Duran and Kiyohime's Omake Theater - TV Tropes
- ️Wed Sep 15 2021
Duran and Kiyohime's Omake Theater is a fanfic written by Dezo Penguin which was started in 2009 and is, as of 2024, still ongoing.
It serves as a sequel to the original My-HiME series. For reasons never explained, save perhaps Rule of Funny, the HiME, having survived the Festival, now have chibi versions of their CHILDS as "pets" living with them. And, for the ShizNat shippers, Natsuki and Shizuru are living together in a small house in a quiet (mostly) neighborhood. There are a series of side stories to the main work that will be covered on this page, as well, including:
Some elements of the work are NSFW, but usually are kept to Lime rather than Lemon levels of content.
Duran and Kiyohime's Omake Theater provides examples of:
- All Take and No Give: Natsuki worries occasionally that she fits this role, and then tries to do something to show Shizuru that she cares. It usually leaves her flustered, because, as Shizuru notes, Natsuki is a private person and open displays of affection are outside her comfort zone. Shizuru also notes that she doesn't feel this trope applies to Natsuki at all.
- Anachronic Order: Several chapters will be noted as taking place earlier than others. The fanfiction has been ongoing for well over a decade, and supposedly covering about two-and-a-half years of the lives of the former HiME. Chapter 92, for example, states that it takes place during Natsuki and Shizuru's first year living together.
- Bad Habits: Nao is not exactly the most devout of Nuns.
- Behavioral Conditioning: A My-HiME fanfic set after the events of the series, with Natsuki and Shizuru living together, Shizuru has a habit of taking any fortune in the fortune cookies from their Chinese take-out and turning it into an excuse to drag Natsuki to bed...if they make it that far. In a later chapter, Natsuki realizes she's been conditioned to associate Chinese food with sex, as she feels sexual tension when Shizuru brings Chinese food home. Shizuru discovers just two chapters later, however, that she accidentally invoked the same effect on herself, as she brought Chinese take-out home, but Natsuki was away on school business, and Shizuru was now feeling pent up, and was, as she herself noted, Hoist by Her Own Petard.
- Berserk Button: A few characters have them.
- Duran, after all that time dealing with District One, does not like or trust long black sedans. Also, he's not to keen on unverified intruders, like the mailman.
- Nao and Julia are free to have all the glazed and jelly-filled they want, but try to take Aoi's chocolate donut, and she will go Attack Maid on you.
- Big Friendly Dog: Duran has, effectively, become this. unless you're driving a long black car or happen to be the mailman.
- Butt-Monkey: Natsuki still seems to be targeted by the universe in general for embarrassment, such as falling face-first into the snow when she trips over one of the borrows Kiyohime left in the snow. And in another chapter, her bikini is snatched from her by the currents, leaving her crouching naked and embarrassed while trying to figure out how to get to the car unseen.
- Censor Steam: When Shizuru gets...shall we say, amorous at the bath house, she and Natsuki are almost discovered by their friends, until Kiyohime, alerted by Duran's barking, provides a steamy cover for the girls.
- Comedic Work, Serious Scene: Mostly a series of light-hearted vignettes involving the antics of the titular Duran and Kiyohime, or the romantic hijinks of Natsuki and Shizuru, there are a few serious moments as well.
- In Chapter 10, Natsuki has just finished all of her make-up work, and Shizuru is treating her to a romantic evening on the beach, when Natsui begins to feel like she's become a case of All Take and No Give, leading to a Big Damn Kiss as she fully commits herself to being Shizuru's girlfriend.
- Chapter 50. Shizuru made a serious mistake involving her classwork at the University, and so was snappish and short with everyone for about a week. She would quickly reassure Natsuki when asked that she was not the cause of her foul mood. She comes home one night, fully set on apologizing for her bad mood, to find that Natsuki had set up a nice romantic meal for the two of them over which she wanted to gently ask why Shizuru had been snappish lately.
- Chapter 91. Shizuru teases Natsuki a little too much, and Natsuki blows up at her, then storms out before Shizuru can reply. She's in the Student Council Room, avoiding going home out of a sense of both guilt and lingering anger. Nao points out that there's no reward for holding out, and that one of them should be the grown-up and initiate an apology.
- Chapter 92, which is set during events closer to the beginning of the story has Shizuru come home to find Natsuki nervously trying to usher her out the door. Shizuru knows Natsuki well enough to know she's not cheating on her, but is concerned about her evasiveness. It turns out she was still in her fear of being All Take and No Give, and had been working on a poem about how she loved Shizuru, and the living room was strewn with balled up early attempts. Shizuru holds back tears of joy to comfort and reasssure Natsuki that the effort alone pleases her.
