractical:
    • Reincarnation brings people back from death, but it requires much more mana than Resurrection (a quantity that increases the longer someone has been dead) and has a high chance of bringing people as a different race or gender. The only advantage it has is that it purifies the soul of sin and curses.
    • Using sacrificial magic circles. While it gives people the chance to cast spells that require more mana than they have available, the cost in materials is, at best, twice the value of the mana potions that would have been used to perform the spell.
    • Many powerful spells created by the Crimson Demons, such as Light of Saber, are this due to their huge mana cost (which is why the Lyndon College never bothers to steal them). This isn't an issue for them since they tend to have absurdly large mana reserves.
    • Mass-produced bowguns have become this by Chapter 20. They're more effective in combat than normal crossbows, but they're also extremely difficult to build and maintain, and they're all of inferior quality compared to the original one due to lack of materials.
  • Batman Gambit: Izuku's plan to deal with Beldia works with this: after getting Chika and Megumin out of the way, he goads the general into attacking him, with Darkness using her shield to easily tank the undead's attacks while Liza takes out his horse. Then, Izuku reveals he's about to cast his best magic spell to trick Beldia into going straight at him, using a teleportation spell - only to reveal that the Izuku he's attacked is actually a set of vines mimicking his form, vines that trap Beldia in position so Izuku and Megumin can unleash a combo that completely disintegrates the undead.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Izuku hates it when people assume that Chika and Liza are just mindless brutes when both of them are much kinder and smarter than people believe (and probably are).
    • Betrayal is the one thing Luna cannot stand for. To drive it home, she had no sympathy for Clemea for leaving Aela to fend for herself, thus denying her any lenience over her and Kyouya's past screwups.
  • Beyond the Impossible:
    • Izuku uses his Earth-based knowledge and his ability to pick anything apart to do things that would normally take much more powerful people to carry out.
      • He helps Megumin create Big Bang (a bigger version of Explosion). This later inspires Megumin to develop a modification of the same spell that transforms it into a Wave-Motion Gun powerful enough to shatter the barrier surrounding the Destroyer and split its head.
      • He creates his own tree (which is apparently a Druid's equivalent of finding the Holy Grail) without using a focus.
      • He reincarnates Keel, Sasha, and the former's captains, when the mere act of reincarnating one of them would have been out of reach for most people. Granted, he does this by sacrificing most of Keel's treasure to make up for the cost, but Yunyun is completely overwhelmed by the feat.
      • He heals Princess Iris Belzerg of heavy metal poisoning, by using his knowledge of modern medicine to extract the gold in her organs.
      • When the Mobile Fortress Destroyer attacks Axel, Izuku uses Wild Shape to transform into a sixty meter tall Treant, halts the robotic creature's advance, tanks all of its attacks, pierces its almost undestructible armor and rips its core, using the energy to restore the nature miles around him.
  • Blunt "Yes": When Aqua reveals to Kyouya Mitsurugi the fifty million eris debt she has contracted with Izuku so she could help her followers...

    Kyouya: (to Izuku) Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Will you demand the money back from such a noble and pure...
    Izuku: Yes, I will.

  • Brawn Hilda: The fat inkeeper in the Chapter 18 omake, who demands that Kyouya pays her with "entertainment" when he's out of money. Kyouya suspects she may even have some Orc ancestry.
  • Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu:
    • Izuku becomes heavily weakened after his fight with Beldia, due to his absorption of the mana holding Beldia's undead soldiers together.
    • He also faints from mana exhaustion after reincarnating Keel and his people.
    • The fight with the Destroyer has this happen twice: Megumin breaking her arm from the recoil of her Eraser Blast and Izuku from the accumulated pain of his entire fight with the giant monster.
  • Broken Pedestal:
    • Izuku's regard for Aqua (which had been eroded already) drops sharply when he learns that she sanctions the enslavement of demi-humans.
    • By Chapter 18, even Kyouya can't stand her anymore, and confronts her about wasting their money while also telling her she'll have to work herself.
  • Came Back Wrong: The reincarnation ability Izuku has as an Arch Druid has a few drawbacks compared to a normal resurrection, namely that the race, and sometimes gender, of the reincarnated individual is chosen seemingly at random, which can result in this sometimes from the perspective of the subject of the spell. Case in point, Stella, the Lyndon mage who tries to steal the credit for Megumin's Big Bang, ends up reincarnating as a Dwarf, and her reaction makes it clear she lost a lot of her physical appeal in the process.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • In Chapter 16, Chika lays an egg. After some shenanigans and a failed attempt from Chris to steal it, Izuku decides he's gonna destroy it so she can't have it. He does find an utility for it later on: namely, to create an ox-like creature to pull their carriage once they decide to leave Axel in Chapter 17.
    • Before she leaves Axel with Kyouya, Aqua sets up a divine barrier so she won't have to come back to exorcise the graveyard again any time soon. Unable to haunt the graveyard, the spirits start haunting other places - including a noble's summer home, causing the man to sell the building, which allows Keel to buy the mansion for himself and his friends. And, since Keel is familiar with Aqua's magic, he can identify her as the cause of the hauntings, putting her and Kyouya in greater trouble.
  • Chekhov's Skill: Izuku's Wild Shape isn't used much during the story, barring one time he uses it to transform into a dinosaur to prove to Megumin and the others that he's from another world, and later as a cat to find where Megumin is sleeping. Come Chapter 19, he uses it to transform into a giant Treant to battle against the Destroyer.
  • Chick Magnet: Izuku's combination of gentleness, determination, intelligence, and power make him a very eligible young man for the local people. The girls on his team range from crushes to outright worship, and others outside like Luna and Wiz are also interested in him.
  • Chuunibyou: As usual, Megumin is this. Under Izuku's influence, it sort of waxes and wanes, depending on the situation.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Izuku. He has no problem with using Spike Growth to create thorns, going straight for the brain with his vines, or trapping weapons with his plants.
  • Corrupt Church: The Churches of Aqua and Eris. Both support slavery and extort people for important services, such as keeping the undead at bay, even when a failure would also affect them. When Izuku reincarnates Keel and his fellow undead, the priests become angry because it means they won't get paid anymore for putting seals on Keel's tomb and demand that Izuku be punished, even though he did nothing illegal and he doesn't belong to either church - and then attempt to extort him by threatening not to provide any resurrection services to him. And then, it turns out that the head priest of Axel's Axis Cult (Aqua's main cult) lied about his church's debt by claiming it was five times the actual value, just so he could swindle people out of their money and run off with it.
  • "Could Have Avoided This!" Plot: Had Claire just told Izuku who she was looking for, rather than use a generic title such as "Sage", Izuku could have saved himself the return travel to Axel.
  • Crutch Character: After she joins Izuku, Aela realizes that being with Kyouya has completely stunted her growth, because he would do all the fighting and just expected them to cheer him on. Several days of working with Izuku's party help her grow as a fighter.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Izuku, twice. The first to Kyouya during the magic duel, the second to Beldia, the Devil King's General.
  • Cute, but Cacophonic: Chika is noted to be a pretty Harpy, but her voice is consistently compared with nails screeching on a blackboard, even when she makes the effort of speaking as low as possible.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Wiz goes completely gaga when she meets Chika, thinking that her plumage is beautiful, and attempts to glomp her whenever she can.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Even though he is a Necromancer, Keel is quite the nice person, and not even in the sense of being Affably Evil. Played with even further upon Izuku Reincarnating him, as he returns to life as a Dark Elf.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Izuku and Megumin combine their most powerful attacks to one-shot Beldia, destroying the dullahan entirely.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Clemea fails in her attempt to hook up with Izuku before she even tries because she learns too late that Izuku wouldn't answer to her usual Show Some Leg methods like other guys.
  • Do Wrong, Right: When Izuku uses his vines to keep Darkness tied down and leaving him alone for a while, Darkness complains that he didn't use thorns as well.
  • Doing In the Wizard: The "respawning coffers" in Keel's dungeon that were refilled every year? Perfectly normal chests that Keel had his minions refill every now and then, to see if they could attract a priest powerful enough to purify him.
  • Dope Slap:
    • Izuku gives one to Megumin when she performs Big Bang for the first time, calling her out for overpowering the spell and almost losing control of the blast's containment field.
    • Later, Megumin bonks Izuku on the head after he offers to reincarnate Wiz, after he had just done the same for Keel and his people, without sufficient time to rest.
  • Druid: The class Izuku "picks"note . He cannot use metal objects as weapons or armor and slowly grows uncomfortable about living in a city, but in exchange he gets nature-based magic, a powerful Green Thumb, and the ability to turn into animals. Then he upgrades to Arch Druid and gets healing abilities, as well as the power to reincarnate people.