- Crazy-Prepared: The local pet store really is equipped for all kinds of pets, including those with internal artillery.
- A Day in the Limelight: Every HiME gets at least one chapter to shine.
- Deliberately Accepting the Lie: Downplayed and Played for Laughs. When Natsuki catches Duran eating food out of the take-out food she'd brought home, she initially scolds him, but then, upon finding out it was the fortune cookie he'd eaten, says Duran was rescueing her from Shizuru's tendency to interpret the fortunes as an excuse to drag Natsuki to bed. Shizuru questions this, asking if Natsuki truly believes this. Natsuki says that she can believe it provided Duran doesn't give her a reason not to believe it. Duran, just happy he's not in trouble anymore, wags his tail in agreement.
- Emotionally Tongue-Tied: Natsuki has a bit of difficulty expressing her feelings to Shizuru. In Chapter 92. she tries to write a poem for Shizuru. Shizuru is flattered by the mere effort, but Natsuki is flustered and embarrassed. She ends up going on a rant about Shizuru's teasing, and how romantic gestures always come easily to her while Natsuki always messes up saying "I love you"
Shizuru: You didn't just then.
- Everyone Hates Fruit Cakes: Ch. 39, Shizuru, during a holiday break, points out that it's easy to tease Natsuki because she hides her true feelings and gets huffy instead of admitting the things she enjoys. Natsuki then asks Shizuru for some of the fruit cake in the kitchen, which Shizuru teases her for. Natsuki points out that she's never denied liking fruit cake. Shizuru admits this is true...
Shizuru: But...you like fruit cake, Natsuki. It's not my fault that you've chosen to open and shameless about the one habit you have that truly is embarrassing. (Natsuki nailed her in the face with a throw pillow)
- Gayngst: Shizuru has finally overcome this, thanks to a therapist that Mashiro set up for her shortly before she and Nagi left.
- Halloween Enthusiast: Shizuru really loves that Alyssa Searrs has made Halloween a custom in Tsukimori, as it affords her a chance to dress her defacto wife Natsuki up in sexy costumes, show her off as her Trophy Wife, and then perv on her all night long.
- Hangover Sensitivity: Natsuki and Shizuru begin Ch. 97 with severe hangovers after downing two bottles of Sake the night before.
- Holiday Aficionado:
- With Alyssa Searrs and the Searrs Foundation promoting western holidays in Tsukimori, Shizuru finds herself an absolute fan of Halloween, as it affords her an opportunity to dress her de-facto wife Natsuki in sexy costumes, show her off as her "Trophy Wife", then perv on her all night long. Though Shizuru is still mystified by the American custom of adding pumpkin spice to everything, especially when a local eatery offers sashimi with pumpkin spice wasabi.
- Christmas in Japan is typically seen as either a holiday for lovers or for children to wait for Santa. Duran and Kiyohime, being the "kids" in the relationship, love Christmas, to the point that Kiyohime actually orders seven squeaky toys in different pitches (one for each of her heads and one for Duran) so that they can play Christmas carols together with them.
- Insult Accuracy Acceptance: A My-HiME fanfic set after the events of the series, has
Shizuru and Natsuki living together.
- During one chapter, while getting ready for a party, Natsuki suggests to Shizuru that she's a "flirt". To Natsuki's surprise, Shizuru acknowledges the remark. When asked why she does it, Shizuru said it was how she coped with her prior Gayngst.
Shizuru: Being able to provoke reactions and control other people made me feel a little bit better about myself. Not only did it prove I was strong, but it also meant that, specifically when I flirted, I could provoke the kind of things I felt in other people, and if other people felt what I did, well, it meant there was the chance I could still be 'normal.'
- In another chapter, Natsuki manages to subvert Shizuru's attempt at Romantic Ribbing, to which Shizuru replies "Ikezu" note , to which Natsuki kisses Shizuru's nose and says, "Yeah, but I'm your meanie."
- During one chapter, while getting ready for a party, Natsuki suggests to Shizuru that she's a "flirt". To Natsuki's surprise, Shizuru acknowledges the remark. When asked why she does it, Shizuru said it was how she coped with her prior Gayngst.
- Intimacy Via Horror: Invoked. Twice. Chapters 23 and 120 each feature Shizuru pretending to be really terrified of a horror film (a ghost movie in Ch. 23, and a zombie film in Ch. 120) in order to cop a feel.
Shizuru: It's a frightening movie. I...I just needed to hold on to you.
Natsuki: [not buying it] And my breasts just happened to make convenient handholds? - Kissing Under the Influence: Ch. 97 reveals that after a few glasses of Sake, Natsuki tore Shizuru's dress off. However, as neither of them can recall the night before clearly, they decide that future lovemaking is to be done sober.
- LOL, 69: A My-HiME fanfic set after the series proper, there is a Running Gag that Shizuru will find some way to "interpret" her fortune from her Chinese takeout as an excuse to drag her girlfriend Natsuki to bed... if they get that far. This becomes the central theme of Chapter 69, as Natsuki tries to hide her fortune from Shizuru, and Shizuru pounces on her and tickles her until she obtains the scrap of paper with the fortune on it. But then Natsuki reverses the position, ending up on top of Shizuru, who realizes she was tricked.
Shizuru: Ara, Natsuki, you—oooh!—baited me with all this—mmmm—talk of me ravishing you just so you could trap me, didn't you?
Natsuki: Hey, I know how Chinese take-out always ends up. Do you think I'd have brought it home if I didn't want the inevitable to happen? - Love Triangle: Mai is still trying to choose between Reito and Tate. Both men are okay with it, apparently believing that they have a strong enough argument in their favor that they'll eventually be the one to win Mai over.
- Making Love in All the Wrong Places: Downplayed, but Shizuru did once decide to make advances to Natsuki in an open-air bath. Natsuki will also note that once Shizuru reads their fortune cookies (See Running Gag), they stand a fifty-fifty shot of not even making it to the bedroom. And once, Shizuru expressed a desire to sweep all of the food off of the table with one move, and take Natsuki right there. Natsuki considered that a step too far, and decided it was an ideal time to take Duran for his evening walk.
- Marry Them All: Mai has, as of the most recent chapters, settled into an open dual relationship with Reito and Yuuichi. To Shiho's horror and consternation, Yuuichi seems fine with this arrangement, Shiho has taken to making numerous disparaging remarks about Mai under her breath.
- Multiple Head Case: Kiyohime has six heads. They all have different personalities. Head #4 is noted as being the daredevil of the group. Also, each head insists on its own food bowl, which Natsuki complains about, pointing out they all share one stomach. And each has it's own taste in music, as they have separate headphones and players for each one.
- Mundane Utility: The HiME seem to all use their CHILD for this, now that they don't have to fight each other.
- Natsuki kicks it off, using Duran's Silver Cartridge to refill the ice in her glass, to Shizuru's alarm, as she initially didn't know why Natsuki was ordering Duran to use an attack, and was afraid they were under attack again.
- Kiyohime will use her steam breath to cook food.
- Nao has Julia use her silk to make a rather...interesting...Halloween Costume for Natsuki.
- Kazuya has Akane loan him Hari so that he can use him as a wood-chipper.
- Kagutsuchi uses his powers of fire to reignite candles when the girls are telling scary stories.
- Alyssa has Artemis use its laser to cook a piece of undercooked meat she found on her fork, and she also uses Artemis' functions to serve as a night light when she's sleeping.
- Yukariko uses St. Vulas to create illusions that keep her infant son entertained when she's out at the grocery store.
- Yukino has Diana use her cloaking field to help Haruka hide a messy dorm room from her mother.
- Non-Sexual Intimacy: A My-HiME fanfic set after the original series, Natsuki and Shizuru are living together with Duran and Kiyohime as pets. There are more than a few domestic moments showing the intimacy between them.
- In one chapter, after Shizuru has had a rough week, where she was short and snappish with Natsuki and the pets, she comes home intending to apologize and explain what had put her out of sorts, only to find that Natsuki had prepared a nice dinner for two with the intent of gently asking her what was bothering her.
- In one Valentine's story, Natsuki goes out of her way to set up a carriage ride through the park as a grand gesture to get out of her comfort zone after feeling like she'd become a case of All Take and No Give, and the next year, Shizuru is looking to return the gesture, but can't think of anything. Reito explains she's looking at the problem wrong. Natsuki needed to step out of her comfort zone to show she was committed to the relationship, but "taking turns" wouldn't show Natsuki the same. Instead, Reito suggests they come up with a joint activity, and Shizuru decides to have she and Natsuki take a cooking class together to learn how to make Valentine's chocolates for each other.
- In a later chapter, but set earlier, Natsuki tries to usher Shizuru out on a Snipe Hunt when she got home because she'd been trying to write a love poem for Shizuru, and the living room was filled with balled up attempts, but Kiyohime gives an early draft to Shizuru, who is moved by the mere effort. Natsuki is near tears talking about how she gets Emotionally Tongue-Tied and always messes up saying "I love you."
Shizuru: [smiling] You didn't just then.
- Open-Minded Parent: In chapter 20 Shizuru's mother, upon her daughter telling her that she is in a relationship with Natsuki via letter, replies back with a congratulations about coming out of the closet and expresses a desire to meet Natsuki at the next opportunity. Notable for Shizuru given her Gayngst in the canon series.