  • Entitled Bastard:
    • Aqua. Izuku is the one that does most of the work at every job they pick up, and she complains because he is only giving her money proportional to what she does instead of doting on her.
    • Aqua's church is little better than Aqua herself. After they demand Izuku to be punished (or even executed) for reincarnating Keel and his people, thus depriving them of their main income source, and then attempt to extort him by threatening not to provide any healing services for him, when their temple is to be foreclosed (after their head priest went on the run with the money Izuku had given them to pay their taxes), they have the gall to ask for more money.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • Chris, like most followers of Eris, hates harpies, but she is taken aback by how some of the Church of Eris extended that hatred to all demi-humans, even the ones Eris likes.
    • Kyouya, for all of his blind worship for Aqua, is appalled by her bitchiness and refusal to do anything remotely useful to the group after she joins his party. He also didn't know about the boyfriend of the girl he had his first time with until after the fact, implying that he wouldn't knowingly try and steal someone else's girl.
  • Fantastic Nuke: Megumin's Big Bang, best described as her trademark Explosion turned up to eleven. The first casting reduced Beldia's castle and the cliff it stood on to a crater, and the explosion could be heard (and seen) from Axel.
  • Fantastic Racism: At some moment in a past war, the harpies killed several races that Eris favored, and the goddess named them her enemies so they would get massacred while the survivors and their descendants were forced into slavery. Izuku understands why she would be furious, comparing the initial event to Germany and Japan's actions during World War II, but he considers that the punishment is Disproportionate Retribution. This usually gets extended to all demi-human races, even the ones that had nothing to do with the war or those Eris favors.
  • First Kiss: Izuku and Megumin have theirs in "A Blessed Special I", although the way Megumin mentions it, it sounds like something else...
  • Fluffy the Terrible: Izuku names his Behemoth "Komoe" in Chapter 18, apparently because Chika and Yunyun considered it "cute" and "adorable" respectively, while Liza considered it "small", so he named it by combining the corresponding kanji.
  • Giving Radio to the Romans:
    • Downplayed. Izuku sells his solar calculator to Luna and teaches sciences to Megumin, but apart from that he does not appear to show people much about his Earth knowledge.
    • He starts to branch out by inventing the brassiére while letting Wiz take the credit.
    • His lessons later allow Yunyun to create a lightsaber by using electricity to heat up the air while magic provides a containment field.
  • A God I Am Not: In the aftermath of reincarnating Keel, his beloved Sasha and his followers, Izuku is very embarrassed to be considered divine and asks people not to treat him as such.
  • Guile Hero: Izuku supplements his magic powers with a guile that makes some people think he could have been a Rogue instead (which was actually one of the available options when Izuku joined the Adventurer's Guild).
  • Happiness in Slavery: Chika and Liza, the Harpy and Lizard-woman slaves Izuku picks up as part of his reward for helping Dronya recover her artifact. Izuku never treats them like slaves, but like family: he does his best to keep them healthy, clothed, and fed, never orders them around unless there is a very good reason, and seeks to free them and keep it that way. The two are so happy with him that, even after he arranges to have their slave brands removed (and replaced with fakes to protect them from someone else trying to enslave them again), they gladly act as if they were still his slaves.
  • Hidden Depths:
    • Chika is intelligent enough to become a mage, while Liza has greater wisdom than most adventurers.
    • Keel the Lich is a Reasonable Authority Figure who is willing to treat with adventurers without issue. The angriest he becomes is (understandably) after Kyouya and Aqua attacked him and destroyed Sasha's mummified body before he could make his offer of letting them purify him. Even then, the worst he does is to force Dust's adventurer party to collect the body's remains or erase Aqua's seal (which prevents him from doing the collecting himself), and when Izuku solves the issue (by having Megumin use a spell to suck all the ashes into a bag) Keel pays Dust's party quite handsomely just for erasing the seal and offers Izuku a similar reward.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard:
    • Aqua forces Izuku to pick "the most powerful thing in the room" so she can get rid of him as fast as possible - after Izuku pointed out that, technically, she is "the most powerful thing in the room". Aqua's bosses use Exact Words to force Aqua to go with Izuku in his quest.
    • The narration indicates that Aqua convincing Izuku to pay the Axis Cult's debts leads to a massive blow against her faith: not only is she forced to go against her own doctrine by erasing Chika and Liza's slave marks, the Axis Cult's head priest goes on the lam with the money, causing their collapse in Axel.
    • Axel's laws restrict landowning to nobles. Since Izuku is, thus, not allowed to establish a home base, he decides to buy a carriage to travel through Belzerg - thus ensuring that Axel's Adventurer's Guild will lose their main source of completed quests.
    • In the Chapter 11 omake, Kyouya and Aqua's impulsiveness prevents them from getting a huge treasure: the lich they were seeking was actually planning to offer them his treasure in exchange of being purified (as he cannot kill himself), but Kyouya attacked him before he could make the offer and Aqua didn't purify the body, ensuring he would eventually return. And they weren't even able to get some of the treasure, as Keel's minions attack
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Kyouya is completely blind to Aqua's many, many faults and considers Izuku evil.
    • Eventually subverted as he comes to realize what an awful person Aqua is and calls her out on it.
  • Humble Hero: Izuku. Even when he does things like saving Axel from Beldia's army or reincarnating Keel and his people, he's embarrassed when he's praised and insists he's not a hero.
  • Humiliation Conga: Kyouya suffers a long-lasting one not long after meeting Izuku. To list:
  • Hypocritical Humor: When Aqua snorts about Megumin's parents' names, Izuku tells her that she has no grounds to laugh about someone else's name, given that hers literally means "water".
  • I Call It "Vera": Aela's Automatic Crossbow is named Bianca, in a fairly obvious Shout-Out to Dragon Age.
  • I Cannot Self-Terminate: Keel the Lich wants to die to meet his beloved in the afterlife, but needs to be purified to do so, something that only priests can do. Izuku offers an alternative in the form of Reincarnation.
  • I Have Boobs, You Must Obey!: Luna uses her ample cleavage in her negotiations with Izuku. Izuku manages to resist the effect to get a good deal out of selling her his solar calculator.
  • If It's You, It's OK: Variant. After Izuku reincarnates Keel, Darkness regards him as a saint and decides to set aside her masochist streak when it comes to him.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Stella, the Lyndon College mage who tries to steal Megumin's Big Bang, gets skewered by Izuku's spikes when he jumps to protect Megumin from her. Fortunately for her, he reincarnates her almost immediately.
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Much to the shock of the Cream Cafe succubi, Izuku is so pure that they can't even find what kind of girls he likes without magically forcing him to have erotic dreams.
  • Internal Reveal: Wiz reveals her past to Izuku and the girls. She was a former adventurer who led a group of adventurers against Beldia, but Beldia managed to curse her teammates and she made a deal with Vanir to become a Lich and save the lives of her teammates.
  • It Is Beyond Saving: Dronya, the Quirkless woman who was reincarnated a few decades before Izuku, believes that Belzerg and the world don't deserve salvation after undergoing her Cynicism Catalyst. Izuku thinks otherwise, and Dronya eventually considers the possibility of Izuku actually saving the world.
  • Laser-Guided Karma:
    • The Lyndon College mage that attempts to extort Megumin for Big Bang's secrets and then tries to kill her. She dies when Izuku jumps to protect her, meets a furious Eris in the afterlife, is reincarnated as a Dwarf woman and gets in hot water with the Adventurers' Guild.
    • After he dumps Aela to pay his debt with Izuku, Kyouya replaces her with Aqua, who quickly sets off a chain reaction of events that result in his adventurer card being marked (thus barring him from taking quests for money), his other companion leaving him, and having to work in the mines just to make ends meet. To top it off, Aqua's spending habits force him to pay the very repulsive innkeeper with "entertainment". He even lampshades how badly his luck has turned but seems incapable of seeing it as karma for abandoning his party member.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Kyouya, much like in canon.
    • When Aqua tells him she is indebted to Izuku, not only does he never ask why Aqua is indebted, he immediately demands Izuku to forgive the fifty million eris debt without any compensation, and then (after learning he keeps Chika and Liza as slaves) pretty much attempts to extort him to do it by challenging him to a duel. If, instead of jumping to conclusions, he had allowed Izuku to continue his plan, he would have learned that Izuku was about to produce just what Kyouya wanted - making Aqua pay for her debts by erasing the girls' slave marks - and he would have saved himself the humiliation of being on the wrong end of a Curb-Stomp Battle and the fifty million eris debt he got saddled with as a result.