- Proof of Commitment:
- In Ch. 10, after Natsuki begins to feel like she's become a case of All Take and No Give in her relationship with Shizuru. At this stage in the story, their relationship was of a casual type, but Natsuki decides to change that and commit wholly to being Shizuru's girlfriend properly, wordlessly making the promise with a Big Damn Kiss.
- In a later chapter, serving as a prequel to the story, Natsuki and Shizuru have just had Their First Time together (well, consensual and with everyone conscious), and Natsuki is preparing to head back to her apartment for the night. She tells Shizuru she doesn't want to do the "walk of shame" past Shizuru's dormmates in the morning, and has tasks she has to take care of. However, while Shizuru understands Natsuki's use of the phrase, the term "walk of shame" only reminds Shizuru of the unsavory acts she had committed in the past. Sensing Shizuru's unease, Natsuki declares that she'll stay the night after all. She doesn't want to treat it like a one-night-stand, and she'll get more sleep than if she had to head to Tsukimori right away. She does, to Shizuru's amusement and mild consternation, steal the covers in her sleep.
- Pun: After Natsuki is kept up all night by Duran barking at an unfamiliar car, Yukino can't resist saying that she must be "dog-tired".
- Romantic Ribbing: Being set after the original My-HiME, Shizuru still delights in teasing Natsuki and getting a Luminescent Blush out of her. This happens frequently. But a standout example is when Shizuru accidently misses a revised deadline because she had stayed in bed one day for amorous activities. Natsuki asks Shizuru if that's what she told the professor.
Shizuru: Ara, do you think I would tell my professor that I missed his class because I was being held at the sexual mercy of my cute high school girlfriend?
Natsuki: Geez, You make it sound like I'm Shiho's age when you say it like that. And yes, I think you're capable of saying any number of outrageous things when you think you'll get some advantage by it. - Running Gag: There are a few, but the most prominent is that Shizuru always manages to turn the fortunes in Natsuki's fortune cookies into, as Natsuki puts it, "an excuse for dragging her to bed, if they make it that far."
- Supreme Chef: Kiyohime, as it turns out, is a sublime cook.
- The Swear Jar: Natsuki jokes at one point that they need to set up a jar for Shizuru's overuse of "Ara", saying it can be her "Ara-ly wage"
- Tender Tears: Natsuki begins crying in Chapter 10 after seeing the lengths Shizuru has gone to for her, and coming to the conclusion that all she's done in the relationship at that point is accept Shizuru's ovations without returning them. She amends this with a promise by way of a kiss.
- Third-Party Peacekeeper: In one chapter, Nao correctly deduces that Natsuki staying late in the Student Council Room and not going home because she and Shizuru had a fight. Natsuki corrects her that it wasn't a fight because she had stormed out after getting angry at Shizuru and not given the other girl a chance to respond. Nao, demonstrating that she's actually become friendly with the pair, makes an astute observation.
Nao: It's not a bloody contest, Kuga. You don't win anything if you hold out longer. That only applies in dumb sitcoms and Shoujo manga. Just call her already. One of you ought to act like a grown up, and it might as well be you.
- Trophy Wife: While preparing to attend a Halloween Party, Natsuki asks Shizuru why she enjoys parading her around in skimpy Halloween costumes. Shizuru replies that while the people at the party knew Natsuki, they didn't know her as her girlfriend.
Natsuki: You're telling me that I'm your trophy wife?
Shizuru: Well, um...
Natsuki: The beautiful woman who walks in on your arm and makes everyone else want to eat their livers out in envy of you.
Shizuru: I'm fairly sure that Natsuki possesses all of the qualifications to make men and women alike devolve into liver eating envy and awe at my prowess. - The Troublemaker: A My-HiME fanfic set during the aftermath of the series, Natsuki and Shizuru find that their Childs, the eponymous Duran and Kiyohime are frequently causing them trouble. Kiyohime has a love of burrowing, and has caused Natsuki to fall face first into the snow when coming across hidden burrows she was unaware of. And Duran has to constantly be reminded that not every black sedan belongs to a group of Illuminati, and he can't just shoot out their tires or spend all night barking at them.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Natsuki and Nao have become this, going on shopping excursions together and snarking at each other all the while.
- Walk of Shame: A prequel chapter to the rest of the story, Chapter 121 is set in Shizuru's college dorm before the rest of the series, and Natsuki and Shizuru have just made love for the first time. Natsuki is preparing to head to her own apartment, and Shizuru asks her to stay. Natsuki says she's not eager to do the "walk of shame" past Shizuru's dorm mates in the early hours of the morning. She relents, however, saying she'd get more sleep there than if she took the time to go home. Shizuru begins thinking of the two of them moving into a small house together. She does wake in the morning to find Natsuki has stolen all the covers.