    • Attacks Keel without hesitation even as the lich greets them. Had he waited one minute and let Keel talk, he would have learned that Keel was willing to give him his entire treasure (which, in a later chapter, is revealed to be so massive that 200 million eris is a small percentage) without a fight in exchange of Aqua purifying him. Instead, he and Aqua get run out of the dungeon by Keel's minions and it nearly causes a catastrophe that only gets averted because (a) Keel is a Reasonable Authority Figure and (b) Izuku acts to fix Kyouya's mistakes and reincarnates Keel, Sasha and his lieutenants.
  • Lifesaving Misfortune: If Izuku had not turned back to Axel to carry Princess Iris and her entourage, he wouldn't have been there to save the town from the Mobile Fortress Destroyer.
  • Loophole Abuse: The Devil King exploited the letter of his deal with Wiz (she keeps the barrier protecting him powered as long as he doesn't hurt the innocent) by sending Beldia to camp near Axel, knowing that sooner or later the Dullahan would attack the city of his own will. Ironically, Wiz unwittingly ends up paying him back when she's reincarnated by Izuku, as by reincarnating she fulfills her contract on her own terms, leaving the barrier around his castle weakened to half its power and getting her friends spared on top of it.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: At Izuku's suggestion, Darkness changes her fighting style, discarding the longsword and instead taking up a large shield and club made of extremely strong wood grown by Izuku. Initially she protests, but soon begins to like the idea as she can take more hits and can actually hit her enemies.
  • Mistaken for Prostitute: The Chapter 13 Omake has Aqua, Kyouya, and the Thief suffering this problem on account of the girls' clothes.
  • Muggles Do It Better:
    • Izuku shares his knowledge of physics and chemistry with Megumin. This allows her to create Big Bang, an up to eleven version of Explosion with barely a third of the mana cost, and which utterly disintegrates Beldia's castle... and the cliff it stood on.
    • He's also capable of recognizing symptoms of sicknesses the locals know little about and how to treat them, such as heavy metal poisoning.
  • Mundane Utility:
    • One of Izuku's first uses for his powers is... making berries for him to eat. They are special berries that feed you the equivalent of a day's dinner and heal you, but, still, berries. He then discovers they can be used for both making mana-restoring wine and cheap healing potions.
    • Combining Gust of Wind (a basic spell used to control air on a small scale) with a cloth makes for an excellent vacuum cleaner.
  • My Species Doth Protest Too Much: After being reincarnated as a Dark Elf and a High Elf respectively, Keel and Sasha get looks from everyone on the guild, implying that their species usually don't get along with each other, let alone be romantically involved.
  • Nay-Theist: Izuku knows that gods exist, but if they regard their Corrupt Churches' dealings as good, then why would he want to worship them?
  • Never Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight: Or rather, as lampshaded by Megumin, a sword to a magic duel. After he pesters Izuku to accept a magic duel, Kyouya ends up ensnared by Izuku's vines before he can even draw his Gram, and hanging upside down on some iron thorns.
  • Never My Fault: In the Chapter 18 omake, Kyouya wonders why Aela denounced him, never mind that he dumped her to pay his debt and left nothing to help her get by in the meantime.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!:
    • Keel the Lich was going to allow Aqua to purify him so he could finally meet his beloved, and in exchange he would give her and Kyouya his treasure. Instead, Kyouya attacked him before he could speak out, destroying both his body and Sasha's mummified corpse. Aqua didn't even bother to purify him, and instead drew a seal to block the undead from accessing the part of the room that had Sasha's ashes. And, finally, when the Lich's angered minions attacked, they ran away instead of trying to fix what they had done. If Keel weren't willing to deal with everything in a measured manner, Axel could have been in deep trouble.
    • Chris isn't any better, as her attempts to get into Izuku's good graces only have her continuously shoot herself in the foot.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: When Wiz doesn't try to glomp Chika or ask Liza if she has shed any of her scales, Izuku can tell that the shopkeeper is unhappy.
  • An Odd Place to Sleep: Wiz is shown sleeping on the net used for cargo inside Izuku's carriage while they travel. Justified, because now that she's an Avariel, she needs to sleep somewhere above the ground.
  • Only You Can Repopulate My Race: A variation in that it's not her own race that she wants to repopulate, but when Chris witnesses Izuku reincarnating Wiz into an Avariel (a species of winged elves that was favored by Eris, and was extinguished in the last great war), she pretty much voices out loud her intent to use Wiz as a baby factory, which doesn't endear her at all to Izuku and his friends.
  • Outside-Context Problem: Izuku is this as a whole to the world he finds himself in. While his powers are a known quantity, the way he uses them, combined with his knowledge and behavior, make him something unplanned.
  • Outside-the-Box Tactic: Izuku uses his spells in ways no one ever considered before, which allows him to have a lot more effect than someone of his level should be able to do. Due to this, most witnesses are convinced he has to be an Arch Druid well before he attains said rank.
    • He can use his vine whips to lash a monster and then make the vine burrow through the monster's eyes until it reaches the brain. Learning how to make plants grow spikes only makes this tactic more deadly.
    • Since he can control the vines like they are tentacles, if he wants to carry an object around, he can tie it to a vine and then tie the vine to his waist, while he keeps his hands free.
    • During the cabbage invasion, he creates a net of vines that captures most of the second wave, and then grows spikes on it to kill the cabbages.
    • He can apply his knowledge of sciences to spells in order to produce effects that should be outright impossible.
      • When he taught nuclear physics to Megumin, she used it to create Big Bang, a spell powerful enough to turn a castle and the cliff it stands on into a crater - for a third of Explosion's cost.
      • Applied chemistry and a combination of several basic spells let her create Hellflame.
      • Basic knowledge of aerodynamics transforms Gust of Wind, a very basic spell, into a vacuum cleaner.
      • His thorns can be thin enough to act as needles, which he uses to heal Iris' gold poisoning.
    • During the fight with Beldia, he takes advantage of a distraction caused by Chika to exchange himself with a clone made of plants and tricks Beldia into attacking the clone, setting him up for a combination between Megumin's Big Bang and Izuku's Genesic World Tree that destroys the dullahan. He also imitates one of the most powerful Druidic spells, World of Thorns, by digging through the ground with his vines and making them erupt at the right points.
  • Personality Powers: Enforced, taking on a class literally affects an adventurer's personality, though in most cases it just exacerbates existing personal traits. For druids, who are more heavily affected by this according to Keel, besides having a greater affinity for wild spaces Izuku's moods are literally affected by the passing of the seasons, like becoming "stupidly intolerant" in autumn and more lustful in winter.
  • Property of Love: Chika and Liza have no problem in acting as Izuku's slaves because they see it as a way to show their love for him.
  • Redeeming Replacement: Eris tries to invoke this trope by ascending six of her priests that were ostracized because they were opposed to her Church's hatred of demi-humans to the position of Bishop.
  • Reed Richards Is Useless: Averted. The berries that Izuku grows (see Mundane Utility above) eventually become used as ingredients for wine and low-cost healing potions, earning him a lot of money.
  • Reincarnation: One of Izuku's powers lets him force people into their cycle of reincarnation, returning them to life. However, they can end up as a different race or even gender, seemingly at random, and the cost in magic is higher than that of actual resurrection, so few people bother with it. The only advantage it seems to hold is that, by forcing people through the cycle, all sins and curses are washed away, allowing the reincarnated to start anew.
    • He first uses it with Stella, the Lyndon College mage he accidentally kills when she tries to murder Megumin. She becomes a dwarf woman.
    • The next time, he uses it on Keel, his lieutenants and his beloved Sasha. Keel and Sasha become elves, while the others become different species.
    • When he finally uses it to restore Wiz, she becomes an Avariel, the first seen in centuries.
  • Revenge Before Reason: Defied. If it means getting into good graces with Izuku, and by extension Wiz, Eris is willing to drop her grudge with Harpies to the point of ordering massive overhauls of her church.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Darkness is the daughter of a Duke that would rather go out and act as an adventurer than stay home. Aela is also the daughter of a noble and also chose to work as an adventurer.
  • The Scapegoat: In Chapter 20, Chris plans to turn Clemea into this, for her latest scheme to get into Izuku's good graces.
  • Screw the Money, I Have Rules!: Izuku has no problem with using the huge fortune Keel has accumulated to reincarnate him, his beloved, and all of his people, and rejects any reward beyond a token of friendship from Keel.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: Izuku does not care about traditions, established religion, or such. If he can do good or help people, he will.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here!:
    • The Thief in Kyouya's party decides to hightail her way back to Axel and leave Kyouya after she learns of Izuku's and his party's feats, realizing that Kyouya's obsession with Aqua is going to doom the party.
    • After Yunyun creates her Light-Saber, all of Keel's friends nearby take off running before she can ask to try it in a fight with them.
  • Secret-Keeper: Izuku and Megumin know that Wiz is a lich, and choose to keep it secret.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Izuku manages to come up with plans for an Automatic Crossbow he calls a Bowgun.
    • Yunyun combines magic and science to create an electricity-empowered blade... which she calls Light-Saber.
  • Slave Race: Harpies and other demihumans have been enslaved after they drove to extinction some races favored by Eris as revenge.
  • Slavery Is a Special Kind of Evil: When Izuku hears about the widespread slavery in the world, he is outright furious about it. He brings two slaves into his service with the oath that he will find a way to erase their slavery marks while treating them like family. However, when Kyouya Mitsurugi finds out, he immediately considers Izuku evil without even paying attention to what Izuku actually does - and fails to learn that Izuku was about to use Aqua's debt to him to free the girls.
  • Sore Loser: Kyouya claims Izuku cheated in their magic duel, when everyone else agrees that Izuku won fair and square. The fact that he attempts to attack Izuku after the duel ends only makes it more obvious.
  • Spiritual Antithesis: This fic is one to Blessed be the Quirkless, another My Hero Academia/KonoSuba crossover.
    • In Blessed be the Quirkless, Izuku picks the ability to recreate Earth technology, and Aqua only joined him because he suggested it as an alternative to her being erased from existence over her screw-ups, so Aqua is helpful (as best as she can, at least) in gratefulness. Izuku picks a Legacy Class, the Artificer, which he can use to empower objects and boost the local technology, although so far he has not done that much in that regard. His first encounter with another reincarnate is a male villain who threatens to rape Aqua, pushing him to kill the villain.
    • Here, Izuku is unable to choose before Aqua browbeats him into picking "the most powerful thing in the room", which becomes a poor choice of words when Izuku points out that's her and Aqua's superiors agree. Because of this, Aqua quickly becomes The Load, wasting her time getting drunk and complaining about everything. Izuku's choice of class is purely accidental due to Luna's distraction, sticking him with the Druid class, which is prone towards the preservation of nature, but soon begins to take advantage of his new skills and his Earth knowledge to do things considered impossible. Finally, the first reincarnate Izuku meets is a Quirkless adult woman who tried to become a hero but gave up, showing Izuku the dark side of the world in the form of Fantastic Racism and slavery.
  • Stalker with a Test Tube: Chris to Wiz, after Izuku's use of Reincarnation turns the latter into the first Avariel since their extinction centuries ago – immediately, Chris starts plotting out the Super Breeding Program needed to repopulate the race.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: The Adventurers' Guild is trying to convince Izuku to stay in Axel and they resort to convoluted schemes to find something to tie the Arch Druid to the town. As far as Liza is concerned (even if she never says it), they could have just asked Izuku to stay.
  • Sticky Fingers: Chris can't help herself when she sees something interesting, even when stealing it would be very dumb - such as stealing Chika's egg. Needless to say, it doesn't endear her to Izuku.
  • Super Prototype: Bianca is this to any other subsequently made bowgun. Partly justified as the materials it's made of are extremely rare, if not downright impossible to come by.
  • Tall Poppy Syndrome: The Lyndon College mages cannot stand anyone not part of their group managing to create a spell, so when anyone does they attempt to find how it works so they can steal the credit for it. When Megumin creates her Big Bang spell and tells the Lyndon College mage that not only will she never share said secrets, but also implies she's working on creating new spells, the mage attempts to murder Megumin.
  • Token Heroic Orc: Claire is, so far, the only Axis Cult cleric that has managed to be on good terms with Izuku.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Aqua.
    • She knows that helping Izuku defeat the Devil King is her only way to return to being a goddess. She keeps mocking Izuku, barely ever helps in fights or people in need and still claims she deserves everyone's worship.
    • She goes into a huge debt just to buy alcohol, hoping to be able to earn enough money from the cabbage invasion to pay it off - even though she does not have any experience in combat. At the end of the day, she needs Izuku to bail her out - and even then, Izuku just buys the debt, forcing Aqua to use her magic to fully heal Chika and Liza from their injuries. And, to rub salt into the injury, she learns that the merchant that sold her the alcohol swindled her by having her pay a hundred times the real price.
  • Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth: Big Bang is so powerful that Yunyun's father (the leader of the Crimson Clan) forbids people from using it anywhere near the clan's city.
  • Took a Level in Badass:
    • Megumin learning new spells not only makes her a more versatile mage, it also provides the foundation for coming up with new spells thanks to the knowledge Izuku provides.
    • Darkness switches her longsword for a club and a shield Izuku makes out of iron bark. The latter allows her to take strikes from Beldia while barely noticing them, and the former becomes deadly by letting her use her prodigious strength without having to care much for accuracy.
    • After the fight with the Lyndon College mage, Izuku achieves the final condition required to become an Arch Druid.
    • Due to being free, Chika and Liza now can have normal classes. Chika picks the Trickster (a hybrid rogue-wizard) while Liza chooses the Dragon Totem Warrior (an advanced form of Barbarian that takes traits from the chosen animal when raging, and which synergizes well with several of her racial traits).
  • Underestimating Badassery:
    • Kyouya challenges Izuku to a magic duel in order to force him to free Aqua of her debt, thinking it will be easy because he has a Cool Sword and lots of experience, while Izuku is only a low-level Druid. Izuku defeats him before Kyouya can even try to attack him.
    • The succubi paid to check on Izuku's tastes underestimate his party's ability to protect him. When one of them attempts to force the issue by triggering an erotic dream, Liza quickly jumps to them and grabs them in an unbreakable hold.
  • Ungrateful Bastard:
    • Aqua thinks herself entitled to constant worship and adulation, but she is unwilling to do anything to merit such, even though she knows it is on her best interest to help as much as possible. Every time Izuku helps her, she complains and demands to be freed from the debts she incurs from this. Needless to say, Izuku is not too heartbroken when she leaves, although he does still tell her she can return whenever she wants.
    • Aela offers to temporarily take on Kyouya's fifty million eris debt to Izuku (which he only got because he decided to duel him even though he was warned not to), and he claims he will soon return to make the payment. Instead, he leaves Axel without warning Aela, nor leaving anything behind to help her live. The only reason Aela is able to survive is because Izuku takes her in his party.
  • Villain Takes an Interest: After Izuku slays Beldia, the Devil King takes an interest in him, much to Wiz's horror.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: One of Izuku's powers as a druid is Wild Shape, the ability to transform into animals. He uses this to his advantage when Megumin asks him to demonstrate that he comes from another planet by turning into a Utahraptor, which in the world of KonoSuba would likely be consider a chimeric monster. He then uses it to turn into a gigantic treant.
  • What You Are in the Dark: When Lean trips as she and her party run away from a Rookie Killer, Dust jumps to shield her instead of running away, even though he knows it will only save her for a few extra moments at best.
  • With Friends Like These...:
    • Aqua is really unhelpful when it comes down to help Izuku, even though it is in her best interest to do so. Fortunately, the other allies Izuku later picks up are more up to the task.
    • She somehow becomes worse when she ditches Izuku and joins Kyouya, taking advantage of his worship of her to fully engage in all of her vices without measure, even when Kyouya begs her to restrain herself in the aftermath of getting black marks.
  • Woman Scorned: Aela, one of Kyouya's party members, offers to act as the temporary recipient of Kyouya's fifty million eris debt the swordsman contracted with Izuku in the aftermath of being defeated in the duel. When Kyouya leaves Axel without so much as a by-your-leave, clearly planning to make Aela pay for his own mistake, Aela begins to waver between her lingering feelings and newfound hatred of Kyouya, particularly once she realizes how much Kyouya's attitude has stunted her growth. She finally begins to see him like the others after Izuku frees her of her debt.
    • A Gender-Inverted version of this is why Kyouya died to begin with, he hooked up with a girl who, unbeknownst to him, had a jealous boyfriend.
  • Work Off the Debt: Aela foolishly takes Kyouya's debt to Izuku, only for Kyouya to bail on her without even saying thanks. This pretty much forces her to join Izuku's team to pay it all. Izuku declares her free of debt after they return from killing the Rookie Killer, considering her to have paid it off with her share of all the quests they have done, plus her part from Beldia's reward.
  • You Didn't Ask: When Izuku asks why Megumin never mentioned anything about Druidic foci, she states that he never said anything about it and she had believed he was just using a small focus.
  • You No Take Candle: Liza's vocabulary is quite limited due to her only just learning how to speak, but she can communicate just fine with what she knows.